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Name: ……………………………. Class:…………………………….


Choose the best answer

1- Which one is the unit for mass flow rate ………….
a. Kg/m3 b. kg/t c. m3 /t

2- From the condition of the steady flow is ………………

a. presence of vortex b. changing flow rate c. no friction between liquid layers

Answer the following question:

1- A water pipe of diameter 0.02 m in which water flow with a speed 1 m/s . The water enters a
house where the diameter becomes 0.01 m , given the density of the water is 1000 kg/m3
calculate :
1- the speed of the water in the pipe inside the house.
2- the volume( QV) and mass(Qm) flow of the water every minute at any cross section area of
the pipe.

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