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When it comes to zoos, there are always people who support them and others who do not.
The authors of both texts give their opinion about this topic, in such diverse ways.

Regarding the first text, it is obvious that animals should not live in captivity. The suffering of
animals in zoos is caused by the fact that they are kept in unnatural conditions, which deprive
them of their natural instincts and make them unable to express their normal behaviour. It is
also stated that no knowledge can really be acquired from seeing animals in a man-made
environment. Personally, I do not subscribe to this claim due to the unique chance to observe
such species which is provided by a zoo. Nonetheless, I utterly agree with the idea that animals
are distressed by their living conditions.

In the second author’s view, a zoo is a place for scientists to do research about various kinds of
animals that they could not easily find where they belong. Furthermore, as animals’ habitats
have been destroyed by humans, those species are endangered. Hence, to preserve
biodiversity, man is responsible for their protection. I reckon that it is true that zoos are a
necessity, but I would say that natural parks are such a better option to consider. In addition,
the existence of zoological research centres has played a key role in the development of
animal care.

Taking all into account, zoos have both positive and negative aspects. As Aristotle said, all
virtue is achieved by maintaining the golden mean.

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