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V o l u m e 9  Numbers 3 & 4  2008

knowledge - conservation - sustainability

Journal of Life on Earth

To contribute to the This is a very special issue of Biodiversity journal focused on the topic of the effectiveness of present or
understanding, protection proposed protected areas to preserve biodiversity in the face of climate change.
and restoration of Scientists, conservationists, politicians, policy-makers and many others who work with, or have any re-
the diversity of living things sponsibility for, the incredible diversity of living organisms on this planet are becoming more and more
concerned about the potential effects of climate change on all species, particularly those at risk. Protected
areas were thought to be one of the best tools we had for species protection. However, in response to
climate change, species are now starting to adjust their distribution patterns, many poleward and often
towards higher altitudes. This raises many questions and concerns related to the future role and effective-
ness of protected areas, such as parks and nature preserves. Protected areas will be affected by climate
change at least as much as other lands and waters in their natural regions. The impacts may indeed be
greater, since there are fewer mitigation and adaptation options than for lands and waters that are actively
manipulated. Those responsible for our protected areas will need to adapt their management practices to
help maintain biodiversity and natural processes, and provide assistance through the transition process.
The editorials and articles in this special issue were prepared by specialists from around the globe work-
ing for some of the most important organizations humanity has been able to assemble. They have put a
great deal of thought and effort into grappling with these questions. Their work in this issue focuses on 3
vital topics:
- Effects of climate change to date on biodiversity.
- Modeling predictions of future impacts of climate change on biodiversity and their potential role in pro-
tected areas decision-making.
- Challenges and requirements for future effective response.
These aspects will be critical in any future management responses to climate change impacts on biodi-
In the preparation and release of this special issue, the Board of Editors would particularly like to acknowl-
edge the co-operation of our partners, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the
United Nations Environment Programme - World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and the
Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
The Board of Editors is pleased to be able to release this special issue at the World Conservation Con-
gress in Barcelona, Spain, October 2008.

NOTE: The electronic edition of this issue is available for purchase and download from the Biodiversity
Click on the Biodiversity and Climate Change link and follow the instructions. This issue contains full
colour images, current biodiversity news, an interview with Ahmed Djoghlaf (Executive Secretary of the
CBD) and more...Thank you for your support of this important issue.

Special Board of Editors


Stephen Aitken - Managing Editor, Biodiversity

P.T. Dang - President of Tropical Conservancy
Peter Hall (SBOE Chair)- Biodiversity Publication Committee Chair; Senior
Advisor, Biodiversity, AAFC
Jeremy Kerr­- Canadian Facility for Ecoinformatics Research, Department
of Biology, University of Ottawa.
Earl Saxon – Climate change consultant, Washington D.C., former Climate
Change & Ecosystems Programme Officer, IUCN Switzerland
Ian Smith - Research Scientist, Environmental Health, Agriculture and
Agri-food Canada (AAFC).

Front cover illustration. Polar bears have an ability to pick up scents from as far away as thirty miles. Unfortu-
nately, they are increasingly stranded on land due to the catastrophic melting of the ice. (Photo © Robert & Carolyn

Biodiversity & Climate Change
To those dedicated to protecting the Earth’s living organisms, their shelters and places of
refuge. May the forces of nature unite to gift them with strength and perseverance. ISSN 1488-8386

Volume 9
Keynotes Numbers 3 & 4
Protected areas and the future - Jeffrey A.McNeely ............................................................................... 2
Climate change - Emission focused solution overlook biodiversity - Nikita Lopoukhine.................... 3

Articles Editor
Noah`s Parks - Earl Saxon…..…………………………………………………………............................... 5 SPECIAL BOARD OF EDITORS

Climate change, biodiversity conservation, and the role of protected areas: An Australian Patron
perspective - Brendan G. Mackey, James E.M. Watson, Geoffrey Hope and Sandy Gilmore.........11 MAURICE STRONG
Under-Secretary-General, UN
The 4C factor: Community conservation and climate change – Ashish Kothari………..................19 Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General
Secretary-General, 1992 UN Conference on Environment
Climate change and identification of terrestrial protected areas in the Seychelles Islands & Development & Biological Diversity Convention, Brazil.
- Justin Gerlach………………………………………………….....………………………………............ 24
Associate Editors
Running dry: Freshwater biodiversity, protected areas and climate change - Jamie Pittock, Hemant K. Badola, D.Phil. Botany, India
Lara J. Hansen, and Robin Abell…………...........................………………....................................... 30 PAUL CATLING, Ph.D. Botany, Canada
JOHN HERITY, Biodiversity, IUCN Canada
Using species distribution models to effectively conserve biodiversity into the future - JOHN LAMBERT, Ph.D. Medicinal Plants, World Bank
Heather M. Kharouba, Julie L. Nadeau, Eric Young, and Jeremy T. Kerr…..………....................... 39 TED MOSQUIN, Ph.D. Botany, Canada
BALAKRISTNA PISUPATI, Ph.D. Molecular Biology, Sri Lanka
Protecting marine biodiversity in Canada: Adaptation options in the face of climate change - Setijati D. Sastraprajda, Ph.D. Botany, Indonesia
Sabine Jessen and Sarah Patton………………..………………………............................................. 47 IAN SMITH, Ph.D. Freshwater Arthropods, Canada
Vladimir Bocharnikov, Russia
Future landscapes in South-Eastern Australia: The role of protected areas and biolinks in
adaptation to climate change – Ian Mansergh, David Cheal, and James A. Fitzsimons…........... 59 Managing Editor
World Wild Web: Funding connectivity conservation under climate change – Ralf Buckley…... 71
Looking forward: Applying an ecological model web to assess impacts of climate change
- Gary N. Geller and Forrest Melton………………………....……………………………......................79 Book Review Editor
What should protected area managers do to preserve biodiversity in the face of climate
change? – David Welch……………………………………………………………………………...….... 84 News Editor
Identifying critical areas for conservation using measures of biodiversity and climate DON DE BELLE
change in Central America, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic - Eric Ross Anderson, Editorial Submissions
Emil Cherrington, Laura Tremblay-Boyer, Africa Flores and Emilio Sempris…….............................89 Managing Editor
c/o Tropical Conservancy (see address below)
Projected impacts of climate change on protected areas - Jenny Hewson, Erica Ashkenazi,
Sandy Andelman, and Marc Steininger………………………….......................................................100 Biodiversity Publication Committee
Future directions in conservation and development: Incorporating the reality of PETER HALL, Chair
climate change – Danny Coenen, Ignacio Porzecanski, and Thomas L. Crisman…………..........106 Subscriptions
Pervasive poleward shifts among North American bird species –Townsend Peterson T.D. Trinh
and Enrique Martínez-Meyer……………………………………….…………………….......................114
Desktop Design
Protecting the future: Carbon, forests, protected areas and local livelihoods – T.D. TRINH
Alison Campbell, Sarah Clark, Lauren Coad, Lera Miles, Katharine Bolt and Dilys Roe ...............117 Queries
P.T. DANG, Ph.D. - President
Managing climate change effects on relic forest ecosystems: A program for Lebanese
Cedar- Sattout, E. J. and N. Nemer …............................................................................................122
Mailing Address:
The voice Tropical Conservancy
94 Four Seasons Drive
The secretariat speaks: An interview with Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the CBD ......131 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2E 7S1
Civil society speaks: Are we missing the 2010 Target ?- Ashish Kothari………...........................134 Tel: 1-613-224-9518 or 1-613-325-9518

In Every Issue Publication Date: 1 November 2008

editor’s corner
From the Special Board of Editors ...................................................................................................... ii
Species by Species
blossoming treasures of biodiversity
Biodiversity is supported in part by:
28. Triticale – A cereal solution for extreme climates E. Small & P.M. Catling ..............................................137
The International The Ontario
Biodiversity Animal Treasury Development Trillium
Polar Bears on thin ice: Climate change and the future of Polar Bears Research Centre Foundation
Megan A. Owen and Ronald R. Swaisgood .....................................................................................................143 IDRC (Canada)

Biodiversity News
Climate Change Threatens World Heritage Sites; Indigenous Peoples - Players and Biodiversity
Victims in the Climate Change Arena; A changing Antarctic ecosystem; Vulnerable is indexed by
Rainforest Species Live Close to their Optimal Temperature; Grazing Lands at Risk Biosis, Cambridge
Due to Rising CO2 Levels; Climate Change a major driver of Biodiversity Loss; Scientific Abstracts,
Spain Particularly Vulnerable to Climate Change; A third of Reef-Building Corals Environment Abstracts,
and Zoological Record.
Face Extinction .................................................................................................................................149
Book reviews
The Atlas of Climate Change: Mapping the World’s Greatest Challenge...............160 Inside Front Cover Art: The Diversity of Life by Roelof Idema
B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 1 this journal
2 0 0To8engender and foster respect for all living species,
capitalizes the common names of all formally named species.

Protected areas and the future

The past several decades have been remarkably successful for protected areas. Coverage on land has increased
to some 12%, with virtually all countries represented in a global network of sites covering all varieties of the world’s
ecosystems. The Convention on Biological Diversity has adopted a vigorous work plan on protected areas, and
many countries are still adding to their protected area systems -- Madagascar is one outstanding example. Yet this
silver cloud also has a dark lining, as many protected areas exist only on paper and relatively few are managed as
well as they should, or could, be. The prognosis for the future is decidedly mixed and shortcomings are exacerbated
and complicated by projected changes in climate (see Projected Impacts of Climate Change on Protected Areas by
Hewson et al.). Here, I suggest ten provocative challenges the world’s protected areas may be facing in the coming
decades, obviously with differences among different parts of the world, or even within regions of the same country.

• Protected areas will no longer have the primary purpose of maintaining the current ecosystems but rather will
concern themselves with adapting to conditions brought about by changes in climate, demographics, economics,
and much else. As a result, protected area managers will need new forms of training, and perhaps even new
ideologies to address this new changing role of protected areas (see What Should Protected Area Managers do
to Preserve Biodiversity in the Face of Climate Change? by Welch).
• Ironically, the increase in total area protected will also lead to greater conflicts, as growing populations put
increasing pressure on the available land cover. Biotechnology, particularly the genetic modification of crops,
will enable plants to be grown productively in areas that were formerly unsuitable, thereby putting new economic
pressure on protected areas. As demand increases for minerals, conflicts with mining interests are also likely
to increase, requiring greater negotiation skills from protected area managers. Furthermore, as management of
protected areas is increasingly decentralized, as in Indonesia (to cite just one example), the pressures of resource
exploitation will become more difficult to resist (see Identifying Critical Areas for Conservation using Measures of
Biodiversity and Climate Change in Central America, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic by Anderson et al.).
• Marine protected areas will receive renewed attention. Significant efforts will be made to increase the percentage
of marine protection which currently covers only about half of one percent of the coastal zone. Valuable new
opportunities will be offered by marine protected areas in supporting fisheries, tourism, and conservation of
critical habitats such as coastal wetlands, mangroves and coral reefs. These coastal protected areas will be
seen as defenses against sea level rise and storm surges accompanying climate change. Conservation in the
open seas will also increase in importance. However, marine protected areas are unlikely by themselves to
overcome global problems such as increasing acidification and coral bleaching, both linked to climate change
(see Protecting Marine Biodiversity in Canada: Adaptation Options in the Face of Climate Change by Jessen
and Patton).
• Tourism, one of the traditional foundations of protected areas, may undergo some fundamental changes as
the price of oil increases and travel to distant areas becomes more expensive. As a result of climate-related
concerns about the carbon footprint of international travel, “virtual tourism”, through television and other forms
of virtual reality, may replace the real experience with nature, fundamentally changing the way the public relates
to natural ecosystems (see World Wild Web: Funding Connectivity Conservation under Climate Change by Ralf
• Invasive alien species will grow as a management concern, yet at the same time the issue will become more subtle
as scientists debate whether some invasions are in fact a natural response to climate change. Defining what is
“natural” will become a more active discussion.
• The economic value of land will inevitably increase as the human population grows within a finite land area.
One study of 45 countries in Africa and Latin America has indicated that land values around protected areas are
increasing twice as fast as in other areas. This will add more pressure to open up protected areas for human
settlement (see The 4C Factor: Community Conservation and Climate Change by Ashish Kothari).
• International conventions such as World Heritage and the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance will
change in character as fewer areas are added to the system (because the most suitable areas are already included).
Their emphasis will be on the management of existing sites rather than on the creation of new ones, and adapting
to climate change will be a major management issue. These sites of identified international importance will become
leaders in developing adaptive forms of management.
• Many protected areas will be affected by the threat of emerging infectious diseases, many linked to global
warming. Some of these threats will affect the wildlife populations that protected areas are designed to conserve,
but others will affect the relationship between domestic and wild animals and the health of humans who live in
and around protected areas as well as those visiting them.
• The economics of protected areas will become increasingly important, emphasizing the value of protected areas to
society, especially in terms of the ecosystem services provided, such as watershed protection, carbon sequestration,
and conservation of genetic resources (see Running Dry: Freshwater Biodiversity, Protected Areas and Climate
Change by Pittock et al.). As economies change, protected areas will be increasingly expected to cover more
of their own costs, leading to numerous creative ways of ensuring sufficient resources to effectively manage the
protected areas. Protected area managers will need to become increasingly businesslike (see Future Directions in

2 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Conservation and Development: Incorporating the Reality of Climate Change by Coenen et al.).
• As demand for resources continues, more protected areas will suffer from the “empty forest syndrome”, where
the most interesting and valuable species have declined in population (or even disappeared) due to poaching or
disease, leaving some protected areas as outstanding habitats that no longer are occupied by the species they
were intended to support.

This list of challenges is presented to stimulate discussion in a time of rapid change and growing challenges. The
challenges most certainly can be met, through improving management capacity for protected area staff, linking
protected areas to the surrounding landscapes, addressing the numerous other societal problems whose symptoms
also reach protected areas, and recognizing the many economic values that protected areas provide to society. These
four broad responses all take place against the backdrop of climate change, which will underline the importance of
protected areas in helping to store carbon and adapting to changing conditions. But perhaps the most important point is to
demonstrate to the public the cultural values of protected areas. This can best be done by encouraging more people to visit nature as
frequently as possible. Of course even this last imperative carries with it the dangers of overuse. The bottom line is that protected area
managers are going to require new sets of skills and sources of support to enable them to continue to ensure that protected areas
deliver their irreplaceable services to the rest of society.

Jeffrey A. McNeely
Chief Scientist,
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
1196 Gland

Climate change
– Emission focused solutions overlook biodiversity
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has progressively received more press coverage with every report it
has released. But the media circus around the fourth report was unprecedented. News coverage resembled the hoopla
usually reserved for the Oscar awards. Pre-release coverage focused on whether Governments were trying to muffle
content or whether the report was going to be too conservative in its predictions of effects. Somewhere along the way
there was a tipping point. People have now mostly accepted the facts that temperatures are increasing and climate
change is inevitable. Skeptics of this viewpoint are now relegated to join the club that still believes in a flat earth. The
best evidence of this change is of course to see politicians of all stripes leaping on the green bandwagon.

The debate now is how to identify the horrific effects of climate change and what to do about them. In fact, the main
criticism of the IPCC report is that it minimizes effects such as rising sea levels. Of course, the immediate need is to
reduce emissions. Some solutions have been offered for this, from the Kyoto protocol to trading in carbon futures.
There is also a lot of sensible advice out there, from the Oscar winning Al Gore and from your now-green utility
company, among others, on what you can do to help. (See Protecting the Future: Carbon, Forests, Protected Areas
and Local Livelihoods by Campbell et al.). But there has been far less discussion about how to cope with the inevitable
changes, and even less about how we can help affected plants and animals. The plight of the charismatic mega fauna
polar bear has captured our imagination, to the point where they have become an icon of climate change (see On
Thin Ice – Climate Change and the Future of Polar Bears by Owen and Swaisgood). It unilaterally caused an official
recognition of climate change in the USA as the process for listing of the bear as a threatened species was initiated.
The Polar Bear was listed as “Threatened” in 2008 by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the province of
Manitoba, Canada. But countless other species also need equal consideration. Just imagine a salamander trying to
move to cooler northern regions faced with crossing a highway. In Waterton Lakes National Park in Alberta, ramps
were built to help newly hatched long-toed salamanders to cross a road in times when traffic is light. Ramps built for six
lanes of 24-hour traffic is akin to the fate of the French aristocrats sent to the guillotine - not much chance for survival!

Human survival has already taken a strategic hold on our preoccupations with climate change. We are already
building higher sea walls, moving people from island states and are beginning to plan what to do about food and
water shortage scenarios in a hot new world. Yet, aside from a handful of scientists, few are addressing the greater

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 3
global biodiversity and how they will adapt and cope with entirely new conditions of temperature and precipitation?
Should we help them or, better yet, how can we help them is the question that needs to be interwoven with our own
adaptation strategies? After all, biodiversity is critical to our lives. We still depend on wild stock of fish. Healthy forests
store carbon, thus reducing the effects of our emissions, and also filter pollution and yield clean water. There is of
course the moral imperative to help, given that it is our actions that have created the problem.

I would propose three strategies to minimize the impact of climate change on biodiversity.
First, invest in parks and protected areas with an eye to climate change. We need to identify the critical habitats
of the future: Where are species likely to move? Will there be new locations for staging or will migration patterns
change or halt? Birds that will continue to migrate, for example, will likely follow the creation of new wetlands as
patterns of precipitation change, altering water tables, and sea levels rise. Are these areas secure? If not, we need to
create protected areas to accommodate them. (See Noah`s Parks by Saxon; Pervasive Poleward Shifts among North
American Bird Species by Peterson and Martínez-Meyer).

Second, invest in connectivity. Creating isolated protected areas is not enough. We have to establish connections
among areas of land and sea under all kinds of use to help species respond to changing climates. We need to
identify the corridors that species will likely use and secure them. The north-south corridor of the Rocky Mountains,
for example, must continue to serve goats and grizzly bears. Species that inhabit the tops of mountains and islands,
such as the Pikas of mountains and the Boobies on Darwin’s famous Galapagos Islands, will have nowhere to go
when temperatures increase. Rescue operations may be the scenario of the future - physically moving plants to a
higher or more northern mountain, for example, may be the only way to save species such as the revered Edelweiss.
(See Future Landscapes in South-Eastern Australia: The Role of Protected Areas and Biolinks in Adaptation to
Climate Change by Mansergh et al.; World Wild Web: Funding Connectivity Conservation under Climate Change by

A third strategic investment should be in ecological restoration - a deliberate effort to reintroduce extirpated species
such as pollinators, to help native species to colonize unconnected areas in response to change, or to reintroduce
fire to ecosystems with species such a pines that depend on fire for seed dispersal or for creating openings in
which poplars and birches can grow. This is not a task only for ecologists. The forestry, fishery and agriculture
industries should recognize the importance to them of assisting in the recovery of degraded, damaged or destroyed
ecosystems. The future of their industries is also at risk. (See Managing climate change effects on relic ecosystems:
Applying monitoring programs in Lebanese cedar forests by Sattout and Nemer).

There is no longer any question that the world is changing. So as we start thinking seriously about how to stop
messing it up any further, biodiversity scientists need to step up and offer adaptation solutions for the life we share
the planet with and on which our life depends as well.

Nikita Lopoukhine
Chairman of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas
(Former Director General of National Parks in Canada)
(Based on an article in the International Herald Tribune
“The world will need our help when it gets hot”
by Nikita Lopoukhine published: February 2, 2007)

4 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y

Noah’s Parks: A partial antidote to the Anthropocene extinction event

Earl Saxon
Abstract. Climate change will rapidly alter the abiotic environment of many localities leading to significant losses of biodiversity Author’s Address :
in ecosystems unable to adapt quickly. However, local extirpation will be least likely where environmental change is slowest. (at the time the research
Such locations will offer refugia for species with narrow environmental ranges, provide persistent sources of colonists, offer was carried out):
transitory homes for dispersers and serve as platform sites on which new community assemblages develop. Consequently, The Nature
networks of protected areas that include such sites will conserve more biodiversity. Conventional protected area network Conservancy
selection algorithms give priority to areas with the lowest current cost. I added projected environmental change as a cost factor. 4245 North Fairfax Dr.
I applied the modified algorithm in three arctic ecoregions where climate change is predicted to be extremely rapid and to Arlington, VA 22203
20 tropical ecoregions where the pace of climate change will be slower but many species are vulnerable to small changes. I USA
identified protected area networks that protect places where change will be slowest in all ecoregions. These climate-adaptive
protected area networks differ substantially from both current protected area networks and near-optimal networks that are Author’s current
based only on current costs. The modified method will help protected area planners to acquire potential climate refugia and to address: 1604 15th St.,
help implement adaptive conservation strategies for potential refugia that are already protected. It will also help reduce the risk N. W., Washington
that projected refugia are unknowingly allocated to land uses incompatible with their critical role in biodiversity conservation. D. C. 20009, U.S.A.
Introduction environmental gradients in identifying both regional and
Rapid climate changes are already affecting ecosystems global priority areas for conservation… because patterns in
throughout the world (IPCC 2007) and are projected to commit diversity and characters of species are well known only for a
many species to extinction (Thomas et al. 2004; Sekercioglu et few taxa and some regions."
al. 2007; Williams et al. 2007). Unmitigated climate change will
Hannah et al. 2007, Pyke et al. 2005, and Williams et al.
lead to an extinction event (Wasdell 2006) that marks the end of
2005, identify conservation sites for selected sets of species
the briefest of geological epochs, the Anthropocene (Crutzen and
based on historic distribution patterns and projected climate
Stoermer 2000). Whether a given species survives will depend on
changes. Unfortunately, potential niches and needs can
whether some of its populations persist in situ long enough to adapt
there and/or contribute successful colonists to other places with only be discerned for a limited number of species and with
more suitable conditions. Successful colonization will depend in considerable difficulty (Araújo & Rahbek 2006). The future
part on the persistence of sources, as most colonization efforts fail location of major vegetation types has also been considered
(Elton 1958). Both the persistence and the subsequent speciation as a basis for protected-area planning (Lemieux and Scott
of endemics at risk are more likely where climate changes are 2005). However, Holocene data indicate that vegetation
relatively attenuated (Jansson 2003; Mackey et al. 2008). communities are themselves ephemeral responses to
climate, hence unsuitable units for conservation planning
Anthropocene refugia – the landscapes that change least, during periods of rapid climate change. When neither the
relative to otherwise similar landscapes – will serve four niches of species nor the composition of communities can
purposes. As they have in the past (Hewitt 2001), refugia be projected with confidence, the design of climate-adaptive
will offer places to which the most vagile species can escape, nature reserves must focus on conserving the full range of
places where the least vagile species can persist, places where physical environments that species and communities exploit
would-be colonists can take advantage of opportunities (Hunter et al. 1988). This approach aims to maximize the
to disperse, and perhaps most importantly, places for the number of species conserved, without knowing which ones
development of novel symbiotic relationships and food chains they will be, and to provide the greatest opportunities for
that will characterize the most biologically diverse ecosystems their adaptation. The challenge is to identify and protect
in a much warmer world. refugia before their locations are known and their usefulness
Hutchinson (1965) likened the relationships among species, has become critical.
habitats, and ecosystem functions to those among actors,
theatres, and plays. Climate refugia – those theatres least
Algorithms for selecting near-optimal networks of
affected by climate change – will be the places where
conservation sites attempt to maximize the representation
evolutionary plays continue even as actors come and go (S.H.
of viable occurrences of all biodiversity targets while
Pearsall, pers. comm.). The most successful array of theatres,
minimizing the cost of forgoing alternative land uses. As
or systems of protected areas, will be those that attenuate both
a practical approach, I used the SPEXAN - MARXAN -
current threats and the synergistic effects of climate variability
SITES - SPOT family of conservation site selection software
and rapid climate change.
(Possingham et al. 2000, Leslie et al. 2003, Shoutis 2003)
The conservative assumption is that future impacts of climate to derive near-optimal networks. Where greater computer
change on a species or a community will be least severe over resources or more detailed knowledge of the vulnerability
those parts of its current distribution where climate changes of conservation targets are available, optimal (Fischer &
least. Dynesius & Jansson (2000, p. 9119) “suggest the use Church 2005) or heuristic algorithms (Turner & Wilcove
of… high climatic stability [Fjeldsa et al. 1997] or steep 2006) may also be applied.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 5
SITES analyses required nine inputs, as follows: a Papua New Guinea, whereas others (e.g., coastal deep peat
uniform hexagonal grid tessellation of the planning swamps) are found only in Papuan provinces of Indonesia
region; biogeographic stratification units that partition (Sheppard & Saxon 2008).
the environmental gradients in the planning region; a
The aim of creating a network of climate-adaptive nature
distribution map for the biodiversity elements or targets to
reserves is to host viable examples of each land system in
be represented; a representational goal for each element;
sufficiently numerous, large, diverse physical settings to
an edge/area factor that determines the relative degree of
ensure that the plants, animals and communities that inhabit
clumping versus dispersal among selected cells; a cost
those land systems can survive and adapt for several hundred
surface that reflects the degree to which current land use is
years or until such time as they can colonize other suitable
incompatible with conservation outcomes; a penalty factor
habitats. I ignored very small land system occurrences (<50
to balance the benefit of including a costly grid cell against
km2) in any stratification unit in the site selection process
the cost of failing to meet an important representational
and made no effort to anticipate opportunities for dispersal
goal; a specified number of independent set-building
through corridors.
computer runs; and, a specified number of simulated
annealing iterations per run. Neely et al. (2001) and Tear et al. (2005) model the trade-
offs between reserve size, local extirpation rate and local
In my experiments, I altered only the sixth factor, the cost colonization rate on the assumption that reserves behave as
surface, to capture the effects of projected climate change. if they were a set of continental islands, able to be colonized
I ran each site selection algorithm twice, once with only from relatively nearby and relatively intact sources. They
the conventional surrogates for current land use cost and conclude that protecting 30% of the original extent should
again with an additional cost factor: projected magnitude of maintain 85% of its original species set. I accepted 30% as the
environmental change (Saxon et al. 2005). I applied the same goal for both current and future portfolios.
procedure to three arctic ecoregions in Alaska where climate
change is predicted to be extremely rapid and to 20 tropical The “boundary length modifier,” a dimensionless factor that is
ecoregions in the New Guinea archipelago where many a function of edge to area ratio, determines the algorithm’s bias
ecosystems will be at risk of catastrophic loss, even if climate towards large, compact, and contiguous sites in the solution
changes are moderate (Scheffer et al. 2001). sets. Minimizing edge/area ratio gives search priority to
large areas with steep environmental gradients, an important
The size of the planning region and the size of individual climate-adaptive strategy in its own right. I selected values
hexagonal grid cells determined the total number of grid cell that produced an array of sites whose size, compactness and
planning units. I used 6,163 hexagonal units, each 50 km2 connectivity visually approximates those presently found in
in Alaska; and 36,450 hexagonal units, each 25 km2 in the each study area’s current nature reserves.
New Guinea archipelago. Decreasing the size of grid cells
would have increased mapping resolution, but exponentially The difficulty of achieving conservation outcomes
multiplied computer run time. varies greatly across each study area. The current cost of
commercially available land, current land cover, current
Each study area was subdivided to ensure that sites were land tenure, current and potential land uses, and current and
selected across the full range of regional ecological potential infrastructure development opportunity costs make
gradients. I stratified the north slope of Alaska into 9 conservation goals relatively more difficult to achieve in some
subunits consisting of 3 ecoregions (Nowacki et al. 2001) places than in others. Such considerations were reflected in
each subdivided into three sections from west to east. I used a synthetic current cost surface for arctic Alaska, which,
20 ecoregions Olsen and Dinerstein (1998) to stratify the along with estimates of the abundance of the conservation
New Guinea archipelago. targets, drive the efficient selection of available cells to meet
representational goals (Couvillion & Smith 2004). Unlike
I used land systems - areas or groups of areas throughout arctic Alaska, many parts of the New Guinea archipelago
which there is a recurring pattern of topography, vegetation, are densely settled and extensively affected by current land
and soils (Christian & Stewart 1953) - as the biodiversity uses incompatible with conservation outcomes. I constructed
elements or targets to be represented in each site set. a current cost surface that gives equal weight to human
Jorgensen and Heiner (2004) identify 34 ecological land population density, settlements and accessibility on the one
systems in arctic Alaska based on vegetation structure, land hand (Sanderson et al. 2002) and to intensive agriculture (Joint
cover, physiography, topography and bedrock characteristics. Research Centre 2003), plantations and forest concessions on
To create a uniform land system map for the New Guinea the other.
archipelago, I matched the land systems of Papua New
Guinea (Bellamy & McAlpine 1995) with similar land units In order to anticipate direct impacts of climate change on
in Papuan provinces of Indonesia (RePPProT 1990). Upland biodiversity and indirect impacts due to changing human land
regions were matched on topography and bedrock type. use, (Sala et al. 2000), my experiments required a second
Lowland regions were matched on terrain and hydrology. cost surface giving equal weight to the current conditions
Some land systems (e.g., volcanic soils) occur only in and to the magnitude of projected environmental change. I

6 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
500 km

Figure 1. Current protected areas in Arctic Alaska (black lines), include Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
(ANWR) and Gates of the Arctic National Park (GANP). Sites found only in the portfolio based on current
conditions (blue), sites found only in the portfolio based on current and projected future conditions (red), and
sites found in both portfolios (green).

500 km

Figure 2. Current protected areas in the New Guinea archipelago (black lines), include Lorenz
National Park (LNP) and Mamberamo-Foja Nature Reserve (MFNR). Sites found only in the
portfolio based on current conditions (blue), Sites found only in the portfolio based on current
and projected future conditions (red), and sites found in both portfolios (green).

quantified the latter as the difference between current and available water capacity, soil bulk density, soil carbon density,
future environmental conditions based on 14 topo-edaphic and total soil nitrogen, potential evapo-transpiration, precipitation/
climate factors at each location (Saxon et al. 2005); elevation, potential evapo-transpiration, precipitation coldest quarter,
compound topographic index, potential solar radiation, profile precipitation warmest quarter, mean temperature coldest

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 7
quarter, mean temperature warmest quarter, average monthly of securing conservation outcomes. There are many ways to
temperature (excluding months < 0o C). account for the fact that conservation options are reduced
over time (Pressey et al. 2004). A tradeoff must be made
In arctic Alaska, I compared current environmental conditions
between planning for a very short time horizon, in which
with those projected for the year 2100 under the mean of
current costs would be used exclusively, and planning for a
climate change scenarios A2 and B2 (Nakicenovic & Swart
very long time horizon, in which climate change would be the
2000) by the HadCM3 general circulation model (GCM)
only consideration. For a century scale time horizon, I made a
(Gordon et al. 2000). I selected a highly climate-responsive
neutral calculation of their joint cost index as the square root
GCM and high emissions scenarios in order to develop a set of
of the sum of the squares of the separate current and future
sites that would capture refugia under severe future conditions,
climate cost indices.
given the severity and pace of climate change in the arctic and
the fact that threshold effects such as permafrost melt would A penalty factor is stipulated for each biodiversity element to
dramatically transform its ecosystems. ensure that the selection algorithm stops short of meeting an
In the New Guinea archipelago, climate changes are projected to be individual representational goal rather than incorporate grid cells
much less severe than in the arctic (IPCC 2007), although tropical that would add greatly to the portfolio's total costs. I set the penalty
biota often exhibit very little tolerance of climate variability. To factor equal to the cost of the grid cell with the highest cost.
develop a single set of mid-range values for projected climate The number of possible combinations of planning units into
change, I used the ensemble mean projected conditions for the site sets is astronomical. Rather than explore them all, the
year 2100 under two scenarios and two models. I included both simulated annealing process finds a near-optimal solution
a moderately severe scenario (A1FI) and a moderately optimistic by comparing the results from a large number of individual
scenario (B1) and utilized one highly responsive model from the computer runs, each started with a random set of grid cells.
Hadley Centre (HadCM3) and one model that is less responsive Adding more runs increases the chance of finding significantly
to greenhouse gas forcing (Department of Energy / National better solutions, but it also increases computer run time. I used
Center for Atmospheric Research’s Parallel Climate Model one hundred runs in each experiment reported here.
(PCM) (Washington et al. 2000).
During each run, a large number of iterations are performed.
Impacts of climate change must be added to the current cost In each iteration, individual hexagonal cells are added to and
substituted for those in the initial random set. A change is
Table 1. Statistics for portfolios of sites maintained only if it contributes to the representational goal
Arctic New Guinea and/or decreases the solution’s aggregate cost. To ensure that
Alaska Archipelago each grid cell has a high probability of being considered at
T, total area of planning
least once in the process of building each solution set, each
308,150 911,625
units (km2) run had at least 100 times as many iterations as grid cells. The
C, average area of arctic Alaska experiment, with 6163 grid cells, had 1,000,000
planning units in 100 site- iterations per run. Each run for the New Guinea archipelago,
118,341 273,764
selection runs based on 38.40 30.03 with 36,450 grid cells, had 3,650,000 iterations.
current costs only
(km2, %)
I used an irreplaceability analysis (Stewart and Possingham
Area of planning units
selected non-randomly,
2005) to identify all planning units selected more frequently in
105,500 301,200 each set of 100 test runs than they would be by chance alone,
with a confidence level of 34.24 33.04
95%, based on current subject to a 95% confidence interval, according to the formula,
costs only (see Eq. 2)
(km2, %)
p = C / T, (1)
C, average area of
planning units in 100 site
selection runs based on 102,866 270,125 where p is the probability of a planning unit being randomly
33.38 29.63 selected, C is the average number of planning units selected in
current costs plus future
climate-driven costs (km2, 100 runs, and T is the total number of planning units. The 95%
confidence limit was determined according to the formula,
Area of planning units
selected non-randomly,
with a confidence level of 108,850 306,075 p + 1.96 * (σ / √T), where σ = 100 * p * (1 - p). (2)
95%, based on current 35.32 33.57
costs plus future climate- The results of the experiments with and without weighting
driven costs (see Eq. 2)
(km2, %) for climate change can be compared with one another by
Po/Pc, ratio of overlaps
the kappa statistic (Cohen 1960), a rigorous index of the
39,504 81,120
occurring to overlaps 12.82 8.90 degree of overlap between outcomes where test samples
expected by random
selection are small and methods are not identical. The kappa statistic
quantifies the extent to which overlaps in the distribution of
ᴋ, kappa statistic
(see Eq. 3) 1.78 2.72 planning units in two sets are due to chance, according to
the formula,

8 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
κ = (Po – Pc) / (1 – Pc) (3) impossible (Meir et al. 2004). The opportunity costs of actions
that foreclose the usefulness of individual sites as refugia will
where Po is the ratio of shared planning units to total
accumulate and may eventually undermine the value of two
planning units and Pc is product of the random probabilities
centuries of conservation efforts around the world.
of selection p from each of the two separate sets of solutions.
In completely non-overlapping sets, κ = -1; in randomly Each climate change scenario has underlying assumptions
overlapping sets, κ = 0; and, in perfectly matching sets, about global population growth, inter-regional equity and
κ = 1. technological change. In addition to their indirect impacts
delivered through the mechanism of climate change, these
Results factors have direct consequences for conservation outcomes
In both arctic Alaska and the tropical New Guinea not considered above. These non-climate components of
archipelago, the overlap between near-optimal sets with global change will make the management of refugia in
and without deliberately targeting refugia was greater than protected areas more difficult. While protecting projected
random, but small considering that current costs influence refugia offers ecosystems a better chance of adapting to
both portfolios (Table 1.). Overlaps in the tropical New rapid climate change, it does not guarantee their viability.
Guinea archipelago portfolios were 24% compared with Noah’s Parks are necessary, but not sufficient guarantors that
the 9% overlap expected between two random selections, evolutionary plays will continue with many actors.
κ = 0.17. Overlaps in arctic Alaska were 23% versus an
expected value from two random selections of 13%, κ = Acknowledgments
0.11. Put another way, three quarters of the land in near- A large number of talented people made substantial
optimal networks that anticipate future conditions is contributions to the studies reported here. B. Baker, A.
different from that in portfolios designed solely to meet Couvillion and S. Feirer compiled environmental, target
current conditions (Figures 1 & 2). and cost data for the arctic Alaska test case. T. Jorgenson
and M. Heiner mapped the arctic Alaskan ecosystems. J.
Current reserve networks do not provide comprehensive
McAlpine, P. Stanton and S. Sheppard provided valuable
protection for all the landscapes within arctic Alaska or
insights on the land systems of New Guinea. W. Hargrove,
the New Guinea archipelago under either current or future
F. Hoffman and C. Zganjar calculated the projected
environmental conditions. However, those large reserves
magnitude of environmental change under various climate
that presently capture an entire environmental gradient from
change model and scenario combinations. S. Sheppard and
seacoast to mountain peaks (e.g. Arctic National Wildlife
C. Zganjar computed the site sets. C. Zganjar prepared the
Refuge in Alaska and Lorenz National Park in Papuan
figures. D. Shoutis and M. Watts provided critical help
provinces of Indonesia) are irreplaceable components
with their SPOT and MARXAN software. H. Possingham
of near-optimal networks derived both with and without
suggested appropriate spatial statistics. S. Solie, P. Kareiva,
projected future environmental conditions. Large, but less
G. Midgely, M. Cabeza, E. Main and an anonymous
comprehensive current reserves (e.g., Gates of the Arctic
reviewer provided extensive editorial comments. The New
National Park in Alaska, Mamberamo-Foja Nature Reserve
Guinea archipelago test case was undertaken by the Joint
in Papuan provinces of Indonesia) also include substantial
Initiative on Climate Change and Conservation of The
projected refugia.
Nature Conservancy and Conservation International. It was
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10 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Climate change, biodiversity conservation, and the role
of protected areas: An Australian perspective
Brendan G. Mackey1, James E.M. Watson2*, Geoffrey Hope3 and Sandy Gilmore1,4
Abstract. The reality of human-forced rapid climate change presents an unprecedented challenge to the conservation of Authors’ Addresses:
biodiversity in Australia. In this paper we consider the role of Australia’s current protected area network in mitigating biodiversity 1
The Fenner School of
loss across the continent. We do this by first examining the evolutionary history of Australia’s extant fauna and flora and, Environment & Society
specifically, the reasons why species have persisted through major changes in climate during repeated glacial cycles, and The Australian National
through the massive climatic changes that occurred during the Miocene and Pliocene climate change events. We then review University
the current major threats to Australian native species, including inappropriate fire regimes, feral mammalian predators and Canberra, ACT 0200
herbivores, invasive plants, and habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation by land use activities (especially commercial Email: brendan.
logging, water impoundment and diversion, agricultural expansion, and the intensification of pastoralism). We argue that these
current threats are interfering with the natural responses to climate change that native species have relied upon in the past, 2*
The Ecology Centre
thereby undermining their resilience in the face of current, human-forced climate change. School of Integrative
We predict that the current approach to conservation planning based on accumulating small amounts of protected lands across University of
the continent, using a set of arbitrary conservation ‘targets’, will not be effective in mitigating the impacts of human-forced climate Queensland
change on Australia’s biodiversity. We argue that an Australia-wide conservation strategy is needed that incorporates a larger St Lucia, QLD, 4072
adaptation agenda- one that recognizes the importance of protecting and restoring those natural processes and responses that *Corresponding author
have enabled species to persist through past environmental change. The following key elements are a crucial component of an Email: james.
effective conservation plan: identifying and protecting important climate refugia (both ecological and evolutionary); conserving jameswatson@gmail.
the large-scale migration and connectivity corridors that operate at continent scales (including regional networks of habitat com
patches and habitat ‘stepping stones’); maintaining viable populations of all extant species to maximize intra-species genetic 3
Department of
diversity and thus options for local adaptation; reducing all current threatening processes at the landscape scale across the Archaeology and
continent; and protecting and restoring key large scale ecological processes (especially hydro-ecology and ecological fire Natural History
regimes). Finally, underpinning climatic adaptation responses must be a thorough understanding of the special role Australia’s College of Asia Pacific
extensive intact landscapes will play in the future protection of Australia’s native biodiversity. The Australian National
Canberra, ACT 0200
Introduction Australia’s biodiversity crisis is also evident by the number 4
Current Address: Bush
Australia’s landscapes have been evolving for around 60 of native species that have seriously declined in range and Heritage Australia
PO Box 329, Flinders
million years in isolation from other continents. In this abundance since 1788 (the time of European settlement). Lane, Melbourne, VIC
time the continent has drifted from higher latitudes towards Approximately 13% of all Australia’s known vertebrate species 8009
the equator as the global oceans have gradually cooled, are now listed in Australia’s official national Environment
resulting in extensive new sub-tropical environments (Nix Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, as either
1982). Unlike much of the higher latitudes in the Northern ‘threatened’ or ‘vulnerable’ (Table 1) and between 1995 and
Hemisphere, Australia was only marginally affected by 2005, the number of terrestrial bird and mammals assessed
glacial events over the last few million years. A combination as extinct, endangered or vulnerable on this list rose by 41%
of relative climatic ‘stability’ in parts (Hopper and Gioia (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006). These are numbers
2004) and geographic isolation, during which new habitats for concern but a recent regional analysis paints an even direr
have appeared, have contributed to the continent’s high picture. When the conservation status of all Australian terrestrial
level of species (and generic) richness and endemism. vertebrate species listed in one of the IUCN threat classes
Australia is one of only 17 mega-diverse countries that under (i) state legislation and (ii) non-legislative authoritative
collectively support about 70% of the world’s species of assessments (such as national action plans) is tabulated, nearly
plant and animals (Mittermeier et al. 1997). While it was 45% of all Australia’s vertebrate species are in some form of
settled by humans about 45000 years ago (Kershaw et al. serious decline in one or more parts of their range (Table 1).
2006) it had not experienced agriculture and pastoralism
This statistic points to the need for regional declines and
until the arrival and rapid spread of European settlement
extirpations to be acknowledged. Currently, these “secret
over the past 200 years.
extinctions” often fall below the conservation assessment
Because the major threatening processes to biodiversity are radar and are not formally recognized at national and
the result of recent change in land use, Australia is one of the international levels of reporting. The potential erosion of
few developed countries that remains a leading contributor intra-species genetic diversity from regional losses is of
to the current human-induced global mass extinction event conservation concern because, among other things, it may
(Wilson 1993; Lovejoy and Hannah 2005). Close to half of reduce the ability of Australia’s fauna and flora to respond
all mammal extinctions in the last two hundred years have to future challenges. Given current land cover status and
occurred in Australia (Johnson 2006), while three bird environmental trends (Australian State of the Environment
species, four frog species and 61 species of flowering plant 2006), Australia’s biodiversity will be affected in the coming
have become extinct since European settlement (Australian decades by the same suite of global drivers operating on
Bureau of Statistics 2006). other continents including changes in land use, climate,

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 11
Animal class Freshwater fish Frogs Reptiles Birds Mammals
The total number of species in each vertebrate 230 214 633 675 378
animal class for continental Australia
Species listed under the Commonwealth Environment
Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; 27 26 45 70 99
bracketed values indicate % of listed species in each (12%) (12%) (7%) (10%) (26%)
animal class
Number of species given any IUCN threat class (except
‘least concern’) accumulated over all jurisdictions plus 97 92 262 269 214
non-legislative assessments; bracketed values indicate (42%) (43%) (41%) (41%) (57%)
% of listed species in each animal class.
Table 1. A comparison of the difference in the conservation status of Australian terrestrial vertebrate animal species between (a) the Australian Environment Protection and
Biodiversity Conservation Act and (b) state and territory legislation plus authoritative national assessments. Adapted from Mackey (2006) and unpublished material. In compiling
these statistics consideration was given to vagrants, species that naturally have only marginal distributions in a given jurisdiction, and the arbitrariness of some jurisdictional

atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, invasive species, over 100 million years ago (Barker and Greenslade 1982;
and ecosystem dynamics (Sala et al. 2000). Note however, White 1998). Exceptions are the alpine and desert floras
that while most trends suggest increasing stress for species which both speciated and recruited in the Pliocene with the
and ecosystems, positive responses to climate change are also advent of cold or extensive dry climates (Barlow 1986; Hill
possible and apparent (Nemani et al. 2003). 1994; Hope 1994). These changes have also involved gradual
species loss and range restrictions, particularly for rainforest
In order to generate discussion and debate among scientists taxa. For example, the Brassospora group of Nothofagus and
and policy makers, we here provide an assessment of what gymnosperms such as Dacridium and Dacrycarpus and their
is needed to promote the survival of Australia’s biodiversity associated faunas disappeared from southern Victoria in the
given the prospects for the onset of human-forced, rapid mid-Pliocene and their loss is attributed to increased summer
climate change. We first review the interactions between radiation load (Sniderman et al. 2007).
natural climate change and biodiversity in Australia and
outline reasons why species have persisted through past Evidence from marine sediments and polar ice cores has revealed
climate change events. We then provide an account of the the severe climatic oscillations that have occurred over the last
current threatening processes that are leading to wide- 500,000 years (Petit et al. 1999). About every 120,000 years,
scale biodiversity decline in Australia and the breakdown average planetary conditions have oscillated between long glacial
of important natural processes. We then review the current periods with low levels of atmospheric CO2, low temperatures
national reserve system to consider its adequacy in conserving and dryness to shorter inter-glacial ‘highs’ that experienced high
Australia’s biodiversity into the foreseeable future. In our levels of atmospheric CO2, higher temperatures and wetness.
conclusion we identify a number of strategies we believe These glacial-interglacial oscillations revealed in the marine and
are crucial for the development of an effective continental ice core records are considered to be driven by long term periodic
conservation plan. Our focus is primarily on species rather than ‘wobbles’ in the Earth’s orbit which changes the balance of solar
ecosystems as the units of biodiversity. Some attention is given energy reaching each hemisphere (Muller et al. 1997). The
here to genetic diversity issues, but clearly, further research is transition from glacial to interglacial is speeded up by positive
needed on the ecosystem dimension of biodiversity-climate feedbacks from ice melt and oceanic discharge of greenhouse
change interactions, including the influence of species on the gases (Hansen et al. 2007). The ice core record also shows that
functioning of ecosystem processes (Hooper et al. 2005). the transition out of glacial troughs may have been extremely
rapid; arguably involving as much as 5°C warming in 20 years
The relationship between climate change (Taylor 1999). There has been a trend to greater variation in
and Australia’s extant biodiversity moisture within the past 400,000 years with associated changes
Analysis of fossil records and molecular data has shown that in fire behaviour (Lynch et al. 2007). Although in Australia
Australia’s native plant and animal species are of ancient warm interglacials were formerly associated with higher summer
lineage (leaving aside relatively recent immigrants such as rainfall as evidenced by full interior lakes, the process seems to
dingoes, Canis lupus dingo). The last great vertebrate animal have failed in our present interglacial, the Holocene (Magee et al.
speciation event appears to have been during the Pliocene/ 2005). Miller et al. (2005) suggest human impact as a possible
early Pleistocene drying and cooling event some 4-1 million cause coupled to the extinction of the largest mammals and birds
years ago, as exemplified by the explosion of song birds and around 45000 years ago. Brook et al. (2007) and Burney and
appearance and radiation of rodents on the Australian continent Flannery (2005) note a severe and continuing effect of humans
(Norman et al. 2007). Most extant marsupial mammal species on the biota after arrival. In any case, while the causal factors
are derived from groups that appear in the mid- to late- Miocene, involved in these specific events may remain debated, we can
some 20 million years ago (Archer and Hand 2006; Osborne and reliably conclude that all native species extant when Europeans
Christidis 2002). Australia’s plant species are of similar or more first occupied the continent 220 years ago had persisted through
ancient lineage, with the origin of many being traced back to all these long term trends and oscillations in temperature, CO2
when Australia was part of the super-continent Gondwanaland, concentration and wetness.

12 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
A number of adaptive responses or strategies can be proposed function as refugia from which organisms can disperse
to explain how species persisted on the continent through past to re-populate habitat as it regenerates following broad
climate and other environmental changes. scale ecological restoration efforts.
5. wide fundamental niche. It is also possible for species
1. micro-evolution. Evolution is heritable genetic change to persist simply because they have evolved very wide
within populations. It is commonly understood to refer fundamental (that is, physiological) niche requirements
to only long term directional genetic change leading (sensu Hutchinson 1957) and are able to survive, compete
to speciation, that is, the evolution of new species. and reproduce under a broad range of climatic conditions.
However, also evident is the evolution of new, fitter traits For example, many of Australia’s forest and woodland
that represent local adaptations to changing conditions, birds occur in temperate, subtropical and tropical climatic
including climate change, that are not necessarily zones, with the common determinate being vegetation-
directional and lead to speciation. There is increasing related habitat resources rather than fundamental niche
evidence that micro-evolution is far more rapid, common response to temperate regimes (Keast 1985).
and widespread than previously recognized (Thompson Given the above, can we now assume that Australia’s flora and
2005) and is now occurring in response to rapid climate fauna are pre-conditioned to survive global warming impacts
change (Bradshaw and Holzapfel 2006). and that most species will be able to persist through the human-
2. phenotypic plasticity. The phenotype is the physical forced rapid climate change we are now experiencing?
expression in an organism of its genome. Phenotypic
plasticity refers to the range of genetically controlled The current rapid climate change event is different from previous
permissible responses with respect to a species’ ones in a number of ways. First, it is human-forced as the
morphological, physiological, behavioural or life history result of a strengthening of the ‘greenhouse effect’ caused by
strategies and traits (Nussey et al. 2005). An example of humans burning fossil fuel for energy and deforestation (IPCC
phenotypic plasticity is the ability of a plant to change 2007) with additional effects from particulates and increased
its growth form from a ‘tree’ to a ‘shrub’ in response to albedo (planetary albedo is the proportion of solar radiation
reduced water availability. Phenotypic plasticity differs reflected back into space). It is projected to impose climates not
from micro-evolution in that the adaptive response is previously experienced in the Pliocene-Pleistocene and could
found within the existing genome and is not the result of result in entirely new mixes of environmental regimes. These
new, heritable genetic change in the population. new conditions may impose selective forces for which a species
3. dispersal. The dispersal of juveniles and seasonal does not possess a suitable genetically programmed adaptive
migrations are common ecological activities. However, response. Under this scenario, even taxa with a wide fundamental
dispersal – in the sense of long distance movement – to niche may be stressed (adaptation mechanism 4 described
locations that meet a species physiological niche and above). Nor can there be any guarantee that micro-evolution
habitat resource requirements is a common adaptive life will generate a solution (adaptation mechanism 1). Second, and
history strategy in many species, especially birds (Gilmore probably more importantly, the current rapid climate change
et al. 2007). In Australia, this is a necessary adaptive coincides with over two centuries of habitat loss and degradation
response for many species given the great variability in since European settlement of the Australian continent. Intensive
year-to-year rainfall and associated fluctuations in plant land use for forestry, mining and the development of human
growth and the supply of food resources (Berry et al. settlements, along with the extensive use of 54% of the continent
2007). for pastoralism has changed vegetation cover dramatically. Since
European settlement around 50% of all woodland and forest
4. refugia and range reductions. Species can also persist
ecosystems have been cleared and in some productive bioregions
by range reduction to micro-habitats that retain the
95% of all natural vegetation has been modified or destroyed
necessary niche and habitat requirements; so called
(NLWRA 2001; Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006).
refugia (Mayr 2001; Lovejoy and Hannah 2004).
Locations can function as refugia as a result of species The combined grazing pressure of domestic and feral livestock
responses to long term or short term environmental has also dramatically changed understorey plant species
change. In Australia, refugia have been documented in composition and phenology, increased run-off and proneness
the arid zone (long-term climate change related refugia; to erosion and resulted in the trampling of the tunnels and nests
Morton et al. 1995), in temperate forests (fire refugia with of ground-dwelling animals, throughout Australia (McKenzie
respect to fire intervals of decades to centuries; Mackey and Burbidge 2002; Woinarski et al. 2007). Australia’s
et al. 2002), and monsoonal Northern Australia (annual fire regimes have been profoundly changed by loss of pre-
seasonal refugia; Woinarski et al. 2007). The recognition European indigenous fire regimes with serious repercussions
of locations or networks of locations as refugia also for fire-sensitive species and ecosystems (Bowman 2000).
invokes issues of spatial scale. For example, Soderquist The invasions of weeds and feral animals over the past two
and MacNally (2000) identified the role of mesic gullies centuries have also heavily contributed to the decline and
embedded within dominantly drier forested landscapes. extinction of many Australian flora and fauna. Two exotic
Remnant patches in a fragmented landscape can also generalist predators (Cat, Felix domesticus, and Fox, Vulpes

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 13
vulpes) have made major contributions to all mammal and bird reserves, protected areas on private lands and Indigenous
extinctions that occurred in Australia since European settlement Protected Areas. Currently 11.6% of terrestrial Australia is
(Dickman 1996; Johnson 2006) while the introduction of the in IUCN category I-VI reserves (Sattler and Taylor 2008).
Cane Toad (Bufo marinus) has decimated the amphibian and This is comparable with recommended international targets
reptile populations in the north of Australia (Woinarski et al. but the reserve system has not been designed to maximize or
2007). There are now more than 2500 non-native plant species even optimize the conservation of biodiversity. Instead, many
established in Australia (Australian State of the Environment reserves in Australia have been established for their aesthetic or
2006), with the total proportion of feral plants to all plant recreational value and established from land residual to the needs
diversity being 12% (Olson et al. 2006). The presence of many of agriculture, forestry and settlement (Lindenmayer 2007).
of these species is changing the ecological functioning of some
native ecosystems (Woinarski et al. 2007). In recent years there have been laudable efforts by the Federal
and State governments to systematically improve Australia’s
It is beyond this paper to review all of the threatening processes protected area system, in particular, by promulgating a more
that are currently causing species decline in Australia but it is systematic approach to the identification and establishment of new
important to note that there are a myriad of threats leading reserves for the NRS based on the criteria of comprehensiveness,
to both global extinctions and regional losses of Australia’s adequacy and representativeness (Commonwealth of Australia
biodiversity. As noted above, regional extirpations represent (CAR) 1996; 2005). However, there are a number of reasons
the loss of local populations of a species and the associated why this plan (even if fully implemented) will be unable to
erosion of infra-species genetic diversity is of evolutionary “extinction-proof” Australia’s biodiversity in the face of extant
significance (Mayr 2001; Mackey 2006). Regional losses and imminent threatening processes.
reduce prospects for many Australian species to persist in the
face of rapid climate change through either micro-evolution First, only 67% of ecosystems that occur in Australia are
or phenotypic plasticity (adaption mechanisms 1 and 2 represented in the NRS and many of these are small and
described above; also see Mansergh and Cheal 2007). Human- poorly connected to other natural areas (NLWRA 2002).
forced climate change has altered species distributions on
Second, the thresholds identified for meeting the CAR criteria
regional scales in Australia and will continure to do so. It is
reflect an arbitrarily minimalist view on the social, economic
predicted that by the middle of the next century range shifts
and political feasibility of achieving effective, albeit bold,
due to climate change will commonly span tens of kilometers
conservation goals. For example, ecosystem surrogates
(Kapelle et al. 1999). Paleoecological evidence and future
(generally defined in terms of broad classes of native
modeling efforts suggests that these range migrations will
vegetation) are considered ‘adequately’ conserved when 15%
be individualistic, involving the movement of individual
of their pre-European settlement extent are in a protected
species, not communities (Hannah et al. 2007). However,
area. Yet there is no evidence in the scientific literature for the
evidence for the significance of co-evolutionary processes
efficacy of this threshold (Commonwealth of Australia 2005),
is also continuing to emerge (Thompson 2005), and will
and an ecologically effective target could well be beyond
undoubtedly lead to further surprises being revealed about
double this figure (Tear et al. 2005).
the complex nature of species responses to climate change,
such as the extent to which successful migrations require the Third, the planning does not take into account the needs
accompaniment of co-evolved mutualists or even antagonists. of dispersive species whose long term survival depends on
In any case, habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation across protecting the ongoing productivity of ‘source’ resource areas
Australia means species will find it more difficult to find in multiple and varying locations (Woinarski et al. 1992;
suitable locations to which they can migrate or take refuge Soulé et al. 2004; Gilmore et al. 2007). The habitat resources
(adaptation mechanisms 3 and 4; Soulé 1990). needed by these species are not necessarily found in or do not
In summary, human activities are not only causing climate persist reliably within the same landscape, and are distributed
to rapidly change but over the past two centuries they have across land tenures.
interfered with natural processes that would otherwise result in Fourth, the NRS does not take into account large-scale
ecosystem processes optimally (sensu Odum 1995) re-organising ecological processes important for the conservation of
to changing climatic and associated environmental conditions. biodiversity, either because they constitute evolutionary
Prior to the Anthropocene, ecosystem processes were intact and selective forces to which species are adapted (i.e. fire and
there was always a dynamic continuum of ecosystem types in hydrological regimes), or because they sustain and replenish
existence for species to explore. Thus, while in the past, the full the habitat on which animals depend (e.g. hydro-ecology)
complement of natural adaptation mechanisms were potentially (Soulé et al. 2004; Mackey et al. 2007).
available to a species, this is no longer the case.
We conclude that the National Reserve System is neither
will australia’s national reserve system large enough, nor will be large enough even if the NRS 15%
buffer extinctions from rapid climate change ? target is met, nor is it being designed to meet the challenges
The National Reserve System (NRS) is Australia’s premier to biodiversity conservation from climate change. Indeed, the
investment in nature conservation. The system includes public inadequacies of the NRS are evident even before considering the

14 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
potential impact of rapid climate change (Mackey 2007). Give of Australia 2005) because conservation investments are
this, how can the effectiveness of NRS planning be improved in being directed to threatened species and ecosystems in land
the face of rapid climate change and other threats? that has been highly disrupted by past land use. We argue
the inverse, namely, that intact landscapes must become the
significantly expanding the current national highest priority for a continental-wide conservation plan.
reserve system and assigning priority to An example is the Kimberley region (in far north-west
protecting large, intact landscapes Australia) which is one of the few bioregions in Australia
Systematic planning tools should used be used to identify new that retains its full complement of native mammal fauna
reserves designed to meet specific conservation goals (Bruner (Woinarski et al. 2007) yet is not considered a priority
et al. 2001; Pressey and Cowling 2001). A primary goal needs under the NRS programme. Under the current approach,
to be the maintenance of viable populations of all extant the Kimberley region will only become a priority after
species across natural ranges in order to maximize intra-species intensifying land use has caused significant habitat loss,
genetic diversity and thus allow options for local adaptation fragmentation and degradation and vertebrate species have
and phenotypic plasticity. This requires replicating habitats in been severely reduced in numbers and range such that
the reserve system so as to protect multiple source populations they are officially recognized as threatened. It is more cost
across the environmental gradients occupied by the species. effective to protect intact landscapes compared to restoring
heavily degraded land, and there are more, higher quality
Another important goal of an effective continental wide plan
options for reserves.
for the reserve system will be the identification and protection
of refugia, including micro-habitats supporting relictual ensuring ecological connectivity
species (Morton et al. 1995; Pressey et al. 2007). Past climate is maintained across the continent
change has resulted in some species experiencing dramatic A further additional goal for an effective continental-wide
range reductions and these now only occur in networks of conservation plan is maintaining and restoring large scale
scattered locations that retain suitable conditions at a micro- ecological phenomena, flows, and critical processes that sustain
scale. Refugia may prove critical in assisting certain species habitat resources, constitute selective forces to which species
to persist through future rapid climate change as they provide are adapted, or otherwise influence community composition.
a degree of additional resilience (sensu Holling 1996). In These ‘connectivity’ processes include: maintaining ecological
Australia, refugia are often wetter locations and/or with diverse functional populations of highly interactive species in the
topography (e.g. groundwater discharge points, run-on areas, landscape (i.e. trophic regulators), understanding the habitat
escarpments) that may well help buffer a drier future climate, requirements of dispersive fauna; and maintaining natural fire
as has been projected for many parts of the continent (CSIRO and hydro-ecological regimes (Soulé et al. 2004; Mackey et
2007). While some of Australia’s protected areas contain al. 2007). Hydro-ecology warrants further comment, given
recognized refugia, many locations that function as refugia that the distribution and availability of water is the principle Figure1.
are not under any form of protection (Mackey et al. 2002). environmental constraint, and thus determinant, of biology An example of one
The prospect for rapid climate change accentuates the need and ecology in Australia. Water availability determines of Australia's intact
for including refugia in the goals of systematic conservation landscapes: the Great
rates of photosynthesis and biomass production, the ‘fruits’ Western Woodlands
planning for an expanded Australian NRS. of which propagate through the entire food chain (Berry et of southern Western
Australia. Image
A revised set of conservation goals for an expanded NRS al. 2007). The vegetation cover in turn influences water courtesy of Charles
must also reflect a scientific understanding of the special role infiltration, soil water storage, and catchment water budgets. Roche.
Australia’s extensive intact landscapes will play in the future
protection of Australia’s native biodiversity (Soulé et al. 2004,
Mackey et al. 2007). Large geographical regions of the Australian
continent retain a continuous cover of native vegetation and
therefore lack the massive habitat loss and fragmentation which
are the principle drivers of biodiversity loss in many parts of
the world (Fahrig 1997), and other regions within Australia
(Glanznig 1995). This high level of natural connectedness
improves the likelihood of survivorship of species by supporting
large populations and a range of microhabitats. The ecosystems
of extensive and intact lands will play a vital role in facilitating
natural adaptation responses by species to human-forced climate
change (Soulé and Terborgh 1999). In particular, mobile species
will have more habitat options as they disperse to find suitable
locations in response to rapidly changing climate.
Currently, large and intact landscapes are not recognized as a
high priority for new reserves in Australia (Commonwealth

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 15
Throughout Australia, but particularly in the rangelands and logging) (Woinarski et al. 2007; Lindenmayer 2007) thereby
the seasonally dry tropical north, ground water resources are preventing further habitat degradation; halting further large scale
biologically critical, enabling deeply rooted perennial plants impoundment and diversion of water (Mackey et al. 2007);
to flourish, and sustaining springs, water holes and streams controlling invasive weeds and animal pests (Woinarski et al.
during dry periods (Woinarski et al. 2007). Both surface water 2007); and implementing ecologically appropriate fire regimes
catchment boundaries and groundwater recharge/discharge (Soulé et al. 2004). Furthermore, rapid climate change may make
zones transcend protected areas boundaries and, like other key many existing threats worse (e.g. exotic species invasions may
landscape processes, demand a whole-of-landscape approach be enhanced if native ecosystems come under stress) and plans
to their maintenance and for the persistence of the flora and must be in place to take this into account.
fauna that they sustain over broad areas. Diversion of water
resources for human use away from environmental flows Some of the current threatening processes will be eliminated
changes natural hydro-ecological processes and has profound by creating additional protected areas, promoting biological
impacts on associated species and ecosystems (Kingsford permeability, and restoring ecological processes, in the
2000). surrounding landscape through more appropriate land
management. However, some threats (like pests and
Maintaining the special habitat requirements of dispersive weeds) must be managed both on and off reserves. Threat
species will be particularly important in the face of rapid management has to be coordinated across land management
climate change. In addition to migrants, eruptives and agencies and land tenures at appropriate scales. A new, co-
nomads, many species are also facultative when conditions operative and integrated approach to planning is needed, in
demand they migrate to find suitable conditions (Gilmore addition to current initiatives, so that the threatening processes
et al. 2007). As noted above, the habitat loss, fragmentation that affect multiple bioregions are dealt with systematically
and degradation now present in Australia presents significant and as effectively as possible (Worboys 2007). The concept
impediments and barriers to species that may need to of systematic conservation planning must therefore be
disperse and find new habitats or refugia (Bennett et al. 1992; expanded to include the problem of optimizing conservation
Mansergh and Cheal 2007). The current network of protected management across land tenures in a coordinated way with
areas is geographically unconnected, limiting its capacity to any expansion of the reserve system.
function in this way for many species that are less mobile than
dispersive birds. Most protected areas, even large ones, remain Extending systematic conservation planning to private,
islands in “oceans” of land cover and land use unsympathetic Indigenous and freehold land will require innovative
to the movement of biodiversity. mechanisms that offer incentives to land owners and
stewards, such as voluntary covenants and negotiated
Therefore, an important component of an overall conservation special leasehold conditions. Furthermore, the concept of
strategy is the protection and/or restoration of large-scale economically valuing ecosystem services (such as regulation
migration corridors that operate at regional and continent scales. of water quality and supply) is now well recognized
Where habitat connectivity has already been largely disrupted (Costanza et al. 1997). The likelihood that carbon will soon
through broad scale land clearing (such as in the temperate have a market price may well transform the economics of
woodlands of south eastern Australia), it is imperative that land management in Australia and provide new opportunities
large scale rehabilitation of land cover conditions and land to fund the protection and restoration of native vegetation
use between existing nature reserves becomes an integral habitat (Mackey et al. 2008a).
part of the conservation framework. These intervening lands
need to become more conducive to biological permeability ConclusionS
and associated ecological and evolutionary processes. In this Ultimately, it is the natural adaptation responses evident
context, restoration will include development of regional during past global climate change events that will enable
networks of habitat patches, habitat corridors and habitat species to persist in the face of the current human-forced,
‘stepping stones’. If migration corridors are not protected and/ rapid climate change. However, in Australia, this potential
or restored across broad zones in the fragmented landscapes adaptation capacity is being degraded and interrupted by the
of Australia, the only other management option available for same forces driving the current biodiversity extinction crisis.
many species will be translocation with associated costs, risks The prevailing national strategy for biodiversity conservation
and potential problems. hinges on (a) accumulating relatively small areas of additional
protected lands across the continent, using a set of arbitrary
reducing threats in the landscape across australia
conservation ‘targets’ and (b) the development of ‘recovery
Natural adaptive responses by species will be facilitated by
plans’ for a few priority threatened species. While necessary,
reducing in the landscape the current threats to biodiversity.
we doubt these steps will be sufficient to effectively mitigate
Necessary conservation actions include: halting and reversing land
the impacts of human-forced climate change on Australia’s
clearing as this will help prevent further loss and fragmentation
of core habitats and migration corridors (Soulé et al. 2004);
developing policies that lead to removal of unsustainable We argue that the foundation of an effective climate
extractive land use activities (primarily livestock grazing and adaptation conservation strategy is the development of

16 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
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18 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
The 4C factor: Community conservation and climate change
Ashish Kothari
Abstract. ICCAs are sites of biodiversity significance that are being voluntarily conserved by Indigenous Peoples and local Author’s Address:
communities. They include those indigenous territories, catchment forests, coastal and marine ecosystems, heronries, individual Ashish Kothari
wildlife populations, and many others. The key features include a high degree of community control and decision-making, and the Member, Kalpavriksh
actual or potential to achieve conservation of key ecosystem/biodiversity elements. Co-Chair, IUCN Theme
While the role of ICCAs in conserving various aspects of biodiversity and ecosystems is being increasingly documented and
on Indigenous/Local
recognized, a seriously underestimated and understudied value of ICCAs is their role in mitigating and adopting to climate change.
Equity, and
The article will explore these aspects, focusing on them in a conceptual sense, bringing in the somewhat scarce empirical Protected Areas
information that exists on these aspects, and putting out questions for further in-depth assessment. It will also briefly discuss Pune, India
the question of whether ICCAs can and should be brought into the discussions on carbon trading, especially into the debate
on “avoided deforestation”. This will include the views of Indigenous Peoples and local communities on this issue.
Website: www.
The ICCA Phenomenon While the role of ICCAs in conserving various aspects of
In the last few years, the widespread phenomenon of Indigenous biodiversity and ecosystems is being increasingly documented
and Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs) has been recognized and recognized, a seriously underestimated and understudied
in international forums, especially the International Union for value of ICCAs is their role in mitigating and adapting to
the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Convention on climate change. This article explores the ways in which ICCAs
Biological Diversity (CBD). The latter’s Programme of Work are playing or could play such roles. It should be mentioned
on Protected Areas explicitly mandates countries to recognize at the outset that, because documentation of ICCAs is poor
ICCAs, and integrate them into national protected area systems. across most parts of the world, it is not possible to give many
ICCAs are sites of biodiversity significance that are being empirical illustrations for the various points made below.
voluntarily conserved by Indigenous Peoples and local Additionally, of course, the uncertain nature of the extent and
communities. The term ‘conservation’ here includes a range impacts of climate change, make any conclusive statements
of actions from strict protection to sustainable or rational use, on the role of ICCAs somewhat hazardous. This article is
as defined in the IUCN World Conservation Strategy of 1980. therefore a mix of hypothesis and evidence, and the author
They include many indigenous and mobile people’s territories, welcomes critical comments.
catchment forests, coastal and marine fishery reserves, In general, however, it would be safe to state that in so far as
heronries and waterfowl wintering populations, populations ICCAs have been crucial in community adaptation to unusual
of individual species, turtle nesting sites, sacred sites, and climatic events (droughts, floods, hurricanes, diseases, etc),
others. The key features include a high degree of community they are playing or will play a vital role when climate change
control and decision-making, and the actual or potential to increases the occurrence and intensity of such events. But in
achieve conservation of key ecosystem/biodiversity elements. order for this to take place in as effective and widespread a
(For more details and a number of case studies from around way as possible, ICCAs need considerable support in various
the world, see, and forms. I will deal briefly with this in the concluding section.
It is important to make a distinction between ICCAs and I should also state at the outset that the primary motivation
community managed areas. The former are a subset of the latter. and raison d’être of ICCAs is not climate change mitigation
Not all indigenous territories, or mobile peoples’ landscapes, or adaptation. Any attempt to recognize and support ICCAs for
or sites managed by other local communities, would meet this role should be in addition to their many existing values,
the crucial criteria that distinguish ICCAs: a combination of both to the communities and species/ecosystems, and to wider
community control in decision-making, livelihood and cultural society. This is crucial for the climate change ‘bandwagon’
links with the area, and the achievement of biodiversity or could seriously disrupt or distort local initiatives, especially
wildlife conservation. As an example, many community-based in the context of the dominant paradigms of mitigation
forestry sites are managed for commercial timber production, and adaptation that are emerging. Secondly, like any other
or many community-managed off-shore or freshwater sites are mitigation and adaptation strategy, this should not be used to
intensively harvested for fisheries. Conservation (in the sense of take attention away from the most important way of dealing
long-term maintenance of ecosystem integrity, survival of species with climate change….stopping the sources of excessive
of conservation importance, and so on), is neither an objective nor carbon emissions and other climate damaging phenomenon, so
an outcome of such practices. On the other hand, many resource that at least further and more damaging impacts can be avoided.
utilization areas are managed in ways that sustain or enhance ICCAs should not become an excuse for those most responsible
their conservation values, and these would be considered ICCAs. for climate-changing activities, to avoid having to take the
A subset of ICCAs could also be considered protected areas, as action most urgently needed to drastically cut emissions. This
defined by either the IUCN or the CBD. article must be read with both these caveats in mind.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 19
The Values of ICCAs • Forested ICCAs are helping in “avoided deforestation”, where
Before we look at the specific role of ICCAs in climate communities are acting to prevent forces of forest cutting and
change, it would be useful to list their ecological, social, and degradation, and thereby helping in carbon sequestration and
economic values (Kothari 2006). They perform one or more also avoiding the release of carbon into the atmosphere.
of the following functions: • ICCAs are acting as corridors, linkages, and stepping
stones in the larger landscape, including between formal
• help conserve critical ecosystems and threatened protected areas or other important biodiversity sites,
species; which could provide critical spaces for movement and
• maintain essential ecosystem functions, including crucial refuges when climate change causes vegetation
hydrological stability; and faunal shifts.
• sustain the cultural and economic survival of tens of • ICCAs, particularly those encompassing mixed
millions of people; landscapes of ‘wilderness’ and human land use, are
• provide corridors and linkages for animal and gene sustaining agricultural and cultural diversity, both of
movement, including often between two or more which could be crucial to community strategies for
officially protected areas; adapting to climate change.
• synergise links between agricultural biodiversity • ICCAs are acting as important buffers or defences against
and wildlife, providing larger land/waterscape level ‘natural’ disasters such as drought, flood, cyclones, and
integration; others, all of which are expected to increase in intensity
• offer crucial lessons for community-based or and in some areas in frequency, due to climate change.
participatory governance, useful even in government • ICCAs would be amongst the last refuges for livelihood
managed protected areas; options in situations of extreme stress caused by climate
• offer lessons in integrating customary and statutory change.
laws, and formal and non-formal institutions, for more • The knowledge and wisdom embodied in ICCAs
effective conservation; are providing observations and information on the
• build on and validate sophisticated ecological knowledge dimensions and impacts of climate change, which will
systems, elements of which have wider positive use; be invaluable in mitigation and adaptation strategies for
• aid in community resistance to destructive development, humanity as a whole.
saving territories and habitats from mining, dams,
logging, tourism, over-fishing and so on; Each of these is explored in greater detail below.
• help communities in empowering themselves, especially iccas as avoided deforestation
to reclaim or secure territories, tenure, and rights to, or Given that deforestation is believed to contribute up to 20%
control over, resources; of global carbon emissions, one key strategy to avoid further
• aid communities to better define their territories, e.g. emissions is to protect forests. ICCAs are likely to already be
through mapping; contributing substantially to this. A considerable part of the earth’s
• help create a greater sense of community identity and forests are under some form of ownership, custodianship, or active
cohesiveness, and also a renewed vitality and sense of management by Indigenous Peoples and local communities.
pride in local cultures, including amongst the youth Some scholars estimate that about 420 million ha of forests
who are otherwise alienated from these by modern (11% of the world’s total) are under community ownership or
influences; administration (Molnar et al. 2004), and that this could double
• create conditions for other developmental inputs to flow in the near future due to increasing policies of decentralisation
into the community; (White et al. 2004). By no means would all this comprise ICCAs
• lead to greater equity within a community, and between in the sense of achieving conservation; however, about 370
the community and outside agencies. million ha is reported to be under some level of conservation
• conserve biodiversity at relatively low financial management by communities (Molnar et al. 2004).
cost (though often high labour inputs), with costs of
management often covered as part of normal livelihood Mapping and studies in the Amazon basin suggest that over
or cultural activities; and a fifth of its forests are under indigenous protected areas and
• provide examples of relatively simple administration territories, and that these areas are most effective against
and decision-making structures, avoiding complex illegal logging and other external threats (Oviedo 2006). Such
bureaucracies. areas are likely to be qualitatively superior to many areas
outside the reserves, thereby possibly contributing more to
ICCAs and climate change carbon capture. Several thousand patches of forest in India,
Given the above functions and values, one can hypothesize ranging from tiny one hectare plots to some spread over tens of
that ICCAs are, or could be, playing the following key roles thousands of hectares, are conserved by communities (Pathak
in relation to climate change (though these would not be the et al. 2007). Community managed forests are also found in
primary motivation for the existence of the ICCAs, most of many industrial countries, such as in the New England region
which would pre-date the climate change crisis): of USA (Brown et al. 2006) or examples like the Regole

20 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
d’Ampezzo of the Ampezzo Valley in Italy, which has a An agricultural landscape with a diversity of crops, livestock,
recorded history of about 1,000 years ( and management practices, such as found in many ICCAs, is
more likely to withstand anomalous situations such as climatic
Decentralisation of forest management is seen to be a global
flux, than those that have been homogenized. As climate
trend, which means that more and more forest could come
change impacts agriculture and other land uses, systems with
under community management (Molnar et al. 2004). If
greater diversity could become crucial for communities to
managed to achieve ecosystem integrity and conservation, the
adapt. Crop varieties and livestock breeds that can withstand
role of forested ICCAs in avoiding deforestation could also
drought, floods, pest attacks, or other drastic changes, would
substantially increase.
be vital components of adaptability. Simultaneously, the
iccas as corridors and landscape linkages knowledge base of diverse cultures, especially those that have
Climate change is already believed to be causing ‘movements’ in evolved over generations and are also able to absorb modern
ecosystems and species, a phenomenon that will likely increase inputs, could be crucial factors in adaptation.
over the next few decades. As this happens, the inadequacy of
The Parque de la Papa (Potato Park) in Peru, an area managed
the conventional protected area approach, creating islands of
by a collective of 6 farming communities, uses its ‘biocultural’
protection within a landscape of increasing degradation, will be
heritage (a combination of biological and cultural diversity) to
badly exposed. Current boundaries of protection will no longer be
respond to climate change. This is part of the region where the
relevant, as flora and fauna move along with climate, hydrological,
potato originated, and has been diversified into an incredible
and other changes. But will there be suitable ecosystems to move
number of varieties oriented to various social, cultural, economic,
into? Increasingly therefore conservationists are focusing on the
and other uses. The initiative has managed to sustain and revive
landscape (or seascape). It is here that ICCAs may play a crucial
several hundred varieties (eg. The International Centre for
role, for many of them already provide the crucial corridors or
Potato in Lima, was assisted in repatriating many of the varities
linkages that ecosystems and species can use.
it had collected from communities in the past; see http://www.
An ambitious programme to link the Kosciuszko and Namadgi Several thousand years of experience in
National Parks in Australia uses precisely this potential; it responding to climatic phenomenon, altitudinal and horizontal
brings together community groups, NGOs, government and variation, conflict, and other forces, has given the community the
private agencies to reconnect isolated woodlands and grasslands ability to respond to externally driven fluctuations and changes.
and the coastal forests of the country’s southern coast (http:// It is actively using this experience, and the knowledge of crop This is an area where over the last 200 diversity, to adapt to observed and felt climate change related
years considerable fragmentation of vegetation has taken impacts. This includes vertical movement of varieties, adapting
place, impacting many native species. As a consequence the to changes in growing conditions at various heights. But what
agricultural and ecological functions of the landscape are under is crucial is that there continues to be an active institutional
severe stress, effecting productivity. This will only increase mechanism for managing the landscape in ways that enhance
with climate change, hence the need to revive ecosystems and conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, and
re-establish connectivity across the landscape. An approach the resilience that this provides (Pers. Comm. with Quechua
combining various governance regimes, including ICCAs, representatives at the Park, 27.6.2008).
appears to provide hope of reversing the degradation, and
greater security against climate change impacts. iccas as buffers and defences against disasters
Many ICCAs harbour ecosystems that provide crucial buffering
In India, the Foundation for Ecological Security has shown that against ‘natural’ disasters such as cyclones, earthquakes,
two isolated government protected areas, Nanda Devi National floods and droughts. Well-managed coastal ecosystems such as
Park and Askot Sanctuary, are actually linked through large van littoral forests, coral reefs and mangroves, have been repeatedly
panchayats, forests that are managed by communities (FES shown as reducing the impacts of cyclonic waves and winds.
2003). If the entire landscape is seen as one, but with diverse In northern Vietnam since 1994, local communities with help
forms of governance of various parts, and management regimes from the Red Cross have planted and protected about 12,000
are appropriately adjusted, it provides the potential to provide hectares of mangrove forests; these areas faced considerably
space for moving ecosystems and species. less damage during the Wukong typhoon that devastated other
areas in 2000 (IFRC quoted in Roe et al. 2007). In India,
There are many other such examples, which are not presented
the impact of the devastating tsunami was considerably less
here for lack of space. More importantly, there are probably
where coastal vegetation and mangroves were intact. Learning
very many more such examples that are not documented or
from this, some institutions and NGOs are encouraging
known other than to the relevant communities themselves…
community led revival and protection of such ecosystems in
and often even communities may not realize that their ICCAs
the Sundarbans and the eastern coast (Swahilya 2007; Roy
are performing this function.
2008). Across south-east Asia and the Asia-Pacific, hundreds
iccas as strongholds of agricultural and cultural biodiversity of community managed fishery reserves are protecting vital
It is well recognized now that diversity provides resilience to marine ecosystems that could provide shields against disasters
not only ‘natural’ ecosystems but also to human-made ones. (Govan et al. 2006; Ferrari 2006; Lavides 2006).

