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Double taxation means taxing the same person for the same tax
Module 1: period and the same activity twice, by the same jurisdiction.
Double taxation in strict sense is when:
I. REVIEW OF GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION 1. Both taxes are imposed on the same property or subject
TAXATION is the inherent power by which the sovereign, 2. For the same purpose;
through its law-making body, raises revenue to defray the 3. Imposed by the same taxing authority;
necessary expenses of the government. It is a manner of 4. Within the same jurisdiction;
apportioning the costs of the government among those who, in 5. During the same taxing period;
some measure, are privileged to enjoy its benefits and must bear 6. Covering the same kind or character of tax.
its burdens.
Double Taxation in broad sense is the opposite of direct double
INHERENT TO THE STATE: It is inherent in character because its taxation and is not legally objectionable. The absence of one or
exercise is guaranteed by the mere existence of the state. It could more of the foregoing requisites of obnoxious direct tax makes it
be exercised even in the absence of a constitutional grant. The indirect.
power to tax proceeds upon the theory that the existence of a
government is a necessity and this power is an essential and Constitutionality of double taxation: Double taxation in its
inherent attribute of sovereignty, belonging as a matter of right stricter sense is unconstitutional but that in the broader sense is
to every independent state or government. (Pepsi-Cola Bottling not necessarily so.
Co. of the Philippines vs. Municipality of Tanauan, Leyte, G.R. No.
L-31156, February 27, 1976) Our Constitution does not prohibit double taxation. However,
double taxation will not be allowed if it results in a violation of
A. PRINCIPLES OF A SOUND TAX SYSTEM (FAT) the equal protection clause.
1. Fiscal Adequacy – revenue raised must be sufficient to meet
government/public expenditures and other public needs. Modes of eliminating double taxation
(Chavez vs. Ongpin; GR No. 76778; June 6, 1990) 1. Tax Deduction – an amount subtracted from the gross
income to arrive at taxable income.
2. Administrative Feasibility – tax laws must be clear and
concise; capable of effective and efficient enforcement; 2. Tax Credit – an amount subtracted from a taxpayer’s tax
convenient as to time and manner of payment, must not liability (tax due) to arrive at the tax still due.
obstruct business growth and economic development.
A deduction differs from a tax credit, in that a deduction
The VAT law cannot be considered as violative of the reduces taxable income while a credit reduces tax liability.
Administrative Feasibility principle because it is principally
aimed to rationalize the system on taxes of goods and 3. Treaties with other states: a tax treaty sets out the
services. Thus, simplifying tax administration and making the respective rights to tax of the state of source (situs) and the
system more equitable to enable the country to attain state of residence with regard to certain cases, an exclusive
economic recovery. (Kapatiran ng Mga Naglilingkod sa right to tax is conferred on one of the contracting states;
Pamahalaan v. Tan; June 30, 1988) however, for other items of income or capital, both states
are given the right to tax, although the amount of tax that
3. Theoretical Justice – must take into consideration the may be imposed by the state of source is limited.
taxpayer’s ability to pay (Ability to Pay Theory). Art. VI, Sec.
28(1) of the 1987 Constitution mandates that the rule on It applies whenever the state of source is given full or limited
taxation must be uniform and equitable and that the State right to tax. The treaty makes it incumbent upon the state of
evolve a progressive system of taxation. residence to allow relief in order to avoid double taxation.

NOTE: Non-observance of Fiscal Adequacy and Administrative Note: The BIR issued RMO No. 1-2000, as amended by RMO
Feasibility will render the tax measure unsound but not No. 72-2010, requiring taxpayers to file for a Tax Treaty
unconstitutional. However, non-observance of the Principle of Relief Application on or before the transaction date before
Theoretical Justice is invalid because the Constitution itself availing of the provisions of a tax treaty. However, as held by
requires that taxation must be equitable. the Supreme Court, this administrative requirement cannot
defeat the right of any taxpayer entitled to the preferential
rates in the tax treaty.

