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BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices ASSESSMENT 1


Participate in environmentally sustainable
work practices

Student Name
Yodkaow Klinubol
Student Number
Due Date

Trainer Name:
STUDENT DECLARATION: My Trainer or Assessor has the right to not mark this assignment if the
below declaration has not been signed.
I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been copied from any other
✔ student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the

I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been submitted by me in another
✔ (previous or current) assessment, except where appropriately referenced, and with prior
permission from the Trainer for this unit.

✔ No part of the assignment/product has been written/produced for me by any other person
except where collaboration has been authorised by the Trainer concerned.

I am aware that this work will be reproduced and submitted to plagiarism detection software
✔ programs for the purpose of detecting possible plagiarism (which may retain a copy on its
database for future plagiarism checking).

Student Signature yodkaow

Assessor Name

Signature of Assessor:

Date assessment submitted:

Candidate submitted assessment after the due date - NOT YET SATISFACTORY

Candidate submitted on or before the due date and was deemed as: (please tick)


1 ANIBT Assessment Tool

Version 1.2
Date: November 2022 TADM
BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices ASSESSMENT 1

Instructions to Learner
Assessment Task 1
The assessment questions/tasks in this workbook assess aspects of all the elements, performance
criteria, skills and knowledge and performance requirements of the unit of competency.

To demonstrate competence in this unit, you must undertake all activities in this workbook and have
them deemed satisfactory by the assessor. If you do not answer some questions or perform certain
tasks, and therefore you are deemed to be Not Yet Competent, your trainer/assessor may ask you
supplementary questions to determine your competence. Once you have demonstrated the
required level of performance, you will be deemed competent in this unit.

Should you still be deemed Not Yet Competent, you will have the opportunity to resubmit your
assessments or appeal the result.

As part of the assessment process, all learners must abide by any relevant assessment policies as
provided during induction.

If you feel you are not yet ready to be assessed or that this assessment is unfair, please contact your
assessor to discuss your options. You have the right to formally appeal any outcome and, if you wish
to do so, discuss this with your trainer/assessor.

Prior to commencing the assessments, your trainer/assessor will explain each assessment task and
the terms and conditions relating to the submission of your assessment task. Please consult with
your trainer/assessor if you are unsure of any questions. It is important that you understand and
adhere to the terms and conditions, and address fully each assessment task. If any assessment task
is not fully addressed, then your assessment task will be returned to you for resubmission. Your
trainer/assessor will remain available to support you throughout the assessment process.

Assessment tasks
Assessment tasks are used to measure your understanding and underpinning skills and knowledge of
the overall unit of competency. When undertaking any assessment tasks, please ensure that you
address the following criteria:

 Address each question including any sub-points

 Demonstrate that you have researched the topic thoroughly

 Cover the topic in a logical, structured manner

 Your assessment tasks are well presented, well referenced and word processed

Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them
as your own. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a learner’s exclusion from a course. When
you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessment, please consult
your trainer/assessor. The following list outlines some of the activities for which a learner can be
accused of plagiarism:

2 ANIBT Assessment Tool

Version 1.2
Date: November 2022 TADM
BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices ASSESSMENT 1

 Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally

 Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another learner

 Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work

 Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including

assessments taken totally or in part from the internet.

If it is identified that you have plagiarised within your assessment, then a meeting will be organised
to discuss this with you, and further action may be taken accordingly.

Collusion is the presentation by a learner of an assignment as their own that is, in fact, the result in
whole or in part of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. Collusion involves
the cooperation of two or more learners in plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct and,
as such, both parties are subject to disciplinary action. Collusion or copying from other learners is
not permitted and will result in a NYC.

Assessments must be typed using document software such as (or like) MS Office or Adobe.
Handwritten assessments will not be accepted (unless, prior written confirmation is provided by the
trainer/assessor to confirm).

Competency outcome
There are two outcomes of assessments: S = Satisfactory and NYS = Not Yet Satisfactory (requires
more training and experience).

Once the learner has satisfactorily completed all the tasks for this module the learner will be
awarded “Competent” (C) or “Not yet Competent” (NYC) for the relevant unit of competency.

