Lecaros J LE01

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1. Investing in stocks in company

2. Middleman to a process or transaction
3. Deciding Between a franchise vs. start up bussines
4. Making business is better than applying for job?
5. How does employee motivation increase profitability?
6. Youtubers has no school degree but earn money a lot than
7. Digital Market impact to all people
8. How Advertisement affect to all people
Why are you interested about this?
I want to know how to invest stocks and to earn money real quick and experience how to handle small sha
Since I experienced to be a broker between buyer and seller for their transaction. It need to confirm both
To know what is better between the two of them.
I want to experience this two perspective who is the best.
Effectively and Efficiency to employees to have higher salaries.
GenZ know alot about social media especially using youtube that watch them for view and earn money a l
Easy to search what is the best for yourself
I wondering that all advertisement affect to people to buy their products
o handle small shares overtime and sell to higher price
ed to confirm both buyers and seller that their transaction was complete and easy money

nd earn money a lot in no time

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