Authentic Assessment in Grade 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Region V
Daraga, Albay
Bicol University College of Education
Main Campus

Name: Francesca Darlene Llantada

Activity Title:
Date: February 24, 2023 Yr./ Blk: BECED 3

I. Level: Grade 1
II. Subject: Arts

III. Learning Competencies

1. Creates a print by applying dyes on his finger or palm or any part of the body and
pressing it to the paper, cloth, wall, etc. to create impression. AIPR-IIIf

IV. Objectives
At the end of the activity, 75% of the students should be able to:
1. create an artwork that depicts an object that can be seen in the surroundings
using watercolor paints in the primary colors.
2. present their artwork in the class with an explanation of why they made it that
way and what they feel about it.

V. Authentic Assessment Strategy: Output Making

VI. Task: Hand Printing Activity

VII. Assessment Activity


Materials Needed:

1. Watercolor Paints (Red, Blue and Yellow)

2. Papers
3. Water (For paint)
4. Towel (To clean the hands)
5. Used or Unused Cloth (To clean the tables or the Area)


1. Teacher Franc will help you prepare the watercolor paints and organize them
properly on your table. In doing this, you should be behaving well and following
what Teacher Franc says.
2. Then, Teacher Franc will also provide a piece of paper for you to work your art
3. Once done, you can now begin creating artwork. You will apply watercolor paint
to your hands and press it on your paper. You can also just apply it to your
fingers or palms if you want to. You will use any parts of your hands to create a
design of anything you see in the surroundings. For instance, butterflies, flowers,
4. It will be up to you on how you will color your artwork, but make sure that all the
primary colors are seen in your artwork.
5. When you’re done, tell it to Teacher Franc so she knows you are done with your
artwork. However, you still need to behave well, as some of your classmates
might still be working.
6. Once everyone is settled, you will present your artwork to the class, explain why
you made it, and tell them what you feel about it.
7. Good luck! Do your best!

VIII. Artwork Rubric

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Daraga, Albay
Bicol University College of Education
Main Campus

Learning Limited Beginning Approaching Meeting Exceeding Total

Indicators Progress
1 pt. 2 pts. 3 pts. 4 pts. 5 pts.
Identifies The artwork Made use of the Made use of the Made use of the
what the does not primary colors paints with paints with
primary incorporate the but are mixed primary colors, primary colors
colors are primary colors with different but they are a appropriately
because they colors because little bit messy, and
do not have they are still but the artwork successfully,
enough confusing for was finished which are very
understanding them to choose completely. much visible in
of what they from. their artwork.
Refines the Lack of Somewhat Clean and Exceptionally
ability to cleanliness, clean and carefully clean and
manipulate very limited carefully completed art carefully
materials attention to completed art with attention to completed art
safely and detail and with limited detail and with attention to
successfully. quality, and attention to quality, safe and detail and
improper use detail and comfortable with quality of work
of materials quality and the materials. safely mastered
limited comfort using the
with the use of materials to
materials create a neat
work of art.
Applies Has minimal to Had a basic Usually Demonstrates
creative no understanding displayed knowledge and
thinking and understanding of art concepts knowledge and skills of art
strategies to of art concepts and skills about art concepts and
finish the and applications on concepts and applications
artwork applications. an inconsistent skills through through
effectively. basis, thus not finishing the achieving great
completely artwork carefully artwork.
finishing the and completely.
Demonstrate Lack of effort Not a self- Self-motivated, Went above
cooperative to meet the starter, lacked completed all and beyond
behavior and basic activity effort to activity expectations,
effort. expectations, complete the directions, was was a self-
incomplete activity, did not well-respectful, starter, self-
activity or follow all cleaned up all motivated,
directions not directions, or materials at the followed all
followed, were did not follow end of the class, directions, was
disrespectful class rules. and stayed on respectful,
and did not task. cleaned up all
clean up materials after
properly. class, stayed on
task, and
Presents the The The The presentation The
output or presentation, presentation of output was presentation of
artwork with which was not was performed, performed output was
confidence, performed, but it lacks an properly, and performed well
conciseness, showed explanation of explanations and properly,
and mastery. shyness in what they did were delivered went beyond
explaining their and what they with evident explaining
artwork. feel about it. mastery of their about their
artwork. finished
artwork, and
Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Daraga, Albay
Bicol University College of Education
Main Campus

confidence and
mastery of it.

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