7th Full Portion

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1. Sodium chloride, sodium sulphate, sodium carbonate are examples of salt.

These salts belong to

which of the following family of salts? (A)Sodium family.
(B)Salt family. (C)Acidic salt family. (D)Hydrochloric acid family

2. What is the color of anhydrous copper sulphate? (A)Blue.

(B)White grey. (C)Blue grey. (D)Greenish

3. What is the color of hydrated copper sulphate? (A)Blue.

(B)White grey. (C)Red grey. (D)Greenish

4. What is called water of crystallization? (A)Salt

water. (B)Water consumed while crystallization of salts. (C)Water
molecules present in salt crystals. (D)Minimum amount of
water which is required for crystallization of salts

5. What happens when soap is applied on a cloth having turmeric stain? (A)Color of
stain changes to blue. (B)Color of stain changes to greenish black. (C)Color of stain changes
to brown red. (D)No effect seen on color of stain

6. What is name of salts formed by sulphuric acid? (A)Sulphuric

salt. (B)Sulphate salts. (C)Acid salts. (D)Salts of acid family

7. Which of the following is known as common salt? (A)Calcium

chloride. (B)Potassium chloride. (C)Copper chloride. (D)Sodium chloride

8. Which of the following salt was prepared by Mahatma Gandhi while Dandi March? (A)Calcium
chloride. (B)Potassium chloride. (C)Copper chloride. (D)Sodium chloride

9. Which of the following is known as soda ash? (A)Sodium

carbonate. (B)Sodium bicarbonate. (C)Sodium carbonate
decahydrate. (D)Calcium carbonate

10. Which of the following is used in fire extinguisher? (A)Sodium

carbonate. (B)Sodium bicarbonate. (C)Potassium carbonate.
(D)Calcium carbonate

11: Which of the following is termed as exothermic reaction? (A)Reaction in

which heat is evolved. (B)Reaction in which heat is absorbed. (C)Reaction in which there is
loss of oxygen. (D)Reaction in which there is gain of hydrogen

12: Which of the following is termed as endothermic reaction? (A)Reaction in

which heat is evolved. (B)Reaction in which heat is absorbed. (C)Reaction in which there is
loss of oxygen. (D)Reaction in which there is gain of hydrogen
13: What is the name of reaction which decomposes after supply of heat? (A)Combination
reaction. (B)Thermal decomposition. (C)Displacement reaction.
(D)Redox reaction

14: What is the name of reaction in which both oxidation and reduction takes place? (A)Combination
reaction. (B)Thermal decomposition. (C)Displacement reaction.

15: What is the name of substance which does get deposited over iron because of moisture present in
air? (A)Sulphide. (B)Rust.
(C)Carbonate. (D)Oxygen

16. Why magnesium ribbon is cleaned before burning? (A)To

remove dust. (B)To remove magnesium oxide. (C)To remove
ribbon oxide. (D)All of the above

17. On the basis of evolution or absorption of heat, chemical reactions can be divided in how many
types? (A)Two.
(B)Three. (C)Four. (D)One

18. Which of the following gas is produced when carbon is burnt in air? (A)Carbon
dioxide. (B)Sulphur dioxide. (C)Oxygen. (D)Hydrogen

19. Which of the following gives energy while respiration? (A)Burning of

coal. (B)Burning of natural gas. (C)Burning of oxygen. (D)Burning of glucose

20. What happens when hydrogen reacts with oxygen? (A)Carbon

dioxide is formed. (B)Water is formed. (C)Hydrogen carbonate is
formed. (D)All of the above

21. What is the chemical name of washing soda? (A)Sodiumcarbonate.

(B)Sodiumbicarbonate. (C)Potassiumcarbonate. (D)Calciumcarbonate

22. What is the chemical name of baking powder?

(A)Sodiumcarbonate. (B)Sodiumbicarbonate. (C)Potassiumcarbonate. (D)Calciumcarbonate

23. What is the use of Plaster of Paris? (A)In plaster

of fractured bones. (B)In making of false ceiling. (C)In making of mould
toys. . (D)All of the above

24. What is the chemical formula of gypsum?

(A)CaSO4 .2H2O. (B)CaSO4 .10 H2O. (C)CaSO4 .½ H2O. (D)CaSO4

25. What is the nature of bleaching powder? (A)Oxidising

agent. (B)Reducing agent. (C)Clotting agent. (D)All of the above
26. Which of the following is found in tooth paste? (A)Sodium
carbonate. (B)Sodium bicarbonate. (C)Sodium sulphate. (D)Sodium chloride

