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Medical and Urban Entomology Report: Study trip Location: Department of Medical Parasitology and Entomology, Medical Center

of UKM, UKM Kuala Lumpur Date: 11th February 2010 By: Johari Jalinas This report is written for course Medical and Urban Entomology

A study trip to Department of Medical Parasitology and Entomology, Medical Center of UKM, Kuala Lumpur had been held on Thursday (11th February 2010). The purpose of the trip The study trip to any institutions or departments that related to medically important is one of the requirements for the course Medical and Urban Entomology. The reason of this trip is to give the students of MSc Entomology UKM (Coursework) the great opportunity to conduct a fieldtrip by themselves and at the same time it can open up their mind especially about the exploring a job in the field of medical parasitology and entomology. This activity is also one of the activities for the Centre for Insects Systematic (CIS), UKM in 2010. This study tour will hope can either improve or create the collaboration and networking with the other institutions and departments that related to Medical and Urban Entomology. This will give a new insight in establishing new way to explore new technologies and researches that related to Medical and Urban Entomology. Therefore, this trip can enhance and improve the Key Performances Index (KPI) for the CIS, UKM in 2010. Proposal and Letter for the visit Before the visit, a letter to Department of Medical Parasitology and Entomology had been made by Mr Azizi, Mr Fitri, Mr Johari Jalinas and Mr Ahmad Bukhary. The letter and the proposed interview questions had been sent to Dr Faszly Rahim for the verification. Thereafter, the letter had been mailed on 12th January 2010 by Mr. Azizi and Mr Fitri. As a result, the confirmation letter for the visit had been received on 22nd January 2010. After that, the confirmation letter had been sent to Dr Faszly Rahim for the booking of transportation (UKM Mini Bus) on 11th February 2010. A short briefing of the study trip had been given by Dr Faszly on Monday (8th February 2010) during the class of Medical and Entomology.

Departed from UKM As we planned, a mini bus arrived at Biology Building at 8.00am. The attendance of the students and the staffs had been taken by Dr Wee Suk Ling (Senior Lecturer, Program Biology). The driver of this trip was Mr Rabu and we departed from UKM Bangi to Medical Centre-UKM at 8.30 am. Attended: Students 1. Mr. Johari Jalinas (MSc Coursework ) 2. Miss Nurul Ainn (MSc Research) 3. Mr. Mohd Fitri Masarudin (MSc Coursework) 4. Mr. Ahmad Bukhary Ahmad Khair (MSc Coursework) 5. Miss Siti Norlaila Sulaiman (MSc Coursework) 6. Dr Kalied A.Saad Mustafa (MSc Coursework) 7. Miss Tan (MSc Research-Students Dr Wee Suk Ling)

Staffs 1. Miss Juhana (Research Assistant-Dr Faszly Rahim) 2. Dr Wee Suk Ling (Senior Lecturer) 3. Dr Faszly Rahim (Senior Lecturer) own transportation

Absent: 1. Miss Helina Abdul Latiff (Dissertation Project at UPM) 2. Mr Mohammad Azizi Abdullah( Kedah) 3. Madam Ashai Mohmad Ahmad Abojala (Class Bahasa Melayu) 4. Madam Asma Mohamed Ali Indbha (Class Bahasa Melayu) 5. Miss Hafizah (Workshop-UKM)

*Without giving any specific reasons

Arrived at Department of Medical Parasitology and Entomology We arrived at the department at 10.00 am and immediately we had been brought to Seminar Room, Department Medical Parasitology and Entomology. Our visit to Department of Medical Parasitology and Entomology, Medical Center-UKM had been given warmly welcomed by Prof. Madya Drs. Mohamed Abdullah Marwi, Dr Syamsa Rizal Abdullah (Senior lecturer), Encik Yusof Suboh (Chief of Assistant Officer) and Encik Ahmad Firdaus Mohd Salleh (Assistant Science Officer). A Short Brief and Ice Breaking A short brief about the activities for study trip at Department Medical Parasitology and Entomology, Medical Center-UKM Kuala Lumpur had been given by Dr Syamsa Rizal Abdullah at Department Medical Parasitology and Entomology, Medical Center-UKM Kuala Lumpur. The simple ice breaking had been done before the coffee break. The ice breaking had been started by the staffs from Department and Medical Parasitology and Entomology, followed by the delegates from UKM Bangi. This activity was very exciting because we could know the research background of the staffs (Department of Medical Parasitology and Entomology, Medical CentreUKM). Then, we had the coffee break at 10.30 am until 10.45 am.

