Indefinite Tenses

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Meaning. See The group of Indefinite Tenses.

(spelling rules § 34 p.16) // She worked at the University. They got up at 5.
“—; ?; ?--“ ___________________________________________________________________
// Вона працювала в університеті. Вони піднялися о 5.
«+» __________________________________________________________
«--» ff __________________________________________________________
сf ____________________________________________________________
«?» ______________________________________________________________
«?--» ff ___________________________________________________________
сf __________________________________________________________
Usage Notes.
1. See The Group of Indefinite tenses…in the past.
2. Grammar constructions:
 “used + infinitive” of the main verb” is used to denote a repeated action in the past which is no longer
performed. Ukr.: «частенько (the adverbial of time “often” is not used in the sentence), бувало,
раніше». In contrast to The Past Indefinite Tense this grammar construction makes the sentence more
// Він частенько відпочивав там. Він часто відпочивав там.(often)
«+» ___________________________________________________________________________________
«--» ___________________________________________________________________________________
«?» ___________________________________________________________________________________
 “would + infinitive-stem” of the main verb is used to denote a repeated action in the past which is no
longer performed. In contrast to The Past Indefinite Tense this grammar construction makes the
sentence more emphatic though it is less frequently used in comparison with “used + infinitive” of the
main verb”. // He used to rest there = He would rest there.
Model: Зараз вони розмовляють англійською частіше ніж раніше.
Now they speak English more often (better) than they used to.
Time markers: yesterday, last…, …ago, in 1997, the day before yesterday.


Meaning. See The group of Indefinite Tenses.
“—; ?; ?--“ _____________________________________________________________________________

Usage notes
1. See the Group of Indefinite tenses…in the future.
2. The Present Indefinite Tense and The Present Continuous Tense can substitute The Future Indefinite
The Future Indefinite Tense The Present Indefinite Tense The Present Continuous Tense
A neutral variant used to state Only actional verbs (“to arrive, to come, to go, to leave, to return, to sail, to
a mere fact in the future; both start…”) are used to denote a planned action in the near future
statal and actional verbs can
be found in it //I will leave
The action planned according The action either planned or expected //He is
to the time-table, schedule, leaving soon.
order// He goes on business in
two days.
3. It can be found in complex sentences both in the main and dependent (subordinate) clauses. The verb in the
main clause can be in any tense form required by the sense (i.e. as in the Ukr. variant). The use of the future
tenses in the subordinate clause depends on its type (2) defined by a question put from the main to the dependent
 The verb in the OBJECT clause (додаткове речення, «що, про що?») can be in any tense form
required by the sense (i.e. as in the Ukr. variant).
// [Я повідомлю тобі] (коли вони повернуться).
«Я повідомлю тобі ЩО? - …коли (дату, день) вони повернуться.

//Я повідомлю тобі ЧИ повернуться вони.

I will inform you WHETHER (IF) they will come back.
 The verb in the ADVERBIAL clause of TIME AND CONDITION (підрядне речення часу та
умови, «коли, за якої умови?») is always in The Present Indefinite tense to denote a future action.
// Я повідомлю тобі це, коли вони повернуться.
«Я повідомлю тобі це коли (за якої умови)? - Тоді, коли вони повернуться.

4. Grammar constructions used to denote a planned action in the near future in the meaning of «збиратися
зробити щось» (with actional verbs only). The verb “TO BE” is used in its present forms (am, is, are).
 To be going to do smth.
 To be about to do smth.
 To be planning to do sth
 To be bound to do sth.
 To be due to do to smth
 To be intending to do smth
 To be on the point of doing smth.
// Вона збирається розповісти все.
«?» ____________________________________________________________________________
Time markers: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in some days, soon, as soon as possible, next Sunday.

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