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Energy and Macronutrient

Considerations for Young

Marcus P. Hannon, MSc, Graeme L. Close, PhD, and James P. Morton, PhD
Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences (RISES), Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, United

ABSTRACT undergo many anatomical, physiologi- boys and girls, with the exception of
cal, and metabolic changes as a result iron, which has been reviewed in detail
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Young athletes undergo many ana-

of biological growth and maturation elsewhere (3). Consequently, macronu-
tomical and physiological changes
(56). Growth and maturation is a com- trient (carbohydrate, fat, and protein)
during the first 2 decades of life as requirements (particularly carbohy-
plex process that is influenced by the
a result of growth and maturation. drate and protein) are prescribed per
interaction of genes, hormones, nu-
Such changes influence a young ath- trients, and the environments in which kilogram of body mass, to account
lete’s nutritional requirements and it is the individual lives (35). The primary for individual differences in body size.
therefore inappropriate to apply nutri- focus for practitioners working with
tional guidelines for adult athletes to young athletes should be to ensure that
this population. Nutritional recommen- ENERGY CONSIDERATIONS
the nutritional requirements for growth
dations for young athletes should not A young athlete’s energy intake is pro-
and maturation are met among their
only focus on sporting performance vided through the consumption of the
athletes (16). There are several differ-
but should also meet the requirements macronutrients, carbohydrate, fat, and
ences in substrate storage and substrate
to ensure optimal growth, maturation, protein. The energy intake of each
metabolism in young athletes com-
and physical development. This review young athlete should be dictated by
pared to adult athletes, with numerous
article provides an overview of the their total energy expenditure (i.e., their
physiological and metabolic changes
energy requirements) to optimize not
nutritional recommendations for young accompanying growth and maturation
only growth and maturation but also
athletes based on the best available in the young athlete. These changes in
stimulate training adaptations, promote
literature from a range of sports. physiology and metabolism subse-
recovery and of course, sporting perfor-
quently influence the nutritional re-
mance. Therefore, before giving specific
quirements of the young athlete macronutrient recommendations, it is
INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW (Table 1). first essential to understand the typical
There are a number of interlinked key energy expenditures experienced by
espite some young athletes

D competing against adults at

the highest level, young ath-
letes cannot simply be considered
factors that influence a young athlete’s
nutritional requirements: (a) their cur-
rent anthropometric profile, rate of
growth, and maturity status/timing,
young athletes from different sports
but also those at different ages/stages
of maturation (within a certain sport).
“mini adults.” As a young athlete pro- Total energy expenditure is composed
(b) their current physiological and met- of 3 contributing factors: (a) basal
gresses from childhood (years up until
abolic capabilities, and (c) their sport metabolism (typically known as resting
the onset of adolescence) through ado-
and exercise demands. Before develop- metabolic rate; the amount of energy
lescence (identified with the onset of
ing sport-specific nutritional require- required to maintain normal homeo-
sexual maturation/puberty) and into
ments for young athletes, it is static physiological function in a rested,
adulthood (achieved once fully mature,
essential to gain a greater understand- fasted, and thermoneutral state); (b)
i.e., fully ossified skeletal system, a fully
ing of these factors and the interplay
functioning reproductive system, or the
between them. It should also be noted
attainment of adult stature), they KEY WORDS:
that mostly, any sex differences in young athlete; nutrition; energy; mac-
Address correspondence to Marcus P. Han- nutritional requirements are primarily ronutrients
non, driven by differences in size between

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Energy and Macronutrient Considerations

Table 1
The main anatomical, physiological, and metabolic differences between young and adult athletes
Growth and increase in body size
Macronutrient requirements are often prescribed relative to body mass (i.e. grams per kilo, g$kg21) to account for individual
differences in size among young athletes. Although fat mass does not seem to significantly change throughout growth and
maturation in young athletes, increases in body mass are primarily derived from an increase in fat-free mass (24). An increase in
stature is the result of skeletal growth and the laying down of bone mineral content (i.e. skeletal tissue). Around 95% of adult
bone mineral content is achieved by the end of adolescence, with ;26% of this accruing during peak bone mineral content
velocity (;12.5 and ;14 years old in girls and boys respectively) (5). Changes in fat-free mass and stature are significantly
influenced by the energy and macronutrient intake of a young athlete during childhood and adolescence (16).
Greater energy cost of movement
Young athletes have a higher (relative) energy cost of movement compared to adults. This may be due to increased stride
frequency, a greater surface area:volume ratio, a more distal distribution of mass in the legs, or because of greater levels of
contraction of the antagonist leg muscles while moving (38).

