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Workshop Worksheet Units 1-2-5-6

1. There are dark clouds in the sky. It _____ today, so don’t forget to take your umbrella when you
go out.
A. definitely will rain C. definitely is raining
B. is definitely going to rain D. will definitely rains

2. Amani is exhausted. When she ______ home, she ______ her lunch and _______ a nap.
A. gets …will has … take C. will get … will have … take
B. is getting … is going to have … take D. gets … will have … take

3. A: Your house ________ so clean! Are you expecting guests?

B: Yes. My parents _________ tomorrow for a two - day visit.
A. look …will comes C. looks … are coming
B. is looking … going to come D. looking … coming

4. Please inform Mona if she ______ her assignment before Tuesday, she ______ a zero.

A. won’t submit … will get C. doesn’t submit … is going to get

B. don’t submit … will gets D. isn’t going to submit … is getting

5. I can’t see you on Wednesday. I _____ my aunt in the hospital. She had a heart surgery last week.
A. am visiting C. going to visit
B. visit D. will visits

6. A: When ______________ her graduation party?

B: At the beginning of next month.
A. is Aliya having C. Aliya is having
B. is Aliya going to having D. Aliya will have

7. Ann _________ her office right now. If she ________ hurry up, she’s going to miss her bus.
A. will leave … don’t C. is leave … isn’t going to
B. is leaving … doesn’t D. is going to leave … won’t

8. A: My sister Sarah is coming home tomorrow for her Eid holiday.

B: What time _____________?
A: It _____________ at 10:15 pm.

A. Sarah’s plane arriving … is arriving C. will Sarah’s plane arrive … will arrive
B. does Sarah’s plane arrives …arrive D. Sarah’s plane going to arrive …is going to arrive

9. Look at that boy! He _________ up a tree. He ________ from the tree if nobody______ him.

A. climbs … probably will fall… stop C. is going to climb … will fall probably... stopping
B. is climbing … will probably fall… stops D. will climb … probably is falling… stop
10. A: Have you decided what you want to do in London next month?
B: Yes! We ___________ tickets for the theater and __________ afternoon tea at the Ritz Hotel.

A. will get … having C. getting … going to have

B. get … will have D. are going to get … have

11. Semester two __________ in December 2022. All teachers ___________ as much as possible
before all the students ___________.

A. will start… are going to prepare …arrive C. start … going to prepare… arrives
B. is starting … will prepare… arriving D. starts … preparing …arrives

12. A: Oh no, I forgot to do my homework!

B: Don’t worry. I _____________ you.

A. will help C. am helping

B. am going to help D. am help

13. Uncle Ahmed’s coming to dinner tomorrow. He _____________ over if it _____________ too
A. probably going to sleep … is C. is probably going to sleep … is
B. will probably sleep … will be D. will probably sleeps … is

14. A: It’s Sarah’s birthday next month! We _____ to buy her a surprise gift! Promise not to tell
B: Okay. I _____________ anyone.

A. are planning … won’t tell C. will plan … not telling

B. going to plan … not going to tell D. are plan … will not tell

15. Please turn off the television and get dressed. We _________ the house in five minutes.

A. will leave C. will be leave

B. are leave D. leaving

16. Ruba _______ the United States before she ________her passport. She ________ there over the
summer holiday.

A. isn’t leaving … renewing… going to stay C. not going to leave … renew…. stays
B. will not leave … is renew…. stay D. won’t leave … renews… is staying
Passage One

A. Could you please translate this short Spanish article for me?
B. Yes, of course. I (help)_________________ you when I (finish) _______________ my
A. If you (not/have)_________ time today, I (come) _____________ tomorrow morning.
B. I can’t tomorrow morning. I (meet) ___________________ a friend at a café. So let’s
meet today.
A. Okay, thanks.

Passage Two

After I ____________ (graduate) from this school next year, I _____________________ (take) a long
holiday and travel in Europe. I __________ (want) to see Europe before I start work. I
_____________________ (go) to England, France, Spain and Italy. If I _____________ (take) a Euro rail
ticket, I’ll travel inexpensively. So, I __________________ (not/spend) too much money. After I
___________________ (come) back home, I __________________ (start) looking for a job. I
__________________ (not/work) for long hours that is for sure!

Passage Three

I love to travel. When I travel, I (learn/ always) ________________a lot about different cultures. This
year, I (save)__________________ some money to go to Thailand. If it (not/be) _______ expensive, I
(probably/ take) _____________________ a boat tour to one of the beautiful islands and eat delicious
spicy Thai food. My friend and I (meet) _______________ this weekend to plan our trip together. I (be)
________so excited.

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