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Haitham Elzahaby 20226367 Case-Study 3 - DR.

Salwa Thabet

Based on the information given, what issues did Congemi and his employee development group consider that would
be part of a needs assessment and readiness for training
They identified the most important skills to protect workers in the company and setting out to develop a culture of learning with
training programs that would enable workers to be safe as well as skilled at their jobs

What training methods are described in this case? Would you recommend Mas Tec use other training methods
besides these for its line workers? Why or why not
Training methods classified to 3 objectives First: Develop a curriculum for employee orientation.
Second: Implement a learning management system (LMS) It is an accurate way to keep track participating in training program, gives
the employees information about training requirements. the company offers English- and Spanish-language videos for workers
(diversity) using the skills in the field. Training materials available online, so the company no longer requires a trainer on-site every
time an employee needs to learn a skill.
Third: Start an apprenticeship program for line workers: Apprenticeship program links training to promotions and pay increases.
Line workers who complete the program earn certificates from company and the U.S. Department of Labor, Apprenticeship combines
on-the-job training with videos and instructor-led classroom training and supervisors must validate that employees are applying their
lessons on the job.
My recommendation company may use OTJ, Teamwork group Communities of practice and to help employees work together and
ask for advice from experienced or elder.
Business Games and Case Studies: analysis a situation that’s happened in company and discuss it as a cases study.

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