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 21
iccas as last refuges for livelihood security between US$1500 to US$10,000 per hectare, if the carbon
Many ICCAs contain ecosystems and resources that have been market were to pay for their full value.
specifically maintained for times of crisis, and not otherwise
One complication could be that in REDD, similar to the current
used. For instance, in Ethiopia the Borana pastoral community
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) principle, initiatives
maintained the wetter lands as forests or pastures to be used
may be eligible only if they can show “additionality”,
only as a last resort for grazing in times of severe drought (Bassi
i.e. that they are additional to what would have happened
2002). Scarce water sources in the arid region of western Asia
without carbon financing. ICCAs are backed by a diversity
and northern Africa, were also often similarly guarded for times
of community motivations, and are already in place, so at first
of drought, e.g. in the widespread practice of himas (www.
glance there would not seem to be any additionality. However,
many ICCAs also face serious threats, both from within
ATopic%3A3599). Such practices are likely to be invaluable
and without the community (including at times decreasing
in community adaptation to the uncertain impacts of climate
tolerance to opportunity losses), and it can be argued that these
change, and also for biodiversity conservation. For instance, the
threats can be faced if some form of funding is available.
Society for Protection of Nature in Lebanon is actively promoting
the community-based revival of the hima system at two sites ICCAs could also be a much better alternative to large-
that are crucial for threatened bird species as well as traditional scale monocultural plantations that are being promoted for
livelihoods ( . carbon sequestration (including as biofuels, see http://www. These plantations
iccas as repositories of knowledge and wisdom have significant negative impacts on biodiversity, people, and
The maintenance of ICCAs is based on sophisticated knowledge, ecosystem functions. Regeneration of forests/vegetation by
and deep-rooted wisdom. This is already helping to provide vital community regulation, and afforestation with local species
information on the dimensions and impacts of climate change. diversity as is often preferred by communities, would appear to
For instance, for over a decade the Inuvialuit of Canada have been be considerably more desirable than monocultural plantations.
reporting significant changes such as thinning of sea ice, delays in
the autumn freeze, alterations in sea ice distribution, and changes However, a more crucial question is, do Indigenous Peoples
in seal behaviour. A collaborative project between Indigenous and local communities themselves want carbon funding?
Peoples of the Arctic (through the Arctic Council, an inter- At various international forums, indigenous networks have
governmental forum that formally includes several indigenous strongly opposed such mechanisms. They have good reason to.
networks), and scientific institutions under the International So far, most carbon funding has gone through governments, or
Arctic Science Committee, is combining indigenous and formal even in the voluntary market, through corporations and formal
western scientific studies and insights to better understand institutions. There is hardly any involvement of, much less
climate change impacts (Anon 2004). A number of institutions control by, the communities being impacted. CDM or other
and Indigenous Peoples’ organizations (including the UNU-IAS, mechanisms have not challenged the skewed and iniquitous
ANDES, the Christiansen Fund, and IIED) are now proposing governance arrangements of ecosystem and landscape
a series of indigenous climate change assessments to feed into management. There is a genuine fear that mechanisms like
the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, REDD may in fact not only bypass communities, but in fact lead
into national and international policies, and into the responses to further marginalization, if governments impose conventional
of Indigenous Peoples themselves (Sam Johnston, pers. comm. forest and protected area management regimes in a bid to
2008). Increasingly, communities in ICCAs will have a crucial demonstrate ‘effective’ conservation to earn carbon credits.
role in generating and providing knowledge of the full range of ICCAs would seem to be ideal candidates to benefit from any
climate change impacts, and how to deal with them. financial mechanisms dealing with climate change. But these
mechanisms will need to be drastically different from the ones
Are climate financial mechanisms that the global community has so far come up with, providing
and ICCAs compatible? central decision-making powers to the peoples and communities
Given their crucial role, would ICCAs be eligible for receiving that manage ICCAs, and being sensitive to the non-economic
benefits from the various financial mechanisms being considered aspects of ICCAs. There is not much evidence of such rethinking
under climate change treaties and discussions? Equally important, on part of those dominating the discussions on carbon markets.
should they be considered; what do the indigenous people and
local communities themselves think about this? Most crucial is the recognition that ICCAs deserve recognition
regardless of their role in climate change, and that it could be
There is no doubt that, under mechanisms like the proposed counterproductive to link them up only or even primarily to
Reduced Deforestation from Deforestation and Degradation mitigation and adaptation strategies. Their climate-related
(REDD), or similar voluntary mechanisms, ICCAs would be benefits to humanity are incidental to many other values and
eligible. In some international discussions, the sums being motivations. Additionally, financial mechanisms are not the most
talked about under such mechanisms are huge; one review important means of supporting ICCAs; much more crucial are
puts them at US$43 billion (Roe et al. 2007). According tenurial and territorial rights, safeguarding them from external
to a World Bank estimate, forests could be worth anything threats, and other such measures listed in the next section.

22 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
What needs to be done to enhance ICCA’s role? crises, privatization and take-over by corporate interests,
A number of urgent steps are necessary if the role of ICCAs in agrofuels and exotics, changing aspirations of new
climate change mitigation and adaptation is to be strengthened generations, and other such forces.
or actualized: • Moving national and local level planning into landscape
approaches, in which ICCAs are a crucial component;
• Greater documentation and studies, carried out by or such approaches will need to centrally involve relevant
with the relevant people/communities, on the various communities in decision-making at not only the local but
roles that ICCAs may already be playing, or have the the landscape level (see, for instance, the approach for the
potential to play, as described in Section 3 above. Some Cape Floristic Region of South Africa,
ongoing regional reviews commissioned by TILCEPA are xp/cepf/resources/publications/cape_floristic_region/).
beginning to cover this aspect (see www.ICCAForum.
• Facilitating the participation of Indigenous Peoples and
org). local communities in climate change negotiations (and
•. The opening up of western scientific work on climate related negotiations in international biodiversity or
change, to indigenous knowledge and wisdom; environmental agreements), to voice their opinions on
this requires a considerable paradigm shift towards mechanisms being discussed (e.g. REDD), and provide
respecting various forms of knowledge, and building alternative visions of mechanisms that would help in
bridges amongst them based on mutual respect (as is avoidance, mitigation and adaptation.
happening at the Potato Park in Peru, see http://www. These steps will by no means stave off all the threats that
• Recognition of ICCAs, as deemed appropriate by the
ICCAs face, or help revive all ICCAs that have gone defunct.
relevant people/communities, in law and policy, or But they will give crucial support to many, and greatly enhance
through social means; this would include their integration the chance of their contribution to climate change solutions.
into protected area systems with free and prior informed
consent, and backing through legal regimes that provide References
Anon. 2004. Arctic Climate Impact Assessment Policy Document 2004.
Indigenous Peoples and local communities their territorial Issued by the Fourth Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting Reykjavik, 24
and resource rights, and recognize their customary laws November 2004.
Bassi, M. 2002. The making of unsustainable livelihoods: an ongoing
(such as the Indigenous Protected Areas of Australia, see tragedy in the Ethiopian drylands. Policy Matters, Issue 10.
Smith 2006). It is important to realize that this must be Brown, J, M.W. Lyman, and A. Proctor. 2006. Community conserved
done regardless of the recognition of the role of ICCAs areas: experiences from North America. PARKS Special issue on
Community Conserved Areas, 16(1).
in climate change mitigation or adaptation. Also, it Govan, H., A. Tawake, and K. Tabunakawi. 2006. Community-based
needs to be borne in mind that top-down, inappropriate marine resource management in the South Pacific. PARKS Special issue
recognition of ICCAs could at times lead to undermining on Community Conserved Areas, 16(1).
Ferrari, M.F. 2006. Rediscovering community conserved areas in South-
the community initiative, such as by imposing a uniform East Asia: people’s initiative to reverse biodiversity loss. PARKS
management structure on a diversity of local institutional Special issue on Community Conserved Areas, 16(1).
FES. 2003. A Biodiversity Log and Strategy Input Document for the Gori
and cultural realities, or by exposing communities to River Basin, Western Himalaya Ecoregion, District Pithoragarh,
unwanted external influences such as uncontrolled Uttaranchal. A sub-state process under the National Biodiversity
tourism. Strategy and Action Plan India. Foundation for Ecological Security,
• Facilitating community capacity to adapt to climate IFRC. 2001. Coastal Environment Protection: A Case Study of the Vietnam
change impacts, including the revival of conservation Red Cross. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies, Geneva.
practices that may have eroded (e.g. the hima system in Kothari, A. 2006. Community conserved areas: towards ecological and
western Asia and northern Africa, mentioned above), livelihood security. PARKS Special issue on Community Conserved
providing information and training on new technologies Areas, 16(1).
Lavides, M.N., M.G. Pajaro and C.M.C. Nozawa (Eds). 2006. Atlas of
of mapping and forecasting that could complement their Community-Based Marine Protected Areas in the Philippines. Haribon
own observations and knowledge (used, for instance, Foundation for the Conservation of Natural Resources, Inc. and Panama
Ka Sa Pilipinas, Philippines.
by the NGO PAFID to help the Tagbanwa indigenous Molnar, A., S. Scherr, and A. Khare. 2004. Who Conserves the World’s
people in claiming ancestral domain rights to protect Forests: community driven strategies to protect forests and respect
the islands they live in, such as the Coron ICCA in the rights. Forest Trends and Ecoagriculture Partners, Washington DC.
Oviedo, G. 2006. Community conserved areas in South America. PARKS
Philippines; see, and appropriate Special issue on Community Conserved Areas, 16(1).
technological and institutional inputs that are acceptable Pathak, N., T. Balasinorwala, A. Kothari, and B.R. Bushley. 2007.
to the communities. People in conservation: Community conserved areas in India.
Kalpavriksh, Pune/Delhi.
• Consideration of incentives for continued or new
Roe, D., H. Reid, K. Vaughan, E. Brickell, and J. Elliott. 2007. Climate,
community-based conservation of forests, with carbon, conservation and communities. IIED and WWF-UK.
Roy, S. 2008. Local women give back Sundarban the mangrove forest.
mechanisms in which communities are central decision- Merinews,
makers, and which directly benefit them in ways they find Smith, D. 2006. Indigenous protected areas in Australia. PARKS Special
acceptable. Such mechanisms need to be able to counter issue on Community Conserved Areas, 16(1).
Swahilya. 2007. Green forts for the coast. The Hindu, August 19.
the threats that ICCAs face from economic development White, A., A. Khare, and A. Molnar. 2004. Who Owns, Who Conserves,
processes, lost economic opportunities and livelihood and Why It Matters. Forest Trends, Washington DC.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 23
Climate change and identification of terrestrial
protected areas in the Seychelles Islands
Justin Gerlach
Author’s Address: Abstract. The Seychelles islands are notable for the high proportion of land area designated as National Parks (43%). These
Justin Gerlach sites were designated with the aim of protecting water catchments and threatened species, mostly in the 1960s and 1970s.
133 Cherry Hinton Road Their location does not take into consideration the likely impacts of climate change. It is anticipated that changes in organism
Cambridge CB1 7BX, and habitat distributions in the Seychelles islands will occur over the next 50-100 years largely as a result of sea level change
U.K. and altered rainfall patterns. Species and sites at particular risk will be those associated with low-lying areas and high altitude moss forest habitats. Due to the small area of the Seychelles islands and their isolated nature there is no significant potential
for redesign of protected areas to allow migration and mitigation, unlike continental ecosystems. The impacts on particularly
threatened protected areas, both existing (e.g. Aldabra World Heritage Site) and potential, are highlighted.

Introduction The first protected area in Seychelles was gazetted in 1966.

Designation and maintenance of protected areas are considered Forty three percent of the land area is listed as under protection
major strategies to preserve biodiversity and ecosystem (194km2), with an additional 228km2 of marine protected
function, particularly for water and genetic resources. areas. Twenty-five protected areas have been designated in
Historically, protected areas have been designated to include Seychelles (including designated but un-enforced shell and
water-sheds, notable populations of high profile species and fisheries reserves), of which 14 are terrestrial and a further 2
specific landscape features (particularly those considered to be include terrestrial areas within the management of a marine
of cultural value). It has been noted that protected areas need protected area. A recent analysis has proposed that the terrestrial
to be resilient to climate change or capable of adapting to such protected areas network should be expanded to include a further
change (Hannah et al. 2002; 2007). In countries with large 23 sites (400ha) which are rich in biodiversity, and support
areas of semi-natural habitat, protected area boundaries could key populations of globally threatened species or threatened
theoretically be altered to take account of climatic instability. habitats (Gerlach in press). These areas, their management and
In areas with high human population densities such changes purpose are summarised in Table 1. The potential impacts of
may be more problematic. Small island groups are thought to climate change on these sites are reviewed below.
be highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change (Nurse
et al. 1998; Payet & Agricole 2006) but the sensitivity of
Climate change in Seychelles
In Seychelles three main impacts may be expected from
protected areas has not been considered from the perspective
climate change; sea level rise, and changes in precipitation and
of small island systems. In such systems protected areas often
temperature. The effects of climate change on the protected
encompass whole geographic units (islands) and the potential
areas of Seychelles (both existing and needed) were evaluated
for re-designing reserves may be limited. In some situations
by considering the potential effects on the islands and relating
it may be possible to design protected areas that link a group
those to the habitats, topography and species present in
of islands and marine habitat, however, there is little dispersal
each area. One review of climate change predictions for the
between islands for most terrestrial taxa and this could only
Seychelles region has been published (Payet & Agricole 2006).
be a partial solution.
This notes that predictions of the magnitude and precise nature
The Republic of Seychelles has a well developed protected of the effects of climate change vary widely and few detailed
areas system, dating back to 1966. These islands may be predictions have been made for the Seychelles islands. As the
vulnerable to climate change as many are low-lying and at risk individual islands are smaller than the resolution of existing
from sea level rise and others support important habitats with models most predictions have wide error margins and different
strong climate influences, such as mist forest. Accordingly, models provide markedly different predictions. For example
the islands provide an interesting system for the evaluation predictions of temperature increase by 2100 vary by a factor
of climate change impacts on small protected areas. The of 5.8, and rainfall change varies from -8% to +29% (Payet &
Seychelles islands comprise 115 distinct islands, ranging Agricole 2006). All models agree on general patterns of air and
from relatively high granitic islands (to 905m above sea level) sea-surface temperature increases and more extreme seasonality
to raised coral atolls (0-8m above sea level) and coral cays of rainfall. Accordingly, only general scenarios for future change
(Figure 1). Island size varies from 15,380 hectares (Aldabra) are used here unless real data are available to indicate current
to 0.1ha (several islands including L’Ilot and Chauve Souris). trends. These data comprise sea level changes for 1993-2007 and
The islands have been noted to be highly vulnerable to sea temperature and rainfall data sets from 1891-2007. In all cases
level rise due to economic dependence on coastal industries, trends are projected forwards to the year 2100. The effects of
particular issues of concern (some of which are already sea level rise have been evaluated by calculating the projected
apparent) include flooding of coastal wetlands, inundation of minimum sea level rise and removing the land area expected to
low-lying islands, coastal erosion, increased coastal flooding be affected from the total land area for each site. This provides
and salination of groundwater aquifers (Lajoie 2000). an indication of the magnitude of loss of terrestrial habitat by

24 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
2100. For habitat and species vulnerabilities considerably more 1a
detailed climate modelling is needed for the islands before any
reliable predictions can be made. In this review species and
habitat considered to be particularly vulnerable are highlighted.
These have been identified as having a dependence on specific
temperatures or appear to be close to a limiting temperature
or rainfall level. These should be considered to be species and
habitats of particular concern, but not the only ones at risk.
Sea level
Predictions by the International Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC 2007) for sea level rise are a global increase of 0.18-
0.59m by 2100, with a local additional increase of 0.05-0.1m,
giving a projected rise of 0.23-0.69m for Seychelles. These
may be considered highly conservative predictions and real
increases may be expected to be significantly higher. Actual sea
level data from Seychelles for 1993-2007 show a mean value
of 2.21mm per year (Figure 2), giving a sea level rise of 0.27m
by 2100. With a spring tide range of 1.2m, sea level rise in 1b
this order would cause increased beach erosion and flooding of
low-lying areas. For the granitic islands this would represent
a local problem to areas currently less than 1.47m above sea
level, however, the coral islands are almost entirely less than
1m above sea level and even slight rises in sea level will have
devastating impacts on those islands. This will be particularly
problematic when combined with storm surges, any increase
in the frequency and magnitude of such surges may have
devastating impacts on all coastal areas, with the potential to
destabilise coral islands entirely. Projected changes in the area
of protected areas and KBAs due to sea level rise are shown
in Table 1. It should be noted that the trend of rising sea level
used here is a simple linear extrapolation from the 1993-2007
data. These data indicate an increasing rate of sea level rise
since 2002. If this is more than a temporary anomaly sea level
rise in the Seychelles islands could be considerably higher than
this estimate or the IPCC predictions, with a rise of 37mm per
year since 2002, extrapolating to as much as 3.7m by 2100. Figure 1. Islands of high biodiversity importance in Seychelles. 1a. All islands; 1b. Granitic islands.
The northern islands (mainly granitic islands) are mostly high These reductions in area simply consider the above-water land
islands (reaching over 30m above sea level) and most may area of the islands. Even the habitats that are not inundated
be relatively little affected by sea level rise. The coral islands will be subject to environmental change caused by sea level
of the Amirantes are all less than 1m above sea level (except related factors such as increased salinity in groundwater, an
for isolated dunes on some islands, e.g. D’Arros, which reach expansion in the area affected by salt spay, destabilization of
3-4m) and may be extensively eroded or even submerged by coast lines. All coastal habitats would be affected by this but
even the most conservative estimates of sea level rise. One one of the first is likely to be the mangrove swamp habitat.
island, ‘Sand Cay’, was submerged in the late 20th century. Significant mangrove areas are present in the lagoon of
Rises in sea level would be expected to cause similar loss of Aldabra Special Reserve and in areas of the granitic islands
the protected areas of Etoile, Boudeuse and African Banks. of Mahé (Port Launay Ramsar Site) and Curieuse Marine
Aldabra Special Reserve reaches a maximum height of 6.9m, but National Park, with small areas (less than 0.5 hectares) on
is mostly (90%) less than 2m above sea level. Conservatively other islands. These are all lagoonal or estuarine mangroves
projected sea level rise would probably reduce the area of the and serve only a very limited function in terms of coastal
atoll by approximately 25% by 2100. The other southern atolls protection. Reduction in the area or health of mangrove
may be even more affected; Cosmoledo reaches a height of systems would however have a significant impact on coastal
17m (dunes on Grande Ile) but is 95% less than 1m above sea biodiversity and on fisheries through loss of fish nursery
level. Farquhar has dunes to 20m but is otherwise only 1m habitat. Impacts on other habitats may be equally severe but
above sea level and at least 95% loss is probable, especially the nature of change is much harder to predict due to the wider
when combined with cyclone action and storm surge erosion. mixture of ecological factors acting upon them.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 25
Table 1. Existing and protected areas in Seychelles and potential risks from climate change. MNP – Marine
National Park, NP – National Park, NR – Nature Reserve, PA – Protected Area, SR – Special Reserve.
Category Island Protected area (date Terrestrial Standard Management Purpose of Vulnerability
gazetted) area (ha) Error type designation
Present 2010
Protected Mahé Morne Seychellois NP (1979) 3,045 3,045 Government & private Water catchment protection Vulnerable habitat - moss forest

Port Launay Ramsar Site (2004) 29 <1 Government & private Mangroves High sea level vulnerability

Sèche Sèche NR (1966) 1.5 1.5 Government Sea-bird protection Sea-bird vulnerable to marine ecosystem change

Ile aux Vaches Ile aux Vaches Marines NR (1966) 4.7 4.5 Government Sea-bird protection Sea-birds vulnerable to marine ecosystem change

Mamelles Mamelles NR (1966) 8.8 8.5 Government Sea-bird protection Sea-birds vulnerable to marine ecosystem change

Praslin Praslin NP (1966, modified 1979 797 797 Government & private Water catchment protection Low vulnerability
and 2005) land and biodiversity

Curieuse Curieuse MPA (1979) 286 266 Government Biodiversity and tourism Mangroves vulnerable to sea level rise

Aride Aride SR (1979) 68 65 NGO managed Sea-bird protection Sea-birds vulnerable to marine ecosystem change

Booby Booby NR (1966) 0.5 0.5 Government Sea-bird protection Sea-birds vulnerable to marine ecosystem change

Cousin Cousin SR (1975) 28.6 18.6 NGO managed Sea-bird protection Sea-birds vulnerable to marine ecosystem change

Cocos, Fouche & Platte (1987) 0.5 0.1 Government Coral reef Marine ecosystem vulnerable to climate change

La Digue Veuve SR (1991) 8 8 Government Single species Low vulnerability

African Banks African Banks PA (1987) 30 0 Government Sea-bird protection High vulnerability to sea level rise and sea-birds vulnerable to marine ecosystem

Boudeuse Boudeuse NR (1966) 1.4 0 Government Sea-bird protection High vulnerability to sea level rise and sea-birds vulnerable to marine ecosystem

Étoile Étoile NR (1966) 1.4 0 Government Sea-bird protection High vulnerability to sea level rise and sea-birds vulnerable to marine ecosystem

Aldabra Aldabra SR (1976) 15,380 11,535 Government Biodiversity Dry scrub vulnerable to increased aridification. Moderate vulnerability to sea
level rise

Declared Silhouette Mountain forests 1,995 1,990 Vulnerable habitat - moss forest

Private Cousine 25.7 24 Sea-birds vulnerable to marine ecosystem change

North 201 179 Moderate vulnerability to sea level rise

Fregate 219 180 Moderate vulnerability to sea level rise

Bird 101 50 High vulnerability to sea level rise and sea-birds vulnerable to marine ecosystem

Denis 143 50 High vulnerability to sea level rise

Key Biodiversity Mahé Grand Bois 6.3 6.3 Low vulnerability


Bernica 2.5 2.5 Low vulnerability

La Reserve 50 50 Low vulnerability

Montagne Planeau 187.5 187.5 Highly vulnerable habitat - moss forest

Montagne Glacis 216.7 216.7 Low vulnerability

Mont Sebert 60 60 Low vulnerability

Beau Vallon 1 <1 Moderate vulnerability to sea level rise

Police Bay 262.5 150 High vulnerability to sea level rise

east coast islands 392.7 300 Moderate vulnerability to sea level rise

west coast islands 138.9 100 Low vulnerability to sea level rise

Silhouette La Passe 7.5 5 Moderate vulnerability to sea level rise

Grande Barbe 47.8 35 Moderate vulnerability to sea level rise

Praslin North-east coast 100 95 Low vulnerability

La Digue Mont La Digue 50 50 Low vulnerability

Felicite 268 96 Low vulnerability

Recifs & Ilot 21 18 Sea-birds vulnerable to marine ecosystem change


North mirantes 834 350 High vulnerability to sea level rise

South 90.3 25 High vulnerability to sea level rise and sea-birds vulnerable to marine ecosystem
Amirantes change

Alphonse & St. 191 50 High vulnerability to sea level rise and sea-birds vulnerable to marine ecosystem
Francois change

Astove 661 397 Dry scrub vulnerable to increased aridification. Moderate vulnerability to sea
level rise

Cosmoledo 472 150 Dry scrub vulnerable to increased aridification. Moderate vulnerability to sea
level rise

Assumption 1,171 500 Dry scrub vulnerable to increased aridification. Moderate vulnerability to sea
level rise

Farquhar 402 20 High vulnerability to sea level rise and sea-birds vulnerable to marine ecosystem

26 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Sea level rise is also expected to have major impacts on some Temperature
species that depend on the coastal zone for critical stages in Temperature change since 1880 (data from the Global Historical
their life cycles. Two species of marine turtle, the green turtle Climatology Network dataset) for the granitic islands indicate
(Chelonia mydas) and the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys a significant warming trend of 0.6°C per 100 years (data since
imbricata) have significant breeding populations in Seychelles, 1880, Y=0.006X-12.101; R2=0.240; F83=26.149). Temperatures
nesting on the beach-crest. Increases in sea level and coastal are known to limit the distribution of many animal and plant
erosion will inevitably lead to significant reductions in the species by influencing the processes and rates of metabolism
area of suitable nesting habitat. Population declines are likely or developmental (e.g. Schebel & Grossfield 1986a, 1986b;
to result from this and this is a major cause for concern in Delsinne et al. 2007). Temperature limitations probably influence
these already threatened species. the distribution of several Seychelles animal and plant species,
there is evidence that one amphibian species, Thomasset’s
Rainfall frog, Sooglossus thomasseti, is limited to high altitudes and
Projections of changes in precipitation are highly uncertain,
boulder fields due to an intolerance of temperatures exceeding
largely because of the small size of the islands. Current
24°C (Gerlach in prep.) and any increase in temperature will
projections are for annual precipitation to increase, accompanied
inevitably lead to a reduction in range of this species. Marginal
by increases in evaporation, leading to a freshwater deficit in the
increases in temperature may threaten other taxa such as the
coral islands (derived from calculations in IPCC 2007). Levels of
Aldabra giant tortoises, Dipsochelys dussumieri, which have been
cloud cannot be projected adequately, the changes in precipitation
calculated to have a critical temperature of 36-38°C (Swingland
and evaporation may provide an approximation of the probable
& Frazier 1979) above which their poikilothermic (of varying
changes, effectively a decrease in cloud cover in the coral islands
temperature) thermoregulation breaks down, resulting in death.
and slight changes (either increases or decreases) in the granitic
Air temperatures occasionally reach this level, with normal daily
islands. This may cause additional unquantifiable stress on the
ranges of 20.7-33.1ºC (Farrow 1971) and only slight increases
ecosystems of coralline protected areas such as Aldabra atoll.
in temperature may be sufficient to expose tortoises to regular
Changes in rainfall may have significant effects on habitats harmful temperature stress. In addition temperature dependent
that currently experience extremes of precipitation. Of the sex determination in the giant tortoises may also be affected
Seychelles habitats only scrub habitats on Aldabra and by increased air temperatures. The pivotal temperature for sex
the other southern atolls appear to be associated with low determination in this genus is 29ºC (Gerlach 2004), with males
rainfall, these areas are the most arid part of the Western produced below this temperature and females above. Currently
Indian Ocean (Farrow 1971) and may be vulnerable to further ground temperatures in nesting areas are in the range of 28-30ºC,
decrease in rainfall or their characteristics may be altered slight increases in air temperature could reduce the availability
by rainfall increases. Although xerophytic adapted plants of nesting sites below 29ºC, leading to a sex ratio bias towards
are found on inselbergs (German for ‘island mountain’) females. This has implications for population dynamics but the
in the granitic islands (Fleischmann et al. 1996) these sites details of the interaction between air temperature, soil temperature,
experience high rainfall and xerophytes exist in these areas microhabitat and nest site selection remain too poorly known for
due to a combination of high level exposure (and consequent meaningful prediction. Temperature dependent sex determination
evaporation) and run-off. These are not likely to be affected in marine turtles will also be influenced by rising air temperatures.
by projected changes in rainfall. The most specialised and Again, the exact impacts are hard to predict as the details of nest
moisture dependent habitats are the moss forests of Mahé site selection are not fully understood. An increase in temperature
(Morne Seychellois National Park and the unprotected area of would be expected to lead towards a female biased sex ratio
Montagne Planeau) and Silhouette islands. These are highly which may have some impacts on population structure but may Figure 2.
vulnerable to changes in cloud cover, decreases in this cover Recorded sea level
be marginal in comparison to the loss of nesting habitat caused changes at Pointe La
would result in drying and the loss of sensitive organisms, the by sea level rise. The Seychelles sheath-tailed bat, Coleura Rue, Mahé
majority of which are narrow range endemics (often at the
generic level, and in some cases familial) (Gerlach in press).
Very little information is available on the effects of rainfall on
Average tide height (mm)

species in Seychelles; it has been proposed that rainfall has a 1150

significant effect on populations of the Seychelles magpie robin 1100
(Copsychus seychellarum) (Gerlach 1996) and the extinction
of the Aldabra banded snail (Rhachistia aldabrae) has been
attributed to decreasing rainfall on Aldabra (Gerlach 2007). It 1000
is also possible that Critically Endangered populations of plant
species on Aldabra may be species normally associated with
high precipitation species which have marginal populations 900
on Aldabra, this may account for the apparent extinction of 1992 1997 2002 2007
plants, such as Carissa edulis var. sechellensis, which remain Year
present in the granitic islands.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 27
seychellensis, occupies roosts in boulder caves that remain at the bird colonies). The nature of these effects are hard to predict,
temperatures of 26-30°C, or 1-2°C below the current ambient it is probable that there would be periods of change with periodic
daily maximum (Gerlach & Taylor 2006); projected temperature increases and decreases in nutrient input. Chemical input into the
increases may reduce the number of suitable roosts, further terrestrial environment may also be affected by ocean acidification
threatening an already Critically Endangered species, currently as increased pCO2 levels are associated with a decrease in marine
present in only two viable sites. Although all three of these species mollusc shell thickness (Gazeau et al. 2007) and a major source of
are present in protected areas (S. thomasseti and C. seychellensis calcium in the terrestrial environment appears to be from marine
in Morne Seychellois National Park and D. dussumieri in Aldabra mollusc shells brought inland by hermit crabs (pers. obs.).
Special Reserve) such protection will have no effect on critical
temperature stresses. Discussion
Climate change is expected to have significant effects on the
The impacts of increased temperatures in Seychelles are protected areas of Seychelles. The direction of change is difficult
most obvious on coral reefs where the coral bleaching event to predict on the fine scale needed for these small islands. Current
of 1998 (and subsequent less severe events) caused mass climate trends and predictions suggest that future climate may be
mortality of coral colonies, varying from 74% to nearly 100% more variable than in the recent past, with elevated temperatures
in different areas (Spencer et al. 2000; 36). This bleaching has and rainfall but with longer periods of dry weather and short
been attributed to extreme sea-surface temperatures resulting periods of elevated rainfall (Payet & Agricole 2006). This may
from a general trend in increasing temperatures (Glynn 1991; make both arid and mist influenced habitats particularly vulnerable
Sheppard et al. 2005). The impacts of this pattern of increased to change. These are the habitats with the greatest proportion of
temperature and associated increase in frequency and severity endemic and restricted range species and are the highest priorities
of coral bleaching episodes has been reviewed elsewhere (Payet for conservation in Seychelles. Both habitat types are altitude
& Agricole 2006). As a marine phenomenon it is not considered limited, arid habitats being found on the low-lying southern atolls
in detail in the present review but is relevant to the future of (at 1-8m above sea level) and mist forest being above 550m. As
terrestrial protected areas in Seychelles. Thirteen of the existing both habitats are restricted to the summits of their islands, neither
protected areas (80% of the land area under protection) include habitat can move in response to climate change. There is also no
coral reef or coastline fringed by such reefs. Degradation of the potential for redesign of protected areas to allow migration and
coral reef and subsequent deterioration of the reef structure is mitigation as the islands are small and isolated. To some extent new
expected to lead to an increase in coastal erosion, combined protected areas could be designated with the aim of mitigating the
with sea level rise. It is probable that severe degradation of impacts of climate change for some species. For lowland species
coastal habitats will be seen in the future. adapted to relatively high temperatures and prolonged dry periods
future ranges may extend higher above sea level than at present
Cyclones and this should be considered in protected area design. Migration
Additional effects of climate change include changes in the
would reduce the risk these species currently face from sea level
frequency and severity of cyclones, these only affect the most
rise. However, all such species are found in sites that either lack
southerly of the Seychelles islands with recent severe cyclones
any higher ground or already include such potential future ranges
reaching Farquhar and Providence atolls (2007 and 2008). Cyclone
in the protected area. High-altitude species and habitats may be
frequency is affected by the El Nino Southern Oscillation which is
climatically limited and for these there is no potential for vertical
thought to be vulnerable to climate change (Sing et al. 2000).
movement as they are already at the summit of the mountains.
Cyclone damage is only a significant issue in the southern The only consideration for protected area design here is to ensure
atolls. Increased damage may be expected for Farquhar and that all such habitat is protected from other degradation factors
Providence, with an increased risk of cyclones at Cosmoledo, (e.g. development and invasion). All upland areas of Mahé island
Astove, Assumption and Aldabra. Projections of cyclone range should be protected (the highest priority being the biodiversity rich
expansion with climate change may also mean that cyclones site of Montagne Planeau) and the proposed Silhouette National
reach islands currently outside of the cyclone belt. In Seychelles Park should be enacted as a matter of urgency.
this would include the southern Amirantes, all low-lying coral
cays and atolls highly vulnerable to cyclone damage. Unpredictable impacts are also likely in the sea-bird reserves
where marine ecology provides the basis for nutrient input into
Sea currents the terrestrial ecosystems. Extreme fluctuations in the breeding
Sea currents may also be affected, causing changes in the success of sea-birds and the size of their populations apparently
movement of pelagic marine organisms, especially migratory due to lack of food, cannot easily be attributed to any single
fish populations. Changes in tuna population movements are ultimate cause. They probably result from a combination of over-
considered to be a major cause of breeding failure in Seychelles fishing, changes in sea-currents, sea temperatures and sea levels.
sea-birds nesting on several island reserves as these birds feed Climate change may be a major factor in these fluctuations or may
on the small fish driven to the surface by feeding shoals of tuna be an additional stress. Direct mitigation of the climate change
(Ramos 2000). Alterations in marine currents would have effects effects may not be possible, strict regulation of fisheries to ensure
on the ecosystems of these islands by changing nutrient input that over-fishing is eliminated as a stress factor would minimize
levels (through fish brought ashore by sea-birds and the size of the impacts on these keystone species, although it is questionable

28 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
whether this would be practical in times of climate change and networks is possible in theory, even if constrained in practice.
food insecurity. In the Seychelles context it should be noted that Effective protected area management and habitat restoration are
most of the sea-bird colonies are on low-lying islands and even both urgent priorities.
conservative estimates of sea level rise can be expected to cause
the complete loss of four colonies and the significant reductions References
Delsinne, T., Y. Roisin and M. Leponce. 2007. Spatial and temporal
in the size of several others, reducing sea-bird populations to foraging overlaps in a Chacoan ground-feeding ant assemblage. Journal
approximately 23-30% of current levels. This catastrophic decline of Arid Environments 71(1): 29-44
Farrow, G.E. 1971. The climate of Aldabra atoll. Philosophical
may reduce the food stress on the remaining colonies but would Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological
also concentrate poaching impacts on fewer colonies. Sciences 260(836): 67-91
Fleischmann, K., S. Porembski, N. Biedinger and W. Barthlott. 1996.
Of the existing protected areas the significant climate change Inselbergs in the sea: vegetation of granite outcrops of Mahé and Silhouette,
Seychelles. Bulletin of the Geobotanical Institute ETH 62: 61-74.
effects may be expected to be due to sea level rise on Port Gazeau, F., C. Quiblier, J.M. Jansen, J.-P. Gattuso, J.J.
Launay Ramsar Site, coral islands of African Banks, Etoile Middelburg and C.H.R. Heip. 2007. Impact of elevated CO2 on
and Boudeuse, and Aldabra. Temperature and rainfall stresses shellfish calcification. Geophyscial Research Letters 34: L07603,
may be particularly significant in the important high forest Gerlach, J. 1996. Rainfall patterns - an overlooked ecological influence.
habitats of Morne Seychellois National Park and in the semi- Phelsuma 5: 75-76.
Gerlach, J. 2004. Indian Ocean giant tortoises. Chimaira Publishers,
arid environment of the Aldabra Special Reserve. Frankfurt-am-Main.
Gerlach, J. 2007. Short-term climate change and the extinction of the snail
It has been suggested that mitigation of climate change in Rhachistia aldabrae. Biology Letters 3: 581-584
Seychelles could be achieved by providing natural migration Gerlach, J. 2008 (in press) Key Biodiversity Areas of the Seychelles
Islands. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
corridors, establishing further protected areas, reforestation, Gerlach, J. (in prep.) Thermal stresses in Sooglossidae.
habitat restoration, wetland conservation, reef conservation and Gerlach, J. and M. Taylor 2006. Habitat use, roost characteristics and
restoration and genetic adaptation (Government of Seychelles diet of the Seychelles sheath-tailed bat Coleura seychellensis. Acta
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2000). Most of these measures or processes can be regarded Glynn, P.W. 1991. Coral reef bleaching in the 1980s and possible connections
as theoretical, with limited scope for effective implementation. with global warming. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 6: 175–179.
Government of Seychelles. 2000. Initial National Communication
Migration corridors and areas of suitable habitat are not under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
available for most taxa or for most sites and there is no practical Ministry of Environment and Transport, Republic of Seychelles.
scope for intervening in genetic adaptation. Measures relating Hannah, I., G. F. Midgley, T. Lovejoy, W.J. Bond, M. Bush, J.C. Lovett,
D. Scott and F.I. Woodward. 2002. Conservation of biodiversity in a
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even here development pressures and economics impose severe Hannah, L., G. Midgley, S. Andelman, M. Araujo, E. Martinez-Meyer, R.
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restrictions on the ability of governments and managers to Climate. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5: 131-138
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2007 - The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to
Adaptation to climate change in the Seychelles context requires the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC
Lajoie, R.F. 2000 Implications of Accelerated Sea-level Rise (ASLR) for
management of existing protected areas and protection of new Seychelles. In: Vega-Leinert, A.C. de la , Nicholls, R.J. , Nasser Hassan A.
areas in order to preserve healthy ecosystems. Protecting such & El-Raey, M. (Eds.) Proceedings of SURVAS Expert Workshop on African
Vulnerability & Adaptation to Impacts of Accelerated Sea-level Rise (ASLR).
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Vulnerability, 331-354. Watson, R.T., M.C. Zinyowera and R.H. Moss
adaptation. Historically, in Seychelles and many other islands (Eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
groups, reserves have been created but have received very Payet, R., and W. Agricole. 2006. Climate Change in the Seychelles:
Implications for Water and Coral Reefs. AMBIO (2006): 182–189
little physical management. Habitat deterioration has occurred Ramos, J.A. 2000. Characteristics of foraging habitats and chick food
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For island reserves to be viable in the future it is essential that Schebel, E.M. and J. Grossfield. 1986b. Pupation-temperature range in
effective control of alien species and associated restoration of 12 Drosophila species from different ecological backgrounds. Cellular
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2005. Coral mortality increases wave energy reaching shores protected
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to adapt to changes in rainfall and temperature but would have bleaching in the southern Seychelles during the 1997_1998 Indian
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contrast to continental areas where redesign of protected area Tracking. Pergamon Press, Oxford

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 29
Running dry: Freshwater biodiversity, protected areas and climate change
Jamie Pittock, Lara J. Hansen, and Robin Abell
Authors’ Addresses: Abstract. Freshwater biodiversity is in significant decline and existing conservation strategies have not stemmed the loss to date.
Jamie Pittock, The damage is due to growing threats from traditional pressures and now the direct impacts of climate change, as well as from
WWF Research human responses to climate change. A suite of tools is required to address these threats, and one of these -- protected areas -- has
Associate, been underutilized and poorly applied to freshwater conservation. We outline how the effectiveness of investments in maintaining
Fenner School of and improving the resilience of freshwater systems within protected area systems for conserving freshwater biodiversity can be
Environment and enhanced. Measures for better protected area network design and management, and for restoration of connectivity required to
Society, build resilience are summarized. Strategies for aiding societal adaptation to climate change through protected area establishment
Australian National in a river basin context are also proposed. We conclude with a call to ensure that climate change mitigation and adaptation policies
University, better integrate conservation objectives to avoid more serious impacts on freshwater biodiversity.
jamie.pittock@anu. Key words. freshwater, wetlands, biodiversity, protected areas, climate change, resilience, adaptation, mitigation, conservation planning, connectivity, environmental flows.
Lara J. Hansen,
Chief Scientist, Climate ecosystem services and cultural values” (IUCN 2008). Despite
WWF International. state of freshwater biodiversity
their prominence, there is evidence that PAs have failed to
(Current affiliation:
Freshwater habitats cover little of the earth’s surface – by meet their potential for conserving freshwater biodiversity,
Chief Scientist and
Executive Director, some accounts 0.8% (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment largely due to ineffective design and management (Abell
(MEA) 2005a) – and support high species diversity per unit et al. 2007). This paper assesses what the added challenges posed by climate change will be to conserving freshwater
Robin Abell, area. Freshwaters in most regions have been poorly studied,
yet ~6% of the world’s species have been described from them biodiversity, what role PAs should play in addressing these
Senior Freshwater
Conservation Biologist, (Dudgeon et al. 2006). The MEA summarizes extensive losses challenges, and how they can be improved to be part of larger
Conservation Science
of wetlands globally and describes freshwater ecosystems climate change resilience and adaptation strategies.
WWF United States. as being over-used, under represented in protected areas We define adaptation as “initiatives and measures to reduce the
Robin.Abell@wwfus. (PAs), and having the highest portion of species threatened
org vulnerability of natural and human systems against actual or
with extinction (MEA 2005b). Primary direct drivers of expected climate change effects” (Intergovernmental Panel on
degradation and loss include infrastructure development, land Climate Change (IPCC) 2008:221). Resilience is “the ability
conversion, water withdrawal, pollution, over-harvesting and of a social or ecological system to absorb disturbances while
overexploitation, the introduction of invasive alien species, retaining the same basic structure and ways of functioning,
and global climate change (MEA 2005a). the capacity for self organization, and the capacity to adapt
The prospects for reducing continued losses of freshwater to stress and change” (IPCC 2008:233-234) and is a subset
biodiversity are dim. For instance, one of the top threats to of adaptation that represents less change from the status quo
those river basins with the greatest richness in freshwater fish compared to other adaptation options.
species is hydropower development since they tend to be those freshwater biodiversity in protected areas
with the greatest untapped hydropower potential (compare Understanding the nexus of freshwater biodiversity, PAs, and
IUCN et al. 2003 and International Journal of Hydropower climate change adaptation is complicated by a lack of data
and Dams (IJHD) 2002). The 2015 Millennium Development on the extent to which freshwater biodiversity is currently
Goals seek to halve poverty by, in part, extending water conserved by PAs. The MEA (2005a) overlaid spatial data
supplies and energy to the poor, and by expanding agricultural from the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA; Chape
production (United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) 2000), et al. 2003) with data describing the distribution of freshwater
including through dam construction and other infrastructure systems and concluded that 12% of the world’s inland waters
developments. If poorly implemented, these agreements are in PAs. However, GIS data have insufficient resolution to
may further exacerbate impacts from climate change and adequately define the global extent of freshwater ecosystems,
further facilitate the decline in freshwater ecosystems. Yet especially for seasonal wetlands and smaller streams. Existing
governments have also agreed by 2010 to “significantly institutions fail to adequately measure representation of
reduce the rate of loss of biological diversity” (UN 2002). If freshwater systems in PAs. Ramsar notes the presence but not
this commitment is to be achieved then freshwater biodiversity the area of each wetland type in its sites (Ramsar 2006).The
must be a focus of urgent action. WDPA records the extent of marine and terrestrial biomes in
Today, PAs are still the primary tool for conserving terrestrial PAs but the only freshwater category is “lake systems”, with
and marine biodiversity. Following a new definition proposed 1.54% coverage (Chape et al. 2003:28). At best, existing data
to the IUCN’s World Commission on Protected Areas suggest that freshwaters have not been intentionally excluded
(WCPA), we consider a protected area to be “a clearly defined from PA designations (Abell et al. 2007).
geographical space, recognized, dedicated and managed Further, we cannot accurately say to what degree PAs around
to achieve the long-term conservation of nature, associated the world are effectively conserving freshwater ecosystems.

30 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Effectiveness issues relate principally to PA siting, design, In the past, PAs have often contributed little to maintaining the
and management. Whether or not PAs are managed explicitly resilience of freshwater ecosystems within their boundaries,
for freshwater conservation, there is evidence that freshwaters and better management is required regardless of climate
within PAs receive some protection simply by having portions change. Yet we also believe that they are a logical place to
of their catchments maintained in natural land cover (Driver invest in maintaining resilience in the face of climate change
et al. 2005). A well-known example is the protection of the due to the legal protections they may be afforded from some
Catskill and Delaware watersheds to improve the quality of impacts, the resources allocated to their management, the
New York City’s drinking water (Dudley and Stolton 2003:86- potentially more intact status of their freshwater ecosystems,
89). However, most freshwater systems and their catchments and the community support they may receive.
extend beyond PAs, and threats from upslope, upstream, and
direct threats to freshwater biodiversity from climate change
even downstream can be propagated via hydrologic pathways
to the ‘protected’ freshwaters (Abell et al. 2002:9, 26). The Water is part of the climate system and is one of the most
flow regime for running water systems and the hydroperiod vulnerable parts of this system to climate change. As the Earth
for standing water systems are typically the variables that drive warms, a host of changes to freshwater ecosystems are occurring.
maintenance of those systems (Poff et al. 1997; Williams 2006). With warming, freshwaters experience: higher evaporations
Changes to the hydropattern of so-called protected freshwater rates; changes in quantity and forms of precipitation, leading
systems as a result of external water withdrawals, dams, in some cases to dramatically altered hydrologic regimes
channelization, land cover conversion, and other modifications most readily seen as more severe or more frequent floods and
are therefore of serious concern (Jackson 2006). droughts; altered thermal regimes with changes in seasonal
timing (such as spring onset and winter freeze patterns); altered
Even well-sited PAs may fail to reach their full potential for water chemistry; and increased vulnerability to salination
freshwater conservation due to management shortcomings. due to sea level rise and drawing down of aquifers. There are
Many of the world’s conservation reserves have been afflicted also changes in the Earth’s cryosphere, where two-thirds of
with activities detrimental to freshwater systems, whose the world’s fresh water is held (Shiklomanov 1993). Climate
terrestrial equivalents – such as large-scale hunting, mining change-induced melting of glaciers, other permanent ice, and
or logging – are not tolerated. In one well-known early snow is resulting in further changes in the timing, quantity and
example, in 1913 a reservoir was constructed in the US’s temperature of river flows. The potential acidification of aquatic
Yosemite National Park (National Park Service (NPS) 2008). systems, similar to that seen in marine ecosystems, remains
South Africa’s Kruger National Park, where around half the largely unexplored. Second order impacts include reduced
species depend on aquatic and riparian habitats, has suffered water quality due to pulses of nutrients and contaminants,
from water infrastructure developed upstream, within, and fostered by more intense rainfall events. Other impacts include
downstream of the park (H. Biggs, SANParks, correspondence oxidized soils from drought conditions (such as sulphuric acid
10 May 2008; du Toit et al. 2003). Other widespread impacts to generated in the lower reaches of Australia’s Murray River
freshwaters within PAs include stocking of exotic fish species from 2007), pulses of contaminant melt from glaciers (Blais
and fishing of native species (eg. Department of Conservation et al. 2001), increased use of chemicals in response to climate
and Environment (DCE) 1992). change, and greater erosion and siltation.

Figure 1.Southern
Australia is particularly
vulnerable to climate
change as global
warming draws rain-
bearing cold pressure
systems south of the
mainland and into the
Southern Ocean in
winter. Since the 1980’s
it has been predicted
that southern Australia
may suffer reduced
precipitation due to
climate change. From
the 1975, for example,
inflows into Perth’s
reservoirs fell in two
‘step changes’ from an
average 338 Gigalitres
(Gl) per year to 114 Gl
from 1997. Stepwise
reductions to dam
inflows, Perth, Western
Australia. Source: WA
Water Corporation.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 31
Historical and new non-climate stressors will compound and will change the hydrologic regimes of all affected systems.
the adverse effects of climate change, further reducing Here and elsewhere, those seeking to conserve freshwater
ecosystem resilience. Eutrophication and contaminant biodiversity both within and outside PAs must not only consider
issues will be exacerbated by climate change as the multiple the direct impacts of climate change and non-climate pressures
stresses of elevated nutrients and increasing temperature but also the additional impacts of the climate change policies
lead to reduced dissolved oxygen; altered thermal patterns of governments.
in rivers and stratification in lakes; increased metabolic
rates causing greater contaminant sensitivity; and reduced REDUCING IMPACTS BY ENHANCING RESILIENCE
toxicity thresholds as compounds become more toxic at The very nature of climate change means that all systems are
lower concentrations due to paired thermal stress or climate- changing in their fundamental physical nature, and therefore
induced chemical changes. we can no longer protect or restore to a past state. Rather, we
need to think about what makes systems functional, useful,
Already climate change impacts are affecting freshwater or valuable. This concept has been well developed in regard
biodiversity (Parmesan 2006). Fish and fisheries are perhaps to coral reef systems. For example, coral reef protected
the best studied systems with regard to vulnerability to area managers think in terms of maintaining a functional or
climate change (Poff et al. 2002; Ficke et al. 2007), with sustainable coral system and preventing a state change to an
changes to upstream migrations (Daufresne and Boet 2007), algal-dominated system. This means they work to identify
stocks and productivity (Casselman 2002), species diversity and exploit those factors that make:
(Jackson and Mandrak 2002), and aquatic community • sites less likely to experience adverse climate pressure
composition (Carveth et al. 2006). Some amphibian declines (e.g. refugia, heterogeneity, resilient populations);
have been in part attributed to climate change (Pounds et • a system less likely to respond adversely to a climate
al. 2006). Shifts in invertebrate community structure and change pressure, and;
composition have already been seen and are expected • system recovery from an adverse response to a climate
to continue (Durance and Ormerod 2007, Raddum and pressure more likely;
Fjellheim 2002). Changes in the abundance of freshwater • (Marshall and Schuttenberg 2006);
primary production due to increasing water temperatures
In general, climate adaptation strategies for biodiversity
have begun to affect entire aquatic food webs (Wrona et
conservation first require assessment of the problem,
al. 2006). These are only a small subset of examples of
the vulnerabilities and the opportunities for action. The
the effects of climate change on freshwater ecosystems and
required actions can be categorized as:
their biodiversity (IPCC 2008).
• protecting adequate and appropriate space and

threats from policy responses to climate change
In addition to these direct impacts from climate change, • reducing non-climate stresses;
policies that governments and societies adopt to reduce socio- • employing active adaptive management to start testing
economic risks related to climate change have a great potential strategies now, and;
to extensively affect freshwater biodiversity both within and • using vulnerable systems and the challenge of resilience-
outside of PAs. Types of adaptation measures (IPCC 2008) – building to encourage action to slow the rate and extent
or maladaptation measures if considered from the perspective of climate change (Hansen et al. 2003).
of freshwater ecosystems – include addressing water shortages PA’s can play a role in all four of these adaptation components,
and flood control using infrastructure to store and divert more but the lens of climate change needs to be applied explicitly.
water. Climate change mitigation policies to increase production Without climate-informed management within and beyond
of low carbon energy such as hydropower and biofuels (IPCC PA boundaries, many PAs will not be able to contribute to
2008) are likely to impact freshwater ecosystems even more in freshwater conservation because of broader contextual
the future. Production of many crops for biofuels could intensify impacts. Shifting spatial and temporal precipitation patterns
water use (IPCC 2008), leaving little water for biodiversity will require reconsideration of which (wet)lands to protect
conservation in some countries (de Fraiture et al. 2008), as well to ensure catchment functionality, as well as consideration
as increasing conversion of riparian lands and the discharge of of when to allow extractive water use and how much.
pollutants. For example, China has adopted a comprehensive Changes in precipitation patterns will likely affect patterns
national climate change program. While proposing measures of anthropogenic activities within PA catchments, such as
to integrate sectoral policies and protect ecosystems, the agricultural practices and associated water use. A reduction in
program also commits to raising the portion of energy produced acceptable levels of pollutants to avoid shifts to undesirable
by hydropower and biofuels, and managing water through states will require better policies and management. Even
“rational exploitation”, new infrastructure, and speeding up without the onus of climate change we have not adequately
construction of the South-to-North Water Diversion (Chinese managed over-use of water resources. For example, in the
Government 2007:25-50). The three canal systems of the Water western United States, maintaining adequate flows to support
Diversion will supply water from the Yangtze River to areas up fish populations is often directly at odds with agricultural
to 1,800 km away in north China (US Embassy in China 2003) and municipal interests (Committee on Endangered and

32 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
murray–darling basin
The impacts from the combination of non-climate pressures, climate change, and climate change policies, and the potential to build resilience to these pressures,
is well illustrated by the problems in maintaining aquatic connectivity and adequate environmental flows in the Murray–Darling basin, which covers a seventh of
Australia. PAs in the basin, including 15 Ramsar sites, encompass extensive freshwater ecosystems. On average there are 25,000 Gigalitres per year (Gl pa)
of inflows in the basin and, if none were diverted, 48% would be discharged into the estuary (Kirby et al. 2006). However, water diversions, of which 95% are for
irrigated agriculture, are severely degrading aquatic habitats (Kirby et al. 2006:6-8), including those within major PAs. Of the inflows, 44% is lost to evaporation
and transpiration, 44% is diverted for agriculture and other human uses, and only 12% now reaches the estuary (Kirby et al. 2006:9). A 2006 risk assessment
of inflows over 20 years concludes that climate change could potentially reduce inflows by 5% in 20 years, and that additional impacts from adaptations and
biological responses to climate change such as greater use of groundwater, bushfire-induced forest regrowth, more on-farm dams, forest establishment, and
re-use of irrigation tail waters could result in a total reduction of between 10 and 23% of annual inflows (van Dijk et al. 2006:1, 26).
Two conclusions can be drawn from this assessment: i) the combined environmental impact of these risks to water resources is secondary compared to the
diversion of nearly half the water for human uses, and ii) poor water management (eg. of groundwater) and mal-adaptations that did not consider resulting
reductions in inflows (on-farm dams, afforestation and tail water re-use) may reduce inflows as much as the direct impact of climate change. Even with this scale
of reduction in inflows from the assessed risks, if measures promised by governments are well implemented, including reducing water diversions and increasing
environmental flows, then some parts of the Murray-Darling’s freshwater biota may be conserved (eg. Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council (MDBMC) 2003,
Wong 2008).
Other Murray-Darling models based on observational studies suggest a more significant reduction in inflows from climate change. Cai and Cowan (2008)
conclude that with every 1˚C rise in average temperature, evaporation reduces inflows by 15%, and they model a 55% reduction in inflows from reduced
precipitation and increased evaporation with a 2˚C temperature rise by 2060. This magnitude of inflow reduction would exceed thresholds for the survival of
substantial elements of the freshwater biota. Doolan (2007) models a similar scenario for the Barmah Forest Ramsar site on the Murray River, where flood
return intervals would become too infrequent for many species to persist. Biota that may be conserved in situ in the face of moderate climate change with better
adaptation policies are unlikely to survive in the longer term with more severe impacts.
Governments identified six Murray-Darling “icon sites” – major wetlands (five of which are Ramsar sites) that are the focus of conservation efforts to avoid
desiccation of a range of freshwater ecosystems (Murray-Darling Basin Commission (MDBC) 2008). In 2002 an expert panel recommended options to “deliver
a healthy working river”, including generating up to 4,000 additional GI pa for environmental flows through decreasing the volume allocated for diversion (Jones
et al. 2002). Governments made a “first step decision” in 2003 to reallocate a mere 500 Gl pa to sustain a specific portion of each wetland type and icon site,
ranging between 20 and 80% of their original areas, and with a “low-moderate” probability of delivering a healthy river (MDBMC 2003). This decision is being
revised in 2008 with significantly higher reallocation to the environment to increase functionality, partly to compensate for the reductions in inflows forecast from
climate change (Wong 2008). The Victorian Government (2008) is now finalizing an adaptation policy covering much of this area that emphasizes conservation
of valued elements of freshwater biodiversity through better catchment management, water allocation, ecological connectivity using riparian corridors, and
enhancing reserves.
The Ovens River is one example of practical freshwater resilience-building using designation and better management of PAs. This river is one of only two
substantially unregulated tributaries remaining in the Murray-Darling basin, and thus is important for conserving riverine biodiversity. Protected under the
Victorian Heritage Rivers Act as a Heritage River Area, most natural resource extraction, including water resource developments, is prohibited along the 227 km
river in a riparian corridor that is up to 400 m wide (Victorian Government 1992). New riverine PAs are also planned (VEAC 2008). Biodiversity is likely to cope
better in the Ovens compared to other tributaries in the basin, as there are no dispersal barriers; a protection and restoration program prioritizes the riparian
corridor; the river flows from south to north with a large altitudinal gradient; and its upper catchment is protected in the Alpine National Park.

Figure 2. The Murray–Darling basin covers

a seventh of the continent’s landmass in
Australia’s south-east. The low levels of
rainfall in the current “drought” in southern
Australia (now ascribed by government
agencies in part to climate change) are not
unprecedented, but the inflows into the river
systems are at an historical low (see graph
below) that many fear represents the type
of inflow reduction experienced in Western
Australia. It is likely that the combination
of greater evapotranspiration with higher
temperatures and inflow intercepting land
uses has dramatically reduced runoff.
River Murray system inflows. Source:
Murray Darling Basin Commission.

Threatened Fishes in the Klamath River Basin, National in situ by building ecosystem resilience. If effects are more
Research Council (CETFKRB NRC) 2004 ), with a greater extensive, then responses may require greater investment
challenge during drought years. in approaches like removing barriers to species movement,
species translocation, and securing environmental flows.
Many freshwater systems would benefit from further Environmental flows are a portion of the original flow
investment in PAs. If the local effects of climate change regime of a river that should continue to flow down it and
are limited (because the site contains thermal refugia, for onto its floodplains in order to maintain specified, valued
example), then freshwater biodiversity may be conserved features of the ecosystem (Tharme 2003). For PAs to be

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 33
effective, these responses must be applied both within “Restoring” freshwater habitats
and outside of them. Options for using current water to reduce impacts of natural disaster
infrastructure to attenuate climate change impacts are worth A greater frequency of large floods is forecast in many regions
investigation. Reverse use of thermal pollution mitigation due to climate change (IPCC 2008). Many countries are
devices at dam outlets to maintain naturally cooler waters restoring floodplains’ capacity to attenuate peak floods, enabling
downstream of dams in the face of higher temperatures is a the establishment of reserves for lowland freshwater habitats.
promising option, albeit one that requires consistently good In China, for example, reconnection of floodplains around
management of dams to succeed. No manner of investment Dongting Lake has reduced flood risk, improved residents’
in conservation strategies may build or maintain sufficient livelihoods, and provided considerable conservation benefits
resilience for some other systems in the face of continued (Pittock et al. 2006). Reopening the Gerlderse Poort floodplain
climate change. Examples include high elevation, high on the Rhine River in the Netherlands to create a 2,500 ha
latitude, or east-west flowing rivers, most lentic systems, nature reserve will help increase the safe flood discharge at the
and many ephemeral systems. cities of Arnhem and Nijmegen from 15,000 m3/s before 2006,
to 16,000 m3/s in 2015, and 16,500 m3/s in 2100, and locally
Consistent with the measures proposed by the Convention the peak flow will be lowered by 9 cm (Bekhuis et al. 2005,
on Biological Diversity (CBD 2007) and the Victorian V&W et al. 2006, J. Bekhuis, Stichting Ark, correspondence,
Government (2008), it should become standard practice to 27 March 2008). This “nature development” will not recreate
use designation and management approaches to increase the a past habitat but will provide ecosystem services, including
resilience of PAs to: abated flood risks; valuable habitat for a range of biota; and more
• take advantage of and support innate resistance to climate natural ecological functions including improved opportunities
change of more intact habitats; for species dispersal.
• maximize the existing investment in PAs and benefits of
Enhancing water services through riparian reserves
active management of PAs for conservation; Some of the predicted impacts of climate change may be
• use the many measures required to build resilience of reduced by protection and restoration of riparian corridors to
PAs in the absence of climate change, like restoring reduce pollution of watercourses, sustain fisheries, control
connectivity, for better climate change adaptation; temperatures through shading, and provide woody debris
• buy time to institute other adaptation and abatement and allochthonous materials to freshwater systems (Vannote
strategies, including stabilizing atmospheric greenhouse et al. 1980). A number of rivers are designated as new types
gas concentrations. of linear PAs (WWF 2006:30-33), including Wild and Scenic
These measures apply equally to freshwaters as to other Rivers in the USA, Heritage Rivers in Canada, Heritage
realms. PAs must now be thought of as a piece of a larger Rivers of Victoria (such as the Ovens River example in this
adaptation strategy, rather than as a stand-alone intervention. paper) and Wild Rivers of Queensland in Australia, and four
Ultimately, however, limiting the rate and extent of climate rivers under the European Union Natura 2000 network in
change is critical to protection of freshwater biodiversity. Sweden (A. Forslund, WWF Sweden, correspondence, 9
April 2008). Riparian reserves will be important beyond
OPPORTUNITIES TO IMPROVE ADAPTATION the small number of protected rivers in these geographies,
Developing effective climate change adaptation strategies for and many countries already have legislation for broad
freshwaters requires holistic planning. Due to human water protection of riparian zones (Moore and Bull 2004). This
use and biodiversity needs, those wishing to protect freshwater legislation is irregularly enforced but could provide the
ecosystems in the face of climate change need to engage in a basis for protection of habitats that are essential both for
process where all user concerns are integrated (eg. Postel and freshwater and terrestrial species and water services for
Richter 2003). Adaptation for anthropogenic needs that does not human communities.
address key needs for ecosystem integrity will further damage Managing water demand
freshwater ecosystems and potentially restrict or omit the to ensure adequate water allocations
possibility of long-term sustainable use of freshwater ecosystems. In areas where water demand exceeds supply, adjustments to
Adaptation strategies for conserving freshwater biodiversity water allocations, including for adaptation to climate change,
through the designation and management of PAs could include: are an opportunity to ensure that PAs have environmental
Conserving ecosystems that are the source of water supplies flows. This can be achieved through such measures as
Designation of river catchments and groundwater recharge reallocation from consumptive uses, more efficient water use,
zones as PAs can help sustain water supplies. Already 33 of reduced transmission losses, recycling of wastewater, and
the world’s 105 largest cities rely on PAs for a significant capping water extraction (eg. IPCC 2008). Australia’s National
part of their water supplies and this could be enhanced with Water Initiative (National Water Commission (NWC) 2008)
additional PAs (Dudley and Stolton 2003:4). While upstream and South Africa’s environmental reserve (Department of
river systems can be conserved with this approach, it may be Water Affairs & Forestry (DWAF) undated) are two national
at the cost of adequate flows downstream due to diversions programs for systematically allocating environmental flows,
for human uses. although implementation has been slow.

34 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Harnessing current political and resource commitments
The world’s governments have made many commitments
to conserve freshwater biodiversity in representative and
well-managed PAs, pledges that should be used to accelerate
climate change adaptation through protecting adequate
spaces and connectivity, reducing non-climate stresses, and
practicing adaptive management. Member countries of the
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands have agreed to designate
sites representing the diversity of inland and coastal wetlands,
and have a target for 2010 of at least 2,500 sites covering
250 million hectares (Ramsar 2006, Pittock et al. 2006). The
CBD has also adopted programs that include rectifying the
under-representation of inland water ecosystems in PAs (CBD 3A
2004a:1.1.3 & 2004b). The CBD’s targets are to conserve at
least 10% of inland water ecosystems by area under integrated
river or lake basin management, and 275 million hectares of
wetlands in representative PAs, by 2010 (CBD 2006:Annex
IV). Additional consideration should be given to assessing the
length and representation in protected areas of linear systems
such as rivers.
Many people question whether governments are serious about
implementing these commitments. Under Ramsar many
countries, like China, have adopted and are implementing
strategies for representative wetland reserves (State Forestry
Administration (SFA) 2002:42). Outside Ramsar there is less
evidence of systematic conservation of freshwater ecosystems.
Australian governments, for instance, have had programs
to establish representative terrestrial and marine PAs from 3B
1992 but have failed to implement parallel commitments
for freshwaters (Nevill 2007). More positively, South Africa
has embarked on a National Freshwater Ecosystem Priority
Areas Project to identify a national network of freshwater
conservation areas (M. Driver, SANBI, pers. comm. 27 March
2008). By taking their pledges seriously, more governments
could enhance their PA programs to improve resilience to
climate change.