Higher rates of aerobic metabolism

It is well documented that higher rates of aerobic metabolism exist in young athletes during exercise. Fat oxidation rates during
submaximal exercise (of the same relative intensity) are greater in children and adolescents compared to adults. Less mature
children have a greater reliance on fat as a fuel compared to more mature adolescents. It has been suggested that these higher
fat oxidation rates in children compared to adults are the results of lower endogenous carbohydrate stores and reduced
glycolytic capabilities (58).

Reduced glycogen storage capacity

Young athletes, particularly those who are prepubertal, have lower endogenous glycogen storage capacity compared to older,
more mature young athletes and adult athletes (20).

Reduced glycolytic capabilities

Young athletes have reduced glycolytic capabilities, with full anaerobic capabilities developing toward the end of puberty (55).
Consequently, young athletes have lower levels of lactate production than their adult counterparts during high-intensity
exercise of the same relative intensity (19,20).

Greater reliance on exogenous carbohydrate

When exogenous carbohydrate is consumed during exercise, the oxidation rate of exogenous carbohydrate, relative to body
mass, is higher in children and adolescents compared to adults (58). Relative exogenous carbohydrate oxidation rates are higher
in less mature boys compared to more mature boys of the same chronological age (59); however, this is not the case in girls (60).

Adapted from Hannon MP, Unnithan V, Morton JP, Close GL. Nutritional strategies to support young athletes. In: Strength and Conditioning for
Young Athletes: Science and Application. Lloyd RS, Oliver JL, eds. New York: Routledge, 2019. pp. 300–335 by permission.

thermic effect of food (also known as height velocity (the maximum rate of academy soccer players (11–21 years
diet-induced thermogenesis; the growth in stature during adolescence), old) range from 1,347 to 2,382 kcal$d21
energy costs of digestion, transport will influence an individual’s energy re- (24). In this study, as players increased
and absorption, and storage of food quirements, particularly their resting in age (until 14 years of age), RMR also
and drink), and (c) activity energy metabolic rate (RMR). Although increased in a stepwise fashion, which
expenditure from planned sport and RMR is usually the largest component coincided with increases in stature,
exercise and nonexercise activity ther- of energy expenditure in the general body mass, fat-free mass (FFM), and
mogenesis (NEAT) (21). population (54), this is often not the maturity status (Figure 1). However,
During growth, energy is required to case in athletic populations, particu-
once the influence of body size variable
synthesize new tissue and also for larly in young athletes with high train-
(both stature and FFM) was removed
deposition into this new tissue (61). ing loads and subsequent high total
(through allometric scaling), relative
The highly variable rates of growth energy expenditures (49). We have
and maturation between young ath- recently observed that basal energy re- RMR (i.e., kcal$kg FFM$d21) was sim-
letes (36), particularly around peak quirements (RMR) in Premier League ilar between players of all ages (24).

110 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 6 | DECEMBER 2020

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 1. Adapted from Hannon MP, Carney DJ, Floyd S, et al. Cross-sectional comparison of body composition and resting
metabolic rate in Premier League academy soccer players: Implications for growth and maturation. J Sports Sci 38: 1326–
1334 by permission. A comparison of (A) resting metabolic rate (RMR), (B) fat-free mass, (C) fat mass, and (D) percent body
fat between youth soccer players (U12–U23 age groups; n 5 99) from a Category One English Premier League academy.
Significant difference from U12 age group, P , 0.05. bSignificant difference from U13 age group, P , 0.05. cSignificant
difference from U14 age group, P , 0.05. dSignificant difference from U15 age group, P , 0.05.