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C. FORMS OF ESCAPE FROM TAXATION b. Implied – When particular persons, properties, or
1. Shifting – the burden of payment is transferred from the exercise are deemed exempt as they fall outside the
statutory taxpayer to another without violating the law (e.g., scope of the taxing provision itself.
VAT); c. Contractual – Are those agreed to by the taxing
2. Capitalization – the reduction in the price of the taxed authority in contract lawfully entered into by them
object equal to the capitalized value of future taxes the under enabling laws (e.g., fiscal incentives granted to
purchaser is expected to be called upon to pay. qualified and registered PEZA enterprises, which will be
3. Transformation – for manufacturers or producers, upon discussed further in Module 5).
whom tax are imposed, fearing the loss of his market if he
should add to the price, pays the tax and endeavor to recoup As to Basis:
himself by improving his process of production, thereby a. Constitutional Exemptions – Immunities from taxation
producing his units at a lower cost. which originate from the Constitution.
4. Tax Avoidance – exploitation by the taxpayer of legally b. Statutory Exemptions – those which emanate from
permissible alternative tax rates or methods of assessing legislation.
taxable property or income, in order to avoid or reduce tax
liability. Also known as “tax minimization.” (e.g. utilizing all As to Extent:
permissible allowable deductions) a. Total Exemption – connotes absolute immunity.
5. Tax Exemption – grant of immunity to particular persons or b. Partial Exemption – one where a collection of a part of
corporations of a particular class from a tax which persons the tax is dispensed with.
or corporations generally within the same rate or taxing
district are obliged to pay. Grounds for Tax Exemption
a. Contract – the grant of tax exemption is usually
Basic Principles Regarding Tax Exemption contained in the charter of the corporation to which the
a. Exemptions are highly disfavored by law and he who exemption is granted.
claims an exemption must be able to justify his claim by b. Public policy – to encourage new and necessary
the clearest grant of law. An exemption from the industries, or to foster charitable institutions.
common burden cannot be permitted to exist upon c. Reciprocity – to reduce the rigors of international
vague implication. (Asiatic Petroleum Co. v. Llanes, 49 double or multiple taxation, tax exemptions maybe
Phil. 466; see also House v. Posadas, 53 Phil. 338 and granted in treaties. A tax exemption is a personal
Collector of Int. Revenue v. Manila Jockey Club, Inc., G.R. privilege of the grantee and therefore not assignable; it
No. L-8755, March 24, 1956) is generally revocable by the government, unless
b. He who claims exemption should prove his factual and founded on contract and must not be discriminatory.
legal basis for exemption. (Commissioner of Internal
Revenue v. Acesite (Philippines) Hotel Corporation, G.R. 6. Tax Evasion – use of a taxpayer of illegal or fraudulent
No. 147295, February 16, 2007) means to defeat or lessen the payment of tax. Also known
c. Tax exemptions are strictly construed against the as “tax dodging,” it presupposes malice, fraud, bad faith, or
person claiming it. (Esso Standard Eastern, Inc. v. Acting willful intent on the part of the taxpayer either to under-
Commissioner of Customs, GR No. L-21841, October 28, declare income or over-declare deductions to defeat tax
1966) liability.
d. Constitutional grant of exemptions are self-executing.
e. In the same way that taxes are personal, tax exemptions Connotes the integration of 3 Factors:
are also personal. a. The end to be achieved, i.e. the payment of less than
f. Deductions from income tax purposes partake of the that known by the taxpayer to be legally due;
nature of tax exemptions, therefore should also be b. An accompanying state of mind which is described as
construed strictly against the taxpayer. (Commissioner being “evil”, in “bad faith”, “willful”, or “deliberate and
of Internal Revenue v. General Foods (Phils), Inc., GR No. not merely accidental”, and
143672, April 24, 2003) c. A course of action or failure of action which is unlawful.
g. Same treatments are given to tax refunds.
(Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Eastern 7. Compensation or Set-off: as a general rule, taxes cannot be
Telecommunications Phils., Inc., G.R. No. 163835, July 7, the subject of a set-off or compensation because of the
2010) lifeblood doctrine; they are not contractual obligations but
arise out of duty to the government; and the government
Kinds of Tax Exemption and the taxpayer are not mutually debtors and creditors of
As to Form: each other. (Francia v. IAC, G.R. No. L-67649, June 28, 1988)
a. Express – Expressly granted by the Constitution,
statutes, treaties, franchises or similar legislative acts. Taxes are of a distinct kind, essence and nature, and these

