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COURSE: Management theory and practice
Internal assignment for December 2021Examination

Q1. Can you do a SWOT Analysus of any 1 indian company of your choice dealing in



Patanjali Ayurveda Limited has a few lines of business. These remember workplaces for
Haridwar or Delhi and enlisted occupations in Haridwar or Delhi. In 2006 another type of
business entered the business and the business has filled in different ways to arrive at Rs 330
crore. In the 2017/18 monetary year, the organization accomplished deals of around twelve
thousand billion euros. Without the viable and fruitful techniques for Patanjali, the
accomplishments of Patanjali would not have been reachable. In this manner, it tends to be
essential to think about a few kinds of vital examination strategies, for example, B. SWOT
examination and different kinds of investigation.

Design and analysis

A SWOT examination system is a kind of essential dynamic strategy that evaluates the serious
situation of an office and settles on explicit and effective decisions to acquire upper hand. It is
something that alludes to the qualities, shortcomings, openings and dangers that exist inside an

The company has several strengths

1. Baba Ramdev's. founded association Ramdev

Millions of followers have followed Baba Ramdev to India; a large customer base for the
products of Patanjali Ayurveda Confined. Baba Ramdev's association also helped Patanjali
become a national name in India.

2. We are engaged in the production of Ayurveda and herbal products

Ayurveda drug related solutions, items, and remedies are not known to have any harmful effects.
It is the search for Patanjali that only attracts these natural substances that can be freed from any
plastics and pollutants.
3. Infiltration estimate depending on entry rates

Patanjali's items are often presented at 20-30% cheaper than comparable items from various
available organizations. Pronounced well-known organizations cannot keep up with Patanjali,
which made Patanjali one of the helpless classes in India.

4. The facilities can be accessed online via the Internet

Although Patanjali is based on old ideas, it integrates new technologies very quickly. Patanjali
has its e-commerce site and offers its products on Amazon, a huge shopping cart, and the
websites of various large stores.

This company has several weaknesses that need to be addressed:

1. Several production plants are missing in the region.

Patanjali has little assembling vegetation in Haridwar and Nepal. To meet the developing call,
the organization should build its assembling limit by putting resources into extra creation units.

2. Long haul strength can't be accomplished utilizing the entrance approach.

Patanjali invasion assessing strategy licenses it to grow its fundamental vested party and market
strength. In any case, it may confine the brand's ability to improve as it can't spend its
compensation on different gathering devices and different expenses related to the impact.

3. There is a low edge among providers and purchasers

Patanjali general incomes are low and thus, they can't present genuine livelihoods to its
suppliers. Accordingly, various business visionaries favor the headway and course of the
aftereffects of Patanjali opponents, which gives them better in general incomes.

4. There has been an over-dependence on Baba Ramdev for quite a while.

Baba Ramdev's standing is appended to the Patanjali brand, and Baba Ramdev has political ties.
The political retaliation of any organization try against him can similarly clearly impact
Patanjali's issues.
The company has several opportunities:

1. An increasing number of consumers are looking for organic products.

This might be identified with the way that Patanjali Ayurveda has been restricted to restricted
turn of events and accomplishment because of its situation as a maker of regular items. In light of
the developing consciousness of the medical advantages of natural items, the market for certified
items is on the ascent. It is additionally conceivable that the organization could likewise profit
from the developing interest for normal items on the lookout.

2. Expansion into remote areas of the country with a brand

Patanjali's infiltrating charge approach and Baba Ramdev's standing in provincial India might
permit Patanjali's items to become adequate in country regions.

3. In the future, we plan to expand our global operations into a variety of markets. Various areas
of the world, particularly affluent western nations, are seeing an increment popular for normal,
biological and authentic merchandise. Perceiving Patanjali as an earnest and Ayurvedic
organization can be gainful. Patanjali will actually want to extend globally and fabricate its
image because of this.