In young athletes, activity energy almost certainly vary day-to-day, mak- [EA 5 (energy intake 2 activity energy
expenditure is often the greatest con- ing it difficult to prescribe exact energy expenditure)/FFM] (34). Chronic low
tributor to total energy expenditure requirements for young athletes. EA (,30 kcal$kg FFM21$d21) may
(49). Activity energy expenditure is Research studies using gold-standard result in impaired growth and matura-
the most variable component of total methods (such as the doubly labeled tion of tissues and organs, reduced skel-
energy expenditure and is influenced water technique) to assess total energy etal bone mineral accrual, increased
by both anthropometric profile (i.e., expenditure provide an insight into risk of stress fractures, increased risk
body size) and locomotion. Thus, the typical expenditures of the specific of osteoporosis later in life, delayed
type, duration, and intensity of exercise young athlete population that was as- sexual maturation, disruption or cessa-
all influence activity energy expenditure. sessed (Table 2). However, although it tion of menstruation, and a suppression
This results in a large interindividual is difficult to prescribe exact energy re- of the immune system (34). Not only is
variability in total energy expenditure quirements for young athletes, it is this likely to have a negative effect on
between young athletes, even those strongly recommended that young ath- young athletes’ performance but also
within the same sport (Table 2). letes are not in a negative energy bal- their long-term physical and psycho-
Therefore, the energy requirements for ance and have sufficient energy logical health. An EA of $45
nonathletic children and adolescents, or availability (EA) for growth. EA is kcal$kg FFM21$d21 is recommended
adult athletes are appropriate for young the amount of energy left for homeo- for adult athletes to maintain normal
athletes. static physiological functions and physiological function (34). Consider-
Considering the many factors that growth once activity energy expendi- ing young athletes have greater relative
contribute to a young athlete’s total ture has been deducted from energy energy demands than adults, $45
energy expenditure, this value will intake and is relative to FFM kcal$kg FFM21$d21 is likely to be

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112 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 6 | DECEMBER 2020

Energy and Macronutrient Considerations

Table 2
Energy intakes, expenditures, and estimated energy balance of young athletes in different sports
Sport Training & competition load Age (y) Sex EI method EI (kcal$d21) EE method EE (kcal$d21) EEB (kcal$d21)

Active adolescents (8) — ;15 M& — — DLW M: 3,361 6 557 —

7d F: 2,546 6 392
Team sports
Basketball (49) .10 h per week ;17 M& 24-h recall M: 2,895 6 479 DLW M: 4,626 6 682 M: 21,731
7d F: 1,807 6 46 7d F: 3,497 6 242 F: 21,690
Rugby (52) — ;15 M — — DLW 4,010 6 744 —
14 d
Soccer (25) U12: ;330 min per week ;12 M RFPM U12: 2,673 6 203 DLW U12: 2,859 6 265 U12: 229 6
U15: ;435 min per week ;15 24-h recall 14 d (range: 2,738–
U18: ;423 min per week ;18 7d U15: 2,821 6 338 3,726)
U15: 2134 6
U12: ;19 km per week U18: 3,176 6 282 U15: 3,029 6 262 327
U15: ;27 km per week (range: 2,275–
U18: ;27 km per week 3,903) U18: 2243 6
U18: 3,586 6 488
(range: 2,806–
Soccer (9) ;85 min per day 13–17 F Food diary 2,262 6 368 Activity diary 2,403 6 195 2141
7d (range: 1,702– 7d (range: 1,946–
3,194) 2,753)
Strength & power
Speed skating (18) — ;18 M — — DLW 4,013 6 908 —
10 d (range: 3,057–
Sprinters (2) — 13–19 M& Food diary 2,569 6 508 Activity diary 3,196 6 590 2627
7d SenseWear
Aesthetic sports
Gymnastics (14) 4 h per day 6–8 M& Weighed food 1,744 6 444 DLW 2,004 6 258 2260
F diary
10 d
the minimum a young athlete would