Figure (left) shows Dr Syamsa Rizal was giving a short brief about the activities for study trip and thereafter introduced the Department of Medical Parasitology and Entomology, Medical Centre-UKM Kuala Lumpur to the delegates from UKM Bangi.

Figures below shows the delegates from UKM were briefly introducing themselves to the Staffs Department of Medical and Urban Entomology

Mr. Ahmad Bukhary (MSc Coursework-1 Semester) Background- BSc Biology (USM)


Mr.Azizi (MSc Coursework-1 Semester) Background BSc Plantation (Uitm)


Backgroud BSc Plantation (Uitm)

Mr. Johari Jalinas (MSc Coursework-2nd Semester) Background- BSc Biomedic (UPM)

From left; Dr Faszly Rahim (Senior lecturer)and Dr Kalied (MSc Coursework-DVM)

Backgroud BSc Plantation (Uitm)

Miss Nurul Ainn (MSc by Research), Miss Laila (MSc Coursework 1st semester and Miss Juhaida (Research Assistant Dr Faszly Rahim)

Dr Wee Suk Ling (Senior Lecturer, PPSSSA, FST UKM Bangi)

Miss Tan (Research Assistants Dr Wee Suk Ling)

Figure above shows the delegates from UKM Bangi were having the coffee break A Short Brief about the Current Research Projects and Activities by Department of Medical Parasitology and Entomology After the coffee break, Dr Syamsa Rizal had briefly explained about the current research projects had been explored by the department. Example of current research projects are; 1. Entomofauna on carcasses at high rise buildings & its application in forensic 2. The effectiveness of cellophane tape method in detecting demodicosis and the use of facial cleanser among individual of 20-25 years old in Kuala Lumpur. 3. Effects of larval crowdings and different food substrates on the development of blowfly, Chrysomya megacephala 4. The effects of larval crowding on intraspecies and interspecies competitions of blowflies Chrysomya megacephala and Ch. Villeneuvi. 5. Development of Ch. Megacephala on various temperatures and generations

Then, he continued his talk by telling us about the activities that had been organized by the Department of Medical Parasitology and Entomology. The activities are; 1. Seminar 2. Field trip 3. Community talk or Community health program Medical Parasitology and Entomology 4. Workshop 5. Exhibition 6. Fieldwork A Talk and a Lecture on Medical Parasitology and Entomology A lecture on the topic of Medical Parasitology and Entomology had been given by the Prof. Madya Drs. Mohamed Abdullah Marwi. Firstly, he talked about the medically important insects and parasites. In his talk, he briefly explained about the diseases that carried by insects and he discussed about the diseases such as malaria, filariasis, dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever, chikukungnya, and yellow fever. He then continued his lecture by talking about the using insects in Forensic Science. He explained that insects are very important for determining the time of death of the corpse. He explained that the sampling of insects are very good evidences for the solving many murders cases. The existence of the insects would help the investigator the story of the cases.

Figure (Right) shows Prof. Madya Drs. Mohamed Abdullah Marwi was giving a lecture on Arthropods of Forensic Importance

Questions and Answers Session

Figure shows Dr Wee Suk Ling was asking a question to representative from Department of Medical Parasitology and Entomology. The questions and answers session had been done during and after the talks. The delegates from UKM had asked few questions to representatives from the Department of Medical Parasitology and Entomology. Examples of the questions are; 1. Asking for future collaboration and networking 2. Asking about the status of diseases carried by insects in 3. Asking about the precaution steps for outbreak diseases

4. Asking about how insects can be used in science forensic Visiting to Laboratory of Medical Parasitology and Entomology

A visit to a laboratory of medical parasitology and entomology

Photograph session

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