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Name : Markus Yoga Pradana 

NIM : 215040200111171 
Issue: The conversion of agricultural land is increasing every year 
Opinion: I agree that this issue is really happening and at this time there has not been 
found the right strategy to overcome this issue. 
Paragraph (Internal factors) 

1. The increasing number of residents every year which causes an increase in the need for 
land for settlements and the limited vacant land for settlements, thus making agricultural 
land used as settlements 
2. Farmers' incomes tend to be low and cannot meet their daily needs, thus urging farmers 
to sell agricultural land 
3. Reduced interest of the younger generation in agriculture 
4. High Cost of Agricultural Operations 
1. According to Tulenan (2014), the increase in population resulted in a reduction in  the
area of agricultural land due to the conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural 
areas in the southern Minahasa district. 
2. According to Pewista & Harini (2013), farmers who carry out land conversion feel that 
the income obtained from agriculture is less able to meet the needs of their families, so 
that the conversion of agricultural land can occur when the population is in a state of 
urgency. In an urgent situation, selling agricultural land is a solution to meet their daily 
3. The younger generation is not interested in managing agricultural land even though their 
parents own agricultural land (Ayu & Heriawanto, 2018). 
4. According to Arsini & Surata (2020), the increase in the price of fertilizers,  agricultural
seeds, irrigation costs, to the rent of farmers' labor has made rice owners  consider selling
their fields or converting land functions into buildings or places for  entrepreneurs. 

Paragraph (External factors) 


1. Lack of strong government policies to address the conversion of agricultural land
2. There is still a lack of assistance and incentives for farmers from the government
3. The dynamics of urban growth
1. According to Ikhwanto (2019), the policy for controlling the conversion of agricultural 
land to food should not only rely on a juridical approach, but should also be supported
by  an economic and social approach. 
2. Lack of incentives from the government makes farmers change the function
of agricultural land. Incentives in the form of agricultural infrastructure development, 
research funding, development of superior varieties seeds, access to information, 
provision of production facilities, and guarantees for the issuance of land certificates
have  not been received by the community. 
3. According to Ridwan & Setiadi (2016), the conversion of agricultural land functions can
be caused  by the dynamics of urban growth (physical and spatial), demographics and

Paragraph (Conclusion) 