Climate-informed implementation of these PA commitments

can be improved for freshwaters by:
• selecting for new reserves the most favorable geographies
for climate resilience and managing these and existing
PAs better for freshwater dynamics, as has been done in 3C
some marine systems (eg. Green et al. 2007);
• adopting the Freshwater Ecoregions of the World (Abell Figure 3. The Coorong Ramsar site (#5AU025; 140,500 ha), the Murray’s estuary, and many other wetlands
et al. 2008) regionalization as course planning regions are increasingly desiccated. The Coorong estuary is divided in two by a barrage system to prevent upstream
sea water intrusion. The upstream portion of the Coorong is now 0.5 metres below sea level and would
for freshwater biodiversity conservation and developing require around two years of average river flows to refill; 3A, Coorong lake bed at Meningie West before
detailed ecoregional or landscape/catchment-scale (May 2006); 3B, after (March 2008). Copyright: K Strother; 3C, Dry lake bed in the Coorong at Milang,
conservation plans to ensure the representation of the May 2008. Copyright B Gunn.
full range of freshwater habitat types in PAs (Abell et al. 2007), yet appears insubstantial with the Framework
2002; Hansen et al. 2003; Higgins 2003; Theime et al. Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC; Ramsar
2007; and Sowa et al. 2007); 2002; UNFCCC 2008a);
• ensuring adequate connectivity among existing and • coordinating the national plans required under each
new PAs, and also other areas that will act as climate multilateral convention, especially the UNFCCC,
refugia; CBD, and Ramsar (UNFCCC 2008b; Ramsar 1999;
• improving collaboration among conventions, which is
CBD 2008), to maximize conservation and help avoid
strong between Ramsar and the CBD (CBD and Ramsar maladaptation.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 35
Applying protected area design those PAs – such as riparian zones, upstream headwaters, or
and management principles migratory pathways – would be identified and incorporated
Freshwater habitats most able to respond to climate change into additional PAs, buffer zones, or other managed areas.
effects or act as refugia should be selected for new PA Finally, an integrated river basin management plan would
designations wherever possible. These may include systems support the PAs as well as meet human needs (eg. Gilman et al.
with a north–south orientation and those with large altitudinal 2004). One conceptualization of such a framework is offered
gradients that may facilitate dispersal of aquatic species to by Abell et al. (2007), which, while not prepared with climate
suitable refugia. Relatively intact freshwaters should be more adaptation in mind, elaborates on design principles that will
resilient than equivalent degraded systems, and are more help maintain functionality and build resilience. There are a
appropriate targets for PAs. The ideal PAs for freshwaters number of similar methods (eg. Abell 2002; Higgins 2003)
will encompass a whole catchment (Peres and Terborgh 1995; and examples (eg. Theime et al. 2007; Sowa et al. 2007) of
Saunders et al. 2002), preferably of a free-flowing river, but broad-scale freshwater planning that embrace the idea of
such opportunities are rare. The next-best design option is prioritizing parts of river basins to establish a representative
inclusion of PAs within an integrated catchment framework, network of PAs, maintaining adequate connectivity and
with the PAs forming the nuclei around which the framework flows, and supported by integrated river basin management.
is built (Gilman et al. 2004). Areas whose conservation would However these were developed in the context of a largely
be essential to maintaining the viability and resilience of stationary hydrological environment and now need revision to
better provide for climate change adaptation, such as by better
targeting potential refugia (eg. Hansen et al. 2003).
Although there are limits to what PA design can achieve
in terms of climate change adaptation, enhancing PA
management can help to reduce non-climate stresses and
enable adaptive management. Every PA encompassing or
linked to freshwater systems should have climate change and
freshwater considerations in its management plan (Abell et al.
2007). The WCPA Inland Waters Taskforce recommends that
freshwater management within existing PAs should include
restoring connectivity of streams, such as by removing 4B
barriers and reconnecting rivers with floodplains; prohibiting
exotic fish stocking and over-fishing; protecting native flora,
particularly in riparian zones; and protecting water quality
(WCPA 2008). In most cases PAs will be effective freshwater
conservation tools only with allocation of environmental
flows and integrated river basin management.
Freshwater biodiversity is in decline and its conservation
has not been advanced in PAs to a great extent because of
the lack of attention to the needs of freshwater biodiversity.
Governments have yet to achieve the aspirations they
have set for freshwater biodiversity conservation. The
cumulative and growing impacts of non-climate pressures
on freshwaters, the direct impacts of climate change, and
maladaptation to climate change all heighten the threat to
freshwater biodiversity.
A range of responses, including more effective networks
of PAs, is required. We contend that building resilience for
freshwater ecosystems through further, climate-informed
protected area designations and management in an ecoregional
4C context is a sound investment. Resilience-building measures
may permit the dispersal of some biota to refugia and buy
Figure 4. Exposed wetlands sediments high in sulphates are oxidizing, producing sulphuric acid. Around
3,000 hectares of the Coorong lake bed is affected, and as the damage spreads up the Murray River valley, time for these systems to be restored or managed more 4C
up to a quarter of other wetlands are impacted. At Bottle Bend lagoon near Mildura, for example, the water is appropriately to support biodiversity in light of climate change
now ph 1.6; 4A, Acidified lagoon, Bottle Bend NSW, February 2008. Copyright Murray Wetlands Working impacts. Further work is needed on the scientific, ethical, legal
Group. See:; 4B, Dead red gum floodplain forests and salinized and
acidified creek, Bottle Bend NSW, April 2007. Copyright Murray Wetlands Working Group; 4C, Acidified and financial implications of adaptation options, if freshwater
and salinized lagoon, Psyche Bend, Victoria, 2008. Copyright Murray Darling Freshwater Research Centre. biota are to survive greater warming.

36 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
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38 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Using species distribution models
to effectively conserve biodiversity into the future
Heather M. Kharouba*, Julie L. Nadeau, Eric Young, and Jeremy T. Kerr
Abstract.Canadian biodiversity is especially high in temperate southern regions, where human-dominated land uses are Authors’ Addresses:
both intensive and widespread. As a result, endangered species are also disproportionately concentrated in these areas. Canadian Facility for
Climate change presents a new threat across most of Canada, including areas of intensive human land use, which creates Ecoinformatics
conditions for substantial shifts in species composition and potential losses of many rare species. Protected areas is one Research,
adaptation strategy but, in Canada, parks suffer from severe limitations in their distribution, size, and because they have Department of Biology,
static boundaries. Land use changes around several protected areas in Canada are leading increasingly to their effective University of Ottawa
isolation, a trend we demonstrate using high resolution satellite data. Little published research has yet addressed this issue 30 Marie Curie,
in the Canadian context, although some models now forecast ecological changes in the next century. Adaptation to global P.O. Box 450 Station A
change impacts will necessitate refocusing conservation strategies beyond the boundaries of protected areas to include Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
broader landscape perspectives. Necessary responses to these challenges include validated models predicting future biotic K1N 6N5
responses to global change, expanded biodiversity monitoring across Canada, improvements to the patchwork of federal
and provincial legislation protecting species, and preemptive conservation strategies that recognize impending transitions to
unprecedented environmental conditions.
*Corresponding Author:
Heather M. Kharouba ,
Introduction conservation plan. In this article, we review the impacts of Dept. of Zoology,
Global changes, such as climate change or land use conversion, recent global changes on species’ distributions in Canada, and University of
British Columbia
threaten elements of the world’s biodiversity. While habitat loss the role of protected areas and species distribution modeling #2370-6270
impacts on species have long been at least qualitatively obvious, in the context of a rapidly changing environment. We University Blvd.
highlight the imperative to focus conservation efforts beyond Vancouver, B.C.
it is only relatively recently that strong evidence emerged V6T 1Z4
outlining that anthropogenic climate changes are now affecting the boundaries of static reserves and suggest implications for kharouba@zoology.
species (reviewed in Kerr and Kharouba 2007). In the past policy and conservation management in Canada.
century, for instance, species’ phenological timing for critical
biological processes, like flowering period, have begun to occur The context: Global change
earlier in the year (Walther et al. 2002; Root et al. 2003; Root and across Canada in the 20th century
Hughes 2005), and many species appear to be tracking toward Recent global changes have created a unique pattern in Canada:
the poles (Parmesan et al. 1999; Hill et al. 2002; Parmesan land use changes have been focused in southern Canada,
and Yohe 2003; Hickling et al. 2006; Hitch and Leberg 2007) whereas climate changes have been in mountainous areas
and to higher elevations (Konvicka et al. 2003; Wilson et al. and northern latitudes (Kerr and Cihlar 2003; White and Kerr
2005; Hickling et al. 2006). Habitat losses to agriculture and 2006). Agriculture is heavily concentrated in the prairie region,
urbanization, the primary causes of species endangerment in the southern British Columbia, and southern Ontario and Québec
U.S. and Canada (Dobson et al. 1997; Kerr and Cihlar 2003; Kerr (Kerr and Cihlar 2003). Land use intensity has increased
and Cihlar 2004; Kerr and Deguise 2004), have during the same dramatically since World War II through the introduction and
period, generated potentially insurmountable barriers to species widespread application of pesticides (Freemark and Boutin
migration (Dennis and Shreeve 1991; Collingham and Huntley 1995; Benton et al. 2002). Similarly, human population density
2000; Hill et al. 2001). The expansion of many butterfly species’ is also highest in these areas (Figure 1) and has increased
ranges already appears to be lagging behind current climates due substantially over the last century (White and Kerr 2006),
to lack of habitat availability (Hill et al. 1999; Parmesan et al. leading to increased habitat loss to agriculture.
1999; Warren et al. 2001). The interaction of climate and land
In addition to extensive and intensive land use changes,
use change alone is expected to commit 15-37% of the world’s
temperature and precipitation have also changed across Canada
species to extinction by 2050 (Thomas et al. 2004). Canada’s
over the last century. Most areas have experienced warmer
biodiversity is similarly threatened (Kerr and Deguise 2004):
temperatures, although temperatures have actually decreased
the latest research suggests that global changes have caused
in some regions, such as Northern Ontario and in some parts of
widespread shifts in the distribution of Canadian butterfly species
Northern Quebec (Lemmen et al. 2008). Changes in Canada have
(White and Kerr 2006).
been more substantial than in other countries, given its northern
With significant climate changes predicted for the future location. Moreover, temperatures are expected to continue to rise
(IPCC 2007), successful conservation strategies and reasoned over the next century, especially in the north (IPCC 2007). Future
policy directives that incorporate a range of possible species climate change scenarios also predict increased glacial melt
responses are critical. Global changes are likely to force many and flooding in the west, melting of the ice caps in the Arctic,
species to shift beyond the boundaries of existing protected increased drought episodes in central Canada and a rise in sea
areas, threatening the effectiveness of traditional conservation levels in the Atlantic (Lemmen et al. 2008).Canada also holds a
strategies. Accurate predictions of climate and land use impacts significant portion of the world’s boreal forest, which is expected
on species distributions are a prerequisite for any successful to be more affected by climate change than either temperate or

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 39
Figure 1.
Species and endangered
species richness with
respect to human
population density in
two of Canada’s most
species diverse areas:
A) Southern British
Columbia; B) Southern
Ontario. Here, human
population density
is also the highest
in Canada leading
to significant habitat
losses and species

tropical forests (IPCC 2007). The risks associated with future Canadian butterflies have already begun responding to recent
climate changes underscore the importance of exploring how climate changes. Butterflies have many characteristics (e.g. short
global changes will influence traditional conservation strategies. generation times, high vagility, and physiological limitations
imposed by climate) that make them especially likely to reflect
Unfortunately, overall species richness, as well as endangered
the impacts of global change (Hughes 2000; Hill et al. 2001;
species density, are concentrated in southern Canada where land
Peterson et al. 2004). In Canada, it appears that most butterfly
use also happens to be the most intense and therefore leading to
distributions have been tracking changing climatic conditions
further species endangerment (Figure 1). This pattern of species
and that overall butterfly species richness has increased over
richness reflects the importance of climate in determining
the past century (White and Kerr 2006). Moreover, predictions
regional differences in species diversity (Currie 1991; Kerr and
for the future suggest that most Canadian butterflies will
Packer 1997). However, people also tend to live in warmer
continue to respond relatively quickly (Peterson et al. 2004).
climates, resulting in an increase in human population densities
However, widespread agricultural land use in the south has
towards southern Canada, where species diversity also peaks.
reduced their potential to respond to climate change (White and
Positive spatial relationships between human population
Kerr 2006). In general, rare species (geographically-speaking)
density and species richness have also been observed in Africa
are responding more negatively to land use and climate changes
(Balmford et al. 2001) and Europe (Araujo 2003) for vertebrates
than widespread generalist species which are expanding their
and plants. As a result of this spatial overlap, patterns of habitat
ranges (White and Kerr 2007). Butterfly species responses in
loss are positively related to patterns of overall species richness
Canada are similar to those observed in the UK where specialists
(Kerr and Cihlar 2003) and endangered species richness across
are lagging behind changing climates (Menendez et al. 2006).
Canada (Kerr and Deguise 2004). Based on rates of species
endangerment (number of IUCN-listed species/total species Responses of other Canadian taxa to global changes have been
richness per country), extinction risk in Canada now rivals less favourable and predictions for many are not optimistic. Some
those observed in poverty-stricken tropical countries (Kerr and Caribou and Muskox populations have already experienced
Deguise 2004; Kerr and Cihlar 2004). Since agricultural and declines in recent years as a result of climate changes (Lemmen
urban lands are rarely permitted to revert back to more natural et al. 2007). Likewise, in British Columbia, certain fish, the
conditions, the likelihood of recovery for threatened species is Mountain Pine Beetle and Western Red Cedar have shown
limited (Kerr and Deguise 2004). Therefore, even without the abrupt changes in abundance and/or distribution in response to
additional risk from climate change, species in Canada already past, relatively minor changes in climate (Lemmen et al. 2007).
face significant threats. Climate projections suggest that warm-water freshwater fish

40 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
species may expand their ranges northwards while cold-water purchased by local land trusts and preserved indefinitely in
species may be extirpated from much of their present range due the form of conservation easements. These areas could then be
to physical and ecological barriers (Chu et al. 2005; Sharma et available for habitat restoration and could play a valuable role
al. 2007). Similarly, carnivore species, such as the American in the recovery of species at risk. Private lands with easements
Marten and Lynx are also projected to experience population remain the property of the landowner, but restrictions are put
declines in their northern Appalachian parts of their range in on the property with respect to subdivision, building, timber
response to anticipated climate and land use changes (Carroll extraction, etc. to protect biodiversity. Just recently, a vast tract
2008), which could affect the Canadian populations. Many of wilderness in British Columbia that was privately owned
Arctic species have narrow habitat and niche requirements, was purchased by the Nature Conservancy of Canada for
which will make them particularly sensitive to climate changes conservation purposes (24 July 2008, Globe and Mail). For Figure 2.
easements to be effective and to prevent further division and All protected areas
(Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna 2001). Increasing (black areas; IUCN
aridity in the prairie grasslands is likely to negatively impact degradation of the land, rules for ongoing land use must be clear categories I-IV) found in
migratory waterfowl populations given their sensitivity to (Rissman et al. 2008). Most easements owned by the Nature Southern Ontario with
respect to part of the
drought conditions (Poiani and Johnson 1993). Given the Conservancy in the U.S. are protected with specific biological Canadian distribution of
high sensitivity of mammals to disturbance and the significant targets in mind. More research must be done to evaluate the the threatened Hooded
climate changes predicted for Northern Canada, this region conservation success of these properties (Kiesecker et al. 2007). Warbler (Wilsonia
citrine). The total area of
is considered to be a global hotspot of latent extinction risk A comprehensive discussion outlining all the limitations and all these reserves make
(Cardillo et al. 2006), meaning that significant biodiversity loss complexity of easements is beyond the scope of this review. up only a tiny fraction of
this part of the warbler's
is likely. As average temperatures continue to rise over the next range (light green area)
Climate change has the potential to substantially diminish
century, we can expect much more drastic species responses limiting the protection
the effectiveness of protected areas. The main drawback of afforded by these
and much higher rates of extinctions (Thomas et al. 2004).
even well-designed, optimally-situated reserves is that they reserves.
Conservation in a rapidly
changing environment
The addition of climate change to the other stressors already
affecting habitats and their constituent species presents a major
challenge for the conservation of biodiversity (Parmesan &
Galbraith 2004). In Canada, land use constraints have limited
both the size and placement of protected areas, and thus the
benefits of these areas. For example, few Canadian species
at risk of extinction can actually maintain viable populations
within the small reserves where fragments of their habitat
remain (Kerr & Deguise 2004). The reason for this dilemma is
twofold: first, Canada’s species at risk are heavily concentrated
in the agricultural southern region of the country (Figure 1)
and, second, protected areas in that region are scattered and
very small (Figure 2). The Mixed Wood Plains is one such
agricultural region that has a particularly small proportion of its
area protected but is home to the greatest number of species at
risk of extinction in Canada (Deguise and Kerr 2006). Canadian
protected areas rarely include more species at risk than
randomly chosen areas and sometimes include fewer (Deguise
and Kerr 2006). Moreover, protection afforded by reserves
increasingly ends at their borders as surrounding lands are lost to
development and agriculture. Recent remote sensing data shows
intensive habitat losses (e.g. deforestation) literally up to parks’
statutory boundaries (Figure 3). Increasingly, human activities
surrounding reserves impact the management of populations
inside park boundaries (Wiersma and Nudds 2001; Sinclair and
Byrom 2006). Given the already limited potential of reserves to
effectively conserve biodiversity without the additional threats
from climate change, conservation outside traditional reserve
networks is essential (Ricketts 2001; Ricketts et al. 2001).
As an alternative to systematic reserve selection, rights
on private lands of high ecological significance (e.g. areas
important for endangered species conservation) can be

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 41
Figure 3.
Land cover maps around
the boundary of Pacific
Rim National Park,
British Columbia for the
years A) 1990 and B)
2005. Lighter patches
are fresh cuts. There
has been a significant
increase in deforestation
in this area over this
relatively short time
period and now habitat
is lost right up to the
park boundaries. Data
put together by R.
Fraser, A. Clouston, I.
Olthof and D. Pouliot
from the Canadian
Centre for Remote

are fixed in place in an era of rapidly changing environments. boundaries is small. This research provides an early warning that
Most reserves are managed to conserve “representative” protected area networks, as they currently exist, may not provide
ecosystems that may no longer exist under future climatic strong enough shelter from global change impacts on species
conditions (Hannah et al. 2002a). Currently, conservation- within their boundaries. As these reserves become more isolated
planning frameworks at many levels of government in Canada in the future with increasing land use change, it is reasonable to
are based on assumptions of climatic and landscape stability, expect their conservation importance will increase.
making Canada’s protected areas vulnerable to anticipated
Conserving biodiversity in a dynamic world requires using
global changes (Lemieux and Scott 2005). Model predictions
strategies that go beyond static reserve selection methods
based on a variety of climate scenarios suggest major biome
(Pyke et al. 2005). Although the respective effects of climate
shifts within Canada’s National Park boundaries that could
and land use change differ, the best conservation strategies
significantly affect the ability of park managers to meet their
to address these aspects of global change converge. Dynamic
current conservation goals (Scott et al. 2002).
protected areas, or reserves that are re-located at specified
A key dilemma affecting many species conservation prospects intervals to track shifting habitat, are one potential solution.
is that their ranges will be changing quickly, reflecting the When modeled through time, dynamic reserves supported
common dependence of range margins on climates (reviewed more high quality home ranges for the American marten
in Kerr and Kharouba 2007). The potential for reserves to (Martes americana) than static protected areas (Rayfield
maintain and protect their original complement of species may et al. 2008). However, given that vast new reserve systems
be affected by the arrival of new species and the loss of species will rarely be possible in the future due to increases in land-
currently receiving protection that must track shifting suitable use pressures (Da Fonseca et al. 2005), and because of the
habitat beyond park boundaries (Hannah et al. 2002b; Scott et severe legislative challenges of implementing a formal,
al. 2002). New research suggests that protected areas in Canada dynamic reserve system, management and protection of
have provided little buffer against the effects of global change, existing natural and semi-natural areas in human-dominated
possibly because climate change operates over vast areas that landscapes should become a priority. Increasing emphasis on
dwarf even the massive reserves in Canada’s north. Reserves the matrix (non-habitat), not just the habitat “islands” within
are also small relative to species ranges (Figure 2). In Canada, it, will also improve landscape connectivity with obvious
for example, the average butterfly species’ range size is 1.2 benefits for species shifting in response to climate change.
X 106 km2 but mean reserve size is only ~5.9 X 103 km2. Conservation strategies that incorporate corridors, restoration
Because species respond individually to changing climates, of human-dominated landscapes, and buffer zones will likely
the probability that shifts in their range will intersect reserve be especially valuable (Lovejoy 2006; Damschen et al.

42 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
2006). Relatively low-intensity (see Kerr & Cihlar 2004) or help minimize errors (Araujo and New 2007). Secondly, when
mixed use agricultural landscapes (e.g. agroforestry; Hannah predicting into the future, virtually all these models rely solely
et al. 2002b) can maintain increased habitat and resource on present-day spatial data (White and Kerr 2006; Kerr et al.
availability (Benton et al. 2002) that make dispersal through 2007). This means that to build the predictions, these models
such landscapes more likely (see Parmesan & Galbraith 2004; must be run through time, requiring the key assumption that
Hannah & Hansen 2005). Finally, much more work is needed the spatial patterns identified in the initial species distribution
at the interface between science and policy so that biodiversity model will remain consistent through time. This “space-for-
can be conserved effectively (Hannah et al. 2002b). time” assumption is known to be risky (White and Kerr 2006).
Predicting the future is clearly a challenging business and it
Species distribution is essential to view all models purporting to accomplish this
modeling and global change goal with caution and in light of known limitations on model
However landscapes are to be managed in an era of rapidly accuracy. Despite their shortcomings, species distribution
shifting climates, it will be necessary to identify areas where models remain an essential tool for this purpose.
conservation needs are likely to change. Designing and
implementing effective conservation strategies in the context of Improving predictions for the future
future global changes necessitates accurate predictions about how Incorporating unreliable predictions into conservation strategies
species are responding to these changes. Accurately predicting can have serious implications. Overestimating species’ ranges
where species will shift outside reserves is especially critical (i.e. predicting presence where the species is actually absent) or
given serious land use changes expected in the future (IPCC population sizes can cause management efforts to fall short of
2007) and because of limited knowledge of species’ populations conservation needs. Extinction is the most severe consequence
outside relatively intensively monitored park populations. of poorly conceived (or absent) management efforts, so the
Species distribution modeling offers an efficient way to study stakes for failure are very high. Likewise, underestimating
the geographical responses of species to global changes. species’ ranges (predicting absence where species will actually
Species distribution models attempt to estimate a species’ be present) or population sizes can lead to wasted effort and
niche across geographical space by relating presence records misdirection of resources to areas where they are not essential.
of the species to environmental predictors. They estimate the Both problems point to the need for models of species’
probability that species occur in areas where it has not directly responses to global change to be validated.
been observed given an array of measured niche parameters
Model validation will be particularly informative if it includes
(Segurado and Araujo 2004). These niche parameters can
the temporal dimension that is intrinsic to forecasts of future
include any sort of environmental or biotic characteristic that
responses. This past century, which includes a period of rapid,
may limit the distribution of the species being modeled (e.g.
anthropogenic climate change as well as land use change, is the
minimum winter temperatures) and that can be measured
best guide to the near future (Kerr et al. 2007). In many cases,
spatially. These models have wide management applications
however, data for recent time periods may be unavailable, so
in the context of conservation biology, biogeography and
calibration of global change models using paleoecological
climate change studies (Meynard and Quinn 2007).
(e.g. pollen records from sediment cores) data sources may
A common application of these models (which predicts where also be helpful (Willis et al. 2007). Directly observing how
a species is found across geographical space, derived from its quickly species have actually responded to changes of known
occurrence records relative to environmental predictors) is to magnitude, whether these changes have occurred over decades
project species’ potential future distribution under different within the 20th century or over centuries in the case of
climate scenarios based on models built using data from the paleoecological data, can be used to guide models forecasting
present-day (e.g. Thomas et al. 2004; Peterson et al. 2004; species’ future responses. As a first step, accurately predicting
Pearson et al. 2006). Although these models may provide species’ current niches using species responses in the recent
the best estimates of how species will respond to impending past would considerably improve confidence in the reliability of
environmental changes, they have several limitations. For models predicting responses into the future. For many Canadian
instance, different modeling techniques can produce highly butterfly species at least, species distribution models derived
divergent predictions (Pearson et al. 2006), even for the from purely spatial data are able to predict how those species’
same species and geographical region (Lawler et al. 2006). distributions have changed over the 20th century (Kharouba
These predictions can be so different as to compromise even et al. 2008). For some species, however, the space-for-time
the simplest assessment of whether species distributions are substitution fails badly: although the species’ niche models are
expected to contract or expand for any given climate scenario highly accurate spatially, they do not accurately predict shifts in
(Pearson et al. 2006). Therefore, it is difficult to incorporate these species’ ranges through time. Unfortunately, for these butterflies
results into strategic conservation planning given their lack of at least, it is difficult a priori to determine which species we
reliability (Araujo et al. 2006; Willis et al. 2007). Since no single will be able to make accurate predictions for, without any data
modeling technique is consistently superior to other techniques about the historical distribution of the species. It appears that
(Segurado and Araujo 2004; Elith et al. 2006), averaging the calibrating species distribution models with past observations is
spatial predictions from several modeling techniques may necessary before projecting species ranges into the future.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 43
Empirical validation of species distribution models across spatial for these models to be used in an operational manner through
gradients is another way to improve future predictions. Here, time to assess any changes in species distributions as a response
species’ observations made at given locations can be used to to climate and land use changes.
determine whether model predictions are accurate. Corroborating
model predictions with on-the-ground observations also To meet the need for field-tests of models, standard monitoring
allows for tests of macroecological hypotheses about how methods and systematic surveys carried out at regular intervals
species populations and niches are structured (e.g. are species (e.g. NABA survey for butterflies, Breeding Bird Survey) will
populations greater toward the centers of their ranges?). Models improve future predictions about species distributions (Pollard
can be validated with data that already exists (e.g. records from and Yates 1993). Consistently monitoring species in large
herbariums, natural collections, ecological surveys, etc. The areas at regular time intervals can help build databases that
largest distribution network of species observations is the Global could be used to test models. Systematically sampling areas
Biodiversity Information Facility (, which would provide records of species absence, as well as species
(by June 30, 2008) made more than 160,000,000 georeferenced presence, which would provide stronger tests of species
records for thousands of species available without charge) or with distribution models. Predictions of absence are difficult to test
a posteriori measurements from field surveys designed explicitly as failure to observe a species in a particular field site does
to test the models (Greaves et al. 2006; Boitani et al. 2008). For not prove the species is absent from that area (Anderson et
rare species or for those difficult to observe in the wild, accurately al. 2003). For example, to provide support that the Edith’s
measuring the quality of habitat, rather than incorporating direct Checkerspot Butterfly had shifted northwards over the past
species observations, can be used as an indirect test of the model. century, Parmesan (1996) surveyed the entire distribution of the
species. She classified localities as ‘extinction’ or ‘persistence’
Lastly, temporal model predictions should also be empirically based on whether the site was classified as present or absent
validated. If accurate, species distribution models should in the historical records and whether they currently found
predict shifts in species’ ranges at specific sites. This test is the the species when sampling. Therefore, the conclusion that
most data-intensive as it requires model predictions, as well as the species shifted northwards but retracted from its southern
species’ observations, at a given location in two different time boundary (Parmesan 1996) was better supported.
periods to be robust. Field surveys should be conducted at sites
where the species is predicted to have recently shifted into the Shifting species ranges presents a formidable challenge to
area (i.e. where the model currently predicts presence but management as key pieces of legislation, such as Canada’s
historically predicts absence), and where the species is predicted Species at Risk Act (SARA, which came into force in 2003), have
to have persisted through time (i.e. where the model predicts no formal provision to adapt to climate change-induced shifts
presence both currently and historically). Regardless of the in species’ geographical ranges. SARA identifies the critical
method, validating species distribution models will improve habit of species but does not emphasize strict habitat protection
our ability to predict future responses of species distributions except at species’ “residences” (areas currently occupied) and
to global changes and will help to focus conservation strategies on federally-managed lands, which are uncommon in areas
so that they are as effective as possible in the future. where most species at risk are found. However, SARA does
mandate the development of recovery plans for all species listed
Management implications as threatened, endangered, or extirpated. These recovery plans
There are several important implications for conservation must recognize that climate changes are ongoing and will lead
management in Canada and hopefully at a broader scale. More to long term shifts in habitats and recovery needs of species at
specifically, we make recommendations about the application of risk. Although the setting aside of new areas for more intensive
species distribution models to protected areas conservation, and conservation and recovery efforts will be valuable, climate
endangered species conservation. Predictions of future ranges change-induced shifts in species ranges and populations make it
from species distribution models can be used to identify areas necessary to manage for biodiversity conservation and recovery
that will be of most conservation need. Once these models are beyond these geographically static areas. SARA makes some
calibrated with recent past observations, the ranges of species effort to protect species’ habitats by designating their “critical
with high predictive abilities (i.e. for whom projected models habitat” but if climate change renders that habitat a moving
closely matched current models) can be projected into the future target, it could prove even more difficult to protect it. The
(Kharouba et al. 2008). For these species, such projections are complexities of federal-provincial relations and constitutional
likely to paint a realistic picture of where species will be likely to law make this a difficult challenge but one that must be addressed
shift with changing environmental conditions. Such predictions in a practical way. Whatever the legal difficulties of identifying
can form the basis for policy-relevant recommendations, such particular areas essential for species at risk, conservation and the
as where to place migration corridors or protected areas that will recovery of species in human-dominated lands may require a
improve the likelihood that these species will shift successfully new land ethic (sensu Aldo Leopold, 1949) that does not view
into new areas. Species distribution models can also be useful natural features as separate from human land uses. Biodiversity,
from the perspective of park managers, who could model for example, is not something to be exclusively visited in distant
potential threats from invasive species, which are known to protected areas like a museum exhibit but should be included in
threaten biodiversity (Mack et al. 2000). There is also potential working landscapes to the greatest extent possible.

44 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Acknowledging and accounting for uncertainty in park design Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
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46 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Protecting marine biodiversity in Canada:
Adaptation options in the face of climate change
Sabine Jessen and Sarah Patton
Abstract. Climate change adds a significant stress to biodiversity in Canada, compounding the effects of continuing habitat Corresponding author:
loss and over-exploitation of natural resources. These cumulative threats to flora and fauna heighten the need for conservation Sabine Jessen
strategies. Policy in the climate change area has focused on greenhouse gas mitigation, but the complementary response of National Manager
adaptation must also be addressed as changing climate will have effects on biodiversity even if global emission targets are met. Oceans and Great
It is internationally recognized that protected area networks support the ability of ecosystems to cope with climate Freshwater Lakes
change. Natural ecosystems have greater resilience in the face of climate change impacts when additional stresses Program
from industrial and commercial exploitation are reduced, and when species migrating to more suitable locations Canadian Parks and
are facilitated through protected areas. Conservation as part of an adaptation policy is good insurance against Wilderness Society
the risk of species extinctions due to climate change. In Canada’s biodiversity and conservation policies there is 410-698 Seymour Street
little evidence to date of explicit recognition of, or action on, climate change adaptation, especially in the oceans. Vancouver, BC. Canada
In Canada’s oceans, there is an urgent need to create comprehensive networks of large protected areas to assist in buffering V6B 3K6
the effects of climate change. While some marine protected areas have been established in Canada, their sufficiency and 
their ability to facilitate connections between them needs to be examined in light of climate change. Marine ecosystems
are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and this is compounded by the many stresses they already face from
overharvesting, habitat destruction, alien species, and pollution. Minimizing these chronic stresses and employing ecosystem
based management approaches are key strategies to reducing the impact of climate change on marine ecosystems in Canada.

Introduction improve the capacity of ecosystems to cope with climate

Canada is the steward of a large proportion of global “natural change (Fischlin et al. 2007).
capital”, including 20 % of the world’s freshwater, and over
one-third of the world’s remaining original forests in the boreal In this paper we review the international literature on the
forest (Lee et al. 2003). Together with the longest coastline implications of climate change for marine biodiversity and on
in the world bordering on three of the world’s oceans, and the adaptation measures that have been proposed to address
an ocean estate of 7.1 million square kilometers (Fisheries them. We consider the implications of climate change for
and Oceans Canada 2008) –the second largest in the world, Canada’s marine ecosystems and the adequacy of Canada’s
Canada is home to a diversity of species and ecosystems on existing programs and policies for the protection of marine
land and in the sea. This natural capital in turn has provided biodiversity. Our focus is on the management of ocean
the basis for a prosperous society (NRTEE 2004). ecosystems and the establishment of marine protected areas
in Canada in order to prepare for climate change. We draw
According to the most recent assessment by the upon our experience as NGO practitioners involved in marine
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change there is no doubt conservation processes in Canada. We review the extent to
that the earth’s climate is warming, affecting both terrestrial which existing marine conservation policies and programs
and marine natural systems (Fischlin et al. 2007). Climate are incorporating proposed adaptation measures and identify
change is now considered one of the key stressors leading to the opportunities for improving Canada’s approach to marine
biodiversity loss (Millenium Ecosystem Assessment 2005). conservation in the face of climate change.
Some ecosystems and species are especially vulnerable to
climate change (Secretariat of the CBD 2003), and there is now Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity
considerable evidence that many are already being affected by According to the IPCC (2007) climate change is unequivocal
climate change and some are seriously threatened (Fischlin et and already evident. Eleven of the last twelve years ranked
al. 2007). Canada, has experienced and is projected to continue among the warmest years since recording began in 1850 and
to experience greater rates of warming than most other regions an additional increase of approximately 0.4°C is expected
of the world over this century, although variations are expected over the next two decades. The Millennium Ecosystem
across the country (Lemmen et al. 2008). Assessment (2005) warns that climate change is likely to
become the dominant direct driver of biodiversity loss by
Efforts to manage and conserve living marine and terrestrial
the end of the century. Climate change is already having an
systems in the face of climate change will require adaptation
impact on biodiversity through shifting habitat, changing life
responses. Even with greenhouse gas mitigation measures
cycles, the development of new physical traits or species die-
in place, there is an immediate need to plan and implement
offs and extinctions (Root et al. 2003; Parmesan and Yohe
adaptation measures to deal with existing and projected
2003; Parmesan 2006).
changes in climate (Burton 2007), requiring new conservation
priorities and approaches (Peters and Darling 1985; Peters According to the IPCC (Fischlin et al. 2007) if global average
and Lovejoy 1992; Lovejoy 2005; Gitay et al. 2002). A temperatures increase more than 2 to 3 degrees C above pre-
variety of anticipatory or proactive adaptation options could industrial levels, the result will be major changes in ecosystem

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 47
structure and function, ecological interactions between species impacted by human activities, and no area of the global
and shifting geographical ranges for many species. Further, oceans left unaffected by human influence (Halpern et al.
the resilience of many ecosystems (their ability to adapt 2008). Harley et al. (2006) note that “…marine ecological
naturally) will likely be exceeded by the year 2100 and on a responses to climate change will hinge on human fishing
global basis, 20-30% of species assessed so far will likely be pressure”. Fishing impacts marine ecosystems through
at an increased risk of extinction if global warming continues. overfishing, destruction of habitat and bycatch (Jackson et al.
Ecosystems projected to be especially affected by climate 2001; Pauly et al.1998; Thrush and Dayton 2002; Watling and
change include tundra, boreal forest and mountain regions, Norse 1998; Worm et al. 2006). Combined, these stressors
coastal salt marshes, coral reefs and the sea-ice biome. affect the resilience of ecosystems, thereby increasing their
vulnerability to climate change.
Globally, marine ecosystems are undergoing a variety of physical
and chemical changes as a result of climate change (Harley et Ecosystems can recover from many kinds of disturbances.
al. 2006). Ocean temperature increases are now being observed However, there is often a threshold beyond which an altered
to depths of 3000 metres (Fischlin et al. 2007), resulting in ecosystem may not return to its previous state. The tipping
thermal expansion of ocean waters which together with melting points for these irreversible changes may be impossible to
glacier and Arctic ice, is leading to sea level rise. This sea level predict, yet they are known to exist, as demonstrated by the
rise is predicted to lead to the loss of 13-25% of the world’s decline of Atlantic cod. Thus, a precautionary approach is
coastal wetlands (Fischlin et al. 2007). Species compositions prudent as ecosystems are pushed further from pre-existing
are changing in the oceans with increased temperatures, and states (McLeod et al. 2005). The cumulative and synergistic
increased rainfall and fresh water runoff are leading to localized effect of climate change with these stressors will require new
changes in salinity and turbidity, and altering species habitats conservation strategies and adaptation measures (Peters and
(Harley et al. 2006; Hoffman 2003). Darling 1985; Peters and Lovejoy 1992; Lovejoy 2005).
In their exploration of the coping response and adaptive Canadian biodiversity under threat
capacities of marine ecosystems around the world, Perry et al. Every region of Canada is experiencing the effects of a
(2008) found that responses of the natural marine sub-system changing climate. The most recent national assessment
at shorter scales include altered migration and distribution of impacts and adaptation to climate change has clearly
patterns, changes in species composition, and changes in identified unequivocal impacts on physical and biological
available prey. At longer time scales, adaptive responses systems (Lemmen et al. 2008). Canada’s average temperature
include changes in size composition within species and has increased twice the global average. Significant changes
increased turn-over rates, changes in abundance, and changes in environmental conditions are expected with climate
in food web dynamics and structure. change. There is already considerable evidence of changes
Oceans are becoming more acidic due to increasing carbon in temperature, precipitation and moisture regimes, extent
dioxide. Much of the extra CO2 released by burning fossil fuels is and nature of glaciers and sea ice, and in the frequency and
absorbed by the oceans, increasing the dissolved inorganic carbon intensity of extreme events (Lemmen et al. 2008).
concentration, resulting in an increase in acidity and a decrease in Climate change will have profound effects on Canada’s
pH. The decrease in pH threatens sea life like corals and shellfish species and ecosystems. Biodiversity - the variability of life
that produce calcite and aragonite shells or structures (Gitay et al. forms within a given ecosystem - will inevitably be affected.
2002; Harley et al. 2006; Zeebe et al. 2008). With warming temperatures, species and habitat will shift
Marine species as varied as corals, birds and polar bears are northward, move to higher elevations and even disappear
facing great challenges due to climate change. Tropical coral (Lemmen et al. 2008). Already 521 species in Canada are
reefs are subject to bleaching as temperatures rise and both in various risk categories, (212 endangered, 136 threatened,
tropical and cold water corals will be impacted by ocean 151 Special Concern) (COSEWIC 2007). Worldwide species
acidification, which affects their ability to grow. Polar bears, extinctions are expected by the IPCC (Fischlin et al. 2007)
which are dependent on sea ice to hunt ice-breeding seals, if global warming continues. Species with limited climatic
face possible extinction as the sea ice declines (Fischlin et al. ranges and/or restricted habitat requirements will be most
2007). Migratory species, including birds, are facing serious vulnerable to extinction (Gitay et al. 2002; Parmesan 2006).
declines with the change in timing of biological events, leading Canada’s marine ecosystems are already experiencing the
to disconnects between migratory timing and availability of effects of climate change and are expected to exhibit additional
food (Butler and Taylor 2005; Price and Root 2005). changes in the future. On the Atlantic coast, possible changes
Climate change is one of many human-induced stressors in the Labrador current, due to increased glacial melting in
on marine ecosystems and biodiversity . Other stressors Greenland, will bring colder water south and lead to local
include destruction and fragmentation of habitat, pollution, fish kills. Of particular concern for marine food webs is the
overexploitation, and invasive species. Recent research has impact on capelin stocks, a key prey species for cod and
demonstrated the staggering extent of multiple stressors seabirds (Vasseur and Catto 2008). Projected reductions in
on oceans with 40% of the world’s oceans already heavily Great Lakes outflow will affect the flood regime along the

48 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
St. Lawrence River, leading to declines in Northern Pike, as However, adaptation to climate change has been dominated
well as marshland birds and waterfowl (Bourque and Simonet by considerations of the adjustments that society will have to
2008). On the Pacific coast, wild salmon stocks are particularly make to deal with the consequences of climate change. As noted
vulnerable to climate change impacts, as warming affects both by Smit and Wandel (2006), the concept of adaptation has its
habitats on which they are dependent – the open ocean of the origins in the natural sciences and refers to the development
eastern North Pacific and the streams and rivers in which they of characteristics that enable organisms or biological systems
spawn (Lemmen and Warren 2004). With continued warming to cope with and survive environmental changes. In this
of the eastern North Pacific, the population distribution of paper we focus on the proactive adaptation policies that
Sockeye Salmon is predicted to retreat to the colder waters of governments should implement to help species and ecosystems
the Bering Sea (Welch et al. 1998; Bruce and Haites 2007). best adapt to climate change within their natural limits. 
North Pacific Ocean waters are now the most acidic in the
The Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable
global ocean (DFO 2008), with possible severe consequences
Development (2006) reviewed Canada’s response to climate
for cold water corals on the coast.
change and concluded that the federal government has not
In Canada’s north, marine fish communities in Hudson’s adequately addressed adaptation issues: “Despite commitments
Bay changed from Arctic to sub Arctic in 1997 as a result to take action going back to 1992, there is no federal strategy
of warming waters and the reduction in summer ice cover to specify how the effects of a changing climate would be
(Chiotti and Lavender 2008). These changes in northern managed.” The constraints on the implementation of adaptation
waters are also affecting Ringed Seals and Polar Bears that strategies generally can be attributed to a number of political,
rely on ice platforms which are now melting 2-3 weeks social and institutional factors, (IPCC 2007) and may include
earlier than 20-30 years ago. This is affecting reproductive fundamental misunderstandings and misinformation about
success and overall body condition of Polar Bears (Chiotti the urgency and nature of adaptation (Dickinson 2007).
and Lavender 2008). At Wapusk National Park, established to
protect denning Polar Bears, deteriorating sea ice conditions The recent Canadian assessment of impacts and adaptation
may lead to their extirpation (Scott et al. 2002).The warming (Lemmen et al. 2008) provides many examples of climate
experienced in the Arctic over the past 50 years is leading to change vulnerabilities and adaptation initiatives to address
shifts in the distribution and migratory behaviour of wildlife, impacts on human communities and economic sectors. While
including birds and whales, and to potential restructuring ecosystem impacts are identified for every region of the
of marine ecosystems as southern species, like Pacific and country (Lemmen et al. 2008) few formal adaptation programs
Atlantic Salmon move north (Furgal and Prowse 2008). or policies to address the conservation of biodiversity are
identified. Among protected area agencies, only Ontario
Adaptation for Biodiversity Conservation Parks and Parks Canada are developing adaptation strategies
While much of the current focus for climate change policy for their systems (Lemieux et al. 2007; Chiotti and Lavender
makers in Canada is on mitigation strategies to reduce the 2008; Suffling and Scott 2005; Parks Canada 2008). In
emissions of carbon into the atmosphere, the United Nations British Columbia, Walker and Sydneysmith (2008) note that
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) also climate change impacts on sea-surface temperatures, species
requires countries to address adaptation to climate change. The migrations and diversity, and ocean productivity have received
Ultimate Objective of the UNFCCC explicitly states the need little consideration in the planning and management of marine
“to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change”, and protected areas.
Article 4.1 commits Parties, including Canada, to “formulate,
Clearly there is a need for comprehensive adaptation initiatives
implement, publish and regularly update national and, where
to maintain Canada’s distinct natural resources and to honour
appropriate, regional programmes containing … measures to
Canada’s obligations under the UNFCCC and under the
facilitate adequate adaptation to climate change”.
Convention on Biological Diversity to protect biodiversity.
Adaptation is necessary not only for the projected future
changes in climate but also because climate change is already Adaptation Options for Conservation
affecting ecosystems around the world, and will continue to A consistent finding in the field of adaptation relates to
do so for decades and possibly centuries to come (Lemmen et “mainstreaming” (Smit and Wandel 2006), by which
al. 2008; Burton 2007). Anticipatory and strategic approaches climate change risks are incorporated into existing policies,
to adaptation are needed to address this ongoing process of programs and decision making processes related to resource
change and to build the capacity and flexibility to cope with management, coastal and oceans management, and sustainable
whatever comes with the future evolving climate (Burton development. Mainstreaming is necessary for effective
2008). However, it must also be recognized that biodiversity adaptation implementation, helping to ensure that the risks
adaptation measures will likely only be successful if future and opportunities associated with climate change (and other
climate change remains. environmental changes) are addressed in decision making.
Given that most adaptive actions will not be taken in light
Progress has been made on understanding the nature and of climate change alone, we explore this key approach to
processes of adaptation (Smit et al. 2001; Burton et al. 2002). biodiversity conservation below.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 49
Various adaptation options to address biodiversity conservation management, with invasive activities strictly contained and areas
in the face of climate change have been identified in the literature, of no protection constituting only a small portion of the land or
and the authors of the recent IPCC report (Fischlin et al. 2007) sea (Roberts 2007; Schmiegelow et al. 2006). Recent scientific
note that this is a rapidly developing field. These adaptation studies have identified science-based targets for the optimal
options are focused on enhancing ecosystem resilience to climate extent of protected area networks. For terrestrial protected area
change to allow ecosystems to respond to climate change within networks these have generally ranged between 32 and 70% of the
the limits of natural variability (Gitay et al. 2002; Hannah et al. land base, and for marine protected areas (specifically reserves
2005; Fischlin et al. 2007; Julius et al. 2008; Keller et al. 2008; with no fishing) the range is between 20 to 50% (Price et al
Smith et al. 2006; Parmesan and Galbraith 2004). Hannah and 2007; Schmiegelow et al. 2006; Sarkar et al. 2006; Fahrig 2001;
others (2002 and 2005) have coined the phrase “climate change- Wiersma and Nudds 2006; Allsopp et al 2007; Vierros 2004;
integrated conservation strategies”, that respond to the speed, Schubert et al. 2006) These targets far exceed those that have
magnitude and range shifts due to climate change. While the generally been achieved by governments to date.
specifics of these measures vary from author to author, there is a
through integrated planning, situate protected
considerable degree of overlap, and we summarize the consistent areas within a mosaic of other conservation
elements below. measures across landscapes and seascapes
Under the Convention for Biological Diversity (2004),
reduce and manage multiple anthropogenic stressors countries have committed, by 2015, to “integrate protected
Reduction and management of other anthropogenic stressors on areas into broader land- and seascapes and sectors so as to
biodiversity arising from habitat destruction, over-harvesting, maintain ecological structure and function”.
pollution, and alien species invasions constitute critical climate
change adaptation measures, which will promote resilience Situating the network within a broader mosaic of buffer zones and
in any situation (Fischlin et al 2007; Julius et al. 2008). For other conservation measures and uses ensures connectivity around
example, the FAO (2006) recommends that fishing efforts and between protected areas. The establishment of biological
should be reduced, as lightly fished stocks are likely more and migration corridors between protected areas helps to counter
resilient to climate change impacts than heavily fished ones. habitat fragmentation (Gitay et al 2002; Welch 2005; Fischlin et
al. 2007; NRTEE 2003). These strategies require implementation
establish networks of protected areas
over larger regions, possibly across national borders, and over
A network approach to protected areas on land and in the sea
longer time periods, but are critical to effectively functioning
has been advocated for more than two decades (Noss and
protected area systems (Dudley et al. 2005).
Harris 1986; Soule and Terborg 1999) in order to stem the
tide of biodiversity loss by maintaining connectivity between Hannah and Hansen (2005) stress the importance of making
individual protected areas. Studies of marine protected areas climate change an explicit consideration in connectivity design
around the world demonstrate their contribution to maintaining, and provide specific steps for designing dynamic landscape or
enhancing and restoring biodiversity (Halpern et al 2003) seascape plans. By taking into account projected changes in climate
leading many fisheries scientists to call for their establishment and reducing other pressures on biodiversity, natural systems will
as a key conservation mechanism (Worm et al 2006; Pauly et be less vulnerable to climate change (Gitay et al. 2002).
al. 2002;Roberts 2007). Marine protected area networks can
provide significant ecological and social benefits that cannot be maintain viable populations to enable adaptation
attained through individual MPAs (Smith et al 2006). Maintaining viable, connected and genetically diverse
populations appears to increase their long-term persistence
Networks of protected areas should be established and explicitly (Fischlin et al. 2007). Conservation of genotypes, species
designed to represent the diversity of habitats across the and functional types, along with the reduction of habitat loss,
landscape or seascape (Keller et al. 2008; Roberts et al 2001) fragmentation and degradation, may promote the long term
and to account for projected changes in climate. Incorporating persistence of ecosystems and the provision of ecosystem goods
these elements into the design of protected area networks, the and services (Schmiegelow et al. 2006; Hannah et al 2007).
movement of species to new geographical locations will be
facilitated and be increasingly necessary as climate shifts (Gitay design and manage protected areas as refugia for species
et al 2002; Keller et al. 2008; Taylor and Figgis 2007; Hoffman Identify and protect climate refugia as places where favourable
2003). Replication of habitats in the reserve system is a vital habitat will persist or develop as the climate changes and as
form of insurance and central to the representativeness goal sources of “seed” for recovery. As the changing climate renders
of protected area networks. Conserving ecotones/transitional areas outside refugia inhospitable to certain species, these species
zones as repositories of genetic diversity may assist with future will only continue to exist in the refugia (Taylor and Figgis 2007;
rehabilitation of adjacent ecoclimatic regions. This approach Julius et al. 2008; Marshall 2006; Harley et al. 2006).
also ensures that areas throughout a species range are included
develop arrangements for greater collaboration
in the network (Hoffman 2003;Hannah et al. 2007).
and cooperation in adaptive management
Some scientists have proposed a conservation matrix model In order to support the network and matrix approach across the
that would see protected areas as the foundation for all other landscape/seascape, institutional mechanisms for coordination

50 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
and collaboration will be required to effectively achieve these Canada has made international commitments to complete
approaches (Hannah et al. 2005;Lovejoy 2005;Welch 2005). In protected area networks on the land and in the sea. Under
fact Lovejoy (2005) notes that “Institutional coordination, always the Convention on Biological Diversity, Canada along
vital, will be required as never before.” The success of landscape with other signatories agreed in 2004 to establish by 2010
and seascape management will depend on coordination between for terrestrial and 2012 for marine areas, “comprehensive,
all levels of government, together public and stakeholder support effectively managed and ecologically representative national
and understanding of the important ecological services provided and regional systems of protected areas…to reduce the current
by nature. Public support and endorsement of management rate of biodiversity loss” (CBD 2004). Similar commitments
actions is critical to gaining political support. Future management were made at the World Summit on Sustainable Development
and planning of protected areas hinges on public and political (United Nations 2002) and the World Parks Congress (IUCN
agreement on the ultimate goal - to protect current ecological 2003). In the latter case, this included specific targets of at
communities or to facilitate ecosystem adaptation (Scott 2005). least 20-30% of each habitat in the marine environment.
Climate change strengthens the call for an adaptive management However, despite these commitments, as of 2005 Canada
approach (Hoffman 2003;Welch 2005) that focuses on transparency had protected only 9.9% of the total land area in Canada. The
and learning (IUCN 2003). Adaptive management is a structured share of total land protected varies with jurisdictions across the
process of “learning by doing” (Walters 1997). Conservation country - ranging from 2.8% in Prince Edward Island to 13.1%
agencies must move from managing on the basis of models based in British Columbia (Government of Canada 2007). Protection
on climatic and biogeographic stability, and begin to incorporate in Canada’s oceans falls far short of the progress made on
measures to address the changes that are likely to arise in the face land so far, with less than 0.5% protected and an even smaller
of climate change (Scott 2005; IUCN 2003;Hannah et al 2007). fraction is closed to all industrial activities, including fishing.

monitoring to determine effectiveness The remainder of this paper will focus on Canada’s efforts
Determining the effectiveness of the management strategies to protect biodiversity in the oceans by examining the extent
and changing management regimes based on this information, to which the adaptation options noted above have been
is key to further adaptation success (Welch 2005; Da Fonseca implemented through current management and decision
et al.2005). Since climate change impacts are uncertain, making processes.
monitoring provides important information on which to base
future management decisions. Marine Conservation Initiatives
and Climate Change in Canada
Tools to assist with this process include the IUCN/WWF Marine ecosystems are vulnerable to the impacts of climate
(Pomeroy et al. 2004) guidebook on assessing management change due to the myriad stresses they already face from
effectiveness of marine protected areas based on a series of overharvesting, habitat destruction, alien species, and pollution.
biophysical, socioeconomic and governance indicators. Minimizing these chronic stresses and employing ecosystem
based management approaches are key strategies to reducing
Taken together, these measures comprise an ecosystem based
the impact of climate change and addressing the management
approach aimed at maintaining an ecosystem in a healthy, productive
of other human activities in the marine environment. Canada
and resilient condition by considering both the cumulative impacts
has the legislative tools that could constitute both a “no regrets”
of all user sectors and the needs of humans (Arkema et al. 2006;
approach to marine conservation and achieve climate change
Fischlin et al. 2007; McLeod et al. 2005; Cicin-Sain and Belfiore
adaptation goals. Two key mechanisms considered here are
2003; Hoffman 2003;Dudley et al. 2005). Even aside from the
integrated oceans management and marine protected areas.
climate change context, they are considered an important basis
for the conservation of biological diversity (Lovejoy 2005). As Integrated oceans management
such they represent win-win or no-regrets adaptation options, Canada was one of the first countries in the world to legislate
based on the precautionary principle, that will provide benefits for an ecosystem based management approach for its oceans
biodiversity conservation regardless of the existence of climate territory when it passed the Oceans Act in 1997. Fisheries
change (Fischlin et al. 2007; Dickinson 2007). and Oceans Canada (2002) has responsibility under the act
to develop integrated management plans through a process
Marine Conservation in Canada – that will inclusively and comprehensively plan and manage
Policy Context and Current Status human activities to minimize conflict among users, using a
Biodiversity conservation in Canada is a shared responsibility transparent planning process and guided by the principles of
between federal and provincial governments, as well as First ecosystem-based management, sustainable development, the
Nations and local governments (NRTEE 2003). Across Canada precautionary approach, and conservation.
there are a variety of approaches to conservation that include
comprehensive, integrated oceans and land use management Integrated oceans management is supported by research
combined with protecting key habitats and species, promoting conducted by departmental scientists across the country,
sustainable use of plant and animal species, and mechanisms including ecosystem overviews and identification of
for public education, awareness and action. ecologically and biologically significant areas (EBSAs). The

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 51
department has been active in climate change science since 2007b). Reduced cod stocks are more sensitive to climate
1979 (Minns and Wilson 2005), and it has recently revamped change and recovery will be determined by changes in forage
its science agenda (Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s 2007c) and prey species, which themselves are influenced by climate
which outlines a five year set of nine research priorities that changes (Bruce and Haites 2008). Other changes include
includes climate change. However, Fisheries and Oceans earlier spring phytoplankton blooms and increased abundance
Canada has to date not implemented a comprehensive national of grey seals (Zwanenburg et al. 2006).
program to address climate change impacts and adaptation as
Some stakeholders participating in the ESSIM process are
recommended by staff at a national workshop in 2000 (Minns
concerned that conservation options are being foreclosed by
and Wilson 2005). The report also notes that many of the
the rapid pace of offshore oil and gas development, (NRTEE
attributes that scientists say need to be better understood to
2003; Guenette and Alder 2007). To date, only two protection
predict the impacts of climate change on marine resources and
measures have been implemented: the designation in 1994
sectors, are the same as those needed to move from a single
of The Gully marine protected area, which supports a rich
–species to an ecosystem-based management approach.
diversity of marine life, including the Northern Bottlenose
The 2004 Oceans Action Plan (OAP) (Fisheries and Whale and cold water corals, and fishing closures for two areas
Oceans Canada 2005) sets out a comprehensive approach of high concentration and rare cold-water corals – Northeast
to management of Canada’s vast ocean territory. The Plan Channel and Lophelia coral conservation areas (Fisheries and
notes that the health and quality of the marine environment Oceans Canada 2007a).
is declining in Canada due to a number of factors, including
The combination of major ecosystem changes already
“shifts in major oceanographic drivers due to climate change”
observed resulting from overexploitation, industrial use and
and identified five large scale ocean management areas
climate change suggests an urgent need to implement more
where integrated management planning is now proceeding:
comprehensive conservation measures, including planning
Eastern Scotian Shelf, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Placentia Bay/
for MPA networks and more explicit consideration of climate
Grand Banks, Beaufort Sea and Pacific North Coast (Figure
change adaptation options. Scientists studying this marine
1). Eventually the intent is to complete large scale oceans
region have identified the need for ecosystem level targets for
management planning throughout Canada’s ocean territory.
use in management of fisheries in order to better account for
Progress and structure of the integrated oceans planning
the collateral impacts of fishing and changing environmental
initiatives varies considerably among these five planning
conditions (Zwanenburg et al. 2006).
regions, but is slow overall. The two most advanced processes,
the Eastern Scotian Shelf and the Beaufort Sea are reviewed The strategic management plan highlights the collaborative
further below. nature of the process among stakeholders and a coordinated
Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated approach among government agencies, both important
attributes in integrated planning at a seascape level. The
Management Process (ESSIM) plan includes objectives and strategies for the conservation
The Eastern Scotian Shelf (ESSIM) project covers 325,000
of biodiversity, including through a network of MPAs and
sq km of offshore area that is heavily used by a variety of
addressing the impacts of current activities, such as fishing
activities including fishing, oil and gas development, shipping,
and noise (Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2007a). However,
maritime defence operations, submarine cables, scientific
explicit mention of adaptation strategies to address the impacts
research, and recreation and tourism. The multi stakeholder
of climate change are absent.
and multi government process has been underway since
1998 and is the most advanced of all the integrated oceans Beaufort Sea Integrated
planning processes in Canada. Last year, a strategic level Management Planning
plan (Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2007b) was submitted to Centred on the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, the Beaufort
the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans by the stakeholder and Sea planning process in the western Arctic began in 1999 in
government committees and is awaiting approval. response to the resurgence of oil and gas industry activities
The Eastern Scotian Shelf ecosystem has been subjected to in the Mackenzie River Delta and the potential threat posed
large and rapid changes as a consequence of human actions to the Beluga and their habitat in the region. As a result,
and environmental variability. Trophic level shifts, introduced the initial focus of the planning process was on the urgent
invasive species, and shifting species range distributions are need to provide long-term protection to the Beluga, by the
characteristics of this changed marine ecosystem structure. designation of Tarium Niryutait marine protected area
According to a recent scientific report, the ecosystem has (Berkes et al. 2007; Elliott and Spek 2004). Extensive local
undergone a complex reorganization as a result of changes consultation and involvement in the management process
in biodiversity (Zwanenburg et al. 2006). Pelagic and occurred among the Inuvialuit, the federal government and
invertebrate species are proliferating on the Eastern Scotian industry. A regulatory package is currently being completed
Shelf, while groundfish (cod) which were overfished and for this MPA (Gardner 2008), and the steering committee and
collapsed in the 1980s are not rebuilding as quickly as working groups are now turning their attention to developing
expected (Zwanenburg et al. 2006; Fisheries and Oceans longer term plans for more comprehensive oceans planning,

52 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Figure 1.
MPAs and LOMAs
in Canada
Note. An announcement
was made on Aug 22nd,
2008 of the formation
of three new national
wildlife areas on Baffin

Figure 2.
Ecologically and
biologically significant
areas (EBSAs) in the
Beaufort Sea LOMA
region. These areas
of high ecological or
biological significance
were identified by
scientific and local
communities in
accordance with
Fisheries and Oceans
Canada's national
evaluation framework.
The identification
of these areas as
EBSAs requires that
management activities
focus on greater risk
aversion. The Oceans
Act authorizes the
department to provide
these areas with
enhanced protection.
In some cases this may
include marine protected
area designation (map
courtesy of Fisheries and
Oceans Canada 2007).

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 53
Table 1: Number and area of federal marine areas protected in Canada

No. of Marine Approximate

Administrator Type of MPA Areas MPA size (ha)
Parks Canada National Marine Conservation Area 1 11,500
Parks Canada National Park (Marine Portion) 15 716,305
Joint Parks Canada/ Québec Saguenay - St. Lawrence Marine Park 1 113,800
Environment Canada National Wildlife Area (Marine Portion) 13 152,317
Environment Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary (Marine Portion) 51 1,417,145
Fisheries and Oceans Marine Protected Area 6 255,160
Totals 87 2,666,227
Source: (Gardner et al. 2008).
with a first task being the development of objectives (Beaufort these questions.” Surely far more can be done than is suggested
Sea Partnership 2008). here to address the climate change challenge in the Beaufort
The risks posed by climate change were identified as one Sea. There is now considerable understanding of the sensitivities
of two primary concerns facing communities in the western and adaptive capacity of northern communities (Ford and
Arctic in 2000 (Ford and Smit 2004). Climate change was Smit 2004). What is suggested by Cobb and others is hardly
not addressed through the initial phase of integrated marine an effective adaptation strategy given that the risks of climate
planning process for the Beaufort Sea. Given the anticipated change are well known. The integrated planning process affords
impacts of future climate change in the polar regions, it is an opportunity to bring an explicit, coordinated and strategic
expected that this will become an issue of high priority for approach to addressing the climate change issue, that should go
marine planning. In community consultations held over the beyond “hoping” that residents will somehow ‘figure it out’.
last two years, residents identified a variety of climate change Marine Protected Area Networks
related issues, including; observations of changes in wildlife Canada has also made commitments to establish a national
movements and distributions, physical impacts like coastal network of marine protected areas. In addition to the
erosion, changing ice conditions and more open water and international commitments already noted, these include
general concerns about the effects of climate change (pers. national commitments under the Canada’s Oceans Strategy
comm. J. Paulic, 11 April 2008). These issues are being (2002), Oceans Action Plan (2004) and through federal budgets
considered in the current development of conservation (2004, 2005, 2007). Despite these commitments, as noted
objectives for the next phase of the planning process. above, Canada has made negligible progress in establishing
The ecosystem overview report for the region (Cobb et al. marine protected areas, with less than 1% of the oceans territory
2008) identifies ecologically and biologically significant areas, currently protected. And at a recent conference, federal officials
together with a suite of stressors in the Beaufort Sea region estimated that by 2012, less than one third of Canada’s MPA
(see figure 2). The stressors include: coastal infrastructure, system would be complete (Gardner et al. 2008).
watershed activities and long-range transport of pollutants, The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society recently released
impacts of seismic, exploratory and ultimately exploitation a comprehensive study examining the opportunities and
activities related to oil and gas and mineral and granular challenges to achieving a national network of MPAs in
resource extraction. Marine transport impacts include those Canada by 2012 (Gardner et al. 2008; CPAWS 2008). On
that occur with the passage of ships and barges, discharge the basis of extensive interviews of MPA practitioners across
of ballast water, and unplanned spills and discharges. the country, with a focus on government officials in the three
Subsistence hunting and fishing and limited recreational and federal agencies with MPA responsibilities, a number of issues
tourism activities are thought to have only minor impacts on were identified that are contributing to the lack of progress
the region. on MPAs in Canada. A lack of leadership and capacity,
ineffective federal coordination, together with the absence of
Climate change is considered one of the most important
a clear plan to achieve the 2012 commitment, were identified
environmental and socioeconomic issues facing the Beaufort
as significant challenges impeding Canada’s progress.
Sea region and one of the biggest challenges facing the people,
institutions and processes in the region (Cobb et al. 2008). The A network approach to the planning of MPAs in Canada remains
authors note that the goal of ecosystem based management in its infancy. The current approach to the establishment of
(EBM) is to preserve the ability of ecosystems to adapt to MPAs in Canada is largely ad hoc and proceeds on a site-by-
climate change, (i.e. preserve their natural resilience). However, site basis, with as yet, no consideration for potential linkages
their view is that “coastal residents will have to rely on their between sites and no explicit network planning, either within
capacity for resilience and adaptation to cope with a changing any of the integrated management planning process, or
and uncertain environment. It is hoped that, by working together, anywhere else in Canada’s oceans for that matter (Gardner
additional resources and intelligence will be brought to bear on et al. 2008; Smith et al. 2006; Guenette and Alder 2007). As

54 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
a result of the current ad hoc approach, it can take between 6 appear that the urgency to address the current and future
and 20 years for marine protected area candidates to achieve impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems is not matched
final legal protection (Gardner et al. 2008). by a similar urgency to achieve tangible results through these
initiatives. Long delays in realizing substantive progress in
In 2005, the three federal agencies with responsibilities for Canada’s oceans through these two initiatives and the lack of
marine protected areas, Parks Canada, Environment Canada explicit adaptation strategies is leaving marine biodiversity
and Fisheries and Oceans Canada, released a federal Marine at great threat from the multiple stressors of climate change,
Protected Areas Strategy (Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2005). overfishing, habitat destruction and industrial developments.
The strategy acknowledges the need for a more systematic and The work being done by Parks Canada on adaptation strategies
coordinated approach to the establishment of MPAs. It commits for national parks and national marine conservation areas
the agencies to establish an MPA network within the integrated could serve as a model for the other agencies like Fisheries and
oceans management framework. Through the integrated Oceans to emulate. However, all federal agencies, together with
planning processes, baseline scientific information is compiled, their provincial counterparts need to step up efforts to establish
including the analysis and identification of ecologically and MPA networks on each of Canada’s coasts.
biologically significant areas (EBSAs) (Fisheries and Oceans
Canada 2004) which help to guide the location of future MPAs. Accelerating work on integrated management planning for
While there is only a passing reference to climate change, the Canada’s oceans and incorporating MPA network planning as
strategy acknowledges the drawbacks of the current ad hoc a key outcome could have significant benefits for biodiversity
approach and the benefits of a network approach. conservation in Canada’s oceans, and help to ensure more
resilient marine ecosystems that can withstand the impacts
Canada’s federal agencies with marine protected area of climate change. However, political support, federal
responsibilities can learn from international experience on coordination and adequate funding are among the obstacles
establishing MPA networks (Smith et al. 2006). A recent that must be overcome in order to achieve this outcome
workshop (Fisheries and Oceans Canada and World Wildlife (Gardner et al. 2008).
Canada 2007) explored the experience of other countries with
a network approach to MPAs and distilled some best practice Conclusions
advice for future steps in Canada, with a focus on identifying Canada’s ocean ecosystems and biodiversity are at risk
ecological criteria for sound MPA networks. Principles for as a result of the stresses of climate change. Canada has
incorporating climate change adaptation into site and system obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity and
planning are also available (Hoffman 2003; Hannah and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to initiate
Hansen 2005; Dudley 2005). Spatial analysis tools using measures that will facilitate adaptation strategies to protect
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are becoming ecosystems and biodiversity.
increasingly sophisticated and able to address connectivity Notwithstanding progress on some fronts, most of Canada’s
and protected area network design with climate change in marine environment is still threatened by the combined impacts
mind (Hannah and Hansen 2005). of climate change and other stressors such as overfishing and
habitat destruction. The need remains urgent to address the
Of the three agencies with MPA responsibilities, only Parks
changes that are already occurring in Canada’s ecosystems
Canada (2008) has developed a climate change adaptation strategy,
and to prepare for future changes.
albeit still in draft form, to guide its approach to incorporating
climate change adaptation measures into its planning for and The adaptation options presented in this paper, if properly
management of national parks and national marine conservation implemented, could help to protect biodiversity in the face of
areas. This strategy was preceded by a series of comprehensive climate change and other anthropogenic stressors. Canadian
reports commissioned by Parks Canada relating to climate change policy makers have identified the requisite elements on paper
and the national parks system. They included scenarios for 41 but Canada’s progress is inadequate on both the integrated
national parks, three NMCAs and six proposed national parks management planning and MPA network front, and deliberate
(Scott 2003; Suffling and Scott 2000; Jones et al. 2003; Scott et planning for climate change in these processes is not well
al. 2002), as well as the ecological impacts likely to occur at each advanced.
park, adaptation options available to park managers, and Canadian Other experience warns that societal responses to large
biome changes that could occur under climate change. Across the environmental challenges tend to be incremental and ad hoc
44 parks and NMCAs, Parks Canada has 45 distinct monitoring rather than strategic and planned. This combines with an
programs that track hydrological or ecological responses to inclination to “muddle through” and to postpone action until a
climate. Nearly two thirds of the parks and NMCAs address catalyst dramatically indicates the seriousness of the threat (Smit
climate change in their management planning, and indicators and Pilifosova 2001). The Canadian experience, unfortunately,
of climate change are being selected as part of Parks Canada’s is consistent with these tendencies. If Canada does not proceed
ecological-integrity-monitoring framework (Scott 2003). to implement forward-thinking policies and to integrate climate
Overall, observing the integrated management planning change planning into ocean management processes, biodiversity
processes and the implementation of MPA networks, it would in this country will suffer serious, avoidable, losses.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 55
Acknowledgments Elliott, G.M. and B. Spek. 2004. Integrated Management Planning in the
Beaufort Sea: Blending Natural and Social Science in a Settled Land
With many thanks to my colleagues at CPAWS-BC, in particular Claim Area. In Making ecosystem-based management work. Proceedings
Chloe O’Loughlin, Bob Peart, Eva Riccius, and Sarah Patton of the Fifth International Conference on Science and Management of
Protected Areas (SAMPAA). N.W.P. Munro, P. Dearden, T.B. Herman,
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thanks to Barry Smit for suggestions, edits and encouragement, sustain livelihoods and fisheries. New Directions in Fisheries - A Series
of Policy Briefs on Development Issues, No. 08. Rome: UN Fisheries
to Julie Gardner for comments and edits and to two anonymous and Agriculture Organization.
reviewers for their constructive critiques and suggestions. Fahrig, L. 2001. How much habitat is enough? Biological Conservation
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Feely, R.A., C.L. Sabine, K. Lee, W. Berelson, J. Kleypas, V.J. Fabry,
and F.J. Millero. 2004. Impact of Anthropogenic CO2 on the CaCO3
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58 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Future landscapes in south-eastern Australia: the role of
protected areas and biolinks in adaptation to climate change
Ian Mansergh 1,2 , David Cheal 3 & James A. Fitzsimons 4
Abstract. The extent and rapidity of global climate change is the major novel threatening process to biodiversity in the 21st Authors’ Addresses:
century. Globally, numerous studies suggest movement of biota to higher latitudes and altitudes with increasing empirical 1.
Climate Change
evidence emerging. As biota responds to the direct and consequent effects of climate change the potential to profoundly affect Adaptation Branch,
natural systems (including the reserve system) of south-eastern Australia is becoming evident. Climate change is projected to Department of
accelerate major environmental drivers such as drought, fire and flood regimes. Is the reserve system sufficient for biodiversity Sustainability and
conservation under a changing climate? Environment,
PO Box 500, East
Australia is topographically flat, biologically mega–diverse with high species endemism, and has the driest and most variable
Melbourne VIC 3002,
climate of any inhabited continent. Whilst the north–south orientation and altitude gradient of eastern Australia’s forests
Australia. Email: ian.
and woodlands provides some resilience to projected climatic change, this has been eroded since European settlement,
particularly in the cool-moist Bassian zone of the south-east. Following settlement, massive land-use change for agriculture
and forestry caused widespread loss and fragmentation of habitats; becoming geriatric in agricultural landscapes and artificially
young in forests. The reserve system persists as an archipelago of ecological islands surrounded by land uses of varying 2.
Department of
compatibility with conservation and vulnerable to global warming. The capacity for biota to adapt is limited by habitat availability. Agricultural Sciences,
The extinction risk is exacerbated. La Trobe University,
Bundoora VIC 3086,
Re-examination of earlier analysis of ecological connectivity through biolink zones confirms biolinks as an appropriate risk
management response within a broader suite of measures. Areas not currently in the reserve system may be critical to the
value and ecological function of biological assets of the reserve system as these assets change. Ecological need and the rise 3.
Arthur Rylah Institute
of ecosystem services, combined with changing socio-economic drivers of land-use and social values that supported the for Environmental
expansion of the reserve system, all suggest biolink zones represent a new, necessary and viable multi-functional landscape. Research, Department
This paper explores some of the key ecological elements for restoration within biolink zones (and landscapes at large) of Sustainability
particularly through currently agricultural landscapes. and Environment,
123 Brown Street,
Key words: Ecological connectivity, biodiversity, biolinks, climate and land-use change, eastern Australia Heidelberg VIC 3084,
constant and therefore ecological assets and processes would Email: david.cheal@dse.
The impact of climate change on natural systems has rekindled remain spatially intact in the long term. Future landscapes 4.
School of Life and
scientific research and debate on the capacity of conservation will produce a different mix of ecosystem services and there Environmental Sciences,
reserves to remain ‘fit for purpose’. The effects of recent are opportunities for biodiversity requirements to be included Deakin University, 221
within this landscape flux. Future options are best evaluated Burwood Highway,
changes in climate and the resultant speed of change to the biota, Burwood VIC 3125.
including distributions, and therefore the ‘assets’ and ecological within an understanding of past land-use (Mansergh and Australia. Email: james.
functioning of reserves (Peters and Darling 1985; Rosenweig Anderson 2006). The capacity of the evolving reserve system fitzsimons@deakin.
et al. 2008), indicate that inaction will greatly reduce future and surrounding landscapes to maintain biodiversity and
options (Miller-Rushing and Primack 2004). The restoration of ecological services at the end of this century is directly related
ecological connectivity between fragmented reserves will assist to actions taken in the next decade(s).
the climatically induced movement of species during the 21st Background
century (Thomas et al. 2004; Hilty et al. 2006; Boitani et al. The formal reserve system in south-eastern Australia is largely
2007; Jones-Walters 2007). Restoring sub-continental linkages an historical artefact created from the public land remaining
for a multitude of species remains untested and, although the after the predominant colonial land-uses of agriculture, mining,
efficacy of existing ecological corridors varies markedly, forestry and settlement radically changed the landscape from
research is resolving some key issues such as the enhancement that formed over the previous 60,000 years of occupation by
of species richness (Fleishman et al. 2002; Opdam and Wascher Aborigines. In the south-east over 50% of the landscape was
2004; Damschen et al. 2006; Hilty et al. 2006; Mackey et al. cleared. The Bassian – Bassian/Eyrean bioclimatic zone of
2007). Adaptation to climate change will elicit global changes mainland south-eastern Australia was dramatically affected, as
in net primary production and land-use (Nemani et al. 2003; it became the national food bowl (Figure 1). In Victoria, this
Sala et al. 2003; Fischlin and Midley 2007). An imperative massive habitat disruption happened early and most severely in
is to include biodiversity conservation in the land-use flux. To the grasslands and woodlands, leaving them as the most stressed
date, this has received inadequate consideration. in the continent (Lunt 1991; Morgan 2000). The spatial result
Reserve systems and climatic refugia are critical elements in is a series of fragmented ‘ecological islands’ surrounded by
this scenario. In this paper we examine ecological connectivity primarily agricultural and forestry land. Habitat fragmentation
(‘biolinks’) as an adaptation risk management response is a major conservation issue (Cunningham 2000; Hobbs and
to climate change in the context of the present and future Yates 2003; Soule et al. 2004; Figure 1 b; Hannah et al. 2007).
reserve system in south-eastern Australia. The reserve system Broadly, remnant terrestrial habitats in agricultural zones
expanded on the invalid assumption that climate and other became geriatric or senescent and increasingly fragmented
large-scale drivers of environmental change would remain (National Land and Water Resources Audit 2001; Sluiter et al.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 59
The direct and indirect effects of climate change exacerbate
the effects of past uses of land and water resources (Sala et
al. 2003; NLWRA 2002a, b; Wentworth Group of Concerned
Scientists 2003). The future of water allocations (and to a
lesser extent land use) is a major national issue, exacerbated
by drought and climate change. The restoration of ecological
connectivity across the landscape, including between existing
reserves, will be a major feature of appropriate climate change
adaptation and risk management (Opdam and Wascher 2004).
Earlier bio-climatic modelling (Bennett et al. 1992; Brereton
et al. 1995) proposed a broad system of biolink zones where
ecological connectivity was restored across Victoria. With
more recent climatic, ecological and socio-economic analyses
available, this paper examines the ecological need for, and
possibilities of, relinked landscapes. The landscape approach
includes merging key issues of ecology and socio-economics.