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impositions cannot be classed in merely the same category E. STAGES OF TAXATION
as ordinary obligations; the applicable laws and principles 1. Levy
governing each are peculiar, not necessarily common, to The determination by Congress of the subject and object of
each; and public policy is better subserved if the integrity taxation as well as the rate (Domondon, 9th ed, p. 29). It
and independence of taxes are maintained. (Republic v. refers to the enactment of tax laws or statutes (Dimaampao,
Mambulao Lumber Co.) 2011 ed, p. 14).

A person cannot refuse to pay tax on the basis that the Note: This is NOT the “Levy” under Sec. 207 of NIRC, which
government owes him an amount equal to or greater than refers to the remedy of the Government to collect taxes.
the tax being collected. The collection of a tax cannot await
the results of a lawsuit against the government. (Philex 2. Assessment and Collection
Mining Corp. v. Commissioner) Assessment is a notice to the effect that the amount therein
stated is due as tax and a demand for payment thereof.
8. Compromise and Abatement – these are powers granted to
the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to reduce tax Rules governing assessment and collection of taxes to
liabilities and/or penalties. (This will be discussed further in prevent its abuse
Module 6) a. The tax law must designate which agency will collect the
9. Tax Amnesty – refers to the articulation of the absolute b. The circulars or regulations issued by the Secretary of
waiver by a sovereign of its right to collect taxes and power Finance or the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue
to impose penalties on persons or entities guilty of violating must be in accordance with the tax measures imposed
a tax law. Tax amnesty aims to grant a general reprieve to by Congress
tax evaders who wish to come clean by giving them an
opportunity to straighten out their records. (Metropolitan Collection is the final stage and goal of tax administration.
Bank and Trust Co. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, G.R.
No. 178797, 4 August 2009) (This will be discussed further in 3. Payment
Module 6) The act of compliance by the taxpayer, including such
options, schemes or remedies as may be legally open or
Tax laws must be construed reasonably to carry out the purpose,
intent and the objective of the law. 4. Refund
The taxpayer asks for restitution of the money paid as tax
As a rule, if the tax law is clear and free of ambiguity, it will be which is either excessive or erroneous.
applied in its literal import. If there is doubt as to its validity or if
it is ambiguous, the law will be construed strictly against the F. SOURCES OF TAX LAWS
Government and liberally in favor of the taxpayer. 1. Constitution;
2. National Internal Revenue Code (Tax Code);
Tax Exemptions; deductions and refund: in case of ambiguity, 3. Tarff and Customs Code;
the law will be construed strictly against the taxpayer and 4. Local Government Code (Book II);
liberally in favor of the government, except: 5. Local Tax Ordinances;
1. Where the statute granting exemption expressly provides 6. Tax Treaties;
for a liberal interpretation; 7. Special Laws;
2. Special taxes relating to special cases and affecting only 8. Jurisprudence;
special classes of persons; 9. Revenue Rules and Regulations, and Administrative Rulings
3. Property held in private ownership;
4. Traditional exemptees, such as those in favor of religious II. TYPES OF TAXES
and charitable institutions;
5. In favor of the government, its political subdivisions or 1. Annual Registration Fee (ARF) in the amount of ₱500.00 is
instruments; and paid by business taxpayers for every head office and/or
6. By clear legislative intent. branch upon registration and every year thereafter on or
before January 31.
Tax exemptions are never presumed. It must be established and
proved by the taxpayer; must be limited to what the law says; 2. Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is a tax imposed on the gains
and personal to the person entitled to the same. presumed to have been realized by the seller from the sale,
exchange, or other disposition of capital assets (i.e., real
property and shares of stocks of a domestic corporation)

