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Jerish E.

Chavez BSIT 1-1CA

1. What was the speaker’s project/idea?

The subject is Brilliant and Bored. How to Space Out: A Lost Art

2. How did the speaker come up with the idea?

Her ideas are inspired by a variety of people who heavily rely on their mobile phones in daily life
and believe it is unhealthy for them to continue.

3. Was her project informative? List down all the information you learned from her TED talk.
Yes. Because you have more time to think about the important things rather than just yourself
when you complete the challenge, it can help make your day more productive and creative.
Additionally, you can alter your way of life by engaging in activities that inspire confidence and
ambition in you.

4. How frequently do you use your phone? Can you see yourself doing the speaker’s challenge?
I spent the entire day using it to browse social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, listen to
music, watch videos, work on projects or my homework, and read some stories on my phone. I
don't think I could complete her challenge because I always have updates from different
websites that I want to read, announcements from various organizations, or group projects that
I need to finish right away.

5. What are the possible implications of multitasking? Do we finish more, or do we complete fewer
tasks than focusing on one (1) task at a time?
Multitasking is a term used to describe when people do more than one thing at the same time.
Some people are able to do this with ease, while others struggle with it and have difficulty
focusing on just one task. There are many different implications of multitasking, but some of the
most important implications are decreased productivity and increased stress levels. Multitasking
can also cause physical harm as well as mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and
substance abuse.

6. According to the search engineer at Google, why is the technology built to trigger social media
users an itchy feeling if they are not with their phones?
There are countless places to focus your attention, but because of Facebook, Snapchat, and
other social media, there is a battle for it. They must be utilized. For instance, when you want to
go out but end up spending the entire day on your phone because it is a hot topic online.

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