Climate Change – Effects

in South-Eastern Australia
Climate change will elicit environmental changes at all levels
and indications can now be observed in basic biological
productivity (e.g. water regimes), phenology, processes and
feedback mechanisms (e.g. vegetation regeneration and fire)
(Mouillot et al. 2002; Nemani et al. 2003; Menzel et al. 2006;
IPCC 2007; Rosenweig et al. 2008; Dunlop and Brown 2008).
The vegetation of south-eastern Australia is already water
constrained-stressed (Woodward and Rochefort 1991, Nemani
et al. 2003), and recent studies indicate that land-cover changes
(Figure 1) have caused a statistically significant decline in
summer rainfall in the region (McAlpine et al. 2007). Under
nearly all future climate scenarios (from low to high temperature
increases) south-eastern Australia faces a warmer, drier, fire-
prone and flood-prone future, with an increased likelihood of
Figure 3. Map of south-east Australia showing existing forest and woodland (green), large fragments of extreme climatic events such as very hot days, high-risk fire days
forest and woodland (red) and reserve system (blue) (mapping courtesy of Simon Bennett, Department
of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, pers. comm.). and storms (Hennessy et al. 2005; Suppiah et al. 2007). Climate
change will significantly contract the Bassian region (+3°C,
-10% rainfall = > 30% reduction of the wet province, Brereton
1997). Forested landscapes, although retaining some ecological et al. 1995). Containing both Mediterranean and Southern
connectivity, were kept ecologically young, and the area of old Temperate Forests biomes, the area is vulnerable to climate
growth forests was depleted (Woodgate et al. 1996). Figure 2 change and inappropriate land-use (Sala et al. 2003). River and
illustrates the concepts of progressive ecological fragmentation, stream flow will be depleted, perhaps by as much as 30% (Jones
reserve selection, restoration and changing ecosystem services and Durack 2005), and the seasonality, frequency and intensity
of the landscape over time. of bushfires will change (Hughes 2003). Socio-economically
Australia, a globally mega-biodiverse region, is the flattest and and environmentally, it will be a carbon-constrained, water-
driest inhabited continent and has the most variable climate. stressed future, interspersed with increased risks of catastrophic
Many species survived previous episodes of climate change by events such as large bushfires and sudden floods.
in situ adaptation (Truswell 1993; McKenzie 2002; Markgraf biodiversity response- models and evidence
and McGlone 2005), while others shifted their ranges or The north – south and altitudinal gradients of eastern
survived in refuges (Reid et al. 1999; Shapcott 2000; Conran Australia’s forests and woodlands have some resilience to
and Lowrie 2007). For the latter, ecological connectivity is climatic changes. However, this resilience has been eroded
important at all scales (e.g. Hoctor et al. 2000, 2008; Jones- since European settlement particularly in the cool-moist
Walters 2007), enabling species to newly occupy sites that have Bassian bio-climatic zone of the south-east (Figure 1). There
become suitable and vacate sites that have become unsuitable. are considerable limitations to our ability to measure and
The capacity of the current (fragmented) reserve system to predict specific impacts on species, phenotypes or locations,
conserve south-eastern Australia’s biota is doubtful. however some changes are already evident (Hughes 2003;
60 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Figure 1.
Broad vegetation groups cleared
in Australia (up to 1997) overlaid
with the bio-climatic zones. Note
uncleared (white), woodland (light
grey) and forest (dark grey) (Blakers
et al. 1984; NLWRA 2002b). Note
extensive clearing in Bassian and
Eyrean-Bassian bio-climatic zones
of eastern Australia.

Figure 4 (below).
Map of state-wide biolinks and
refugia (from Brereton et al. 1995)
overlaying map of fragmentation
of native vegetation of Victoria.
Possible additional biolinks (?) and
arrows indicating the southward
(latitudinal) direction of movement.
(Vegetation map courtesy of Fiona
Ferwerda, DSE, pers.comm.)

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 61
in such modelling), the climate scenarios and trajectories
in these works remain valid: trends of movement to higher
latitudes and altitudes have followed theoretical predictions and
other global modelling (Peters and Darling 1982; Hughes 2003;
Thomas et al. 2004). Nitscke and Hickey (2007) used ecological
characteristics of species (e.g. regeneration requirements) and a
sophisticated digital elevation model to predict marked changes
in distributions of eucalypts, consistent with the earlier studies.
Indeed, biological and ecological responses are now being
observed across the globe (reviews in Rosenweig et al. 2008;
Thomas et al. 2004). In Australia, large southward distributional
changes in response to, or consistent with, climate change have
been observed in genetics of fruit flies (Umina et al. 2005) and
some vertebrates (Hughes 2003)
There are three broad themes to the debate on the impacts
of climate change on Australia’s terrestrial biota (and
consequently its reserves), and each theme has a different
consequential response:
• Much of Australia’s biota has evolved to persist locally,
rather than migrate (e.g. in situ speciation of Eucalyptus,
Ladiges and Whiffin 1993; Crisp and Chandler 1996: or
of Banksia, Richardson et al. 1995). Thus maximum
effort should be directed to protecting the extant biota in
its current distribution.
• Cumulative pressures will induce migration, as has been
the situation under past climate change (eg. Ogden and
Powell 1979). Thus there needs to be an increased effort
to restore ecological connectivity.
• Ecosystems and vegetation may change beyond a tipping

point and be transformed to new forms and expressions,
including exotic species. Certain biota may prove
impossible to ‘protect’, and it may be more realistic to
assist their adaptation in the direction of change.

Across the continent, all three of these themes may be
expressed this century. However, the restoration of ecological
Figure 3. Idealised landscape showing; a, habitat fragmentation over time; b, effectiveness of
connectivity between reserves and persisting habitats appears
revegetation; c, differing ecosystem services provided by landscape, and historic selection of reserves to be the most proactive risk management strategy for south-
and biolinks. Note that landscapes produce ecosystem services (lower right) that reflect societal values eastern Australia. Stern’s (2007) observation for global
over time. Biodiversity, reserves, tourism, amenity, carbon sequestration, water quality – historically
under valued – are increasing in societal value. Biolinks supporting the reserves will be selected in economics, that early adaptation has rewards, is probably
different landscapes (adapted from framework in McIntyre and Hobbs 2000; Parkes DSE, pers. comm.; more true in landscape ecology given irreversibility and long
Mansergh et al. 2006b). lead times (Lloyd and Graumlich 1997; Macphail 1997).
Umina et al. 2005; Hilbert et al. 2007; Rosenweig et al. 2008).
Habitat fragmentation means that populations that are already
Brereton et al. (1995) identified climatic refugia (where
genetically isolated have higher extinction risks (Drayton and
numbers of bioclimatic envelopes were concentrated under
Primack 1996; Burbidge et al. 1997; Soule et al. 2002).
climate change) and defined ‘biolinks’ as broad areas where
Predicting changes in the bioclimatic envelopes of species is ecological connectivity could be enhanced to optimize the space
one way to model the impacts of climate change. Such early available for biota to adapt to changing climate - respectively
modelling was completed for 42 vertebrate species (Brereton 6% and 25% of the 22.7 million hectares of Victoria (Figure 3).
et al. 1995) and vascular plants (Newell et al. 2001). Despite They concluded that the reserve system was reasonably well
caveats on the methodology (not without valid criticism located in relation to climate change, with a notable gap, Box–
(e.g. Newell et al. 2001; Beaumont et al. 2005; Heikkinen Ironbark Forest, that has since been partially addressed (ECC
et al. 2006), including that species distributions are more 2001). However, landscape resilience would be enhanced
complex than ambient atmospheric conditions (factors such by the establishment of biolinks. Here we use the broad
as microclimatic requirements, competitive interactions, zones identified by Brereton et al. (1995) with more recent
geological discontinuities and soil changes are usually ignored vegetation and landscape connectivity mapping and modelling

62 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
(e.g. Parkes et al. 2003; Ferwerda 2003; Wilson and Lowe the land area by 2008 (17% in Victoria and 7% in NSW; Figure
2003; DSE 2008) and recent socio-economic data to examine 1). In the mid-1990s, the principles of comprehensiveness,
attributes of current and future landscapes. We concentrate on adequacy and representativeness were incorporated into the
the woodland environment where fragmentation and isolation national framework for reserve system establishment and later
of reserves and biota are most pressing (Figure 1). ecosystem-wide assessments for establishing reserve networks
Fragmentation of native habitats is a long-recognized problem (JANIS 1997; Commonwealth of Australia 1999; ECC 1997;
in south-eastern Australia (and elsewhere) (Bennett 1999; Fitzsimons 2006a). These principles were designed to conserve
Hobbs and Yates 2003) and recommendations for dealing and protect examples of indigenous biota as part of self-
with fragmentation have often involved the establishment of sustaining, functioning ecosystems. Victoria’s reserve system
corridors (see Table 1). Whilst biolinks may include corridors, is well developed compared with the rest of the country, due in
biolinks and corridors are not synonymous. Biolinks are a large part to the existence of a strategic public land allocation Table 1.
broader concept and include areas of agricultural production, authority for the past four decades (Clode 2006). Most of Comparison of an
the focus in recent reserve expansion has been on improving idealised “biolinked”
human habitation and transport links. Although biolinks rural landscape with
as a concept are increasingly discussed, they are not (yet) comprehensiveness and representativeness (Lunt 1995; a landscape based on
Fitzsimons and Ashe 2003), and this approach is now well- traditional commodity
enmeshed in local or statewide planning contexts. production for
established elsewhere in south-eastern Australia (Eddy 1990; agriculture.
The boundaries and extent of biolink zones are not rigid, Mendel and Kirkpatrick 2002). Only in the past few years has * In Victoria voluntary
but permeable. Improving the extent and condition of all serious consideration been given to the adequacy of protected conservation
management covers
existing native vegetation has always been associated with areas in the face of climate change (Taylor and Figgis 2007; 100000 ha of habitat
biolinks (Mansergh and Bennett 1989; Bennett et al. 1995) VEAC 2007; Dunlop and Brown 2008). on Land for Wildlife
and the uncertainty surrounding climate change supports this properties; conservation
Land poorly suited to agriculture (e.g. montane forests, nutrient- covenants (Trust for
as a key part of any risk strategy. Remnant native vegetation Nature) cover 30000
provides local refugia, genetic variation, stocks of seed and poor heathlands and semi-arid mallee woodland) is well ha (Mansergh et al. in
many (smaller scale) functional biotic elements. Increasing represented in the reserve system and forms the bulk of Victoria’s press)
the health of this vegetation increases robustness and assists
biological inertia to resist sudden perturbations (Main 1988). Attribute Biolinked Landscape ‘Business as usual’
Approximately 5.8 x 103 km2 of vegetation with medium Gradual decrease and
and low levels of fragmentation persists on private property Regional native tree Higher & less clumped senescence, except in public
outside biolinks and refugia (data base of Figure 5). This is land where static

particularly pertinent given the increased attention paid to the Regional Vegetation Native (public land),
biolink concept and conservation connectivity in government
Modified regenerating
conservation policy (e.g. Victorian Government 2008 a, b). indigenous & agricultural Native (public land), agricultural
(private land)
(private land)
Overlaying vegetation extent, condition (quality) and landscape
‘Weedy’ on private land,
context (fragmentation) with biolink zones indicates that higher Local faunas Native & diverse native & species poor on
values for these parameters occur in biolinks and refugia than public
in the general state matrix (Figure 5). Biolinks traverse about Generalist native spp Increasingly common Increasingly restricted to
public land
33.5 x 103 km2 of cleared and highly fragmented landscapes
(of the 132 103 km2 in Victoria) and, as more than a third Occur on public land, including Restricted to large blocks of
Specialist native spp small areas, and targeted private public land and increasingly
of the land area has been suggested for restoration of habitat land isolated
heterogeneity and vegetation cover in biolinks (Mansergh Conservation as legitimate use
Planning Schemes Binary landscapes
and Cheal 2007), a gross restoration area of 11.2 x 103 km2 on private land
is indicated (including 1.8 x 103 km2 of public land). Future Human habitation Scattered throughout, regionally In alienated areas only &
increasing. declining
research may prove this third to be an under-estimate, however
the extent is well within 2020 policy visions for agriculture Oriented to conservation Relatively high proportion
Public Land Use and amenity values, licensed licensed for conventional
(using 30% less land) and the Catchment Management Council activities only where consistent agricultural use.
(40% of catchments revegetated; Mansergh et al. 2006a). This Higher levels of voluntary
land-use change is well within historic precedent (Table 2). and targeted conservation ad hoc, lower levels of
Mooted changes are not purely economic; they have been Private Land management, covenanting conservation management
and NGO purchase for
driven by what society wants from a landscape. conservation.*
Derived Ecosystem Increasing and increasingly
Land-use and context of the Services valued Continued decline

reserve and off-reserve system Increase proportion derived from Continued reliance on
protected areas and beyond Land holder Income sources other than conventional agricultural commodity prices
As late as 1970, protected areas and reserves in Victoria and New
Conservation Reserve Increasingly important to Binary - clear boundary
South Wales encompassed less than 1% of the land area but, System ( public and and integrated with regional between conservation and
driven by societal demand, this has increased to become 8% of private) economy production estates.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 63
intact landscapes and the core zones of the biolinks. The areas Australia’s gross agricultural income (NLWRA 2001a).
between core areas are fragmented from an ecological, land
Victorian and NSW agriculture is now less than3% of gross
use and land ownership perspective. This presents considerable
state product (Garnaut Review 2008). In Victoria, about half
challenges in securing existing and new linkages. Land
of the former agricultural areas are moving towards ‘amenity’
acquisition for the reserves system is typically focused on under-
and transitional landscapes (Barr 2005).
represented ecosystems, such as temperate native grasslands and
grassy woodlands (e.g. Fitzsimons and Ashe 2003). In recent decades, the fate of land lying between formal reserves
has remained in doubt while society debated sustainability,
The recent development of multi-tenure reserve networks inter-generational equity and ‘heritage’ conservation. Much of
in south-eastern Australia (which include public and private the debate has involved the scale and intensity of management,
lands managed for conservation in a coordinated manner both of which have increased with modern industrialised
under various owners and tenures) improves connectivity, methods. The conservation of ‘old growth forest’ has been a
reserve design and the representation of threatened ecosystems major national issue. In wetter forested landscapes, long-term
in fragmented landscapes (Fitzsimons 2004; Fitzsimons and harvesting has created a much younger forest over broad areas,
Wescott 2008). The establishment of such networks in biolink where less carbon is stored and fewer age-dependent attributes,
zones, along with a suite of other mechanisms, could restore such as tree hollows, are retained in the landscape (Dean et al.
connectivity without the financial costs or potential social 2003; Serong and Lill 2008). In the drier box–ironbark forests
disruption of large-scale land acquisition by governments. of central Victoria, the loss of older forests as a result of
With similar societal drivers expanding the area of reserves historic gold-mining and timber harvesting was a major factor
in the public estate (above), various land trusts and non- in the establishment of major conservation reserves in the early
government organizations have purchased private or 2000s (ECC 1997, 2001).
leasehold lands for conservation and biodiversity, expanding In agricultural landscapes, remnant old trees are keystone
the concept of a reserve network (e.g. Figgis 2004; Cowell ecological features (Pieck 2003). A massive shortfall in tree
and Williams 2006; Fitzsimons 2006b). Voluntary programs hollows is predicted for the near future, but has already happened
such as Land for Wildlife (now national) and Landcare in some areas (Kile et al. 1980; Soderquist and Mac Nally 2000;
(now international) developed in south-eastern Australia. Manning et al. 2006). Adaptation of agriculture to climate
However, the fragmented and disconnected nature of the change may limit future biodiversity options. For example, since
formal reserve system persists across much of Victoria’s the early 1980s land use in part of western Victoria has shifted
biolink zones (Figure 4). from grazing and dryland cropping towards cropping only. The
increase in centre-pivot irrigation areas from nil in 1980 to nearly
areas between reserves
9000 ha by 2005 has resulted in the loss of 42% of Paddock
The relative economic importance of agriculture has changed Buloke, Allocasuarina luehmannii (R.T. Baker) L.A.S. Johnson
radically over the 20th century. In 1950–51 during the trees, which is likely to result in species declines and local
wool boom, agriculture, forestry and fisheries contributed extinctions (Maron and Fitzsimons 2007). It is estimated that if
92% of all exports, but by 1998–99 this had declined to the 3% annual rate of loss of paddock trees over the eight years to
22%. Agriculture, forestry and fishing contributed 29% of 2005 continues, none will be left in about 25 years (ibid.).
Australia’s gross domestic product in 1950–51, declining to
approximately 3% in 2005. The National Land and Water Landscape change can be rapid given the appropriate policy
Resources Audit (NLWRA 2001a, b) found that 26% of mix. Australia signed the Kyoto Protocol in late 2007, but
Australia’s agricultural production and 50% of profits between 1990 and 2005 Victoria (primarily through eucalypt
comes from irrigated land, which encompasses ~2% of the plantations) and Western Australia already turned the Kyoto
agricultural landscape. Furthermore, 80% of agricultural carbon emission category (land-use change) from a carbon
profits come from less than 1% of the area used; and 10% source to a carbon sink (Australian Government 2008).
of farm establishments produce between 40 and 50% of In the context of climate change and enhancing the resilience

Mean p.a
Land-use change Period Change (km2 ) Source

Clearing for agriculture 1860 – 1960 1150 Gilbee (1999) in Mansergh et al. 2006a

Creation of reserve system 1970 – 2000 1225 Clode (2006)

Establishment of hardwood National Forest Inventory (2004) in

Table 2. 1999 – 2001 380
plantations Mansergh et al. (2006a)
Extent of various major
land-use changes in
Victoria over time. Future Biolinks 2010 – 2030 560 See text

64 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Figure 5. The proportion of each zone per classes of vegetation quality (left) and landscape component (fragmentation) (centre) within and outside greenhouse
refugia and biolinks in Victoria. Area of landscape component classes within biolink zones by tenure (right) – higher numbers denotes increased intactness.
(see Figure 3; Brereton et al. 1995; Parkes et al. 2003; Ferwerda 2003; www//: ).

of the reserve system, it is important that zones of functional patterns of tree cover (which is as low as 2.7%), 40% of the
ecological connectivity are identified, as most forms of total area is highly likely to support natural (tree) regeneration
intensification lessen natural resilience and thus future in the absence of livestock grazing. Nevertheless, successful
cost-effective options (e.g. Dorrough and Moxham 2005; regeneration would be more than halved if no action were
Crosthwaite et al. 2008). to be taken in the next 30 years (Dorrough and Moxham
2005). The most cost-effective mechanism for revegetation is
Biolink zones and ecological connectivity natural regeneration, which also naturally selects for survival
Habitat fragmentation will be exacerbated by climate change. in a drier and warmer future. The frequency of favourable
The effects of habitat fragmentation are critical in relation to regeneration years may be limiting (Vesk and Dorrough 2006;
building biolinks, but fortunately our understanding of the effects Mansergh and Cheal 2007). Ecological thresholds are still
is advancing rapidly (Hobbs and Yates 2003; Kirchner et al. being actively debated (Radford et al. 2005; Lindenmayer et
2003; Opdam and Wascher 2004; Hilty et al. 2006). As habitat al. 2005). In the interim, Mansergh and Cheal (2007) have
becomes more fragmented (Figure 2), the persistence and ability recommended greater than 30% native vegetation cover.
of each species to (re-)colonize depends on the extent, condition, Some key elements of all landscapes that are particularly
configuration and cohesion of its habitat (Miller-Rushing and critical in the establishment of biolink zones are:
Primack 2004; Opdam and Wascher 2004; Lindenmayer et al. • riparian vegetation,
2005; Radford et al. 2005). Habitat heterogeneity increases • distinctive topographical features, and
species richness (Brooker and Margules 1996; Hobbs and Yates • ‘reservoir’ vegetation or habitat, including roadsides and
2003). Increasing the ecological connectivity and heterogeneity isolated trees, that could provide regeneration propagules
means that landscapes could recover habitat (Figure 3). Biolinks (seeds and dispersing young) (Prober and Thiele 1993;
are concentrated in fragmented and variegated landscapes, rather Watson et al. 2000).
than in relict ones. It is the resilience of these landscapes that is
important under climate change. Key ecological elements of biolink zones
Ecological resilience has been defined as the capacity of Cognisant of the principles provided by Lindenmayer et al.
ecosystems to recover from disturbances (Andreasen et al. 2001; (2005), we suggest the following broad ecological foci for
Hobbs and Yates 2003). Trees are critical for the resilience of the establishment of meaningful biolinks. These features
forests and woodlands, while the understorey and lower strata can be incorporated into new ecosystem services that society
are equally important for a full complement of biodiversity. will require in a carbon-constrained future (e.g. carbon
In Australian pastures, time since clearing and agricultural sequestration) and sophisticated catchment modelling can
guide investment (e.g. Stoneham et al. 2003; Eigenraam et
management affect natural resilience. Progressively, grazing
al. 2005).
on native pasture, pasture ‘improvement’, cropping, fertiliser
and pesticide application all directly erode the long-term • Remnants to reservoirs — All areas of existing native
resilience of native vegetation (McIntyre and Martin 2001; vegetation have value, either as parts of biolinks
Chalmers et al. 2005). For example, a survey of grazing between major habitat reserves (such as national parks
properties in central Victoria found that even under current and the like) or as habitats in their own right. Better-

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 65
quality vegetation is assumed to support more effective terrestrial and freshwater environments and provide critical
regeneration processes, enabling ‘natural’ (minimally drought refugia (Soderquist and Mac Nally 2000; Palmer
assisted) regeneration. Natural regeneration enables and Bennett 2006). They optimize carbon sequestration,
natural selection and hence some adaptation towards the water quality, biodiversity and assist flood mitigation
novel local conditions resulting from climate change. (Jones et al. 2007). Since the 1860s and the inception of the
Unassisted regeneration based on remnant species and Torrens title system, a 100 link (c. 20 metre) wide reserve
sites is much cheaper than restoration of completely of public land has bordered many streams in Victoria
alienated landscapes and locally exterminated vegetation (Cabena 1983). Most of these have been degraded to
communities and habitats. varying extents by licensing for agricultural purposes (see
• Isolated stands of remnant native vegetation can act as Mansergh et al. 2006b) but are still public land and thus
foci for the restoration of regional connectivity. Even very are readily available for revegetation. In these landscapes
small areas of native vegetation or habitat can be critical in riparian zones optimize biodiversity, carbon sequestration
maintaining connectivity in fragmented landscapes (Prober and water quality (Jones et al. 2007).
and Thiele 1993; Price et al. 1999; Watson et al. 2000). • Other public land — There are many linear reserves in stock
routes and along public roads, including vegetated road
• Dominant species — Although there is no suggestion
reserves that do not support any formed roads or tracks.
that some species are more important than others, some
Because of their huge boundary-to-area ratios the vegetation
species have more influence on the composition and
on this public land is often degraded, but can support local
processes within habitats (vegetation communities) than
genetic variation and useful trans-landscape habitats for
do other species. These most influential species are termed
many species (Adam and Robinson 1996; Witkowski and
‘dominants’ (Allaby 1985; Kent and Coker 1994) or
Lamont 1997; van der Ree and Bennett 2001) and may
‘keystone species’ (Paine 1969; Lamont 1992; Hurlbert
become critical propagule reservoirs for the establishment
1997). In south-eastern Australia, eucalypts are the most
of biolinks throughout the wider landscape.
common canopy trees and the most common dominants in
• Local refugia — When regions were first surveyed in the late
treed and mallee vegetation (e.g. Hobbs and Yates 2000).
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, many townships
Compared with the rest of the flora, their regeneration
(land reserved from agricultural development) were not
requirements are relatively well-known. Indeed, the
subsequently or substantially alienated and occupied. In
regeneration requirements for all trees are much better
addition, local resource reserves (such as timber reserves,
known than is the case for the rest of the flora. Restoring
travelling stock reserves and cemeteries) were also
dominant species (notably trees) to degraded landscapes,
established in anticipation of local exploitation. These
and ensuring that they can continue regeneration there, are
often remain as (more or less) degraded native habitats in
justifiable early priorities in restoring degraded landscapes,
primarily agricultural landscapes, and many have been
re-establishing connectivity and providing heterogeneous
incorporated into lower-profile local reserves. Some contain
seral stages and niches for biota. By definition, dominants
the best examples of remaining habitat. For example, the
have the greatest influence on vegetation processes,
former timber reserves of Yarrara and Bambill South in
microclimates and microhabitats and growing conditions
north western-Victoria support some of the best Belah-
for the whole community. For example, a single mature
dominated woodland in south-eastern Australia (Porteners
eucalypt in a red gum forest may support 400 to 700
1993; Callister 2004). Such areas are obvious further core
morphospecies of invertebrates (Yen et al. 2002).
areas for biolinks, including sources of local genotypes for
• Although about 25% of eucalypt species have very tight
wider propagation and expansive regeneration.
bioclimatic ranges (rainfall, temperature or both) (see
Hughes 2003), many eucalypt forests and woodlands New biocultural landscapes
have broad ecological amplitudes and are amenable to Humans imbue landscape with meaning and create and
regeneration over broad geographic ranges. Regeneration conserve them as manifestations of these meanings, which
through natural selection will assist phenotypical responses are connected to both the past and the future (Schama 1998).
to changing climate (Mansergh and Cheal 2007). The rise of protected areas was an expression of a cultural
• Adequate regeneration is often possible from the existing
phenomenon that sought to preserve areas of natural beauty,
stock of isolated and roadside trees with minor changes in
habitat and function. Since the 1970s the area of the protected
land management practices (Dorrough and Moxham 2005;
network rapidly increased world-wide in both western
Vesk and Dorrough 2006; Dorrough et al. 2006), thus re-
and other societies indicating a shift in ideas about what
establishing this key habitat feature and associated benefits
landscapes could provide and mean. Many reserved areas have
for in-site habitat and connectivity for the long term, e.g.
consequently become regionally and nationally, economically
tree hollows for nesting (Gibbons and Lindenmayer 2002;
important. Climate change threatens the ecological, socio-
Woldendorp and Keenan 2005). Substantial resilience
economic and cultural meaning of the reserve system.
remains in pastoral south-eastern Australia, but the area
over which natural regeneration can occur will be halved The effectiveness of ‘corridors’ for wildlife conservation is still
over the next 30 years (Dorrough and Moxham 2005). being evaluated (e.g. Hilty et al. 2006), however some of the
• Riparian environments — Riparian environments link general criticisms (e.g. weed conduits, poor species richness)

66 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
are largely unfounded (Damschen et al. 2006). Biolinks are ecological connectivity across the landscape could provide a
not traditional corridors, but rather broad permeable zones new focus for land-use as part of an adaptation strategy. The
where functional ecological connectivity is restored across the development of functional biolinks presupposes a long-term,
landscape and people live and obtain livelihoods. The relative socially acceptable vision. Their development will require
economic decline of agriculture over the last five decades has ongoing ecological and other sciences at all scales and equally,
allowed the socio-economic trajectories of land-use over 50% of ownership of the vision from governments and society.
Victoria to move away from the past ‘agrarian paradigm’ toward
amenity and transitional landscapes (Barr 2005). Colonial, public Acknowledgments.
infrastructure such as stream reserves and stock routes that traverse We would like to thank Fiona Ferwerda, Brendan Freeman, Alex
the landscape can evolve to new socio-ecological purposes as Lau (Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment)
key elements of an enhanced landscape legacy. The building and Jennifer Frieden and Fiona MacKenzie (Victorian
blocks of landowner involvement are already present in many Department of Planning and Community Development) and
potential biolink landscapes with a strong spatial correlation with Simon Bennett (Australian Government Department of the
the distribution of conservation covenants and Land for Wildlife Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts) for their assistance
properties (Fitzsimons and Wescott 2008a, 2008b). Landcare, with the figures and some data. Vivienne Turner provided
now an international movement, was invented and evolved in critical review of an earlier draft of this manuscript.
these landscapes. Other recent moves to include ‘ecosystem References
services’ in the economy (amenity, carbon sequestration, water, Adam, P. and D. Robinson.1996. Negative effects of fuel reduction
biodiversity) offer the possibility of hastening the movement away burning on the habitat of the Grey-crowned Babbler Pomatostomus
temporalis. Victorian Naturalist 113: 4-9.
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toward biodiversity friendly landscapes. University Press, Oxford.
Andreasen, J.K., R.V. O’Neill, R. Noss, and N.C. Slosser. 2001.
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The purposeful restoration of ecological connectivity across integrity. Ecological Indicators 1: 21-35.
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move away from the dichotomous landscapes of the past The Australian Government Submission to the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change, 2008. Department of Climate Change,
(production or preservation), towards new landscapes Canberra.
producing different ‘products’ and meanings. Biolinks could Barr, N. 2005. The Changing Social Landscape of Rural Victoria.
Department of Primary Industries, Melbourne.
present a new biocultural landscape that will augment the Barr, N. 2008. The social landscapes of rural Victoria in C. Pettit, William
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species and assemblages requirements. Such changes can Bennett, A. F. 1999. Linkages in the Landscape. IUCN, Gland,
now be increasingly visualised at all scales in virtual reality Switzerland
to inform current choices of future landscapes (Mansergh et Blakers, M., S.J.J.F. Davies, and P.N. Reilly. 1984. The Atlas of Australian
Birds. RAOU and Melbourne University Press, Melbourne.
al. 2008). In Australia, they will be geographical cultural Boitani, L., A. Falcucci, L. Maiorano, and C. Rondinini. 2007. Ecological
manifestations, the new sense of place that has played such networks as conceptual frameworks or operational tools in conservation.
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a major part in creation of the reserve system itself and the Brereton, R., S. Bennett, and I. Mansergh. 1995. Enhanced greenhouse
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Conclusion Brooker, M. G. and C. R. Margules. 1996. The relative conservation value
of remnant patches of native vegetation in the wheatbelt of Western
Climate change is the novel threat of the 21st century that Australia: I. Plant Diversity. Pacific Conservation Biology 2: 268-278.
will affect basic ecological and biophysical processes, with Burbidge, A.A., M.R. Williams, and I. Abbott 1997. Mammals of
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the reserve system and biodiversity of south-eastern Australia. Cabena, P. B. 1983. Victoria’s water frontages: an historical review
The lack of functional ecological connectivity between reserves and resource appreciation. Department of Crown Lands and Survey,
is likely to have profound effects on the condition of the system Callister, K. E. 2004. Casuarina pauper (Belah) Woodlands of Northwest
and surrounding landscapes. As society adapts to climate change Victoria: Monitoring and Regeneration. PhD thesis, University of
it needs to review past land and water allocations, use and Ballarat, Ballarat.
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70 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
World Wild Web: Funding connectivity
conservation under climate change
Ralf Buckley
Abstract. Connectivity is one key to conservation under anthropogenic climate change. Shortfalls in financial and political Authors’ Address:
support are more critical constraints than deficiencies in biological data. This applies especially for private lands in developed Ralf Buckley,
nations and public lands in developing nations. Here I examine 3 funding mechanisms: tourism, stewardship schemes, and International Centre for
global branding. Ecotourism Research,
A small number of commercial tourism operations make positive net contributions to conservation, some of global significance. Griffith University,
Their models deserve duplication. Stewardship schemes have been politically motivated and ecologically ineffective, but Gold Coast 4222,
they mobilise considerable funds. Principles for effective design are proposed. A well-branded worldwide initiative to link Australia.
connectivity conservation efforts across national and continental borders could tap new large-scale multilateral funding for r.buckley@griffith.
adaptation to climate change.
In addition, a worldwide initiative could improve links between the many different current mechanisms for connectivity Tel +61.7.55528675
conservation. For example, bilateral aid projects could kickstart conservation tourism in severely impoverished nations. Fax +61.7.55528895
Proximity to protected areas outside national borders could become a criterion for national stewardship incentives. If other
potential mechanisms such as water sales or carbon offsets do prove to generate significant conservation funding, they can
also be incorporated into the World Wild Web.

Introduction primary industries. In addition, many sites key for biodiversity

Connectivity conservation (Beier and Noss 1998; Sutherland conservation lie outside protected areas, in regions with
2000; Salafsky et al. 2002; Crooks and Sanjayan 2006; relatively dense human populations (Rondinini et al. 2006).
Rouget et al. 2006) arose as one response to the isolation and It is politically improbable that connectivity under climate
fragmentation of conservation reserves in increasingly modified change can be achieved by dedicating further public protected
and fragmented landscapes (Millenium Ecosystem Assessment areas, either in developing or developed nations. Therefore,
2005; Wiegand et al. 2005; Fischer and Lindenmayer 2007; mechanisms to promote conservation management of other
Pressey 2007). It also provides one possible response to public and private land tenures are critical. Funding is a
the biological impacts of anthropogenic climate change necessary component of all such mechanisms, though there are
(Pressey et al. 2007). It is endorsed by conservation groups also political, legal and management aspects. Here, therefore,
and government agencies (Bennett 1999; Pressey 2007; I examine mechanisms to fund off-reserve conservation as a
Conservation International 2008; IUCN 2008; The Nature key component of global connectivity conservation, itself a
Conservancy 2008; Worldwide Fund for Nature 2008). key response to anthropogenic climate change.
Connectivity conservation includes continent‑wide initiatives Conservation funding mechanisms in general were reviewed
such as the Wildlands Project (2008) in North America, the for the Fifth World Parks Congress by the Conservation
PANParks initiative in Europe, the Alps‑to‑Atherton initiative Finance Alliance (2003). In addition to government budget
in Australia (NSW DECC 2008), and unbranded efforts by appropriations which form the principal funding source for
private corporations such as Conservation Corporation Africa protected area management agencies in developed nations,
(2008) and Wilderness Safaris (2008) in sub-Saharan Africa. they listed 11 other sources: bilateral and multilateral donors,
Some countries have also incorporated some of their public biodiversity enterprise funds, bio-prospecting, carbon offset
parks into transboundary protected areas. projects, debt swaps, environmental funds, fiscal instruments,
Significant research effort has been devoted to the ecological foundations, watershed services payments, resource extraction
design of connectivity conservation programs, with emphasis fees and tourism-based fees.
on hotspots (Myers et al. 2000; Brooks et al. 2006); coldspots
Some of the specific applications of the measures listed by the
(Kareiva and Marvier 2003; Leroux and Schmiegelow 2007);
Conservation Finance Alliance (2003) have been ineffective or
and corridors (Beier and Noss 1998; Bennett 1999; Sutherland
even detrimental to conservation (Terborgh 1999; Iverson et al.
2000; Damschen et al. 2006; Rouget et al. 2006; Shepherd
2006; Shone and Caviglia-Harris 2006; Wunder et al. 2008).
and Whittington 2006; Wilson et al. 2007; Lees and Peres
Similarly, many conservation stewardship schemes seem to
2008). Relevant information is no doubt far from complete.
have been politically motivated subsidies to rural electorates,
There are, however, many areas which have been identified as
with little conservation benefit (Kleijn and Sutherland 2003).
highly significant for biodiversity conservation, but remain
Donors, funds, foundations and various fiscal instruments
unprotected. Lack of political and financial support is thus a
have remained important sources of conservation funding.
more critical constraint than deficiencies in biological data.
Debt swaps, bioprospecting and watershed service fees have
Existing public protected areas worldwide are under pressure not yet lived up to their initial promise, but may yet do so
for increased human use, whether for outdoor recreation, in modified form. Watershed service fees seem to have been
subsistence harvesting, mineral exploration, or resumption for pursued particularly in Latin America (Asquith et al. 2008;

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 71
Kosoy et al. 2007; Munoz-Pina et al. 2008; Pagiola 2008). paper parks, widespread in many parts of the world. They may
Carbon offsets have been used widely to promote plantations, be reduced in size, as for the Etosha Pan protected area in
but are still in their early stages as a practical conservation Botswana, or a former World Heritage oryx reserve in Oman.
mechanism to fund connectivity conservation. Resource They may suffer attrition or delays in receiving their operating
extraction in protected areas is highly politicised in most budgets, leading to temporary closure as occurred some years
countries. Parks agencies may be permitted to charge fees for ago in the USA. They may suffer excisions or fragmentation,
small-scale harvesting and beekeeping, for example, but not and consequent loss of conservation value, for uses such as
for large-scale mineral or petroleum exploitation. mineral production, oil and gas, powerline corridors, roads or
tourist developments.
Opportunities to generate funding for off-reserve conservation
may also be applicable, in less wealthy nations, to support These problems apply in both developed and developing
public protected areas which are at risk of resumption to nations. Parks agencies in developed nations have to run
subsistence agriculture or commercial logging (Terborgh marketing campaigns to remind people of their value (Watson
1999; Wilkie et al. 2006). In general, different packages and Borrie 2003). Governments budget for conservation
of measures and incentives are needed to promote the incentive schemes only where this has broad political support.
conservation of biodiversity within existing protected areas, Landowners who establish game reserves and tourist lodges
on other public lands, and on private landholdings (Langholz need support from their neighbours to prevent poaching.
et al. 2000; Ferraro and Kiss 2002). Communities need consensus in order to lease jointly-owned
land for wildlife tourism and conservation. These are all
In this paper I focus on three possible mechanisms to improve essentially political issues.
funding for global connectivity conservation: tourism,
stewardship schemes and global branding. Tourism-based There are three key legal aspects to connectivity conservation:
fees were mentioned by the Conservation Finance Alliance parks legislation, land tenure and tax law. Parks legislation
(2003) in relation to public protected areas. Here, I review defines, for example: what rights parks agencies have to control
some examples of commercial tourism operations which resources within protected areas; what options they have to
make significant positive net contributions to connectivity raise funds to buy new protected areas; what restrictions they
conservation by funding private reserves and community can apply to activities that affect endangered species outside
conservancies. Stewardship incentive schemes were not listed protected areas; and what authority they have to enter into
by the Conservation Finance Alliance (2003) but have been agreements with neighbouring landholders.
adopted by a number of countries to encourage conservation Different types of private or community land tenure comprise
management of private lands. I consider here how stewardship bundles of rights in different countries. Investors who purchase
incentive schemes could be designed so as to make a more land zoned for development, for agriculture, or for forestry
effective contribution to global connectivity conservation. may be compelled by law to pursue that designated land use,
Finally, I put forward a proposal for a globally branded with no option to manage the land for conservation. In some
connectivity conservation initiative under the tentative title countries, private landholders can own native wildlife; in
of the World Wild Web, and consider how it might attract some they cannot; in some they can own only certain species.
large‑scale multilateral funding and national political support. Indigenous peoples and local communities have land rights in
some nations, but the arrangements differ considerably. Such
Political, Legal and Management Context communities may or may not have the right to prevent other
Funding is a necessary prerequisite for almost all connectivity people moving in and diluting the benefits they can obtain
conservation programs, but it is not sufficient alone (Johns from their land. They may have rights of use but no formal
2007). Such programs also need political support, an effective title, so that even if they grant a tourism company permission
legal basis, and practical management skills. In addition, to operate, the company will not have a title to provide security
different countries, regions, organisations and landholders for loans to finance construction of facilities.
commonly have very different social, environmental, economic
and political circumstances. Most measures intended to improve Taxation treatment of conservation land use and investment
conservation management of land at local scale have arisen is critical for private landholders and foundations. In the
independently, with similar goals but different mechanisms. USA, for example, land trusts effectively allow wealthy
Attempts to globalise such measures must take account of local individuals to offset conservation management costs against
circumstances (Terborgh 1999; Sutherland 2000; Abakerli other income. In Australia, in contrast, whilst there is a weak
2001; Wilkie et al. 2006). Different approaches are needed in provision for tax deductibility of capital losses if land is
different places in order to muster political support, establish a brought under a conservation easement, ongoing operational
legal basis for conservation management, and provide practical costs of conservation management cannot be offset against
conservation management on the ground. other sources of income. Private conservation management is
therefore much less common in Australia than the USA.
Without political support, protected areas may be abolished
completely, as occurred for some former national parks in Conservation management on the ground needs skilled
Zimbabwe. They may lose effective protection to become personnel (Lockwood et al. 2006). Where land is added to the

72 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
public protected area estate, parks agencies have necessary provides critical habitat for the Endangered Blue Crane in the
management skills, though not necessarily resources. Where southwest. In addition, it pioneered capture, translocation
private landholders convert farmland to conservation, the and “soft release” techniques for the active population
new land use needs new skills. Restoring a landscape from management of a number of endangered wildlife species.
introduced pasture grasses suitable for cattle, to a mixture
Similar approaches have been followed by Wilderness Safaris.
of native woody and herbaceous plants suitable for native
Its Ongava private reserve, adjacent to Etosha Pan national
wildlife with very different food preferences, can be a
park in northern Namibia, effectively extends the area of the
difficult, long‑term and expensive exercise. Managing small
public park and is separated from it by a “semi-permeable”
populations of many different wildlife species simultaneously
fence which allows some animal species through, whilst
is very different from managing a single herd of cattle, sheep
retaining others. A series of adjacent community conservancy
or goats. Capture, translocation and reintroduction of animal
areas leased by Wilderness Safaris and funded by tourism
species is a highly skilled profession, particularly for species
is gradually building a conservation corridor between the
which are large, potentially dangerous and/or endangered.
Etosha Pan ecosystems of northeastern Namibia and the arid
Where tourism is used to generate income for conservation,
ecosystems of the Skeleton Coast in the northwest, habitat
another and equally specialised set of skills is needed in
for desert-adapted elephants. This corridor runs adjacent to
order to run successful commercial tourism operations.
the border with Angola, and once politics allow, cross-border
Few organisations or individuals combine all these skills
connectivity will also be feasible. South of the Skeleton
Coast, Wilderness Safaris leases a community conservancy
Acknowledging that all sources of funding for connectivity which supports the largest remaining population of desert-
conservation have political, legal and management aspects as adapted rhinoceros. It also supports extensive research on
above, I now examine the three specific funding mechanisms rhino populations, ecology and conservation, both directly
outlined earlier. and through an NGO, the Save the Rhino Trust (2008). In
Botswana, it funded the reintroduction of rhino, previously
Tourism Funding Conservation poached to local extinction, into the publicly owned Moremi
Private conservation reserves and community conservancies reserve in the Okavango Delta, and leases large areas which it
funded by tourism are becoming increasingly commonplace runs for conservation funded by tourism.
worldwide (Buckley 2003, 2008; Kruger 2005; Puppim de
Oliveira 2005; Shultis and Way 2006; UNEP 2007). The A large number of smaller companies have adopted similar
best‑known and earliest examples are in southern Africa, models, though with fewer sites and smaller areas. Similar
particularly in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa itself. tourism‑based models, often run by the same companies, also
Companies such as Conservation Corporation Africa (2008) help to fund conservation in public conservation reserves and
and Wilderness Safaris (2008) have developed successful conservancies in east Africa and elsewhere. Conservation
business models which rely on wildlife tourism to fund quite Corporation Africa (2008), for example, operates a series
large‑scale conservation efforts, including habitat restoration, of private reserves in east Africa, leased from the national
anti‑poaching efforts and wildlife relocation programmes governments and converted from subsistence agriculture
(author, pers. obs. 2001-2008). Wilderness Safaris (2008), and hunting to wildlife conservation (Buckley 2006).
for example, has brought over a million hectares of land in These effectively extend the protected area of the Serengeti
Botswana and Namibia, principally community land, into ecosystem. It has established a marine reserve at Mnemba
conservation use. Conservation Corporation Africa (2008) Island off the coast of Zanzibar (Buckley 2006), similar to
has successfully established a considerable number of private the private marine reserve at Chumbe Island (Buckley 2003).
conservation reserves funded through tourism, largely in Through a joint venture known as Taj Safaris, Conservation
South Africa, and has pioneered restoration, restocking and Corporation Africa has recently built 4 tourist lodges to
wildlife relocation techniques. support tiger conservation in India. It is currently providing
technical expertise to relocate Gaur, the Endangered Indian
Tourism, for example, funds the private reserves of the Wild Ox, as part of a continent-wide conservation program.
Sabi Sands area, which has effectively added 65000 ha to
Kruger National Park in South Africa (Buckley 2003), and There are also private reserves funded by tourism, though
the Madikwe private reserve adjacent to the Botswana border generally at a smaller scale, in various countries in the
(Buckley 2008). There are many individual operators in each, Americas, Asia, Europe and Australasia (Buckley 2003, 2008;
including Conservation Corporation Africa. In Madikwe, Conservation Finance Alliance 2003; Lindsey et al. 2005;
the individual landowners have removed internal fences and Svoronou and Holden 2005; Tisdell et al. 2005). Tourism
operate the entire area as a single co-managed reserve. In Sabi is not always the sole source of income for these reserves.
Sands, they have not only removed fences between private Some receive support from bilateral or multilateral aid. Some
reserves, but also between these and the public national park. were established and operated by philanthropic individuals or
Conservation Corporation also established the Phinda private conservation organisations such as Conservation International
reserve which extends the St Lucia World Heritage Area in (2008), The Nature Conservancy (2008), the Worldwide Fund
south-eastern South Africa, and the Kwandwe reserve which for Nature (2008) or the Australian Wildlife Conservancy

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 73
(2008). There are examples of private reserves with NGO private landholdings are now widespread in developed
involvement and ecotourism operations in, e.g.: Australia, countries. They form a logical component of connectivity
Belize, Brazil, Chile, China, Ghana, Greece, Indonesia, conservation where five conditions are met. (1) Significant
Mexico, Namibia, Nepal, Panama, the Phillippines, the areas of land with high conservation value are in private
Seychelles, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates and ownership. (2) The market value of land is too high for
Zambia (Buckley 2008, table 7.2). There are also public governments to purchase it to add to the public protected area
reserves which have been established with the assistance of estate. (3) There is adequate information to identify which
particular tour operators, such as the Khutzeymateen grizzly- areas are most valuable for conservation. (4) There are adequate
bear sanctuary in Canada (Buckley 2008). Both Conservation legal mechanisms to formalise conservation management
International (2008) and the Worldwide Fund for Nature requirements on the land concerned, e.g. through some form
(2008) now advertise a global suite of tours through their of covenant on the land title or some form of agreement with
own websites, as one way to generate political and financial the owner. (5) The government concerned has adequate funds
support. They use particular commercial tour operators with to pay for incentives which are large enough to persuade land
good environmental credentials, such as Natural Habitat owners to convert to conservation management.
Adventures (2008) to provide those tours (Worldwide Fund
Different countries have widely different schemes. They
for Nature 2008).
are particularly prevalent in Europe, including the UK and
There are many other countries, including other African Scandinavia (Knop et al. 2006; Herzon and Mikk 2007;
nations, where similar tourism‑funded conservation models Berentsen et al. 2007; Cooper and Signorello 2008; Dobbs
have operated in the past and/or could operate in the future, and Pretty 2008; Zabel and Holm-Muller 2008). They are also
but where political circumstances prevent them operating widespread in North America (Langpap 2006; Rissman et al.
effectively at present. Tourism‑funded conservation models 2007; Straka et al. 2007; Claassen et al. 2008; Wallace et al.
cannot function well in countries where war or terrorism 2008). There are significant structural differences between
threaten the safety of tour clients; where basic infrastructure European and American programs (Donald and Evans 2006;
such as roads and airports are too run‑down; or where land Murdoch et al. 2007; Baylis et al. 2008). A variety of incentive
tenure is too unstable for a private tourism operator to invest. programs operate in Latin America (Sierra and Rusman 2006;
If and when such countries adopt or return to relatively stable Wunder 2007; Pagiola et al. 2007; Sanchez-Azofeifa et al
democratic systems of government, they will probably be 2007; Asquith et al. 2008) and in Australia and New Zealand
able to call on significant international aid funding to help (Cowell and Williams 2006; House et al. 2008; Walker et al.
rebuild infrastructure, perhaps including parks infrastructure. 2008). Stewardship incentive approaches currently have more
Such aid programmes are typically short‑lived, however, limited application in Asia (Spiteri and Nepal 2006; Engel
and a longer‑term source of income is needed once aid and Palmer 2008) and Africa (Gardner et al. 2007; Turpie et
funding comes to an end. The opportunity for tourism to take al. 2008). There has been extensive modelling of different
over conservation funding in nations such as these is thus approaches (e.g. Holzkamper and Seppelt 2007; Engel et
particularly significant, since companies already operating in al. 2008). Connectivity is a landscape-scale endeavour, so
the region have established clienteles who would visit new stewardship incentive schemes need explicit spatial targeting
destinations. in order to be most effective (Drechsler et al. 2007; Goldman
At a global scale, therefore, tourism has become a significant et al. 2007; McDonald et al. 2007; Parkhurst and Shogren
source of funding for connectivity conservation, though 2007; van der Horst 2007; Wunscher et al. 2008).
currently much more prevalent in particular regions and Much of the land affected is zoned for agriculture. Historical
restricted to a relatively small set of tourism operators. The subsidies and tax concessions for land clearance, drainage
tourism industry more broadly does not necessarily contribute or drought relief have caused land degradation rather than
to conservation, and indeed generates a wide range of conservation. Kleijn and Sutherland (2003) found that few
ecological impacts; but if an adequate conservation framework European agri‑environment schemes had made significant
is in place, tourism can generate significant funding to support conservation contributions, and most were disguised subsidies.
it. Indeed, for a small number of leading ecotour operators Some schemes reward landholders simply for ceasing to breach
whose owners are driven by conservation concerns, they laws which require them to remove noxious weeds, prevent
may also help to establish such conservation frameworks, by pollution of surface waters, protect endangered species, or
providing examples of what can be achieved. There are thus maintain stocking rates below predefined thresholds. Some
an increasing number of connectivity conservation initiatives, pay them for measures aimed mainly to increase agricultural
particularly in developing nations, where private tourism production, such as: planting windbreaks, shade trees,
operations play a key role. To date, however, there are rather hedgerows or woodlots; establishing dams to impound surface
few where these have been linked across national borders. runoff; or controlling weeds, erosion and livestock.
Conservation Incentive Schemes If conservation incentive schemes are to be used effectively,
Conservation stewardship and incentive payments, or tax they should reward only conservation management beyond
concessions, for individuals to carry out conservation on basic legal and agricultural requirements. Management measures

74 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
specifically for conservation may include: retaining undisturbed these schemes operates entirely within the borders of the
native vegetation; fencing livestock out of watercourses and nations which fund them. There are no known schemes where
wetlands; maintaining mature trees as seed sources or as proximity to protected areas, public or private, in an adjacent
breeding sites for native bird or mammal species; maintaining nation has been adopted as a criterion for funding. Indeed, in
mixed‑species meadows to conserve particular plant species; many large federated nations, schemes are run by subsidiary
maintaining warren or burrow areas, or areas of rock or dense governments and rarely consider linkages even across sub-
vegetation to provide refuges for small mammals; retaining national borders.
a continuous vegetation canopy across roads and tracks to
allow arboreal mammals to cross without descending to the Worldwide Connectivity and Branding
ground; and controlling feral and domestic dogs, cats and other A well-branded worldwide initiative to link connectivity
predators. Expertise in conservation biology, for the particular conservation efforts across national and continental borders
species concerned, is generally needed to determine ecological could generate several benefits for connectivity conservation.
goals and the management practices required to achieve them It could help to link the efforts of conservation tourism
(Murphy and Noon 2007). operations and NGO’s across national borders, apply
successful models to new countries, and link these models to
Once the ecological goals are determined, a variety of other sources of funding such as international aid. For example,
different financial and legal mechanisms are available (Gulati bilateral aid projects could kickstart conservation tourism in
and Verkammen 2006; Hallwood 2007; de Nooij et al. 2008; severely impoverished nations. Proximity to protected areas
Ferraro 2008). These include, e.g.: tax concessions for capital outside national borders could become a criterion for national
losses and/or ongoing operational costs; direct grants or stewardship incentives. A worldwide initiative could bring
subsidies calculated according to predefined rules for particular international scrutiny to bear on conservation stewardship
conservation actions; negotiated payments for conservation programs funded by individual governments, so as to improve
easements on large and significant areas of land; tender systems their conservation outcomes. It could provide international
where different land owners can bid competing amounts as support for local conservation programs and NGOs in
the price of adopting conservation management practices; individual nations, developed as well as developing. This
and a variety of hybrid schemes. Different approaches are may be of particular significance in large nations with rapid
more effective under different socioeconomic circumstances. economic growth, as outlined below. It could also generate
Landowners making a loss from agricultural production are significant new support directly, by tapping into large-scale
little influenced by tax concessions, whereas those with other multilateral funding for adaptation to climate change.
income sources find them persuasive. Discretionary grant
systems with high information and transaction costs are The goal of major multilateral conservation organisations
unlikely to achieve high take‑up if landowners must invest such as IUCN is indeed to create a global system of
significant time in preparing applications with low success conservation reserves adequate to protect biological diversity
rates. Sufficiently widespread and well funded schemes, across the entire planet. To date, the principal approach has
however, create markets for conservation brokers who lodge been to expand the public protected area networks in as many
bids on a fee‑for‑service basis, as in the USA. individual nations as possible. This approach has met with
some notable success, and naturally needs to continue. My
From a practical conservation policy perspective, I propose five proposal here is simply that supplementary approaches which
general principles for the structure of conservation incentive have already been used in some countries and continents
schemes, irrespective of detailed design. (1) Conservation to extend conservation efforts to other public, private and
is cheaper than restoration, so focus on protecting areas of community lands, could now be applied deliberately at a
high conservation value, and only occasionally on restoring global scale as a key component of connectivity conservation
areas already degraded. (2) There is rarely sufficient funding, efforts. A global‑scale endeavour may be able to attract
so focus on areas of highest conservation value. (3) Different global‑scale funding more easily than local and national‑scale
areas have different conservation values and management programmes. Connectivity is an increasingly urgent issue
approaches, so design multiple tiers to reflect these differences. both because of climate change and because of continuing
(4) For effective conservation, use conservation biologists clearance of areas outside formal reserves. Connectivity
to design the ecological goals. (5) For high take‑up, use conservation within individual nations and regions may gain
landholders to design the practicalities of implementation. political support through a globally recognised, endorsed and
The key to funding connectivity conservation through visible programme.
national stewardship schemes, therefore, is to ensure that For illustration, I have proposed here a name such as World
incentive programs do in fact contribute to conservation and Wild Web or perhaps Wild World, but these are options
are not merely disguised agricultural subsidies. This requires only. The key is to identify a name which has the greatest
external scrutiny. It is for this reason that the critical review appeal, when translated to as many languages as possible, to
by Kleijn and Sutherland (2003) generated a strong reaction national governments and multilateral agencies who would
from individual national governments operating their own need to endorse and support it for it to be successful. If it
agri-environment programs in Europe. In addition, each of can also appeal to major private-sector sponsors, that would

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 75
be an additional advantage. The name World Wild Web, for established tree plantations. If parks agencies were paid for
example, is not only descriptive of the intention, but might the carbon they keep out of the atmosphere, this could provide
also appeal to some very well cashed-up internet corporations a significant source of conservation funding. Such approaches
concerned to demonstrate corporate social responsibility. An do not need to wait for a global-scale initiative such as
extremely miniscule proportional royalty on online financial proposed here. A World Wild Web initiative, however, could
transactions, for example, could generate very major funding help to supplement funding for areas which are important for
at global scale. This approach has already been trialled with biodiversity conservation, are affected by climate change, but
credit cards. If other potential mechanisms such as water contribute little to carbon sequestration because they are in
sales or carbon offsets do prove to generate significant arid, saline or cold-climate areas.
conservation funding, they can also be incorporated into the
The development of a World Wild Web would be a major
World Wild Web. Indeed, there are already programs which
multilateral exercise, and would require a well-respected
use tourism industry funds to buy carbon offsets in order to
multilateral agency such as the IUCN to champion. It
promote biodiversity conservation (Tourism Industry Carbon
would need support from major international conservation
Offset Scheme 2008).
organisations and from relevant UN agencies, and national
One particular conservation concern at present is the very governments prepared to back the initiative in multilateral
rapid economic growth in the large newly‑industrialised fora. All of these are entirely possible.
nations such as India, Brazil and China. These countries
have their own well‑established administrative systems, their Conclusions
own cultural histories, their own government priorities, and Connectivity approaches are an increasingly important
their own political perspectives and pressures as they seek to component of biodiversity conservation worldwide, firstly
provide increasing standards of material wealth for increasing because of increasing population growth and associated
populations. These nations will not necessarily pay much heed threats to existing areas of undisturbed habitat, and secondly
to concerns over conservation, if those concerns are raised because of the impacts of anthropogenic climate change.
purely from a Western cultural or scientific perspective. They The ecological aspects of connectivity conservation have
are, however, very aware that they are in the global spotlight, been subject to considerable research, and while there are
and they are concerned to bolster their international images doubtless still deficiencies in relevant data, there are practical
as powerful players in global politics. A programme such recommendations for areas which merit urgent protection.
as that proposed here, with a global name such as World The most critical obstacle is not ecological information, but
Wild Web, might boost the efforts of domestic conservation political and financial support.
interests in each of those nations. This could be particularly Tourism has numerous risks and shortcomings as a source of
significant, for example, in the case of transboundary reserves conservation funding, but there are now a number of examples
which overlap from these nations into smaller neighbouring where private tourism corporations have indeed made net
countries, such as the Terai area along the border between positive contributions to conservation, and are indeed focussing
India and Nepal. their future strategies on connectivity. They could do more
Global political responses to anthropogenic climate change if their efforts were linked to other sources of conservation
remain highly contested, but carbon taxes and trading funding, notably international donor and foundation funds in
schemes of various types seem likely to generate a significant the least developed nations. Opportunities to fund conservation
pool of multilateral funding. In addition, since climate through nature‑based tourism are particularly valuable in
change is rightly seen as a major threat to the world economy, countries which are politically stable and democratically
political stability and social development, as well as to the governed, but not yet very wealthy or highly developed
natural environment, it seems highly likely that large-scale in international terms. In these nations, tourism is often a
multilateral funds will be established to assist in adaptation significant component of national income, and conservation
- mitigation measures are likely to be partially successful can be promoted as an asset to support tourism.
at best. There will be a period when such funds, once
Stewardship and incentive programs, nominally established
established, are uncertain where best to direct their spending.
specifically to promote conservation and enhance
Since climate change threatens biodiversity at a global scale,
connectivity, have largely been ineffective because they have
a global connectivity conservation initiative could well attract
been operated as disguised subsidies for political ends. They
large-scale support.
can indeed make significant contributions to connectivity
Protected areas, both public and private, may also obtain conservation, especially in developed nations, but only if they
funding directly and individually from carbon offset programs, are redesigned and operated under much closer scrutiny. In
particularly since recent research by Mackey et al. (2008) has addition, to maximise connectivity gains, systems operating
shown that an intact and undisturbed primary forest ecosystem in individual countries also need to consider conservation
stores an order of magnitude more carbon than previously patterns in neighbouring nations. Whilst there are differences
believed. Many large corporations worldwide are already in legal structures and land tenure systems between countries,
purchasing carbon offsets from private landowners who have there are also overarching principles which could be applied

76 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
quite broadly. In addition, if the wealthier nations decide to Cambridge, University Press
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by the establishment of a globally branded initiative under payments: the United Kingdom. Ecological Economics 65(4):765-775
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Acknowledgments payments for environmental services. Ecological Economics 65(4):810-
My thanks for invaluable discussions with: Les Carlisle of 821
Ferraro, P.J., and A. Kiss. 2002. Direct payments to conserve biodiversity.
Conservation Corporation Africa; Chris Roche and others Science 298: 1718–1719
of Wilderness Safaris; Claudia Ollenburg in relation to Fischer, J., and D.B. Lindenmayer. 2007. Landscape modification and
conservation on private agricultural landholdings; and Graeme habitat fragmentation: a synthesis. Global Ecology and Biography 16:
Worboys and other members of the IUCN World Commission Gardner, T.A., T.I.M. Caro, E.M. Fitzherbert, T. Banda, and P.
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78 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Looking forward: Applying an ecological
model web to assess impacts of climate change
Gary N. Geller 1* and Forrest Melton 2
Abstract. Climate change is a major threat to the world's protected areas, yet the difficulty of making good predictions of the Authors’ Addresses:
impacts of change constrains management, planning, and policy making. An important factor limiting development of these 1*
Corresponding author
predictions is the inability of existing computer models, which simulate ecosystem and related processes, to easily exchange NASA Jet Propulsion
information. The ecological Model Web, now in the early stages of development, addresses this limitation. The Model Web will Laboratory
be an open-ended network of interoperable computer models and databases that use web services to communicate with one California Institute of
another and with end-users. Analogous to the World Wide Web, it will grow organically and opportunistically within a framework Technology
of broad goals and high-level standards. Making it easier for models to communicate will increase their collective power and Pasadena, CA USA
the breadth of questions they can address, while providing web access to their results will facilitate greater extraction of societal Gary.N.Geller@jpl.
benefits by managers, policy makers, and the public.
California State
Climate change is bringing new threats to Protected Areas (PAs) Second is that current climate models have a limited ability University Monterey
as well as exacerbating existing ones (McCarty 2001; Dudley to predict future climate conditions at a spatial scale that is Bay
relevant to many issues of importance for PA management, Monterey Bay, CA USA
2003; Hannah et al. 2005, 2007; Welch 2005; Westerling et
al. 2006). These threats include changes in range for native as though improved models and greater computing power
well as exotic invasive species (including destructive insects are rapidly addressing this issue. A third difficulty is the
and diseases); drought and other weather extremes; changes challenge of trying to simulate the complexity of ecological
to fire regimes; changes to ecosystem structure and function; systems—ecological models cannot completely predict all
displacement of human populations; changes in sea level; the consequences of climate change even if uncertainty in
changes in ocean acidity and temperature; and many others. It is the climate predictions is reduced. Lastly, even when useful
a daunting list, particularly since most PA management agencies predictions are technically possible, the real-world effort and
have limited resources for monitoring and management. cost to create them and make them available to PA managers
and relevant policy makers can be formidable.
Historically, many PA managers have preferred to rely
on direct observations and field studies to guide decision The Ecological Model Web is a concept that addresses
making. The significant uncertainty in the future condition of these last two issues by focusing on the ability of existing
PA ecosystems as a result of climate and land use change, ecological and related models to exchange information,
however, makes it increasingly difficult to rely on historic i.e., to "interoperate" (Geller and Turner 2007). Increased
datasets when setting policy and allocating resources for PA interoperability of existing models is perhaps one of the most
management. Ecosystem models can provide very important cost-effective ways of enhancing predictive capabilities and
tools for estimating potential future conditions and quantifying addressing the climate-related questions posed by biodiversity
uncertainty. Some of the climate-related policy and resource researchers and PA decision-makers.To be useful, model
management questions relevant to PA management are listed results need to be made available to researchers, managers, and
below: policy-makers who can use them, and websites that connect
• What are the possible effects of changes in precipitation such users to the internal “model space” are an integral part of
patterns on a park ecosystem or park infrastructure? the concept. In this paper we discuss the Model Web concept,
• How much habitat will remain in 50 years for endangered what it might look like to PA managers and decision makers,
or keystone species within a park, and will it be enough and various challenges and limitations.
to support viable populations?
• How much of the PA is vulnerable to invasive species?
What is the Model Web?
The Model Web is a concept for a dynamic network of
Should additional resources be allocated to manage them?
computer models that, together, can answer more questions
• What are the implications of climate change for fire
than the individual models operating alone (Box 1). It is
management in a park and the surrounding landscape?
based on a philosophy that encourages modellers to provide
Despite the need to address these and other questions, access to their models and model outputs via standard
accurately predicting the impacts of climate change on PAs is "web services" (see Box 2), which makes it easier for the
a difficult task with several impediments. First is the inherent models to exchange information. Growth of this network
difficulty in making accurate predictions of climate when is predominantly organic and opportunistic, with top-level
significant uncertainty exists in estimates of future atmospheric planning taking the form of guidance and encouragement
concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. This from sponsors, users, and the modelling community itself.
problem has been addressed by the Intergovernmental Panel Access to model results is through purpose-built websites,
on Climate Change ( and elsewhere, which can be developed by the modellers themselves,
through the use of a limited number of emission scenarios. experienced users, or partnerships. The Model Web is best

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 79
thought of as something that is fostered and grown rather
Box 1: The Model Web in a nutshell than planned and built. Growth and evolution will result in
• A dynamic network of interoperating models (and datastores) that gradually improved performance, with greater accuracy and
together can answer more questions than the individual models coverage, more choice of models, and improved websites
• Uses web services for inter-model communication that provide access to the model results.
• Grows and evolves organically and continually—like the World
Wide Web, it is never finished The Model Web concept is not completely new. Individual models
• Scope includes physical, chemical, biological, and ecological
processes, though there are no sharp boundaries are routinely integrated into larger model systems or linked with
• Websites provide access to model results for researchers, other models, a step in the direction of the Model Web concept
managers, policy makers, and the public that is increasingly common. Most of these systems have been
the result of focused efforts to integrate suites of models into
moderately to tightly coupled packages to achieve specific goals.
This has proved very effective for addressing some difficult
Box 2: Web Services problems, but imposes some limitations. In particular, because of
When a person uses a web browser to order a book from an on-line bookseller their focused goals these model systems are often not designed to
such as, they are interacting with one of's computers
manually, where the human makes all the decisions. But it is also possible to fully provide access to intermediate products and, in many cases even
automate book ordering using what are known as Web Services. Web Services the final products are not available except to the model developers
are software systems designed to support computer-to-computer interaction over or after they are published. Thus, the potential for interaction
a network (World Wide Web Consortium 2004). For example, replace the human with other models is typically very limited. Increasingly, model
with inventory tracking software from one of Amazon's business partners. When
their stock runs low, that software automatically orders new books, communicating developers do make their source code publically available, and
with Amazon's computer using a variety of web services that communicate using while such code sharing can be useful to other modellers, it still
specific protocols. These services would provide information such as price, does not facilitate access to model results by PA managers. Many
delivery schedule, or status of an existing order, and accept the new order, all in of these limitations are the result of a historic lack of funding for
a fully automated fashion.
extension of models beyond their direct scientific or operational
Web services, which are commonly used in business applications, make it easy
for computers to exchange information and to automate standard processes, application.
making them a good match for the needs of the Model Web. For example, one In contrast, models in the Model Web are loosely coupled
model could use a web service to make a request for specific information to
a second model; that second model would then run and return the requested and form an “open” system where, using web services,
information using another web service. direct access is provided to intermediate and final
outputs. So once the effort is made to create a model or
model system—a considerable investment—access to the
intermediate and final outputs can be provided more easily.
Lowering the barriers to accessing information in this way
facilitates organic and opportunistic growth and extracts
more benefits from the investment made in developing the
To illustrate how a Model Web might be utilized we provide
an example of a use case focused on species distribution
(Figure 1). In this example an ecologist wants to know
how the range of a particular species may change by 2050
to assess whether a PA is likely to provide suitable habitat
in the future. If, as the climate changes, the viable range
were to shift outside the PA, that PA would no longer offer
protection or, worse, suitable habitat may not exist outside
of the park boundaries. Knowing this now might allow park
management to consider a variety of countermeasures. A
small model web (Figure 1) could help answer this question-
-as well as provide outputs useful to other models and other
questions. The major elements in Figure 1 are: a database of
climate model outputs that provides future climate scenarios
(including parameters such as monthly maximum and
Figure 1. Simple Model Web example. In this example four models and several datastores exchange minimum temperatures, and average precipitation; stored
information via web services to predict the future distribution of a species. “Climate data” contains historical output data are used because of the expense of each model
observations as well as the outputs from large and complicated climate models for a variety of future
scenarios; these are used to drive the four models. The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), and run); a fire model that predicts departure from historic fire
perhaps other observation databases, provide species observation records, each of which indicates the date return intervals; a landscape model that predicts forest
and location of an observation of an identified organism (often these also reflect an actual collection of that successional stages and landscape pattern; a biogeochemical
organism). These records are used by the species distribution model, along with outputs from the other three
models and the climate data. The small dotted arrows indicate that the outputs from these components are cycle model that predicts rates of evapotranspiration and
available to other models, i.e., that their use is not limited to those specifically used in this example. soil moisture levels; the Global Biodiversity Information

80 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Facility (GBIF,, which provides species
observation data; and a species distribution model that
correlates environment and habitat information with species
observations to provide a map of potential habitat (Peterson
2001; Elith et al. 2006).
A model web such as that in Figure 1 could support other
applications in addition to predicting species distribution,
including changes in fire risk, intensity, fuel load or emissions;
landscape patterns; nutrient cycling; soil moisture; and many
others. However, we selected species distribution as an
example use case because of its simplicity, the large amount
of work that has been done in this area, and its relevance to
PA management.
In this example, the species distribution model is first run using
species occurrence records, and historical environmental, fire,
and landscape observations to create the "habitat envelope" Two existing efforts pertinent to the Model Web are worth Figure 2. Sample user
for the species of interest. Then, climate scenarios for 2050 mentioning here. GEOSS is an international effort to interface to support the
are used to drive the biogeochemical cycle model, the fire Model Web scenario
coordinate and harmonize the many public and private example in Figure 1.
model, and the landscape model, and outputs from these are observing systems, at all scales, to help decrease overlap,
fed into the distribution model along with the future climate increase cooperation, fill in gaps, and ultimately to improve
scenario. The distribution model then generates a map of decision-making. The Model Web will utilize many of the
the predicted range of the species in 2050 based on possible concepts and features being developed for GEOSS. For
future climate and landscape conditions. example, the GEOSS Clearinghouse--essentially a catalog that
While creating such range maps using environmental data has lists the data and services available by GEOSS participants--
become commonplace (e.g., Hannah et al. 2005), these studies will be useful in connecting data and services to the models
have not generally integrated outputs from multiple computer that need them, as well as in making models and their outputs
models, and a generic and open approach characteristic more accessible. GBIF, mentioned in the example use case,
of the Model Web has not been used. Note, however, that is a good example of a “service provider” that makes the data
open Modeller (Fook et al. 006; Sutton et al. 2007; http:// and services of the GBIF network of data-providing partners, a species distribution available via web services. These web services allow users to
modelling system, does offer a variety of different correlation explore the data in the network in a variety of ways, including
algorithms as well as invocation through web services. In finding species occurrence records, providing the number of
fact, openModeller is used in a demonstration system for occurrence records per grid cell, locating species checklists by
GEOSS (the Global Earth Observing System of Systems; see area, and many other views of the data. While GBIF provides
Nativi et al. 2007a,b; Khalsa et al.) which, in turn, is being access to existing databases, access to models or model results
used in a Model Web demonstration system that incorporates would be handled similarly.
some of the elements in Figure 1. Building this demonstration What will the Model Web Look Like to its Users?
system was the first step towards creating a Model Web, as it The existence of data does not mean it is available as
provides a “core” onto which additional models can be added; useful information to managers and policy makers. In
plans for its expansion are underway. fact, there has often been a gap between data sources
Note that the models and technology needed to address the and the application user community, resulting in only
PA manager's question already exist (albeit with limitations)- partial extraction of the benefits of the data. The Model
-the difficult part is bringing them, and perhaps the various Web concept includes end-user-oriented websites that
model developers, together to harmonize the models and are connected with the models providing the data. Box 3
run the simulations. While this effort--which can be very describes work being conducted jointly between NASA
significant--is required with either a Model Web approach and the National Park Service to provide outputs from the
or the more traditional approach of creating tightly coupled Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System (Nemani et
systems, a Model Web has some significant advantages. al. 2008) to park scientists and managers to support park
Most importantly, once a model is made accessible via a monitoring and management. This work illustrates the types
web service, it is available for use by many other models and of web-browser-based services that might be supported in a
applications. That type of data sharing is not available with a model web environment.
tightly coupled system. Thus, even the small model web of Figure 2 shows a hypothetical website that provides access
Figure 1 has the potential to address a variety of questions to the simple example scenario depicted in Figure 1. The
(dotted arrows in Figure 1). user first finds the species of interest in the observational