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located in the Philippines, including pacto de retro sales and income and is not creditable against the income tax due
other forms of conditional sale. of the payee on other income subject to regular tax
rates for the taxable year. The tax withheld constitutes
3. Documentary Stamp Tax (DST) is a tax on documents, the full and final payment of the Income Tax due from
instruments, loan agreements and papers evidencing the the payee on the particular income subjected to final
acceptance, assignment, sale or transfer of an obligation, withholding tax.
rights, or property incident thereto.
4. Donor's Tax is a tax on a donation or gift, and is imposed on
the gratuitous transfer of property between two or more Who are required to register with the Bureau of Internal
persons who are living at the time of the transfer. Revenue (BIR)?
Every person subject to any national internal revenue tax such
5. Estate Tax is a tax on the right of the deceased person to as: IT, estate and donor’s taxes, VAT, percentage tax, withholding
transmit his/her estate to his/her lawful heirs and tax, excise tax, and DST, including its branches (for purposes of
beneficiaries at the time of death and on certain transfers securing branch code); also includes persons subject to taxes
which are made by law as equivalent to testamentary under One Time Transactions (ONETT) such as but not limited to
disposition. CGT, Donor’s Tax and Estate Tax is required to register with the
BIR and secure a Taxpayer Identification Number.
6. Excise Tax is a tax on the production, sale or consumption of
a commodity in a country. It applies to goods manufactured A. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
or produced in the Philippines for domestic sale or TIN pertain to the system-generated reference index number
consumption or for any other disposition; and to imported issued and assigned by the BIR to each and every person
goods. registered in its database.

7. Income Tax (IT) is a tax on all yearly profits arising from The TIN comprises of a 9 to 13 digit numeric code where the first
property, profession, trades or offices or as a tax on a 9 digits is the TIN proper and the last 4 digits is the branch code.
person’s income, emoluments, profits and the like.
Sample TIN:
8. Percentage Tax is a business tax imposed on persons or 0 1 2 - 3 4 5 - 6 7 8 - 0 0 0 9
entities who sell or lease goods, properties or services in the TIN proper Branch Code
course of trade or business whose gross annual sales or
receipts do not exceed ₱3,000,000.00 and are not VAT- General Rules in the Application and Issuance of TIN
registered. 1. The TIN, once assigned to a particular taxpayer, is non-
transferable and there shall be no instance where two or
9. Value-Added Tax (VAT) is a business tax imposed and several taxpayers are holders of the same TIN;
collected from the seller in the course of trade or business 2. Only one TIN shall be assigned to the taxpayer, regardless of
on every sale of properties (real or personal) lease of goods variety of transactions e.g. employee who is at the same
or properties (real or personal) or vendors of services. It is time engaged in business. Once assigned with a TIN, a
an indirect tax, thus, it can be passed on to the buyer. taxpayer is precluded from applying for another TIN. Any
person who shall secure more than one TIN shall be subject
10. Withholding Tax is the amount withheld by a withholding to the criminal liability and a penalty of ₱1,000.00 for every
agent representing the tax on the income payment. TIN acquired in excess of one;
Withholding tax may either be creditable or final. 3. The Estate of a deceased person or a Trust under an
irrevocable trust agreement shall be issued a TIN separate
a. Creditable Withholding Tax and distinct from the TIN of the deceased person and/or
i. Withholding Tax on Compensation (WTC) is the tax trustee;
withheld from individuals receiving compensation 4. Minors who are earning and/or who are under the
income. circumstances prescribed under Executive Order (EO) No.
ii. Expanded Withholding Tax (EWT) is a kind of 98, series of 1998 shall be supplied with TIN;
withholding tax which is prescribed only for certain
payors and is creditable against the income tax due Pursuant to EO 98, series of 1998, persons whether natural
of the payee for the taxable quarter/year in which or juridical, dealing with all government agencies and
the particular income was earned. instrumentalities, including Government- Owned and/or
Controlled Corporations (GOCCs), and all Local Government
b. Final Withholding Tax (FWT) is a kind of withholding tax Units (LGUs), are required to incorporate their TIN in all
which is prescribed only for certain payors and types of forms, permits, licenses, clearances, official papers and