Adapted from Hannon MP, Unnithan V, Morton JP, Close GL. Nutritional strategies to support young athletes. In: Strength and Conditioning for Young Athletes: Science and Application.
DLW 5 doubly labeled water; EE 5 energy expenditure; EEB 5 estimated energy balance; EI 5 energy intake; F 5 females; M 5 males; RFPM 5 remote food photographic method.
require; however, further research is
required. Due to the difficultly of accu-

rately quantifying EA, few studies have

reported it in young athletes (11).
Koehler et al. (32) reported a mean
EA of 29 and 29 kcal$kg FFM21$d21
in young male and female athletes,
M: 3,609 6 928

M: 3,635 6 828
F: 2,467 6 426

F: 3,100 6 715
respectively (11–25 years old), who
5,589 6 502

3,695 6 449
competed in a range of sports (aes-
thetic, ball, endurance, racquet, and
water sports) at national or interna-
tional level. In English Premier League
academy soccer players, assessed over
a 7-day period, we recently observed
Activity diary

Activity diary

estimated energy availabilities of

69 6 10 kcal$kg FFM21$d21, 51 6
9 kcal$kg FFM21$d21, and 41 6

14 d



15 kcal$kg FFM21$d21 in U12/13,

U15, and U18 age groups, respectively
(25). Although we acknowledge that
underreporting of energy intake does
3,129 6 239

3,211 6 566

occur in young athletes (33,49), avail-

able data would still suggest that a neg-
ative energy balance is common in this
population (Table 2); this is particularly
(continued )

apparent in young basketball players

Table 2

Those engaged in either athletics, soccer, handball, rowing, canoeing, swimming, or triathlon.

(49) and swimmers (62). In these

sports, is it advised that these young
Food diary

Food diary

athletes increase their energy (and


therefore macronutrient) intake to pre-

14 d

vent any detrimental consequences of

Lloyd RS, Oliver JL, eds. New York: Routledge, 2019. pp. 300–335 by permission.

low EA. Given the potential detrimen-



tal consequences of low EA in young


athletes, more research in this area is





The type of exercise, as well as exercise
duration and intensity, dictates a young
.30–40 wk per year

Young athletesa (12) #5 times per week

athlete’s carbohydrate requirements; as

;5–6 h per day

duration or intensity increases, so does

;3 h per day

an athlete’s carbohydrate requirements

(30). Given glycogen depletion is
a major cause of fatigue in both endur-
ance and high-intensity intermittent
exercise, it is essential that young ath-
letes consume sufficient carbohydrate
Endurance runners

Miscellaneous sports
Table tennis (47)

in their diet for performance and recov-

Endurance sports

Swimmers (62)

ery from training and competition.

Considering young athletes do not
have the same ability to store glycogen

as adult athletes (20) and on the most

part their competition is shorter in

duration, classic carbohydrate loading

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Energy and Macronutrient Considerations