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 81
information, or a choice of correlation algorithms, could
Box 3: Monitoring Protected Areas for be entered on additional pages, and manual editing of the
Environmental Change: species occurrence records used in the analysis might also
The Terrestrial Observation be supported. Once the configuration options are selected,
and Prediction System pressing the Run button then starts the analysis. When
The Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System (TOPS) is an ecosystem completed, the manager can display predicted distribution
modelling framework designed to integrate data from satellite, aircraft, and maps for the species at the selected dates and for the selected
ground-based sensors with weather and climate models to operationally emission scenario (Figure 3).
produce estimates of current and future ecosystem conditions. The US National
Park Service is working with NASA, the American space agency, to develop Who will build and maintain these websites? The Model
an environmental monitoring system that incorporates data from TOPS. The
prototype system focuses on two of the most popular parks in the country: Web does not impose constraints, and they could be built
Yosemite and Sequoia/Kings Canyon. Using new and historical satellite data by modellers who have an interest in their work being
from a variety of instruments, and combining this with meteorological data and applied by management agencies who may or may not have
output from ecosystem models, TOPS provides estimates of key indicators models of their own but have an interest in using them, or
of ecosystem conditions, including productivity, greenness, soil moisture,
phenology, snow cover, and others. In addition to providing estimates of by anyone else who believes such information could provide
current conditions, TOPS uses an archive of historical data to track trends and a useful service. Regardless of who it is, it is critical that
identify significant patterns, and the modelling capabilities within TOPS are the models be understood and that their limitations—and
leveraged to provide short- and long-term forecasts of future conditions. they all have them—not be exceeded; of course, the model
The TOPS data gateway (Nemani et al. 2008) shown in the figure below, allows developers themselves are in the best position to provide this
PA managers to use a web browser to access dynamic maps of current park information.
conditions, view significant trends in key indicators of ecosystem conditions,
and perform different queries on the data layers to examine features of interest, A Model Web can only be as useful as the accuracy of the
such as anomalies that may indicate a previously unknown disturbance event. models permit, though different levels of accuracy and
In addition, the data gateway also provides direct access to descriptive confidence can support different activities. As the Model
information for each data layer, facilitating use by both technical and non- Web grows, different parts of it will mature at different rates,
technical PA staff.
and initially much of it will probably be of use primarily
for research by facilitating "model experiments" where
a researcher investigates model weaknesses or uses, for
example, sensitivity analyses to explore how various systems
might respond to perturbation. Later, as model accuracy and
uncertainty improves and the associated websites mature, the
results would become increasingly useful by PA management,
perhaps initially for staff such as park ecologists, and later
for managers at other levels, policy makers, and the general
Challenges and Limitations
The growth of the Model Web and its utility to PA
managers and policy makers faces a variety of challenges.
First, making two models interoperate typically requires
substantial effort, and significant funding will be needed to
gradually update existing models so they can participate.
Fortunately, there is an increasing level of appreciation
for the need for greater cooperation and integration
among researchers studying the potential impacts of
climate, landscape, and other changes (e.g. Marshal et
al. 2008). And of course, the utility of the Model Web
to PA managers and policy makers in addressing climate
databases using a text search that is connected with GBIF
change issues depends on the quality of the predictions of
and perhaps other repositories of species occurrence data.
the climate models. These are improving rapidly, though
Then the user enters baseline and future target dates,
they still depend on the assumptions regarding future rates
such as 2000 and 50 years into the future. Next, the user
of greenhouse gas emissions.
selects the desired future climate scenario from a list of
the scenarios used by the IPCC (these scenarios reflect Some questions may require more sophisticated websites
different trajectories of greenhouse gas emissions based than the simple example shown in Figure 2, or may
on different socioeconomic and technology development require additional effort on the part of the user. This
pathways; Other data, such as the effort might include the input of local field or other data,
historic fire return interval and various types of landscape or considerable knowledge of the underlying methods or

82 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
science. Uncertainty in model outputs is another issue,
particularly as it tends to increase when multiple models are
involved. However, greater interoperability among models
and data stores will make it easier to include additional
models and datasets that can constrain the outputs or
improve the estimated initial conditions. Also, answers
could be obtained from several different scenarios or models
and these can be compared and combined, an approach that
may provide more information about an appropriate level of
confidence in the final result.
We should be very clear that a Model Web will not be, and is not
intended to be, a fully automated decision support system. What
the Model Web will be able to do, however, is to increase the
quantity and quality of information available to PA managers.
This, combined with other sources of information such as their
own experience and the experience of their colleagues, will lead
to better decisions and better park management as the challenge
of climate change comes to bear.
Greater ability to assess and predict the impacts of climate
change on PAs is needed. Increasing the interoperability
of computer models will help and the Model Web provides
a framework to encourage greater interoperability, as well
as organic and opportunistic growth of an open network of
models. These networked models will, together, answer more Process Pilot Project (IP3). Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Figure 3. Sample
questions than the individual models, and become particularly Sensing Special Issue on Data Archiving and Distribution, in press. distribution maps
Lundquist, J.D. and D.R. Cayan. 2007. Surface temperature patterns in showing (hypothetical)
valuable when combined with appropriate websites so users complex terrain: daily variations and long-term change in the central probability of occurrence
such as PA managers and policy makers can access the models, Sierra Nevada, California. Journal Geophysical Research, Atmospheres of a species in 2000
112:D11124. (top) and 2050 (bottom);
their outputs, and other datastores to help them make more- Marshal, J.D., J.M. Blair, D.P.C. Peters, G. Okin, A. Rango, and M. light gray corresponds
informed decisions. Williams. 2008. Predicting and understanding ecosystem responses to 100% probability,
to climate change at continental scales. Frontiers in Ecology and medium gray to 50%
Acknowledgments Environment 6: 273-280.
McCarty, J.P. 2001. Ecological Consequences of Recent Climate Change.
probability, and dark
gray to 0% probability
This research was partially carried out at the Jet Propulsion Conservation Biology 15: 320–331. (derived from Khalsa
Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract Nativi, S., P. Mazzetti, L. Bigagli, E. Boldrini, V. Angelini, É.Ó et al.).
with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Tuama, H. Saarenmaa, J. Kerr and S.J.S. Khalsa. 2007a. A pilot
project for biodiversity and climate change interoperability in the
Stefano Nativi kindly provided inputs for Figure 3. GEOSS framework. In: Weitzman, A. and L. Belbin, (Eds). Abstracts
of the 2007 Annual Conference of the Taxonomic Databases Working
References Group, Bratislava, Slovakia, 16-22 September pp 26-27. Biodiversity
Dudley, N. 2003. No place to hide: Effects of climate change on protected Information Standards (TDWG) and the Missouri Botanic Garden.
areas. WWF climate change programme, Godalming, United Kingdom. St.Louis.
Elith, J, C.H. Graham, R.P. Anderson, M. Dudık, S. Ferrier, A. Guisan, Nativi, S., P. Mazzetti, H. Saarenmaa, J. Kerr, H. Kharouba, E. Ó
R.J. Hijmans, F. Huettmann, J.R. Leathwick, A. Lehmann, J. Li, Tuama, and S.J.S. Khalsa. 2007b. Predicting the impact of climate
L.G. Lohmann, B.A. Loiselle, G. Manion, C. Moritz, M. Nakamura, change on biodiversity - A GEOSS Scenario. pp 262-264 in: GEO
Y. Nakazawa, J. McC. Overton, A.T. Peterson, S.J. Phillips, K. Secretariat (Ed.) The full picture. Book produced for the GEO
Richardson, R. Scachetti-Pereira, R.E. Schapire, J. Soberon, S. Ministerial IV Plenary, Cape Town, 29-30 November. Tudor Rose,
Williams, M.S. Wisz and N.E. Zimmermann. 2006. Novel methods Leicester, UK.
improve prediction of species’ distributions from occurrence data. Nemani, R, H. Hashimoto, P. Votava, F. Melton, M. White, W. Wang,
Ecography 29: 129-151. A. Michaelis, S. Hiatt, C. Milesi, and L. Mutch. 2008. Monitoring
Fook, K. D., A.M.V. Monteiro, G. Câmara. 2006. Web service for and forecasting protected area ecosystem dynamics using the Terrestrial
cooperation in biodiversity modeling. In: VIII Brazilian Symposium on Observation and Prediction System (TOPS). Remote Sensing of
GeoInformatics, GEOINFO, Campos do Jordão. Brazilian Symposium on Environment, in press.
GeoInformatics, GEOINFO. Peterson, A.T. 2001. Predicting species' geographic distributions based
Geller, G.N. and W. Turner. 2007. The Model Web: A concept for on ecological niche modelling. The Condor 103: 599-605.
ecological forecasting. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sutton, T, R. de Giovanni, M.F. de Siqueira. 2007. Introducing
Sensing Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, 23-27 July. openModeller - A fundamental niche modelling framework. OSGeo
Hannah L., G.F. Midgley, G. Hughes, and B. Bomhard. 2005. The view Journal 1:1-6.
from the Cape: extinction risk, protected areas and climate change. Welch, D. 2005. What should protected area managers do in the face of
BioScience 55: 231–42. climate change? The George Wright Forum 22: 75-93.
Hannah, L., G. Midgley, S. Andelman, M. Araújo, G. Hughes, E. Westerling, A.L., H.G. Hidalgo, D.R. Cayan, and T.W. Swetnam.
Martinez-Meyer, R. Pearson, and P. Williams. 2007. Protected area 2006. Warming and earlier spring increase western U.S. forest wildfire
needs in a changing climate. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 5: activity. Science 313: 940-943.
131-138. World Wide Web Consortium. 2004. Web Services Architecture. http://
Khalsa S.J.S, S. Nativi, and G.N. Geller. The GEOSS Interoperability Last visited June 2, 2008.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 83
What should protected area managers do to preserve biodiversity
in the face of climate change ?
David Welch
Author’s Address: Abstract. Since the 1960s the rate of change of greenhouse gas concentration, radiative forcing and climate warming has
David Welch been, and will continue to be, more rapid than previously known in geological history. As a result, biomes, species distributions,
Parks Canada, 25 hydrology and the cryosphere will undergo profound changes. It will threaten some cultural resources and change visitor
Eddy Street (25-4-S), activities, satisfaction and safety. Protected area management cannot contribute significantly to climate change mitigation,
Gatineau, Québec but it can help nature adapt to it, and help society to understand its causes and consequences. The tools for managers are:
K1A 0M5 research and monitoring; awareness and engagement; leading by example; and action on the ground. The management of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems should focus on the restoration and maintenance of ecosystems,
natural processes, biodiversity and abiotic processes, forms and environments that are free of significant impacts from local
or regional threats to ecological integrity, cultural resources and human health. Ideally, protected areas should be nested
within ecological regions that are permeable for the movement of native species and that contain sufficient habitat for the
self-perpetuation of native wildlife populations. Fast and slow migrant native species should be managed to permit orderly
ecological shifts that favour the maintenance of high biodiversity. Alien species should be managed to minimize their presence.
The management of marine ecosystems should focus on the conservation of biotic resources and sustainable resource use,
also free from significant local and regional threats to wild populations and human health.
Conversely, parks should neither be manipulated to sequester carbon or to buffer against natural disasters, nor be moved in
pursuit of migrating or future ecoregions. Where natural regions guide park establishment, they should not be recast wholesale
in anticipation of landscape evolution.

Challenges for Park Managers earth processes. They provide opportunities for recreation
According to a succession of assessment reports from the and environmental appreciation. They provide for the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the pace gathering of fish, animals and plants by traditional users,
of change of greenhouse gas concentrations since the 1960s especially in the Arctic, for their consumption and for
and the resulting radiative forcing and climatic warming has cultural purposes. Park managers must balance all of these
been, and will continue to be, more rapid than previously uses when considering action in the face of climate change.
known in geological history. The water cycle, the cryosphere, See, for example, Chapman (2002) for the implications of
biomes and the distribution of species, both natural and wetland archaeology. In Canada, for example, northern
alien, have already experienced climate change impacts, historic sites are subject to instability as permafrost melts.
will undergo profound changes in the future (IPCC 2007; Coastal historic and archaeological sites are threatened by
Rosenzweig et al 2008). Parks will be impacted by climate flooding and shore erosion. Opportunities for snow-based
change at least as much as the other lands and waters in the recreation are declining, but overall visitation levels will
same natural regions (Scott and Suffling 2003). increase as an aging population takes advantage of warmer
shoulder seasons (Scott 2006a, 2006b). Public safety threats
However, there are fewer options to mitigate or adapt to impacts
will increase with respect to, among others, heatwaves,
on protected natural areas than for areas that can be actively
storm hazards for small craft, thinning nearshore ice, and
manipulated. For example, a park’s dedication to preserve
the northward spread of warmer climate pathogens such as
biodiversity representative of a natural region generally
Lyme disease and the West Nile virus, both recent arrivals
precludes the option of managing vegetation in favour of
in Canada.
carbon sequestration. On the contrary, the restoration of natural
forest fire regimes may result in a net release of carbon to the Except for some that are privately owned and operated,
atmosphere. An exception may be the ecological restoration of parks are operated by government agencies and are therefore
lands degraded prior to park establishment. In another example, subject to other acts, policies and priorities than their own.
the process of establishing a park in a democratic state with At the same time, parks may be the primary place where
respect for property rights is not a simple one, and can take governments meet their citizens on a friendly basis, through
decades. Therefore it is not feasible to relocate a park in pursuit the work of interpreters, guides, wardens and animators, rather
of a migrating biome, even without heritage resources such as than speed cops, customs officials and tax collectors. Both of
an archaeological site or a famous view. Park custodians must these factors bring a public duty and leadership role to park
therefore seek ways to adapt management practices to help agencies. Therefore managers must consider public education
maintain biodiversity and natural processes in situ, to assist and participation in greenhouse gas emission reduction as
nature through transitions that human activities have rendered, well as resource protection.
and will render, inevitable.
Climate change has become big news, big policy and big
Parks serve more purposes than protecting species and business, yet the reality for parks is that other stresses are
ecosystems. They contain and protect archaeological and just as important, maybe more so in a given situation (Parks
historic sites, iconic vistas, and outstanding landforms and Canada 2003). For example, nitrogen deposition, habitat

84 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
loss and fragmentation threaten the viability of wide-ranging House in order and public communications
species (Thuiller 2007). Invasive species can out-compete, A park agency can foster mitigation by putting its own
displace or kill native species. Chemicals such as acid emissions house in order, and can use its outreach and
aerosols and organochlorines are carried through airsheds, presentation activities to demonstrate leadership. Visitors are
down waterways, across continents and over oceans, and generally ready to soak up information and listen to sound
threaten the life and reproductive health of many species. arguments by credible proponents. Emission reductions in
Human activities, even without habitat loss, disturb wildlife response to interpretation, education and outreach can far
activities. The good news behind the bad news is that unlike exceed in-house emission reductions, but credibility requires
climate change, many of these stresses are local, regional and such reductions.
national in scope, so there is often the authority to address
their causes, not just their effects. Risk management
Environments have a degree of resilience and in some cases
Carbon dioxide (CO2) persists in the atmosphere for decades can accommodate climate change by species migration or
to centuries, so even if, starting tomorrow, there were no more in situ adaptation. However, there are many other stresses
human sources of greenhouse gases, warming would continue impinging on ecological integrity, so I recommend a risk
for several decades and continue past ranges seen in glacial management approach whereby tractable stresses are reduced
and interglacial times. Climate change impacts will therefore or eliminated. Since the majority of such stresses emanate
continue to intensify, and this will bring both challenges and from the region surrounding a park, this can only happen
opportunities to park managers, since ecosystems and visitor through stakeholder collaboration.
preferences will change in response. Archaeological and
historic places will be threatened, such as Herschel Island in Focus on mandate
the Yukon or York Factory, Manitoba. Occasionally history The mandates for protected areas increasingly emphasize
may be revealed, such as at the Fortress of Louisbourg, ecological and commemorative integrity, outweighing
Nova Scotia, where recent storms uncovered hitherto tourism development, infrastructure and regional economic
unsuspected historic shore structures (Colette 2007; Parks development. This more assertive yet focussed mission leads
Canada pers. comm.). Park custodians must therefore adapt to more needs for action on the ground and accountability, and
their management practices to help maintain biodiversity less capacity to stray into related activities, such as primary
and natural processes, to assist nature through its inevitable research or general public communications. However, to
transitions, to participate in communications and house-in- the extent that internal capacity allows, and that the primary
order programmes, and to ensure the protection of historic mandate is favoured, park agencies should cooperate
places and artefacts. Benefits will accrue from removing in education, emission reduction and national science
or halting maladaptive policies, practices and stresses that programmes related to climate change research, mitigation
increase vulnerability. and communication.

The protected area/climate change literature provides strong Desired Outcomes

justifications for the existence of parks and reserves, why there ecosystems and the resilient matrix
should be more of them, why they should receive enhanced We will never know enough, nor have enough resources, to
protection, and how they might be selected. For example, the micromanage natural ecosystems to coax them into balance
recommendations of Hannah et al. (2002) and Hansen et al. with a continually and rapidly changing climate. The best
(2003) include: we can achieve is to foster the presence of large regions
with enough habitat and connectivity for the movement of
• Locate parks with climate change in mind; native species (Hannah 2002; Noss 2001; Wein et al.1990).
• Avoid fragmentation - provide connectivity and maintain This means not just establishing and maintaining wildlife
buffer zones; corridors, or connectivity, but achieving permeability
• Represent vegetation types and diverse gene pools across by removing impediments to natural movement across
environmental gradients; all lands. Examples include maintaining hedgerows and
• Determine the necessity to transplant species and control woodlots in agricultural areas, eliminating the cosmetic
rapidly increasing species; use of pesticides, reducing light pollution, installing
• Involve local communities for management of wildlife crossings on major highways, active ecological
biodiversity; restoration such as reintroducing wildfire in boreal and
• Strengthen research capacity, e.g., to model biodiversity montane forests and large grazing animals to grasslands,
under changing climates; and and, perhaps the hardest task of all, controlling invasive
• Conduct long-term monitoring to seek causality between and alien species.
climate change and biodiversity responses.
With this in mind, the management of terrestrial and
Core Principles for Protected Area Adaptation freshwater ecosystems should focus on the restoration and
I propose the following core principles for a climate change maintenance of ecosystems, natural processes, and biotic
strategy for protected areas. and abiotic diversity. The outcome should be regional

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 85
ecosystems free of significant impact from local or regional Protected area managers should conduct risk assessments of
threats to ecological integrity, cultural resources, visitor archeological and historic sites and other cultural resources
enjoyment and appreciation, and human health. Protected under their stewardship. In some cases, no impact or risk
areas would then be nested within regions that are permeable will be revealed. In others, adaptation plans will be needed
for the movement of native species and habitats and that to limit certain impacts. In yet others, the impact may be
contain sufficient habitat for the self-perpetuation of native so severe that the resource cannot be saved on site, and
wildlife populations. Fast and slow migrant species should rescue plans will be needed. One option is relocation, as
be managed to permit orderly ecological transitions that has been done for the historic buildings at the Pauline Cove
favour the maintenance of high native biodiversity and the Whaling Station on Herschel Island, Yukon, or the Cape
control of alien species. Hatteras Lighthouse, North Carolina. Other options include
documentation to establish a virtual record of a site, and the
Marine ecosystems may be connected and permeable in the
rescue of selected items for conservation in museums and
sense described above, but their management should focus on
visitor centres.
the conservation of biotic resources and sustainable resource
use, also free from any significant local and regional threats Conservation agencies worldwide are coming to recognize
to wild populations and human health. The migratory and traditional cultural activities as an integral part of a protected
life-cycle ranges, both oceanic and riverine, of native species ecosystem. These activities are seen not only as valued cultural
populations should be protected from threats to their self- resources in their own right, and part of the human condition,
perpetuation. Alien invasive species should also be managed but in many cases as one of the processes governing landscape
to minimize their presence. evolution and wildlife condition. The challenge for protected
While the comments in this paper are directed at the area managers will be to work with local communities as they
management of existing protected areas, society and seek their own adaptations to climate change, and at the same
governments in general should pursue the establishment time maintain a balance with the maintenance of ecological
of comprehensive networks of protected areas to protect a and commemorative integrity.
representation of the diversity of ecosystems and landscapes
the visitor experience and public engagement
under their jurisdiction. Comprehensive means protected
areas of sufficient size to house self-sustaining biodiversity, Regional adaptations and national policies depend on public
and it means areas that are located within managed landscapes support. The more that people are aware of the many ways
to provide for natural corridors, networks, stepping stones of addressing climate change, the easier it will be to catalyze
and buffers. A useful model in this respect is the biosphere policies and actions. Protected area custodians generally
reserve such as that designated by the UNESCO Man and have a well-regarded public image, and they can lever this
Biosphere Programme. These reserves feature a mix of asset to promote and lobby for climate change mitigation
core protected natural areas, a larger surrounding landscape and adaptations, both institutional and private. Parks should
managed under sustainable development principles, and strive to demonstrate the values of biodiversity at the local
between them a buffer or transition zone allowing some level, and demonstrate to visitors the impacts of the loss of
sustainable harvesting and low impact activities [www. natural biodiversity, of invasive species and of the many other]. impacts of climate change. These demonstrations can take
place during interpretive talks and walks, in visitor centres
cultural resources and commemorative integrity and in virtual visits via park web sites. Citizens should become
As previously noted, protected area managers are often aware of how to assist in the mitigation of climate change
concerned not just with ecology but with geology and cultural at home, at work and during their visits to parks, and of the
resources. However, climate change science has tended to role that they can play in spreading the word to their family
focus on the natural world and the impact of climate change and friends. Regional stakeholders such as conservation
on nature and society. The study of climate change impacts authorities, resource industries, communities and individual
on historic and archeological resources lags behind, a situation land holders should be encouraged to consider climate change
now recognized by UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee. resilience and adaptation strategies in their land management
“Ancient buildings were designed for a specific local climate. practices.
The migration of pests can have adverse impacts on the
conservation of built heritage. Increasing sea level and storm How to Achieve the Desired Outcomes
activity threatens many coastal sites. And the conditions for information and awareness
conservation of archaeological evidence may be degraded in Over five to ten years, the appropriate level of climate change
the context of increasing soil temperature. But aside from information should be made available to all aspects of natural
these physical threats, climate change will impact on social and cultural resource management, visitor experience, public
and cultural aspects, with communities changing the way education, and asset and operations management. This
they live, work, worship and socialize in buildings, sites and information should cover both the impacts of climate change
landscapes, possibly migrating and abandoning their built itself, and an understanding of how adaptation and protection
heritage” (Colette 2007, p.10). measures will affect natural and cultural systems.

86 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
The foundation for awareness is science, not just research, but For example, climate change guidelines for environmental
also impact and adaptation monitoring and the dissemination assessment are available in Canada, covering projects
of scientific results in professional, management and that either have the potential to emit greenhouse gases, or
popular media. Decision-makers and park visitors alike will projects that will be affected by climate change (CEAA
benefit from knowledge of Holocene landscape history, to 2003).
understand the changeable nature of climate and nature’s
Establishing parks to represent natural regions is one of the
ability to adapt to some kinds of change. We need to project
best ways to protect biodiversity, as it assures a distribution of
the impacts of climate change on natural processes and
protected areas across landscapes. Climate and habitat change
visitor activities before committing to ecosystem restoration
scenarios should be considered when developing park system
or visitor infrastructure projects. The identification of valued
plans and park establishment options.
ecosystem components helps to set management goals
without getting bogged down in the minutiae of tracking The uncertainty about the exact nature of climate change
and reporting on all species, all minerals and so forth. The impacts and responses requires a flexible, responsive
barriers to regional migration should be determined, such as approach to ecosystem management. Adaptive management
fragmented habitats and restricted vertical migration paths. achieves this flexibility while allowing movement forward
Parks should monitor indicators of climate change impacts. with only limited or uncertain knowledge. An intervention is
Multi-partner integrated monitoring can reveal unexpected conducted as a scientific experiment, with measurable, time-
linkages between ecosystem components and the drivers of bound targets set in advance, careful measurement of results
environmental change. as things happen, and approaches adjusted as new information
becomes available. Adaptive management should become the
Protected area staff includes senior executives, ecosystem
norm in ecosystem management.
managers, ecologists, monitoring specialists, and visitor
experience and public education specialists. Their Visitor offers of attractions, activities and services, and related
engagement in climate change adaptation depends on investment and financial plans, must also take into account
understanding the relevant science and issues. The the expected ecological, cultural and recreational impacts of
corresponding actions include preparing and disseminating climate change in the coming decades and beyond.
summary documents, newsletters and technical reports,
actions on the ground
giving seminars and workshops, and including place-based
climate change overviews in training and professional As noted in the desired outcomes section, climate and non-
development. Successful adaptation based on ecosystem climate stresses have synergistic impacts. To maintain or
resilience also depends on the management of surrounding rebuild ecosystem resilience one must therefore reduce the
natural areas. Parks at the core of regional ecosystems should number and magnitude of insults to an ecosystem. Fortunately,
facilitate awareness activities for their partners, to foster many stressors are locally and regionally controllable. In a
ecological permeability and to mitigate local and regional freshwater system it may require limiting the concentration of
environmental stressors. toxic substances in effluent. In a forest ecosystem it may mean
preventing fragmentation by access roads. In an agricultural
The public should be made aware of the impacts of domain it may mean fostering land use practices that favour
climate change upon species, ecosystems, and features, hedgerows, shelter belts, woodlots and reduced pesticide
as well as informed of what adaptations may be required. use. These tasks are approachable through conservation
Interpretation programmes should help visitors and staff partnerships.
become aware of what they can do at home and at work,
through direct actions as well as spreading the word Changes in climate will lead to changes in habitats and
to their friends and family. Education authorities and species survival. Some plant species will have to migrate
non-governmental groups can assist in delivering this hundreds of kilometres to follow a shifting climate zone.
information. Others might find a new home a short distance away. For
the latter it may be possible to adjust park boundaries to
guidance and planning capture the anticipated movement of habitats and species.
Guidance and planning tools should be adapted in Park boundaries could be realigned to accommodate
appropriate ways to recognize climate change. Some of transition zones where large changes of climate, habitat
this adaptation will depend on research and synthesis, so and species distribution are expected. Given the enduring
it can be expected to take ten to fifteen years. Instruments nature of parks and the long-term implications of climate
such as management planning guidelines, commemorative change, adaptation should be addressed in management
integrity reviews, resource management regulations and plans. For example, a park’s purpose could be modified
directives, park and site management plans, activity to become the protection of processes and biodiversity,
plans, visitor strategies and training packages should rather than specific biomes and species. Future climates
incorporate climate change material of a suitable type and vegetation successions should be taken into account in
and detail. Park managers need these tools to use climate ecosystem restoration projects such as fire restoration and
change information in their decision-making processes. land reclamation.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 87
Whether reactive or adaptive, an integral part of Given that it may take years to decades to establish a new
management is the monitoring of progress towards a park, it would be counterproductive to keep changing
goal, assessing results, and modifying future actions a natural region map. This would open up a never-
accordingly. Documenting these processes is essential to ending process and create an unrealistic setting for park
full debate and support. A regular report series is the best feasibility studies and establishment negotiations. Map
guarantee of systematic publishing, dissemination and unit descriptions can be modified to reflect the dynamics
readership. Annual corporate reports and periodic state-of- of present and future climate and vegetation responses, but
the-park reports are often appropriate. Indicators of climate the map entities should be held stable, even if this implies
change impacts for a given park and its natural region a bias towards their physical attributes at the expense of
should be selected, protocols developed and monitoring their biological ones.
do not move parks to anticipated biomes A good network of protected areas that minimizes human-
The notion of relocating parks must be rejected for three imposed stresses is one of society’s and nature’s best
reasons. First, it opens the door to other reasons to move available mechanisms to adapt to climate change. Park
a park, e.g. to open land for the extraction of minerals or agencies can also influence visitors and the general public,
fibre. Second, park establishment is a lengthy process with but this in turn requires well researched and monitored
no guarantee of success. Third, few natural areas remain climate change impact indicators as the basis for adaptive
for new park establishment within regions that already have ecosystem management, accountability and reporting
park representation. Rather, the parks we have are often all systems. House-in-order programmes complement the
that remain as natural havens. The very presence of a well- messages that governments should send to their people.
distributed system of protected areas is one of society’s best Research on the synergy between climate change and
adaptations to climate change. other processes can provide the knowledge to guide the
mitigation of local and regional stresses, thereby restoring
do not use parks to buffer or mitigate other impacts and maintaining the natural resilience of ecosystems and
Parks are not an insurance policy to offset poor wild species.
environmental management. The restoration, protection
and maintenance of natural systems precludes their References
manipulation to offset anthropogenic threats elsewhere. CEAA. 2003. Incorporating climate change considerations in environmental
assessment: general guidance for practitioners. Canadian Environmental
Ecosystem services may come about with the maintenance Assessment Agency, 44 p.
and restoration of ecological integrity, but parks should Chapman, H.P. 2002. Global warming: the implications for sustainable
not be manipulated deliberately for such things as flood archaeological resource management. Conservation and Management
of Archaeological Sites 5:241-245.
protection, water supply or carbon sequestration. This Colette, A. 2007. Climate change and world heritage. UNESCO World
could open the door to the commercialization of natural Heritage Centre, 54 p.
resources in parks. Hannah, L., G.F. Midgley, T. Lovejoy, W.J. Bond, M. Bush, J.C.
Lovett, D. Scott, and F.I. Woodward. 2002. Conservation of
do not change natural regions to fit future biomes biodiversity in a changing climate. Conservation Biology 16: 264–
The natural region representation approach to national park Hansen, L.J., J.L. Biringer, and J.R. Hoffman. 2003. Buying time: a
establishment has served Canada well since its adoption user’s manual for building resistance and resilience to climate change in
1976. It has since been adopted by many other jurisdictions. natural systems. World Wildlife Fund.
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It provides a firm and finite policy context for the removal of climate change. Conservation Biology 15: 578-590.
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than scenarios. change. Parks 1: 17–22

88 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Identifying critical areas for conservation:
Biodiversity and climate change in central America, Mexico,
and the Dominican Republic
Eric R. Anderson*1, Emil A. Cherrington 1, Laura Tremblay-Boyer 2,
Africa I. Flores 1, Emilio Sempris 1
Abstract. Given the rapidity and intensity of anthropogenic impacts on natural systems, assessing the effectiveness of current Authors’ Addresses:
protected areas in preserving biodiversity is especially important in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean, which contain a wide 1
Water Center for
array of species and ecosystems. In light of the growing need to consider climate change in policymaking, combining climate the Humid Tropics
change projections with biodiversity maps allows scientists and decision-makers to understand possible climate change of Latin America
impacts on biodiversity. In this study, we use GIS to identify spatial relationships between regional climate change models and the Caribbean
and species habitat ranges for Mesoamerica and the Caribbean. Evaluating possible effects of climate change in terms (CATHALAC)
of temperature and precipitation involves three factors: historical averages, historical ranges, and future averages. Because 111 Ciudad del Saber,
different ecosystems and species exist at different temperature and precipitation ranges, we consider “comfort zones” of each Clayton, Panamá,
area. We develop a quantitative, spatial measurement of climate change intensity of each area by calculating the difference Republic of Panamá
between historical and future averages and dividing that difference by the area’s comfort zone, at a spatial resolution of Tel: (507) 317-3200
1km2. The result is a normalized grid of projected climate change severity. According to the modeling results, should worst
case scenario conditions prevail, by the 2020s, the Caribbean coasts of Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and the *Corresponding author
Dominican Republic, will be significantly impacted by climate change. By the 2080s, all of the ecosystems and species of eric.anderson@cathalac.
Central America and the Dominican Republic may be subjected to conditions well outside of their traditional comfort zone, while org
most of Mexico’s ecosystems and species are at lower risk of severe climate change impacts. Integrating species richness emil.cherrington@
data with the climate change severity analyses identifies critical areas that may require specific interventions to facilitate the
adaptation of species to climate change. The information generated points not only to the utility of current protected areas, africa.flores@cathalac.
but is also useful in guiding the development of new protected areas and biological corridors, for the reduction of the potential org
impacts of future climate change. emilio.sempris@
Introduction and Caribbean Biological Corridor, networks of protected 2
Sea Around Us Project
Mesoamerica and the Caribbean are two of the world’s top areas spanning the isthmus and Caribbean islands. These Fisheries Centre
twenty-five biodiversity hotspots, teeming with globally corridors are home to the globe’s only preserves for sensitive Aquatic Ecosystems
significant biological diversity. In Mesoamerica alone, nearly Research Laboratory
species such as the jaguar and whale shark (respectively the (AERL)
8% of the world’s terrestrial species are found on less than largest cat in the Americas, and the world’s largest fish), as The University of
1% of earth’s landmass (Mauri 2002). Yet, deforestation and well as over 250 threatened birds, mammals, and amphibians British Columbia
2020 Main Mall
uncontrolled human development have resulted in the loss of an (InfoNatura 2007). Vancouver, British
estimated 70% of original habitat (Conservation International Columbia V6T 1Z4
2004). In response to this situation, the regions’ governments The richness of species and ecosystems in Mesoamerica and Canada
have demonstrated their commitment to biodiversity the Caribbean is constantly threatened by human-induced
conservation through the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor drivers of environmental change. The conversion of natural

Figure 1.
Mesoamerican and
Caribbean biodiversity

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 89
landscapes such as forests, grasslands and wetlands, into birds, and mammals, for species richness measures. We
agriculture, pastures, or settlements is the primary culprit of compare both ecosystem extents and species richness data
habitat loss and the endangerment of species. Our knowledge to an index of climate change severity, which takes into
of humans’ capability to transform landscapes is not by any consideration future projected temperature and precipitation
means novel, however, we are becoming more and more aware deviations, relative to historic ranges. We assess the overall
of our ability to modify the global and local climate. Like land severity of projected climate change within each ecosystem
degradation, the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases type and at various altitudinal levels. The final product of this
such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides, puts the study is the identification of critical habitats: where climate
regions’ biodiversity at risk. Moreover, climatic catastrophes change is projected to most greatly threaten biodiversity-rich
undoubtedly imperil the stability of the regions’ social and places. These processes all utilize geographical information
economic infrastructures, and global climate change is expected systems (GIS) in aggregating data, the spatial analyses, and
to further exacerbate such susceptibility. Perhaps we are already the integration of species richness distributions with the
seeing this effect because now more than ever—at least in climate change severity index.
recorded history—we are experiencing more frequent and
intense hurricanes and tropical storms. (Editor’s Note: At the Background
time of the final revision of this paper the authors were busy Measuring biodiversity. Biodiversity can be measured at
churning out maps and rapid analyses of 3 raging tropical various temporal and spatial resolutions—from months
storms: Hurricane Gustav, Hanna and Ike). to centuries and from microbes to continents. In order to
incorporate both the Mesoamerican and Caribbean regions
Historic climate is a principal factor in shaping landscapes in the context of climate change, we must first define a
and determining the extent of species’ habitats. From the reasonable measure for biodiversity. While methodologies
abundant tropical sunlight and water arose diverse arrays of for measuring biodiversity differ for each objective and
ecosystems and species, filling unique and complex systems of investigator, the Convention on Biological Diversity
niches. Along with factors such as elevation and geology, these recognizes biodiversity at three levels: genes, species, and
species and ecosystems have adapted to certain temperature ecosystems. In short, genetic studies are useful for assessing
and precipitation regimes, or climatic comfort zones. Human- evolutionary abilities or intra-species diversity. Populations
induced climate change is threatening to push environmental of species with higher genetic diversity—or a larger gene
conditions outside of many ecosystems’ and species’ comfort pool—are expected to be more resilient against outside
zones. This biodiversity comprises many ecosystem services— disturbances. For studies of regional magnitudes, assessing
in the form of plant products that are vital to the regions’ genetic biodiversity is likely out of the question. Because
livelihoods, ecosystems that filter out pollutants, and rare a high richness of animal species inhabits Mesoamerica
species that display the world’s beauty. Consequently, the and the Caribbean, and because ecosystems determine the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change habitats of these species, we will focus on these two areas.
(UNFCCC) and the Convention on Biological Diversity Climate change models & scenarios Given the breadth of
(CBD) jointly recognize these important interactions, stating global climate change scenarios, a few challenges arise when
the need to improve our understanding of these linkages and attempting to understand the regional implications of global
to “fully integrate biodiversity considerations into climate climate change. First, it is difficult to know which scenarios
change mitigation and adaptation plans.” Thus, it is especially to choose and how to describe the possible changes. While
important to monitor the possible impacts of climate change on there are many ways to display and assess climate change
biodiversity, as it could guide policy strategies in the expansion scenarios, probably the most common way to display
and redefinition of protected area networks. such results are temperature and precipitation anomalies.
In response to the call for such action, the overall objective of the Because temperature may rise one or two degrees in the
current study is to integrate geospatial data on biodiversity and tropics but upwards of six degrees in the arctic in the near
climate change in Belize, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, future, on a global scale, this type of illustration understates
El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and the potential impacts of climate change in the lower latitudes
Panama, in order to identify critical areas for conservation. (Deutsch 2008). Much more useful than simple anomalies
The study focuses on biodiversity from the standpoint of both are measurements of severity, which take into account
ecosystems and the species which inhabit them, keeping in historical climate comfort zones, or a location’s customary
mind where climatic factors will potentially impact or threaten range of temperature and precipitation.
these species. For the purposes of modeling an entire region, The second complication of understanding the regional
we define ecosystems as the dominant vegetation, or land implications of global climate change is a question of scale.
use if human intervention has occurred. Species richness is a These models consider the complex interactions between
fundamental measure of biodiversity, which counts the number marine, terrestrial, and atmospheric components, are
of unique individual species in a place, regardless of the density calibrated with historic climate registers, and can be validated
or abundance of a particular species. Given the availability of by rigorous sensitivity analyses. However, because of their
spatially-referenced data, we focus on terrestrial amphibians, scale they still cannot capture regional and local phenomena

90 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
important to ecosystems, species, and human infrastructure. requires that all input datasets exist in a geospatial format.
The necessity of higher resolution climate scenarios for As such, the lack of georeferenced data on aquatic or marine
applications to biodiversity has already been demonstrated in biodiversity and high resolution climate outputs for the oceans
numerous investigations, as scientists have underlined climate (e.g. sea temperature at multiple depths, pH, salinity) preclude
change’s role in driving several species to near extinction. investigation of the impacts of climate change on aquatic
For instance, the Central American Harlequin Frogs and and marine biodiversity. This study therefore focuses on
Panamanian Golden Frogs of the region’s cloud forests have analyzing terrestrial biodiversity and relevant climate change
been victims of a disease caused by certain types of fungus. scenarios. Since the overall objective is to integrate such a
Recently, climatic changes in these areas have created more wide array of data, we must also define how to generalize the
favorable conditions for the expansion of this fungus, hence various factors. Before further describing the methodology,
placing these rare frogs under even more pressure (Pounds we provide a table of data sources, without which this study
2006). Models that demonstrate the intricacies of possible would not have been possible.
climate changes in particular localities will support studies
involving species with similarly small habitat ranges, and
1. Biodiversity
Ecosystems. The majority of the data used in this analysis
such knowledge can better guide our strategies of adaptation
come from the Central American Ecosystem Mapping project
to climate change. Methods have been developed to obtain
(Vreugdenhil et al. 2002). The project identified a very rich list
finer results: regional downscaling (Hernandez et al. 2006;
of 197 ecosystems in Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Hijmans et al. 2005). Regional climate models provide higher
Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. In order to have common
resolution results, which demonstrate local climatic effects.
ecosystem classes in Mexico and the Dominican Republic
In this sense, they are much more useful for local and regional
as well, we apply a similar classification scheme to the two
climate impact assessments, particularly on biodiversity.
countries. The ability to distinguish between land covered by
Methodology natural vegetation and other land cover types is extremely useful
The geospatial analyses were conducted in three main stages: in the development of networks of protected areas and biological
corridors. We separate broadleaf forest, coniferous forest, mixed
1. Biodiversity: classification of ecosystems and derivation forest, savanna, and shrubland, into four distinct divisions based
of species richness datasets. on elevation: lowland, submontane, montane, and altimontane,
2. Climate change severity: derivation of a Climate where the actual altitudinal classes depend upon an ecosystem’s
Change Severity Index (CCSI) for various scenarios. location on the Pacific or Atlantic slope (CIAT 2004). We also
3. Critical habitats: Integration of the climate change include mangroves, wetlands, agriculture, and urban land cover
severity index with ecosystem and species datasets for types, but do not divide them by altitudinal class. These inputs
the identification of critical areas for biodiversity. result in a layer of twenty-five different types of ecosystems, based
on vegetation / land cover type and altitude. Figure 1 shows the
Stage one only involves aggregation and simple (but spatial array of these classes and elevations. We assess the overall
computationally expensive) analysis of various data; whereas severity of projected climate change within each ecosystem type
in stages two and three, we have developed new methods and and at various altitudinal levels, in order to identify the vegetation
Table 1:
measures to identify critical areas in terms of climate change / land use and altitudinal classes likely to experience the most Data sources and
and biodiversity. The type of analyses employed in this study severe climate change. descriptions

Theme Name Source Format

Ecosystems Ecosystem delineations for World Bank- and Government of the Netherlands- Shapefile, resampled to 1km
Central America supported Central American Ecosystem Mapping raster
project, further refined by the Central American
Commission for the Environment & Development
Ecosystems Land cover data for Mexico GeoCover LC product developed by the Earth Satellite Raster, resampled to 1km
Ecosystems Land cover data for the Caribbean Vegetation Mapping Project funded by the Raster, resampled to 1km
Dominican Republic USAID Caribbean Regional Program
Ecosystems Digital elevation model International Centre for Tropical Agriculture, CGIAR- Raster, 90m
CSI SRTM 90m Database
Species richness Species habitat distributions NatureServe’s InfoNatura database Shapefiles, resampled to 6km
Climate – historic Current conditions: mean monthly WorldClim interpolations of observed data, Raster, 1km
temperature and precipitation representative of 1960-1990
Climate – Future conditions: mean monthly WorldClim downscaling of global climate model outputs Raster, 1km
projections temperature and precipitation
Protected areas IUCN designated protected areas World Database on Protected Areas Consortium Shapefile

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 91
Species Richness. The number of unique species in a place is known
as species richness. In order to obtain this type of biodiversity
map, we have overlain thousands of species habitat range maps
(distribution data). This compilation of spatial data is the result
of aggregating information about all of the documented birds,
mammals, and amphibians of Latin America. Two advantages of
this system are that it has harmonized disparate types of data into
a common format, and it also includes information from multiple
reputable sources (InfoNatura 2007).
By overlaying the distribution data for each bird species,
each mammal species, and each amphibian species, we obtain
richness maps for the entire region. A simplified illustration of
this process is shown in Figure 2.

2. Climate Change Severity

In the following section we describe the methods of our regional
analyses of climate change data derived from high resolution
regional climate scenarios. Here we define a temporal and
spatial scale to express projected climate change scenario
output, as well describe the climate change severity index.
While there are many ways to display and assess climate change
scenarios, a common structure is to observe overall tendencies,
rather than to make comparisons simply between “today” and a
certain date in the future. In order to consider these overall trends,
we use historical baseline data, which is an average of thirty
years usually between 1961 and 1990. Climate scenario data is
also summarized like baseline data. The most common way to
group future projections is by the “2020s,” the “2050s,” and the
2 “2080s.” Like the baseline data, these future time periods include
an average of thirty years (CCCSN 2008). For example, the 2020s
are an average of all the years from 2011 to 2040. The 2050s
include 2041 through 2070, and the 2080s include 2071 through
2100. Earlier we mentioned a measure of climate change severity,
which differs from a simple anomaly. Climate change severity
takes into account historical climate comfort zones, or the historic
ranges of temperature and precipitation ranges to which a place is
accustomed. Specifically, we consider mean monthly temperature
values and mean monthly precipitation accumulation to determine
a climatic range which a place has experienced during the baseline
period, what we call the climatic comfort zone.
In the context of this study, we utilize climate change scenario
outputs of 1km2 resolution, which constitute the highest spatial
resolution climate change scenario outputs currently available
for our region of interest. We consider a range of scenarios and
models available from WorldClim, specifically the Canadian
Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis’ third generation
coupled global climate model (CCCMa), the Commonwealth
Scientific and Industrial Research Organization’s Mark 3 of the
coupled climate model (CSIRO), and the Hadley Centre Coupled
3 model, version 3 (HadCM3), with respect to both worst case (A2)
and better case (B2) scenarios (IPCC 2000).
Figures 2-3. 2, The spatial distribution of elevation and vegetation / land use classes. For display
purposes, the nine vegetation classes have been grouped together into five categories. Combining these Building off of the framework of an ecosystem vulnerability to
two characteristics result in 25 different ecosystems types that can be found in various countries; 3, Adding
individual species habitat ranges to calculate species richness. In the bottom layer, darker gray indicates climate change index that had been prototyped by Tremblay-
higher richness because more species inhabit that area. Boyer and Anderson (manuscript in preparation), we develop

92 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
a Climate Change Severity Index (CCSI). This measures
the climate change that a particular location is projected to
experience, compared to the natural climate variation (i.e.
temperature and precipitation regimes) that a location has
experienced historically (i.e. its current ‘comfort zone’, often
called ‘climatic space’). In other words, the CCSI is a measure
of how far a place is projected to move outside of its current
climate comfort zone. In terms of location, the CCSI can be
derived at a range of spatial scales, depending on the spatial
resolution or detail of the available climate data or desire of
level of analysis. Given that the CCSI values are calculated on
a cell-by-cell basis, it is also potentially useful to average the
measurements within certain boundaries, namely ecosystems.
The derivation for the CCSI is as follows. We build the CCSI
from a respective temperature change severity index (CCSIt) and
a Precipitation Change Severity Index (CCSIp), where the climatic 4
comfort zones are seen in the denominators of both. Because the
overall objective is to integrate temperature and precipitation
data, we consider them equally in the overall CCSI.
Temperature Change Severity Index (CCSIt):
Annual mean scenario temperature- Annual mean baseline temperature
Baseline temperature range

Precipitation Change Severity Index (CCSIp):

Annual scenario precipitation accumulation - Annual baseline precipitation accumulation
Baseline precipitation accumulation range

Climate Change Severity Index (CCSI):

Table 1.
Expected CCSI values,given
individual CCSIt and CCSIp
Precipitation (CCSIp)

High CCSIp
Temperature (CCSIt) 5
Low severity
Depends on combination 2

High CCSIt
Depends on combination
High severity

Derivation of the CCSI yields raw quantitative values which

are interpreted as follows:
Table 2.
Values Severity Relevance to comfort
Average temperature/precipitation
0 – 0.24 Marginal within historical range
Average temperature/precipitation
0.25 – 0.49 Low within historical range
Average temperature/precipitation
0.50 – 0.74 Medium within historical range
Average temperature/precipitation
0.75 – 0.99 High reaching the limits of historical
range 6
Movement of average temperature/ Figures 4-6. 4, Species richness in Central America, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic. Data derived
1.00 – 1.99 Very high precipitation outside historical range
from NatureServe InfoNatura Species Habitat Ranges, 2007; 5,The temperature change severity calculation
Movement of average temperature/ demonstrates a much higher departure from the comfort zone in the lower latitudes than in the upper; 6,
2.00+ Extreme precipitation very far outside The precipitation change severity calculation shows high departure from the comfort zone mainly on the
historical range
Caribbean coasts, as well as the lower latitudes.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 93
Figure 7.
Combining the
temperature and
precipitation severity
calculations for the A2
& B2 scenarios in the
2020s and 2050s, these
4 maps demonstrate
the increasing climate
change severity over
time and under a
worse case scenario.
The CSIRO B2 plate
represents one of the
best case scenarios in
the 2020s, while the
HadCM3 A2 plate
illustrates the worst for
the 2050s.

Since there are high resolution climate change scenario other global and regional climate change scenarios (CCCSN
outputs from three global climate modeling organizations, for 2008; Hernandez et al. 2006; Jones et al. 2004) to be assured
two scenarios, and for three time periods, we calculated the of general agreement among the regional downscaling
CCSI for all eighteen datasets, for temperature, precipitation, outputs. Because the different models diverge so greatly
and overall CCSI. We present the results on only a sampling further into the 2080s, we focus only on the 2020s and
of these analyses, attempting to portray a representative 2050s, where models show more agreement. The following
range of scenarios and changes over time, keeping in mind two maps display the Temperature Change Severity Index
uncertainties in the global climate change models and (Figure 4) and Precipitation Change Severity Index (Figure
downscaling techniques. 5), using data from the A2 scenario in the 2020s time
period. We also show the Climate Change Severity Index
Results and Discussion for the 2020s and 2050s, both A2 and B2 scenarios, and
Here, we explore the implications of the modeling. First, we from different modeling organizations. CSIRO and CCCMa
display the species richness map of Central America, Mexico, illustrate less severe outputs than the HadCM3 model, but
and the Dominican Republic, which results from superimposing the most noticeable differences are between A2 and B2
nearly 3000 individual species distribution datasets. Species scenarios, as well as time frame.
richness can also be considered a measurement of how many
species’ habitats overlap in a certain place. For instance, Although not shown in the graphics, most of the scenarios
“680 unique species” can also mean “680 species’ habitats agree in the near-future projections. That is, during the
intersect at this point.” This should be especially important for 2020s time frame, nearly all of the models demonstrate very
designing biological corridors. similar increases in temperature, while different models and
scenarios deviate from each other further into the future.
Although evaluating the disparities between climate change Precipitation changes vary more greatly among models and
models is not our main objective, we do not disregard the scenarios. Hijmans et al. (2005) also indicate a higher level
differences. There are inherent uncertainties associated of uncertainty in the spatial interpolation of precipitation data
with the downscaled climate scenario data, and we choose than temperature data.
to focus on scenarios that have higher levels of agreement.
Whereas Table 1 only includes climate data from WorldClim Overall impacts. Temperature change severity increases
(Hijmans 2005), we have compared these interpolations to and moves northward over time. Initially, the most severe

94 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
temperature changes (CCSIt) are projected to occur at the If worst case scenario conditions prevail by the 2080s,
lower latitudes. We expect this because there are relatively virtually all of the ecosystems and species of Central
small comfort zones, or historical ranges, for temperatures America and the Dominican Republic will be subjected to
closer to the equator; so any temperature anomaly would conditions well outside of their traditional temperature and
be greater nearer the equator than in the more temperate precipitation regimes. While this abrupt shift may imply
latitudes. Precipitation change severity (CCSIp) is highly altitudinal migration of some species or the extirpation of
concentrated on the Caribbean coasts of most countries, as less mobile endemic species, further research is needed to
well as extensive areas of the Dominican Republic. In the better assess the potential resilience of specific species and
future, severity is projected to increase to the north and west, ecosystems.
so that Caribbean and Pacific precipitation change severity is
In terms of the potential impact on existing protected areas,
nearly equal by the 2080s.
according to the spatial analysis conducted, the ecosystems
In terms of overall trends, according to the spatial analyses, if and species most likely to be affected by climate change are
worst case scenario conditions prevail, the Caribbean coasts largely already within protected areas. We therefore expect
of lower Central America will be significantly impacted by that if these ecosystems continue to be protected, for a variety Figures 8-9.
of reasons, the chances of these ecosystems’ adapting to 8,Average CCSI per
climate change in the near-term. Species and ecosystems vegetation / land cover
across specific sites in Central America and the Dominican climate change would be higher compared to those vulnerable type; 9,Average CCSI
Republic would indeed face significant climatic stresses by ecosystems currently outside existing protected areas per altitude class.
being subjected to precipitation and temperature regimes far networks.
outside of the natural variation or comfort zone to which they
have been accustomed. Under the B2 scenario towards the
2020s, only the northern part of Costa Rica is projected to
move outside of its climatic comfort zone; however, under
the A2 scenario there is a substantial expansion of the “high”
and “very high” severity classes. This is especially evident
in northwestern Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and the
Caribbean side of Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and
Panama, the latter three projected to experience movement
outside of the comfort zone. In the 2050s, northwestern Mexico,
specifically parts of the states of Baja California and Sonora
are projected to experience the most severe climate change,
even more so in the A2 scenario. Additionally, the combination
of high temperature and precipitation change severity in
the southern parts and Caribbean coasts of Central America
might greatly affect Panama and Costa Rica (“extreme”
severity). The same combination of severe precipitation and
temperature changes in the Dominican Republic results in
most of the island’s categorization in the two highest severity
classes. As mentioned earlier, the differences between the B2
and A2 scenarios are more apparent in projections further into
the future. While the scenarios mostly agree in the 2020s,
the varying implications of different scenarios are very well
illustrated in the four panels of Figure 6.

Hence, with the exception mainly of parts of Baja California

and the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico’s ecosystems and species
would go largely unaffected even under worst case scenario
conditions. This is because the majority of Mexico’s ecosystems
already tolerate a relatively wide margin of climate variation,
likely indicating resilience to climate change. On the other
hand, irrespective of the climate scenario data, the historic
climate data indicates that the vast majority of ecosystems
in Central America and the Caribbean are currently exposed
to relatively low variation in terms of rainfall patterns and 9
temperature. Overall, the climatic comfort zones of species
and ecosystems in Central America and the Caribbean are
relatively small.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 95
Integrating the analyses: Critical ecosystems at risk, such as invasive plant and animal species.
ecosystems and species-rich areas As montane temperatures increase, it should be expected that
Impact on Ecosystems With regards to the CCSI for the 2020s, lowland species migrate upwards, shifting their contemporary
averaged for each ecosystem type, we observe the following niches further uphill. Further investigation should be
trends. Comparing the CCSI to ecosystems and species is applied to the ecosystems without altitude classifications,
a step towards showing places where rapid adaptation of such as agriculture, wetlands, mangroves, and urban areas.
vegetation and species must occur if these projections ring These graphs alone do not express these types of threats to
true. In this sense, “adaptation” most likely means migration, ecosystems, but climate change will unequivocally be a driver
because species will follow the environmental conditions in of species invasion.
which they are most comfortable. Many sensitive species Obviously the calculations of CCSI per ecosystem and
could be displaced when more aggressive species move in altitudinal class would result in higher severity using
to their niches. Invasive plants are an especially important the A2 scenario than the B2 scenario. The following
topic to consider when monitoring the changes within and statements describe the general differences between the B2
around ecosystems. Impacts of climate change will likely and A2 scenarios, regarding both vegetation / land use and
occur too rapidly to allow for evolutionary changes in most elevation. In the B2 scenario, projected climate change
species. severity is “high” or “very high” in only submontane,
Unlike the severity index maps shown before, this type of lowlands and unclassified altitudinal classes. Broadleaf
climate change severity analysis is not designed to locate forests and agriculture comprise the majority of the most
actual places with severe climate change projections. severe climatic changes, while mixed forests and very small
Rather, it should give an idea of the types of ecosystems amounts of urban areas lie in the “high” severity category.
and elevations that will feel greater effects of climate As seen in the previous maps, these classes of higher
change. Significant consideration should be given to those severity lie in parts of Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, and
ecosystems that have very small spatial extents and a very northwestern Mexico. There is a visible spread of climate
high average CCSI. The following graphs inform us of change severity in the A2 scenario, which results in high
general trends of the potential impact of climate change on severity in all elevation classes. Although high CCSI
ecosystems, in terms of vegetation / land cover and altitude, values still dominate the lowlands and unclassified altitude
under the HadCM3 A2 scenario in the 2020s. We discuss classes, submontane and montane areas have a substantial
other scenarios further. amount of “high” and “very high” severity zones—evident
in Figure 8. As seen in Figure 7, broadleaf forests and
It should be noted in the results of Figure 7 that in the 2020s agriculture have the highest percentage of climate changes
under the A2 scenario, there are actually no ecosystems that that are projected to move outside of the comfort zone. In
will experience conditions outside their comfort zone (“very the A2 scenario, every class of vegetation or land cover type
high” or “extreme” severity); however, by the 2050s and except shrubland is projected to experience movements
2080s, these degrees of climate change severity are reached. outside of the comfort zone as early as 2011 (the 2020s
Regardless, the most striking result is that broadleaf forests time period). While the higher severity classes in the B2
are projected to experience a significantly high percentage scenario exist in only a few countries, every country is
of severe climate change. Savannas and mangroves also projected to experience these changes in the A2 scenario,
have a considerable number of highly susceptible areas. except for Belize, El Salvador, and Guatemala. According
Spatial analysis indicates that shrublands, broadleaf forests, to the CCSI maps displayed earlier, by the 2050s, it is
and agriculture are the most dominant land cover types (also possible that movement outside of the comfort zone will
evident in Figure 1). It is cause for concern that nearly a occur in at least some parts of every country considered
quarter of the extensive broadleaf forests have a high, or in this study.
very high, severity index. The Caribbean coasts of Panama,
We complement this analysis of ecosystem impact with
Costa Rica, and Nicaragua, as well as parts of the Dominican
the identification of critical areas. This is the combination
Republic, contain the greatest richness of birds, mammals,
of species richness and severity of climate changes. While
and amphibians, extensive broadleaf forests, and “very
the values are somewhat arbitrary, those chosen in order to
high” CCSI values. Additionally, some 30% of agricultural
identify critical habitats are as follows:
areas are also projected to experience highly severe climatic
changes. • Highest 10th percentile of species richness, per country
• CCSI of 0.75 or higher (“medium,” “high”, and “very
In terms of altitude, there seems to be a decreasing trend of high” severities)
severity with increasing elevation.This is most likely because
ecosystems at higher altitudes are more adapted to greater The intersections of these criteria determine the “critical
ranges in temperature; thus, they may be potentially more areas.” Also displayed on the following two maps are the
resilient to changes in climate.Conversely, it is important protected areas. One should be able to visually assess the
to keep in mind the other factors that could put montane efficiency of these networks of preserved land. Are they

96 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Figure 10. Integration of two factors to identify critical areas for conservation. Utilizing the species richness map displayed earlier in this paper, we h­ighlight in green the places in each
country that are home to the highest 10th percentile of species. Light purple, pink, and grey, delineate the higher CCSIs. The intersections of the two factors result in critical areas, displayed
in bold purple, red, and black.

adequately placed to prepare for potential impacts of climate case of the 2050s HadCM3 A2 scenario, critical areas spread
change on biodiversity? (see Figure 9). throughout all nine countries of interest, the most severe in
Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, and Panama. Given that
In the 2020s HadCM3 A2 scenario, critical areas exist in the critical areas in the 2050s (defined by the highest severity
Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and a small part of Panama. In the in black) will have already experienced severe climate change

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 97
in the 2020s time period, these places demonstrate the areas played a large role in shaping the region’s landscape or in
of highest concern. The overlain protected areas network driving vegetation dynamics (Middleton et al. 1997). This
gives an insight into the places in which further designation may be changing. We can learn from previous events such
of protected areas should be focused in order to facilitate as the 1997-1998 El Niño, in which there was a significant
species’ adaptation to climate change. decline in precipitation during the rainy season in Panama.
The many impacts included lack of water in the Panama
Conclusions Canal watershed—both for canal operations, drinking water,
From the near-term (2020s) onward, if worst case scenario and fishing—as well as a marked increase in burned area
conditions prevail, the vast majority of the ecosystems of (Donoso et al. 2000; López 2004).
Central America and the Dominican Republic should be
affected with varying degrees of climate change severity, Temperature and precipitation anomaly data is invaluable
with differing effects on their constituent species. Mexico, to many biologists who are interested in phenology and
on the other hand, would be generally much less affected. the absolute temperature ranges for a species of interest.
Since this study considers such a great quantity of data, it However, this data does not provide an overall idea of
presents a critical integration of climate, vegetation, and how much climate change will affect different parts of
animal species datasets, providing an overall understanding the region as a whole. Moreover, it does not take into
of how each of these factors is related spatially. While it consideration any measure of climate variability. The
does not give insight into how individual species may adapt climate change severity index attempts to address these
and migrate to climate change, this study is an important issues. Unlike maps of raw temperature anomalies, the
step in the integration of often disparate areas of study. severity index emphasizes the potential impacts of climate
The overall analysis has therefore identified critical areas change in the tropics. Nearly all of the global climate
that may require specific interventions to facilitate the models demonstrate mild temperature increases at lower
adaptation of species and ecosystems to climate change. It latitudes, compared to extreme changes towards the poles.
is also worth pointing out that in addition to climate change, This is no doubt an important trend for glaciology and
ecosystems and species will likely continue to be threatened studies of the global circulation of temperature and salinity,
by deforestation. but it understates the impact that such a small temperature
increase could potentially have on tropical ecosystems
In addition to having integrated various types of geospatial and species. The tropics exist within much smaller annual
data to identify critical areas for conservation, we have temperature ranges than northern latitudes (both in terms
also presented a novel framework within which climate of day-night ranges and seasonal variations); therefore, the
change impacts can be analyzed, irrespective of data source, species and ecosystems have become accustomed to low
resolution or scenario. This study has focused on presenting temperature variability. Because of these facts, what could
which species-rich places and ecosystems will be impacted be considered a “mild” change in the tropics could in fact
by climate change according to the worst case (A2) scenario be devastating (Deutsch 2008).
and a better case scenario (B2), giving greater meaning to
the implications of different possible futures. Further work is On the other hand, most countries in Mesoamerica and the
required to also assess the impacts of climate change under Caribbean receive widely different amounts of rainfall during
the numerous other scenarios. the year. Most places have distinct wet and dry seasons,
which the CCSI defines as a very large precipitation comfort
Temperature change projections between different models are zone for the wet tropics. Therefore, the one might expect
much more in accordance in the 2020s than in the 2050s and that the climate change severity index would be very low in
2080s. This is useful information because we should be able to terms of precipitation; however, these scenarios project such
more confidently expect a regional rise of 1˚C as early as 2011 great changes in precipitation that high CCSI values spread
(when compared to the 1961-1990 baseline). Maps of these throughout much of the Caribbean coast. Still, precipitation
anomalies can show us that some locations may experience behavior in the tropics is best described intra-annually. hus,
an increase of nearly 2˚C, and others less. an improvement on the CCSI would allow for multi-season
comfort zones.
General tendencies in precipitation changes are much more
difficult to project than temperature, even in the not-too- In this study we considered ecosystems, birds, mammals,
distant future. Both the amount and location of changes amphibians, temperature, and precipitation, but other
in precipitation differ from scenario to scenario. Despite environmental variables are important as well, such as soil
the disagreements, there is a general trend in nearly all moisture content, surface temperature, sea level pressure,
the models that there could be drier wet seasons. This has and wind direction and velocity (Hernandez et al. 2006).
significant implications on agriculture, water quality and Just as there are coupled models in climatology, we should
water availability in our region. Moreover, this drying of strive to couple high resolution climate scenarios with
the rainy season could have significant impact on forest and future land use scenarios. The latter is undoubtedly the
agricultural health as a result of forest fires. The scientific major culprit of species endangerment and is the chief threat
consensus is that forest fires in Central America have not to biodiversity. Given the current rates of deforestation in

98 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Mesoamerica and the Caribbean, it is crucial to include called EVCC (Ecosystem Vulnerability to Climate Change,
this factor in assessing the potential human impacts on available at
biodiversity. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment,
for example has already established a framework for References
CCAD. 2000. Corredor Biológico Mesoamericano. Proyecto Ambiental
developing scenarios similar to the SRES for land cover Regional de Centroamerica/Central America Protected Areas Systems.
change. Narrative scenarios of future development in Latin CCCSN - Canadian Climate Change Scenarios Network [web
America and the Caribbean have been developed by a application]. 2008. Gatineau, Canada: Environment Canada. http://
regional expert group coordinated by the United Nations (accessed 03/2008)
CIAT. 2004. Void-filled seamless SRTM data V1. International Centre
Environmental Programme (UNEP)’s GEO-LAC group. for Tropical Agriculture, available from the CGIAR-CSI SRTM 90m
Explicit land cover change scenarios have already been Database: 01/2008)
developed for northern Mesoamerica under the UNEP- / Conservation International. 2004. Hotspots Revisited. http://web.
USAID-supported ICRAN-MAR project of 2004-07.
revisited.xml (accessed 04/2008)
Integrating such land use change projections into the CCSI Deutsch, C.A., J.J. Tewksbury, R.B. Huey, K.S. Sheldon, C.K.
and critical habitats assessment would enhance current Ghalambor, D.C. Haak, and P.R. Martin. 2008. Impacts of climate
impact assessments on biodiversity. Moreover, as this warming on terrestrial ectotherms across latitude. Proceedings of the
study has focused solely on integrating climate change National Academy of Sciences 105: 6668-6672.
Donoso, M.C., C. Vargas, K. Leaman, M. Castillero, D. Martinez, and
data with terrestrial biodiversity, useful follow-up for this M. Nakayama. 2001. Panama Canal Case Study: Impacts and Responses
research would include assessments of climate change’s to the 1997-1998 El Niño Event. Once Burned, Twice Shy: Lessons
potential impacts on aquatic and marine biodiversity. Learned from the 1997-98 El Niño. M.H. Glantz (Ed.) UN University
Press, Tokyo. 294 pp.
Uncertainty is an omnipresent concept in climate change Hernandez, J., J. Srikishen, D. Erickson, R. Oglesby, and D. Irwin. 2006.
modeling; however, degrees of uncertainty are not the same A Regional Climate Study of Central America using the MM5 Modeling
for all time frames. These analyses of climate change severity System: Results and Comparison to Observations. International Journal
of Climatology 26: 2161-2179.
and identification of critical areas show a high level of Hijmans R.J., S.E. Cameron, J.L. Parra, P.G. Jones, and A. Jarvis.
agreement among various models in the 2020s. These critical 2005. Very High Resolution Interpolated Climate Surfaces for Global
areas also coincide with many efforts to further develop the Land Areas. International Journal of Climatology 25: 1965-1978.
Mesoamerican Biological Corridor and should add to the case InfoNatura: Animals and Ecosystems of Latin America [web
application]. 2007. Version 5.0. Arlington, Virginia (USA): NatureServe.
for conserving these places (CCAD 2000), especially those on (accessed 01/2008)
the Caribbean coast of Panama, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. Jones, R.G., M. Noguer, D.C. Hassell, D. Hudson, S.S. Wilson, G.J.
Moreover, much of the critical area lies just outside of existing Jenkins, and J.F.B. Mitchell. 2004. Generating high resolution climate
protected areas, often spanning across various parks and change scenarios using PRECIS, Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, UK,
reserves. This strengthens the argument and demonstrates López, M.A. 2004. Central America and Mexico Regional Brief on
the utility of expanding and connecting the current system of International Cooperation in Wildland Fire Management. Pan-
protected areas in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean, in order to American Wildland Fire Conference. 21-24 October 2004. San José,
conserve its rich biodiversity. Costa Rica.
Mauri, C. 2002. Environmental Law Enforcement and Compliance in
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Central America. Sixth International Conference on Environmental
Compliance and Enforcement. INECE. April 15-19, 2002, San Jose,
This study was conducted as one of the components of the Costa Rica. 21 pp.
“Mainstreaming Climate Indices & Weather Derivatives into Middleton, B.A., E. Sanchez-Rojas, B. Suedmeyer and A. Michels.
Decision-Making for Adaptation to Climate Change in Central 1997. Fire in a tropical dry forest of Central America: A natural part of
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USAID Cooperative Agreement No. 596-A-00-06-00099-00. M.P.L. Fogden, P.N. Foster, E. La Marca, K.L. Masters, A.
The project is implemented by the Water Center for the Humid Merino-Viteri, R. Puschendorf, S.R. Ron, G.A. Sanchez-Azofeifa,
Tropics of Latin America and the Caribbean (CATHALAC) C.J. Still, and B.E. Young. 2006. Widespread amphibian extinctions
through the sponsorship of the Global Development Alliance from epidemic disease driven by global warming. Nature 439: 161-
(GDA) program of the United States Agency for International IPCC, 2000. Special Report Emissions Scenarios, Summary for
Development (USAID), and with support from the U.S. Policymakers. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 27 pp.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Tremblay-Boyer, L. and E.R. Anderson. Characterizing sensitivity to
the University of Alabama-Huntsville (UAH), Cable and climate change at the ecosystem scale: a case-study for Panama. To be
submitted to Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change.
Wireless-Panama, and the Environmental Systems Research Manuscript in preparation.
Institute (ESRI). Vreugdenhil, D., J. Meerman, A. Meyrat, L.D. Gómez, and D.J.
Graham. 2002. Map of the Ecosystems of Central America: Final
The initial framework for this study was developed by Report. World Bank, Washington, DC. 56 pp.
Laura Tremblay-Boyer and Eric Anderson who conducted World Bank and CCAD. 2001. Ecosystems of Central America (ArcView
their research at CATHALAC in the context of the McGill regional map files at 1:250,000). World Bank, Central American
Commission on Environment and Development (CCAD), World Institute
University Panama Field Studies Semester program, jointly for Conservation and Environment (WICE), and the Centro Agronómico
with the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI). Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Washington, DC.http://
Their study culminated in the development of the methodology (accessed 04/2008)

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 99
Projected impacts of climate change on protected areas
Jenny Hewson*, Erica Ashkenazi, Sandy Andelman and Marc Steininger
Authors’ Addresses: Abstract. In this article we use temperature and precipitation for the current period and outputs from a Global Climate Model to
Conservation analyze projected future climate compared to the current conditions of the World’s Protected Areas. We stratified the Global Land
International, Cover 2000 into major latitudinal bands and broad landcover extents including forest, woodland/grassland, managed/bare, and
2011 Crystal Drive, water, and projections were generated using the HadCM3 model and two different scenarios, the A1FI and B1. Based on these
Suite 500, landcover types, we combined precipitation and temperature outputs for 2050 versus the current conditions with the landcover
Arlington, VA 22202. data and extracted areas of change, those projected to experience greater than one standard deviation above the mean change
*Corresponding author: in either precipitation or temperature, and areas of no-change to assess how different landcover types may be impacted. We
j.hewson@conservation. also compared the projected range in annual mean monthly amounts of precipitation and temperature for the Protected Areas in
org each latitudinal band. Results reveal that of the Protected Areas in the more than 200 countries surveyed, over 50% are projected
to experience greater than 20% change and almost 38% are projected to experience greater than 50% change by 2050. The
range in annual mean monthly temperature for Protected Areas included similar projected changes in range under both the A1FI
and B1 scenarios for Protected Areas in the mid- & high-northern latitudes exhibit, whereas Protected Areas in the temperate
north, tropics, and mid- & high-southern latitudes exhibit less of an increase in mean monthly temperature under the B1 vs.
the A1FI scenario. Annual mean monthly precipitation results were more varied over the range of broad landcover extents. The
conclusion presents a discussion of the conservation strategies that may be relevant for Protected Areas in different regions.