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documents which they secure from these government Agencies and Instrumentalities, LGUs, Cooperatives and
agencies, instrumentalities, including GOCCs and LGUs. Associations
When to On or before the commencement of
5. Non-Resident Aliens Not Engaged in Trade or Business Register business which shall be reckoned from
(NRANETB) or Non- Resident Foreign Corporations (NRFC) the day when the first sale transaction
shall be issued TINs for purposes of withholding taxes on occurred or within thirty (30) calendar
their income from sources within the Philippines. The days from the issuance of Mayor’s
withholding agent shall apply for the TIN in behalf of the Permit by LGU, or Securities and
NRANETB or NRFC prior to or at the time of the filing of their Exchange Commission’s Certificate of
monthly withholding tax return as applicant under EO 98, Registration, or the date of its first sales
series of 1998; transaction prior to its registration.
6. Branches of identified Large Taxpayer shall be registered at
the Large Taxpayers Service (LTS) where the Head Office is Where to RDO having jurisdiction over the place
registered; Register where the Head Office is located.
7. All incorporators of corporations/associations (stock and
non-stock), partners of partnerships and members of Fee ₱500 Annual Registration Fee and ₱30
cooperatives must have TINs. loose stamp/DST
BIR Form and 1903*
B. Registration Requirements Requirements
1. Self-Employed (Single Proprietor/Professional), Mixed
Income Individuals, Non-Resident Alien Engaged in Trade 4. One-Time Taxpayer and Persons Registering under E.O. 98
or Business, Estate and Trust (Securing a TIN to be able to transact with any Government
When to On or before the commencement of Office)
Register business which shall be reckoned from When to Before payment of any tax due/before
the day when the first sale transaction Register filing of return or before the issuance of
occurred or within thirty (30) calendar TIN under E.O.98.
days from the issuance of Mayor’s
Permit/Professional Tax Receipt by the Parties to ONETT transactions who, at
local government unit (LGU), OR before the time of their transaction, have not
payment of any tax due or before filing yet been issued a TIN shall apply for
a return. issuance thereof at the time of payment
of the tax due.
Where to Revenue District Office (RDO) having
Register jurisdiction over the place of business Where to Under E.O. 98 – Any RDO provided the
(or residence, as applicable). Register RDO shall use eREG System to generate
the TIN; or at the RDO having
Fee ₱500 Annual Registration Fee and ₱30 jurisdiction over the residence address
loose stamp/DST of the applicant.
BIR Form and 1901*
Requirements Non-resident applicants – Office of the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue
2. Individuals Earning Purely Compensation Income (Local through RDO No. 39, South Quezon City
and Alien Employee)
When to Within ten (10) days from the date of Donation – RDO having jurisdiction over
Register employment. the residence of the donor;

Where to Online through the Employer using the Sale of Real Property – RDO where the
Register BIR eRegistration (eREG) System or RDO real property is located ;
having jurisdiction over the place of
office of the principal employer. Sale of Shares of Stocks – RDO having
jurisdiction over the address of the
Fee None seller for shares of stock not traded in
BIR Form and 1902 the Stock Exchange.
Requirements Fee None
BIR Form and 1904
3. Corporations, Partnerships, including Government Requirements

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*Prior to 09 June 2020, the submission of a Mayor’s Permit (or 1. Manual Books of Accounts
duly received Application for Mayor’s Business Permit, if the New Business – books must be registered before the
former is still in process with the LGU) prior to registration for deadline for filing of the first quarterly income tax
business taxpayers is mandatory. As part of the efforts to return or the annual income tax return, whichever is
streamline the requirements pursuant to the Ease of Doing earlier.
Business and Efficient Government Delivery Act of 2018, the BIR Existing Business – shall only be at the time when the
dispensed with the Mayor’s Permit as one of the mandatory pages of the previously registered books have been
requirements for BIR registration. (RMC No. 57-2020) already exhausted.

