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Факультет іноземної філології

Кафедра англійського перекладу


з дисципліни “Дискурсологія і текстологія”

на тему: «Pragmalinguistic models of communication»

Виконала: Доценко Олександра

Група 401Ап

Pragmalinguistic models of communication emphasize the subject-object-
subject interaction in the communicative act, where the subjects are
communicators, and the object - the message (text), ie these models are aimed at
the mechanism of interaction, in particular, on its intentional program and
interpretive ability of the addressee.
Armenian researcher E. Atayan called his model of communication a
macrosyntagma, thus emphasizing the linearity of information transfer. The model
is based on phenomenological principles, because the object represented by the
statement is studied not in itself, but in connection with how it is observed and
perceived by the subject, and the subjects themselves.
Pragmalinguistic model of I. Susov. The model of the Russian researcher I.
Susov was based on the semiotic ideas of C. Pierce and C. Morris, as well as the
symbolic model of K. Buhler. The researcher presented a closed multirelational
model based on a triangle. The angles of the triangle correspond to the
communicants and the reference situation similar to the model of K. Buhler. The
positive aspects of this model are, firstly, the presence of one statement and two
meanings. Significance 1 is the content contained in the statement of the
addressee-speaker in view of its intention, and Significance 2 is the content
perceived by the addressee in relation to its interpreter.
Secondly, the model has two pragmatic themes - intention and interpreter,
which correlate with all components of the communicative situation and are
correlated with each other.
Third, all components of the model are interconnected directly or indirectly
on the principle of "activity system" of the communicative situation.
A significant shortcoming of I. Susov's model is the presence of only one,
common to communicators and expression of the reference situation, which is
usually inherent in oral speech, provided it is almost simultaneously produced and
perceived and consistent with the subject of communication and communication
situation. If the information is transmitted by technical means at a distance in time
and / or space or written or printed texts with discrete time and space of their
generation and perception, the reference situations for each of the communicators
and messages are different. In addition, this model lacks the socio-cultural
component of the environment, does not represent the structures of consciousness
of communicators, and the intention and the interpreter and significations are taken
beyond the personalities of the speaker and addressee, which does not correspond
to reality.

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