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varie Zesbo awa > ethio tele an fa esr nestor OD ee Regional 262 LTE layering SSV Test Methodology and Acceptance Criteria Wireless Planning and Engineering |November 21, 2022 To: WPRO Followed by: Bekalu Metalign Phone: 0911 510258 Email: Reference: WND/ENG/271/2022 As part of Huawei regional 262 LTE layering, we have attached acceptance criteria for ‘SSV and test Methodology with this letter for you next action. We kindly request your good office to proceed the acceptance as per the signed criteria, The following document is attached with these letter: 1. SSV acceptance LTE test methodology 2. Acceptance criteria and template Best regards, Fedlu Mohammed AWireless Network planning & Engineering Director Inc: 2 documents with a total pages of 12 cc v File vy OPMO @etiotetecom Wa SSV Acceptance LTE Test Methdology 262 LTE Layering Wireless project for Regions a — eS Signature: Signature: ae “ Date: Date: ak ve ay (378 fddi- Wortn x liso ‘The Objective of LTE SSV Acceptance: Test and verify the vendor product service functionality whether it can achieve or not as per the agreed design and planning requirement. Based on this different testing procedures\scenarios and KPI targets are set. During SSV test, corrective measures will be done: 1. If there was problem during installation\ configuration and detected when SSV test done. 2. If targets KPIs are not meet, the vendor is expected to optimize and enhance the service performance and nrochuet functionality till all the tarset KIPs are achieved. a 4 IENEX PHU. Probe Harcsot Unt and Nemo Handy! Nero Outdoor |For SSV test Log Cotecton enax Aasiatant ona Act for Vataaton leer SSV test dere by PHU the Vacation by Genax Assistant [Fer SSV test done by Nemo Handy o Nemo Outdoor Viton by ACTIX [rest Phone: Smar Phones |Capacle to suppor aTARMIMO, 260M & LTE CA BE teroo cuxdoar S Be crore (ACTIX WN Test Praca [Configuring ex plans on the GENENCIowd Distributing tex tasks on the GENEXClowd Test by one cick and obvaining DT data in realtime matically upload text logs Fe SPOT [Contin [its towing tens sta be negated nd peed upon between both es kris detnos, est UE, test equipments mebodology conden artes ine [rest tne: Dring OM Peak Hous (PRB wiation 0%) [rest val be done oly wth Etictcecom SSV tear, For Sts with PRB wlzaten>10% during hy ine tet tobe fo one daring ies station xine [Acereative sine ob cock and pla by Huns [esctecom so repare sscece prion, for es ith ight ean and night accexs esse [Fes Si Daa Package snd Daa ate oudbe ale [, [Rte Exvomest onion or LTE ‘Sitony Hier seam cn choose Den Ta RGON pOGTO HEATARETENS IT [- [Fi wansmision mary sul bres tan Ss and he Fad gE lacey Tirol ew naw TS {eansmissin bandwidth should be no ime [> [xP eornality caused by mast nter RAT ane obs Checked ante ding teas ele oe Ad TO stecat¢ 10 Secemovs) far CHS Wes) a] Stony Tee Us cer lable ant congeste HEE AHA EMEEAL od (CSraTow Gone Aces sucess ate MOC) (Cal soup Tie (CSFB WiCDMA) IWCONAnereaTRedhocionTeLTEAzaret cout « (CreconAcstendRenmt TE cour (START {atemny a retron ys WAFON TO] RL aS eT WTSI Hw HTS NL ET 5H “anepvep par oq exe retro Pos wa IG “Goad wg waroL = Jat OL 3 {09 eueu wh soun 204092 08 Fen Joon oun un su) 991 Bese Ping UE is locked to 4G L1800&L2600 for carrier aggregation test UE is locked to 4G L800 for LTE800 test Ping 1460 Bytes 10 times , 1460 Bytes to FTP server FTP Server is working normal condition ACTIX RTT or Avg. Latency for Ping lAvg. Latency for Ping 1460bytes Mobility Test UE is locked to 4G L 1800812600 fr earsier aggregation LUE is locked to 4G L800 for LTE800tost FTP Ov in Motisty £268 DL fle for mobi trom FTP [Gonex Assistant IPCI Project -UE LTE Sewing POI From DL ‘Seni Tom OLE {SRP Project UE -LTE—Serving RSRP From OL Lag ‘Sering RSRP From OL Log SINR: Project—Ue =LTE—=Servng PCO SINR trom FTP DL Lag [Serving PCC SINR fom FTP OL a ee aT Se a Handover shoul be OX No Cross between Secs 7 4 | @ettiotetecom we 262 Region Layering Wireless project Acceptance Report for Regions Signature: Signature: Date: Date: (FO pads Woln hoon Serre wee uf sho uft3 (age bo) TOW TS ego Io ‘SavrqOSP | Burg 105 KauaqeT BAY ‘2188 $5059 Ou (306 wew $89] uopezian ghia) eis PEO] MOTI04 (Coe weu woneZIINn Gia) Ps PEO} MOT 0; WonebesBbe vee WhLpRielz WRK Bhawie le ‘dK OWI. 3 TED wa ET 30. onan og agen arse dyno 19 as 06e04y ore vec en eae eee mont 3 nduonon a Lt BEY su Aevonsung 1039103 61033 Hodey ASS F317 = yeuHoy e|dureg-ASS Za ethio telecom s% 'SSV Acceptance ‘Siteinformation [Reson [owNane | AA, [stenane | as 70K VestOas——| DORR Hunwel DUID =" sone, Huawei Contact Nurber" name = Fie oS = Not: ova SV Ri and og ies To be provide by So copy dg VaR, rat Shot Select chet“ Acaptnes” tobe Prevized by Hard Copy for acxptnce spn purpose Huawer ae thio telecom Rave [Sanat [ose

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