Issuance of Certificate of Registration (COR) (BIR Form 2303) 2. Loose leaf Books of Accounts
The COR shall only be issued to individuals engaged in Shall be permanently bound and presented for
business or practice of profession and to juridical persons registration to the RDO on or before the 15th day of each
(whether taxable or exempt) (Business taxpayers). taxable year.
Employees, ONETT taxpayers, and/or persons who have
secured a TIN under EO 98, series of 1998 with the BIR shall 3. Computerized Books of Accounts
not be issued a COR. The taxpayer must apply for authority to use
Computerized Accounting System (CAS) before the
Business taxpayers shall register each type of internal revenue system is used.
tax for which he/it is obligated to file a return or pay taxes due Computerized books of accounts and other accounting
thereon. Generally, registration of tax types by a business entity records in electronic format shall be submitted to the
consists of but not limited to the following internal revenue RDO within 30 days from the close of each taxable year.
IT; Examination of Books of Accounts: Corporations, companies,
VAT and/or percentage tax; partnerships, or persons whose gross annual sales, earnings,
WTC, EWT, FWT; receipts, or output exceed Three Million Pesos (₱3,000,000.00)
DST; shall have their books of accounts audited and examined yearly
Excise tax; and by independent Certified Public Accountants.
Retention Period: All taxpayers are required to preserve their
Business taxpayers and those required to issue receipts, shall books of accounts, including subsidiary books and other
submit the following requirements to complete their accounting records, for a period of ten (10) years reckoned from
registration: the day following the deadline in filing a return, or if filed after
1. Application for Authority to Print Receipts / Invoices; the deadline, from the date of filing if the return for the taxable
2. Registration of Manual Books of Accounts; or year when the least entry was made in the books of accounts.
3. Application for Permit to use Computerized Accounting (RMC 29-2019)
System (CAS) or components thereof, if applicable;
4. Application for Permit to use Loose Leaf Accounting Records, B. Official Receipts, Sales Invoices and Commercial Invoices
if applicable; 1. All persons, whether private or government who are
5. Application for Permit to Use CRM/POS Machines, and the engaged in business shall secure from the BIR an Authority
like, if applicable; to Print (ATP) principal and supplementary invoices. All
6. Permit to Operate for taxpayers engaged in activities/ persons subject to an internal revenue tax shall, at the point
transactions involving products subject to excise taxes. of each sale and transfer of merchandise or for services
rendered valued at One hundred pesos (₱100.00) or more,
As a general rule, it shall be mandatory for the BIR district office issue duly registered receipts or sales or commercial
to process and issue simultaneously the Certificate of invoices, showing the date of transaction, quantity, unit cost
Registration (COR), ATP and register the books of accounts of and description of merchandise or nature of service:
business taxpayers immediately after registration and upon Provided, however, That where the receipt is issued to cover
complete submission of the requirements. payment made as rentals, commissions, compensations,
fees, receipts or invoices shall be issued which shall show the
IV. OTHER COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS name, business style, if any, and address of the purchaser,
customer or client: Provided, further, That where the
A. Books of Accounts purchaser is a VAT-registered person, in addition to the
All corporations, companies, partnerships or persons required by information herein required, the invoice or receipt shall
law to pay internal revenue taxes shall keep and use relevant and further show the TIN of the purchaser.
appropriate set of bookkeeping records. Taxpayers may maintain
its books of accounts in any of the following manner: 2. The approved ATP shall be valid only upon full usage of the

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inclusive serial numbers of principal and supplementary previously supplied, including cancellation or change in any
receipts/invoices reflected in such ATP OR five (5) years from tax types.
issuance of the same, whichever comes first. (RMO 13-2013)
3. Use of cash register or point of sale machines (CRM/POS),
whether for issuance of receipts or safekeeping, must be For purposes of determining the proper tax type (i.e., whether
authorized by the RDO where the business is located. VAT or other percentage taxes) based on the nature of the
Original copy of the Permit to Use must be posted on the business activity of the taxpayer, the following rules shall apply:
machine. (RR No. 11-2004)
1. VAT Registration, in General
4. Notice to Issue Receipts/Invoices (NIRI) (previously, Ask for Any person who, in the course of trade or business, sells,
Receipts) shall be posted at a conspicuous places at the barters, exchanges goods or properties, or engages in the
taxpayer’s place of business. sale of services subject to VAT imposed in Sections 106 and
108 of the Tax Code, as amended, shall register the VAT tax
type with the BIR district office having jurisdiction over the
head office.

