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This is the six o’clock news

Ten workers have been rescued from an accident four hundred feet beneath the streets of
London. They’d spent the past thirty-six hours trapped underground. They’d been digging
a tunnel for a new Underground line when the roof collapsed. Sixty men managed to
escape immediately, but two were fatally injured. Last night the ten men were recovering
in hospital. An investigation into the cause of the accident is due to start tomorrow. (78
New Headway Upper Intermediate, recording 3.3, p.127

// THIS is the SIX o’clock ↘NEWS //

// TEN ↘WORkers / have been ↘REScued / from an ↘Accident / FOUR hundred ↘FEET
/ beNEATH the streets of ↘LONdon // they’d spent the ↘PAST / THIRty-six →HOURS /
TRAPPED under↘GROUND // they’d been DIgging a ↘TUnnel / for a new
↘UNderground line / when the ROOF co↘LLApsed // SIXty ↘MEN / MAnaged to escape
i↘MMEdiately // but TWO were FAtally ↘INjured // LAST ↗NIGHT / the TEN men
were reCOvering in ↘HOSpital // an inVEStigation into the ↘CAUSE / of the ↗Accident /
is DUE to start to↘MOrrow //

/ The ANT and the ↘GRASShopper /

By Aesop
/ In a FIELD one summer's →DAY / a GRASShopper was HOpping a→BOUT
/, CHIRping and →SINGing / to its HEART'S con↘TENT // An ANT passed
∨BY / BEAring along with GREAT →TOIL / an EAR of →CORN // he was
TAking to the ↘NEST //
Quoted / “Why NOT come and ↘CHAT with me," /  said the ↘GRASShopper,/ "instead of
speech TOIling and moiling in ∧THAT way?" / Reporting verb
Quoted / "I am helping to →LAY up / FOOD for the ↘WINter," /  said the ↗ANT, / "and
recoMMEND you to do the ∨SAME." / Reporting verb
/ "WHY bother about ↘WINter?" /  said the ↘GRASShopper; / we HAVE ↘GOT /
PLENty of food at ∧PREsent." / But the ANT went on its →WAY / and
conTInued its ↘TOIL / When the WINter came the ↘GRASShopper / had
↗NO / ↘FOOD / and FOUND itself DYing of ↘HUNger / while it SAW the
→ANTS / dis∨TRIbuting / Every day CORN and →GRAIN / from the
STORES they →HAD / coLLECted in the ↘SUmmer / Then the
↘GRASShopper knew /
/ It is BEST to prePARE for the days of ne↘CEssity /

Welcome aboard our Transatlantic flight 465 to Miami. We’re sorry to announce there’s
a delay of about half an hour to take-off time. This is due to industrial action. We hope
this delay won’t inconvenience you. While we are waiting for our take-off slot, the
cabin staff will be circulating amongst you to distribute complementary drinks and
magazines. In the meantime, please remain seated. We do hope you enjoy
Transatlantic’s hospitality!

// WELcome a→BOARD / our TRANsatlantic →FLIGHT / FOUR six →FIVE / to
mi→Ami // we’re SOrry to a↗NNOUNCE / there’s a de↘LAY of about / HALF an
hour to TAKE-off →TIME // THIS is →DUE / to inDUStrial ↘Action // we HOPE this
de→LAY / WON’T incon↘VEnience you // WHILE we are ↗WAIting / for our
TAKE-off →SLOT // the CAbin staff will be CIRculating a↘MONGST you // to
DIStribute COMplementary ↘DRINKS / and ↘MAgazines // in the →MEANtime //
PLEASE remain ↘SEAted // we DO HOPE you en↗JOY / TRANsatlantic’s
hospi↘TAlity //

I1: Hello, Emma. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview, especially as I
believe you’re studying for your exams at the moment.
E1: Yes, I am. But I’m happy to do the interview.
I2: Now, the questions. First of all, where do you come from?
E2: Oxford, in England.
I3: And where do you live?
E3: At home with my mother. You see my parents are divorced
I4: Oh, I’m sorry about that. Erm, have you got any brothers or sisters?
E4: Yes, I have. I’ve got a brother.
I5: Is he older than you?
E5: No, he’s younger. He’s twelve.
I6: And what’s he doing at the moment?
E6: Well, he’s either playing football or watching TV. That’s what he always
does after school.
I7: And where does your father live?
E7: He lives in Scotland, near Edinburgh.
I8: How often do you see him?
E8: Well, we see him quite often. We spend every school holiday with him.
I9: Now, a final question, Emma. What do you do in your free time?
E9: I listen to music, especially pop music
I10: That’s great, Emma. I’ve got all the information I need. Thank you very

