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Directions: Read the following paragraph and fill in the blanks with the appropriate relative clause.

Use the
information in the box. Remember to use relative pronouns.

Just the other day, I was talking to this guy (1) whose daughter had recently moved to Buenos Aires,
He had never imagined that his daughter would move so far away from Peru, so he was obviously quite sad.
This gentleman, (2) _______________________________________ was so happy because his daughter finally
sent him an update on how she was doing there. One of the first things she mentioned was how she loved living
in a country (3) _______________________
_____________ and how she was never bored. She also had told him how she had already met a really good-
looking young man (4) _________________________________________________
___________________. This meant that she was probably partying like a rock star, but I kept that thought to
myself so he wouldn’t get worried. Upon telling me this, he seemed a little concerned about his daughter (5)
_____________________________________. Nevertheless, he wanted to support her in her new life and treat
her like a responsible woman, not like an irresponsible little girl. Our conversation continued for a good two
hours about his daughter (6) ___________________________________________. Mr. Guevara started become
rather nostalgic and felt that it was necessary to tell me about his past; me being the nice person that I am, lent
him my ears. He started going on about how he remembered January 27th, 1972, (7)
_________________________________________________________. Mr. Guevara went into a little too much
detail for my liking, but I could see how much he enjoyed reminiscing, so I offered to buy him a beer to make
myself a bit more comfortable. He told me all about the hospital (8)
_______________________________________ and the doctor (9) ______________
_________________________________________________. He went on and on about many pointless details,
(10) ________________________________________, and I think at one moment, I actually started
daydreaming about flying pigs (11) ___________________________
__________________________________________. To make a long story short, I learned a lot about this Don
Guevara’s life and his daughter. I got his email address and he has invited me to his house this weekend to meet
his daughter, (12) _____________________________________
_____________________. Overall, he was a very nice guy, but just liked to talk a lot.

Title: He talked too much.

1) His daughter had recently moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2) His name just so happened to be Don Guevara.
3) There are so many different things to do there.
4) This young man works as a publicist for a really successful liquor company.
5) She doesn’t have good judgment with men.
6) His daughter’s life had drastically changed.
7) On this date, he first held his little girl.
8) His daughter had been born there.
9) The doctor happened to be one of his friends from high school.
10) I can barely remember all of them.
11) The pigs were trying to shoot me with arrows made out of candy and looked very delicious.
12) She is coming back to Peru to visit for a week.

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