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Nhóm 1: Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh, Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tâm, Nguyễn Hồng Diệp, Đặng Thu Hằng và Phạm

Thanh Nga.
Quỳnh: Quỳnh
Nga: Nga
Q+N: Welcome to QN channel.
N: Hey Quỳnh, do you know there is a topic that people comment a lot on Facebook?
Q: I don't know, what's that?
N: That is corporate culture - One of the core factors that make a company successful.

I. Định nghĩa What Is Corporate Culture?

Q: Ah, I know. The term “corporate culture” is ubiquitous. Corporate culture is an organization’s
values, ethics, vision, behaviors and work environment. It is what makes each company unique, and
it impacts everything from public image to employee engagement and retention. If employees share a
company’s ethics, vision and other cultural elements, it can positively affect a company’s bottom line.
Companies with good corporate culture often have high workplace morale, and highly engaged,
productive staff.

II. Tầm quan trọng Why Is Corporate Culture Important?

N: To better understand the corporate culture, let's interview some people.
Q: Hi guys. We are from QN channel. Can we ask you some questions?
Hằng, Tâm, Diệp: Yes, of course.

Q: Nowadays, corporate culture is very important because it can support important business
objectives. In your opinion why?
H: I think employees might be attracted to companies whose cultures they identify with, which in
turn can drive employee retention and new talent acquisition.
For companies focused on innovation, fostering a culture of innovation can be critical to
maintaining a competitive edge over patents or other forms of intellectual property.
Similarly, corporate culture can also play a role in marketing the company to customers and

III. Làm thế nào để xây dựng và duy trì văn hóa doanh nghiệp tích cực
Q: So how to build and maintain a positive corporate culture? This is a million-dollar question
almost every company is trying to answer. What do you think about this?
H: First, we need to define our core company values and what our company stands for. If our
employees understand corporate values and live by them, it is much easier to have a unique culture.
H: Second, need to employ people who fit our culture. In cases where an employee is not behaving by
our organization’s culture, leadership should work with them to try and adjust their attitude and
help them change it. But if it doesn’t work, consider letting them go.

Q: What about you?

D: Next is encourage trust, empathy, and support. By being consistent, open to feedback, showing
appreciation, participating in active listening, trusting employees to make the right decisions, and
being honest, managers can create a culture of trust and reap the benefits.
D: Then is encourage communication. Create an environment where communication is valued and
show employees through actions that if they come to us with a problem, we will do our best to help
solve it.
D: And finally, ensure that leaders act as role models. Good leadership has played a critical role in
driving business continuity and employee well-being. They should be showing how to nurture the
company culture with certain actions and behaviors.

IV. Ví dụ
N: So in your opinion, what are the factors that affect the corporate culture in Vietnam?
T: I think there are 5 factors that are leaders, individuals in an organization, recruitment strategy,
working environment and culture of each ethnic.

N: And there are many examples of companies with well-defined corporate culture. Can you tell me
some names?
T: Mai Linh Taxi is a typical example in a remarkable corporate culture. As a strong brand in the
field of transportation, right from the time it was established, they soon focused and built a unique
culture for themselves.
The image of all employees in Mai Linh Group is always outstanding with healthy green outfits
and bright smiles. Accompanied by a welcoming, considerate and polite service style.
In addition, Mai Linh is also the first company in Vietnam that has opened courses to equip its
employees with corporate culture knowledge.
Besides, there are many companies with unique corporate culture such as Viettel, Vinamilk, ...

Q: Thank you for agreeing to interview with us. Have a nice day!
H, T, D: You are welcome. Goodbye.
V. Kết
N: When a leader starts to build a business, perhaps the last thing they think about is creating a
culture within their business. But whether this culture is strong or not depends on the executive
apparatus and leadership style. Without it, conflicts in the business will very easily occur. Just one
factor is changed, and all people in the business will easily lose direction. Therefore, corporate
culture is the soul of a company.
N: Our video comes here is the end. See you again in the next videos. Don’t forget to like, share and
Q+N: Bye bye
All: Thank you for listening!


Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh Tổng hợp thông tin

Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tâm Làm powerpoint

Nguyễn Hồng Diệp Tìm thông tin

Đặng Thu Hằng Tìm thông tin

Phạm Thanh Nga Tìm thông tin

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