2. Mandatory VAT Registration

Any person who, in the course of trade or business, sells,
barters or exchanges goods or properties or engages in the
sale or exchange of services shall be liable to register the VAT
tax type if:
i. His gross sales or receipts for the past twelve (12)
months, other than those that are exempt under
Section 109 (1) (A) to (U) of the Code, as amended, have
exceeded Three Million Pesos (₱3,000,000.00); or
ii. There are reasonable grounds to believe that his gross
sales or receipts for the next twelve (12) months, other
C. Registration Updates than those that are exempt under Section 109 (1) (A) to
Any person registered as a taxpayer shall, whenever applicable, (U) of the Code, as amended, will exceed Three Million
update his registration information with the BIR district office Pesos (₱3,000,000.00).
where he is registered using BIR Form 1905. The instances when
a taxpayer must update his registration information include (but Every person who becomes liable to VAT shall register with
are not limited to) the following: the BIR district office which has jurisdiction over his HO. If he
1. A change in the nature of the business from sale of taxable fails to register, he shall be liable to pay the output tax under
goods and/or services to being VAT-exempt in accordance Sections 106 and/or 108 of the Tax Code, as amended, as if
with Section 109 (1) of the Tax Code, as amended; he were a VAT-registered person, but without the benefit of
2. A person whose transactions are exempt from VAT but input tax credits for the period in which he was not properly
voluntarily registered under the VAT system, and after the registered.
lapse of three (3) years after his registration applies for
cancellation of his VAT registration. However, the optional Moreover, franchise grantees of radio and television
registration as a VAT taxpayer of a franchise grantee of radio broadcasting, whose gross annual receipt for the preceding
and/or television broadcasting whose gross receipts for the calendar year exceeded ₱10,000,000.00, shall register as
preceding year did not exceed ₱10,000,000.00 shall be VAT taxpayer within thirty (30) days from the end of the
irrevocable; taxable year.
3. A VAT-registered person whose gross sales or receipts for
three (3) consecutive years did not exceed the amount of 3. Non-VAT Registration
Three Million Pesos (₱3,000,000.00). Upon updating his The following are not required to register VAT as a tax type:
registration, the taxpayer shall become liable to the i. Those persons subject to other percentage taxes under
percentage tax imposed in Section 116 of the Code, as Title V of the Tax Code, as amended;
amended. A short period return for the remaining period ii. Those whose transactions are VAT-exempt as
that he was VAT-registered shall be filed within twenty five enumerated under Section 109 of the Tax Code, as
(25) days from the date of cancellation of his VAT amended.
registration as a tax type and at the same time register for iii. Marginal Income earners or those individual whose
percentage tax as his new tax type; and business do not realize gross sales or receipts exceeding
4. Any other changes/updates in registration information ₱100,000 in any 12-month period.

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4. Optional Registration of Value-Added Tax for VAT- Exempt
i. Any person who is VAT-exempt under Section 109 (1)
(V) of the Tax Code, as amended, i.e., sale or lease of
goods or properties or the performance of services
other than the transactions mentioned in Section 109
(1) (A) to (U) of the Code, as amended, the gross annual
sales and/or receipts do not exceed the amount of
Three Million Pesos (₱3,000,000.00) not otherwise
required to register for VAT may elect to be VAT-
registered by registering with the BIR district office that
has jurisdiction over the HO of that person.
ii. Any person who is VAT-registered but enters into
transactions which are exempt from VAT (mixed
transactions) may opt that the VAT apply to his
transactions which would have been exempt under
Section 109 (1) of the Tax Code, as amended.
iii. Franchise grantees of radio and/or television
broadcasting whose annual gross receipts of the
preceding year do not exceed Ten Million Pesos
(₱10,000,000.00) derived from the business covered by
the law granting the franchise may opt for VAT
registration. This option, once exercised, shall be

Any person who elects to register under (i) and (ii) above
above shall not be allowed to cancel his VAT registration for
the next three (3) years.


Refer to Annex “A” of RMO No. 7-2015 for the Revised

Consolidated Schedule of Compromise Penalties for Violations of
the Tax Code.

MA5125: Strategic Tax Management

Module 1: Taxpayers and Tax Compliance Requirements
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