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Malaysian music is largely based on percussion instruments. It has

multicultural influence and is believed to have originated in the Kelantan-
Pattani region with a mixture of Indian, Chinese, Thai, and Indonesian
The music of Malaysia may be categorized into two types:

The music of Malaysia may be categorized into two types:

1. Classical and Folk music emerged during the pre-colonial period and still exists in the form of
vocal, dance and theatrical music.
2. Syncretic or Acculturated music developed during the post Portuguese period (16th century).
It contains elements from both local music and foreign elements of Arabian, Persian, Indian,
Chinese, and Western musical and theatrical sources


Cambodia is one of the most beautiful countries in Southeast Asia.

Art music is highly influenced by ancient forms as well as Hindu forms

Cambodian court music is roughly similar to that of Java, Indonesia. They feature choruses
with large orchestras based on struck keys and gongs.
The Pinpeat is a Cambodian musical ensemble or an orchestra that usually accompanies
ceremonial music of the royal courts and temples.


There are two basic kinds of Indonesian music scale:

Slendro – five (5) equidistant tones in octave
Peloq – heptatonic (7) tone scale with semi tone

Polyphonic stratification kind of melody is a result of hocket/Interlock.

Interlocking is a common technique used in gong ensembles.
Irama – is an Indonesian term for tempo

Gamelan Ensembles;

The word gamelan comes from the low Javanese word gamel, which may refer to a
type of mallet of which instruments are struck with or the act of striking with a mallet.

MUSIC – one f the most important ingredients in living wherein we can express our
thoughts and feelings
KHENE – musical instrument from Laos that is made up of Bamboo mouth organ
KINH – used to address the music of any of the numerous ethnic minorities in Vietnam
PESINDHEN – female soloist singer who sings with gamelan
GERONG – unison male chorus that sings with the gamelan
SULING – Jew’s harp made in the Philippines
CHINA – country that influence the music of Myanmar
SOUTHEAST ASIAN MUSIC – form, style, harmony, texture, rhythm and melody





the Lao women’s ankle length skirt whose form is undeniable
but whose patterns are unique to each skirt. Though the skirts
look simple and elegant, it is traditional that every woman in
Laos weaves all the sihns she would wear throughout her
lifetime. She uses folk icons to express personal views.

There are two main types of Cambodian Weaving;

1.ikat technique (Khmer term: chongkiet) - To create patterns,

weavers tie and dye portions of weft yarn before weaving begins.
Patterns are diverse and vary by region; common motifs include
lattice, stars, and spots.

Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore;

The fabric most common to both countries is BATIK. The term batik is an
Indonesian-Malay word, believed to be related to the Malay word titik,
which means “point”, “dot”, or “drop” action. The word refers to the
process of dyeing the fabric by making use of a resist technique: covering
areas of cloth with dye resistant substance (usually hot wax) to prevent
them from absorbing color. This technique has been taught for over a
thousand years.
Sky lantern Festival;

In Thailand, flying lanterns are used during the year of

festivals – Loy Krathong Festival held on 12th full moon in
November, believed to have a brightest and most
spectacular celebrations.
These are made out of rice paper with a bamboo frame,
which contain a fuel cell or small candle. When the fuel
cells is lit, the flame heats the air inside the lantern,
causing the lantern to rise.

Wayang Kulit;
Is a type of Puppet Shadow play performed around the
Indo-Malayan archipelago, tracing its origin to India.
Wayang in modern Indonesian language means to “SHOW
OR PERFORM”, Kulit means “SKIN” a reference to
the leather material that the figures are carved out.
It is manipulated by “dalang” a Puppet master. The dalang
tells the story, interprets the character etc.

MERLION – mythical creature that has a head of a lion and a
body of a fish * One of the evidences of arts and crafts
RELIGION – most prevailing theme of Asian art
- Culture
- Religion
- History of the country

Physical Education;

Health-Related Fitness

Health-related fitness activities play a vital role in the holistic

development of a person.
This ensures cardiovascular fitness; thus, help you achieve a
state of wellness.

FITNESS is defined as a condition in which an individual

has enough energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy life.

Cardiovascular Fitness

It is the ability of the heart (cardio) and circulatory

system (vascular) to supply oxygen to muscles for
an extended period of time.

Muscular Strength and Endurance

Strength refers to the maximum amount of force a muscle can

exert against an opposing force; while Endurance refers to the
ability of the muscles to work over an extended period of time
without fatigue.
Flexibility- is the ability to move a body part through a full range of motion
at a joint.

Body Mass Index-


1. Height. Stand with trunk straight. Measure the distance from the floor to the top of the
forehead. Record the score in centimeter (cm).

2. Weight. Stand on a weighing scale free from any other object for weight accuracy.
Record in kilograms (kg).

3. Computation for Body Mass Index (BMI)

Measures of body mass based on height and weight that aid in determining weight

BMI = Weight in kg (Height in m) x (Height in m)


Weight: 50 kg
Height: 153 cm converted to meters = 1.53 m

BMI = 50kg = 50 kg = 2.34m Normal

(1.53m) X (1.53m)

Less that 18.5- Underweight
18.5- 24.9- Normal Weight
25.-29.9- Overweight
30 or greater- Obese

Health-Related Fitness Components-

Fitness components that are prescribed to improve individual’s
Muscular Endurance
Muscular Strength


Behaviors of other people does affect your attitude and behaviour

towards yourself
SEXUALITY – refers to your attitude and behaviour towards
RELIGION – is a forceful factor in your sexuality
GOOD DECISION – arrived at after a thoughtful consideration of
FAMILY – closeness, parental supervision and parental
values regarding healthy sexuality prevent unnecessary
sexual setback from children
PEER – friends values and beliefs may influence you as
much and sometimes more that your parent’s values and
CULTURE – set of customs, traditions and vales of a
society or community such as ethnic group or nation
1. What term defines a man or a woman based on biological
A. Sex C. sexuality
B. Gender D. androgyny
2. Which of the following illustrates gender?
A. Miguel loves to cook. C. Hazel has a positive body image.
B. Marco does not cry in public. D. Ahmed is attracted to Felicity.
3. What do you call the sets of activities that society considers as
appropriate for men and women?
A. gender role C. gender equality
B. gender identity D. gender sensitivity
4. Why is it important to understand human sexuality?
A. We will all be mature adults.
B. We have similar sexuality issues.
C. There is a specific age for developing one’s sexuality.
D. It will help us build a better relationship with ourselves and others.
5. Which dimension of human sexuality that refers to valuing relationship?
A. Social Self
B. Ethical Self
C. Emotional Self
D. Mental Self

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