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To Study Women’s Consumer Behaviour Towards Premium Power Dressing

Priya Dhadhi* and Vandana Tripathi Nautiyal**

*PG Student, **Assistant Professor
Fashion Department, MIT Institute of Design, MIT Art, Design and Technology University
Contact: *, ** Ph: 9834262640
Abstract- Power dressing is frequently described as the delicate art of projecting expertise and power through a piece of clothing. It establishes authority at the physical level, making
a statement about women and their careers while also addressing self-worth and confidence. Women are once again embracing the art of power dressing and putting away their ca-
sual clothes in the wake of the Covid 19 Pandemic. The change in the work environment has led for the consumers to stand out and yet blend in. This paper explains the history, appli-
cation, and significance of power dressing for women in the workplace. Having women proven themselves in the dynamic business environment the style has changed from being just
the feminized version of the men’s suit to having more structured silhouettes that enhances and embraces their femininity and leadership. This paper examines the current devel-
opments in power dressing and how women present themselves in the workplace and in daily life. The paper delves deeply into Indian consumer behavior, the Indian fashion indus-
try, the dynamics of the Indian workplace, and the country’s rapidly expanding fashion market. It attempts to investigate consumer preferences and needs for high-end power dress-
ing. The primary data is collected from 2 surveys and 3 expert interviews and secondary data is collected from published books, journal articles, research papers in the field of study,
and other internet sources.
Keywords: Power Dressing, Development in Power Dressing, Corporate trends.

Scope of the project

Introduction Surveys(2 google forms ) to collect the data on consumer responses to-
Power-dressing can be defined as a strategy for self-presentation with As more and more women enter the Indian work environment it is es-
wards power dressing and premium pricing.
specific rules as how to consume clothes, hair and beauty products in or- sential for them to feel powerfull and display authority through their
der to increase one’s chances of career success outfits. After covid 19 pandemic the consumer preferences has also
Objective- to understand the need demand and want for power dress-
The way we dress has an incredible impact on how we are perceived by evolved based on societal perception. Consumers now dress according
ing by working women.
others in the work place. Paying fine attention to details and having a to how they want to be perceived, this is where power dressing comes
strong Fashion style can effectively enhance the business performance into play.
Expert interviews- individuals and experts from the same field their in-
strategy. However, Power dressing is a truth which can be visually com- This research paper intends to investigate the demand for power dress-
sights and views on power dressing, consumer neds and understanding
municated to help bring forth a significant contribution towards corpo- ing towards working women of India.
the work environment.
rate fulfillment.
The term ‘power dressing’ is first recorded in the New York paper The Objective of the project
Post-Standard, September 1979: “The accent has shifted to glamour and To understand the Indian fashion industry
power dressing for the city rather than the casual look of past seasons.” To study the Indian work environment for women
The style itself leaned towards a somewhat masculine shape and fre- To study the need for power dressing in work place.
quently included a tailored jacket, almost always complete with shoulder To understand the want for premium power dressing in Indian market.
The clothes were often made from silk or other expensive materials and Literature Review
their high cost emphasized the elite status of the women wearing them. Consumer buying behaviour in India-
In search of better career and educational possibilities, people in India
Problem Statement are relocating from rural to urban areas at an increasing rate. In Indi-
The purpose of this study is to comprehend how women behave when an households, the role of women is changing, and as they contribute
it comes to power dressing. This study explores the key aspects of how more financially, they also have more influence over domestic matters.
women behave in the workplace, as well as how they generally use pre- As family work is redefined, even women who do not work are ventur-
mium power dressing and how it impacts their working environment.
ing outside of their houses and taking on male tasks and obligations as
While power-dressing and the use of fashion as a tool to accentuate pow-
a result of the demands of urban living. The desire of urban consumers
er as a part of an individual or a group’s identity; and the use of fashion
to appear more stylish dominates all other factors, boosting sales for
to express a part of your identity to others is a common topic in fash-
clothes stores and brands. In addition to being a practical purchase, gar-
ion studies and marketing (Entwistle, 2000; Kawamura, 2007; Tolstikova,
2013a), little attention has been given to consumption as a tool to ex- ments are seen as a form of self-expression by urban consumers. They
press or accentuate power as a part on an individual’s identity. consider it to be a reflection of their character and position.

Research Design Indian work envirronment

Due to the thriving professional sectors in India’s metropolitan centres,
This research paper understands the need and demand of Indian
where working conditions are more supportive of women and hiring
women towards Power Dressing. It also understands
practises are more gender diverse, the number of women entering the
if there is a gap in this section that needs to be fullfilled
workforce is constantly increasing.
through surveys and interviews.
Because urban women want to look better and need to dress smartly,
In conclusion, this paper puts information into perspective regarding
the market for women’s western apparel is expanding and becoming
the origin, history of power Dressing along with the same in today’s
more widely accepted.
context and fashion influnces. It adresses the
Women’s western wear is evolving beyond denim and western casu-
problem statement, the scope and objective of this research.
als to reflect the shifting urban landscape with new fabrics and styled
shapes. In an effort to profit from the growing trend toward western
clothing, more merchants and companies are making stylish smart gar-
ments for women, including workplace attire and party wear.

Premium Pricing
The demand for products from luxury brands has grown over time, with
a 7% annual growth rate between 1995 and 2013, and is predicted to
expand by 4% to 5% until 2020.
One of the qualities of luxury goods is price premium, which is thought
to be an essential element for firms to survive in cutthroat markets.
When a brand’s price premium is steady throughout time, it demon-
strates the brand’s strength and power. There is currently a lack of em-
pirical data on the elements that could persuade customers to spend
more in a cutthroat market, despite the fact that price premium has
been identified as a key strategy in brand development.
People often want higher quality at higher prices and are more con-
cerned about getting their money’s worth.

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