4. Product range

In addition to Khadi, textiles and clothing, natural cosmetics and other healthy and natural
products, Patanjali has the potential to transform into more natural and organic products. In this
way, the organization will be able to sell its new products through its existing distribution
channels and important partnerships.

Business threats:

1. The ramifications of a potentially dangerous harvest

Patanjali's articles were produced using spices and horticultural materials. Albeit the Indian
economy is essentially founded on agribusiness, greatest ranchers actually rely upon
precipitation to inundate their harvests because of water system misfortune. A frail blustery year
may bring about poor rural creation, contrarily affecting the organization's natural substance

2. Several competitors in the market

HUL, Marico, Parle Agro, ITC, Nestle, P&G, Britannia Industries obliged, and others are among
the most noticeable FMCG associations in India. Patanjali Ayurveda Confined contends in a
somewhat cutthroat market hence.

3. A currency war could take place at some point in the future

Note that while value wars can help clients, they can likewise hurt locally situated organizations.
Homegrown players like Patanjali, who are for the most part occupied with the creation of
FMCG items, are additionally far-fetched to have the ability to rival the quickly advancing
global shopper merchandise organizations, which have immense assets.


Obviously, Patanjali FMCG Advertising Agency is the most popular FMCG agency in India and
the quality of its brand and service is second to none. Because of a few inside and outside
factors, different effects have been felt by the organization in the medium and long haul. There
are numerous qualities and shortcomings inside the association and numerous chances and
dangers from outside as characterized previously. To bring in additional cash in destiny, it is
important to investigate it well to show up at the best choice.

Que 2. MG Motors have been ---------------------------------------------------------------Lean

Production to them and help them app ly the same in order to redu.ce their troubles?
. .

Ans 2.

As to JIT, the term essentially signifies "without a moment to spare". A stock administration step
that includes close coordinated effort with providers to guarantee the appearance of natural
substances when the assembling system is prepared to begin. We guarantee that creation begins
at the soonest time set for the appearance of unrefined substances. We will probably keep the
quantity of stocks as low as conceivable to fulfill market need. What's more, lean assembling is a
style of activity dependent on the possibility that it is feasible to diminish the time spent in the
creation framework and the reaction time expected of transporters and customers. "Toyota-style"
business thought, which traces all the way back to 1930, is at the core of the organization's miles.

Design and analysis

Just in time manufacturing process

I have seven ideas for you. Noticeable are waste disposal, Kanban / Pull devices, uninterrupted
work processes, full commitment to customer service, full commitment to quality control, team
involvement, members of the supplier family and constant development. The long-term
recognition of expansion and delivery needs and the coordination of adjustments to raw material
standards with the suppliers offer the company many long-term advantages. The long-term
effects of the JIT approach include economic and financial savings, lower manufacturing prices,
and faster buyer satisfaction. The in-the-nick-of-time (JIT) conveyor chain helps organizations
moderate money by reducing inventory and expanding usefulness. JIT manufacturing reduces
inventory costs by allowing manufacturers to purchase fabrics and parts when needed rather than
piling them up. Makers don't end up with unsold items if an exchange is canceled or is currently
incomplete. As an example, an example could be used to evaluate the system. A JIT inventory
control device can be used at an automobile manufacturer with a low inventory of vehicles. To
be able to build vehicles frequently, the best choice is to rely on the company's supply chain.
Therefore, the manufacturer usually purchases the factors necessary to make the cars after the
order is placed.

