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Tran Huyen Trang - IELTS Speaking Vocabulary - Topic Work and Study


A. The University Life

1. Academic /ˌæk.əˈdem.ɪk/: connected to education, especially school or university, liên

quan đến học thuật
Eg: I enjoy academic subjects like history.
2. Major: ngành học hoặc sinh viên học ngành đó
Eg: English majors are quite versatile - they can carve out a career for themselves in
journalism, copywriting or any field that involves a fair amount of writing.
3. Undergraduate: Sinh viên đại học
Eg: Undergraduates in Vietnam usually do a four-year course.
4. Graduate: Người đã tốt nghiệp hoặc tốt nghiệp
Eg: She’s a Harvard graduate.
He graduated last year.
5. Tutor: Gia sư
Eg: You can ask your tutor for advice on your work
6. Professor: the highest level of teacher in a university - giáo sư
Eg: She’s a professor of law.
7. Lecture: bài giảng
Eg: I went to an interesting lecture on Microeconomics
8. Read widely: read a lot of different kinds of books: đọc đa dạng các đầu sách
Eg: I am trying to read widely.
9. Write a thesis: viết bài nghiên cứu
Eg: I’m writing a thesis on global warming.
10. Continuous assessment: a way of judging students by looking at the work they do
during the year - hình thức đánh giá thông qua việc kiểm tra bài làm của sinh viên xuyên
suốt quá trình học.
Eg: We don’t have exams; it's all continuous assessment.
11. Attend sth: go to sth, be present at sth
Eg: You have to attend all classes of Ms. Huyen Trang to get good grades.

B. The Student Life

12. Hall of residence: khu nhà ở sinh viên

Eg: I lived in halls of residence when I was a high schooler.
13. Homesick: nhớ nhà
Eg: I used to feel homesick whenever I was away from home for more than 1 month.
17. Tuition Fee: học phí
Eg: The tuition fee at FTU is unreasonably high.
18. Scholarship: học bổng
Eg: I am applying for a full scholarship of NYU.
19. Revision: việc ôn tập
Eg: She got a GPA of 4.0 because she always planned her revision carefully.
Tran Huyen Trang - IELTS Speaking Vocabulary - Topic Work and Study

20. Get the hang of sth: nắm bắt cái gì đó

Eg: Learning the guitar is deceptively simple. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll progress
21. Away from home: xa nhà
Eg: When I got into my university, that was the first time I had to be away from home.

C. Work and Dream Job

22. Lucrative /ˈluː.krə.t̬ɪv/: kiếm ra nhiều tiền

Eg: Contrary to what most people think, food & beverage is not that lucrative of an
industry. The margins are actually quite thin.
23. Leave a little to be desired: chưa được xuất sắc cho lắm
Eg: He’s an extraordinary singer, but his taste in fashion leaves a little to be desired.
24. Up to par: đạt tiêu chuẩn, thoả mãn yêu cầu
Eg: His work performance has been up to par lately.
25. Entry-level job: công việc cấp thấp
Eg: Gen Z typically aren’t thrilled about doing entry-level jobs when they go to work
for the first time, but they gotta start somewhere.
26. Tenacious /təˈneɪ.ʃəs/: ngoan cường, kiên trì
Eg: He’s really a tenacious person. After many rejections, he finally got a job offer.
27. Follow in sbd’s footsteps: nối nghiệp gia đình
Eg: No matter how forward-thinking they may be, I think parents derive pleasure from
seeing their children follow in their footsteps.
28. Dead set on: hạ quyết tâm làm gì
Eg: My brother seems dead set on going abroad for college, so my parents don’t even
bother to convince him otherwise.
29. Tentative plans: kế hoạch dự kiến
Eg: I have tentative plans to get an IELTS score of 9.0, but let’s see if it works out.
30. In high demand: được trọng vọng, được săn đón
Eg: The new iphone is always in high demand when Apple comes out with a new model.
31. Have a/no say: có/không có quyền quyết định
Eg: There was a time when people had no say in who they would get married to - a
decision was left entirely up to their parents.
32. Bend over backward to do sth: cố hết sức làm gì
Eg: As a teacher, sometimes you really need to bend over backward to explain a complex
concept to your students.
33. Pull some strings: giật dây, dùng các mối quan hệ để làm gì
Eg: Scoring this reservation was no small feat. I had to pull many strings in order to get
us this table. It’s a very exclusive restaurant.
34. Transferable /trænsˈfɝː.ə.bəl/: có thể chuyển nhượng
Eg: In this rapidly changing economy, it is crucial to arm yourself with transferable
skills like communication and leadership.

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