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15-3 Finance Electives

[Updated 1/6/23]

15-3 Major Requirement:

Each student must take an additional seven subjects from the approved list of subjects below. At least one of the
electives must be in the area of Investments, at least one of the electives must be in the area of Corporate
Finance, and there must be at least five electives in total between the areas of Investments, Corporate
Finance, and Topics in Finance. A full subject is either 9 or 12 units. A half subject is 6 units.

15-3 Minor Requirement:

Two subjects from the areas of Investments, Corporate Finance, Topics in Finance (NOT from Non Finance
courses). A full subject is either 9 or 12 units. A half subject is 6 units


Investments: (Majors: 1-3 Courses from Investments)

15.4331 Financial Markets
15.4371 Options and Future Markets
15.438 Fixed Income Securities and Derivatives

Corporate Finance: (Majors: 1-3 Courses from Corporate Finance)

15.4311 Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital
15.4341 Advance Corporate Finance
15.4451 Mergers, Acquisitions, and Private Equity

Topics in Finance: (Majors: 0-5 Courses from Topics in Finance)

15.447 International Capital Markets
15.436 Corporate Financial Strategy
15.446 Public versus Private Capital Markets
15.450 Analytics of Finance
15.456 Financial Engineering
15.457 Advanced Analytics of Finance
15.458 Financial Data Science and Computing
15.465 Alphanomics: A New Approach to Security Analysis
15.466 Functional and Strategic Finance
15.467 Asset Management, Lifecycle Investing, and Retirement Finance
15.481 Financial Market Dynamics and Human Behavior
15.482 Healthcare Finance
15.483 Consumer Finance and FinTech
15.5181 Taxes and Business Strategy
15.535 Business Analysis Using Financial Statements

Non Finance Courses: (Majors: 0-2 Courses from Non Finance. Minors cannot use for their requirement)
15.053 Optimization Methods in Business Analytics
15.7611 Introduction to Operations Management
15.8141 Marketing Innovation
15.9001 Competitive Strategy
15.301 People, Teams, and Organizations Laboratory
15.310 People, Teams, and Organizations
15.312 Organizational Processes for Business Analytics

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