If you are deemed “Not Yet Competent” you will be provided with feedback from your assessor and
will be given another chance to resubmit your assessment task(s). If you are still deemed as “Not Yet
Competent” you will be required to re-enrol in the unit of competency.

Assessment appeals process

If you feel that you have been unfairly treated during your assessment, and you are not happy with
your assessment and/or the outcome as a result of that treatment, you have the right to lodge an
appeal. You must first discuss the issue with your trainer/assessor. If you would like to proceed
further with the request after discussions with your trainer/assessor, you need to lodge your appeal
to the course coordinator, in writing, outlining the reason(s) for the appeal.

Special needs
Candidates with special needs should notify their trainer/assessor to request any required
adjustments as soon as possible. This will enable the trainer/assessor to address the identified needs

3 ANIBT Assessment Tool

Version 1.2
Date: November 2022 TADM
BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices ASSESSMENT 1

Task one: Instructions

Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this

The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:

 Identify environmental and resource hazards/risks as well as environmental or sustainability

legislation, regulations and codes of practice applicable to own role
 Outline sustainability requirements in the workplace
 Identify reporting channels and procedures to report breaches and potential issues
 Identify where to find environmental and resource efficiency systems and procedures.

Complete the following activities individually or in a group (as applicable to the specific activity
and the assessment environment).

 Do not start answering questions without understanding what is required. Read the
questions carefully and critically analyse them for a few seconds; this will help you to
identify what information is needed in the answer.

 Your answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of learning practices

 Be concise, to the point and write answers within the word-limit given to each question. Do
not provide irrelevant information. Remember, quantity is not quality.

 You must write your responses in your own words.

 Use non-discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue, demean, or
exclude individuals or groups based on attributes such as gender, disability, culture, race,
religion, sexual preference or age. Gender-inclusive language should be used.

 When you quote, paraphrase, summarise or copy information from other sources to write
your answers or research your work, always acknowledge the source

 This document contains all the case studies available in this unit.

 It is to be used when referred to in the Learner Workbook, to help answer the relevant

The assessment contains Case Studies that will need to be referred to throughout this assessment

4 ANIBT Assessment Tool

Version 1.2
Date: November 2022 TADM
BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices ASSESSMENT 1

Activity 1A
To provide you with an opportunity to identify workplace environmental and resource efficiency
1. Identify three potential environmental and resource efficiency issues within your workplace.
Lack of opportunities to recycle

Inefficient machinery

Lack of energy efficient resources such as lightbulbs.


2. What actions could you take to identify resources efficiency issues in the workplace? Give 3
Comparing resource use between teams

Observing every day practices


Discussing opinions on resource use in meetings


Activity 1B
To provide you with an opportunity to identify resources used in own work role.
Within your own work role, create a list of resources that are used regularly. Provide 6 examples


P.P.E i.e. gloves and safety goggles.


Cleaning products

Cleaning equipment i.e. mop



5 ANIBT Assessment Tool

Version 1.2
Date: November 2022 TADM
BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices ASSESSMENT 1

Activity 1C
To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to document and measure current usage of
resources using appropriate techniques.
1. Explain three benefits of measuring and monitoring resource usage within the workplace.
Saving money – monitoring resource use within
1 the organisation will help to identify wasteful
behaviour and make it easier to implement
sustainable policies

Satisfying management – providing senior personnel with quantifiable savings based

2 on resource use can make them satisfied with employees and may result in rewards
being issued

Comparison between teams – if your organisation consists of a number of different

3 teams or across locations, measuring resource use enables you to compare between
teams and create competition.

2. Describe the importance of using invoices when measuring resource use.

The methods for measuring current usage will vary significantly depending on the
resource being measured. This may include looking at invoices, checking order
forms and weighing waste produced.

Activity 1D
To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to record and file documentation
measuring current usage, using technology (such as software systems) where applicable.
1. Describe how you would record and file documentation measuring current usage.
There is little point in measuring the usage of resources within your organisation if
you are not going record them securely and refer back to them in the future. It is
important to track resources used continually to assess where inefficiency has
occurred, and referring back to previous weeks, months and years can help you
in establishing whether policies and procedures have been effective or not.