Process based on lean manufacturing

This method is based on removing prejudices and notions about product quality in the workplace
so that value can be passed on to customers. The organization observes and destroys waste and
finds that performance has improved, fines have increased, delivery is faster and production is
higher. In this way, squander is depicted as an expense spent on a device that isn't gainful to the
client. The objective of lean assembling is to dispose of waste from assembling activities. There
are elite assortments of waste like transportation, stock, moving, holding up time, overexposure,
over processing, and so forth

Any vehicle of material that doesn't quickly help current creation is depicted as transportation
squander. Delivery waste can be created with the assistance of an office structure close
forthright, awful assembling arranging, and wasteful arranging. Any stock and framework that
should be needed to make without a moment to spare items or administrations is called
squandered stock. Incorrect determining procedures, ineffectual systems or providers, extended
changeovers, imbalanced creation strategies, or helpless stock control and checking are for the
most part purposes behind squandered stock. Superfluous manufacturing plant configuration,
absence of apparent controls, fundamental specialized planning, and revolting undertaking are
normal explanations behind squandered development. Clashing working procedures, absence of
appropriate gear or components, long establishment times, low proficiency of types/frameworks,
inadequate security of devices or imposing business models of abilities would all be able to add
to the pause. Overproduction is characterized as producing more than needed, at a cost quicker
than needed, or before the need is fulfilled. Overproduction wastage can be brought about by
automation in some unacceptable regions, upset verbal correspondence, neighborhood execution,
low accessibility, insufficient arranging, and some type of motivation for good measure. Any
pointless assembling or transmission exertion that doesn't charge for the expense of the items or
administrations is over processing. Consistent item or framework improvement, excess data,
bottlenecks, monotonous surveys and endorsements, and dark client needs are instances of
superfluous over processing. Loss of significant worth because of the rejecting, fix or adornment
of an item that compromises the necessities is called faulty waste. The underutilization or pulling
of individuals into a technique is known as a "misuse of unused abilities". staff are
accomplishing superfluously difficult work when their abilities could be utilized more in
exercises that bring about greater expenses or that don't take advantage of the decisive
considering limit representatives and comments on strategies are instances of this. A second
illustration of underutilized abilities is permitting individuals to work in storehouses without
allowing them to communicate their perspectives, every one of which can prompt

Along the same lines as the tilt production method, there are a few things that can be done like:

• Dispose of waste properly.

• Make excellence a priority in everything you do

• Better understand the subject

• Avoid getting involved in anything

• We are committed to delivering your order as soon as possible.

• The human being must have a good reputation in the eyes of others


As a consultant for "MG vehicles", I would like to suggest, after reviewing the above
assessment, that the company can drastically reduce its waste and theft by making a better
product, training its employees and offering a truly satisfying experience for its customers. A JIT
stock administration framework works with least stock levels and depends altogether on its store
network to much of the time produce various things that it needs to make vehicles.
Consequently, the maker likewise buys the fundamental added substances for the development of
vehicles while submitting the request. As waste is recognized and dispensed with, the business
should accomplish great and ideal conveyance and execution. Subsequently, squander is
characterized as the worth brought about in a machine that doesn't help the purchaser.

The situational strategy, usually alluded to as the possibility approach, depends on the idea that
all control is situational. The factors of a chose situation will influence (if not more) all
administrative developments. There can be one general procedure for any choice. The eight
situations can be separated into three classes: great conditions, moderate conditions and
outrageous conditions. Contingent upon the speculation, high or low LPC administrators handle
every situation better.
Que 3. Lemon Tree, a premium chain --------------------------------------to analyze the same

A. Can you explain Political, Economic and Social forces which had an impact on the
. .


B. Can you also help them apply the contingency approach of modern approach in order to
. .

face the pandemic effectively?



A top-notch chain of motels, Lemon Tree, which offers a wide range of accommodation across
the country, has suffered substantial losses in the wake of the pandemic. While this company
experienced a number of issues as a result of this foreclosure, there were also a number of
companies that faced a number of issues during this lockdown period. If you want to avoid large
losses, you will have to shut down the insistence of a few organizations. You may be able to
perform a full analysis of the effects of various factors as a representative of Lemon Tree

Ans 3A.

