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Questions in passive voice

1. Did the fire destroy his house?

2. Did the enemy capture the city?
3. Does Andy deliver the mail every day?
4. Will Walter eat the cake?
5. Did my sister started a dancing class last week?
6. Did Wilde write that book?
7. Who enjoyed the concert?
8. Who has finished the report?
9. Who did the police capture?
10.What did Kelly return?
11.What followed the war?
12.How many suspects has the police arrest?
13.Who has sent the letter?
14.When did Shakespeare publish this poem?
15.Where will the man send the parcel?
16.Did the earthquake destroy the city?
17.Who designed the building?
18.What did he say?
19.Who did you invite to your party?
20.Who will bring the essay tomorrow?
21.Did she recognize you?
22.Can anybody cure it?
23.Who has written this composition?
24.Hav you finished work?
25.When will they announce the results?
26.Will you help him?
27.Would Thai-chi classes interest you?
28.Why has the government banned the film?
29.When did they hijack the plane?
30.How did your host family treat you?

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