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Joelle Beatriz Estrada

One of the sustainability actions I am doing is walking to school from my

condominium instead of riding a tricycle. Second, I cut down my use of the aircon and make
sure to unplug or turn off appliances I am not using. Third, I don’t eat meat every day, I try to
eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables instead. These help the environment because there
will be fewer greenhouse gases that cause climate change. Fourth, I don’t take long baths
but take quick showers to save water. Fifth, I don’t buy unnecessary goods, and I always
think before I purchase anything. Being a responsible buyer is a sustainability action
because it avoids wasting Earth’s resources.

The consumption category I need to make the most adjustments in for my ecological
footprint to be lowered are mobility, food, and shelter. To lower my consumption in the
mobility category, I should carpool more with my friend who also lives in Cavite. Going back
and forth more than twice a week from Ateneo to Cavite in a private vehicle and going on
road trips with my family produces a lot of pollution that is bad for the environment. To lower
my consumption in the food category, I should eat less processed food. I love eating snacks
that are processed, but the process of mass producing them contributes to agricultural
pollution. Lastly, to lower my consumption of shelter, I should encourage my parents to try
renewable energy sources to help the environment. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the
most willing), I rate my willingness to commit to those changes a 7. I will do my best because
I care for our planet, but I will have to do it slowly.


22 Simple Tips To Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle in 2022. (2022). US & Canada -

What is Sustainable Living and 25+ Ultimate Ideas For Sustainable Living - Conserve
Energy Future. (2014, July 6). Conserve Energy Future.

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