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Lesson plan

Teacher: Szőcs Emőke

Date: the 27th of May, 2022

Form: the 3rd A

Level: Elementary

Number of pupils: 30

School: Școala Gimnazială ”Petőfi Sándor” Miercurea Ciuc

School subject: English

Textbook: Fairyland 3B, Pupil`s book

Unit 7: We`re all wet!

Lesson title: Have got/Has got – interrogative and negative form

Teaching point: grammatical: Have got/Has got – interrogative and negative form

Lesson type: new lesson

Time allotted: 50 minutes

Skills: speaking, listening, writing

Main objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

 identify and use the verb have got/has got correctly in negative and interrogative

Learning objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

O1: identify and use the correct form of the verb have got

O2: choose the correct word from a multiple choice comprehension exercise based on a

O3: recognize the negative and interrogative form of the verb have got

Lesson aims: to develop students` speaking skills

to enrich students` vocabulary

to develop students` listening and comprehension skills

Methods and strategies: conversation, communication, explanation, reflection, reading

aloud, scanning, substitution drills, working with the text book

Grouping and seating: whole-class teaching, individual

Interactions: teacher-students (T-Ss), students- teacher (Ss-T)

Description of class: There are 30 students in the class, sitting in rows

The students have been studying English for three years. During the previous lessons of
the unit, they have learned about parts of the body, the verb “have got” affirmative form.
The students have basic information about the affirmative form of the verb “have got”.

Stage: Time Teacher`s activity Interaction Techniques and

Ice-breaker: 4’ The teacher greets the students and T-Ss Conversation
introduces herself. Teacher brings to Ss-T
the class some tickets. A few students
come and choose the tickets in order to
respond to the question. The tickets
contain questions like:
1. What is your favorite color?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. How old are you?
4. Have you got a sister or a

Gain students’ 8’ The teacher begins the lesson by T-Ss Communication

attention putting a video from Youtube, “Have Ss-T reflection
you got a pet?” After listening the song
students with the teacher will write the
lyrics of the song with some blank
spaces and after a new listening the
students will complete the song with
the missing words. When the lyric is
completed the all class sings the song
Present the 3’ The teacher writes the date and the title T-Ss Communication
topic and of the lesson on the blackboard: Have
explain the got negative and interrogative form and
objectives informs the students that, by the end of
the lesson, they should be able to use
the negative and the interrogative form
of the verb have got.
Grammar 10’ The teacher shows 3 pictures of a ball. T-Ss Explanation
On one of the pictures the ball will be
possessed, on the second pictures the
possession will be denied and on the
third picture the possession of the ball
will be questionable.
The teacher will write on the
blackboard the three forms of the verb
have got. I have got a ball. I haven’t got/
have not got the ball. Have I got the
The teacher will write the form of the
verb have got for the 3rd person
singular: She has got the ball. She has
not/ hasn’t got the ball. Has she got the
Listening and 20’ The teacher prepared a monster for the T-Ss Communication
comprehension students. She asks the students to draw Ss-T Conversation
and color the monster the way she tells scanning
1. The monster has got a round
2. The monster has got short neck.
3. The monster has got three eyes.
4. The monster has got two red
5. The monster has got two pink
6. The monster has got a big nose.
7. The monster has got blue hair.
8. The monster has got yellow
9. The monster has got green legs.
When students are ready teacher will
put them questions related to their
monster and students will respond:
1. Has the monster got square
2. Has the monster got short neck?
3. Has the monster got two eyes?
4. Has the monster got two red
5. Has the monster got red ears?
6. Has the monster got big nose?
7. Has the monster got yellow hair?
8. Has the monster got yellow
9. Has the monster got green legs?
Teacher goes around and checks the
Feedback and 5’ The teacher asks the students to sing T-Ss Communication
homework once again the song from the beginning
assignment of the lesson. After that she announces
the homework: Everybody has to write
something she/he has got something
she/he hasn’t got and one thing to ask
from your classmate.
The teacher gives students thanks for
their attention.

Extra activity- Teacher chooses an extra activity if the students finish the entire task

There is Peter and Katie with Frank. They have got/ haven’t got some objects. Students
will name the object and answer to the type of questions we learnt during the class.

Timetable fit: The lesson content will focus on talking about interrogative and negative
form of the verb “have got”. This lesson is part of the Unit 7, which contains three lessons.

Predicted problems and possible solutions: Some children may have difficulty in solving
the task -the teacher offers them linguistic props. The students have problems with
pronunciation – the teacher has the students repeating the words/phrases, individually or
in chorus. The students do not seem to fully understand the instructions – the teacher
checks the understanding of the instructions (by asking a pupil to say what the steps of
the activity are). Where necessary, she explains the instructions again or makes a

Brief description of the lesson: In this lesson, the students will practice the new
information related to the negative and interrogative form of the verb “have got”.

Materials: Blackboard, Textbook- Fairyland 3B, Pupil`s book, hand-out copies, laptop,
video, picture.

Annexes: Pictures, lyrics of the song, hand-out copies, homework sheet.

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