protocols before competition are not than children and adolescents (due shown that the greatest rates of glyco-
likely necessary; however, currently to larger anthropometric profiles and gen resynthesis occur in the first hour
no data on young athletes exist. higher absolute intensities), despite after exercise, and by delaying carbo-
There is also little information on gly- similar rates of absolute exogenous car- hydrate intake by 2 hours, glycogen
cogen utilization during exercise in bohydrate oxidation, adults will have resynthesis is attenuated (28); however,
young athletes, due to the invasive a lesser contribution of exogenous car- no data in young athletes exist. There-
techniques used to assess muscle gly- bohydrate toward energy expenditure fore, advice for young athletes is the
cogen. Muscle biopsy studies under- (30). Therefore, during exercise, carbo- same as adult athletes: 1.2 g$kg21$h21
taken in Scandinavia in the 1970s hydrate recommendations for young of high-GI carbohydrate should be
demonstrated that muscle glycogen athletes are similar to those for adult consumed in the 2 hours immediately
concentrations decreased by ;52% athletes. During moderate-to-high postexercise. High-GI carbohydrates
(from ;304 to 146 mmol$kg21$dry intensity exercise lasting longer than rapidly elevate blood glucose and pro-
weight) after a bout of incremental 60 minutes, young athletes should con- mote glycogen resynthesis and are
cycling exercise to volitional fatigue sume 30–60 g$h21 and should not con- therefore preferred to low-GI carbohy-
in 11- and 12-year-old boys (19). A sume more than 1 g$min21 of drates during this timeframe (29). The
comparative study in adults reported carbohydrate (16). Liquid forms of precise amount of carbohydrate to be
decreases in muscle glycogen concen- high-glycemic index carbohydrates are consumed postexercise is dependent
trations from ;280 to 90 mmol$kg21$- recommended due to the additional on the recovery period until the next
dry weight (;68% decrease) after benefits on fluid consumption. This training session/competition, and also
a similar cycling protocol to volitional should be in the form of a 6% carbohy- the intensity and duration of that next
fatigue (27). Glycogen depletion of drate drink (i.e., a commercial sports training session. Short recovery periods
;36% (assessed through magnetic res- drink) because drinks with a higher car- will require a more aggressive
onance spectroscopy) was observed in bohydrate content (8%) have been approach (i.e., greater amounts of car-
elite young soccer players (;17 year shown to increase gastrointestinal dis- bohydrate), whereas young athletes
old males) during a time-to- comfort in both male and female ado- who compete once a week may not
exhaustion soccer-specific running test lescents (48). Competition rules and require such a high carbohydrate
(43). regulations may dictate when carbohy- intake postcompetition. Fructose (con-
drate (and fluid) consumption can tained in fruit and fruit juices) and
When exogenous carbohydrate is con-
occur. Athletes and practitioners should galactose (contained in dairy products)
sumed during exercise, the oxidation
make both carbohydrates and fluids eas- are more effective than glucose in pro-
rate of exogenous carbohydrate, rela-
ily accessible (e.g., side of a pitch) for moting liver glycogen resynthesis, and
tive to body mass, is higher in children
when competition rules allow. are therefore recommended postexer-
and adolescents compared to adults
(58). As a result, the relative contribu- In addition to sparing endogenous car- cise (15). The consumption of protein
tion of exogenous carbohydrate bohydrate stores (44), exogenous car- alongside suboptimal quantities of car-
toward total energy production is bohydrate consumption during bohydrate has also been shown to
greater in young athletes compared exercise has also been shown to reduce accentuate glycogen resynthesis (6).
to their adult counterparts (58). This the perception of effort during exercise A milk-based fruit smoothie is there-
seems to be more pronounced in less and benefit performance across fore a good option postexercise
mature boys compared to boys who different types of exercise. Research because it contains all the aforemen-
are more biologically advanced (59); has shown that consumption of tioned nutrients.
however, this is not the case in females a 500-mL 6% carbohydrate solution Data from adults have shown that con-
(60). The authors of this study sug- (;35 g$h21 of carbohydrate) during suming carbohydrate before, during, and
gested that estrogen, glucocorticoids, intermittent high-intensity exercise after an acute training session attenuated
or perhaps differences in enzyme activ- improved exercise capacity in 12– markers of bone resorption (i.e., bone
ity within the contracting muscle may 14-year-old boys compared to a pla- breakdown); however, the chronic im-
result in differences in females of differ- cebo (42). Improvements of 40% in plications of this are unclear (i.e., long-
ent levels of maturation; however, a time-to-exhaustion test, performed term morphological changes to bone)
these suggestions were speculative on a cycle ergometer, have also been (23). Given the importance of maximiz-
and require further exploration (60). reported after consumption of a 6% ing bone mineral accrual in young ath-
However, absolute exogenous carbo- glucose and fructose solution (25 letes to maximize peak bone mass and
hydrate oxidation rates (i.e., g$min21) mL$kg21) in 10–14-year-old boys (45). help reduce the risk of skeletal injuries
do not seem different between children After glycogen-depleting exercise, and osteoporosis in adulthood, carbohy-
and adults (30). It has been suggested postexercise carbohydrate ingestion drate intake before, during, and after
that because (absolute) exercising should be consumed to replenish gly- exercise may be warranted to attenuate
energy expenditure is higher in adults cogen stores. Data from adults have bone resorption (22,23). An example of

