Practice Dialogues About Wine For People Having Business Dinnerslunchesetc - 146639

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Wine dialogue 1

Situation: Rick and Pamela are at a work dinner, but don’t know each other very well. They
are seated next to each other and start discussing the wine menu.
Words to know:
Indulge: to allow yourself the enjoy the pleasure of something you don’t always allow
Guilty pleasure: something, such as a food or a tv, that one enjoys even though many people
dislike it or it is unhealthy

Rick: (Looks at drink menu) Let’s see what we’ve got here.
Pamela: Yes, let’s see, they have a decent beer and wine selection- are you a beer person or
do you like wine?
Rick: Normally I’m a beer drinker, but at a nice place like this, I’ll indulge in a glass or two of
red wine.
Pamela: Ah red, I prefer dry white wines myself, but reds can be nice. What’s your favorite
Rick: It depends what I’m eating. Like tonight I’ll order steak, and I like a nice full-bodied red
like Shiraz to go with my with red meat. What’s your favorite?
Pamela: Oh, definitely pinot grigio. I also like sauvignon blanc, but I hate chardonnay.
Rick: Really? Me, too. My wife loves it, but it’s always too buttery or oaky or something for
my taste.
Pamela: Yes, exactly! Do you like sparkling wines?
Rick: You mean like champagne?
Pamela: Well, champagne is champagne only if it’s from the Champagne region of France, all
other wine with bubbles is just sparkling wine.
Rick: If it has bubbles, I’ll drink it- I don’t care where it’s from-but usually only for special
occasions like at weddings and on New Year’s Eve.
Pamela: Yes, it is generally a drink reserved for celebrations, but it’s my guilty pleasure. I
like to have a glass of crisp, chilled Prosecco after dinner most nights.
Rick: Is prosecco a varietal I’ve never heard of?
Pamela: No, it’s a sparkling wine from a specific region of Italy. It’s named after a small
town in the province of Trieste. I studied abroad in Rome when I was in college and I learned
a lot about wine from my host family.
Rick: Well, you certainly know more about it than I do!
Pamela: Well, I’m sure you know more about beer than me.
Wine dialogue 2
Situation: Jeff and Mary are at a work dinner, but don’t
know each other very well. They have arrived at the
same time, meeting in the lobby. They decide to sit
together and discuss the wine menu.
Words to know:
Snagged- (American English) to succeed in getting
something, especially something difficult to get
To be in the mood for: to feel that you would like to
do something
Napa Valley: a famous wine-making region in
California, just north of San Francisco.
My bad: (American English) used to say that you have
made a mistake or that something is your fault
Knock someone’s socks off: to surprise
and please someone by being very impressive
Weekend getaway: (especially American English) a short vacation taken over the weekend
Give something a whirl: to try something that you are not sure you are going to like or
be able to do

Mary: Jeff, right? You’re working in front-end web development. I’m Mary, in case you don’t
remember my name.
Jeff: Hi, right, Mary, yes, I’m redesigning our HR site right now, trying to make it more user-
friendly. Which department are you in?
Mary: Systems administration. Look, there are a pair of seats at the end of the table there,
wanna grab them?
Jeff: Yes! I already snagged a wine menu from the hostess on the way in, let’s have a seat
and take a look, shall we?
Mary: After you.
(They walk to the table and sit down)
Jeff: What wine are you in the mood for?
Mary: I’m feeling like a fruity red wine today, like a pinot noir. Do they have any on the
Jeff: Let’s see, pinot noir, yes, they have three on their list.
Mary: Are any of them from Napa Valley?
Jeff: Hm, not that I see, actually. One is Chilean, one is from Oregon and the last one is
Mary: You’re joking? We’re in San Jose and there aren’t any from Napa? (Leans over his
shoulder to look herself.) Oh, you’re looking at the by-the-bottle list. They have two from
Napa by-the-glass, (points) see?
Jeff: Oh, you’re right, my bad. But look, there’s a Russian River Valley pinot noir from Belle
Glos Winery. If you haven’t had it before, I really recommend you order a glass. My partner
and I did a weekend getaway in Sonoma County and toured some wineries in the Russian River
Valley. Every pinot noir we sampled was delicious. Seriously, try it. It’ll knock your socks
Mary: If you feel that strongly about it, I’ll give it whirl.

Wine dialogue 3
Situation: Brady and Christine both work for the same Silicon Valley start-up, but remotely
from different cities. This is the first time they’ve met in person, at a business dinner at a
restaurant called District in San Jose, where Christine lives. Jeff traveled there from his home
in Chicago.
Words to know:
In the flesh: to see someone in person
Put someone up: to have someone stay somewhere overnight
Small plates: small dishes of different foods, usually ordered in a group to share with
Cuban sandwich: a sandwich made
with ham, roasted pork, Swiss cheese,
pickles, mustard, and sometimes salami on
Cuban bread
To be down to do something: to be willing
to do something

Christine: Hello Brady, so nice to finally meet you face-to-face! Welcome to San Jose!
Brady: Hi Christine, thank you, and yes, nice to meet you in the flesh!
Christine: I know you had a late flight, so I hope you were able to get some rest. Where has
the company put you up?
Brady: Yeah, I was able to get a few solid hours of sleep. The company booked me a room at
the AC Hotel. Nothing too fancy, but it’s clean and the bed is really comfortable.
Christine: Oh, ok, not far from District at all then.
Brady: Yeah, I walked here since it’s such a nice evening out.
Christine: Yeah, it’s been beautiful today. So, are you hungry? I wasn’t sure what you like, so
I picked this place because they have small plates, but also sandwiches and pizzas.
Brady: Sandwiches? Do they have a Cuban, by any chance?
Christine: Actually, yes, they do! That’s exactly what I was planning to order, unless you
wanted to share some small plates, but it’s like you’re psychic!
Brady: Great minds think alike. What should we have to drink? Looks like they have a wine
Christine: Yeah, I always have a Pinot Noir when I order their Cuban. I think they have two
different ones. (Opens menu and scans it.)
Brady: Well, I was thinking about something with a little more body. Like a shiraz or a
Christine: They have a grenache from Rioja, Spain. Menu says it’s medium bodied with flavors
of (reads from the menu) “dried cherry, raspberry, rose petals & herbs”. I’ve not had it
before, but I’m down to split a bottle if you like?
Brady: Sounds like we’ve decided, then. Where’s our waiter?

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