Solutions offered for the issues above 

1. Capacity building of human resources in the agricultural sector 
2. Strengthening policies in the agricultural sector, especially regarding land conversion
3. Increasing agricultural extension in various villages 
4. There is subsidized assistance from the government to support agricultural activities
“The conversion of agricultural land is increasing every year”
Indonesia is an agricultural country with fairly large agricultural land. However, in recent
years, the percentage of Indonesia's agricultural land area has been decreasing, this is indicated
by some areas that used to be rice barns which have now become industrial or residential areas.
The issue of the conversion of agricultural land is not an easy issue but a problem that must be
resolved immediately. Therefore, the author strongly agrees on the issue that land conversion is
increasing every year. The change in land use that increases every year can also make Indonesia
on the verge of a food crisis and disrupt economic stability. There are two factors that cause the
conversion of agricultural land in Indonesia, namely internal factors and external factors. Internal
factors that cause land use change include an increase in population, low farmer income, reduced
interest of the younger generation in agriculture and high agricultural operating costs. The
increasing number of residents every year and the scarcity of vacant land causes agricultural land
to be used as a place of settlement. According to Tulenan  (2014), the increase in population
resulted in a decrease in the area of agricultural land due to the conversion of agricultural land to
non-agricultural uses. Currently, the conversion of agricultural land is happening dynamically
and in line with the increasing population. Apart from population growth, farmer's income which
tends to be low is also an internal factor that causes the conversion of agricultural land to occur.
According to Pewista & Harini (2013), farmers who carry out land conversion feel that the
income obtained from agriculture is less able to meet the needs of their families, so if the
situation is urgent, selling agricultural land is a solution to meet their daily needs. The reduced
interest of the younger generation in agriculture and the high cost of agricultural operations are
also factors that cause land conversion, where currently the younger generation tends to choose
professions in industry and services rather than working as farmers. Based on research conducted
by Ayu & Heriawanto (2018), many young people are not interested in managing agricultural
land even though their parents own agricultural land, therefore parents who are not able to
manage agricultural land prefer to sell their agricultural land and invest in other fields. Besides,
high operating costs in managing agricultural land are also a supporting factor why many farmers
stop managing their land. The increase in the price of fertilizer, seeds and irrigation costs makes
farmers prefer to sell their land or use the land as a building for their business (Arsini & Surata,
The second factor influencing the conversion of agricultural land is external factors which
include government policies, incentives from the government which are still lacking and the
dynamics of urban growth. The lack of strong government policies in overcoming the conversion
of agricultural land has made the percentage of land conversion higher. Currently, the
government is only carrying out a policy by prohibiting the transfer of agricultural land and only
relying on a juridical approach without being supported by a social and economic approach
(Ikhwanto, 2019). This makes some people not care about the policies carried out by the
government and continue to change the function of agricultural land. The lack of intensive
provision and assistance for farmers from the government is a supporting factor in increasing the
conversion of agricultural land in Indonesia, where currently the development of agricultural
infrastructure, development of superior seeds, provision of production facilities and assistance of
agricultural equipment, have not been received significantly by farmers. Another influential
external factor is the dynamics of urban growth, where every year urban growth will continue to
increase so that it affects the area around the city. According to Ridwan & Setiadi (2016), the
conversion of agricultural land can be caused by the dynamics of urban growth (physical &
spatial), demographic and economic. The dynamics of urban growth that occur physically and
spatially have a significant influence on land use. The greater the rate of physical and spatial
development in urban areas will result in a higher rate of shrinkage of paddy fields. The
dynamics of urban growth will also bring people to transform economically, namely from
agriculture to industry and demographically, namely from rural to urban areas.
The problem regarding the conversion of agricultural land which is increasing every year is
a problem caused by economic and social developments. The problem of land conversion can be
overcome by making several solutions that have great added value and can be useful for farmers.
The first solution that can be done is to improve the quality of human resources in the
agricultural sector, such as growing young agricultural entrepreneurs and optimizing agricultural
machinery training. The second solution is to strengthen policies in the agricultural sector,
particularly related to land use change, such as strengthening the law regarding violations of
illegal land conversion and strengthening the social approach system to farmers. Then the third
solution is to increase outreach in various villages which can be done by agricultural
organizations that have experience in carrying out social approaches to farmers, so that farmers
do not intend to sell their agricultural land. The last solution is to increase subsidies from the
government to farmers so that the costs of agricultural activities are not too expensive and
farmers can continue their agricultural business.
Asrini, N. L. B., & Surata, I. G. (2020). Akibat Hukum Dari Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian
Pangan Berkelanjutan Terhadap Penguasaan Dan Pemilikan Tanah Pertanian Di
Kecamatan Buleleng, Kabupaten Buleleng. Kertha Widya Jurnal Fakultas Hukum
UNPAS, 8(1), 1–20.
Ayu, I. K., & Heriawanto, B. K. (2018). Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Lahan Pertanian Akibat
Terjadinya Alih Fungsi Lahan di Indonesia. JU-ke (Jurnal Ketahanan Pangan), 2(2),
Tulenan, Y. F. A. (2014). Perkembangan Jumlah Penduduk dan Luas Lahan Pertanian di
Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan. Cocos, 4(1), 1–14.
Pewista, I., & Harini, R. (2013). Faktor dan pengaruh alih fungsi lahan pertanian terhadap
kondisi sosial ekonomi penduduk di kabupaten bantul. kasus daerah perkotaan, pinggiran
dan pedesaan Tahun 2001-2010. Jurnal Bumi Indonesia, 2(2).
Ikhwanto, A. (2019). Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian menjadi lahan non pertanian. Jurnal Hukum
dan Kenotariatan, 3(1), 60-73.
Ridwan, M., & Setiadi, A. D. (2016). Interaksi Aktor dalam Pengendalian Lahan Pertanian di
Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2012-2013 (Doctoral dissertation, Riau University).

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