27. Baking powder produces which of the following which makes bater soft? (A)Sodium
carbonate. (B)Carbon dioxide. (C)Oxygen. (D)Nitrogen

28. Which of the gas is responsible for acid rain? (A)Oxygen.

(B)Nitrogen. (C)Carbon dioxide. (D)Chlorine

29. Which of the following product we get by chlor-alkali process? (A)Sodium

hydroxide. (B)Chlorine gas. (C)Hydrogen gas. (D)All of the above

30. Baking soda is produced by which of the following process? (A)Chlor-

alkali process. (B)Solvay process. (C)Soda process.
(D)Dobereiner’s Triads process

31. What is the pH value of sodium chloride? (A)7

(seven). (B)More than 7 (seven). (C)Less than 7 (seven). (D)Zero

32. What is the pH value of distilled water? (A)7

(seven). (B)More than 7 (seven). (C)Less than 7 (seven). (D)Zero

33. If the pH value of a solution is 6, then solution will be of what type? (A)Strong acid.
(B)Strong base. (C)Mild acid. (D)Mild base

34. If the pH value of a solution is 0 (zero), then solution will be of what type? (A)Strong acid.
(B)Strong base. (C)Mild acid. (D)Mild base

35. Which of the following acid is produced in our stomach? (A)Sulphuric

acid. (B)Acetic acid. (C)Hydrochloric acid. (D)Dilute nitric acid

36. What happens when carbon dioxide gas reacts with sodium hydroxide? (A)Carbon
monoxide is formed. (B)Carbon dioxide is formed. (C)Sodium carbonate is
formed. (D)Carbon dioxide does not react with sodium hydroxide

37. Which of the following is common in all acids? (A)Hydrogen

ions. (B)Hydroxide ions. (C)Chloride ions. (D)Sodium ions

38. Which of the following is common in all bases? (A)Hydrogen ions.

(B)Hydroxide ions. (C)Chloride ions. (D)Sodium ions

39. Which of the following acid does produce hydrogen ions in absence of water? (A)Hydrochloric
acid. (B)Sulphuric acid. (C)Muriatic acid. (D)None

40. Hydrogen ions produced by acid exist in which of the following form? (A)Hydrogen.
(B)Hydronium ions. (C)Water ions. (D)Hydroxide ions
41. Which of the following gas if formed when an acid reacts with metal carbonate? (A)Carbon
monoxide. (B)Carbonic acid gas. (C)Carbon dioxide gas. (D)Hydrochloric acid gas

42. What happens when hydrogen carbonate reacts with an acid? (A)Carbon
monoxide. (B)Carbonic acid gas. (C)Carbon dioxide gas. (D)Hydrochloric acid gas

43. What happens when carbon dioxide gas is passed through lime water? (A)Lime water
turns milky. (B)Lime water turns colorless. (C)Lime water turns bluish.
(D)Lime water turns black

44. What happens when excess of carbon dioxide gas is passed through lime water? (A)Lime water
first turns milky and then colorless. (B)Lime water turns bluish. (C)Lime water turns milky.
(D)Lime water turns blackish

45. Which of the following is taken orally as medicine in the case of hyperacidity to get relief?
(A)Sodium hydroxide. (B)Calcium hydroxide. (C)Milk of sodium. (D)Milk of magnesia

46. Which of the following acid is also known as vinegar? (A)Dilute

hydrochloric acid. (B)Dilute sulphuric acid. (C)Dilute acetic acid.
(D)Dilute tartaric acid

47. What happens when metallic oxide reacts with an acid? (A)Salt and
water are formed. (B)Oxygen and water are formed. (C)Carbon dioxide gas
and water are formed. (D)Hydrogen gas is formed along with water

48. What happens when carbon dioxide gas reacts with water? (A)Oxygen
gas is formed. (B)Carbon monoxide gas is formed. (C)Carbonic acid is formed.
(D)No reaction takes place

49. What is the nature of metal oxide? (A)Basic.

(B)Acidic. (C)Neutral. (D)None of the above

50. What is the nature of non-metallic oxides? (A)Basic.

(B)Acidic. (C)Neutral. (D)None of the above

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