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TROPHOZOITE E. histolytica E. hartmanni E. coli E. polecki E. nana E.

Size range 8-65 5- 15 12-55 8-25 5-12 8-22
Motility Progressive, finger-like Nonprogressive, finger- Nonprogressive, blunt Sluggish, Sluggish, Sluggish, usually
pseudopodia like pseudopods pseudopods nonprogressive nonprogressive, blunt progressive
Progressive, pseudopods
Number of nuclei One One One One One One
Karyosome Small and central Small and central Large, irregular shape Small and central Large, irregular, blotlike Large, usually central
eccentric refractive achromatic
granules may or may
not be present
Peripheral chromatin Fine and evenly Fine and evenly Unevenly distributed Fine and evenly Absent Absent
distributed distributed distributed
Cytoplasm Finely granular Finely granular Coarse and granulated Granular and Granular and Coarsely granular and
vacuolated vacuolated vacuolated
Cytoplasmic inclusion Ingested RBC Ingested bacteria may Vacuoles containing Ingested bacteria Bacteria Bacteria, yeast cell, and
be present bacteria often visible Other food particles other debris

CYST E. histolytica E. hartmanni E. coli E. polecki E. nana E.!. butschlii

Size range 8-22 5- 12 8-35 10-20 4-12 5-22
Shape Spherical to round Spherical Round to spherical Spherical or oval Spherical, oval, ellipsoid Ovoid, ellipsoid,
triangular, other shapes
Number of nuclei 1-4 1-4 1-8 1 1-4: 4 most common 1
Karyosome Small and central Small and central Large, irregular shape Small and central Large, blotlike, usually Large, eccentric
eccentric central achromatic granules on
one side may be
Peripheral chromatin Fine and evenly Fine and evenly Unevenly distributed Fine and evenly Absent Absent
distributed distributed distributed
Cytoplasm Finely granular Finely granular Coarse and granulated Granular Granular and Coarsely granular and
vacuolated vacuolated
Cytoplasmic inclusion Chromatoid bars, Chromatoid bars, Diffuse glycogen mass Chromatoid bars, Chromatin granules Well-defined glycogen
rounded ends in young rounded ends in young present in young cysts; angular or pointed ends Nondescript small mass mass
cysts cysts may displace nuclei (often in young cysts. Diffuse glycogen mass Granules may be
seen in cysts with two
Glycogen mass in in young cysts present
nuclei) to opposite ends of
Diffuse glycogen mass Diffuse glycogen mass young cysts Inclusion
the cyst. Thin chromatoid
in young cysts in young cyst bars with pointed to mass
splintered ends in young
E. gingivalis (trophs) Naegleria fowleri Acanthamoeba sps Acanthamoeba sps
(trophs) (cyst)
Size range 8-20 8-22 12-45 8-25
Motility Active, varying pseudopod Sluglike, blunt pseudopods Sluggish, spinelike, Roundish with ragged
pseudopods edges (shape)
Number of nuclei 1 1 1 1
Karyosome Centrally located Large and usually centrally Large Large and central
Peripheral chromatin Fine and evenly Absent Absent Absent
Cytoplasm Finely granular Granular, usually Granular and vacuolated Disorganized, granular,
vacuolated sometimes vacuolated

Cytoplasmic inclusions Leukocytes, Epithelial

cells, Bacteria
Other features Double cell wall—smooth
inner cell wall and outer
jagged cell wall
TROPHOZOITE Giardia intestinalis Chilomastrix mesnili Dientamoeba fragilis Trichomonas hominis Enteromonas Retortamonas
hominis intestinalis
Size range 8-20 μm long 5-25 μm long 5-18 μm 7-20 μm long 3-10 μm long 3-7 μm long
5-16 μm wide 5-10 μm wide 5-18 μm wide 3-7 μm wide 5-6 μm wide
Shape Pear-shaped, Pear-shaped Irregularly round Pear-shaped Oval; sometimes half- Ovoid
teardrop circle
Motility Falling leaf Stiff, rotary, Progressive, broad Nervous, jerky Jerky Jerky
directional hyaline pseudopodia
Appearance Bilaterally
Nuclei Two ovoid-shaped, One with small Two, each consisting One, with a small One with central One, with small
each with a large central or eccentric of massed clumps of central karyosome karyosome central karyosome
karyosome No karyosome four to eight No peripheral No peripheral Ring of chromatin
peripheral chromatin No peripheral chromatin granules chromatin chromatin granules may be on
chromatin No peripheral nuclear membrane
Flagella Four pairs, origination Four: Three to five anterior Four total: Three Two; anterior
of each: One pair, Three extending from One posterior directed anteriorly
anterior end One anterior end One extending from the One directed
pair, posterior end extending posteriorly posterior end of the posteriorly
Two pair, central, from cytostome undulating
extending laterally region membrane
Other structure Two median bodies Prominent cytostome Axostyle that extends None Cytostome extending
Two axonemes extending 1/3 to 1/2 beyond the posterior halfway down body
Sucking disk body length end of the body. length with well-
Spiral groove Full body length defined fibril border
undulating opposite the nucleus
membrane. in the anterior end
Conical cytostome
cleft in anterior
region ventrally
located opposite the
Cytoplasm Bacteria-filled
vacuoles common
CYST Giardia intestinalis Chilomastrix mesnili Enteromonas hominis Retortamonas intestinalis

Size range 8-17 μm 5-10 μm long 3-10 μm long 3-9 μm

long 6-10 μm wide 4-7 μm wide long Up to 5 μm wide
Shape Ovoid Lemon-shaped, with a clear Oval, elongated Lemon-shaped, pear-shaped
hyaline knob extending from
the anterior end

Nuclei Immature cyst, two Mature One, with large central One to four Binucleated and One, located in anterior-central
cyst, four Central karyosomes karyosome quadrinucleated nuclei located region with central karyosome
No peripheral chromatin No peripheral chromatin at opposite ends May be surrounded by a
Central karyosome delicate ring of chromatin
No peripheral chromatin granules

Other structure Median bodies: two in Well-defined cytostome None Two fused fibrils resembling a
immature cyst or four in fully located on one side of the bird’s beak in the anterior
mature cyst Interior flagellar nucleus nuclear region, only visible in
structures* stained preparations

Cytoplasm Retracted from cell wall

Trichomonas vaginalis Trichomonas vaginalis
Size range 5-14 μm long Up to 30 μm long
Shape Oval, pear-shaped Ovoid, round or pear-shaped
Motility Rapid, jerky
Nuclei One, ovoid nucleus; consists of vesicular One, ovoid, nondescript
region filled with chromatin granules

Flagella Five total, all originating anteriorly: All originating anteriorly:

Four extend anteriorly One extends Three to five extending anteriorly
posteriorly One extending posteriorly

Other features Undulating membrane extending two Undulating membrane extending half of
thirds of body length with accompanying body length
costa Prominent axostyle that often curves
Thick axostyle curves around nucleus; around nucleus; granules may be seen
extends beyond body length along axostyle
Small anterior cytostome opposite
undulating membrane

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