Introduction and cloud cover patterns based on different emissions

Climate change has been observed at global, regional, and forcings, and while the outputs are often model dependent,
local scales (IPCC 2000, 2007a; Fitzpatrick et al. 2008) and generally have a coarse spatial resolution, and are subject to
is projected to impact precipitation and temperature patterns much uncertainty (Barnett 1999; Berliner 2003; Raisanen
to varying degrees in different parts of the world (Root et al. 2007), they can be paramterized to model a suite of potential
2005; Williams et al. 2007). Differences in both the seasonal emissions trajectories. A range of possible trajectories are
distribution and annual total accumulations of precipitation, addressed through the emissions scenarios considered in the
or mean monthly temperature patterns and variation may Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special
impact the local-regional environment, and the welfare of Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) (IPCC 2000). These
both humans and biodiversity within that environment. scenarios, following four main storylines which are divided
For example, shifts in precipitation may affect species ranges into four scenario families (A1, A2, B1, and B2), address a
and distributions in tropical forests (Engelbrecht et al. 2007). range of potential developments in population dynamics,
As well, changes in hydrological processes may impact economic progress, and technological advances. However,
the frequency and severity of flooding in some of the most because much uncertainty exists regarding the potential future
vulnerable areas of the world (Bradshaw 2007) and alter soil trajectories of emissions, all scenarios are considered equally
moisture, in turn affecting crop productivity and, potentially, probable (IPCC 2000; Meehl 2007).
global food availability (Wang 2005). Further, changes in the Researchers have applied GCM outputs to assess potential
annual accumulation of precipitation in parts of the world may climate impacts in a variety of areas and, increasingly, to
eliminate certain types of forests, in turn causing localized evaluate potential impacts on biodiversity. For example,
species extinctions (Enquist 2002). Beaumont and Hughes (2002) used outputs from multiple
Changes in temperature could yield similarly disruptive scenarios to analyze the potential distributions of selected
impacts such as increased droughts as a result of higher endemic Australian butterflies. Enquist (2002) used the
temperatures (Sheffield and Wood 2008), or altered tree Holdridge life zones and nine climate scenarios to analyze the
fruiting patterns and other phenologies, with cascading impacts effects of climate change on vegetation in Costa Rica. And
on frugivore populations. Root et al. (2005), for example, Higgins (2007) used HadCM3 outputs to investigate species
analyzed temperature data and the spring phenological traits richness in E. Brazil and the Guinea Shield.
of 130 species and observed a shift towards an earlier spring In this study we examined the projected impacts of climate
onset date for such traits. And Rull and Vegas-Vilarubbia change on PAs using GCM outputs from the HadCM3 model
(2006) suggest that differences in temperature in the Guyana in monthly precipitation and temperature for 2050 vs. the
Highlands may manifest in the extinction of species adapted current conditions. The HadCM3 model is produced by the
to high elevations as their habitats disappear. Similarly, UK Meteorological Office (UKMO) (Gordon et al. 2000). We
species that currently inhabit lowland forests may be forced analyzed outputs for two IPCC scenarios, one business-as-
to shift to higher elevations to access the same temperature usual scenario and the other a progressive ‘global solutions’
environments (Pimm 2008). scenario. Projections were analyzed based on landcover
According to the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report, Global type and latitude to assess how PAs in different landcover
Climate Models (GCMs) “are used to make projections of types may be impacted. We selected the global PA network
possible future changes over time scales of many decades” for several reasons. Firstly, while PAs account for 11.5% of
(Randall 2007). GCM outputs have been widely used to analyze global land under current climate conditions (Rodrigues 2004),
the potential impacts of changes in precipitation, temperature, their boundaries assume a static condition and, as a result of

100 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
projected future changes in the climate, the areas within these boundaries annually by UNEP-WCMC and the IUCN World Commission on
may experience very different climatic conditions (Dudley 2003; Willis Protected Areas (IUCN-WCPA). The data are produced, largely, to aid
et al. 2008). Therefore, global scale analyses are necessary to identify in conservation related analyses, and represent the most comprehensive
the range of changes that may occur in different areas with respect to global dataset of marine and terrestrial PAs available. However, there
PAs. Secondly, while multiple climate change-related studies have been are some limitations to the data. Some countries provide incomplete, or
performed using PAs at the regional/national scale, the literature for the no, reporting of their PAs to the Commission resulting in data gaps for
global scale is more limited. And, thirdly, global scale analyses inform certain areas. Further, inaccuracies occur as a result of geographic or
PA planners and managers, and assist with the appropriate targeting of attribute inconsistencies. For example, various data sources may be used
scarce conservation resources by identifying potentially vulnerable areas. for the boundary delineation or attribute information of a PA resulting
in differing polygon extents or attribute information for the same PA.
Data Sources Global Landcover In addition, misspelling of PA names can result in multiple entries for
We selected landcover types based on the Global Landcover 2000 the same PA. Finally, complex PAs, such as those containing both a
(GLC2000) dataset (GLC2000 2003). The GLC2000 classifies 22 terrestrial and marine component, could not be accommodated by the
global landcover types at a spatial resolution of 1km including: ten tree 2005 version (WDPA 2005) .
cover classes, four shrubby and herbaceous, four cultivated and bare,
and three water, snow, and artificial surface classes. We generated four Following Rodrigues et al. (2004) and others, we used all records for
broad landcover types by grouping and reclassing 20 of the GLC2000 class I-IV PAs in the WDPA except (a) point records without geographic
classes into forest (classes 1-8, 10), woodland/grassland (classes 9, 11- location (zero latitude and longitude), (b) records that did not seem to
15), managed/bare (classes 16-19), and water (class 20). Classes 21 correspond to an established PA, (c) point records for which no area
and 22 were omitted from the analysis. These four broad landcover data were available, and (d) records corresponding to areas smaller than
types were stratified among six latitudinal bands including areas North 100 hectares (ha). This 100-ha threshold is well below most estimates of
of +70 degrees (high-northern latitudes), areas between 50 – 70 degrees the minimum area needed to support intact communities of vertebrate
North (mid-northern latitudes), areas between 23.5 – 50 degrees North species (Gurd et al., 2001), and so it serves to exclude PAs that are likely
(temperate North), areas between 23.5d N - 23.5d S (tropics), areas to be largely irrelevant for the conservation of the analyzed vertebrate
between 23.5d S - 50d S (mid-southern latitudes), and areas South of species (although they may play other important conservation roles).
50degrees S (high-southern latitudes). Excluding PAs smaller than 100 ha, and those for which no area was
known, eliminated 54% of the PA records (mostly in Europe) but made
Climate Data little change in the overall area protected (only reducing it from 11.5% of
We used monthly precipitation and temperature data generated by the the terrestrial surface to 10.9%).
Tyndall Data Centre and hosted by the Climate Research Unit (CRU) of
the University of East Anglia (UEA) (Mitchell et al. 2004). The Tyndall Methodology
Data Centre regridded projected climate data from selected GCMs to a We calculated annual mean monthly temperature and precipitation for
spatial resolution of 0.5 degrees. GCM outputs were selected by the the two scenarios and for two temporal periods. Following Beaumont
Tyndall Data Centre based on their being ‘the only GCMs for which and Hughes (2002) and others, we selected 2050 and a control period
any SRES simulations had been performed and deposited with the IPCC (averaged from 1961 – 90) (Mitchell et al., 2004). We selected 2050 to
Data Distribution Centre (DDC) at the time of scenario construction’ capture a mid-century snapshot of potential climate conditions for the
(Mitchell et al. 2004). For this study, these data represented some of world’s PA network using the outputs of one widely used GCM. Based
the only data available at a relatively fine spatial resolution. We selected on the annual mean monthly calculations, we generated difference grids
climate outputs from HadCM3 because this model, and earlier
versions, has been widely used (Beaumont and Hughes 2002;
Battin et al. 2007; Midgley et al. 2002; Scott et al. 2004; Thuiller
2004; Mika et al. 2008). We used HadCM3 precipitation and
temperature outputs for two emissions scenarios from different
scenario families, the fossil-fuel intensive A1FI (business-
as-usual) scenario from the business-as-usual family and the
‘resource-efficient technologies’ B1 (global solutions) scenario
from the innovative and global solutions family (IPCC 2000).
The A1FI scenario emphasizes economic growth based on
fossil-fuel intensive technologies and is characterized by a
mid-century peak in human population and high cumulative
emissions. Conversely, the B1 scenario focuses on innovation
& global solutions. The scenario incorporates economic
growth but with a focus on service and information using
clean/resource-efficient technologies. A mid-century peak in
population is also a characteristic, but emissions decline fastest
in this scenario.
Protected Area Data
We used the 2005 version of the World Database of Protected
Areas (WDPA) (WDPA 2005). The WDPA is compiled Figure 1. Processing methodology for one sample region.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 101
Figure 2. PAs projected to experience >50% compared to PAs projected to experience <50% climate change for selected

for each precipitation and temperature climate variable; this yielded four monthly temperature and precipitation for each PA within each broad
difference grids, two for the A1FI and B1 temperature variables and two landcover extent.
for the A1FI and B1 precipitation variables.
To analyze the PAs by landcover type, the difference grids were combined Figure 2 highlights the change/no-change outputs, based on the
with the landcover grids, created above, generating ninety-six combined +/- one standard deviation above the mean projected analysis,
climate variable-landcover grids. We extracted areas of change +/- one for selected countries. Countries with a high number of PAs
standard deviation above the mean projected change for each of the projected to experience >50% climate change in their areal extent
four land cover types within each latitudinal band yielding ninety-six include Russia, Brazil, Australia, and Indonesia. These countries
standard deviation change grids. We then identified areas of agreement, contain large numbers of PAs located in the mid- & high-northern
where both scenario outputs projected +/- one standard deviation above latitudes and tropical extents. Countries containing a high number
the mean change, by combining the four standard deviation grids per of no-change PAs include New Zealand, Benin, Burkina Faso, and
land cover type per latitudinal band. Areas where two or more climate Ghana, located in the mid- & high-southern latitudes, and tropical
variables exhibit agreement were recoded as change and all other areas extents. While the WDPA data includes inconsistencies in
recoded to no-change. These final twenty-four grids, one per landcover reporting amongst countries, these results illustrate the percent of
type per latitude, represent those areas within each land cover type where PA vulnerability in selected countries. Further, as most PAs are
there is agreement among at least two climate variables of projected designated by national or local authorities, illustrating the results
climate change. Within one latitudinal band, eight possible values exist by country may serve to motivate countries to address biases and
representing areas of no-change and change for the four landcover types. shortfalls in coverage.
We overlaid the global PA data layer on the change/no-change grids and
ran a series of tabulate areas to calculate the amount of change/no-change Intersection of the temperature and precipitation change difference
per landcover type per Protected Area. We then calculated the total area grids with the global Protected Areas layer revealed an overall
of change and no-change per Protected Area. Figure 1 illustrates the contraction in the range of temperature change throughout the
processing methodology for one sample region. majority of the broad landcover extents for PA locations under the
global solutions scenario vs. business-as-usual scenario. Conversely,
To investigate the projected change in amounts of annual mean monthly the patterns of potential change in precipitation for PAs under both
precipitation and temperature under the two scenarios, we also analyzed scenarios are similar, with a general increase in projected precipitation
the difference grids, created above, for each precipitation and temperature for the majority of PAs (57%), consistent with expected precipitation
climate variable individually. We intersected the global PA data layer change (Berliner 2003). However, precipitation is inherently difficult
with each difference grid and extracted the mean change in annual to model using GCMs (Wang 2005).

102 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Because of the low number of PAs available for the high-northern Over 80% of PA locations in the tropics are projected to
and high-southern latitudes these PAs have been combined with experience >=2dC increase in temperature, with almost 18%
their respective neighbors, mid-northern latitudes and mid-southern projected to experience >=3dC increase, under the A1FI
latitudes. The results were analyzed within each broad landcover scenario. Conversely, under the global solutions scenario,
extent (1) by comparing the projected change in annual mean monthly <20% of PAs are projected to experience >=2dC increase in
precipitation vs. temperature for each PA for the two scenarios (A1FI temperature and <2% projected to experience >=3dC. The
and B1) (Figure 3), (2) by comparing A1FI vs. B1 temperature majority of PA locations in the tropics, over 70%, are projected
change and precipitation change for each PA (Figure 4), and (3) to experience similar change in precipitation under both Figure 3.
Temperature and
by identifying the total percentage of PAs in each temperature and scenarios. However, based on the very different temperature Precipitation Correlations
precipitation strata per broad landcover extent (Table 1). change projections under the two scenarios, conservation for A1FI and B1.

PAs in the high- and mid-

northern latitudes are projected
to experience an increase in mean
temperature, in agreement with
expected increased warming in
all areas especially poleward in
the Northern hemisphere (IPCC
2007b), with over 55% of PAs
projected to experience a mean
increase of >= 3dC under both
scenarios. The majority of PA
locations in this area, over
98% under both scenarios, are
projected to experience a +/-
30mm change in annual mean
monthly precipitation. For PAs
in the mid- and high-northern
latitudes, as increased warming
of >=3dC is projected to affect
the majority of PA locations and
similar precipitation patterns are
projected under both scenarios,
conservation strategies and
management practices that focus
on adaptation may be more
appropriate than those based on
Temperature increases are
also projected for PAs in the
Temperate North under both
scenarios. However, under the
gobal solutions scenario, less
than 25% of PAs are projected to
experience an increase of >=3dC
compared to almost 75% under the
business-as-usual scenario. The
annual mean monthly precipitation
projections for PA locations in
this area exhibit similar patterns
under both scenarios. This
again may be attributable to the
inherent limitations associated
with precipitation projections.
However, conservation strategies
that focus on mitigation may serve
to reduce the impacts of climate
change on PAs in this region.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 103
inaccurate, or missing, PA boundaries
and/or attribute information, and
inconsistency in PA coverage reporting
for individual countries; these factors
may have impacted the results in some
areas. Finally, the network of global
PAs falls short of encompassing the
magnitude of current conditions and
therefore represents a biased sample
of both current climate conditions
(Pyke et al. 2005) and biodiversity
and ecological systems (Andelman
and Willig 2003).
However, these limitations being
considered, this analysis still provides
broad observations regarding how
the Protected Area system within
different countries and broad
landcover extents may be impacted by
changes in selected climate variables.
Further, it provides a starting point
for considering how conservation
strategies and management approaches
for adaptation to, or mitigation of, the
impacts of climate change on PAs in
different areas may be implemented.
While repeated analyses are planned
using an updated version of the WDPA
and downscaled climate outputs from
multiple GCMs, this analysis provides
one possible, though preliminary,
outlook using two very different
emissions scenarios.
Given the broad range of Protected
Areas projected to be impacted by
Figure 4.bTemperature vs. Precipitation change per PA.
climate change, the results of this study underline the importance
approaches that incorporate mitigation strategies may again serve to reduce of mitigation vs. adaptation to secure biodiversity, both within
the impacts of climate change that may affect PA locations in the tropics. and outside of PAs for future generations. In particular, although
mitigation policies will impact global emissions, mitigation may be
The PAs of the mid- and high-southern latitudes also exhibit differences in particularly beneficial for PAs in the temperate north, tropics, and mid-
projected temperature under the two scenarios. Almost 40% of PAs in this & high-southern latitudes. PA locations in these regions suggest large
region are projected to experience >2 ºC increase in annual mean monthly differences in mean monthly temperature under the global solutions
temperature under the business-as-usual scenario compared to <4% of PAs than the business-as-usual scenario. In contrast, our results suggest that
under the global solutions scenario. Projected precipitation change for mitigation alone may be insufficient for PAs in mid- and high-latitudes,
this region is similar, with 95% of PA locations projected to experience because projected temperature changes under both the A1FI and B1
+/-30mm change under both scenarios. Again, conservation strategies that scenarios are similar. Additional analyses are needed to understand
emphasize mitigation may prove useful in this region. how projected changes in precipitation, which are much more variable,
and more difficult to model (Raisanen 2007), are likely to impact PAs
Discussion and Conclusions and the biodiversity they contain.
Several limitations must be recognized with respect to this study. First, the
nature of parameterizing GCMs and associated emissions scenario runs, Habitat loss is likely to compound the impacts of climate change, by
necessitates assumptions and generalizations about the climate, thus requiring isolating PAs and curtailing opportunities for species migration in
the interpretation of outputs considers the limitations of such models (Smith response to climate change. Based on the findings of the Millennium
et al. 1997; IPCC 2000; Berliner 2003; Wang 2005). Second, the resolution of Ecosystem Assessment, many of the same regions that will be impacted
the climate data, while relatively fine compared to raw GCM outputs, remain by climate change will also be heavily impacted by deforestation.
coarse for the spatial extents of this analysis; the PAs used in this study range Therefore, setting aside additional PAs in these regions, particularly
in size from a few km2 to over 900,000km2. Third, the 2005 version of the forested areas, together with forest restoration, may be beneficial, not
WDPA that was available for this study has a number of limitations including only for mitigation, but for adaptation as well.

104 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Table 1. Total % of PAs per mean monthly temperature and precipitation band per broad landcover extent
Temperature Change Precipitation Temperature Change
Scenario Biome ºC ºC Change mm
0-1 1-2 2-3 3+ <-60 -60--30 -30-0 0-30 30-60 >60

Business-as-usual High-Northern Latitudes 0 0 0 100 0 0 7 93 0 0

A1FI Mid-Northern Latitudes 2 7 22 69 0 0 26 73 1 0

Temperate North 1 3 22 74 0 2 54 42 2 0

Tropics 2 18 67 14 1 12 35 38 11 3

Mid-Southern Latitudes 3 57 39 1 0 3 48 48 2 0

High-Southern Latitudes 75 25 0 0 0 0 8 92 0 0

Global solutions High-Northern Latitudes 0 0 22 78 0 0 11 89 0 0

B1 Mid-Northern Latitudes 5 23 16 56 0 0 24 75 1 0

Temperate North 2 22 51 25 0 1 57 40 1 0

Tropics 7 74 18 2 0 10 37 40 10 2

Mid-Southern Latitudes 23 73 4 0 0 3 44 51 2 0

High-Southern Latitudes 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0

Acknowledgments Meterological Society. BAMS:1383 - 1394.

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B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 105
Future directions in conservation and development:
Incorporating the reality of climate change
Danny Coenen1, Ignacio Porzecanski2 and Thomas L. Crisman3
Authors’ Addresses: Abstract.Biodiversity conservation benefits from involvement of local stakeholders to link conservation and development
School of Natural in site-specific, synergistic frameworks. The reality of climate change and continuing widespread development of land for
Resources and settlement, agriculture, and resource extraction underline the urgent need to accelerate conservation efforts, while also
Environment, University necessitating review of whether current management strategies remain appropriate to reach their objectives.Since biota have
of Florida, P.O. Box been documented to respond to climatic changes via individualistic adjustment of phenology, phenotypic plasticity and range
116350, Gainesville, shifts, novel ecological communities without present analogs are projected to emerge. Some protected species may be
FL 32611, Email: displaced outside the boundaries of current conserved lands. Expansion of existing and establishment of new protected areas in anticipation of such scenarios is rarely feasible. Climate change impacts on stakeholders may further compromise
conservation objectives if agricultural and resource extraction practices change.
School of Natural
Resources and This paper reviews impacts of climate change relevant to biodiversity conservation, highlighting the interdependence of
Environment, University ecology, socioeconomics and policy across temporal and spatial scales. A regionally coordinated management framework
of Florida, P.O. Box with local stakeholder involvement is proposed and illustrated using the case example of REDD to achieve traditional
116455, Gainesville, FL conservation objectives and adaptation to climate change simultaneously by alleviating stresses, maximizing functional
32611, Email: igna@ redundancy, and increasing both connectivity and local genetic diversity of conservation areas. Development objectives are addressed by integration with existing or proposed policy instruments for transfer of ‘green’ technologies and payments for
carbon sequestration based on the principles of additionality or avoided deleterious land conversion.
Dr. Kiran C. Patel
Center for Global
Solutions, University of
South Florida, 4202 East Introduction protection (Brooks et al. 2006), false assumptions about
Fowler Avenue - SOC Successful integration of conservation and economic homogeneity of stakeholder communities (Brown 2002),
102, Tampa, FL 33620, development into a synergistic framework has emerged incomplete models, insufficient data, corruption and lack of
Email: tcrisman@cas. as a central objective in interdisciplinary conservation strong institutions to enforce regulations (Damania & Hatch
biology. This paradigm developed following realization that 2004; Ferraro 2001), non-recognition of local people’s
approaches focusing on single goals to the exclusion of others property and use rights (Harris 2005; Ferraro 2001), and
have frequently yielded suboptimal results despite significant barriers to international technology transfers limiting
capital investment. As detailed by Holt (2005) and Brown dispersal of resource-efficient technology to industrializing
(2002), lack of consideration for local peoples’ resource needs nations (Gallagher 2006). For the foreseeable future,
and land use practices in design and management of protected conservation projects will continue to be most successful
areas, in some cases to the point of total exclusion or forced when designed site-specific, taking local ecological and
resettlement, inevitably results in high rates of noncompliance, socioeconomic complexity into full account, as both have
creating conflicts and undermining conservation objectives. dynamic, emergent properties that cannot be fully predicted
The flip side of the coin is resource exploitation-based using strictly reductionist approaches.
development in the absence of conservation planning, which,
Accelerating climatic change underlines the urgent need
given high population pressure in much of the developing
for sustainable development and successful conservation
world, tends to result in rapid environmental degradation
measures. It also forces changes to their implementation,
and a multitude of socioeconomic impacts ranging from
as conventional approaches may no longer yield positive
increased income disparity to loss of traditional culture and
outcomes under rapidly changing climatic conditions
identity. Integrated views of conservation and development
(Harris et al. 2006). Ecosystem management, because of
seek to ameliorate these issues through participation of local
its intrinsic properties and dynamics, is a complex mix
stakeholders and encouraging conservation through sustainable
of science and policy practiced by unevenly participating
use while minimizing exclusionary eco-protectionism (Holt
stakeholders within institutions that may, in many cases,
2005; Brown 2002).
be ill-prepared for the added complexity and uncertainty
Experience has shown that this integration process is not introduced by climate change. Ecology, socioeconomics,
straightforward. Not only have long-standing incongruities technological development and political realities, themselves
among theoretical frameworks guiding research and actors responding dynamically and at times unpredictably
management in natural, social and economic sciences proven to climate change, are becoming increasingly complex and
difficult to overcome, but, more significantly, approaches intertwined as they shape future conservation outcomes.
successful in one geographic location often fail in others. Adapting to these developments requires multidisciplinary
Complicating factors include, but are not limited to, difficulty cooperation and interdisciplinary thinking, backed by
quantifying the true economic value of ecosystem goods and appropriate funding for research and monitoring needs, to
services (Azqueta & Delacámara 2006; Turner et al. 2003; build on the principles outlined in this introduction and
Wilson & Carpenter 1999; Edwards & Abivardi 1998), find solutions to highlighted problems if devastating future
difficulty identifying and delineating areas most deserving scenarios are to be avoided.

106 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Anticipated Climate Change Impacts in the Delineation of likely ecological and socioeconomic impacts
21st Century under various scenarios of climate change has emerged as
Background a central research priority. Since climate change exhibits
Global climate change is universally acknowledged as a substantial spatial and temporal complexity, analysis at
significant environmental concern (Oreskes 2004). According regional scales is required for risk assessment informing
to the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change conservation and mitigation efforts. Yet, general circulation
[IPCC] assessment report, mean global temperatures increased models (GCMs), despite their increasing complexity,
by 0.74°±0.2°C during the past 100 years, recently increasing at remain insufficient to characterize small and irregularly-
0.2°C per decade (IPCC 2007a). By 2100, emission scenarios shaped landmasses, heterogeneous land cover and small-
project CO2 concentrations at 1.9 to 3.5 times of pre-industrial scale circulation processes adequately. Regional climate
values, contributing to an additional mean global temperature models (RCMs) and various downscaling methodologies are
increase of 1.8° to 4.0°C relative to the 1980-1999 average (IPCC beginning to address this information gap. However, while
2007a). Warming exceeding 2° to 2.5°C relative to preindustrial models can assist in evaluating potential consequences of
times is considered ‘dangerous’, potentially triggering positive various scenarios of climate change, a number of research
feedback mechanisms that cannot be reversed within centuries articles have highlighted important limitations to the ability
and will produce deleterious impacts at all levels of biological to fully predict future climates and ecological systems due to
organization (Lenton et al. 2008; Bierbaum & Raven 2007; their inherently uncertain or chaotic properties (Beninca et
IPCC 2007b). al. 2008; Lenton et al. 2008; Roe & Baker 2007). On local
to regional scales – those most applicable to conservation
Climate change is not limited to temperature change alone, management - factors indirectly or completely unrelated to
but includes changes in atmospheric and oceanic circulation global processes such as land use change become increasingly
patterns, altered precipitation regimes, increased frequency important in shaping climate (Pielke Sr. et al. 2002). For these
of extreme weather events, ocean acidification and sea reasons, prescriptive, site-specific bioclimate forecasts are
level rise. Regional impacts are diverse, although trends of unlikely to ever be produced, highlighting the importance of
more warming over land than oceans, and at high latitudes, accepting and managing for uncertainty as a key element of
particularly in the northern hemisphere, are discernible climate change ecology.
(IPCC 2007a; IPCC 2007b). These effects are accompanied
by substantial existing anthropogenic resilience-depressing Ecological Effects
stresses (McCarty 2001), including land transformation, Climate directly controls or affects many ecological and
unsustainable resource extraction, hydrological manipulation, biological processes, including nutrient cycling, onset and
habitat fragmentation and nutrient enrichment. duration of the growing season, timing of reproduction,
environmental sex determination, animal behavior, and body
Since the late 1990s, socioeconomic and political changes size in some taxa (Parmesan and Galbraith 2004; Walther et
have been initiated by some international organizations and al. 2002). Sustained temperature and precipitation deviations
individual nations to establish a policy foundation to manage, beyond historical variability force climate-sensitive species
mitigate and adapt to climate change (European Commission to adjust phenology, exhibit phenotypic plasticity and/or shift
2008; Pew Center on Global Climate Change 2006; European habitat ranges to maintain suitable conditions for survival.
Parliament & Council of the European Union 2003; UNFCCC Numerous studies have established observational evidence
1998). While there has been moderate progress in reducing that such responses are already occurring in many taxa (IPCC
domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by some Kyoto 2007b; Parmesan 2006; Parmesan & Galbraith 2004; Parmesan
protocol signatories (UNFCCC 2007a), global emissions & Yohe 2003). The number of on-the-ground observations of
continue to grow at an increasing rate (Canadell et al. 2007; ongoing impacts has increased greatly during the past decade,
Raupach et al. 2007). Many nations with significant emissions, but their spatial distribution is highly heterogeneous. Of
including the United States, China and India, have either not nearly 29,000 long-term observational data series examined
ratified the Kyoto protocol or are not bound to mandatory by the IPCC that showed significant biological changes, 98%
cuts. While it is accepted that G8 nations have historically were collected in Europe, with only two documented impacts
been responsible for an overwhelming share, on both total in Africa (Nature Editors 2007; IPCC 2007b). 90% of these
and per capita bases, approximately 25% of annual carbon observed changes are consistent with expectations for a
dioxide emissions is caused by land use change such as warming world (IPCC 2007b).
deforestation (IPCC 2007a), predominantly in the developing
world. Given the limited impact of the Kyoto protocol and Because tolerances and the speed and ability to migrate vary
contentious ongoing debate about its post-2012 successor, between species, non-synchronous responses are expected
it appears increasingly unlikely that policy initiatives will to occur as climate change accelerates, altering symbiotic
achieve necessary emission reductions of ca. 70% within interactions such that extant communities and trophic webs
a few decades to stabilize mean global temperatures at become progressively uncoupled (Williams & Jackson
2-2.5°C above pre-industrial conditions (Friedlingstein 2008; 2007; Hannah et al. 2002b; Walther et al. 2002). Projected
Bierbaum & Raven 2007). implications include reduced carbon uptake by terrestrial

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 107
ecosystems, increased extinction risk for up to 30% of plant frequency and intensity are still subject to considerable
and animal species, and major reorganization of ecosystem debate, with published research yielding conflicting results
structure and function, potentially severely disrupting about the relative contributions of increasing sea surface
provision of goods and services with cascading socioeconomic temperatures and wind shear in the Atlantic Ocean (Saunders
effects (IPCC 2007a, IPCC 2007b). & Lea 2008; IPCC 2007a; Vecchi & Soden 2007). There is
a need to prepare for potentially tens of millions of ‘climate
Evolutionary responses are likely limited to adaptation via change refugees’ expected to be displaced from their homes
phenotypic plasticity for long-lived species, whereas those (Bierbaum & Raven 2007) as a result of climate-change
with rapid generation times respond via natural selection, related impacts, most significantly flooding of densely settled
favoring dispersal ability and adaptations beneficial under coastal areas and inundation of low-elevation island nations
altered local conditions (Pearson & Dawson 2003). Similar due to sea level rise.
processes occurred following the last glacial maximum,
albeit over several thousand years, requiring slower rates Indirect effects are imposed by changes in ecosystem structure
of dispersal. There is no evidence for changes in climatic and function, and will be particularly hard-felt by people
tolerances of species via evolutionary mechanisms (Petit et dependent on ecosystem goods and services for provision of
al. 2008; Parmesan 2006). food, water and other essential resources. Spread of disease
vectors affecting humans and their food crops is an added
Projecting structure and function of future ecosystems is concern. Impacts on food production will be regionally and
subject to considerable uncertainty, since models of imperfectly temporally heterogeneous, as multiple variables ranging from
known systems incorporate assumptions, parameterizations carbon fertilization to altered water budgets interact to boost
and inevitably exclude some variables from consideration. or depress yields. In general, low-latitude agrosystems are
Bioclimate envelope models are commonly used to produce projected to be among the first to experience adverse impacts
initial assessments of potential future species range shifts over (IPCC 2007b), potentially forcing rural people to increase
large spatial scales, although they have inherent limitations use or conversion of land to compensate for loss of income
of their own. Discussing these is beyond the scope of this and sustenance. The 4th assessment report of IPCC Working
paper, but they are addressed in detail by Pearson & Dawson Group II describes scenarios including increased drought and
(2003). Bioclimate envelope shifts of dozens to hundreds flash flood risk in currently semi-arid to arid areas, altered
of kilometers are not uncommon in projections, potentially volume glacial melt that is a major source of drinking water
resulting in species of conservation concern adjusting their in many parts of the world, major losses of coastal ecosystems
habitats beyond borders of protected areas established to and infrastructure due to increased erosion, flooding and salt
preserve them (Hannah et al. 2002a). water intrusion, and a variety of human health impacts (IPCC
Successful habitat adjustment is further constrained by 2007b). Generally, these consequences will be more acute
anthropogenic barriers, as well as resource availability and in developing countries due to lower adaptive capacity, with
community dynamics in the new geographic range (Walther Africa likely the most adversely affected continent.
et al. 2002). These combined effects may ultimately produce The Sahel and other transitional ecosystems have been
unique communities consisting of species not co-existing subjected to climatic change for decades, mostly via
currently. Williams & Jackson (2007) suggest that novel altered precipitation regimes associated with progressive
climate regimes are expected to develop throughout the desertification. Giles (2007) noted that local adaptation to
tropics and subtropics, including areas considered biodiversity these processes remains poorly studied, but evidence suggests
hotspots. Attempting to project future ecological organization that many communities have proven surprisingly resilient.
in climates without present analogs is fraught with additional Changing agricultural practices and a focus on collective
uncertainty due to the extrapolative nature of such projections production, allowing for diversification and risk sharing,
(Williams & Jackson 2007). have occurred. While it is impossible to generalize from these
isolated studies, they suggest that adaptation is possible even
Socioeconomic Effects in the absence of a modern technological base. The question
The total cost of unmitigated climate change as direct human remains as to how much additional change can be absorbed
impacts and indirect impacts resulting from the disruption of by local ingenuity without further deterioration of already
ecosystem services has been estimated to reach up to 20% marginal living conditions.
of the global gross domestic product by 2100, implying that
the cost of inaction vastly exceeds that of comprehensive Implications for Conservation
mitigation (Stern 2007). Direct socioeconomic impacts are and Development
caused by limitations of human physiology to withstand Current strategies for minimizing climate change impacts on
weather extremes, and displacement as a result of sea level rise, biota and human populations fall into the broad categories
glacial outburst floods and other climate-linked processes. If of mitigation (reducing and sequestering emissions) and
projections are correct, tragic events such as the European heat adaptation (infrastructure upgrades, climate change-integrated
waves of 2003 and 2006 will recur at higher frequencies and conservation strategies) (Bierbaum & Raven 2007; Hannah
intensities (IPCC 2007a). Implications for tropical cyclone et al. 2002a). Both go hand-in-hand within the general

108 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
framework of conservation and development and present Generally, vulnerability increases in systems subject to other
opportunities for synergies. Ultimately, success of future stresses that depress overall resilience and adaptive capacity
biodiversity conservation endeavors hinge on: (1) minimizing (IPCC 2007b), a condition sometimes referred to as “general
the magnitude of additional climate change, (2) developing stress syndrome” (Western 2006). This may be particularly
and applying climate change-integrated conservation and applicable to coastal systems, such as salt marshes, mangrove
development strategies, and (3) taking advantage of funds swamps and dune communities as they tend to be squeezed
available through carbon markets to reach conservation between the figurative rock and a hard place, comprised of
objectives. rising seas and ever-expanding human settlements that fringe
many of the world’s coastlines with few opportunities for
Climate change-integrated migration or adaptation. Similar scenarios apply to montane
conservation strategies and polar environments.
According to Folke (2006), “a major shift in perspective is
As previously discussed, models are an important tool to evaluate
currently taking place with an emphasis on complex adaptive
potential impacts under scenarios of climate change and to
systems characterized by nonlinear relations, path dependency,
assist in formulating risk assessments to inform management,
thresholds, regime shifts, and multiple basins of attraction.
but they cannot predict the precise timing and consequences
[…] Conservation thinking needs to move away from steady
of climatic and biotic threshold events, many of which will
state solutions to accept that change is the rule rather than the
come as a ‘surprise’, unanticipated until they occur. For this
exception”. Climate change-integrated conservation strategies
reason, robust adaptive management frameworks need to be
build upon these principles, with resilience management
implemented that are capable of responding to unanticipated
and adaptive management at multiple spatial and temporal
events and adapting to new types of ecological communities
scales being central elements. As pointed out by Harris et
lacking current analogs. This necessitates development of
al. (2006) and others, not all classic conservation biology
temporally nested management schemes that retain current
wisdom will still apply as global warming accelerates,
3-5 year planning intervals while also incorporating long-
requiring a comprehensive re-evaluation of traditional
term, multi-decadal visions under a variety of impact scenarios
conservation practices. The inappropriateness of continuing
(Hannah et al. 2002a). Monitoring will contribute greatly to
to utilize historical benchmarks as restoration targets, and
success, providing data necessary to critically evaluate the
species conservation efforts in static preserves that may
adequacy of the planning framework in regular intervals,
soon experience abiotic conditions falling outside the target
while also providing opportunities for model validation
organisms’ tolerance, are just two examples. Identifying and
and refinement. Experiments, both in controlled laboratory
embracing concepts and methodologies in need of change
environments and in the field, augment the toolbox of adaptive
will be a key challenge for conservationists. Opportunities
management by providing data points on how representative
for synergistic management exist that simultaneously seek to
sample plots, functional groups or individual species may
achieve traditional conservation and climate change-proofing
respond to altered environmental conditions in the future.
objectives by alleviating stresses, maximizing functional
redundancy, and increasing connectivity between conservation Spatially hierarchical organization is also important.
areas. Increasing local genetic diversity by facilitating Ideally, management should be global in extent, local in
reproduction among specimens from distal portions of their implementation, and regionally coordinated. The regional
natural range could be utilized to maximize the adaptive nexus is an indispensible component, as traditional top-down
potential of protected species (Harris et al. 2006). and bottom-up approaches tend to lose focus at the far end
of their scalar spectra, creating issues of noncompliance and
The rapid rate of projected climate change may exceed the free-ridership, respectively. Regional coordination is also best-
ability of some species to keep up with shifting climate suited for landscape-scale management of the matrix between
zones (Petit et al. 2008). This has given rise to a debate conservation lands and other ‘pristine’ areas, which is crucial
among conservation scientists about the merits of creation to allow species to migrate as they adjust their ranges (Hannah
of migration corridors and assisted migration (also known et al. 2002a, Hannah et al. 2002b). Finally, the regional nexus
as assisted colonization) (Hunter 2007; Mclachlan et al. allows for economies of scale in monitoring and modeling by
2007). Where economic and geopolitical realities preclude sharing resources.
creating new protected lands along leading edges of shifting
bioclimatic envelopes, and for species whose bioclimatic Technology transfer and market mechanisms
envelopes are projected to collapse entirely, attempts may in support of biodiversity conservation
focus on delaying responses to preserve the status quo in Even the best possible conservation management and climate
protected areas for as long as possible via strategic human change adaptation efforts cannot succeed without funding and
intervention to boost resilience. Such measures could successful mitigation to limit accumulation of atmospheric
conceivably incorporate disease control, removal of invasive greenhouse gases to manageable levels. The remainder of this
species and assisted propagation as well as techniques learned paper therefore transcends disciplinary boundaries to assume
from management of non-native specimens in zoological and a more holistic perspective by highlighting a selection of
botanical gardens. evolving incentives promoting technology transfers, carbon

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 109
trading mechanisms and conservation funding opportunities, the mechanism: any company needing to emit more will have
illustrated by pending implementation of the concept of REDD an incentive to either invest in carbon credits or look for new
(Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation). technologies that will result in mitigation of emissions. To
In countries with high adaptive capacity, technological meet this demand, countries or companies will be searching to
innovation is a central part of climate change mitigation provide offset capabilities via lessening emissions or actually
efforts. In Germany, large-scale deployment of renewable looking for new ways to capture or store carbon. The National
energy generation has contributed to reducing national CO2 Allocation Plan was applied in the form of European Union
emissions by approximately 18.4% between 1990 and 2005 Allowances (EUAs) to 12,000 companies which account
(UNFCCC 2007b). Carbon capture and storage (CCS) from for over half of all the CO2 emitted in the EU. The United
large point sources is a potential, yet technologically complex States does not possess such a mandatory scheme, but the
‘fix’ that is advocated as an attractive contribution to climate voluntary Chicago Climate Exchange is a sister company of
change mitigation, although it substantially decreases the the European Climate Exchange and is in a position to trade
efficiency of power plants utilizing this technology (IPCC emission allowances if and when the United States government
2005). This may have conservation implications by increasing should adopt a similar system (Asplund 2008).
demand for fuels, including mining of fossil sources and
biomass. There are numerous other technological options in The main thrust of these market initiatives is the expectation
development and currently available that could contribute that companies will lower emissions. A signal is being sent to
to stabilizing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations if markets everywhere that there may be advantages to investment
widely adopted. This process is slowed in part by a lack of in both innovation and carbon abatement. The trading segment
accounting for the true cost of carbon emissions, essentially of the EU’s cap-and-trade system is the European Union
subsidizing fossil fuel-intensive industries by allowing them Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) – companies can buy and
to externalize those costs. More significant for developing sell EUAs among themselves, or they can buy or sell in the
countries, economic and capacity limitations as well as cash market. In 2007, US$ 50 billion, almost entirely in EU
barriers to technology transfers (Gallagher 2006), pose severe ETS allowances, were traded, almost double that of 2006
limitations to deployment of low-carbon technologies in parts (Capoor & Ambrosi 2008), involving more than 2 billion tons
of the world where emissions are rising most rapidly. Removing of CO2 equivalent (MtCO2e). The absolute number is not as
these barriers and providing incentives via instruments like important as the observed growth. It must be kept in mind that
the Climate Change Adaptation Fund (Zahabu et al. 2007) to the EU-ETS underwent a successful trial period in 2005-2007
assist in capacity building are short-term necessities to reduce to provide experience for a cap-and-trade system to be enacted
new construction of long-lived, inefficient infrastructure such during 2008-2012 (Ellerman & Joskow 2008).
as coal-fired power plants. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) arrangement
under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol allows industrialized
The question of economic incentives holds - as a general countries to invest in projects that reduce emissions in
premise - the notion that it is advantageous, both for biodiversity developing countries to receive credits. CDMs today account
conservation and economic development purposes, to create a for most project-based transactions, with values tripling in
market for GHG emissions. There are broad options for such 2007 over 2006 to US$ 7.4 billion. 68 countries offered to
mechanisms from ensuring that desirable clean or alternative reduce 2,500 MtCO2e via 3,000 mostly clean energy projects.
technologies be developed, to the creation of disincentives by In contrast, voluntary markets that support mitigation
taxing emissions. activities not mandated by policies effected only 42 MtCO2e
of reductions in 2007 (Capoor & Ambrosi 2008; Wara 2007).
Debatable as it may be, an argument can be made that a market
As Laurance (2007) explained, “protecting an endangered
assigns ‘values’ in such a way that supply/ demand situations
forest in Madagascar might have the same net benefit, from
develop. This implies, for the CO2 case, that once society
a carbon-emissions perspective, as improving the efficiency
becomes aware of the perils of emissions and the benefits of
of a coal-fired generating plant in Ohio. A transaction like
emitting less, capturing or storing carbon gasses, economic
this could have three important benefits: GHGs are reduced,
transactions reflecting such values will follow. Inherent to this
a biologically important forest is protected, and Madagascar
concept is the idea of emission ‘offsets’; that is, individuals
gains direly needed foreign revenues.” This example, even
or corporations can offset emissions by paying for them in
if clarifying advantages of such schemes, also underlines
some way. An institution – normally an international body or
some of the difficulties in making these widely viable and
a sovereign state - sets a limit (cap) on the amount of CO2 that
operational: difficulties that arise in emission measurements, in
can be emitted; various companies are issued emission permits
conservation effectiveness (e.g. how to define a deforestation
that allow them to emit specific amounts. For example, the
‘baseline’), and in monitoring dynamics of investments in
European Union (EU) set up a National Allocation Plan in
carbon funds.
2001 with emission caps for each member state. Then each
state put an emission cap on each major company at a level Further questions remain, especially regarding the
that would preclude the company’s emissions to increase administration of the markets, the avoidance of speculation
without penalty. This is the major difference and the core of and making the projects work to full capacity. According

110 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
to Wara (2007), “what matters in the long term is the type use rights, fulfilling the criteria of integrated conservation
of energy infrastructure that gets locked into place in the and development discussed in the introduction to this paper.
world economy”. Furthermore, from the larger viewpoint This will be most effective for collective efforts, whereby
of biodiversity concerns, it is clear that market mechanisms intracommunal competition is reduced, risks are shared,
should be only one part of a more comprehensive strategy and better negotiating positions achieved, as governments
that should also rethink protected area design, habitat will be keen to minimize transaction and monitoring costs
improvements, and dispersal corridors (Rahel et al. 2008). by avoiding contracts with individual smallholders (Grieg-
Since monitoring changes that are bound to be accelerating Gran et al. 2005). While governance challenges will have to
over the next decades and beyond will require increased be overcome in many countries to build administrative and
funding at the international and regional levels, utilization of enforcement capacity, a model framework already exists in
funds generated by market payments for mitigation projects, Tanzania through village forest reserves, which experience less
particularly those with biodiversity benefits, are an attractive degradation from illegal resource extraction than traditional
option to expand on existing conservation funding schemes. public reserves (Zahabu et al. 2007). As suggested by Koenig
(2008), forest tracts may alternatively be leased from the
Case example: Realizing conservation government by rural communities, which receive payments for
objectives via synergies with REDD avoided deforestation or degradation, based on the principle
Since anthropogenic GHGs are well-mixed in the atmosphere, of additionality relative to a pre-determined baseline, in
mitigation has global applicability, meaning that sequestration return. This income replaces lost logging revenues and allows
does not have to occur proximal to emission sources. To date, purchase of resources traditionally extracted from forests if
credit for biomass sequestration is limited to afforestation such extraction would compromise sequestration objectives.
and reforestation projects under the CDM, whereas efforts Many forest uses, including limited harvest of timber and
to reduce emissions via implementation of improved forest biomass, are compatible with climate change mitigation and
management and reduced deforestation are not currently can be integrated with sustainable stand management. Lease
credited (Zahabu et al. 2007). Efforts are underway to change payments would cover government administrative costs and
this by incorporating REDD into the follow-up to the Kyoto allow for monitoring to ensure that sequestration objectives are,
protocol that is expected to be drafted by December 2009 and in fact, met. Such an implementation scheme would provide
take effect, pending ratification, by 2012. Many developing the type of direct market integration for non-consumptive or
nations have extensive forest cover experiencing rapid rates low-impact use that has been so difficult to achieve.
of deforestation and degradation to accommodate rapidly
growing populations and global resource demand. REDD Re- and afforestation projects established via the CDM
promises to provide funds to reverse these trends by assigning a framework complement primary forests protected under
direct, creditable market value to carbon sequestration services REDD by creating second-growth forests and plantations that,
provided by forests. Globally, $1.2 billion to $10 billion have while less diverse than comparable old-growth plots, increase
been cited as becoming available for forest protection (Miles habitat connectivity and decrease fragmentation (Stokstad
& Kapos 2008). Zahabu et al. (2007) describe a scenario for 2008). Therefore, development of carbon trading schemes
implementation of REDD in Tanzania, whereby up to $119 per that incorporate biomass sequestration and appropriate
average rural household ($630 million total) could be gained monitoring and enforcement mechanisms are the single most
annually by halting deforestation. Reducing deforestation also important steps towards integrating rural communities in the
slows regional climatic changes that would otherwise occur climate change adaptation and mitigation process.
via alteration of albedo and hydrologic cycles. Deforestation
in Amazonia, for instance, creates warmer, drier climates that Conservation objectives may not always coincide with forest
decrease evaporative cooling and increase both susceptibility plots assigned the highest priority through REDD, which
to fires and forest dieback, initiating a positive feedback loop is strictly based on carbon stocks and does not take other
(Bonan 2008). Without intervention, critical thresholds may environmental services into account. Many conservation
be exceeded to initiate conversion to alternate biomes such as projects do not target forests at all. However, REDD funds
savannahs, which would irrevocably result in mass extinctions may release conservation funding currently tied up in
of forest fauna and flora (Lenton et al. 2008). high-carbon, old-growth forests to be re-assigned to boost
protection of non-forested areas that may be at increased risk
Most REDD proposals target trading among nations rather than for conversion and degradation as ranching and agricultural
companies or individuals (Miles & Kapos 2008). To what extent crop production is displaced from forests elsewhere (Miles
funds would be used and re-distributed would be left to each & Kapos 2008), or from direct impacts of climate change. It
government. However, because implementation would occur is in this sense that the market integration REDD promises
at the site-scale, landowning individuals and communities will to generate opportunities that reach far beyond forests alone,
be in a strong position to contribute to sequestration efforts, but allow climate change-integrated conservation strategies
allowing them to negotiate with governments to maximize to be more widely employed to boost resilience of many
economic payments for maintaining or expanding land cover of the most vulnerable ecosystems to avert or delay the
compatible with sequestration if empowered by property or most devastating impacts of climate change. Conservation

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 111
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B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 113
Pervasive poleward shifts among North American bird species
A. Townsend Peterson1 and Enrique Martínez-Meyer2
Authors’ Addresses: Abstract. Climate change is expected to influence species’ geographic distributions in the form of poleward and upward
Natural History range expansion combined with extirpations from the equatorial and downslope sides of the distribution, but such shifts
Museum and observed to date have been relatively subtle. Such shifts would be driven by changing patterns of fitness under changing
Biodiversity Research conditions, producing population responses that would then be followed by range expansions and retractions. Here, we
Center, The University demonstrate pervasive population trends across the North American avifauna, reflected in the mean latitudinal position across
of Kansas, Lawrence, all individuals of each species, conservatively estimated as affecting nearly half of the species in the avifauna. This result
Kansas 66045 USA. appears to constitute an intermediate step that would likely translate into concrete range shifts in numerous species over
coming decades. We take this bellwether as a signal that climate change processes are affecting a significant proportion of
Instituto de Biología,
North American bird species, and that biodiversity conservation and protected areas planning and management strategies in
Universidad Nacional
the region will need reexamination and re-planning in light of likely population trends and range shifts.
Autónoma de México,
México, D.F. 04510
México. Introduction Hannah 2005). Several studies have documented shifts fitting
The reality of present-day climate change processes is in little these expectations (Holt 1990; Root et al. 2003; Lovejoy and
doubt, notwithstanding debates regarding human roles in Hannah 2005), suggesting that elements of biodiversity are
their causation (IPCC 2007): global temperatures are rising beginning to respond to warming climates (Parmesan 1996;
precipitously, patterns of precipitation are rearranging, and Visser et al. 1998; Parmesan et al. 1999; Chapin et al. 2000;
sea level is rising. Given that elements of biodiversity are Walther et al. 2002; Crozier 2003; Parmesan and Yohe 2003;
known to respond intimately to climate in terms of distribution Perfors et al. 2003; Huntley et al. 2007), but the ubiquity of
and phenology (Grinnell 1917, 1924; Brown and Lomolino these responses is unclear.
1998), these climatic changes have long been expected to
The process of manifesting these shifts, particularly in terms
translate into several predictable sets of distributional effects
of geographic distributions, can be conceptualized as a process
(poleward and upslope range expansions, equatorial-side and
of temporal differentials in fitness causing population swells
downslope retractions) (Dobson et al. 1989; Holt 1990; Visser
and lows in different portions of the geographic distribution,
et al. 1998; Crozier 2003; Perfors et al. 2003; Lovejoy and
followed by eventual extirpation of equatorial-side populations
and colonization of new areas along the poleward side of the
distribution (Fig. 1). Under this scheme, actual distributional
shifts would be the last signal of climate change effects on
species, and would not be detectable until late in the process,
but would be preceded by population shifts within the original
distributional area. Indeed, several analyses of distributional
shifts as a function of climate change have detected only subtle
distributional shifts (Parmesan 1996; Parmesan et al. 1999;
Cresswell and McCleery 2003; Crozier 2003; Parmesan and
Yohe 2003; Conti Nunes et al. 2007). In contrast, population
shifts have not been analyzed on continental scales—the
focus of this contribution—we show that numbers in about
half of North American bird species are swelling poleward
and declining on the equatorial sides of species’ distributional
areas, a trend that will eventually translate into real range
Materials and Methods
Data for these analyses were obtained from the U.S. Breeding
Bird Survey (BBS), drawing on survey results from the entire
span of the survey (1966-present). We included only breeding
bird species, and eliminated nonnative species from all
analyses. We further reduced the working dataset by focusing
on only those species for which >5 occurrence localities
were available, so as to analyze only those species for which
Figure 1. Hypothesized process of climate change effects on species’ geographic distributions. Curved blue sampling was sufficient for assessment of trends.
lines summarize approximate abundance of the species; black dashed lines indicate range limits; arrows
indicate increases and decreases in fitness; and diamonds and X’s indicate colonizing populations and For each species in each year, we calculated the average
extirpated populations, respectively. (A) “Normal” condition; (B) intermediate stage, in which numbers
swell along poleward margin of species range, but reduce along equatorial margin; and (C) actual range latitude across all individuals as , where xij is the number of
shifts, consisting of poleward colonization, and equatorial-side extirpation. individuals of species i at site j, and Lj is the latitude of site j.

114 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Figure 2.
Example map of a species
(Common Poorwill,
Phalaenoptilus nuttallii),
showing strong northward
shifts in distribution over
the Breeding Bird Survey
sampling period: (top left)
distribution of individuals
of the species in 1980;
(top right) distribution of
individuals of the species
in 2004; (bottom) graph of
numbers of individuals of
the same species across all
sampling transects in the
BBS, showing individual
transects (small black
squares) and average
latitude (Lavg; large white
circles) through 1967-
2004. Circles on maps
indicate numbers of
individuals detected, with
successive sizes (small to
large) representing 1, 2, 3,
4-5, and 6-9 individuals
detected. The high 1967
Lavg value is based on only
3 occurrences detected
that year, as opposed to
much larger sample sizes in
succeeding years.

We then developed a simple linear regression for each species, shifts, whereas only 74 showed significant southward population
with Lavg as the dependent variable, and year as the independent shifts and 237 showed no significant shifts. The imbalance
variable, taking probability values of <0.05 as statistically between positive and negative shifts was statistically significantly
significant. Finally, we were concerned that shifting patterns different from expectations (P < 10-15).
of coverage in the BBS effort could be producing the shifts in
Lavg that were observed in initial analyses. As a consequence, To guard against possible biases from historical shifts in
we restricted a second iteration of our analyses to only those distribution of survey routes, we repeated the analysis over
survey routes for which >20 yr of survey data were available, 1829 survey routes for which time series of >20 yr were
and repeated the analyses described above. Clearly, however, available, and results were similar: 180 species increasing
because numbers of routes are smaller in the 20-year data set, versus 33 species decreasing in average latitude, out of 378
fewer species meet the sample size requirements. species, with an associated probability of P < 10-14. Hence,
even controlling for potential bias resulting from uneven
Results spatial distribution of additions of routes to the BBS, the
Calculating the average latitude across all individuals tallied on poleward population swell is clear across almost half of North
4726 U.S. Breeding Bird Survey (BBS 2006) routes in each year American bird species. Results were similar when species were
during 1960-2006, we regressed average yearly latitude on year divided into terrestrial (193 increasing and 59 decreasing in
to search for poleward population swells (Fig. 2; see methods latitude, out of 419 species) versus aquatic (34 increasing and
below and summary table in Supplementary Information). Of 15 decreasing in latitude, out of 153 species), again indicating
572 species tested, 261 showed significant northward population the widespread nature of the population shifts.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 115
Discussion Brown, J. H., and M. V. Lomolino. 1998. Biogeography (Sinauer
Associates, Massachusetts).
The pervasive poleward population swells documented herein Butcher, G. S., and D. K. Niven. 2007. Combining data from the Christmas
among North American bird species have several important Bird Count and the Breeding Bird Survey to determine the continental
implications for conservation. First, as can be appreciated in Fig. status and trends of North American birds; http://stateofthebirds. (National Audubon Society, New
1, population shifts will likely be followed by distributional shifts. York).
This situation will have myriad implications for conservation Butcher, G. S., D. K. Niven, A. O. Panjabi, D. N. Pashley, and K.
efforts: presently well-situated reserves may no longer contain V. Rosenberg. 2007. The 2007 WatchList for United States birds.
American Birds 2007: 18-25.
populations of the species that they were designed to protect, and Chapin, F. S. I., E. S. Zavaleta, V. T. Eviner, R. L. Naylor, P. M.
discords among appropriate climate conditions and appropriate Vitousek, H. L. Reynolds, D. U. Hooper, S. Lavorel, O. E. Sala, S.
land cover types may arise (Peters and Darling 1985; Lovejoy E. Hobbie, M. C. Mack, and S. Diaz. 2000. Consequences of changing
biodiversity. Nature 405: 234-242.
and Hannah 2005). As such, we suggest serious reconsideration Conti Nunes, M. F., M. Galetti, S. Marsden, R. S. Pereira, and A. T.
of the configuration of both current and planned protected Peterson. 2007. Are large-scale distributional shifts of the Blue-winged
natural areas to take into account ongoing climate change and the Macaw (Primolius maracana) related to climate change? Journal of
Biogeography 34: 816-827.
likely future configuration of distributional areas (Papeş 2006; Cresswell, W., and R. McCleery. 2003. How great tits maintain
Hannah et al. 2007)—clearly, this recommendation has serious synchronization of their hatch date with food supply in response to long-
implications, but the frequency with which we have observed term variability in temperature. Journal of Animal Ecology 72: 356-366.
Crozier, L. 2003. Winter warming facilitates range expansion: cold tolerance
species’ numbers shifting northward strongly suggests dramatic of the butterfly Atalopedes campestris. Oecologia 135: 648-656.
range shifts in years to come. Dobson, A., A. Jolly, and D. Rubenstein. 1989. The Greenhouse Effect
and biological diversity. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 4: 64-68.
More subtly, these results indicate the need for caution in Grinnell, J. 1917. Field tests of theories concerning distributional control.
interpreting estimates of overall trends in species’ numbers, American Naturalist 51: 115-128.
Grinnell, J. 1924. Geography and evolution. Ecology 5: 225-229.
which has become a popular means of summarizing results of Hamel, P. B. 2000. Cerulean Warbler Status Assessment (U.S. Fish &
long-term monitoring data sets (Robbins et al. 1989; Butcher Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C.).
and Niven 2007; Butcher et al. 2007). Certainly, given our Hannah, L., G. Midgley, S. Andelman, M. Araújo, G. Hughes, E. Martinez-
Meyer, R. Pearson, and P. Williams. 2007. Protected area needs in a
results, an overall ‘species trend’ would oversimplify the changing climate. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5: 131-138.
population processes that may differ in different sectors Holt, R. D. 1990. The microevolutionary consequences of climate change.
of species’ distributions. Of particular note are species Trends in Ecology and Evolution 5: 311-315.
Hunter, W. C., D. A. Buehler, R. A. Canterbury, J. L. Confer, and P.
that are shifting in the northernmost tier of Breeding Bird B. Hamel. 2001. Conservation of disturbance-dependent birds in eastern
Survey routes may appear to be in decline, when they are North America. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29: 440-455.
simply shifting out of the survey region populationwise— Huntley, B., R. E. Green, Y. C. Collingham, and S. G. Willis. 2007. A
Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds (Lynx Editions, Madrid).
recent high-profile press releases and proposals for priority Inouye, D. W., B. Barr, K. B. Armitage, and B. D. Inouye. 2000.
conservation status (Hamel 2000; Hunter et al. 2001) should Climate change is affecting altitudinal migrants and hibernating species.
be reconsidered in this light. In general, though, this study Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 97: 1630-1633.
IPCC. 2007. Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis (Cambridge
serves to indicate that the poleward, upward, and earlier University Press, Cambridge).
shifts that have been documented in recent years (Parmesan Lovejoy, T. E., and L. Hannah (Eds). 2005. Climate Change and
1996; Visser et al. 1998; Parmesan et al. 1999; Inouye et al. Biodiversity (Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.).
Nakazawa, Y., R. Williams, A. T. Peterson, P. Mead, E. Staples, and K.
2000; Crozier 2003; Parmesan and Yohe 2003; Nakazawa L. Gage. 2007. Climate change effects on plague and tularemia in the
et al. 2007) are but the tip of the (melting?) iceberg. That is United States. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 7: 529-540.
to say, we readily publish on the observed distributional or Papeş, M. 2006. Ecological niche modeling approaches to conservation
of endangered and threatened birds of Central and Eastern Europe.
phenological shifts, and perhaps do not publish so readily Biodiversity Informatics 4: 14-26.
on negative evidence (Peterson 2003; Archaux 2004). Parmesan, C. 1996. Climate and species’ range. Nature 382: 765-766.
Nonetheless, among the large majority of species not as Parmesan, C., N. Ryrholm, C. Stefanescu, J. K. Hill, C. D. Thomas, H.
Descimon, B. Huntley, L. Kaila, J. Kullberg, T. Tammaru, J. Tennent,
yet showing distributional responses to warming climates, J. A. Thomas, and M. Warren. 1999. Poleward shift of butterfly species’
based on the results of this study, many more are undergoing ranges associated with regional warming. Nature 399: 579-583.
population shifts probably based on differential fitness Parmesan, C., and G. Yohe. 2003. A globally coherent fingerprint of
climate change impacts across natural systems. Nature 421: 37-42.
across latitudinal gradients that will eventually manifest as Perfors, T., J. Harte, and S. E. Alter. 2003. Enhanced growth of sagebrush
real distributional shifts. (Artemisia tridentata) in response to manipulated ecosystem warming.
Global Change Biology 9: 736-742.
Acknowledgments Peters, R. L., and J. D. S. Darling. 1985. The Greenhouse Effect and
We thank our colleagues at the University of Kansas and the nature reserves. BioScience 35: 707-717.
Peterson, A. T. 2003. Subtle recent distributional shifts in Great Plains
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México for ideas and endemic bird species. Southwestern Naturalist 48: 289-292.
discussion. This study was supported partially by the Instituto Robbins, C. S., J. R. Sauer, R. S. Greenberg, and S. Droege. 1989.
Population declines in North American birds that migrate to the Neotropics.
de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 86: 7658-7662.
and partially via a contract with Microsoft Research (to A. T. Root, T. L., J. T. Price, K. R. Hall, S. H. Schneider, C. Rosenzweig, and
J. A. Pounds. 2003. Fingerprints of global warming on wild animals and
Peterson and colleagues). plants. Nature 421: 57-60.
Visser, M. E., A. J. van Noordwijk, J. M. Tinbergen, and C. M. Lessells.
References 1998. Warmer springs lead to mistimed reproduction in great tits (Parus
Archaux, F. 2004. Breeding upwards when climate is becoming warmer: major). Proceedings of the Royal Society B 265: 1867-1870.
no bird response in the French Alps. Ibis 146: 138-144. Walther, G.-R., E. Post, P. Convey, A. Menzel, C. Parmesan, T. J. C.
BBS. 2006. North American Breeding Bird Survey (U.S. Geological Beebee, J.-M. Fromentin, Hoegh-Guldberg, and F. Bairlein. 2002.
Survey,, Washington, D.C.). Ecological responses to recent climate change. Nature 416: 389-395.

116 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Protecting the future:
Carbon, forests, protected areas and local livelihoods
Alison Campbell 1, Sarah Clark 1, Lauren Coad 1, Lera Miles 1, Katharine Bolt 1,2, and Dilys Roe 3
Abstract. The current proposals on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries being discussed under the UN Authors’ Addresses:
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) could have significant implications for biodiversity conservation and for forest-dependent livelihoods. 1.
UNEP World
In the post-2012 period, developing countries could receive financial benefits in return for decreasing their greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and Conservation
forest degradation (REDD). Monitoring Centre,
Protected areas can act as a case study for REDD: lessons can be learnt from their success or otherwise in reducing deforestation and supporting local 219 Huntingdon Road,
livelihoods. Depending upon the exact mechanisms decided between and within countries, protected areas could have a role to play in reducing national-scale Cambridge CB3 0DL
deforestation, through strengthening existing forest protected areas and/or declaring new areas. Overall, protected areas are effective at limiting deforestation,
Royal Society for the
but there are exceptions. Their track record in supporting livelihoods is more variable. The early indications are that community-managed and indigenous Protection of Birds, The
reserves are often effective in achieving both goals, but that biodiversity conservation is not necessarily such a high priority within these areas. Further research Lodge, Potton Road,
into the most effective management and governance frameworks for achieving goals on carbon emissions, biodiversity and communities, and the extent to Sandy, Bedfordshire
which protected areas reduce (or merely displace) deforestation within national boundaries would be useful in informing REDD implementation. SG19 2DL
International Institute
for Environment
Background approaches to reducing deforestation and supporting co- and Development,
benefits. Protected area experience could thus help to inform 3 Endsleigh Street,
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest London WC1H 0DD
degradation (REDD) in developing countries was first REDD decision-making at local to national scales.
raised at a UN Framework Convention on Climate Change How successful are protected
(UNFCCC) meeting in 2005. The UNFCCC aims to stabilize
greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level
areas at reducing deforestation?
Successful implementation of REDD is likely to require
that prevents dangerous interference with the climate system.
the reduction of deforestation rates on a national scale. It is
Decisions made under UNFCCC can therefore be expected
therefore useful to know the effects of forest designation and
to focus on stabilizing emissions of carbon dioxide and
management on deforestation rates, and to consider the design
other greenhouse gases, and not to make explicit provision
and management-related factors that influence protected area
for maximizing any other benefits of reduced deforestation
effectiveness in reducing deforestation and forest degradation.
and forest degradation. The prospect that forest issues could
Here, we focus on deforestation, as there is little research on
be tackled through the Convention has been welcomed
the impacts of protected areas on the degradation of forest
by many conservationists, but also sparked an increasing
carbon stocks.
amount of controversy, especially amongst forest user
groups. Whilst there are some risks both for conservation, The evidence suggests that protected areas are an effective
and for the livelihoods of people dependent on forests or tool for reducing deforestation within their boundaries. That
forest conversion, participatory planning and monitoring of is, there is usually less deforestation within formally protected
the effects of REDD activities on these co-benefits could areas than in their immediate surroundings (Sánchez-
help to minimise the risks. Azofeifa et al. 1999, 2003; Pelkey et al. 2000; Bruner et al.
2001; Deininger & Minten 2002; Helmer 2004; Curran et
A UNFCCC decision on compensation to developing countries al. 2004; DeFries et al. 2005; Mas 2005; Naughton-Treves
for REDD is only likely to arise as part of an overall post- et al. 2005, 2006; Sommerville 2005; Bleher et al. 2006;
2012 agreement on greenhouse gas emissions. Major issues Nepstad et al. 2006; Chowdhury 2006; Gaveau et al. 2007;
yet to be decided include whether the international agreement Oliveira et al. 2007; Phua et al. 2008). A minority of studies
involves a forest carbon market or fund, and to what extent have reported that protection status had no significant impact
broader forest conservation efforts and carbon stocks in non- on deforestation, indicating that legal designation alone is
forest ecosystems would be accounted for. At the December insufficient when land-use change pressures are high and
2007 Conference of Parties in Bali, Parties to the Convention governance limited (Marizán 1994; Cropper et al. 2001;
agreed a ‘demonstration’ phase to test REDD methodologies Rautner et al. 2005; Roman-Cuesta & Martinez-Vilalta
and share experiences. Various donors, tropical forest 2006). In addition, the extent to which deforestation is
countries, non-governmental organisations and private sector merely displaced to surrounding areas is unclear. This issue is
players are now investing in this pilot phase. particularly relevant in the context of REDD, where the aim
Whilst REDD is likely to involve national-scale policy is to reduce total greenhouse gas emissions.
changes and planning, forest management changes will have Whilst protected areas tend to reduce the rate of deforestation
to be implemented at a site scale. Although protected areas relative to their surroundings, forest may still be cleared at
are by definition (IUCN 1994) established for biodiversity high rates. In an extreme example, Gunung Raya Wildlife
conservation rather than climate mitigation purposes, they Sanctuary in Sumatra lost nearly 81% of its forest cover
can offer existing experience in the effectiveness of different between 1972 and 2002, with a deforestation rate only

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 117
0.1% less than that of the surrounding area (Gaveau et al. of indigenous lands and community forestry areas, which
2007). Annual deforestation rates in excess of 3-6 percent indicate success in reducing deforestation (Bray et al. 2003,
have been reported within protected area borders (Achard 2004; Ruiz Perez et al. 2005; Hayes 2006; Murdiyarso &
et al. 2002; Linkie et al. 2004). Such vulnerable protected Skutsch 2006; Nepstad et al. 2006; Stocks et al. 2007). These
areas could offer useful test sites for reducing deforestation factors need further investigation if the potential for REDD
within the REDD demonstration phase, as the necessary to provide carbon, biodiversity and livelihood benefits is to
land designations and legislative frameworks are already be assessed.
in place, and the biodiversity co-benefits are already Land tenure and land use rights differ across protected areas,
identified. as do the number of people living in and around the area.
This raises the question of what factors influence protected Thousands of people, indigenous or otherwise, may live
area effectiveness in reducing deforestation, assuming within individual protected areas. These protected areas
an equal degree of pressure. Effectiveness in reducing vary in their governance and in the level of community
deforestation is commonly linked to the level of funding involvement. From a conservation perspective, the rationale
(Jepson et al. 2002; Wilkie et al. 2001; Aung 2007). Without for community involvement is that denying locals access
adequate funding, protected areas lack the necessary to protected area resources or decision-making leads to
infrastructure and management resulting in “paper parks”. tension between protected area officials (where present)
Dudley et al. (2004) suggest that legal gazettement does and residents (Hayes 2006). When government agencies
immediately confer some protective effect, but that allocate land for certain purposes without consulting local
active management (including planning, monitoring and residents, they may simply ignore the restrictions (Werner
evaluation) improves this. Strong involvement of NGOs 2001), or violent conflict may erupt (Naughton-Treves
can be a significant factor in protected area success, et al. 2006). There are various effective approaches to
probably as a result of their contribution to management involving local people, ranging from compensation for costs
practices and employee accountability (Sommerville incurred (Bruner et al. 2001) to full co-management (Brown
2005). Staff education, training, and salaries are all often 1999). Environmental education can help communities to
listed as weaknesses in protected area management that understand the benefits of protected areas and increase local
limit effectiveness (Aung 2007). support for their protection. This type of outreach has been
found to correlate strongly with management effectiveness
The World Conservation Union (IUCN) describes six (Dudley et al. 2004), though not in all cases (Struhsaker
management categories for protected areas, based on the et al. 2005). The strength of public support has also been
reasons for establishment. In general, protected areas with correlated with overall conservation success (Mugisha &
a higher IUCN category (I-II) are more (and sometimes Jacobson 2004; Struhsaker et al. 2005), although again, not
completely) restrictive of resource exploitation and land use in all cases (Bruner et al. 2001).
change than the lower categories (V-VI). Protected areas
designated under categories (I-II) seem to be more effective A protected area network that incorporates all levels of
at reducing deforestation than those which include a focus on protection, as appropriate for the situation at site level, could
sustainable use (V-VI) (Jones 1990; Sánchez-Azofeifa 1999; be a valuable component of a national REDD strategy. Unless
Pelkey et al. 2000; Dudley et al. 2004; Naughton-Treves et al. a country’s protected area network includes a high proportion
2005; Bleher et al. 2006; Nepstad et al. 2006). However, there of remaining forest, it can form only part of a successful
are comparatively few studies on deforestation rates within REDD strategy, as the local reduction in carbon emissions
category V-VI protected areas, so further investigation would resulting from the success of a protected area may be offset
be useful. by an increase in deforestation outside of the area (Ewers &
Rodrigues 2008).
These comparative studies typically make use of remote
sensing to assess deforestation levels, and rarely consider What are the livelihood impacts
the forms of governance within the protected areas, or the of forest protected areas ?
level of community involvement. Protected area management The majority of the rural poor make use of forest resources: in
and governance regimes can differ both within and between Africa alone, 600 million people have been estimated to rely
IUCN categories (Naughton-Treves et al. 2006). The land on forests and woodlands for their livelihoods (Anderson et al.
and resources in any of the six management categories can be 2006). The benefits of protected areas for local communities
owned and/or directly managed, alone or in combination, by can include direct revenue from environmental protection,
government agencies, NGOs, communities and private parties livelihood diversification, security of access to given resources,
(Borrini-Feyerabend 2007). At one end of the governance and the maintenance of ecosystem services such as watershed
spectrum, the state has ownership of the area and may involve protection. Costs can range from significant crop damage
the surrounding communities in some decision-making by wildlife (e.g. Bajracharya et al. 2006) to displacement
through representation in stakeholder groups; at the other of local communities from their customary lands (West et
end, protected areas are owned and run by the communities al. 2006), and may include restricted access to resources
themselves. Some insight can be gained through studies and disadvantageous changes in land tenure. The nature of

118 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
these costs and benefits depends largely upon the protected on these resources, relying on the collection of forest
area’s status and governance, as well as its history of use. products as a safety net during times of low-employment
Some protected areas restrict access to resources, whereas and food production (Ferraro 2002). Forest restrictions can
others allow sustainable use; and land tenure arrangements therefore have large impacts on the poorest sections of forest
and benefit sharing vary across the six IUCN management communities. Resource restrictions may also differentially
categories. affect the livelihoods of men and women: such as allowing
collection of non-timber forest products and firewood, but
The net livelihood impacts of protected areas are not easy banning hunting (e.g. Sekhar 1998; Allendorf et al. 2006).
to summarise, as standardised assessment methodologies Overall, however, the more prominent members of society
are lacking, and because it is difficult to place a monetary tend to capture most of the benefits from protected areas whilst
value on some aspects. However, general patterns can be suffering less of the costs. This is often true regardless of the
identified from the literature. Livelihood impacts vary protected area status or the level of community involvement
with protected area status, management strategies and in governance.
community involvement in governance. Management
structures can provide direct benefits, for example through In contrast with the norm of government planning, some
employment, but can restrict access to resources, alter protected areas are designated in response to the desire
local power structures, and change social/traditional of local communities to safeguard local resources (De
values and behaviours. Strictly protected areas with top- Lacy 1994; Catton 1997; Naughton-Treves 1998; Chapin
down management structures (often associated with IUCN 2000; Colchester 2000; Lawrence 2000; Schwartzmann
management categories I-II) can result in major livelihood & Zimmerman 2005; Sohn 2007). Whilst the direct
costs, generating conflict with local communities. benefits depend upon protected area management strategy,
Community management schemes, and protected area designation is likely to be more favourable to local
management allowing sustainable use of forest resources livelihoods than the transfer of land ownership to external
(often associated with IUCN management categories companies. For example, when the Peruvian government
V-VI), have been shown to provide tangible livelihoods declared that the Madre de Dios region of the Amazon
benefits. However, significant costs can still be incurred was to be opened up to oil and gas exploration, locals and
by communities if management and institutional capacity conservation groups objected to the plans (Chicchón 2000).
is lacking or if issues of governance, particularly benefit The outcome included the designation of the Bahuaja
sharing and tenure, are not resolved. Sonene National Park in 1996, and an agreement that the
exploration activities in adjacent regions would return any
Attitudinal surveys are sometimes used to measure local
land not desired for extraction programmes for inclusion in
perception of protected areas. Even with high costs,
the protected area.
communities can support protected areas, citing the forest
use benefits that they receive (Sekhar 1998). Positive or Increased efforts are required into the standardization of
negative attitudes are sometimes correlated with measurable methodologies for social impact assessment, to facilitate
costs and benefits (Allendorf et al. 2006), but communities further assessment of the costs and benefits of protected areas
may undervalue protected areas, as many of the benefits to local livelihoods. Further study into the combined effects
of protected areas (such as forest products and ecosystem of protection status and governance on the costs and benefits
services) are future use values, and may not be perceived of forest protection would also be a valuable input into the
to be under threat by the community. Wealth, ethnicity, age, development of REDD strategies.
gender and occupation have all been shown to be important
in predicting attitudes, often as a result of differential impacts Lessons for REDD
on livelihoods (Infield 1988; Infield and Namara 2001; There is still much uncertainty regarding the factors influencing
McClanahan et al. 2005; Allendorf et al. 2006; Kideghesho effectiveness of protected areas in reducing deforestation and
et al. 2007). The impact of protected area designation on an impacts on local livelihoods, and a clear need for a detailed
individual is likely to depend on his or her use of the forest, assessment of these factors in order to inform climate change
tenure rights and political power within the community. policy. Although strictly protected areas are often effective in
Those with high dependency on the forest, few land-tenure reducing deforestation, it is clear that protected areas allowing
rights and little political influence will be most at risk from some resource extraction can still reduce deforestation whilst
protected area designation, which in turn is likely to influence imposing fewer livelihood costs. The type and quantity
their attitude towards conservation. of resources extracted will determine the effect on forest
carbon stocks. Further research is required into the impact
The inequitable distribution of livelihood costs and benefits
of the relationship between protected area status, community
between and within communities and households is thus
involvement and governance within protected areas on forest
an obvious barrier to sustainable reduction of deforestation
carbon stores and livelihoods.
as well as a direct issue for human development. Although
richer members of forest communities are often the biggest An agreement on REDD could create an international market
harvesters of forest products, the poor can be more dependent or fund for avoided emissions of greenhouse gases from forest

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 119
loss or damage. The impact on protected areas and livelihoods (Germany), UNEP and WWF UK. We are grateful for input
will depend upon the national as well as global approaches from: the Cambridge Conservation Forum and its members;
selected. The potential exists for REDD to remove the large members of the Poverty Environment Partnership; the
scale drivers of deforestation, secure land tenure rights Poverty Conservation Learning Group; Emily Brickell at
in forest areas, and increase the potential benefits to local WWF UK; David Huberman at IUCN; and UNEP-WCMC
people from conservation through community management staff including Jerry Harrison, Jon Hutton, Peter Herkenrath
regimes. The carbon market offers increasing opportunities and Monika MacDevette. More detailed working papers on
for payments for restoration and retention of forest carbon. this topic may be accessed from
However, existing forest carbon schemes share many of the climate/publications.aspx.
issues seen in protected area management, including lack of
established tenure and the inequitable distribution of resources References
(May et al. 2004; Nelson and de Jong 2003; Griffiths 2007). Achard, F., H.D. Eva, H-J Stibig, P. Mayaux, J. Gallego, T. Richards
and J-P. Malingreau. 2002. Determination of Deforestation Rates
The transaction costs of projects tend to favour large operators of the World’s Humid Tropical Forests. Science 299(5583): 999-
at the expense of small landholders (Pfaff et al. 2007). Clear 1002
governance, including well-defined property rights, is critical Allendorf, T., K. K. Swe, T. Oo, Y. Htut, M. Aung, M. Aung, K.
Allendorf, L. Hayek, P. Leimgruber, and C. Wemmer 2006.
for emerging international markets (Landell-Mills and Porris Community attitudes toward three protected areas in Upper Myanmar
2002), and these issues need careful consideration as REDD (Burma). Environmental Conservation 33(4): 344-352
Anderson, J., C. Benjamin, B. Campell and D. Tiveau. 2006. Forests,
policy develops. Currently, carbon forestry projects are poverty and equity in Africa: new perspectives on policy and practice.
particularly weighted against those whose livelihoods are International Forestry Review 8(1): 44-53
dependent upon less formal rights to forest resources, such as Aung, U.M. 2007. Policy and practice in Myanmar’s protected area
system. Journal of Environmental Management 84(2): 188-203
poor or landless households and women (Brown et al. 2004; Bajracharya, S. B., P. A. Furley, and A.C. Newton. 2006. Impacts
Grieg-Gran et al. 2005); leading to the capture of most of the of Community-based Conservation on Local Communities in the
Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal. Biodiversity and Conservation
benefits by elite groups (Brown & Corbera 2003; Brown et 15(8): 2765-2786
al. 2004). Increased finance could exacerbate these issues, Bleher, B., D. Uster, T. Bergsdorf. 2006. Assessment of Threat Status and
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Managing climate change effects on relic forest

ecosystems: A program for Lebanese Cedar
Sattout, E. J.1* and N. Nemer 2
Authors’ Addresses: Abstract. The effect of climate change on forests varies with the geographical zone and climatic conditions of countries and
Corresponding author regions. While climatic records for the Western Mediterranean show slight trends towards warmer and drier conditions over
Member, IUCN- the last century, parts of the Eastern Mediterranean have experienced cooler and wetter conditions. Mediterranean forests are
World Commission on likely to be impacted by these changes, which could reduce their mitigation potential. If climate change occurs faster than
Protected Area. P.O.Box new ecosystem structure and function can be developed, then the historical relationships between animal, plant and climatic
158 Jounieh - Lebanon. conditions may not be reestablished and biological diversity will be reduced. During the last three decades, an expansion of
E-mail: elsa@intracom. the geographic range of major forest insect pests, caused by increased winter temperatures, have been observed worldwide. In Lebanon, changes in climatic conditions are linked with an altitudinal shift in bioclimatic zones. Cedar forest reserves,
Associate in the Faculty typical of the Montane-Mediterranean zone, recognized worldwide for their biological, cultural, historical and social value
of Agricultural and Food have been facing major threats. An alarming indicator appeared in these forests in the late 1990s where a web-spinning
Sciences, American sawfly affected 70% of one of the largest populations of Cedar (Cedrus libani A.) forests in Lebanon. The newly-discovered
University of Beirut. insect, Cephalcia tannourinensis Chevin, now threatens the survival of several important Cedar forests, namely the Tannourine
P.O. Box 110236, Beirut, Cedar Forest Nature Reserve, the Hadeth El Jebbeh Forest, and the Bsharry Forest. Recognizing the value of these relic
Lebanon. ecosystems, national stakeholders have been proactive in attracting international funds to conserve them, monitor their flora
E-mail: nabil.nemer@ and fauna diversity and to remediate and prevent climate change effects at both national and regional levels. Although the pest management program was satisfactory, work on the sawfly’s biology revealed that it would increase again rapidly
unless climate change effects could be mitigated. The definition of adequate mitigation and adaptation measures requires
the development of monitoring programmes integrating biotic and abiotic parameters. This article highlights the importance
of these Cedar forests and the strategy adopted for managing the pest outbreak through the implementation of an integrated
management program. It presents a monitoring plan for Cedar forest ecosystems under the effects of climate change.
Keywords: Protected areas, web-spinning sawfly, Cedar, Cephalcia tannourinensis, monitoring program, pest management,
adaptive management.

