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Name: Caoile, Daniella M.

Date: 11/13/22
Section: BPED-2A Score:
1. What kind of intervention will you make as a sports consultant with
Donald’s relationship with his father?
 Donald's case appears personal, given that familial relationships
are involved. There is still hope for this study to be addressed,
and in my role as Donald's sports consultant, I prefer to implement
what is known as the FTI, or Family Talk Intervention. The
intervention involves a series of meetings between the
practitioner and the parents, the practitioner and the children,
and the practitioner and the family. This intervention aspires to
develop and strengthen child and family well-being.
Miscommunications between Donald and his father will lessen this
way, and counseling should be conducted calmly. My goal as his
sports counselor is to build a solid bond between the two family
members because his performance would suffer as a result.
Athletes must be physically, mentally, and emotionally firm to
pursue their goals without discomfort.

2. What drills, activities, and mental exercises will you suggest to Donald as a
coach to help him deal with stress and be able to perform well under
 I advise walking because it's simple to accomplish and doesn't
require any particular skills or tools. Numerous stress-related
illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes, can be prevented by frequent
walking. People with regular walking regimens also report lower
levels of stress and a sense of self-confidence from actively
participating in their health. “Walking releases tension from the
major muscle groups deepens the breathing, and quiets the
nervous system,” Migdow says. “It also gets us out into nature,
which is relaxing.” The benefits of walking for reducing stress are
not dependent on how quickly you walk. According to studies,
even taking a casual walk can help you unwind. By doing it
regularly, Donald can perform well under pressure. Aim for two
weekly 10-minute walks so that he can cope psychologically.
3. As a teammate of Donald, will you do the same thing as Ray’s?
 Yes, helping a friend is a choice, and as Donald's friend, I
deliberately lend a hand when he needs it because doing so has
advantages for me as well, such as spreading good vibes that can
influence peers and strengthen our friendships. A lasting
relationship can be forged by positively impacting your friend's
life. Friendship is among our most important relationships, and
maintaining them is essential for our mental health. Even during
discomforts and arguments, we love and care for our friends. But
friendship involves more than just laughing and enjoying oneself;
it also consists in making an effort to be a great friend.

4. As a reader, what do you think are the reasons why does Donald’s father
allows his bad behavior to continue while putting pressure on his son?
 Claiming that Mr. Anderson has a severe objection to Donald's
sports preferences. Based on the case study, Donald's father
overburdens his son by failing to show him compassion or support
when he is having a hard time. Instead, Mr. Anderson contributes
to Donald's stress. Donald may be ashamed of what he has and
wants in life because Mr. Anderson underestimates his potential
from his decisions, which would be terrible for Donald. I sense
one-sidedness on the part of Donald since Mr. Anderson wouldn't
give him a chance to hear his son's side. As I mentioned in item
one, the father-son relationship must be shaped by heart-to-heart
conversations, which is why FTI or the Family Talk Intervention
should be handled.
5. As Donald and as a player, what will be your reflection and action based on
your discussions on the above questions?

 I'll keep doing what I'm doing because I believe in my capabilities

as a player, a friend, and a son. Nothing will happen if I put my
pride first, so I'll talk to my father and explain why I felt
compelled to be who I am today. I'll make him proud of me for
being independent despite his flaws, but I can't hold it against him
because I know he only wants the best for me. I can assure him
that my competitiveness will undoubtedly help me achieve success
and happiness. Everything will take place as soon as I regain his
affection. Everyone wanted their families to support them; if I had
that, it would be the best thing I could have in life. My family's
support would spur me to pursue my goals and give back to the
sports community.

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