114 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 6 | DECEMBER 2020

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
suitable carbohydrate foods/drinks (omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids) energy expenditure). Research suggests
before, during, and after exercise would that cannot be synthesized by the that young male and female athletes
be a bowl of cereal, a commercially avail- body and therefore must be obtained across a range of different sports have
able sports drink, and a glass of flavored through the diet (50). Fat also contrib- a daily fat intake of ;1.5 g$kg21 equiv-
milk, respectively. utes to energy production during exer- alent to ;30–35% of energy intake
Owing to the lack of accurate data on cise, particularly when exercise exceeds (9,13,41,49). Considering fat is the
the typical total energy expenditures, it 60–90 minutes. Fats are generally most energy-dense macronutrient (;9
is currently difficult to accurately rec- classified as saturated or unsaturated, kcal per gram, compared to ;4 kcal
ommend specific carbohydrate re- based on their chemical structure, with per gram for both carbohydrate and
quirements for young athletes training unsaturated fats being further sub- protein), young athletes who compete
and competing in different sports. divided into monounsaturated or in endurance, weight-making, and aes-
Daily carbohydrate intake varies polyunsaturated. thetic sports (where having a low
between different sports and age body/fat mass are often seen as desir-
Traditionally, saturated fats have been able) may choose to limit their fat
groups, with most young athletes typ- classed as “bad” fats, whereas unsaturated
ically consuming anywhere between 3 intake. This should be avoided to pre-
fats have been classified as “good” fats. vent chronic negative EA and also de-
and 8 g$kg21 (9,13,40,41,49). From the Inclusion of unsaturated fats such as oily
author’s own practice, we would sug- ficiencies in certain fat-soluble vitamins
fish, avocados, nuts, and seeds in the diet (vitamins A, E, and K), omega-3 and
gest daily carbohydrate intakes of 6–10 has been shown to have a number of
g$kg21 for young athletes. Although omega-6 fatty acids, and potentially
health benefits. Furthermore, individual iron and calcium.
further research is required to confirm saturated fatty acids have differing effects
these suggestions, carbohydrate re- on blood lipid levels depending on their
quirements will differ according to composition. For example, lauric acid PROTEIN CONSIDERATIONS
the type of exercise (and sport), exer- (found in high concentrations in coconut Protein is an essential macronutrient that
cise duration, and intensity. oil) actually decreases total-to-high den- has a wide variety of functions in the
sity lipoprotein cholesterol ratio, due to body. It is required to support turnover
an increase in high-density lipoprotein of tissues and contribute to tissue growth
Fiber is the structural part of plant-based
cholesterol. Therefore, instead of recom- in young athletes (61). In addition, pro-
carbohydrates that is indigestible. Fiber
mending types of fat, recommending teins provide the building blocks (amino
consumption promotes normal laxation,
types of food is considered more appro- acids) to make many thousands of en-
modulates postprandial hyperglycemia
priate (4). Young athletes should choose zymes that are required to provide energy
and is associated with good cardiovascu-
natural sources of fat, particularly those from the breakdown of carbohydrate and
lar health (51). Current U.K. fiber guide-
high in omega-3 (including oily fish, nuts, fat. There are 20 amino acids that are
lines recommend a daily intake of
and seeds). Processed sources of fat such required to synthesize new proteins, 8
$25 g$d21 for ,16 year olds and $30
as transfats (contained in processed foods of which are classified as essential (i.e.,
g$d21 for .16 year olds (46). However,
such as fast food, margarine, pastry, cakes, they must be obtained through the diet)
recent research from our group has
and biscuits) should be limited because and 12 of which are classified as nones-
shown that young soccer players (aged
they increase low-density lipoprotein sential (i.e., the body can synthesize these
12–17 years) consume less than the cur-
cholesterol and lower high-density lipo- amino acids). The amino acids leucine,
rent recommendations (;19 g$d21) (39).
protein cholesterol, increasing risk of car- isoleucine, and valine are essential amino
Given the benefits of fiber consumption
diovascular disease (4). acids collectively known as branched-
for health, young athletes should aim to
There is no evidence to suggest that chain amino acids and are particularly
achieve at least these current daily recom-
young athletes’ fat requirements should important to facilitate muscle protein
mendations. Foods high in fiber include
differ from their nonathletic peers; synthesis, especially leucine (57).
wholegrain breads and cereals, oats, le-
gumes, and certain fruits and vegetables, however, as previously discussed, The protein requirements of young
whereas refined foods (e.g., white bread) young athletes should maintain a slight athletes are not further increased dur-
generally have reduced fiber content. energy surplus for optimal growth and ing periods of growth spurts (1). A
Consequently, young athletes should con- maturation. Fats should provide ;35% number of nitrogen balance studies in
sume wholegrain alternatives (e.g., whole- of total energy intake, with no more adolescent sprinters and soccer players
grain bread) over these refined foods to than 11% coming from saturated fats (1,7) have reported that a positive
ensure an adequate fiber intake. in children and adolescents (10). Con- nitrogen balance was achieved with
sidering this, young athletes should protein intakes between 1.4 and
FAT CONSIDERATIONS have a greater absolute fat intake com- 1.6 g$kg21$d21 in both young male
Dietary fat is required to promote pared to their nonathletic peers and female athletes. However, in one
absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and because of their higher energy intake of the studies, it was reported that in
also to supply essential fatty acids (which is a consequence of their higher 2 of the young athletes, a negative

