Class 6 Science Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflections Worksheet 3

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Class 6 Science Worksheets

Chapter 11: Light, Shadows, and Reflections

Worksheet 3


Q1: Name a process which results in the change in direction of light.

Q2: Which type of objects form shadow?

Q3: Give an example of a translucent object.

Q4: Give an important use of a pinhole camera.

Q5: Is it possible that two objects different in colour have shadows of a different colour?

Q6: State the purpose of a device which works on the principle of multiple reflections of light.

Q7: Suresh rolls a chart paper and observes a candle through it. A moment later, the tube formed by

the chart paper bends. Will he still be able to see the candle through the tube? Support your answer

with an explanation.

Q8: Classify the following objects as “opaque objects” and “translucent objects”?

A very thin paper sheet, Book, Wooden board, Tracing paper

Q9: Differentiate between the image formed by a pinhole camera and the shadow.

Q10: Can you explain why small patches of sunlight are observed under a tree, which is covered with

a large number of leaves?
Class 6 Science Worksheets


Answer: Reflection.

Answer: Opaque.

Answer: Butter paper.

Answer: A pinhole camera can be used to see the solar eclipse.

Answer: No, a shadow is always dark black in colour.

Answer: A periscope is used in submarines to view objects above the surface of the sea.

Answer: No, Suresh will not be able to see the candle through the tube as light travels in straigh line.

Answer: Wooden boards and books: opaque objects.

A very thin paper sheet, tracing paper: translucent objects.

Answer: The image formed by a pinhole camera is of the same colour as that of the object and

The shadow is always black and is not inverted. It has the same shape as that of the object.

Answer: On a sunny day, under a tree, which is covered with a large number of leaves, small patches
of sunlight are observed. These images are the pinhole circular images of the sun. The gaps among
the leaves act as pin holes. It is an example of a pinhole camera in nature.

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