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Course Outline:

I. Introduction to Abnormal Labor

Definition of abnormal labor

Incidence and risk factors

Types of abnormal labor

II. Prolonged Labor

Definition and causes

Diagnosis and assessment of fetal well-being

Management strategies, including pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions

III. Obstructed Labor

Definition and causes

Diagnosis and assessment of fetal well-being

Management strategies, including vaginal and operative delivery

IV. Dysfunctional Labor

Definition and causes

Diagnosis and assessment of fetal well-being

Management strategies, including pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions

V. Shoulder Dystocia

Definition and causes

Diagnosis and assessment of fetal well-being

Management strategies, including the McRoberts maneuver and other obstetric maneuvers

VI. Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication strategies among healthcare professionals during abnormal labor and delivery

Interprofessional collaboration and teamwork

VII. Ethics and Legal Considerations

Ethical considerations in managing abnormal labor and delivery

Legal implications of abnormal labor and delivery

VIII. Review and Assessment

Review of course content

Assessment of learning outcomes

Course Delivery:

The course will be delivered through a combination of lectures, case studies, group discussions, and
hands-on workshops. Students will have access to relevant literature and resources to support their
learning. Assessment will be based on participation in class activities, written assignments, and a final


This course is open to healthcare professionals, including obstetricians, midwives, nurses, and other
allied health professionals who have a basic understanding of normal labor and delivery

Course Duration:

The course duration is 30 hours, which can be delivered over two weeks or four weekends. But will try
to finish early

Good morning everyone and welcome to our course on Abnormal Labor. Today, we will explore the
definition, incidence, causes, and management of various types of abnormal labor.


Abnormal labor refers to labor that does not progress as expected or has complications that can lead to
harm for the mother or the baby. Abnormal labor can be caused by various factors such as fetal
malposition, inadequate uterine contractions, maternal fatigue, and anatomical abnormalities.


One of the types of abnormal labor that we will be discussing is prolonged labor.
Prolonged labor: This occurs when the first stage of labor lasts more than 20 hours for nulliparous
women or more than 14 hours for multiparous women. Prolonged labor can be caused by various
factors such as a large baby, a small pelvis, and inadequate uterine contractions.

Obstructed Labor

Another type of abnormal labor is obstructed labor. This occurs when the baby cannot pass through the
birth canal despite strong uterine contractions. Obstructed labor can be caused by various factors such
as a narrow pelvis, fetal macrosomia, and malposition of the baby.

Dysfunctional Labor

Dysfunctional labor is also a type of abnormal labor. This occurs when the cervix fails to dilate or the
baby fails to descend despite strong uterine contractions. Dysfunctional labor can be caused by various
factors such as uterine inertia, cephalopelvic disproportion, and maternal exhaustion.

Shoulder Dystocia

The last type of abnormal labor that we will be discussing is shoulder dystocia. This occurs when the
baby's shoulders get stuck in the birth canal after the head is delivered. Shoulder dystocia can be caused
by various factors such as fetal macrosomia and maternal diabetes.

Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals are crucial in managing
abnormal labor and delivery. This ensures that the appropriate interventions are implemented
promptly, and the risk of complications is minimized.

Ethics and Legal Considerations

It is also important to consider ethical and legal implications in managing abnormal labor and delivery.
Ethical considerations include the mother's autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence. Legal
implications can arise if the management of abnormal labor results in harm to the mother or the baby.
So be careful when dealing with it

Review and Assessment

Let's now review what we have learned today. We have discussed the definition, incidence, causes, and
management of various types of abnormal labor. We have also explored the importance of effective
communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals and considered ethical and legal
implications in managing abnormal labor and delivery.

To assess your understanding of the course content, you will be given written assignments and a final
examination. Participation in class activities will also be considered in your assessment.

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