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Energy and Macronutrient Considerations

nitrogen balance still occurred despite increase amino acid availability) and also an inexpensive, quick, and effective way
a protein intake of 2 g$kg21$d21 (1). after exercise. In the absence of postex- to increase protein intake at this meal.
Based on this information, daily pro- ercise protein consumption, whole-body It is recommended that leucine-rich
tein intakes of 1.4–2 g$kg21 are recom- protein balance remains negative in sources of protein including dairy prod-
mended for young athletes. For active 9–13-year-olds (63). However, ucts (milk, yogurts, and cheese), eggs,
example, a young 50-kg athlete would consumption of only 5 g (0.12 g$kg21) meat, poultry, and fish are consumed
require 70–100 g of protein per day (50 postexercise promotes a positive whole- by young athletes, given their impor-
3 1.4–2.0). Research suggests that body protein balance, suggesting that tance in facilitating muscle protein syn-
young male and female athletes across thesis. It is also recommended that
children have an increased sensitivity
a range of different sports are achieving young athletes consume nonanimal sour-
(relatively) to protein feeding in the 3-
these protein targets, with a daily ces of protein include beans, pulses, len-
hours postexercise compared to adults.
intake of ;1.5–2.0 g$kg21 (9,13,41,49). tils, nuts, and seeds; however, it should
Further increases in a positive whole-
Similar to adults, studies in active chil- body protein balance have been reported be noted that these sources lack a number
dren have also shown that timing of pro- following intakes of 10 and 15 g (0.22 of essential amino acids including leu-
tein intake influences whole-body cine. Soy beans are one of the only
and 0.33 g$kg21) in the 6 hours postex-
protein balance. Protein should be con- plant-based sources of protein that con-
ercise, in a dose-dependent manner (64).
sumed at breakfast to shift whole-body tain all essential amino acids (37). Practi-
Protein should also be consumed before
protein balance from a negative into tioners working with young vegetarian
sleep to provide a supply of amino acids
a positive state (31), and moderate doses athletes should closely monitor their pro-
of protein (0.22–0.33 g$kg21 per meal/ to the muscle overnight and promote tein intake to ensure they are consuming
snack) should be consumed every 3–4 increases in muscle mass and strength enough in their diet. Young athletes are
hours throughout the day (64). For (53). A recent study has demonstrated more than capable of meeting their daily
a young 50-kg athlete, this would equate that daily protein distribution is skewed protein requirements through food and
to around 11–17 g of protein (the amount in young soccer players, with lower in- drink sources (given their smaller size),
typically found in 2 eggs or 500 mL of takes at breakfast and higher intakes con- so consumption of protein supplements
milk). Protein consumption is of partic- sumed during the evening meal (40). (e.g., protein shakes) are not necessary or
ular importance before exercise (to Adding a glass of milk at breakfast is advised for this population.