Climate change effects Major ecological theory postulates that the outbreak of
and forest ecosystems some invasive species can be attributed to their release from
The effects of climate change on forests varies with the their natural enemies which sufficiently decrease selective
geographical zone and climatic conditions of countries and pressures to allow the organism to lose many of its adaptation
regions. The impact from atmospheric and climatic changes for deterring or coping with enemy attack. Invasive species
will likely affect the relative distribution of forest types; may be more capable of adapting to a changing climate than
diversity of vascular plants, lichens, and fauna; growth, native species operating under more adaptive constraints
regeneration, and mortality patterns of vegetation, and cause (Parmesan & Matthews 2006).
increased defoliation of tree crowns, increased dieback of
During the last three decades, an expansion of the geographic
fine branches and a disruption of key ecological relationships
range of major forest insect pests has been observed, caused
(Stolte 2001). In the US, examination of forest-process models
by an increase in winter temperatures. The Pine Processionary
at national and regional scales suggests that forest productivity
Moth, a major defoliator of pine trees in Europe and throughout
will increase and biological diversity will change, favoring the
the Mediterranean region, has expanded its range both in
migration of some species and the extinction of other isolated
latitude and in altitude (Battisti et al. 2005; Hodar & Zamora,
species. The range of northern species will shift further north,
2004). Because warming trends are predicted on a general
the southern mixed pine and hardwood ecosystems will
scale, insects are likely to respond to these changes by shifting
expand northward in their range, increasing the geographic
their range boundaries. Therefore, our ability to predict
distribution of southern forest communities. Ecosystems
changes in species distributions and the potential community
consist of complex communities and existing models associate
impacts, as well as to evaluate suitable management strategies
biodiversity with current conditions only, therefore if climate
would benefit from focused study on the effects of climatic
change occurs faster than the new ecosystem structure and
factors on the survival and development of organisms.
function can be developed, the historical relationships between
animal, plant and climatic conditions may not be reestablished The limiting factors in Mediterranean climate are periods of
and biological diversity may suffer (McNulty & Aber 2001). drought and the risk of frost (Anonymous 1999). As climate
It is predicted that some disturbances will probably be quite change effects the frequency of extreme events, the responses
severe such as insect and pathogen outbreaks and others to changes - over the Mediterranean region- both in average
increase in frequency such as fire (Dale et al. 2001; McNulty & climate and in warmer climate variability should lead to an
Aber 2001; Stolte 2001; Paoletti et al. 2007). During climate increase in the occurrence of extremely high temperatures and
transition, forests may have an increased predisposition to a decrease in extremely low temperature events (Barrow et al.
other disturbance factors such as insects and disease outbreaks 1995). While land records for the Western Mediterranean show
(McNulty & Aber 2001). a slight shift towards warmer and drier conditions over the last

122 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
century, parts of the Eastern Mediterranean have experienced vulnerable bioclimatic zones are the coldest and most humid
cooler and wetter conditions. A preliminary assessment in the zones, the areas that lay under severe drought conditions and
water balance over the Eastern Mediterranean, from Turkey also those where a ‘climatic warming’ would occur within
through to Egypt, revealed a tendency for a northward shift the high altitudinal ranges (>1500m). Zones of medium
of the desert line. ‘Many ecosystems could be lost as species altitudinal range (500 up to 1500m), considered to be of
fail to keep up with the shift in climate boundaries and/or find medium vulnerability, will be subject to changes in vegetation
migration paths blocked by human activities’ (Karas 1999). composition. Species within this range will migrate to the
In Lebanon, changes in climatic conditions are bound up closest vegetation zone. The distribution of Cedar forest
with an altitudinal shift in bioclimatic zones. Thus, the most which falls within the 500mm to 1300mm precipitation range

Figure 1.
Distribution of
Cedrus libani A.
Rich. forests in

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 123
Figure 2.
Site for pilgrims and
travelers: The Cedar of
Millennium of Lebanon
by Leon de Jaborde &
Radcliffe. 1827 (Gallery
Chahine. Beirut.

with mean winter temperatures between 2 and 5°C may come Troodos Mountains of eastern Cyprus. In North West Syria,
under increasing stress with the upward shift in bioclimatic C. libani woods, located in the El Ansariye Mountain where
zones. Montane vegetation where the Tannourine Cedar Forest it ranges from 1000 to 1580m altitude, consist of degraded,
Nature Reserve (TCFNR) is located may face considerable mixed forests including oaks, maples and juniper (Bariteau &
decline and possibly even disappear (Anonymous 1999). Ferrandes 1992; Khouzami & Nahal 1983).
Cedar forest distribution, In Lebanon, C. libani is among the species listed as taxon at
biological and cultural values lower risk and near threatened (LR/nt) in the IUCN Red List
Cedar forests occurring in the Mediterranean region occupy (Hilton-Taylor 2000). National records classify Cedar as an
an area of about 2700 km². The area constitutes 3% of endangered species, threatened or on the way to extinction
Mediterranean forest in the Basin of which about 2% are (Khouzami et al. 1996). The 12 surviving stands of Cedar
protected. The distribution of the genus varies in the world: (see figure 1) are confined to areas on the western slope of
Cedrus libani A. Rich is found in Lebanon, Syria and the Mount Lebanon chain at altitudes ranging from 1400
Turkey; Cedrus brevifolia Henry in Cyprus; Cedrus atlantica to 2000m, facing the Mediterranean, where a high humid
Manetti in Morocco and Algeria; and Cedrus deodora Loud. atmosphere provided by cloud and fog compensate for the
in Afghanistan and India. Among these species, C. libani evaporation of the hot and dry summer months (Talhouk et
occupies the smallest area; about 2,200 ha in Lebanon, 400 ha al. 2001; Meiggs 1998; Khouzami & Nahal 1983; Mikesell
in Syria and 1,000,000 ha in Turkey. 1969; Beals 1965). Only scattered remnants survive of the
once extensive stands of Cedar, fir and juniper (Bariteau et
Cedars are restricted to high, mountainous areas. Cedar
al. 1999; Khouzami & Nahal 1983; Baltaxe 1965). These
forests extend over a discontinuous range composed of widely
forests, occupying 2000 to 2700 ha, are fragmented into 12
separated regions. They are found in Northern Morocco and
populations (Bariteau et al. 1999; Khouzami & Nahal 1983)
Northern Algeria, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and the
(see figure 1). Among these stands, four are protected by law
Hindu Kush, Karakoram, and Indian Himalayas (Bariteau
by the Ministry of Environment and all others are protected
et al. 1999; Bariteau & Ferrandes 1992; Browicz 1982;
under the stewardship of the Ministry of Agriculture. Most
Mouterde 1966). In Turkey, C. libani forests essentially grow
of these Cedar forests are fairly pure Cedar stands sheltering
in the sub-humid and semi-arid zones, as well as temperate,
sporadic tree species such as Wild Apple (Malus trilobata
cold and very cold ranges (Browicz 1982). C. libani forests
(Lab.) C. K. Schneider), Cedar Oak (Quercus cedrorum Ky.)
account for 3.5% of the Turkish forest cover and are mainly
and Brant’s Oak (Quercus brantii Lindley) (Sattout 2004).
spread out in the southern part of the country, the west and
middle Taurus as well as in the Amanus Mountains. In Throughout the Bronze Age, the history of Lebanon has been
Cyprus, only two large stands of Lebanon Cedar survive in the bound up with the powers that controlled Mesopotamia and

124 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
the Nile valley, and both regions have looked to Lebanon and south-western slopes (Sattout 2007). In the last decade, a
and to Mount Amanus in Syria for the special quality timber serious threat has arisen in the TCFNR, defoliation by a new
they provided. Since Egyptian times, the great bulk of insect in the genus Cephalcia, (Hymenoptera: Pamphiliidae)
Egypt’s timber imports have come from Phoenician ports and which infested about 70% of the THEJ. This is of major
particularly Byblos (current Arabic name – Jbeil) (Meiggs concern because of its potential to spread to the nearby famous
1998; Alptekin et al. 1997; Basbous & De Tarade 1968; Beals Cedars of Bsharry (see figure 3). If it were to eventually reach
1965; De Vaumas 1954). Solomon and King David’s temples the Cedar forests of the Mediterranean, it could have a global
and the temple of ‘Diane à Ephèse’ in Turkey were built from catastrophic effect on the world’s remaining Cedar forests.
Lebanese Cedar wood (Alptekin et al. 1997). Cedar forests
have been the subject of old paintings and engravings as well The alarming indication of climate change effects in Tannourine
as tales and epics (Hooker 1996) and they were also mentioned forests raises the need for the design and implementation of
in religious transcripts. Many old archival paintings show the a monitoring program integrating parameters supporting
uses of these forests and give an idea about their landscape the prediction of climate variables as well as planning for
value. In addition, these forests have been resting sites for adaptation and mitigation measures. Monitoring programs
pilgrims (see figure 2). They have been used for amenity were designed in 1998 for two Cedar nature reserves,
services since the early fourteenth century. Ehden and Al shouf. However a lack of financial and human
resources has been constraining the regular collection of data
In Lebanon, the Cedar forest of Tannourine-Hadath El-Jebbeh and analysis. Thus there is a weak biodiversity database
(THEJ) is the largest remaining remnant of old growth Cedar at present for these relic ecosystems making it difficult to
forest, which once completely covered the Lebanese western develop preventive measures for climate change impacts.
mountain chain. These relic ecosystems have dwindled
owing to a lack of adequate management, illegal cutting of The current paper outlines the expected impacts of climate
trees, and overgrazing (UNEP-GEF/AUB/MOE 2000). The change on Lebanon’s Cedar forests and discusses the
THEJ expands at altitudes ranging from 1,300 to 1,900 m. importance of international and regional partnerships in dealing
The forest is located at latitudes between 34°12’ and 34°15’ with the loss of such old growth forests and ecosystems in the
and longitudes between 35°54’ and 35°56’. Part of THEJ Mediterranean region. We conclude by outlining a strategy
forest is Tannourine Cedar Forests Nature Reserve (TCFNR). for monitoring and managing climate change effects in sites
It grows on calcareous soils and spreads on the north-eastern where Cedar is protected.

Figure 3.
Tannourine forest
attacked by Cephalcia
tannourinensis Chevin

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 125
Figure 4.
Tannourine Cedar forest
after treatment with
growth regulator.

Indicator of climate change effects in Lebanon suggests that it is important to investigate the
and pest management plan management of this pest before it spreads to other Cedar
Pest outbreak causes and niches of Cephalcia tannourinensis forests of the region.
Global warming is predicted to cause distributional changes The new Cedar web spinning sawfly insect was named
in organisms whose geographic ranges are controlled by Cephalcia tannourinensis (Chevin 2002) from a genus first
temperature (Walther et al. 2003). Most insects are very described by Panzer in 1805. Members of the genus are well
sensitive to changes in temperatures, which directly affects adapted to humid climates with low temperatures such as those
their activity, development, phenology, and survival (Karban encountered in central Europe, northern Europe and North
& Strauss 2004). America (Guinet 2003). Studies of the biology and potential
Integrated pest management in Central European uplands control of Cephalcia by Nemer et al. (2005) in the Tannourine
has revealed that two management practices help reduce forest suggests that this pest will reach outbreak status again
pest populations. The first involved fencing wild boars in unless there is an intervention. Insect growth regulators alone
an outbreak site for one year at a density of one animal per will not be able to keep this insect suppressed below economic
hectare and provided a 70% reduction in prepupae density of levels without serious impact on other invertebrate species,
the False Spruce Webworm (C. abietis) in the ground (Führer and thus, overall faunal diversity (Abdo et al. 2008; Nemer &
& Fischer 1991). The second practice involved an increase Nasr 2004; Nemer et al. 2007).
in the acidity of the soil as this favoured the proliferation of
parasitoids attacking Cephalcia sp. (Führer & Fischer 1991). In order to study the effect of climatic factors on the development
of prepupae of C. tannourinensis, we investigated the effect
Among several possible causes of Cephalcia outbreaks in of temperature and soil humidity on the diapause of the insect.
these regions are two in particular, climatic and pedological First we compared the development of prepupae under two
variables. The outbreaks have been generally preceded by different temperatures of 10oC and 20oC, and subsequently
periods of hot and dry weather, and these conditions may studied the effect of three levels of the soil humidity (5%, 10%
change Cephalcia survival as this insect spends most of its and 20%) on the prepupae of the Cedar Web-spinning Sawfly.
life cycle in diapause as prepupae inside chambers of earthen These studies confirmed that higher temperature and low
mineral soil. Investigations of C. abietis suggest that soil humidity levels induce a one year diapause cycle instead of
acidification as a result of air pollution may favour survival multiple years diapause cycle and therefore can be considered
in this species by raising foliage food quality and increasing as key indicators and limiting factors for the development of
parasitoid mortality (Führer & Fischer 1991). Given that Cephalcia prepupae. In Lebanon, a study by Mhanna (2007)
members of this genus are present in central Europe and that on modeling temperature trends and extremes from 1875 until
they have caused severe defoliation similar to that observed 2006 found that Tmax and Tmin increased by 0.13°C and

126 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
2.9°C respectively over 131 years. Extreme values, together Programme- Global Environment Facility (UNEP-GEF)
with the years of their occurrence, were identified for Tmin for project to heal the Cedar forest reserve and prevent the spread
the years 1998, 1999 and 2001. Decadal Tmin also increased of the newly discovered insects to other Lebanese forests and
by 1.3°C since 1980. All these observations confirm that the Mediterranean countries. The project, entitled “Integrated
outbreak of C. tannourinensis in the Cedar forest of THEJ can management of Cedar forests in Lebanon in cooperation
be attributed to the climatic changes which affected the life with other Mediterranean countries”, is most relevant to the
cycle of the insect by increasing the number of individuals implementation of the GEF Operational Program on forest
with a one year diapause cycle. Temperature has also been ecosystems. It has generated knowledge of the management
determined as a limiting factor for prepupae development of globally significant Cedar forests in Lebanon, and
of other Cephalcia whereby prepupae entered a multiple disseminated the lessons and best practices learned on
year diapause cycle when the temperatures were below 12oC integrated forest management through the establishment of
(Battisti 1994). scientific networks. The project was implemented by the
Some disturbances such as fire, insects, disease and drought Lebanese Ministry of Environment in close collaboration with
can be managed during the disturbance through preventive the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences at the American
measures and manipulations that affect the intensity and University of Beirut for a specific duration of 36 months at a
frequency of the disturbance. Alternatively, the disturbance total cost exceeding US$ 1M. In addition to Lebanon, other
can be managed to reduce its impact. A common way to Mediterranean countries involved in the project are Algeria,
control outbreaks of the C. tannourinensis is to be alert to Cyprus, Morocco, and Turkey.
soil moisture. The project’s ultimate goal was the protection of Cedar
First year monitoring records showed a high number of forests from serious insect pest invasion and conservation
standing dead/alive and standing dead trees among which 62% of the Cedar forest biodiversity. The primary objective was
of standing dead/alive and 4.23 % of standing dead (Sattout to develop a sustainable management plan that addresses
2007). This may lead to the expansion of Cephalcia throughout possible threats to the ecosystem of Cedar forests and best
the forest because of the unavailability of food sources. Dead practices for the removal of those threats. The main elements
trees or trees not producing fresh buds are not attractive to of the project were:
Cephalcia, however these trees become the source of many (1) acquiring an understanding of the main causes of C.
wood destroying insects which, once established, attack tannourinensis outbreak in Tannourine and assessing the
the healthier trees. There are many dead trees in the forest possible threat of similar outbreaks in Cedar forests in the
as a result of severe insect infestation and other factors. The Mediterranean region; (2) developing and applying a pest
Scolytid Beetle also attacks most of the dead trees therefore it management plan to the TCFNR and to other Cedar forests in
is recommended that these trees be removed from the forest. the region; (3) implementing the project at national, regional
Initiatives and partnership towards and global levels (UNEP-GEF/AUB/MOE 2003).
healing old growth forests Monitoring and adaptive management:
In 1999, C. tannourinensis population densities peaked at Road map for TCFNR
a very high density of 626 prepupae per m2, and a state of Monitoring is the “process of checking, observing, and
emergency was declared by the relevant Lebanese ministries measuring outcomes for key variables, or specific ecological
and the municipalities of the region. A management program phenomena, against a predefined quantitative objective or
utilizing the insect growth regulator diflubenzuron was standard” (British Columbia 2008). The effectiveness of a
initiated in 1999 and aerial treatments were carried out by reserve’s management program is measured by the results of
helicopter, equipped with ultra-low volume sprayers during an implemented monitoring program. It is very difficult to
the years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2004. The insect determine whether management strategies are effective, and
population has been low since the last spray, and there has to identify ways to improve management, without rigorous
been no necessity for further treatment (see figure 4) (Nemer & monitoring at various spatial and temporal scales (Prabhu et al.
Nasr 2004). Although the population density of the Lebanese 2001; Noss & Cooperrider 1994). Adaptive actions proposed for
Cedar Sawfly is still under the threshold, results of studies forest management can be grouped into three categories: societal
indicate an increasing trend in the population density and in adaptation (forest policy to encourage adaptation, revision of
the absence of a decreasing temperature trend it is likely that conservation objectives, changes in expectations); adaptation of
an outbreak of the pest will occur again in the coming years. the forest (species selection, tree breeding, stand management,
Concern about the risks facing Cedar forests in Lebanon fire smart landscapes); and adaptation to the forest (change
in particular, and in the Mediterranean region in general, rotation age, use more salvage wood, modify wood processing
have raised international awareness of the threats to relic technology). Many of these management activities implicitly
ecosystems in the Mediterranean region. An international and consider climatic conditions (Spittlehouse et al. 2006).
regional partnership has been established over the past 4 years US strategies developed by the Forest Health Monitoring
through the implementation of a United Nations Environment and Forest Inventories and Analyses Programs identified

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 127
Table 1. Biotic and abiotic components of the TCFNR monitoring programme and benefit (Abboud & Khater 2007). In this context, the
Measurements Objectives Time-series
flora monitoring scenario states “preserve and manage the
ecosystem integrity of TCFNR while promoting eco-tourism
Abiotic parameters
activities and recreational activities” (Sattout 2007). Long-
Record the effect of
trends of climate on term sustainability of the Cedar forest calls for an adaptive
Climatic data Seasonal
forests and especially C. management programme which in itself requires that climate
change is kept within tolerable bounds.
Record the effect of soil
Soil humidity and composition Yearly Even though forest ecosystems are complex and difficult to
on C. tannourinensis
model, the implementation of monitoring programs designed to
Biotic parameters
record trends in forest structure and composition is essential. The
program must integrate biotic and abiotic parameters reflecting
Forest age structure,
composition and growth
Forest dynamic 5-year the health and integrity of the ecosystems. Filtration of the
Ecosystem resilience and
measurable parameters and criteria proposed in the flora and
Biodiversity indices Yearly fauna monitoring programs developed within the UNEP-GEF
Selected species: project (Sattout 2007; Abi-Said 2006; ARocha 2005) and review
Paeonia mascula (L.) Mill, Record changes in of US monitoring strategies has resulted in the development of
Cepahlanthera longifolia occurrence, frequency and
(Huds.) Fritsch., Romuela population density
Yearly an integrated monitoring program for observing and controlling
nivalis (Boiss. & Ky.) Klatt., climate change effects in TCFNR (Table 1).
Tulipa aleppensis Regel.
Fauna Abiotic parameters
Insects climatic conditions
Selected species: Changing temperature and precipitation patterns as well
Cephalcia tannourinensis Ch.,
Record changes in density as atmospheric chemistry are expected to affect forest
Dichelia cedricola Diak., Yearly
Thaumetopoea libanotica
and geographic expansion ecosystems. The major climate stressors are changes in (a)
Kiriak. & Talh. timing (b) location and (c) duration of droughts and fall,
Birds winter, and spring freeze cycles.
Jay bird Biodiversity indices Yearly
Black Redstart Ecosystem health Yearly
A critical component of any healthy and sustainable
Yearly: Before forest ecosystem, disturbed forest soil under atmospheric
Wild boar
Density of C. and after C. and climatologic changes will affect the viability of the
tannourinensis tannourinensis
whole ecosystem. The parameters to be measured are (a)
decomposition processes and nutrient availability through
the impacts of climate change including the classification of alteration of soil moisture (b) soil temperature and (c) litter
reliable sensitive indicators. They also developed extensive quality (pH, carbon, nitrogen, and nutrients).
monitoring systems for biological diversity, community
composition, and landscape metrics at local and regional Biotic parameters
scales. The integrated monitoring program provides a forest structure and composition
comprehensive biological monitoring system that is solid Indicators of multiple forest conditions contribute to an improved
spatially and temporally as well as ecologically diverse. understanding of the general functioning of forest ecosystems.
These monitoring systems address the collection of data on The indicators include estimates of: (a) species richness (trees,
key indicators of forest ecosystem processes. They are also understory and lichens); (b) productivity (growth); (c) forest
likely to detect many of the biological, physical, and chemical structure (size, distribution, etc.); (d) tree crowns (status, change
changes in forest ecosystems that are associated with climate in dieback and foliar transparency); (e) insect and disease levels
change. The indicators of forest ecosystem processes will be (defoliation and mortality); (f) mortality (lost volume/gained
important in developing and refining empirical models, and volume); (f) tree damages (insects, diseases, storms, etc.); and
validating the process models (Stolte 2001). (g) sequestration of carbon.
The TCFNR management program vision is ‘to position diversity indices and high altitude range species
the conservation of TCFNR at the heart of a distinctive Climate change is likely to affect the diversity of many
and relic cultural landscape providing unique multiple use vascular and epiphytic plant groups, since many of the
and experience’. Developed in 2007, the main aims of the prime determinants of species composition (carbon dioxide
program are: conservation of the ecological integrity of concentrations, temperature, relative humidity, precipitation,
the forest ecosystem and the improvement of the flora and storms, etc.) are changes expected to affect most areas. The
fauna diversity through habitat management; management diversity of plant life is often correlated to the aesthetic
of TCFNR within its natural forest extension; and promoting value of a forest system, the stability of the system, and the
traditional use, local community practice involvement diversity of insect and animal life. The diversity of plant life

128 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
will be measured through (a) the number of plant species, (b) Even if future changes cannot be exactly predicted, critical
frequency of high altitude range species, (c) abundance and research studies are desperately required to fill the key areas of
(d) density. The type and amount of disturbance will also be knowledge in order to design and execute adaptive management
measured. strategies for Cedar forests in Lebanon. Absence of a national
plan and lack of human and financial resources make the task
Migration of high altitude range species (Table 1) will be
of researchers attempting to collect critical sets of data in the
monitored to define the contraction or expansion of species
monitoring of environmental impacts a difficult task indeed.
distribution. The strategy will be developed through recording
The challenges are immense but the following research topics
the occurrence and density of the population of a defined
are vital to build the necessary decision-making tools for the
species within two horizontal belt transects. One is located
development of mitigation and adaptation measures:
at the lowest boundaries of the forest while the other transect
surrounds the highest boundaries of the forest. Two bird • Understand and define the atmospheric and climatic
species are also integrated in the programme as indicators of conditions that initiate disturbances in Cedar forest
diversity and ecosystem health (Table 1). ecosystems.
• Understand the effects of disturbances on the Cedar
forest microclimate.
Climate change effects such as carbon dioxide levels,
• Understand the effects of disturbances on ecological
temperature, cloud cover and water and nutrient availability
all affect plant resilience to stress and therefore are observed
• Define the trends in high range altitude species
as changes in insect and pathogen populations and host plant
populations and appearance of new species.
species (Stolte 2001; Ayres 1993). The changes in density of
• Define the number of potential avian predators of the
the selected species (Table 1) and the geographical expansion
insect pest C. tannourinensis.
will be monitored.
• Define the population structure of C. tannourienensis
mammals (number of one year diapausing larvae versus multiple
The population of wild boars and their influence on the year’s diapausing larvae).
density of C. tannourinensis must be monitored to integrate • Understand the effect of the adaptive management
the management of these populations in the programme strategy in mitigating the disturbances.
of controlling Cephalcia, without the use of pesticides if Based on the projections for climate change in the next decades
possible. While the correlation between the density of wild (Baede et al. 2001), it is highly likely that C. tannourinensis,
boars and C. tannourinensis will come to support the adaptive and other organisms with distributions determined in part by
management program in order to control the population temperature, will continue expanding their geographic range
growth of wild boar in the forest, the need for increasing these and causing outbreaks. While the projected mean rise in
populations in order to keep the density of C. tannourinensis winter and summer temperatures could be used to forecast the
under threshold levels is also sought. population density of the insect, the inherent unpredictability
The integrated and systematic monitoring approach for the of marked deviations from the prevailing climatic regime
above biotic and abiotic parameters and their correlation will clearly pose a challenge in applied decisions. However,
will give us more clues of how climate change is affecting incorporating these effects in a quantitative, predictive
the whole Cedar forest ecosystem in Lebanon. Analysis framework combined with monitoring could prove practical.
will be based on correlative statistical methods. Those For instance, in the case of C. tannourinensis, management
parameters are not static; they may be subject to change, strategies could anticipate the measures needed to protect the
depending on the results obtained through implementation forest ecosystem following a climatic anomaly. Therefore, we
of the programme. argue that the understanding of changes in the Cedar forest
ecosystems can benefit from paying more attention to the
Conclusion rapid responses of species to climatic anomalies and thus
Changes in disturbance regimes over geologic time are natural ultimately help to reduce the effects of climate change.
processes in forest ecosystems. However as a consequence of
climate change, forests may be facing rapid shifts in the timing, Acknowledgments
intensity, frequency, and extent of such disturbances. The The authors would like to thank the reviewer for the useful
number and complexity of climate variables related to forest corrections and guidance provided.
disturbance make integrated research a difficult challenge. References
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130 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y


An Exclusive Interview with Ahmed Djoghlaf Executive Secretary of the CBD August 14th,2008
Biodiversity Journal: Protected Areas (PAs) now cover about 12% of the earth’s land surface,
however, not all species and biomes are covered. Climate change may very well impact those
shortfalls dramatically. According to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA), climate
change is likely to become the dominant direct driver of biodiversity loss by the end of the
century. How can the CBD assist in the preparation of PAs for the impending impacts of
climate change?
Ahmed Djoghlaf: As you know, the world is changing in terms of loss of biodiversity. The
MEA notes that humans have altered ecosystems more rapidly and extensively over the past 50
years than in any other period in human history. During the last century, the extinction rate of species has increased by up to a
thousand times. We are rapidly reaching the conclusion that climate change has become one of the most important drivers of the
loss of biodiversity. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has predicted that by the end of this century up to
30% of all assessed species will disappear.
Protected areas have long been a major tool for the conservation of nature in general, and biodiversity in particular. In 1836,
the King of Prussia bought a piece of land and declared it protected so as to prevent the land and the picturesque castle on it
from becoming a quarry. In the United States of America in 1872, Yellowstone National Park was established as the world’s
first national park. And long before that, indigenous communities world-wide identified sites they considered to be sacred,
ultimately creating protected areas. Protected areas are the foundation for safeguarding ecosystems, species and genes in all
their abundance and diversity. They are the backbone for the stability and functioning of ecosystem processes and the provision
of ecosystem services such as natural carbon storage, water cycles, pollination, control of diseases and flood control. Properly
designed and managed protected areas support livelihoods of local communities and strengthen local and national economies.
Protected area networks are our “Safety-Nets for Life on Earth”. Thus the establishment and long-term maintenance of protected
areas is in the interest of humanity and requires a common effort of the global community.
All this being said, these areas are not exempt from other environmental challenges. For example, as climate change progresses, up to
40 per cent of mammals in protected areas in sub-Saharan Africa are projected to become endangered. The parties to the Convention
on Biological Diversity have recognized the value of such spaces as well as their vulnerabilities. In 2004 they adopted a Programme
of Work on Protected Areas (PoWPA) for the establishment of comprehensive, effectively managed and ecologically representative
national and regional protected area systems. World leaders have agreed to achieve this objective on land by 2010 and in marine areas
by 2012. Parties agreed to close the gaps in the existing systems, enhance management effectiveness and secure adequate financing.
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Programme of Work on Protected Areas (PoWPA) provides a blueprint of how
to establish protected areas, how to manage them, how to govern them and what tools can be used to achieve the planned work.
It charts the way forward in detail and with clear targets. The end result will be protected areas that fulfil their key role of
conserving in situ biodiversity of the world and that help the achievement of the 2010 Biodiversity Target. It is a framework for
cooperation between Governments, donors, NGOs and local communities.
The PoWPA is now four years old and some of its ambitious deadlines have passed. However, there are many signs of progress.
Political will and commitments are clearly being catalyzed. Since the adoption of the programme of work, some 2,300
new terrestrial protected areas and 50 new marine protected areas, covering approximately 60 million hectares, have been
established. The PoWPA has also triggered countries to declare ambitious protection goals. In May this year, at the ninth meeting
of the Conference of the Parties to the CBD (COP 9) in Bonn, Germany, the Brazilian Environment Minister, His Excellency
Carlos Minc, announced the creation of four new protected areas, three of them in the Brazilian Amazon, totalling 2.3 million
hectares. In Bonn, Environment Ministers from 65 countries signed on support to a call for zero net deforestation by 2020. The
international community as a whole has made tremendous efforts in establishing protected areas.
Also during the Conference of the Parties (CoP 9 in Bonn, May 2008) a major initiative was introduced by the German
Government to enhance the scope and management of protected areas - the LifeWeb Initiative. The mandate of this initiative is
to enhance management of existing protected areas and establish additional areas to fill gaps in the global network of protected
areas. COP 9 welcomed the LifeWeb Initiative as one tool to assist in implementing the PoWPA and many Parties announced that
they want to be involved. The German CBD Presidency - in cooperation with the CBD Secretariat and other institutions – has
promised to make the LifeWeb Initiative a vital and effective tool to protect our precious ecosystems.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 131
Moreover, at COP 9 we developed a partnership called Friends of the PoWPA, comprised not only Governments like
Canada and Germany but also international NGOs such as Conservation International, TNC, Wildlife Conservation
society, BirldLife International and the WWF, as well as international organizations such as IUCN World Commission
on Protected Areas (WCPA), establishing a coalition of partners to implement the work programme. One of the outputs
was a comprehensive brochure “The Value of Nature – ecological, economic, cultural and social benefits of protected
areas” that demonstrates the multi-faceted value of PAs, not only in terms of conservation -- which of course is a well
known benefit -- but also in terms of income generation for the local communities alleviating and combating poverty,
and in terms of the spiritual and scriptural value and dimension of biodiversity. As you know a number of sacred sites
have provided a tremendous contribution to the protection of biodiversity as well as preserving the culture, civilization
and traditional knowledge of Indigenous Peoples. These sites are everywhere in the world: in deserts, rivers, and in
mountainous regions. “The Value of Nature” highlights all of these benefits. So PAs are not only for conservation but are
a fantastic development tool. Therefore I am very happy that at COP 9, efforts were made to enhance the PoWPA Friends.
In fact, through the PoWPA Friends Consortium we have organized a series of regional workshops attended by nearly 600
planners, practitioners and policy makers from some 100 countries, building capacity to enhance the management and
scope of protected areas – keys to long-lasting success.
As mentioned, climate change is already affecting protected areas and the species and ecosystems they are designed to protect.
Thus all of these initiatives are even more crucial to safe-guarding life on Earth. As such, there are some explicit provisions
for addressing climate change in the PoWPA. Under activity 1.4.5 of goal 1.4, Parties are required to integrate climate change
adaptation measures in protected area planning, management strategies, and in the design of protected area systems. Other
important activities include: expanding protected areas in areas under high threat and highly irreplaceable natural areas; gap
analysis; integrating protected areas into broader land - and seascapes; and transboundary protected areas. All of these provide
for addressing climate change. Thus, the PoWPA encourages adaptation to climate change through all ecosystems and will
therefore allow the international community to address climate change.
More generally, protected areas can serve as important elements of climate change adaptation and mitigation through the simple
principle that unbroken blocks of in-tact habitat increase ecosystems’ resilience to climate change since ecosystems with high
biodiversity and intact structural components recover more easily from climatic disturbances. Additionally, protected areas can
provide protection against the physical impacts of climate change such as rising sea levels, rising temperatures, and extreme
weather events. Therefore they are an important part of adaptation and mitigation to climate change.
As the IPCC has noted, regardless of what the governments and the Parties decide in Copenhagen next year regarding the post-
Kyoto regime, the world is bound to be warmer and precipitation patterns are bound to change. We are seeing the effects of this,
not only on the level of species, but in some ecosystems. Shifting upward or pole-ward is predicted to be one of the most common
responses of species to the impacts of climate change. Protected areas, particularly corridors, will have an important role to play
in providing habitat to facilitate such shifts so as to maximize the natural adaptive capacity of biodiversity. Some ecosystems
will need more protection and new protected areas will have to be created due to climate change. Therefore the PoWPA is a
valuable programme, not only to protect or conserve PAs, but also to adapt to climate change.
All of the initiatives I have mentioned, and more, will contribute to the preservation of all life on Earth.
Biodiversity Journal: There is immense pressure on PAs in many developing countries, pressures for resource extraction by
logging and mining companies etc. How do you envision the role of the global community in mobilizing funding resources to
maintain the effectiveness and multi-faceted roles of the existing protected areas?
Ahmed Djoghlaf: As I have said, one of the major contributions from Germany at the last Conference of the Parties in Bonn
was the announcement of the Life Web Initiative, which aims at supporting the implementation of the PoWPA through enhancing
partnerships at a global level. The purpose of the initiative is to provide funds to the governments who are willing to protect
more areas but do not have the financial ability to protect these areas. It aims to do so by matching voluntary commitments for
the designation of new protected areas and the improved management of existing areas with commitments for dedicated (co-)
financing of these areas.
In fact, the President of Indonesia announced their intention to protect 20 million hectares of marine areas which would transform
Indonesia into the largest marine PA in the world. This was followed by commitments by Thailand, Guatemala, Mexico and a
number of other countries including Madagascar. Many other countries have announced their intention to protect terrestrial and
marine areas and of course they are looking for more financial support by Germany and other partners who joined at COP 9.
Other countries like Finland, Norway, and Spain have announced their intentions to join the partnership and very soon there will
be a meeting between those who have announced new pledges to create PAs and those who are willing to support financially or
technically to organize the management of the Life Web Initiative. Therefore this is a major contribution in enhancing not only
the size of PAs, especially marine PAs, but also in providing better management of the existing PAs.

132 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Also, as you know, the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) is the financial mechanism of the CBD. Its CEO and Chairperson,
Mrs. Monique Barbut, has announced an enhancement of the already existing PAs to complement the initiative of the German
Government. So these are double-track efforts; firstly enhancing what exists, better management and better use of already
existing PAs, and secondly enhancing the scope of PA through the Life Web Initiative.
COP 9 also adopted a landmark decision on options for mobilizing adequate and timely financial resources for the implementation
of the programme of work. In decision IX/18, the COP requested the Parties to develop sustainable financing plans including
innovative mechanisms, public-private sector partnerships, a national fund raising target and exploring funding opportunities
for implementing the PoWPA in the context of addressing climate change. The COP invited the GEF to consider support for
proposals that demonstrate the role protected areas play in addressing climate change.
Additionally, a strategy on resource mobilization was adopted in Bonn. This strategy will be submitted to our partners, the first
opportunity will be in Doha, Qatar (20 Nov to 3 Dec 2008). There will be meeting on financing developments to announce the
Bonn message for financing biodiversity which has been adopted by the Conference of the Parties. This will come five years
after the Monterey meeting in Mexico which as you know was when declarations and commitments by donors were made to
enhance the financial support for development (the Monterrey Consensus of the 2002 International Conference on Financing for
Development). We hope the Doha outcome will include some specific mechanism for financing biodiversity which will include
of course PAs.
Lastly another important achievement in Bonn was the development of a multi-year guidance to the GEF for its next replenishment;
the fifth replenishment for another four years. Through this, we hope to have more financial resources allocated to biodiversity.
This is the first time that the COP has provided advice and guidance to the GEF before the replenishment of its resources. There
is a proposal to double the resources already allocated to biodiversity during this phase which amounts to one billion dollars in
order to implement the Bonn decisions, which will of course include PAs.
All of this will improve PAs and more generally enhance the work of the CBD.

Biodiversity Journal: Biodiversity corridors are frequently mentioned in the research on the effectiveness of PAs, as they
provide a means for species to move between PAs, particularly given the indications that species are migrating poleward and in
some cases towards areas of higher altitude. Are biolinks between PAs addressed in the PA Programme of Work?
Ahmed Djoghlaf: Yes, goal 1.2 of the PoWPA deals with biolinks between PAs. This goal is devoted to integrating protected
areas into wider land – and seascapes by applying the ecosystem approach and taking into account connectivity, corridors and
the concept of ecological networks to maintain ecological processes and the needs of migratory species. As mentioned earlier
protected areas, particularly corridors, will have an important role to play in providing habitat to facilitate such shifts so as to
maximize the natural adaptive capacity of biodiversity.
As early as 2006, in Brazil, the Parties recognized that climate change was becoming one of the most important threats to
biodiversity. Accordingly, the COP adopted a decision that mandated the enhanced integration of climate change into all of the
work programmes, not only for PAs. When considering corridors, this decision was particularly relevant for the marine and
coastal programme of work as well as the programmes of work addressing biodiversity in mountains, forests, fresh water systems
and dry and sub-humid lands. Therefore, I do agree with you that it is an emerging finding from the scientific community that
species are on the move and ecosystems are changing, ultimately requiring a modality in order to facilitate this movement of
species. Without these, species will disappear because they do not have the possibility of moving to more suitable areas. We
see this with marine and mountain biodiversity among others. As such, this issue of biodiversity corridors has been on the
agenda of the international community for quite a while. Indeed the Mesoamerican corridor was initiated early in the 1990s to
facilitate this movement. Also in France, they have identified biodiversity corridors as one of the most important elements in
implementation of their biodiversity strategy. I was in Singapore last week for a conference on urban biodiversity and they also
considered this network between PAs as one of their most important priorities due to the many ecosystem services that cities
rely for bare necessities like clean water. Now the plan is to connect more PA with more corridors to allow the species to adapt
and to move in order to adjust to climate change.
Lastly, as you know, all of the signatory governments need to have a strategy or national plan for biodiversity under Article 6 of the
Convention on Biological Diversity. We are now encouraging all Parties that have done so (more than 140 countries), to revise them
in order to include climate change adaptation. To support countries’ efforts, we are organizing a number of regional workshops to
promote best practices and exchange experiences of how to adjust these strategies and action plans to current priorities, including
of course climate change and the achievement of the 2010 biodiversity target. Such exchanges will strengthen efforts in member
countries and indeed the overall work of the CBD -- all supporting the conservation of life on Earth.

Biodiversity Journal: Mr. Djoghlaf, thank you on behalf of all our readers.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 133
By Ashish Kothari
Ashish Kothari, founder- Will the world meet the 2010 target? This was the question uppermost in the minds of delegates
member of Kalpavriksh, from nearly 200 countries, and members of several hundred civil society organisations gathered
India, Head of the in Bonn, Germany, in the second half of May. The occasion was the 9th Conference of Parties
IUCN inter-commission
Task Force on Local to the Convention on Biological Diversity, an international treaty that, back in 1993, laid the
Communities and ground for comprehensive and effective action to protect the earth's living beings. Fifteen years
Protected Areas.
later, it was time to take stock of what the convention had achieved. It was also the right time
to ask about “2010”….an iconic figure that has been reverberating in the corridors of those who
care about life on this planet.
What's with this figure? In 2002, governments of the world decided “to achieve, by 2010, a significant reduction of the current rate
of biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national level as a contribution to poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all life on
Earth”. This was endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly, and incorporated into the Millennium Development Goals.
Both the primary goal of reducing biodiversity loss, and its links with the secondary goal of poverty alleviation, represented
a significant commitment on the part of countries to take urgent action on two of humanity's most pressing problems. It was
therefore natural for the several thousand participants in Bonn to ask: in 2008, are we anywhere near achieving these goals?

Biodiversity loss is humanity's loss

I don't need to explain that poverty is one of the biggest blots on human civilisation. But perhaps the issue of biodiversity loss,
and how it relates to poverty, could do with some elaboration.
Biodiversity --- or the range of plant, animal, and micro-organism life around us --- is the basis of everything we care about. It
is what makes the planet livable, for instance through the generous gift of oxygen that minute algae plants in the oceans provide
us with, or the regulation of climatic patterns we are so used to (and are now disrupting), the replenishment of fertility in the
soils we grow our food in, and so on. Simply put, without biodiversity, we would all be dead in a matter of minutes. Or rather,
we would not have existed in the first place!
And yet we have treated this crucial resource as if it was expendable. We have plundered forests at rates that are mind-boggling:
in the last 300 years we've lost 40% of the world's forest cover, and are currently losing 13 million hectares each year, including
6 million hectares of relatively intact ‘primary' forests. We have mistreated soils so badly that over half the world's arable land
is degraded. We have abused and overgrazed vast tracts of grasslands, converting them into dead deserts. We have polluted or
drained our wetlands beyond the point of recovery, with over 50% having been lost in just the last 100 years. Even the oceans ---
once considered infinite in their ability to provide us with fish and absorb our pollutants --- are facing collapse. Sixty per cent of
coral reefs could be lost by 2030. All of this has had a devastating impact on plant and animal species; if some current estimates
are to be believed, one more species may have gone extinct in the time it took you to read this article.
So what? Won't the billions of dollars that people are making, and the incredible technologies we are developing, help us pay or find
our way out of any environmental crisis? Not this one. A series of recent reports put together by hundreds of the world's scientists,
under the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, point to the fact that biodiversity loss is already causing our food producing and
water recharging systems to collapse, and recovery is going to be exceedingly difficult. Two-thirds of fish stocks in the high seas
are already exploited beyond recovery. Another worldwide assessment, the Global Biodiversity Outlook, paints a similar grim
picture. And in a preliminary report by a global team of economists as part of a European Commission and German government
funded study ‘The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity' (TEEB), it is revealed that biodiversity damage is leading directly to
staggering economic losses. No overall estimate of this is possible, but to get an indication: currently, says the report, “ each year we
are losing ecosystem functions with a value equivalent to around EUR 50 billion from land-based ecosystems alone” .
Putting a human face to these cold statistics helps gauge the true extent of this unfolding tragedy. In Haiti (the Caribbean), the
loss of 97% of its forests in the last few decades, has resulted in severe soil erosion, flooding, decreased rainfall and consequent
drought, loss of land productivity, and severe water pollution from sediment and human effluents….all major reasons for
over 50% of its population being malnourished, and over 90% of its children suffering chronic intestinal parasitic diseases.
Several billion people in the world have depended directly (i.e. in their day-to-day existence) on biodiversity for their food,
medicine, livelihoods, and so on. Thousands of cultures continue to gain their strength from direct interactions with nature or
with modified ecosystems such as traditional agricultural landscapes. Whenever there is irreversible damage to biodiversity, the
immediate impacts are on such people...though eventually even those of us who buy food from supermarkets and medicines from
pharmacies, are affected. But it is the ‘ecosystem people' who suffer the most, and indeed their poverty is enhanced because of

134 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
the loss of resources for domestic consumption and for livelihoods. If current trends continue, over two billion people along the
coasts and in forests will face serious loss of not only livelihoods but also essential nutrition and well-being.
What is causing this loss?
Has the world done enough to check the loss of biodiversity, since it decided 15 years ago to take action? To answer this, one
must first look at the main causes of destruction and damage.
Fisheries are a good example to learn from. For thousands of years traditional fisherfolk have lived along the seas or inland
waterways, catching fish or other aquatic resources. There is little evidence of their having caused irreversible damage, though
undoubtedly there may have been a few sites where overfishing would have resulted. It is however when industrial-scale fishing
started a few decades ago that the depletion began. Massive ships with sophisticated navigation and fish school detecting systems,
deep-sea trawling equipment that would scrape up every bit of marine resource, and refrigeration and processing facilities that
could make fish last for weeks before getting to land, began to operate both near the coast and deeper into the oceans. Soaring
consumer demand from not only industrial countries but also the increasingly wealthy affluent class in ‘developing' countries,
has fuelled these fishing monsters. In the space of a few decades, virtually every ocean and sea in the world (except perhaps the
Indian Ocean) is overfished. Ironically, governments, mostly of industrial countries (including now China and India), subsidise
the fishing industry by about 30 billion dollars annually.
As in aquatic resources, industrial technologies and uncontrolled consumption have led to massive deforestation. These are
coupled with a desperate push for land amongst the poor, who often have no alternative but to clear trees to grow crops or graze
livestock. Tens of millions of hectares of natural diverse forest have been converted to plantations of industrially useful trees
like palm oil and eucalyptus; in the latest twist, the supposedly ecologically conscious decision of industrial countries to convert
from petrol to ‘biofuels', is leading to further conversion of forests into fuel plantations. Meanwhile, we continue to lose the
world's most diverse and climatically vital forests in the Amazon, central Africa, and south-east Asia , to timber logging and
conversion into soyabean and cattle ranches. In Brazil alone, since 1970, over 600,000 square kilometres of rainforest have been
destroyed….an area almost double the size of India!
And now the latest threat: climate change. This one is even more scary, for while deforestation contributes enormously to
the carbon emissions that are tilting the fine balance in our atmosphere, the resulting changes in climatic patterns are further
damaging forests. The ocean's ability to absorb pollutants reduces as climate change affects the productivity of its biodiversity….
another vicious cycle. Cause and effect merge into one deadly combination that is self-perpetuating.
Unless, that is, humans take some drastic action. And so the question again: have we done enough to stem the rot?

The world takes action…or does it ?

At COP9 in Bonn, delegates reviewed the implementation of several conservation related work programmes. Each of the world's
major ecosystems --- forests, marine areas, drylands, inland wetlands, agricultural lands --- have detailed action plans (see In addition there are cross-cutting plans such as the one to expand and strengthen protected areas. Many of these
are very impressive in concept, and some, like the protected areas work programme (, are extremely
progressive in building in elements of democratic governance and equity. Many countries also reported renewed attempts to
conserve ecosystems and expand their protected area (PA) network, and civil society organisations including indigenous peoples
and local communities also spoke of their own initiatives.
Overall, though, it was clear that the world was nowhere near reaching the 2010 target. It is of course difficult to gauge this
precisely, since precise estimates of ecosystem and species loss are very difficult to make. But if some gross indicators are taken,
the picture is quite bleak. Deforestation rates may have gone down very marginally, but the world's most biologically diverse
forests in the tropics continue to be degraded at alarming rates. There is little let-up in the over-exploitation of marine fisheries.
Species listed in the Red Data book of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), have steadily increased,
with only a handful showing encouraging recoveries.
One interesting discussion at COP9 concerned protected areas (PAs). Many countries have made impressive progress in expanding
the area under PAs. It is however not clear if this has helped secure some more ecosystems and species from threats, for thousands
of PAs across the world remain without adequate on-ground protection. Secondly, and this was a hot topic at COP9, many new
PAs continue to be set up in conventional top-down manner, adversely affecting the livelihoods of communities living inside or
adjacent to them by stopping or restricting access to resources. In other words, attempts to meet the first part of the 2010 target
(reduced rate of biodiversity loss) may actually be taking us further away from meeting the second part (alleviating poverty)!
Conversely, there is little evidence that conventional poverty alleviation programmes, which continue in most countries, have
integrated biodiversity conservation. It is only in a few countries that the two are explicitly being put together; Madagascar for
instance has committed to tripling its PA coverage, but by following more democratic policies and encouraging community
conservation initiatives along with the more usual government ones.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 135
In the case of agriculture too, innovative programmes to conserve crop and livestock diversity appeared to be floundering in the quagmire
of massive loss of land, aggressive push of corporate chemical-intensive agriculture, and the newest threat, genetically engineered crops.
The TEEB report mentioned above states that almost 40% of the land currently under low-impact forms of agriculture (which use high
levels of biodiversity and low levels of chemicals), “could be converted to intensive agricultural use, with further biodiversity losses.”
These low-impact agriculture practices are what should be encouraged. Yet at COP9, the official celebration of World Biodiversity
Day (May 22nd), with the central theme of agricultural biodiversity, did not have farmers and pastoralists centre-stage. A global
movement of small farmers, alienated from the process, had to publicly protest to make their voices heard. Countries have
clearly missed the message that civil society has tried hammering in for years: that the world's crop and livestock diversity is
best conserved by the millions of small farmers and pastoral communities that have generated it in the first place. Instead, many
governments are flirting with dangerous technofixes, spurred on by powerful corporations, to ‘solve' the world's food and agro-
product problems. One such is genetic engineering. But that's the subject of another, future article in this column.
Can we achieve 2010 ?
Doubtful….very very doubtful. Most government delegations at COP9 did not seem to be in a mood to take the drastic actions needed to
even begin moving towards a significant reduction in rate of biodiversity loss. At the start of the conference, NGOs, indigenous peoples
and local communities had presented to the delegates what they considered to be some essential steps. These included:
• halting all illegal logging and phasing out commercial operations in the most valuable forests;
• a moratorium on industrial fishing till the seas recover;
• recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities to their territories and lands, and to their own
conservation practices;
• securing protected areas with full respect to the rights of communities in them;
• substantial increase in funding for biodiversity conservation, while phasing out all kinds of ‘perverse' incentives such as
agricultural subsidies that encourage unsustainable practices;
• support to farmers and pastoralists to conserve agricultural biodiversity;
• greater recognition of the enormous value of biodiversity in our lives, and building the true value into planning, budgeting,
and accounting systems;
• prohibitions or moratoria on genetic engineering, and expensive techno-fixes for climate change problems.
• Governments politely heard these out, some agreed in public, many agreed in private…but when it came to the negotiations,
there were always a few countries to block major progressive moves.
Nobody, of course, expects the CBD process to achieve a revolution, especially given that the delegates coming to it are from
agencies that are amongst the weakest in their own governments back home. But if delegates coming to these meetings are indeed
committed to the CBD's goals, they need to display far more guts and honesty. News coming in on the last day of the month
suggests that at least on one matter, they did; they all agreed to call for a moratorium on the mad scheme to “fertilise” the oceans
with huge inputs of nutrients into the sea to absorb carbon faster.
But such decisions are exceptions rather than the rule; overall, the negotiations are bogged down in political doublespeak and
obstructionist behaviour of some governments. Several million dollars are spent for each such meeting, and after nine of them
since 1993, we are all asking ourselves: is it worth it?

We have two years left to 2010. We cannot possibly achieve the target set in 2002. But we can do our hardest to start moving
towards it. For this, civil society will need to mobilise itself even more, governments who care will need to be bolder, and the
corporations and governments who simply don't care, will need to be shamed and defeated. A tall order, very tall indeed. But do
we have any alternative? We only have one world, and our life depends on it!
This article was first published online at
Ashish Kothari is a founder-member of Kalpavriksh, a 20-year-old environmental research and action group in India. He is currently
the co-ordinator of the Technical and Policy Core Group to formulate India 's National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. He
is a member of several government committees including the Expert Group on the Biodiversity Act, the committee to revise the
National Wildlife Action Plan, the Environmental Appraisal Committee for River Valley Projects, etc. He is the head of the IUCN
inter-commission Task Force on Local Communities and Protected Areas and is on the board of Greenpeace International.

Ashish Kothari
Apt. 5 Shree Dutta Krupa
908 Deccan Gymkhana
Pune 411004
Tel: 91-20-25675450
Tel/Fax: 91-20-25654239

136 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y


28. Triticale – A cereal solution for extreme climates
E. Small and P.M. Catling
How can we reverse the increasing risk of hunger and starvation, due in part to climate change? Cereals have always Authors’ Addresses:
been the leading world crops, and are critically important for the Developing World. Not surprisingly we look to cereals E. Small
P.M. Catling
for a solution. Experts say that the conventional cereals are unlikely to meet future shortfalls, but an unconventional Biodiversity,
cereal might be an answer. National Program on
Environmental Health,
Agriculture and
Agri-Food Canada
Cereals—defined as members of the grass family that furnish edible seeds for people—are the world’s most Ottawa, Ontario,
important plants. Most of our planet’s cropland is used to produce cereal grain, of which humans consume Canada K1A 0C6
about 50% directly and the remaining 50% indirectly as livestock products. Three cereals—Wheat, Rice, and Corn
(Maize)—account for about 60% of the calories and 56% of the protein that humans get directly from plants. OR

Figure 1. The parents of Triticale. Left: Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum subsp. aestivum); right: Rye (Secale cereale). Source: Baillon, M.H. 1876–1892. Dictionnaire de
Botanique. Librarie Hachette, Paris, France. 4 vols.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 137
Figures 2-3.
2 (top), Triticale.
Source: Wikimedia
Commons (http://
3 (bottom), Left to
right: grains of Wheat,
Triticale and Rye.
Notice that the grains of
Rye resemble those of
Wheat, but are longer
and less plump, while
the grains of Triticale
are relatively large.
Source: Wikimedia
Commons (http://

Triticale (scientific name: H Triticosecale) is an artificial Triticale cultivars have prominent awns (the narrow bracts
(man-made) hybrid of a wheat species (either Durum Wheat: around the grains), but a few are more or less awnless. The
T. turgidum subsp. durum = T. turgidum, or Common Wheat: kernels are longer than those of Wheat and are plumper than
T. aestivum) and Rye (Secale cereale). The name Triticale— those of Rye, and range in colour from the tan of Wheat to
a combination of parts of the Latin words Triticum (the wheat the gray-brown of Rye. Triticale is self-pollinating, similar
genus) and Secale (the rye genus)—first appeared in print in to Wheat, but Rye is cross-pollinated. There are both winter
Germany in 1935. Generally a field of Triticale viewed from and spring varieties. Winter varieties are adapted to fall
a distance looks like a field of Wheat. Depending on the planting, overwintering as seedlings or small plants, and
cultivar, Triticale more or less resembles Wheat or Rye, or growing and maturing rapidly in the following season, while
is intermediate between them. Triticale varieties generally spring varieties are planted in the spring and mature the
have larger flowering heads in comparison to Wheat. Most same season.

138 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
HISTORY feed grain for monogastric animals like pigs, in contrast to
Leavened bread is thought be the most universal food. Until the ruminants such as cattle. When livestock are fed with grain,
creation of Triticale, it could only be made from two grains: there is a considerable energy loss, and it much more efficient
Wheat and Rye. Rye has been grown in poor environments for for humans to consume the grain and allow the livestock to
thousands of years, because on infertile or acidic soils and in eat the remaining plant material.
cooler climates its production is greater than that of Wheat.
However, this “grain of poverty,” despite furnishing the second Corn (Maize) 636000
most important flour for making bread, is much inferior to Wheat Rice 591000
for this purpose. For many years, agriculturists were interested
Wheat 589000
in combining the excellent grain quality and productivity of
Wheat with the vigour and hardiness of Rye. The first recorded Barley 143000

artificial cross of the two species is thought to have been in Sorghum 57646
Scotland in 1875. This and other early hybridization attempts Millets 28428
produced sterile plants, incapable of producing seed, and thus Oat 26380
of no use for producing grain. In 1888, the first fertile cross
Rye 19332
was described in Germany. However, techniques that reliably
produced fertile hybrids did not become available until the Triticale 11244
1930s. The most important technique for producing fertile Fonio 259
types was to double the chromosome number of hybrids,
accomplished by exposing plant tissues to the alkaloid
colchicine. Subsequently, breeders combined different kinds The future importance of Triticale is as a food for humans. In
of Wheat and Rye and selected desirable characteristics in many modern varieties, the nutritional qualities of the grain
the hybrids. Several Triticale breeding programs were carried are more or less comparable to those of Wheat. However,
out in Europe and North America, and the first commercial the content of the amino acid lysine, an essential component
cultivars were released in 1969. Early cultivars had significant of protein required by humans and most other animals for
limitations, such as inability to reproduce due to infertility normal growth and development, is generally higher in
and shriveled kernels, low yield, and poor nutritional value. Triticale than in other cereal grains. Triticale meals, flours,
However, these problems have been eliminated in recent and prepared food products are currently marketed for human
cultivars. Today, Triticale is valued most where conditions consumption, but not nearly to the same extent as Wheat.
are marginal for cultivation of Wheat. Under good conditions, Triticale is also employed for whole-grain specialty breads,
some cultivars can produce grain yields exceeding 10 metric confectionery items such as biscuits, cookies, shortbreads,
tons/ha (4.5 tons/acre). and crackers, breakfast cereals, tortillas and pancake mixes.
“Whole berry” (whole kernel) flakes and flour of Triticale
ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE are available in some health-food stores and supermarkets.
Triticale is grown in dozens of countries, but Poland, Germany, Home cooks use Triticale in a variety of dishes, including
China, France, Australia and Belarus account for nearly 90% cereals, casseroles and pilafs. Gluten, largely from the elastic
of current world production. As indicated in the following proteins in Wheat, is responsible for the texture, appearance
table, Triticale is outranked in world production by eight major and volume of dough. Gluten gives dough the ability to rise
cereals, but it is growing in importance. Although Wheat is by allowing it to retain gas released by a leavening agent
still considered a preferable crop under optimal conditions, such as baking powder or yeast. Because it is low in gluten,
the change to more extreme climates and loss of areas where bread made from Triticale alone is quite heavy. Accordingly,
Wheat can be grown effectively suggest the cultivation of Triticale flour is blended with Wheat flour (often half
Triticale may expand. and half) or with other cereals to achieve desired market
characteristics. Triticale flour results in baked products
World Production Statistics for cereals, ranked by tonnage with a savoury, nutty flavor. Nevertheless, there is a need
(means of 5 years (2000–2004), in thousands of tonnes). for breeders to increase the palatability of Triticale, which in
Source of raw data: Food and Agriculture Organization of the general is not yet comparable to that of Wheat.
United Nations;
aspx?PageID=408 Triticale has been employed for several minor uses. The
grain has appreciable starch, and is used to a small extent for
USES alcohol production. The species is considered to be a potential
Most of the world’s Triticale is used for livestock feed, either as energy crop for bioethanol production. Triticale has been
forage (living plants consumed in the field) or fodder (harvested used as a cover crop to prevent erosion in vineyards of South
plants fed as hay, grain and processed feeds). Because Triticale Africa and cotton fields in Texas. The plant proved useful
tends to be leafy and vigorous, it is often grown for grazing or in reclaiming highly compacted and polluted mine spoils
whole-crop silage as well as for feed grain. Triticale provides in Czechoslovakia. The straw has been used as insulation
useful feed for all classes of livestock, but is an especially good material in building construction.

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 139
CROP ECOLOGY because, beginning in 1039, the hospitals set up to treat the
disease in Europe were dedicated to Saint Anthony. Outbreaks
“Coping with tomorrow’s unstable weather occurred from time to time until 1816. It has been suggested
could become one of the most serious that the 1692 Salem, Massachusetts witch trials resulted from
challenges for agriculture. Global warming hallucinations of community members who were exposed to
could summon more floods, droughts, even
cold snaps in some regions. Governments Ergot-infected Rye. In the resulting paranoia, 19 presumed
should encourage crop diversification to witches were hanged and one was pressed to death in Salem.
cushion their populations against the shock of Today, pharmaceutical companies deliberately infect cereal
climate change.” fields with the Ergot fungus in order to harvest it for medicinal
—Suresh Sinha, Indian Agricultural Research
Institute products, notably Ergotamine, which is taken for various
kinds of headaches, including migraines, and Ergonovine,
used in obstetrics to control postpartum hemorrhage.
Triticale is an unusually robust plant, capable of being
grown successfully in a wide range of circumstances, and Celiac disease is a condition where proteins consumed from the
accordingly it is an ideal crop to develop in response to the closely related cereals Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oat and Triticale
climatic challenges of global warming. It combines the high damage the small intestines. Celiac disease affects about one in
yield potential and good grain quality of Wheat with Rye’s 250 people, usually beginning in infancy. Common symptoms
tolerance of diseases, poor (acidic) soil conditions, and include constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas and burping, but
fluctuating or difficult climatic conditions (such as extreme there are many other problems that may develop. Treatment
cold and drought). Durum Wheat, often used as a parent in involves removing gluten and its related proteins from the
generating Triticale varieties, is also known for adaptation diet. Rice, corn, flax, quinoa, tapioca, amaranth, potato, nuts
to relatively dry environments, and also contributes drought- and beans are considered safe food substitutes. Pure oats are
tolerant genes to Triticale. Although it is most important in also safe, but are difficult to obtain commercially without
marginal environments, Triticale grows well in almost all wheat and other gluten sources. Specialty stores sell gluten-
environments where Wheat and Rye are grown. It is difficult to free cereals, bread and pastries. Some of the rarer cultivated
achieve consistently good yields of Wheat on marginal soils. wheats, including Einkorn, Emmer and Spelt, produce food
Triticale has high regrowth capacity after grazing, especially products that are relatively hypoallergenic (cause less reaction)
in relatively cool temperatures, making it an excellent forage in comparison to those made from the common bread wheats.
crop. It has a special role in “Integrated Cropping Systems,” Some individuals suffer allergic reactions to common bread
where it is cultivated in rotation with other crops to provide a wheat products, including wheat gluten, but reactions are
break in pest, disease and weed cycles, as well as furnishing often absent when consuming spelt products.
farmers with a crop that is flexible, since it can be used for both
grain and forage. Triticale has also proven to grow very well CROPS OF THE FUTURE
in heavily manured soil, so it can be used to take advantage
of surplus animal waste. Triticale’s resistance to diseases “As populations explode and come to demand
more and better food, man’s inescapable reliance
(particularly those affecting foliage) enables relatively low on food plants has made the production of new,
input of fungicide, making it relatively economical to grow, hardier, and better kinds of crop plants almost the
and environmentally-friendly. only way left to fight man’s ancient and universal
TOXICITY —B.S. Dodge (in It Started in Eden)
Ergot is a fungus disease of the fruiting heads of Wheat,
Rye and Triticale, which makes the grain poisonous. Some About a dozen major crops, including the cereals, currently
early cultivars of Triticale were sometimes quite susceptible provide most of the world’s food. These demand good
to Ergot, but modern varieties are generally resistant. Ergot growing conditions, and often require irrigation, fertilizers,
was responsible for several epidemics in medieval times, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and modifications of the
including the widespread disease called St. Anthony’s soil such as tilling, draining and terracing. Virtually all of
Fire. In 944 AD in southern France, 40,000 people died of the world’s prime agricultural land is under cultivation, and
ergotism. Symptoms often include gangrene, and people indeed is decreasing because of urban growth. Water has
would lose parts of their extremities, such as toes, fingers, become so scarce in many regions that some have taken to
ear lobes or, in more serious cases, arms and legs. The tails, calling it “liquid gold.” This same phrase is increasingly
ears and hooves of farm animals that grazed on affected also being applied to petroleum, as energy supplies shrink,
plants were also often lost. Hallucinations were common inflating the cost of agriculture. Breeding for greater yield
in humans, not surprising since Ergot is a natural source of in response to fertilizers and irrigation has worked well in
the psychedelic drug LSD, and indeed is the original source the past, but no longer seems to be the principal means of
from which LSD was first isolated. The disease was called producing more food for the world (see below). What many
“Fire” because it caused burning sensations at the extremities agriculturists envision as essential for the future are crops
from gangrenous infection, and was named after St. Anthony that can produce reasonable yields on poor agricultural lands

140 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Figure 4.
Triticale. Source:
Agriculture and Agri-
Food Canada (Ottawa)
photograph collection.

