Factors Affecting Course Preference

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Factors affecting course preference

Parent involvement is somewhat of a mystery within the field of education.Teachers often wonder how to
encourage more parents to attend workshops while parents question how to best support their children’s
learning at home.Researchers struggle to conduct accurate studies isolating home-school collaboration as a
channel for student achievement and policymakers have difficulty drafting a document that guides schools to
work with “hard-to-reach” parents.

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Simply stated, schools and districts across the country struggle to involve parents as partners in heir
children’s education (Sheldon &Hutchins, 2011). Garland 2009) found that the most significant influence on
the career choice of Indian students was the father. Likewise, parent’s perceptions of their children’s
interests and abilities and their specific expectations for their child’s success can affect choices, beliefs, and
career actions. Similarly, because college students typically seek approval and family support regarding
specific career decisions, these students will probably experience a struggle if their career decision does not
align with family expectations.

In a recent duty confirmed the great influence of parents relating to career choice. It has also been
established that several societies across the globe emphasize collective identity and significance of family.
(Bryant et al. 2009) One of the challenges facing the accounting profession has always been how to attract
competent applicants. In recent years the demand for accounting graduates has been strong. Although a
severe economic downturn beginning in the fall of 2008 lessened the demand for accounting graduates, the
employment outlook for entry-level accountants overall is positive.

The purpose of this survey study is to assess the relative importance of factors affecting students’
employment choices (Bloom & Miring, 2011). The results of this study can be useful to among others,
employers, students, faculty and career counselors. Recruiters could benefit from an understanding of factors
students consider important when choosing among various employment offers. Greater understanding of
influential decision factors can help the recruitment process, improve employee selection, and better match
students with suitable employers.

This could result in positive outcomes such as a more efficient acquirement strategy, greater employee
satisfaction, and lower employee turnover. Accounting faculty and career advisors could also benefit from
understanding factors affecting employment choices since they also help students assess employment
opportunities. Today’s graduating accounting students are members of Generation Y (Gene Years), a term
used to describe those who were born between 1979 and 1994. Gene Years currently range in age from 14
and 29.

Gene Years are shaped by their shared experiences due to economic, political, social, and cultural 32 Journal
of Higher Education Theory and Practice volt. 1(2) 2011. Peer influence As we grow older, your peers
actually helped shape your personality towards your strengths. You will be faced with some challenging
decisions. In an article by Attar Manor she said that making decisions on your own is hard enough, but when
other people get involved and try to pressure you one way or another it can be even harder.

Be it school, college or workplace – making friends is important, and so is socializing, but there are ways to
forge new ties and mix up with people without being pressurized by the peers. Friends never make you lose
your identity, making rinds is about appreciating the differences and respecting individual tastes and still
being together. Be comfortable with identity of who you are, and you will soon make new friends and be
accepted by everyone. The effects of peer pressure can be prevented by simply teaching your child to be
confident and comfortable in their own skin, without giving in such social influences.

When making a decision it is not there is nothing involved for one to draw to their decision, one may not
realize that this is process and that it is done every day several times a day. According to the text the
definition of decision making is the process of choosing a course of action to deal with a problem or
opportunity’ (Shoehorning, Hunt, Osborn. & Uh-Been, 2010). Farmer (2010) also affirms that peers are not
inherently positive or negative; they can be both good and bad.

He further said that, peer friendships, group interactions, and influences are a part of positive development.
Young people learn to evaluate themselves through the eyes of their peers, they get feedback on their
personal characteristics, they gain social skills and confidence and they learn how to defer personal
fulfillment to group goals. Young people also learn how to make themselves more attractive and interesting
to others, they learn to control their aggressive reactions in the interest of fitting with others.

Personal decision After a decision is made, people experience a variety of reactions. In addition, present
decisions influence future decision making. Several of the outcomes that may result from a decision are
regret or satisfaction; both of which influence upcoming decisions. Regret, feelings of disappointment or
dissatisfaction with a choice made is one potential outcome of decision making. Interestingly, regret may
shape the decision asking process. According to Abraham and Sheerer (2010), anticipated regret is the belief
that the decision will be result of inaction.

Anticipated regret may prompt behavior; that is, when a person indicates they will do something, such as
exercise, they may follow through with their intended decision, to avoid regret. Once the decision is made,
the impact of the decision, if regret is experienced, will impact future decisions. People can often get
consumed with examining the other options that were available; the path not taken (Saga & Friedman,
2009). Satisfaction refers to owe pleased the decision maker is with the outcome of the decision. There are
many things that impact levels of satisfaction.

Boots and lounger (2011) observed individuals prefer to make their own decisions and believe they will be
more satisfied with their choices; however, when people are given only undesirable options, decision makers
are less satisfied than those who have had the choice made for them. Future decision making is based on past
decisions, as well as levels of satisfaction or regret. Even though there is evidence to support this notion, in
many cases, particularly when the session may be reversed, decisions may be based on the reversibility
factor (Gilbert, & Bert, 2010).

Significant to individuals’ satisfaction is that people are willing to pay a premium for the opportunity to
change their minds at a later date. Decision making is a critical aspect to feeling successful and happy in life;
decision making is at the root of all we do. It is important to develop effective decision making skills and
strategies. Problem solving strategies include, but are not limited to brain storming, cost benefit analysis,
written remediation plans, and an examination of possible choices. The decision making process can be
complicated and overwhelming.

As a result, it is valuable for individuals to learn a model to follow, that may be applied to everyday
decisions, as well as life changing choices (Western, Christianson, Food, & Santiago-Riviera, 2009).
Justification of the study Parents are taking vital part in making decision in the lives of their children. It
always been subjective that parents know what is best for their children and they want them to be in the right
track. Children look for advice and approval for what is right and good for them in terms of decision making
because sometimes they are fitful of what career preferences to choose if they will succeed or regret.

Peer influence helps us to have decisions in life especially in the mode of work. It gives us self-assurance
and at ease on the career decision we made. Collaboration with our friends and mingle with others increase
and shape our personal growth to set goals for achievement in ourselves. Personal decision makes us to
become independent in our life. Deciding of what you really want makes you learn from previous occurrence
and to become stronger to face challenges that you will become successful in the end.

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