Figure 2. A guide of how to devise an individualized nutrition plan for a young athlete.

116 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 6 | DECEMBER 2020

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PRACTICAL APPLICATION understand the training and competition achieving an appropriate energy and
Interpreting the science and putting the demands of each sport in addition to macronutrient intake (EA—53 kcal$kg
current energy and macronutrient rec- a young athlete’s energy expenditure FFM21$d21; carbohydrate—9.3 g$kg21;
ommendations into practice is impera- and dietary intake, other objective (e.g., fat—30% of energy intake; protein
tive for the success of a young athlete. growth rate) and subjective (e.g., feelings intake—2.3 g$kg21) to support optimal
A guide of how to devise an individual- of fatigue) assessments can also assist in growth, maturation, physical develop-
ized nutrition plan for a young athlete is determining whether or not a youth ath- ment, and sporting performance. In
presented in Figure 2. This guide pro- lete is achieving appropriate energy and addition to the total amounts of macro-
vides a step-by-step practical outline, macronutrient requirements. nutrients, timing of consumption is also
which may be used by key stakeholders Table 3 also provides an example of particularly important (especially car-
working with young athletes (e.g., sports a young soccer player’s daily energy bohydrate and protein); young athletes
science and medicine staff, parents etc). and macronutrient intake. In this should carefully plan when they are
Although it is obviously essential to example, this young soccer player is going to eat and drink. Young athletes

Table 3
An example of a young soccer player’s daily energy and macronutrient intake

Type of meal/snack and time Food/fluids Nutritional content

Breakfast Large bowl of muesli with 250 mL of full-fat Kcal: 778

07:00 milk, honey, and a banana Carbohydrate: 109 g
Fat: 30 g
Protein: 18 g
Midmorning snack 1 large full-fat Greek yogurt pot Kcal: 437
10:00 1 cereal bar Carbohydrate: 57 g
1 apple Fat: 15 g
300 mL water with squash Protein: 18 g
Lunch Spaghetti bolognaise (minced beef, onion, Kcal: 620
13:00 canned tomatoes, garlic, mixed herbs) with Carbohydrate: 96 g
whole-wheat spaghetti Fat: 14 g
300 mL carton of orange juice Protein: 28 g
Pretraining snack Sandwich (2 slices of wholegrain bread with Kcal: 368
16:00 butter, 2 slices of ham, cheese, and lettuce) Carbohydrate: 35 g
300 mL water with squash Fat: 17 g
Protein: 19 g
During training 500-mL sports drink Kcal: 140
17:00–18:30 Carbohydrate: 33 g
Fat: 0 g
Protein: 0 g
Dinner (posttraining) 300 mL of pineapple juice Kcal: 786
19:00 1 small salmon fillet with pesto, medium Carbohydrate: 119 g
portion of white rice, and green beans Fat: 24 g
1 fruit yogurt Protein: 24 g
Prebed 300 mL of full-fat milk Kcal: 198
21:00 Carbohydrate: 14 g
Fat: 11 g
Protein: 11 g
Daily Total
Kcal: 3,327
Carbohydrate: 463 g/9.3 g$kg21
Fat: 111 g/2.2 g$kg21/30% of energy intake
Protein: 118 g/2.3 g$kg21
This player attends school, has 90 minutes of soccer training, and is aiming to achieve .3,300 kcal$d21. 15-year-old boy; maturity offset 5 1.0
year; stature 5 176 cm; body mass 5 50 kg; fat-free mass 5 39 kg; fat mass 5 11 kg; resting metabolic rate 5 2,000 kcal$d21; estimated energy
availability (based on a total energy expenditure of 3,500 kcal$d21) 5 53 kcal$kg FFM21$d21. Adapted from Hannon MP, Unnithan V, Morton JP,
Close GL. Nutritional strategies to support young athletes. In: Strength and Conditioning for Young Athletes: Science and Application. Lloyd RS,
Oliver JL, eds. New York: Routledge, 2019. pp. 300–335 by permission.

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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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