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IRRI 1990-1991 Acontinuing adventure in rice research vs . . - ~ ] > Pa ) AY ei mae / i! t 7 moe Gai Cd The IRRI mandate ‘he Intemational Rice Reseorcn Institite—IRRI—is an futonomous, nonprofit agricultural research and training center. it was established in 1960 to help increase total food production trom rice based farming systems in developing counties, particulary in Asia. Ms purpose is to establish, maintain, and operate an international nce research institute designed fo purve ‘ny and/or all of the folowing abjectvos: 41, To conduct research on tne rice plat. on all phases fof fice production, management. distribution and tization wth a view of attaining nutritive and ‘economic advantage or benefit for the people af ‘Asia and other major nice-growing aces of the word Ahrough Improvernen in quality and quantity of row: 2. To puRhsh and disseminate research fncings anc reoornmendations of the Institue: 3. To distribute improved plant materials to national, regjons! 3nd intemationsl research canters whore they might be of signiicant value of USE in Oreecing 9F improvement pagans 4. To devoion and educate promising youre scientists from Asia and other major rice rowing areas of the ‘world slong Bes connected with oF relating to rie broduction, distribution and utilization, through resident and jot training programs under the uldence af welttrained ang Histingtsned Scientists: 5. To establish, maintain, and operate an information enter ant ibtary which wil oxide, among others, for interested scientists and scholars everynhere & collection ofthe world's literature on nce: 6. To estavesh, maintain, and operate a tice genetics fesoureas laboratory wbich wil make svailebe to scientists end institutions all over the word a global ‘collection at rice germplasm; 7. To organize oF hold periodic conferences, torus, and seminars, whether international, regional, Nations! or atherwise, for the pumose of discussing ‘current problems. and for developing research sralegas for elevating end stabilizing re yields under ditlerent ertwiorrients. A continuing adventure in rice research 2 Ditectar general 8 TRE research 160-1990 10, Research programs 17 Deputy director general 19 Irrigated rive ecosystem 21 Rained lowland rice ecosystem 31 Upland rice ecusystem 36 Deepwater and tial wetlands nceecosystem 7 Cross-sonsystems research 42 International programs 49 Deputy dizector general 50 Germplasm conservation and dissemination 52 Information and knowledge exchange 55 Networks 58 Training 64 Country and regional projects 66 Financeand administration 71 Deputy director general 72 1990 financial statements 75 RRI teustews 1990 85. RRL intereatbonal stat! 1990 86 strut one coves. patna ped owrstear, Mew trtechnolngy tack anaes BR ‘Siertats Lo eveiop ese roe plans rom potagaath or naked cabs ef topic ica ice. Ths treaktvCugh slows sok to Introduce resatance pones—om plant Wut re Nat Posed 10 feito fam varieties

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