2. What technology would be required?

If you dont have good knowledge of storage protocols or digital technology, you
may need to askothers for assistance. They could show you how to properly store

3. What procedures exist within your organisation regarding the filing of documentation
measuring resource usage? If no procedures exist, describe procedures that could be
You should always check your work order and even notice boards that may be
present around the work place to ensure you do not miss out on updates or
important information regarding procedures.

6 ANIBT Assessment Tool

Version 1.2
Date: November 2022 TADM
BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices ASSESSMENT 1

Activity 1E
To provide you with an opportunity to identify workplace environmental hazards and recognise
how to report them to appropriate personnel.
1. Provide five examples of workplace hazards.
Noisy machinery

Moving vehicles

Slippery floors

Loose cables

Working at heights

2. When reporting workplace environmental hazards to appropriate personnel, what are the
key details that you should inform them of?
A hazard is something that has the potential to cause injury or harm to a person,
property or the environment.

Activity 2A
To provide you with an opportunity to recognise how to follow workplace procedures to ensure
1. Where can you locate workplace procedures for your organisation related to sustainable
Different work places will have different procedures to follow to ensure
compliance and you will be made aware of these procedures when you start with
the organisation.

2. What national, state and territory laws do you need to be aware of in addition to workplace
procedures? Provide 2 examples
Routes of entry

Use of chemicals and machinery


7 ANIBT Assessment Tool

Version 1.2
Date: November 2022 TADM
BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices ASSESSMENT 1

Activity 2B
To provide you with an opportunity to recognise how to report breaches or potential breaches
to appropriate personnel.
1. Provide two examples of breaches of environmental and organisational regulations that
would need to be reported.
Not disposing of waste correctly

Pouring chemicals into main waterways/storm drains


2. Who do breaches in regulations need to be reported to? Provide 2 examples

Taking action without approval

Commencing an action after submitting a referral but it is not yet

2 approved

Activity 3A
To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to follow organisational plans to
improve environmental practices and resource efficiency.
1. What organisational plans could within your workplace in relation to travelling procedures?
Provide 3 examples
Utilising video conferences

Rostering employees

Travelling to work

2. Describe three features of eco-builds.

Solar panels for heating water

Water conservation

Non-toxic paints

8 ANIBT Assessment Tool

Version 1.2
Date: November 2022 TADM
BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices ASSESSMENT 1

Activity 3B
To provide you with an opportunity to work as part of a team, where relevant, to identify
possible areas for improvements to work practices in own work area.
Identify possible areas for improvements to work practices within your work area. Provide 4
examples. For each example provide a brief description on why you would make these changes.
Area Improvement Needed Why changes are needed
Working together as part of a team will usually Prepare what you want to say – make sure
result in a greater number and more in depth
areas for improvement being identified in that you are clear about the points that you
comparison to everyone thinking want to make and make sure that they are
individually relevant to the discussion

Employees may develop suggestions Have reasons or evidence to support

made by others; the points you are making
interesting ideas can be developed
throughout the session

There are little or no costs involved to If you find it difficult to get the space to speak, say
organising a group something like ‘I’d like to add
brainstorming session, whereas it would cost to something here’ or ‘may I say something please?’ – this
hire external individuals to assess will get people’s attention and
workplace practices it’s very clear that you would like to contribute something

Joint discussion can make employees Make sure that you behave the way that you
at different levels feel involved and would like others to behave towards you
valued – avoid interrupting others while they are
speaking, etc.

Activity 3C
To provide you with an opportunity to make suggestions for improvements to workplace
practices in own work area.
1. In what situations can you make suggestions for improvements to workplace practices?
Provide 3 examples.
During meetings

Break times

During discussions with colleagues or your supervisor


2. Provide at least three examples of methods that could be implemented in your workplace to
cut resource use.
Making it easy to recycle in the workplace, try recycling:

9 ANIBT Assessment Tool

Version 1.2
Date: November 2022 TADM
BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices ASSESSMENT 1

Encouraging staff to use crockery cups/glasses for their drinks rather

2 than plastic disposable cups

Recycling electrical equipment e.g. computers, printer, fridges,

3 microwaves etc.

10 ANIBT Assessment Tool

Version 1.2
Date: November 2022 TADM

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