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EDU 533: Assessment in Learning 1

Student Activity Sheet #7

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Lesson title:Part 2: Different Classifications of Assessment Materials:

-aptitude tests, speed and power tests, norm & {List materials that students will
criterion-referenced tests and standardized tests need to complete this lesson.}
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of this module you should have: References:
1. explained the purpose of different forms of assessment; {List of references used for the and lesson}
2. classified the kind of assessment to be used.

Productivity Tip:
At least 8 hours of sleep (make sure this is not during class hours!) is essential for healthy brain function. Studies
suggest that students may need even more. To increase your productivity in the long term, be sure to wind down at the
end of each day and go to bed calm. Take measures to tire your body out and relax the mind, such as exercise or
meditation. Stress is a leading cause of lack of sleep so your primary concern should be to take care of yourself.

1) Introduction (2 mins)
This is a continuation of the Different Classifications of Assessment.

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins) Answer what

you know about the questions.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

1. What are aptitude tests?

2. What are the differences

between speed and power

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EDU 533: Assessment in Learning 1
Student Activity Sheet #7

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

3. How do criterion and norm-

referenced tests differ?

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins): Remember to highlight the important information as you read.

Standardized Tests h ave fixed directions for administering and scoring. They can be purchased test manuals, booklets,
and answer sheets. When these tests were developed, the items were samples on a large number of target groups
called norm. The norm group’s performance is used to compare the results of those who took the test.

Non-standardized Tests or Teacher-made tests are usually intended for classroom assessment. They are used for
classroom purposes such as determining whether the learners have reached the learning target. These intend to
measure behavior (such as learning) in line with the objectives of the course. Examples are quizzes, tests and exams.
Formative assessments are usually teacher-made tests.

Achievement tests m easure what learners have learned after instruction or after going through a specific curricular
program. Achievement tests provide information on what learners can do and have acquired after training and
instruction. It is a measure of what a person has learned within or up to a given time (Yaremko et al. 1982) It is a
measure of the accomplished skills and indicates what a person can do at present (Atkinson 1995). Kimball explained
traditional and alternative views on the achievement of learners. He noted the greater number of courses taken by
learners, and their more extensive classroom experience with a subject that may give them an advantage. Achievement
can be measured by a variety of means and can be reflected in the final grades of a learner within a quarter. A q uarter
test is composed of several learning strategies is a good way of measuring the achievement of learners.

According to Lohgman (2005), aptitudes are the characteristics that influence a person’s behavior that aid goal
attainment in a particular situation. Specifically, aptitude refers to the degree of readiness to learn and perform well in a
particular situation or domain (Corno 2002). Examples are time management, comprehension of instructions, or
managing one’s emotions. Other developments have also led to the conclusion that assessment of aptitude can go
beyond cognitive abilities.

Speed tests consist of essay items that need to be completed within a time limit.

Power tests consist of items with increasing levels of difficulty, but time is sufficient to compare the whole test.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU 533: Assessment in Learning 1
Student Activity Sheet #7

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Norm-referenced tests a re uniform tests. It ranks and compares students in relation to one another. Also,
they measure performance on the basis of the theoretical average. Norm-referenced tests report whether test
takers performed better or worse than a hypothetical average student, which is determined by comparing
scores against the performance results of a statistically selected group of test takers, typically of the same age
or grade level, who have already taken the exam.

Read more from

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Calculating norm-referenced scores is called the “norming process,” and the comparison group is known as the
“norming group.” Norming groups typically comprise only a small subset of previous test takers, not all or even
most previous test takers. Test developers use a variety of statistical methods to select norming groups,
interpret raw scores, and determine performance levels.

Norm-referenced scores are generally reported as a percentage or percentile ranking. For example, a student
who scores in the seventieth percentile performed as well or better than seventy percent of other test takers of
the same age or grade level, and thirty percent of students performed better (as determined by norming-group

Criterion-referenced tests h ave sets of standards and scored compared to the given criterion. For example
in a 50-item test, 40-50 is very high, 30-39 is average, 10-19 is low and 0-9 is very low.

Criterion-referenced tests and a ssessments are designed to measure student performance against a fixed

set of predetermined criteria or l earning standards— i.e., concise, written descriptions of what students

are expected to know and be able to do at a specific stage of their education. In elementary and secondary
education, criterion-referenced tests are used to evaluate whether students have learned a specific body of

knowledge or acquired a specific skill set. For example, the c urriculum taught in a course, academic

program, or c ontent area.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU 533: Assessment in Learning 1
Student Activity Sheet #7

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

If students perform at or above the established expectations—for example, by answering a certain percentage

of questions correctly—they will pass the test, meet the expected standards, or be deemed “p roficient. ” On a

criterion-referenced test, every student taking the exam could theoretically fail if they don’t meet the expected
standard; alternatively, every student could earn the highest possible score. On criterion-referenced tests, it is
not only possible, but desirable, for every student to pass the test or earn a perfect score. Criterion-referenced
tests have been compared to driver’s-license exams, which require would-be drivers to achieve a minimum
passing score to earn a license. Read more through:,specific%20stage%20of%20their%20education.