(the only kind not yet fully exploited) and in the face of will reduce many of the negative environmental effects of
fluctuating, undependable climatic conditions, and limitations the latter. However, the present option of selecting crops
on availability of agricultural chemicals, as well as water and like Triticale that can utilize land marginally suitable for
energy needed for planting and harvesting machinery. In all of agriculture is potentially dangerous to biodiversity. Of course,
these respects, Triticale is the leading candidate. wild species utilize wildlands as natural habitats, and some of
these can be converted to cropland. It is hoped that the future
THE DANGER TO BIODIVERSITY conversion of wildlands to agriculture will be implemented in
Conventional agriculture has allowed the population of the ways that protect our natural wealth of biodiversity.
world to grow to its present size, and indeed without current
practices there would be widespread starvation. However, PRIORITIES AND PROSPECTS
clearing lands and modifying habitats so that crops can
be grown has been extremely harmful to biodiversity. As
“It appears certain that Triticales will soon add to
discussed in the special Biodiversity Issue 9(1& 2), The Value the world’s food production potential. Because
of Biodiversity to Food and Agriculture (29 April 2008), it is of their good protein and amino acid properties,
possible to practice agriculture in ways that minimize harm they may also play a role in correcting protein
to, and indeed promote biodiversity. Indeed, because Triticale malnutrition among cereal-eating nations.”
—Norman Borlaug, 1970 Nobel Peace Prize
appears to be an excellent crop for sustainable agriculture winner
and organic farming, simply growing it in place of Wheat

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 141
Norman Borlaug, the “Father of the Green Revolution,” developed from Triticale.
developed high yielding dwarf strains of Wheat while • In 2002, Thomas Hofmann and colleagues presented
working at the Rockefeller-financed CIMMYT Agricultural evidence in the Journal of Agricultural and Food
Station in Mexico City. Use of such seed has allowed tropical Chemistry that bread crust is the healthiest part of bread,
countries to double their Wheat productivity. There were because the crust is a rich source of cancer-fighting
also improvements in Rice productivity at a similar centre antioxidant chemicals. Generally dark-coloured breads,
in the Philippines and other crops at yet more agricultural such as pumpernickel made from rye, and whole wheat
stations. The resulting “Green Revolution” led to a new bread, provided more of these antioxidants than light-
era of much higher production of food in such countries as coloured breads.
India, Pakistan and Mexico. Unfortunately, high-yielding • It was once frequent practice to sow Rye and Wheat
varieties require high inputs of fertilizers and have been together in a field, so that the grains were harvested
associated with increased use of fossil fuels, contributing and mixed together to produce a cereal mixture called
to environmental degradation. Also, increase in human “maslin” (variously spelled). The word maslin (thought
population has continued, wiping out gains in the reduction to trace back to the Latin mixtus, mixed) refers to any
of world hunger. It is unlikely that the productivity of cereals grain mixture, but normally means a combination (the
can be additionally improved sufficiently to meet increasing plants, grain, flour or meal) of Rye and Wheat. Maslin,
demands for food, so the development of Triticale as a cereal which was the most common flour in Europe from the
that can be grown in marginal agricultural regions is very 1300s to the 1600s, also refers to the bread made from
important. such flour.
• During the Middle Ages, some convicts were put into a
The most pressing goal for Triticale is to improve its prison cell with 2 bushels of wheat or rye grain. When
already desirable adaptations for good growth and yield they had eaten all of it, they were released.
in stressful environments. Objectives include breeding for • A bushel of rye, wheat or triticale may contain 1 million
resistance to acidic, sandy or alkaline soils, trace element individual kernels.
deficiencies (copper, manganese and zinc), trace element • The rye-based bread “pumpernickel” is most commonly
toxicities (high boron), moisture-deficient environments, interpreted as based on the German pumpern, to fart +
and enhanced tolerance to high and low temperatures. There Nickel, devil, demon, or goblin, based on the amusing
is also a need to improve the milling and baking qualities idea that this dark bread has the power to produce
of Triticale, either by breeding or development of new demonic outbursts of flatulence.
processing technologies. Keys to future success also include
enhancing productivity, the quality of prepared products, KEY INFORMATION SOURCES
Brown, W.L., 1989. Triticale: a promising addition to the world’s cereal
and promotion and education. grains: report. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 105 pp.
Bushuk, W., and E.N. Larter, 1980. Triticale: production, chemistry, and
As the established crops, such as Wheat, Maize and Rice, technology. In Advances in cereal science and technology, vol. 3. Edited
become harder to obtain, it is likely that Triticale will become by Y. Pomeranz. American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul,
MN. pp. 115–157.
invaluable in feeding the world’s growing population. Decreases Darvey, N.L., and H. Naeem, 2000. Triticale: production and utilization.
in arable land and water supplies, increasing population, and In Handbook of cereal science and technology. 2nd edition. Edited by K.
changing climate will make it necessary to utilize poorer soils Kulp and J.G. Ponte, Jr. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY. pp. 257–274.
Forsberg, R.A., 1985. Triticale: proceedings of a symposium. Crop Science
and/or climatically marginal areas to produce grain. Triticale Society of America and American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI.
will almost certainly increase in importance to compensate 82 pp.
Guedes-Pinto, H., N.L. Darvey, and V.P. Carnide (Eds), 1996.
for the decreasing ability of current cereal crops to supply Proceedings 3rd international triticale symposium, Triticale: today and
a hungry world facing daunting environmental challenges. tomorrow, June 1994, Lisbon, Portugal. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
The very favourable protein content means that Triticale is London, U.K. 898 pp.
Gupta, P.K., and P.M. Priyadarshan, 1982. Triticale: present status and
likely to play an increasingly important role as a food grain, future prospects. Advances in Genetics 21: 255–345.
especially in regions in which cereal crops already constitute Hörlein, A.J., and J. Valentine, 1995. Triticale (H Triticosecale). In
the main dietary source of protein. Cereals and pseudocereals. J.T. Williams (Ed.). Chapman & Hall,
London, U.K. pp. 187–221.
Hulse, J.H., and E.M. Laing, 1974. Nutritive value of triticale protein
(and the proteins of wheat and rye). International Development Research
“The greatest service which can be rendered any country Centre, Ottawa, ON. 183 pp.
is to add a useful plant to its culture; especially, a bread Larter, E.N. 1995. Triticale. In Evolution of crop plants. 2nd edition. Edited
grain.” by J. Smartt and N.W. Simmonds. Longman Scientific & Technical,
—Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States Burnt Mill, Harlow, Essex, U.K. pp. 181–183.
Pena, R.J., and A. Amaya, 1992. Milling and breadmaking properties
of wheat-triticale grain blends. Journal of the Science of Food and
Agriculture 60: 483–487.
Tsen, C.C. (Ed.), 1974. Triticale: first man-made cereal. American
BELIEVE IT OR NOT Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN. 291 pp.
• Episodes of the popular TV series Star Trek were based Varughese, G., W.H. Pfeiffer, and R.J. Pena, 1996a. Triticale: a
successful alternative crop (part 1). Cereal Foods World 41: 474–482.
on protecting cereal grains called “Quadrotriticale” Varughese, G., W.H. Pfeiffer, and R.J. Pena, 1996b. Triticale: a
and “Quintotriticale” that were supposed to have been successful alternative crop (part 2). Cereal Foods World 41: 636–645.

142 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
On thin ice: Climate change and the future of Polar Bears
Megan A. Owen and Ronald R. Swaisgood*
About the Authors:
Megan Owen is a Conservation Program Specialist at the San Diego their preferred prey, seals. USFWS stimulated a flurry of
Zoo conducting conservation research for several bear species. Her
research focus seeks to apply research in zoo settings to conservation activity among U.S. Geological Survey biologists when they
needs in both captive and wild populations. Her areas of specialty in- subsequently requested new, targeted analyses of decades
clude stress, reproduction, maternal care and sensory ecology. (http:// of data collected on U.S. Polar Bear populations, resulting
in the release of nine rigorous reports detailing the current
Ron Swaisgood serves the San Diego Zoo as Associate Director population trends and the most significant conservation
of Conservation Research and Head of the Division of Applied
Animal Ecology, where he supervises several recovery programs threats. A parallel—and just as controversial—analysis
for endangered species. His focus is behavioral and ecological and debate among scientists and politicians is taking place
research, theoretically driven, to tackle conservation problems. He in Canada, where roughly 15,000 of the estimated 20,000-
serves on several national and international committees, including
the Conservation Committee of the Animal Behavior Society, Polar 25,000 Polar Bears worldwide reside (Schliebe et al. 2006;
Bears International, and the IUCN’s Bear Specialist Group. (http:// Stirling and Derocher 2007). The results are still unfolding,
but the most tangible outcome is the listing of the Polar Bear
*Corresponding author’s address: Conservation and Research for as “Threatened” in 2008 by USFWS and the province of
Endangered Species, Zoological Society of San Diego, 15600 San Manitoba, Canada.
Pasqual Valley Road, Escondido, CA 92027-7000, USA, http://
The Politics of Listing a Species as
Introduction Endangered by Climate Change
The Polar Bear is undoubtedly the “poster child” for climate While acknowledging the inherent challenges in linking
change and is the focus of increasing media attention. The climate change to specific effects on an individual species,
nightly news regularly depicts a lonely Polar Bear isolated it’s hard to imagine a better scientific case than has been built
on a small iceberg floating out to sea, implicitly on a course for Polar Bears (see details below). In 2006 the IUCN’s Polar
to extinction. The Polar Bear is also emerging as the most Bear Specialist Group, comprised of 40 members, decided Figure 1.
© Robert & Carolyn
political of all animals, as some would use its listing as unanimously to list the Polar Bear as vulnerable. Only Buchanan/Polar-
a protected species to provide legal clout to reduce carbon one scientific report (Dyck et al. 2007) has challenged the
emissions held responsible for climate change. But what does
science have to say about the predicament of the Polar Bear
and its arctic ecosystem? Here we review recent scientific
evidence bearing on this question and find that the “real truth”
may not be too disparate from the dire predictions found
readily in the media. An extensive science-based management
program has been answering questions crucial to Polar Bear
management and is bringing greater public attention to the
issue of climate change and the arctic ecosystem in which the
Polar Bear resides.
Driving much of the activity both in scientific and lay circles
has been the U.S. Department of Interior’s announcement
in late 2006 directing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS) to determine whether the Polar Bear should
be listed as a threatened species under the Endangered
Species Act. This decision was the culmination of a debate
formally set in motion in February 2005 when the Center
for Biological Diversity and other NGO’s filed a petition
with the US Department of the Interior to classify the polar
as Endangered. They cited mounting scientific evidence
suggesting that the rapid loss of sea-ice in the face of global
climate change was having detrimental effects on Polar
Bears, which depend on sea-ice as a platform for hunting

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 143
the entirety of its historic range. There are 19 subpopulations
“Arctic sea ice declined rapidly to unprecedented low of Polar Bears unevenly distributed in the circumpolar arctic.
extents in the summer of 2007, raising concern that the These populations are found in the United States, Canada,
Arctic may be on the verge of a fundamental transition
toward a seasonal ice cover” (Stroeve et al. 2008). Norway, Greenland and Russia. Polar Bears evolved from
brown bears about 200,000 years ago when, scientists believe,
“Polar Bears are uniquely adapted to thrive on sea ice
and are dependent on it as a platform for hunting seals, a group of brown bears became isolated by a changing
seasonal movements, summer refuge, traveling to ice glacial landscape (Stirling and Derocher 1988). Subjected
or terrestrial refuge areas, finding mates, and breeding” to the intense selection pressures of the Arctic, Polar Bears
(Stirling and Derocher 2007). evolved rapidly, diverging more from brown bears than the
recent divergence would suggest. Among its many attributes
conclusion that climate change is reducing both sea-ice and that separate it from brown bears, the Polar Bear possesses
Polar Bear populations. In a swift rebuttal, Stirling et al. (2007) adaptations for an almost exclusively carnivorous diet, a semi-
detailed the serious scientific shortcomings of the methods aquatic lifestyle, and the largest home range of any terrestrial
and conclusions of the Dyck et al. report, leaving little doubt mammal. Classified as a marine mammal, the Polar Bear is at
that the best scientific evidence indicates a primary role for home on the sea ice and adept in the water.
climate change-mediated declines in health, reproduction and
population size of Polar Bears. The largest bear, Polar Bear males—roughly twice the mass of
females—can weigh more than 680 kg. Polar Bears mate seasonally
A political consensus has been more difficult to realize. Just between February and June. Females delay implantation until the
months after USFWS designated the Polar Bear as Threatened, fall, and altricial cubs (requiring nourishment) are typically born in
the governor of Alaska filed a lawsuit challenging the decision. January after a relatively short gestation of about 60 days (Ramsay
USFWS finds itself in the unenviable position of fighting legal and Stirling 1988). Females give birth to 1-3 cubs in snow dens,
actions from both ends of the political spectrum. More legal fasting for 8 months before the autumn sea-ice provides access to
challenges are sure to come, and the issue will likely play the seals. Cubs remain with the mother for 2.5 years and females
out in the courts for years. Canadian biologists have assigned breed every 3 years.
“special concern” status to Polar Bears four times, but the
federal government has done little to advance Polar Bear Polar Bears do not hibernate, although females use dens to
conservation, a fact which has been frustrating for the biologists raise cubs. Polar Bears are consummate travelers, moving
so painstakingly documenting the plight of Polar Bears. an average of 5,000 km/year and covering a home range of
Canada has yet to give the Polar Bear protected status some 200,000 km2 (Garner et al. 1990). This penchant for
nationwide. Some people argue that listing the Polar Bear movement makes them a challenging species to maintain in
will needlessly bring financial ruin to many native Inuit captivity, where abnormal stereotypic pacing often develops
communities that depend on U.S. trophy hunters willing to (Clubb and Mason 2003).
spend $25,000 to hunt a Polar Bear. Moreover, practitioners Polar Bears rely on the sea ice for their livelihood. Life in the
of traditional knowledge in Nunavut argue that Polar Bear harsh climate of the Arctic requires a high calorie diet and Polar
numbers are increasing, though no scientific data supports Bears feed almost exclusively on seals (primarily Ringed Seals),
this viewpoint (Stirling and Derocher 2007). If indeed, Inuit which are rich in fat. Depending on the population, between
sightings of Polar Bears are increasing, some have suggested 80% to 98% of a Polar Bear’s diet is comprised of seals (Iverson
that this may be due to the changing behavior of hungry Polar et al. 2006). In order to meet their energy needs, Polar Bears
Bears bringing them into contact with local peoples. Also, require about 45 Ringed Seals (or Ringed Seal equivalents)
as the amount of available sea-ice diminishes, more Polar per year (Stirling and Øritsland 1995). Extrapolating to a
Bears can be found on land. In fact, Nunavut has successfully worldwide population of 20,000 bears, this means that a
opposed listing of all species occurring in its territories, healthy population of bears would need to eat nearly a million
suggesting that listing endangered species is more about seals annually. Polar Bears occasionally scavenge on whale and
politics than science (Mooers et al. 2007). other marine mammal carcasses (Bentzen et al. 2007) and have
even been known to eat berries, but there is no replacement
Policy-makers are still grappling with what it means to list, for for the calorie-rich seals on which the specialize (Stirling et
the first time, a species threatened by climate change, where al. 2008). Typically Polar Bears will lie in wait on the sea ice
the source of the problem is global and the impacts have little near a seal’s breathing hole. From this perch they will use their
to do with what is happening to the species locally. The ESA powerful claws and body strength to strike a seal when it comes
Polar Bear listing in the United States specifically excludes up for air. Without the ice, Polar Bears have no platform from
mitigation of activities that affect climate change. Currently which to hunt seals.
no country regulates greenhouse gas emissions specifically to
protect Polar Bears or any other species. Summer is no picnic for Polar Bears. When much of the sea ice
melts in the spring, they are forced to hunt in less productive
Polar Bear Biology waters or move to the shorelines, where they fast until the
The Polar Bear ranges throughout the circumpolar Arctic and sea ice refreezes the following autumn. Living primarily
currently it is the only member of the Ursidae to still inhabit off of stored fat, they occasionally supplement their diet by

144 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
scavenging or feeding on vegetation. The duration of fasting A (top), Polar bears
varies with location, but Polar Bears face losing about 1 kg of are struggling to find
ice in summer, which
body weight daily for several months each year. they need in order to
hunt. (© Dan Guravich/
How Many Polar Bears are There? PolarBearsInternational.
In 1972 the IUCN and five Polar Bear nations attempted to org) ;
B (bottom), The survival
estimate the world population based on reports from ships and rate of cubs continues
local communities. Estimates ranged from 5,000 (by scientists to decline. (© Robert
& Carolyn Buchanan/
from the Soviet Union) to 20,000 (by the Canadian Wildlife PolarBearsInternational.
Service). The real population numbers will never be known, org). (© Dan Guravich/
but new hunting regulations established under the International PolarBearsInternational.
Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears in 1973 and
the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act in 1972 allowed
some heavily hunted populations to rebound. Today the global
population is estimated at 20,000-25,000, but it is declining due
to the effects of climate change. Population estimates are quite
accurate for some populations where mark-recapture census
techniques are employed, but it is still a matter of guesswork for
many less studied populations. The Canadian Arctic provides
habitat for some 60% of the global population residing there.
Climate Change, Sea Ice and Polar Bears
We begin with the premise that climate change is a real
phenomenon driven largely by human activities. Although
a few detractors remain, the Intergovernmental Panel on arctic summer another million square miles was lost—more
Climate Change (IPCC) reached consensus that there is a area than California and Texas combined. In 2008 giant
greater than 90% probability that climate change is caused fractures, more than 100 km long, opened up in the multi-
by human activities. There is also near-consensus among year ice, stunning climate scientists. Ships can now pass
Polar Bear biologists that climate change is a significant risk through channels that once were solid ice. Most climate
to Polar Bear populations and that some populations have models did not predict this degree of ice loss until 2050.
already seen real losses in the face of climate change (Stirling Now predictions for an ice-free summer arctic by 2030 don’t
and Derocher 2007). Dyck et al. (2007) have argued that 3
seem unreasonable. What was not accounted for in these
human disturbance through ecotourism has caused some of models, perhaps, was the role ice plays in reflecting solar
the population-level effects on Polar Bears, but Stirling et al. energy. The white ice reflected most radiation back into the
(2007) counter with compelling arguments—well-supported atmosphere, but the dark water absorbs the sun’s energy,
by scientific data—supporting the case for climate change speeding up global warming.
effects on Polar Bears. The clear majority of polar biologists
follow the general logic espoused by Governor of California How Does the Loss of Sea Ice Affect Polar Bears?
Arnold Schwarzenegger who compared the case for global Polar Bear biologists have not been caught by surprise.
warming to a scenario where 99 out of 100 doctors make In an influential paper published in 1993, Stirling and
a diagnosis of cancer. The remaining doctor claimed it was Derocher (1993) warned the scientific community of the
probably not cancer and took a wait-and-see approach. Which impending crises. They presented data showing that the
position would a reasonable person embrace? population in Western Hudson Bay was already suffering
lower reproductive rates and higher cub mortality during
Climate change is not affecting all areas of the globe equally.
the warmer years. They predicted more to come, predictions
The arctic is experiencing more rapid change than other
which, unfortunately, have been borne out (Stirling and
regions. From the Polar Bear’s perspective climate change is
Derocher 2007; Stirling et al. 2008). They argued that the
felt most readily in the loss of sea ice coverage. Arctic ice is a
most devastating effect of climate change was the shorter
mixture of new ice—formed each winter—and multi-year ice,
sea ice season. Today the ice breakup on the Western
which tends to be thicker. Satellite imagery shows dramatic
Hudson Bay occurs three weeks earlier than it did 30 years
reductions in all measures of sea ice coverage (review in
ago, forcing the bears to come ashore earlier. For each week
Stroeve et al. 2008). Multi-year ice (older than 5 years) has
earlier that the ice breaks up, bears come to shore about 10
decreased by 56% from 1982 to 2007. Ten-year old ice has all
kg lighter, thus reducing their nutrient stores. On the other
but vanished. The ice that remains is 23% thinner.
end of winter, the ice is returning later and later, extending
In 2005 the news was bad and the projections dire. But the bear’s summer fast. Also, the bears are missing one of the
what has happened since then has exceeded just about most productive hunting periods in the late spring before the
everybody’s worst-case scenarios. In 2007, at the end of the ice breakup, when Ringed Seal pups are most abundant and

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 145
Zoo bears: a role for oil exploration and other activities can destroy habitat and
conservation? (© Robert
& Carolyn Buchanan/ potentially disturb bears, especially females with cubs in
PolarBearsInternational. dens. Even ecotourism may impact bears (Dyck and Baydack
2004; Dyck et al. 2007), although the best evidence suggests
that so far it has not (Stirling et al. 2008).
Climate change is set to exacerbate these threats further,
opening up areas that have until now remained inaccessible
(Stroeve et al. 2008). The Northwest Passage between the
Atlantic and the Pacific oceans was more navigable than
ever in 2007. These trends raise the question of whether the
arctic is becoming a “wildlife ghetto” for Polar Bears—an
environment where they can no longer thrive.

easy to predate. The early breakup cuts the seal pup-hunting Behavioral Ecology: Filling the Knowledge Gaps
season short. In other regions, such as the South Beaufort Justifiably, most Polar Bear biologists study population-level
Sea, shorter sea ice seasons may force bears to forage in processes. It is their field research which enables us to track and
less productive areas over deeper waters rather than over the understand the dynamics of Polar Bear populations and which,
continental shelf, where foraging success is much greater ultimately, has provided the foundation for listing the Polar Bear
(Regehr et al. 2007). as Threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. It is
essential that this work be continued, but at the same time, a new,
During recent years Polar Bear scientists have documented somewhat smaller research program is needed to understand
a suite of climate-related effects on Polar Bears in several some of the behavioral processes operating in individual bears
populations, including the Western Hudson Bay and South that give rise to population-level outcomes. Work in behavioral
Beauford Sea (Regehr et al. 2007; Rode et al. 2007; Stirling ecology will prove especially useful for predicting how
et al. 2008; Stirling et al. 1999). Nutritionally-stressed bears individuals will respond to the rapid environmental changes they
are investing less in growth and reproduction, shunting most will undoubtedly face in the near future.
available energy to survival. Today’s Polar Bears are smaller
and in poor body condition in many populations. Females Although there is already a solid foundation of research in
in poorer condition are weaning fewer cubs and litter size behavioral ecology, much of it conducted by Ian Stirling and
is declining. Cub survival is down, especially in years with his colleagues, there are important processes that we still
earlier ice breakup. For the first time adult male bears were do not understand. For example, we do not know how and
6 when Polar Bears decide to disperse nor how they make the
documented cannibalizing cubs and females, presumably to
make up for reduced seal availability (Amstrup et al. 2006). choice of where to settle. It may well be true that Polar Bears
There is also evidence that some Polar Bears are drowning, will find refuge in the northern-most latitudes, but how can
despite being a marine mammal with excellent swimming we be sure they will get there? What constitutes a dispersal
abilities (Monnett and Gleason 2006). With less sea ice and barrier for Polar Bears? If the features of the habitat change,
already energetically stressed, many Polar Bears may find will Polar Bears recognize suitable habitat when they see it?
themselves in need of crossing bigger and bigger gaps in the If a translocation program is needed to relocate Polar Bears to
ice to get to feeding areas as well as back to over-summer refugia from climate change, how will this be accomplished?
grounds in the wake of the ice break up. Over the past three How will Polar Bears respond to being plopped down in novel
decades pregnant females have been forced to travel more habitat that may require different survival skills from those
than 6 extra kilometers each year to reach dens, and this they possess? These problems plague other conservation
distance is predicted to increase as the rate of sea ice loss management programs for small populations (Stamps and
accelerates (Bergen et al. 2007). These females are “chasing Swaisgood 2007), and their effects on the future of Polar Bear
the ice” and with increasing frequency end up denning on conservation remain unknown.
terra firma instead of on the sea ice. One of the world’s best-
studied Polar Bear populations, the Western Hudson Bay, has A Role for Zoos in Polar Bear Conservation?
lost an estimated 22% of its population from 1984 to 2007. As employees of a zoological institution (who also work
in the field), we bring a somewhat different perspective
Other trends in the arctic do not bode well for the Polar to Polar Bear conservation, one that can compliment the
Bear. Ringed Seals, the primary Polar Bear prey, have also ongoing efforts by field ecologists. While advocating more
evolved a lifestyle specialized for sea ice. The seals require behavioral ecological work in the field, we recognize that
the ice for dens for their offspring. Polar Bears thus face the Polar Bears will be extremely difficult to track closely enough
prospect of hunting for fewer seals that are harder to access. to make the kind of behavioral observations required. More
As well, some populations are exposed to environmental behavioral research has been conducted during seasonal
contaminants such as organochlorines that may compromise periods when Polar Bears are more accessible, but much of
health and reproduction (Bentzen et al. 2008). Additionally, what occurs “out on the ice” remains less well documented.

146 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
New technology, such as fine-scale GPS data coupled with ice loss may compromise reproductive activity (Stirling et al.
“critter cams” mounted on the GPS collars, may eventually 1999). Disruption of olfactory trails left by bears may impact
provide needed data on fine-scale habitat use, foraging Polar Bears’ ability to locate mates efficiently. Chemical
strategies, and spatial movements. However, research on signals also play a large role in mediating aggression and
some aspects of Polar Bear behavioral ecology will only priming individuals for mating—especially in relatively
be feasible in captive settings. We and others in the zoo solitary species such as the Polar Bear. With less access to
community have begun to build collaborative partnerships these important signals, Polar Bears may be more inclined
with our colleagues working in the field, in an effort to fill in to fight than mate, as has been documented for giant pandas
some of the gaps in knowledge that compromise our ability (Swaisgood et al. 2004a; Swaisgood et al. 2000). With the
to understand Polar Bear biology in situ. large size difference between the sexes, the male Polar Bear
experiencing communication breakdown may become more
A promising avenue for research in conservation science aggressive towards females, even in the mating context. To
is sensory ecology (Lim et al. 2008), roughly defined as address these concerns we have entered into a collaboration
how animals acquire and respond to information in their with field biologists and several zoos to begin to tease apart the
environment. Understanding how animals perceive their meaning of these scent signals to Polar Bears (Owen et al.- in
world can play a valuable role in conservation breeding, review). If reduced access to scent signals does compromise
reintroduction programs, and small population management reproduction, we will need to devise ways to manage this
(Swaisgood 2007; Swaisgood in review; Swaisgood and situation in both ex situ and in situ environments.
Schulte - in press). This approach is especially valuable for Zoos, and possibly rescue centers, may find other ways
programs at the in situ-ex situ interface. If predictions hold true that the captive bears can contribute to the conservation of
that Polar Bear rescue centers will soon need to be established, their wild counterparts. For example, emerging studies of
then this interface will need to be more aggressively managed. reproductive biology, maternal care (Swaisgood et al. 2004b),
Rescued bears from areas of rapid sea-ice decline may need and nutritional ecology can yield insights useful for in situ
to be placed in conservation breeding centers to stave off conservation. But perhaps the most important advantage of
extinction of local populations. zoos is that they have the public’s ear. Zoos need to capitalize
The zoo community has already started to make inroads into on this strength to become a vanguard for broadcasting the
these avenues of research. For example, largely in response Polar Bear conservation crisis as well as the threats facing the
to requests from field conservationists, we have begun a arctic due to global warming.
program addressing sensory capabilities and conservation Conclusions: Where to in the Future?
management of Polar Bears in situ and ex situ. Field biologists In the face of dramatic and well documented losses of perennial
are concerned about both large-scale (global warming) and
sea ice, the consensus among Polar Bear scientists and mangers
localized (industrial activity) disruptions to Polar Bear habitat.
is that, if current trends continue, the Polar Bear will be gone
For example, as the arctic opens up to human activities,
biologists are worried about the effects of noise pollution from from much of its range by the middle of the 21st century. Facing
increasing industrial activities, including petroleum extraction. a reduction of approximately 42% of summer sea-ice habitat,
Although earlier research suggested that denning females roughly two-thirds of the population will be gone.
do not respond strongly to noise (Amstrup 1993) and many Many would present a fatalistic attitude in the face of such
dens may be buffered from noise by the snowpack (Blix and complicated challenges to Polar Bear conservation. If the
Lentfer 1992) these industrial activities overlap extensively direst predictions for sea ice loss come true, then the Polar
with maternal denning areas and so the effects are especially Bear will lose most of its available habitat. But it is important
worrisome, possibly compromising cub survival. Currently to remember that even the worst predictions do not foresee
petroleum activities must respect an arbitrary 1-mile buffer the elimination of the most northern sea ice habitat for Polar
zone around known den sites. This buffer zone is not based Bears in the next few decades. Moreover, the vast expanse
in any biological understanding of Polar Bear perception and of unbroken sea ice in these most northern latitudes today
may very well be inadequate, especially for mothers with cubs does not provide good habitat for seals or bears. Thus, as the
that cannot leave the den. To address this problem, we have an southern range becomes more challenging for Polar Bears, the
ongoing program using standard psychoacoustic methodology northern landscape may become more suitable, providing a
to determine the hearing sensitivity of Polar Bears across temporary refuge. This refuge, predominantly in the Canadian
a spectrum of frequencies (Owen et al. 2007). Follow-up archipelago ecoregion, may buy us enough time to reverse
studies will determine how effectively noise is transmitted the effects of climate change before the Polar Bear becomes
through the snow to dens. The goal is to combine these results extinct in the wild. Because humans created climate change,
with known noise sources (frequency and amplitude) to create we can take remedial action to reverse it.
biologically relevant acoustic buffer zones and regulations for
noise-causing activities. In the meantime, what should we do to counter the effects
of climate change? Clearly, altering the course of climate
Finding a mate on the vast expanse of sea ice is a challenging change is beyond the control of a few Polar Bear biologists,
task (Molnar et al. 2008; Ramsay and Stirling 1986) and Polar although the song they have been singing to the media has
Bear biologists speculate that habitat fragmentation from sea resonated with the general public and is beginning to create

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 147
a political climate for addressing climate change. The effects Conference on Bear Research and Management 8:216-226.
Iverson, S.J., I. Stirling, and S.L.C. Lang. 2006. Spatial and temporal
of climate change cannot be reversed overnight, however, and variation in the diets of Polar Bears across the Canadian Arctic:
wildlife managers and politicians can make progress toward indicators of changes in prey populations and environment. In: Boyd,
I.L., S. Wanless, and C.J. Camphuysen, (Eds). Top Predators in Marine
curtailing other impacts on Polar Bears that will exacerbate Ecosystems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
the effects of climate change. As Ian Stirling recently Lim, M.M.L., N.S. Sodhi, and J.A. Endler. 2008. Conservation with
sense. Science 319:281.
suggested in an interview with the journal Nature: “In the face Molnar, P.K., A.E. Derocher, M.A. Lewis, and M.K. Taylor. 2008.
of sea-ice declines, the best way to manage the bear may be Modelling the mating system of Polar Bears: a mechanistic approach
to the Allee effect. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series
to minimize other threats, Stirling says — to protect denning B 275:217-226.
areas, minimize offshore activities and human traffic, reduce Monnett, C., and J.S. Gleason. 2006. Observations of mortality associated
with extended open-water swimming by Polar Bears in the Alaskan
hunting or ensure hunts move over to (target) bears that are Beaufort Sea. Polar Biology 29:681-687.
going to die anyway” (Courtland 2008, p.483). These are Mooers, A.L., L.R. Prugh, M. Festa-Bianchet, and J.A. Hutchings. 2007.
Biases in legal listing under Canadian endangered species legislation.
more familiar tools frequently used to manage protected areas Conservation Biology 21:572-575.
and may help arrest the momentum toward a tipping point for Owen, M.A., A.E. Bowles, J. Simerson, J.L. Keating, S.L. Denes,
and R.R. Swaisgood. 2007. Auditory sensitivity of the Polar Bear:
rapid Polar Bear decline. preliminary results from behavioral testing. Proceedings 18th
International Conference on Bear Research and Management. Monterrey,
Using some of the scientific approaches discussed above, Polar Mexico. p 224.
Bear biologists can collectively bring attention to the most Owen, M.A., R.R. Swaisgood, T. Spady, and A. Pessier. In review. Polar
Bear olfactory signaling in a reproductive context. Zoo Biology.
important peripheral impacts on Polar Bears and help develop Ramsay, M.A., and I. Stirling. 1986. On the mating system of Polar Bears.
sound strategies for managing these risks. This information needs Canadian Journal of Zoology 64:2142-2151.
Ramsay, M.A., and I. Stirling. 1988. Reproductive biology and ecology
to be effectively communicated to regulatory agencies so that the of female Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus). Journal of Zoology, London
best remedial actions can be taken. These actions undoubtedly 214:601-634.
Regehr, E.V., C.M. Hunter, H. Caswell, S.C. Amstrup, and I. Stirling.
will include establishment of new protected areas and regulations 2007. Polar Bears in the Southern Beaufort Sea I: Survival and Breeding
that will curtail some of the human activities set to expand as the in Relation to Sea Ice Conditions, 2001-2006. U. S. Geological Survey.
51 p.
arctic opens up in the wake of climate change. Rode, K.D., S.C. Amstrup, and E.V. Regehr. 2007. Polar Bears in the
Southern Beaufort Sea III: Stature, Mass, and Cub Recruitment in
Acknowledgments Relationship to Time and Sea Ice Extent Between 1982 and 2006. U. S.
Geological Survey. 32 p.
We thank out partner organization, Polar Bears International, Schliebe, S., T. Evans, K. Johnson, M. Roy, S. Miller, C. Hamilton, R.
for their generous financial support of our polar bear programs Meehan, and S. Jahrsdoerfer. 2006. Range-wide review of Polar Bear
(Ursus maritimus) populations.
and for encouraging us to become more involved in polar Stamps, J.A., and R.R. Swaisgood. 2007. Someplace like home:
bear conservation, research and outreach. They also maintain experience, habitat selection and conservation biology. In: Swaisgood,
R.R., (Ed.). Special Issue, Animal Behaviour, Conservation and
a website that is an excellent source for further information Enrichment. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. pp 392-409.
on polar bears: We Stirling, I., and A.E. Derocher. 1988. Factors affecting the evolution and
behavioral ecology of the modern bears. International Conference of
also thank Anne Bowles and her team at Hubbs-SeaWorld Bear Research and Management 8:189-204.
Research Institute, San Diego for their collaboration on our Stirling, I. and A.E. Derocher. 1993. Possible impacts of climate warming
on polar bears. Arctic 48(3): 240-245.
bioacoustics program. Stirling, I., and A.E. Derocher. 2007. Melting Under Pressure. The
Wildlife Professional 1:24-27.
Stirling, I., A.E. Derocher, W.A. Gough, and K. Rode. 2008. Response
References to Dyck et al. (2007) on Polar Bears and climate change in western
Amstrup, S.C. 1993. Human disturbances of denning Polar Bears in Hudson Bay. Ecological Complexity 5:193-201.
Alaska. Arctic 46:246-250. Stirling, I., N.J. Lunn, and J. Iacozza. 1999. Long-term trends in the
Amstrup, S.C., I. Stirling, T.S. Smith, C. Perham, and G.W. Thieman. population ecology of Polar Bears in western Hudson Bay in relation to
2006. Recent observations of intraspecific predation and cannibalism climate change. Arctic 52:294-306.
among Polar Bears in the southern Beaufort Sea. Polar Biology 29:997- Stirling, I., and N.A. Øritsland. 1995. Relationships between estimates of
1002. ringed seal and Polar Bear populations in the Canadian Arctic. Canadian
Bentzen, T.W., E.H. Follmann, S.C. Amstrup, G.S. York, M.J. Wooller, Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 52:2594-2612.
D.C.G. Muir, and T.M. O’Hara. 2008. Dietary biomagnification of Stroeve, J., M. Serreze, S. Drobot, S. Gearheard, M. Holland, J.
organochlorine contaminants in Alaskan Polar Bears. Canadian Journal Maslanik, W. Meier, and T. Scambos. 2008. Arctic sea ice extent
of Zoology 86:177-191. plummets in 2007. Eos 89:13-20.
Bentzen, T.W., E.H. Follmann, S.C. Amstrup, G.S. York, M.J. Wooller, Swaisgood, R.R. 2007. Current status and future directions of applied
and T.M. O’Hara. 2007. Variation in winter diet of southern Beaufort behavioral research for animal welfare and conservation. In: Swaisgood,
Sea Polar Bears inferred from stable isotope analysis. Canadian Journal R.R., (Ed.). Special Issue, Animal Behaviour, Conservation and
of Zoology 85:596-608. Enrichment, Applied Animal Behaviour Science. p 139-162.
Bergen, S., G.M. Durner, D.C. Douglas, and S.C. Amstrup. 2007. Swaisgood, R.R. - in review. The conservation-welfare nexus in
Predicting Movements of Female Polar Bears between Summer Sea
Ice Foraging Habitats and Terrestrial Denning Habitats of Alaska in reintroduction programs: a role for sensory ecology. Animal Welfare.
the 21st Century: Proposed Methodology and Pilot Assessment U. S. Swaisgood, R.R., D. Lindburg, A.M. White, H. Zhang, and X. Zhou.
Geological Survey. 2004a. Chemical communication in giant pandas: experimentation and
Blix, A.S., and J.W. Lentfer. 1992. Noise and vibration levels in artificial application. In: Lindburg, D., and K. Baragona, (Eds). Giant pandas:
Polar Bear dens as related to selected petroleum exploration and biology and conservation. Berkeley, California: University of California
development activities. Arctic 46:20-24. Press. p 106-120.
Clubb, R., and G. Mason. 2003. Captivity effects on wide-ranging Swaisgood, R.R., D.G. Lindburg, M.A. Owen, and S. Hall. 2004b.
carnivores. Nature 425:473-474. Contrasting patterns of maternal care in giant pandas and American black
Courtland, R. 2008. Polar Bear numbers set to fall. Nature 453:432-433. bears. Proceedings Fifteenth International Conference on Bear Research
Dyck, M.G., and R.K. Baydack. 2004. Vigilance behaviour of Polar and Management, February 2004, San Diego, California. p 23.
Bears (Ursus maritimus) in the context of wildlife-viewing activities at Swaisgood, R.R., D.G. Lindburg, X. Zhou, and M.A. Owen. 2000. The
Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. Biological Conservation 116:343-350. effects of sex, reproductive condition and context on discrimination of
Dyck, M.G., W. Soon, R.K. Baydack, D.R. Legates, S. Baliunas, T.F. conspecific odours by giant pandas. Animal Behaviour 60: 227-237.
Ball, and L.O. Hancock. 2007. Polar Bears of western Hudson Bay Swaisgood, R.R., and B.A. Schulte. In press. Applying knowledge of
and climate change: are warming spring air temperatures the ‘‘ultimate’’ mammalian social organization, mating systems and communication
survival control factor? Ecological Complexity 4:73-84. to management. In: Kleiman, D.G., K.V. Thompson, and C.K. Baer,
Garner, G.W., S.T. Knick, and D.C. Douglas. 1990. Seasonal movements (Eds.). Wild Mammals in Captivity, 2nd edition. Chicago: University
of adult female Polar Bears in the Bering and Chukchi Seas. International of Chicago Press.

148 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y

Becoming carbon neutral is only the beginning. The climate

problem will not be solved by one company reducing its
emissions to zero, and it won’t be solved by one government
acting alone. The climate problem will not be solved without
mass participation by the general public in countries around
the globe. Rupert Murdoch (Chairman of News Corporation)

Climate Change Threatens

World Heritage Sites
World heritage is the highest level of environmental protection
possible. In 1972, the UNESCO World Heritage List was
created and now includes over 180 natural heritage sites. Of
these, over 120 are now threatened by climate change and 1
shrinking bioclimatic habitats. Many of the natural heritage
sites are becoming so drastically altered by climate change
that they may eventually lose the characteristics that originally
made them heritage sites, and many sites are witnessing the
destruction of the habitats of rare wildlife species. A case in
point is Glacier National Park; when created in 1910 it had
150 glaciers, now it has 27 glaciers, all greatly reduced in size.
World Heritage sites now affected by climate change include
coral reefs, mangroves, boreal and tropical forests, polar and
alpine ecosystems, glaciers, wetlands and grasslands. Well
known examples of the 120 sites which are now being altered 2
include: the Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal, home to Mount
Everest, Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, the Waterton Glacier
International Peace Park that spans the USA-Canada border,
the Cape Floral Region Protected Areas in South Africa, home
to nearly 20 % of the continent’s floral biodiversity, Ecuador’s
Galápagos Islands, and Machu Picchu in Peru.
David Sheppard, Head of IUCN’s Programme on Protected
Areas in an exclusive interview with Biodiversity said that he
is “particularly concerned about sites with coral reefs that are
being impacted by warming water and coral bleaching such as
in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the Belize Barrier
Reef Reserve”. To protect the natural heritage sites there are
3 key methods according to Mr. Sheppard. “One approach is 3
to make the sites larger so the species and ecosystems have
a better chance at adapting and responding. For example at
the Aletsch Glacier site in Switzerland, last year the World
Heritage Committee agreed to extend the site to make it larger.
A second approach is to try to link individual sites better into
the landscape. There are a number of corridor initiatives
around the world today, one of which is the Yellowstone to
Yukon initiative. This is an attempt to encourage planning
for heritage sites at a broader level to try and encourage
conservation-friendly land use in areas outside the world
heritage sites. Basically that is allowing the species more
room to roam, to move and adapt to changing climate.
The third key approach is to try to get a better handle on the real 4
impacts of climate change on species and ecosystems. Within Figures 1-4. 1, Mount Everest; 2, Mount Kilimanjaro; 3, Ecuador’s Galápagos Islands;
South Africa for example, the Cape Floral Kingdom is doing 4, Peru’s Machu Picchu. (Photos courtesy of IUCN)

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 149

9 10
Figures 5-10. 5, The Dihamri Socotra Archipelago in Yemen is especially rich in flora and fauna. About 37 % of Socotra’s plant species, 90 % of its reptile species and 95 % of its land snail
species cannot be found anywhere else in the world. (Photo by David Sheppard, IUCN); 6, The Joggins Fossil Cliffs, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada is the world reference site for the
Coal Age, which occurred about 300 millions year ago. The cliffs contain the best and most complete known fossil record of terrestrial life from the Coal Age, including the remains of the
first reptiles in the Earth’s history, as well as fossil trees, animals and plants. (Photo courtesy of IUCN); 7, Mount Sanqingshan National Park in China is a largely undisturbed area of Central
Asian steppe and lakes in the Korgalzhyn and Naurzum State Nature Reserves. These are key stopover points for globally threatened species and provide feeding grounds for up to 15-16
million birds. They are also home to the critically endangered Saiga Antelope (Saiga tatarica). (Photo by Peter Shadie, IUCN); 8, Surtsey Island, Iceland. The youngest island in the world
was formed by volcanic eruptions in 1963-67. It has been legally protected from its birth and, as such, provides the world with a pristine natural laboratory, free from human interference.
It has provided a unique scientific record of the process of colonisation of land by plants and animals. (Photo courtesy of IUCN); 9, Satellite view of the Everglades National Park; 10,The
Florida everglades.

a lot of research looking at impacts, what the predictions are examples of world heritage sites that demonstrate approaches
for 50 years from now in terms of location of key species and that are applicable not only for heritage sites but for protected
habitats, and what that means for future planning. These are 3 areas in general”.

150 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
The effects that we are now seeing include epochal changes
in the Earth’s climate. There is a time lag in the Earth’s
climate system, and it takes decades for the Earth to adjust to
changes in the atmosphere. This is what scientists refer to as
the thermal inertia in the system, meaning that we are always
30 or 40 years behind the damage that we have already done.
Latest assessments by UNESCO, IUCN and UNEP-WCMC
predict that human-caused global warming will produce
droughts and floods across the world, that glaciers and ice
sheets will melt resulting in floods and rising sea levels, and
that we will see increasingly extreme weather events over the
next century. On the global scale, climate change is expected
to lead to changes in the distribution of species, including
invasive species, pathogens and parasites. It will also influence
the timing of biological events, such as flowering, and the
relationships between predator and prey, parasite and host,
plant and pollinator. The effects are already manifest in many
regions, and include the relocation of species poleward and
to higher altitudes and latitudes, changes in bird migrations,
and the dislocation of plankton and fish species to those that
can adapt to warmer conditions. In addition, concerns such
as fires, floods and insect plagues are expected to become
more prevalent. The end result will be that the vast majority
of biomes, both on land and in the sea, will be threatened in
some way by the effects of climate change.
Data compiled by the Zoological Society of London indicates
that between a quarter and a third of the world’s wildlife
has been lost since 1970. Populations of land-based species
have fallen by 25%, marine by 28% and freshwater by 29%.
Humans are wiping out about 1% of all other species every
year. At this rate, according to best estimates, by the end of
this century another 50% of Earth’s still remaining species
will have become extinct or be critically endangered. Climate
change alone, if unabated, could eliminate one quarter of
species during the next five decades. 
Eight New Natural Wonders Added to the List
Following IUCN’s recommendations, the following eight
sites were added to the World Heritage List; the Socotra
Archipelago in Yemen, Canada’s Joggins Fossil Cliffs, the
French Lagoons of New Caledonia, Saryarka in Northern
Kazakhstan, Mount Sanqingshan National Park in China,
Surtsey in Iceland, the Swiss Tectonic Arena Sardona, and the
Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in Mexico.
Everglades De-listed from World Heritage Danger List
Urban encroachment, agricultural fertilizers, mercury
contamination and lower water levels due to flood controls,
as well as serious risk from climate change and sea-level
rise all threaten the Everglades. Against objections voiced
by IUCN, the Everglades National Park, which had been on
UNESCO’s list of World Heritage sites in danger since 1993,
has been removed from the list of protected sites. In response
to the change in status, the IUCN issued a statement at the 12
July meeting of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee
Figures 11-12.
in Quebec city calling on the United States to “carry out 11, Great Blue Heron perched at sunset in the Everglades National Park; 12,Giant Wood
a vulnerability assessment and develop a risk reduction Storks over Florida everglades. (Photos courtesy of IUCN).

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 151
the key reasons IUCN objected to the decision taken by the
WHC…At the end of the day it was a political decision taken
by the WHC.”
IUCN’s Protected Area Program and Climate Change
One of the key components and a high priority of the new
IUCN program in relation to PAs is how to use the protected
areas as a tool for adaptation and mitigation to climate change.
The perceived threat to PAs from climate change has increased
dramatically, being now ranked as having the highest priority,
moving from having been ranked eighth only four years ago.
The IUCN, the World Commission on Protected Areas and the
Commission on Ecosystem Management, are working together
to develop a “green list” of PAs that could be more vulnerable
to climate change. The large connectivity initiative from the
World Commission on Protected Areas has already been
implemented in mountain biomes, as those are areas which
are seriously affected by climate change. The commission
is looking at different ways to identify and develop large
biological networks and biological corridors between existing
PAs to allow some species to migrate and thus assist PAs in
serving as a mitigation and adaptation strategy for climate
change. IUCN is also proposing a series of standards by which
PAs could be considered for any carbon offset initiative. The
first entry point will be the World Heritage sites.

Indigenous Peoples - Players and

Victims in the Climate Change Arena
Indigenous peoples around the world will bear the brunt of
13 climate change – but they are also armed with the traditional
knowledge to survive its effects. That’s the message from the
Figure 13. Indigenous and Traditional Peoples and Climate Change, an Issues Paper by
first comprehensive analysis of this subject entitled, Indigenous
IUCN. (Cover Photo: IUCN - Danièle Perrot-Maître).
and Traditional Peoples and Climate Change, an issues paper
strategy” for Everglades protection. In line with this, all the released by the IUCN in March 2008. “Indigenous peoples
parties to the convention have been requested to undertake a are literally living on the edge – highly dependent on natural
re-assessment of the vulnerability of protected areas in relation ecosystems, they usually occupy marginal lands, are under
to climate change, and to begin risk assessment, reduction and pressure socially and many lack proper political representation
adaptation strategies for heritage sites. to improve their situation,” says Gonzalo Oviedo, IUCN
Senior Advisor on Social Policy, a contributing author to the
In an exclusive interview with the Biodiversity journal, Pedro report. Mr. Oviedo in an exclusive interview with Biodiversity
Rosabal Gonzalez, Senior Programme Officer for IUCN’s expanded on this, “Probably best known amongst these is the
Programme on Protected Areas, said that IUCN’s objections Arctic which has already shown strong evidence of climate
were based on the fact that the established process for removal change impact. Most of the inhabitants are indigenous Peoples
sites from the list, under the World Heritage Convention, had with a long tradition of cultural systems for management of
not been followed. Mr. Gonzalez also remarked that in last the resources in the area. This is a very clear situation where
year’s World Heritage Committee (WHC) meeting in New the traditional life-style of these groups is being severely
Zealand, “the US requested, with no previous notice, that the affected by climate change”.
Everglades be removed from the World Heritage Danger List.”
The IUCN’s objections focused attention on the fact that, the Another area where Indigenous Peoples are involved is the
request failed to address whether the threats, for which the situation of small islands, particularly in Oceania (comprised
site was added to the list, had been tackled or not. In addition of numerous lands—mostly islands in the Pacific Ocean and
states Mr. Gonzalez, “many of the threats to the Everglades vicinity), where the ecosystems will be affected by both sea
are long term and need to be addressed as part of a long level rises and rainfall patterns. “The Pacific Islands have a
term management and action plan with funding dedicated to large diversity of traditional cultures. It is already estimated
restoration. It is also true that new threats from climate change that it will no longer be possible for those cultures to continue
are going to make a significant impact to those activities that to live on some of the islands. This is the possibility of
are happening now and that was not considered. Those are relocation of these groups. The drylands of Africa are also

152 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
expected to be severely effected and may suffer desiccation. learn to integrate these issues into policy at all levels. But as
Traditional Peoples, nomadic and pastoral, occupy these areas Mr. Oviedo laments, “at the global level there is no appropriate
and their traditional lifestyles may no longer be possible. system for taking these issues into consideration.”
South America is another area, the traditional habitats of the
Maya people and others. The unusual weather patterns will
affect them dramatically”.
There is no systematic scientific research on the traditional
knowledge of these peoples and the problem is of course
that many of the traditional methods of adaptation to climate
change which have been quite successful in the past may be lost
before they are thoroughly understood. Though some of these
strategies may not be adequate in the face of the magnitude of
potential climate change impacts, “often the best way of helping
these peoples is to build upon their traditional adaptation
practices. For instance in Africa and the Middle-East in the
arid lands there is a rich tradition of water management and
these cultures have developed very sophisticated techniques
to many the scarce resource of water…in many places when
there is some rain the people have built very sophisticated
systems for channelling the water underground because it
would be inefficient to just store the water on the surface due
to high temperatures and evaporation. Unfortunately in some
cases these are disappearing. This is however an important
example of traditional adaptation techniques that could be
built upon with modern technology and methods”.
The report maps out the areas of the world which will be most
vulnerable to climate change in the future and how this will
impact on Indigenous Peoples (IPs). It calls on policy makers
to take IPs experiences into account when making climate
change policy. “Globally there have been some attempts at
creating opportunities for input from IPs but it has not been
very successful particularly in the context of the climate change
convention. Even if some traditional Peoples have been there
at the meetings of the Climate Change Convention, to provide
these kinds of inputs it has not really been included in any way
in the agenda of the convention and that is a problem” says Mr.
Oviedo. Unfortunately in the field of disaster management, a
lack of understanding of the vulnerability of some of these
groups can create even more vulnerability. For instance during
the Indian Ocean Tsunami, “many of these groups had no land
rights, were just living on the coast for example in Sri Lanka
without any land title. The moment people had to be relocated
these people were put in a worse condition than before because
they had no papers or legal title to the places they were living.
Inversely, those who first received guarantees for re-allocation
were the tourism operators.”
The role of women in the context of climate change carries
a big burden, with cultural disadvantages. “For instance in
Bangladesh during the regular flooding, most of the victims
are women because they are never taught to swim and
because they cannot get rid of the complex clothing of their
culture, a very simple problem that aggravates their risk of 15
drowning…at the same time if the focus on preparedness and
resilience adaptation is on the women they have the capacity Figures 14-15. 14, A spiny king crab (Paralithodes californiensis) perches on a rock. (Photo courtesy of
to strengthen the capacity of the family.” There is still a lot to Wikimedia Commons); 15, Blue shark (Prionace glauca). (Photo courtesy of NOAA).

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 153
A changing Antarctic ecosystem
Predators Find Advantage in Warmer Antarctic Waters
It has been 40 million years since the waters around Antarctica
were warm enough to sustain populations of sharks and
most fish, but now global warming appears to be creating
conditions for the proliferation of predators, such as sharks
and crabs, on the sea floor in these waters. Recent studies
have indicated that an increase of just a few degrees Celsius
could make Antarctic waters hospitable to some species. The
waters around the Antarctic Peninsula, the northernmost and
warmest part of the continent, remain within a few degrees of
freezing year round, but in the last 50 years the temperature
there has increased by 1 to 2 °C, which is about double or
triple the global average increase.
The frigid Antarctic waters have been a refuge for relatively
soft-bodied, slow-moving invertebrates such as worms,
sea lilies, clams, brittle stars and other bottom-dwelling
animals. The metabolic limitations of sharks have kept them
away and that may have been the best defence for species
in the Antarctic that have no protection from shell-crushing
predators. The increasing water temperatures brought about
by global warming, are however increasing the probability
16 of predators beginning to change the delicate ecology of the
Antarctic benthic community.
The first of the predators that appears to be moving in is the
King Crab which has already been found on the deep slopes
off the Antarctic continental shelf, where the water is slightly
warmer than elsewhere. In the past few years, at least 14
subspecies have been spotted on seafloors off Antarctica,
and researchers have recently found them even closer to the
continent, near shallower waters.
Sharks are also expected to appear as the waters warm.
The cold poses a challenge for sharks, as they need to keep
swimming to stay afloat, which requires a lot of energy. Very
cold water slows them down to the point where it’s hard to
keep swim muscles moving. The Ice Fish (Antarctic Blennies),
suborder Notothenioidei, which has antifreeze glycoprotein in
its system, is the only bony fish that now lives in Antarctic
waters. They are already preyed upon by seals and penguins,
but will face a new threat if sharks move in and other bony
fishes begin to prey on and compete with them.
About 70 % of Antarctic species are found nowhere else on
Earth but this ecosystem which has existed in isolation for
millions of years is changing rapidly. What is emerging with
the invasion of predators looks to be unavoidable, and the
only way to prevent it is to hope to roll back the forces driving
global warming. In the near term, controls on ships navigating
around Antarctica could mitigate the proliferation of these
17 invasive species which often spread through expelling ballast
water. The window of opportunity is closing.
Figures 16-17. 16,Adelie Penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae, relies on sea-ice for summer
feeding. (Photo courtesy of Samuel Blanc, naturalist guide, photographer and lecturer Dramatic shifts in the Antarctic Food Web
in polar regions -; 17, The Gentoo Penguin, Pygoscelis papua, Nowhere on Earth is climate change happening faster than in
is easily recognized by the wide white stripe extending like a bonnet across the top
of its head. This non-ice dependent species is gradually replacing the Adelie Penguin. Antarctica. Average midwinter temperatures have increased
(Photocourtesy of Zee Evans, National Science Foundation). 6°C, or five times the global average, since 1950. Working out

154 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
of Palmer Station in Western Antarctica, scientists who have all species are attuned to the seasonal cycles of sea ice.
spent decades studying Antarctica have uncovered widespread New research from MBL Ecosystems Center co-director
interconnected changes in the polar ecosystem where nearly Hugh Ducklow, and co-researchers James McClintock of



Figures18-19. 18, The Larsen Ice Shelf, part of the Antarctic Peninsula. (Photo courtesy of NASA); 19, Tropical Rainforests - approximates the WWF’s map of Tropical and subtropical
moist broadleaf forests. (Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons).

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 155
University of Alabama at Birmingham, and William Fraser of
Polar Oceans Research Group, Sheridan, Montana points to
dramatic shifts in the food web. Springtime sea ice is melting
ever-earlier, and winter ice is forming later, amounting to a
90-day loss in annual sea-ice cover since 1978. According to
Ducklow, if the warming trend continues, “within about the
next 50 years, the mean winter temperature will be warmer
than the freezing point of seawater. At that point, no sea ice
forms,” and this will bring about fundamental changes in the
Phytoplankton, photosynthetic organisms that have evolved
to live in sea-ice pockets during the winter, are rapidly
losing habitat. This, in turn, is diminishing the population
of Antarctic krill, small crustaceans that forage on the algae.
20 Krill are the preferred food source for penguins, whales, and
other top predators in Western Antarctica, and it is unknown
what they will eat as krill disappear. Ice-dependent seabirds
and seals, such as the Adélie Penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae,
and the Weddell Seal, Leptonychotes weddellii, are in rapid
decline near Palmer Station. They are gradually being
replaced by non-ice-dependent species, (including the Gentoo
Penguin, Pygoscelis papua, and Chinstrappenguin, Pygoscelis
antarcticus) that do not rely on sea ice for winter feeding and
are migrating into the area.
“We are looking at a replacement ecosystem which doesn’t
have any analogue in the historical or fossil record,” says
Ducklow. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC), this lack of historical analogues is a
general problem in predicting the effects of climate warming.
(Information from a press release from the Marine Biological
Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, 7 July 2008)

21 Vulnerable Rainforest Species Live Close to their Optimal

Impacts of climate warming in tropical regions, where
biodiversity is at its highest, are often predicted to be small
relative to those in temperate regions because the rate
of climate warming in the tropics is lower than at higher
latitudes. However predictions based only on the magnitude
of climate change may be misleading. Models that include
organismal physiology suggest that impacts of climate
warming may be more severe in the tropics than in temperate
regions. According to recent studies in Science Magazine and
PNAS by Joshua J. Tewksbury assistant professor of biology
at the University of Washington and his colleagues warming
in the tropics, although relatively small in magnitude, may
very well have highly damaging consequences because cold-
blooded tropical animals, including insects, fish, reptiles and
amphibians, have limited abilities to acclimatize as they are
currently living very close to their optimal temperature.
22 The studies go on to say that, “In contrast, species at higher
latitudes have broader thermal tolerance and are living in
climates that are currently cooler than their physiological
Figures 20-22. 20, Wetlands in Donana. (Photo by Fred Technische, December 1999 - Wikimedia
Commons); 21, Satellite image of Malta. (Photo courtesy of NASA); 22, Rock desert (hamada) inside the optima, so that warming may even enhance their fitness …
island of Boa Vista, Cape Verde, 11 October 2007. (Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons). Available thermal tolerance data for several vertebrate taxa

156 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
exhibit similar patterns, suggesting that these results are general concentrations over the period of the experiment, when
for terrestrial ectotherms …” implying that “in the absence compared with plots maintained at present-day CO2 levels.
of ameliorating factors, such as migration and adaptation, Artemisia frigida, a common woody sub-shrub of some North
the greatest extinction risks from global warming may be in American and Asian grasslands (commonly known as Fringed
the tropics, where biological diversity is also greatest.” It is Sagebrush, Fringed Sagewort, or Prairie Sagewort) began as
difficult to measure when species living in tropical areas are a relatively minor component among the 35 different species,
being affected by climate change. In contrast, changes that at well less than 1% of the above ground biomass. Growth at
occur in temperate regions, where there is seasonality, are the doubled CO2 levels resulted in approximately a 40-fold
obvious if a plant flowers at the wrong time of year. increase, to roughly 10% of the aboveground biomass, and a
20-fold increase in plant cover by the end of the experiment.
The studies point out that even slight rises in overall global Morgan commented that the study clearly shows that not
temperature could lead to a decline in “Darwinian fitness,” only will some plants be winners, and others losers, but it
and that tropical forest species may be particularly at risk as also points to the different sensitivity to CO2 among species.
“they live in constant shade, are not generally adapted to the Encroachment of shrubs into grasslands is an important
high operative temperatures found in warmer open habitats, problem facing rangeland managers and ranchers; this
and have few behavioral options available to evade rising process replaces grasses, the preferred forage of domestic
temperatures.” Unlike warm-blooded animals, cold-blooded livestock, with species that are unsuitable for domestic
organisms have no ability to regulate their body temperatures.
They are limited to seeking shade when it is too hot or
burrowing into the soil. If it is still too hot in the shade they
will not be able to survive. The expectation is that such species
would struggle to cope with the 2-4 degrees Celsius rise in
tropical temperatures predicted by the end of this century. A
decline in insect populations would likely result in unwanted
consequences in the food chain and the pollination of plants.
(Information from Science, vol. 320, 6 June 2008; and PNAS,
vol. 105 no. 18 6668-6672, 6 May 2008)
Grazing Lands at Risk Due to Rising CO2 Levels
In a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, researchers led by Jack Morgan of the
USDA, reported that increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide
levels could change the nature of grasslands and decrease
their usefulness as grazing pastures.
The 5-year study, using experimental field stations to determine
the effects of CO2 on plant species composition, compared
relative composition of 35 different native plants, and how 23
that changed in elevated CO2 concentrations of 720ppm
(roughly double present day ambient CO2 levels). Scientists
expect the atmospheric levels of CO2 will be double present
day concentrations by the end of the century.
Morgan questions a commonly cited hypothesis that the
incursion of woody plants into world grasslands over the past
two centuries has been driven in part by increasing carbon
dioxide concentration in Earth’s atmosphere. The hypothesis
is based on the idea that “woody plants have a photosynthetic
metabolism and carbon allocation patterns that are responsive
to CO2, and many have tap roots that are more effective than
grasses for reaching deep soil water stores that can be enhanced
under elevated CO2.” However the study concluded that “this
hypothesis has little direct support, and more traditional theories
of shrub encroachment involving climate change, management,
and fire may prove to be the real cause of the changes.”
Morgan’s study revealed that, although doubling CO2 over Figures 23-24. 23, Coral Reef, Papua New Guinea, April, 2004. (Photo by Mila Zinkova, courtesy of
Wikimedia Commons); 24, The mountains “Bola del Mundo” (left) and “La Maliciosa” (right), and
the Colorado shortgrass steppe had little impact on plant La Barranca valley between them in Sierra de Guadarrama of central Spain. (Photo from Wikimedia
species diversity, it did result in increasingly dissimilar plant Commons).

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 157
livestock grazing. CO2-induced enhancement of plant growth For example, as mean temperatures rise wetlands will begin
suggests that rising atmospheric CO2 may be contributing to dry out; a 3° to 4° C increase could wipe out 85% of
to the shrubland expansions of the past 200 years, and this all remaining wetlands. For coastal marshes, on the other
will directly affect rangelands, but there is no direct evidence hand, storm severity and frequency combined with relative
of loss of diversity. (From an exclusive interview with Jack rate sea-level rise could mean the loss of estuaries and
Morgan for the Biodiversity Journal, 18 July 2008) deltas, especially where these are backed by agricultural
or urban land, preventing natural retreat; the loss of habitat
Climate Change a major driver of would have significant knock on effects for migratory
Biodiversity Loss species. Low lying islands will be affected by the same
According to recent reports by IUCN and UNEP-WCMC, human- forces as costal marshes, resulting in loss of land area and
generated climate change will increasingly drive biodiversity loss, seabird nesting colonies. Deserts will become hotter and
affecting both individual species and their ecosystems. Scientific dryer, resulting in increased desertification, loss of arable
evaluations on climate change have confirmed that climate land, and loss of grasslands. Alpine/mountain ecosystems
change is indeed a key agent in biodiversity loss and stress to bio- will see vegetation zones migrating upward, competing in
resources. Many plant and animal species are unlikely to survive already fragile habitats, with the highest altitude species
the change. New studies indicate that 15–37% land plants and possibly having nowhere left to go and being unable to
animals would eventually become extinct as a result of climate migrate.
changes expected by 2050. Some of these species may no longer
be able to adapt to environments unsuitable to their continued Polar ecosystems are especially vulnerable to climate
existence. Others will simply be unable to migrate to places change and will see longer seasons and changes in
where the climate is suitable. precipitation resulting in vegetation changes and losses of
tundra, thawing of permafrost leading to addition release
The outcome of climate change is likely to be unpredictable. soil carbon as CO2. Impacts on Arctic biodiversity are
Individual species will adapt according to their climate already being observed. Marine ecosystems will be affected
tolerances and abilities to disperse to more favourable locations, not only by an increase in sea temperature and changes in
to alter their phenology (e.g. breeding date) or adapt to shifting ocean circulation, but also by ocean acidification, as the
food sources. The effects of climate change will vary from concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide (carbonic acid)
system to system in the abundance of herbivores and food rises. This is also expected to negatively affect shell forming
plants, as well as in predators and prey. Many studies have organisms, corals and their dependent ecosystems. Coral
attempted to project the rate and extent of ecosystem responses reefs, already stressed by polluted sediment and nutrient
to climate change, some using simple models assuming that run-off, may be pushed to the brink by coral bleaching
entire ecosystems will shift to follow the changing climate, and that can result from prolonged exposure to even a minor
others using models featuring the responses of different types elevation of 1° C, and with possibly increased impacts
of herbs, bushes and trees. The vulnerability of an ecosystem of elevated CO2 levels in the oceans reducing skeletal
to climate change depends on its species’ tolerance of change, calcification rates. The IUCN estimates that 20 % of the
the degree of change, and the other stresses already affecting it, world’s coral reefs, home to hundreds of thousands of fish
Figure 25.Demarkation while the impacts of climate change will vary uniquely for each species, have already been damaged, and that a further 50
of where the world’s
coral reefs lie. (Photo ecosystem. Climate change can also increase an ecosystem’s % are facing immediate or long term danger of collapse.
courtesy of NASA) vulnerability to existing pressures. (IUCN Protected Areas News story, 14 April 2008).


158 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Spain Particularly Vulnerable to Climate Change around the world are threatened with extinction. Using IUCN
Climate change is already taking a toll on Spain. Barcelona Red List criteria, and led by IUCN’s Kent Carpenter, the
in early 2008 experienced its worst drought in 50 years. Global Marine Species Assessment (GMSA) study of the 845
The drought ended with unusually heavy rains, the third known zooxanthellate reef-building coral species found that,
wettest in the last 60 years. This appears to be early signs of of the 704 for which sufficient data existed, 231 or 33% meet
what has been predicted by scientists, as a result of climate the IUCN Red List criteria for species at risk of extinction.
change, bringing with it more extreme weather conditions The regions at greatest risk are the Caribbean with the highest
including heat waves, cyclones, and more frequent droughts concentration of endangered species in high-extinction-risk
and flooding. Temperatures in Spain are predicted to rise categories, and the Coral Triangle of the Western Pacific
5° to 8° C (3° to 5° C above the 2° warming that the UN with the highest ratio of species in all categories of elevated-
has set as the global limit to avoid the gravest danger, and extinction-risk.
beyond which irreversible ecosystem changes will occur with
Rising surface temperatures and local impacts are leading to
unpredictable results for humankind and the lives we lead.)
coral bleaching events and coral disease events, which are
An already arid region, a hotter and drier climate is expected
further worsened by human-related disruptions, and have lead
to lead to the Africanization of much of the Iberian Peninsula.
to the collapse and mass destruction of large tracts of corals.
Desertification is predicted to advance in the south, and
According to a recent news story on, “Local
holiday areas may be invaded by sub-tropical diseases such as
threats, which primarily result from human disturbance,
dengue, Rift Valley fever and malaria. A recent government
include coastal development, sedimentation resulting from
report cautioned that water resources could fall by 22% by
erosion and deforestation, sewage discharges, nutrient
the end of the century. Spain’s biodiversity will face the
loading and eutrophication from agricultural run-off, coral
consequences, with extinction rates for reptile and amphibian
mining and over-collection for the pet trade, over fishing, and
species perhaps reaching as high as 97%.
recreational activities. On a global scale, reefs are imperilled
Spain is still busy raising awareness of the issue, rather than by rising temperatures, which causthat provide corals with
taking comprehensive political action in light of its CO2 sustenance, and ocean acidification, which causes changes in
emissions exceeding 1990 levels by 49% a couple of years reef communities by making it more difficult for some corals
ago. To help solve the climate crisis and enhance collaboration to form carbonate skeletons that serve as their structural basis.
of politicians, civil society and the private sector, IUCN, the These synergetic effects cause physiological stress, weakening
world’s largest and oldest environmental network, has hosted corals and leaving them susceptible to infection by pathogens,
this World Conservation Congress in Barcelona. Climate including bacteria and viruses.”
change has now finally moved up the political agenda in
The GMSA study warns that, “if bleaching events become
Spain, after years of giving economic growth political
very frequent, many species may be unable to re-establish
precedence. “The fight against climate change is an absolute
breeding populations before subsequent bleaching causes
priority for any responsible government in these times and
potentially irreversible declines” and goes on to caution that,
we cannot lose even a minute,” said Prime Minister José Luis
“if corals cannot adapt, the cascading effects of the functional
Rodríguez Zapatero. (By Carolin Wahnbaeck, IUCN Global
loss of reef ecosystems will threaten the geologic structure
Communications, 07 July 2008)
of reefs and their coastal protection function, and have huge
A third of Reef-Building Corals Face Extinction economic effects on food security for hundreds of millions of
Corals have now joined frogs and toads amongst the most people dependent on reef fish.”
endangered species on Earth. Often referred to as the rainforests
The results highlight the widespread plight of coral reefs and
of the oceans, due to the profusion of species which they
the urgent need to act. The impending mass extinction of
shelter, coral reefs are home to as many as 2 million species
corals can still be averted, if action is taken on both local and
of animals and plants, representing 25 to 30 % of all marine
global levels. The estimated cost of protecting reefs is a tiny
life. Coral reefs provide services averaging between $100,000
fraction the value they bring: 0.2%. The hope is that if we
and $600,000 per square km each year, amounting to a total
can apply good conservation measures, through creating new
global value between $30 and $180 billion annually. The reefs
protected areas, corals that have other stresses will be able to
provide shelter for many species for their entire life cycles,
survive and rebuild. If we can apply what we know to help
while serving as nurseries for others during early stages of
corals get through the crisis of CO2 levels, they just might be
development. But, the rate at which corals are approaching
extinction is unprecedented. Just ten years ago, less than 5% able to pull through.
of the species assessed would have been placed on the IUCN
Red List. Continued destruction of these reef ecosystems
will certainly end in a massive and irreversible loss of global
Please send your news, press releases and media
A two year study, published in Science Magazine, has come information to our News Editor Don de Belle
to the stark conclusion that one third of reef-building corals

B I O D I V E R S I T Y 9 ( 3 & 4 ) 2 0 0 8 159
Mapping the World’s Greatest Challenge.
Kirstin Dow and Thomas E. Downing (University of California Press, Berkeley, 2006). ISBN-10: 0-520-25023-0, 112 pp. $19.95.

surprising even to a knowledgeable reader. For example,

Mongolia (one of the most sparsely populated countries
in the world) is a leader in CO2 emissions as measured
against GDP.
Map coverage varies considerably. Only five maps present
the natural world: prevailing winds and ocean currents that
transport heat around the world (pp. 32-33) and expected
changes in global temperatures, river flow (pp. 37, 57) and
agricultural potential in Africa (p. 59). Quite surprisingly,
there are no world maps showing patterns of temperature
changes over the last few decades.
Most maps present conditions by country or region (melting
of polar ice sheets, glacial retreats, and the 2003 heat
wave in Europe), while nine others are just excuses for
presenting examples of signs of global warming, disruption
of ecosystems, predicted coastal flooding and associated
destruction of cultural heritage, current weather-related
disasters and individual cities that have committed resources
to changing lifestyles. The very serious effects of rising
sea levels is particularly skimpy. There is no systematic
presentation of the vast number of vulnerable oceanic
islands, little discussion of the effects of rising sea levels
on coastal ecosystems such as reefs and mangrove swamps,
and even the coastal flooding of larger countries is treated
vaguely (e.g., coastal populations are listed according to
their distance from the coast, not according to how elevated
they are above sea level, with Norway being listed the same
as the Netherlands).
The bulk of the maps present the political situation, in 14
cases with individual countries and in two cases by regional
groups of countries (with “CIS” representing the Asian
countries formerly included in the USSR). Five of these
“Atlas” usually conjures up an image of an unwieldy tome. maps deal with CO2 emissions (changes in total production
But this Atlas measures only 21 cm wide and 24 long, less from 1896-2000, production by GDP and changes in 1993-
than a sheet of letter paper, and at 7 mm thick is light enough 2003, total production and in agricultural situations)
to twirl at finger’s end. Only the subject is weighty – the future although methane and other greenhouse gasses are also
of life on Earth. The treatment is decidedly lighthearted: featured. Other subjects include health threats, number
colorful charts and diagrams, with a minimum of distressing of weather-related disasters in 2000-2005, water scarcity,
photographs (only eight of these after the ominous cover, and projected food shortages, greenhouse gas emissions from
these are often minuscule) to encourage the reader to become air and sea transportation, legislation and financial support
immersed in the subject. and the capacity of countries for dealing with global
The term “atlas” refers to the four satellite photographs and
34 maps, 16 of which extend over a double-page spread. In short, this is a political tract rather than a scientific one.
These are annotated by 25 bar charts, 16 pie diagrams, Despite this viewpoint, it serves a very useful function as a
12 charts showing changes over the years, and five other “primer” on global climate change and provides much useful
diagrams that summarize and amplify the data presented baseline data.
on eight pages of tables at the end of the text. All diagrams
are clear and lively in presentation, and occasionally Andy Hamilton— Book Review Editor

160 T R O P I C A L C O N S E R V A N C Y
Biodiversity is sincerely grateful to the partners listed below for their financial assistance and in-kind contributions to
the production and publication of this special issue. Biodiversity is also grateful to all members of the Special Board of
Editors and our volunteers who have spent many working hours to ensure the success of this issue.

Agriculture &
Agri-Food Canada IDRC CRDI
International Development Centre de recherches pour le
Agriculture & Agro- Research Centre développement International

alimentaire Canada


Disclaimer. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do
not necessarily reflect those of Tropical Conservancy or its partners as listed above.

Biodiversity encourages authors from around the world to submit articles for publication.
Please query the Managing Editor first re: topics (see coordinates in masthead), which
range from ecosystem research, species profiles and discoveries, methodology in track-
ing biodiversity, human effects on species and habitats, innovative conservation initiatives,
discussions of shifts in international, national, or local policies that benefit biodiversity, and
so on. Papers must be accurate, referenced, and written in a clear, understandable style;
most are reviewed by outside experts. Depending on the topic, length varies from 1,500
to 8,000 words. Accompanying illustrations, high-quality maps, and clear, crisp photos are

Printed in Canada at VN Printing, Ottawa, on paper with post-consumer

recycled content and with vegetable oil ink
Published by
Tropical Conservancy
94 Four Seasons Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2E 7S1

Volume 9, Numbers 3 & 4, 2008

Native trees in the Socotra Archipelago, Yemen. The Dihamri Socotra Archipelago is especially rich in flora and fauna. About 37 % of Socotra’s
plant species, 90 % of its reptile species and 95 % of its land snail species cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Following IUCN’s recom-
mendations, this site and 7 others were added to the list of World Heritage Sites this year. The other sites include; Canada’s Joggins Fossil Cliffs,
the French Lagoons of New Caledonia, Saryarka in Northern Kazakhstan, Mount Sanqingshan National Park in China, Surtsey in Iceland, the
Swiss Tectonic Arena Sardona, and the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in Mexico. (Photo by Khaldoun Al Omari, courtesy of IUCN)

ISSN 1488-8386
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