• Political impact

In some cases, the response of local, state, and federal governments to the pandemic can
affect who gets involved in politics, what types of voting rights exist, and what type of voting
is appropriate, some of which are usually in the individual zone. Likewise, during this
pandemic, the guidelines and rules of specialists have changed habitually. It therefore affects
the business as a whole.

• Economic impact
Jobs had been lost at an undetectable cost since the financial calamity. Besides, agents of low-
wage suppliers are significantly more inclined to lose their situations all things considered or be
seen as having returned to work more comfortable than people in different organizations who
obtain more. The financial effects should happen until recovery, especially for people in lower-
paying positions, simply entering the workforce, and those moving toward retirement.
Essentially, for the range of this pandemic, motels are closed to stay aware of social isolating.

Note that working from home doesn't make any difference to this business. People can't go all
through this pandemic; staff can't come and offer help providers because of the constrainment.
This is the essential inspiration driving why tremendous setbacks are suffered by the business.

• Social impact

As a result of the pandemic, the basic mechanisms of social interaction that had fueled socio-
economic activity over the past decades have been destroyed. Most people have experienced
interruptions in their standard daily workouts due to critical social distancing, with the possibility
of further disruption in employment, faculty, social or family connections. Accordingly, the
offices of school, government assistance, government assistance, and strict organizations, just as
government, law breaker equity and guideline, and a wide range of enterprises that depend on
relational connection , had to rapidly reshape their practices. , some moving in line, others
detailing or postponing one another. Some nearby totally. On account of this social separating,
people haven't voyaged enough. Accordingly, various inn organizations experienced immense
misfortunes because of the breakdown.

Ans( 3B).

Design and analysis

The contingency assumptions are influenced by many factors. Here are some of the options

• The size of the company

• How the organization adapts to its environment

• Resource and logistics sports have distinct characteristics.

• Managerial assumptions concerning workers

• Technical
• Applied technologies

Strong parameters suggest mechanical frameworks that put squeeze on centralization,

formalization, normalization and specialization to sell accuracy and effectiveness, as per the
demeanor of possibility. Rules, standards and strategies can coordinate decision for ordinary
endeavors and issues taking into account their veracity and consistency. Then again, risky
conditions need typical models that underline decentralization to gain versatility and alter
capacity. Without sports and routine issues, eccentricism and precariousness require wide
decisive reasoning cycles.

The size of the motel is one of the essential components as tremendous associations will by and
large end up being more based while autonomous endeavors can work nonchalantly. Most things
can be controlled directly with the help of a business visionary. In any case, huge get-togethers
require additionally created and indirect control procedures. Immense associations can tolerate
employing more specific staff, units and occupations. In like manner, a divisional design may be
fitting for a tremendous association, yet not actually for somewhat one.

Also, everything's with respect to the expense and availability of sources. The wide range of
various things is mechanical new development. Mechanical changes can moreover gigantically
influence a business. The degree and groupings of capacities expected of agents are tortured by
the usage of mechanical innovation. Changes in the instances of affiliation and responsibility
inside and between associations are authorized and essential in the state of the art information
age. Changes all through an age can moreover basically influence a business. The usage of
mechanical innovation torture the degree and collection of capacities expected of staff. Examples
in techniques for correspondence and responsibility inside and between associations are
permitted and required by new information headways.

The conditions referred to above are assorted to help the Lemon Tree affiliation recover from the
mishaps during this pandemic. In many states, the lockdown isn't by and large extreme as before.
Thusly, the association should start its business attempt using constrained works. Other than
animals, individuals are also prepared to dare to the most distant corners of the planet. In like
manner, it will be to the best benefit of the relationship in such a situation.


As a result, if Lemon Tree uses the Emergency Technique to recover his loss, then he might be
able to make up for his loss. This technique will help to identify favorable, light and terrible
situations. According to the analysis, the company suffered significant losses at some stage of an
outbreak. As a result, the company is currently in a very serious situation. The situation can
however be transformed from detrimental to favorable by using the various methods mentioned

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