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Your Child Maintenance Arrangement

Mother’s name: Sasha Nathansingh

Father’s name: James Wildman

Child’s full name: Ayda-Marie Wildman

Most children benefit from having both parents or guardians involved in their lives in a positive
way, whether they live with them or not. Both parents can help to do this by working together
with their child’s long-term interests at heart.

Child maintenance is support to help pay for your child’s everyday living costs and to help both
directly or indirectly by helping the parent that needs financial assistance.

This arrangement form can help you work together to make sure your child receives as much
support as possible.

This will be used so that you have a record of how much child maintenance one parent will pay.

Child and what both parents agree:

1. Put money in Ayda’s credit union account every month.

2. Grocery items for Ayda (including milk, Pampers, wipes…) - $1,500 per month
3. Clothes and other miscellaneous items for Ayda - $500 per month
4. Gas for car (to take Ayda to daycare/school, etc.) - $1000 per month (Also, because
Sasha is not working.)
5. All school fees for daycare/school to be paid in FULL (per term and/or month)
6. All medical bills for Ayda to be paid in FULL.
7. Continue paying standing order in Sasha's account until she gets a job (as
unemployment was mainly due to having to take care of Ayda, especially during the
pandemic) - minimum $1,500 per month
8. Pay Sasha’s medical insurance until she gets a job - $275 per month


i. Family trip promised and cancelled to be planned for ending of October to beginning
November - all expenses paid
ii. Steamer - to steam curtains, bedsheets, etc. – due to Ayda’s sinus, which acts up
iii. A Bluetooth headset because the volume on the laptop is not working.
iv. EITHER leave car with Party A OR sell Swift and pay difference for a new car as Swift is
unreliable and not suitable for long-term use as it is unsafe for a child. Also, if car is
being sold to purchase a new one, a car for use in the interim MUST be available. (You
may have to think about carefully and objectively, as if Sasha does not have a car she
won't be able to take Ayda back and forth. Plus, think about Ayda again, what if the car
shuts down on the middle of the highway or, God forbid, they get into an accident or
something serious.

If your circumstances change

Things may change over time, so a date must be agreed upon to talk to each other and review
arrangement together – perhaps every 6 months. How often this is done will depend on both
parents’ circumstances – for example, if there are changes to employment, relationships or
living arrangements.
When do you want to review this arrangement?


How to make or receive payments

 standing order from a bank account

 cash

BOTH parents should keep a record of payments paid and received. A standing order is best for
making sure that payments are made in full and on time, and are recorded on bank statement.

Keeping a written record

Whatever both agree, it’s important that both write it down so there’s no confusion. Both are
legally responsible for the costs of raising your child, even if one parent does not see her. This
arrangement is not legally binding, but signing it is a way of showing your commitment to your

If your arrangement stops working

If your child maintenance arrangement stops working, perhaps because payments cannot be
made or received, talk to each other straight away.

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