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

Complete the table on the different types of tests and give examples beside each.

Type Definition Example

Fixed directions for administering and scoring created by
Standardized norm’s performance is used to compare the results of those SAT, ACT
test who took the test.
test or Formative test usually created by teachers. Quizzes, test and Exams
Made test

Measure what learners have learned after instruction or Thesis, Term paper, Investigatory
after going through a specific curricular program. Project
Norm- Norm-referenced tests report whether test IQ test, test that graded on a curve.
reference takers performed better or worse than a hypothetical

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU 533: Assessment in Learning 1
Student Activity Sheet #7

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

average student, which is determined by comparing

scores against the performance results of a statistically
selected group of test takers, typically of the same age
or grade level, who have already taken the exam.
are designed to measure student performance against a fixed
referenced Thesis, Term Paper
set of predetermined criteria
Consists of essay items that need to be completed within a
Speed tests the Clinical Speed and Accuracy Test.
time limit.
consist of items with increasing levels of difficulty, but time is
Power Test English Vocabulary tests
sufficient to compare the whole test.
Quarter Is composed of several learning strategies is a good way of
Periodical Test
Test measuring the achievement of learners.

The following guide questions are used when deciding the purpose, form and interpretation of assessment:
● What information do you want from your learners?
● What specific learning targets do you want to assess?
● Are you assessing the learners’ progress or what they have learned?
● Given your target, what type of assessment is appropriate?
● How will you interpret the results if you do not have a set of norms?

The following guide questions are used when deciding on the function, kind of learning and ability to be assessed:
● What information do you want from your learners?
● What specific learning targets do you want to assess?
● Is there an available instrument to determine the information you need to know?
● If you have an available standardized instrument, do you want to determine what the learners have learned or
their potential future learning?
● If you have an available instrument, are you after their maximum performance?
● If you are using standardized instruments, do you have a copy of the test manual with available norms to
interpret the score?

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

A school principal wanted to determine who among a group of applicants will be admitted to the school. The
principal wanted to determine if the learners have learned well in their present grade level. The learners come from
different schools and it is assumed that they all learned the common standards as indicated in the national curriculum.
There is an available instrument in the school that determines the important learning competencies based on the
national curriculum.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU 533: Assessment in Learning 1
Student Activity Sheet #7

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

a. What information does the principal want to determine who among a group of applicants will be admitted to the

if the applicants learned well their present grade level of not

b. What are the specific learning targets that the principal intends to assess?
_____the important of learning competencies based on the national curriculum______________

c. Is there an available instrument to determine the information that the principal wants to know among the
learners? __________________________YES_____________________________________________
e. Given the available standardized instrument, does the principal want to determine what the learners have
learned for potential future learning? _________________YES_________________________
g. Is the principal after the learner’s maximum performance? ____________YES______________________
i. Given that there is an available instrument, how will the scores be interpreted? How will the school principal
decide who will be accepted in the school?

Scores will be interpreted by Standardized test creatd by the school.


3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)

{This serves as the student’s review and summary of what was learned from the session. The teacher asks
students to monitor how their knowledge has changed by reviewing the questions in the What I Know Chart
from Activity 1 and write their answers to the questions based on what they now know in the third column of
the chart.}

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

Read the case below and answer the questions that follow.
A math teacher wanted to determine how well the students have learned their lesson on fractions. After two weeks of
drills and exercises, the teacher wanted to record how well the students have learned about fractions. The specific
learning competencies taught by the teacher are (1) adding similar fractions (2) solving word problems involving the
addition of similar fractions. The school has an available standardized test on mathematics, but it covers many topics
aside from fractions

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EDU 533: Assessment in Learning 1
Student Activity Sheet #7

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

1. What information does the teacher want to determine among the students?
-how well the students have learned their lesson in fraction.

2. What specific learning target does the teacher want to assess?

-adding similar fraction and solving problem involving the adding similar fraction.
3. Is the teacher assessing learning progress or what students have learned?
4. Given your specific learning target, which form of assessment is appropriate?
-Give seatwork.
5. How will the math teacher interpret the results if the students have learned?
-By conducting quizzes/seatwork ---and check if majority understand the lesson or need another set of problem.

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
You’re done with module 7. Make sure you mark your progress below.

Write a question to your teacher about the topic and/or ask now

Question: Should these assessment forms be used in classes?
A: As much as possible, a variety of assessment forms should be administered to fully measure one’s capability, while
catering to the needs of the learners.

Activity 3 Part 1: Answers vary. Please use the content notes for answers
Activity 3 Part 2:
a. students’ learning in their present grade level
b. standards based on the national curriculum

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU 533: Assessment in Learning 1
Student Activity Sheet #7

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

c. yes
d. yes
e. no
f. using a criterion-referenced test

Activity 5
1. level of learning of students
2. adding and solving word problems on similar fractions
3. progress
4. paper-and-pencil test
5. norm referenced test

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