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Name: Rehan Ahmed

Year: 2nd
Batch: 2020
Roll No: ME-20060

Section: B

Department: Mechanical

Department of Mechanical Engineering

NED University of Engineering & Technology,

Karachi – 75270, Pakistan

Areas of Communication

Mass Communication

Public Communication

Organizational Communication

Small-Group Communication

Interpersonal Communication

Intrapersonal Communication

1. Interpersonal Communication:
Interpersonal refers to communication with your own, majorly thinking and analyzing. It
helps in rectifying your own mistakes as well as enhances problem-solving abilities.

Example: Silently reviewing for a test

2. Intrapersonal Communication:
Deals with communication b/w two persons, majorly discovering and relating. Builds up
one-to-one communication capabilities and helps in improving conflict resolution abilities.

Example: Speaking on the phone with an Uber driver.

3. Small group Communication:

Communication within a small group of persons, majorly sharing information and
generating ideas. Increases leadership qualities.

Example: Group leader discussing Final year project (FYP) with members.

4. Organizational Communication:
Refers to communication within a formal organization. Improves efficiency of upward,
downward, and horizontal/lateral communication, raises morale, and increases the rate of

Example: Presentation about a project in Industry.

5. Public Communication:
Communication of speaker to the audience, majorly informing, persuading, and
entertaining. Generates persuasive ability and increases the efficiency of the delivery of the

Example: MNA addressing to the public of his area.

6. Mass Communication:
Addressing an extremely large audience, mediated by audio/video means, increases the
ability to use media to a greater extent.

Example: Talk shows and billboards advertising.

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