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Cuyugan, Joseph Bryan S.


Relationship selling
Relationship marketing is the key focus of sales management nowadays.
Companies are now aware of the benefits of employing a relational approach to
selling rather than a transactional one. Since many markets are unpredictable or
have extended product lifecycles, relationship selling is challenging. Today, the
predominant style of thinking across a variety of businesses and markets is total
quality management (TQM). To stand out from the competition, businesses are
working to differentiate their goods holistically at the level of the improved
product in addition to the actual product. Customer-focused quality is increasingly
essential since it involves moving from an operations center to a customer-
targeted activity. Customer care is a way of thinking that ensures that the
products or services clients receive, along with the post-purchase support, at least
meet and frequently exceed their expectations. When buyers search for suppliers
on their own, this is known as reverse marketing. This is particularly popular in
retail and lean manufacturing settings. Long-term "co-maker ship" partnerships
between suppliers and customers provide for the mutual advantage of both sides.
Value can be gained in buyer-supplier partnerships by focusing more on the
supply chain than on price. The costs of materials and manufacturing are known
to each side, and a mutually agreeable profit margin is established between the
buyer and seller.

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