I1: // ↘HEllo / ↗Emma // THANK you / for aGREEing to do this ∨INterview //

esPEcially as i believe you’re STUdying for your e↘XAMS the moment //
E1: // YES i ↘AM // but i’m HAppy to do the ∨INterview //

I2: // ↘NOW // the ↘QUEStions // ∨FIRST of all // WHERE do you ↘COME
from //
E2: // ↘OXford / in ↘England //
I3: // →AND / WHERE do you ↘LIVE //
E3: // at HOME with my ↘Mother // you →SEE / my PArents are di↘VORCED //
I4: // →OH i’m / ↘SOrry / about ↗THAT // →ERM / have you got any BROthers
or ↗SISters //
E4: // YES i ↘HAVE // i’ve got a ↘BROther //
I5: // is he ↗OLder than you //
E5: // ∨NO / he’s ↘YOUNger // He’s ↘TWELVE //
I6: // →AND / WHAT’S he DOing at the ↘MOment //
E6: // →WELL / he’s EIther playing ∨FOOTball / or WAtching T ↘V // THAT’S
what he ∧ALways does / after ↗SCHOOL //
I7: // →AND / WHERE does your ↘FAther live //
E7: // he lives in ↘SCOtland / near ↘Edinburgh //
I8: // how Often do you ↘SEE him //
E8: // →WELL // we ↘SEE him / ↘QUITE often // we spend Every school
↘HOliday with him //
I9: // ↘NOW / a ↘FInal question emma // WHAT do you ↘DO / in your FREE
↘TIME //
E9: // i LIsten to ↘MUsic / esPEcially ↘POP music //
I10: // that’s ↘GREAT emma // i’ve got ↘ALL the information i need // THANK
you very ↘MUCH //

Laura (Asking for directions)

L1: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to (beeeeep!)
M1: OK, so go across the river on the foot ferry and turn right on Southern
L2: The foot ferry?
M2: Yes. A boat across the river.
L3: Oh, I see. OK.
M3: OK, and take the second left.
L4: Second left ...
M4: And go straight up to the crossroads. Go straight across and along Ely
L5: Along Ely Street, yes.
M5: Yes, go along Ely Street until you reach Rother Street, then turn right.
Then take the second left, which is Mansell Street.
L6: Mansell Street.
M6: Yes, Go along Mansell Street and across Arden Street, and the entrance is
right there.
L7: OK — sounds complicated!

M7: Yes, well maybe you can ask someone else when you're nearer.
L8: OK, well, thanks very much.

L1: // ex↘CUse me // CAN you ↘TELL me the way to //

M1: // O∨K // so GO across the ∨RIver / on the ∨FOOT ferry / and turn
∨RIGHT / on SOUthern ∨LANE //
L2: // the ↗FOOT ferry //
M2: // ↘YES // a ↘BOAT / across the ↘RIver //
L3: // OH i ↘SEE // O∨K //
M3: // O↗K / and TAKE the SEcond ↗LEFT //
L4: // SEcond ↗LEFT //
M4: // and go STRAIGHT up to the ∨CROSSroads // go STRAIGHT a↘CROSS /
and a→LONG / ∨Ely street //
L5: // aLONG / ↘Ely street / ↗YES //
M5: // ↘YES // go a↗LONG / ↘Ely street / until you reach ∨ROther street /
THEN turn ↘RIGHT // ∨THEN / TAKE the SEcond ↗LEFT // which is
∨MANsell street //
L6: // ∨MANsell street //
M6: // ↘YES // GO along ∨MANsell street / and across ∨ARden street // and
the ENtrance is RIGHT ↘THERE //
L7: // O∧K // sounds ∧COMplicated //
M7: // ↘YES // →WELL / MAYbe you can ASK someone ↘ELSE / when you're
↘NEArer //
L8: // O↘K // ↘WELL // THANKS very ↘MUCH //

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