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Evolution Worksheet

Evidence of Evolution (A)

Choose the correct answer
1- Arm of a man, wing of a bat and the flipper of a whale are related to
a- Convergent evolution
b- Divergent evolution
c- Bothe A and B
d- None of the above
2- From the examples of vestigial structures
a- Pelvic bone of the snake
b- Appendix
c- Both A and B
d- None of the above
3- Evolution is a change in ---------------- over generations
a- Organisms
b- Populations
c- Ecosystem
d- Communities
4- All analogous structures are related to ---------------- evolution
a- Convergent
b- Divergent
c- Vestigial
d- None of the above
5- Platypus fossil links between
a- Mammal and bird
b- Mammal and reptile
c- Ancient and modern horse
d- None of the above
6- The following structures are
a- Homologous
b- Analogous
c- Vestigial

7- Analogous structures represents

a- Polygenetic similarity
b- Polygenetic dissimilarity
c- Both A and B
d- None of the above
8- Eohippus is the ancient ancestor of the modern horse
a- Equus
b- Mesohippus
c- Merychippus
d- Pliohippus
9- The oldest organisms to appear on earth
a- Prokaryotes
b- Eukaryotes
c- Both A and b
d- None of the above
10-Scientists find fossilized bones of a huge animal that does not exist today
a- What type of evidence is this?
b- Why is this evidence of evolution?
11-Honey possums lick nectar from flowers using a long tongue made of soft muscle,
while butterflies lick nectar from flowers using a long tongue made of hard
a- What type of evidence is this?
b- Why is this evidence of evolution?

12-What do similarities of the structures suggest?

a- A common ancestor
b- Grow at different rates
c- Evolved slowly
d- Lived a long time
13-Which of the following is an example of a vestigial structures
a- The wings of res-tailed hawk
b- The hind limbs of a house cat
c- The fins of sharks
d- The tailbone of human
14-Scientists think that dolphins and whales may have evolved from a common
ancestor. What evidence supports this hypothesis?
a- They swim the same way
b- They eat the same food
c- They live in the same area of the ocean
d- They have similar anatomies
15-Comparison of DNA sequences shows that we are most closely related to
a- Monkeys
b- Baboons
c- Gorillas
d- Chimpanzees
16-The extinct species Archaeopteryx had characteristics of both
a- Birds and reptiles
b- Birds and mammals
c- Amphibians and birds
d- Reptiles and mammals
17- When a species is unable to adapt within a changing environment, what usually
a- Starvation
b- Adaptation
c- Extinction
d- Evolution
18-Radiometric dating techniques is based on
a- Decay of radioactive isotopes
b- Half-life
c- Both A and B
d- None
19- ------------------ use the fact that Earth’s magnetic poles shift or even reverse.
a- Plate tectonics
b- Paleomagnetic dating
c- Biogeography
d- Molecular biology
20-True or False: species closely related will show similar stages of embryonic
development ---------
21-True or False: homologous structures have the same function in different species
22-True or false: the cytochrome-c in humans is identical to that of chimpanzees,
while totally different from the pigs.---------
23-True or false: According to the theory of plate tectonics, continents and oceans
rest on giant plates of the Earth’s mantle that float on top of the crust -------
24-True or false: Pangaea was the old name of the seven continents 250 million
years ago ------
25-True or false: Continental drift causes mountains to form as plates collide

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