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Dog´s Day

The dog has been a faithful feiful companion ( conpenion) of the human being throughout history. They
have helped us to hunt, to watch over the herds, in our rescue work, to detect drugs or explosives, to
guide (gaid) blind people and countless (cauntless) other things. But, most importantly (inmporanly), it
is the company they keep us company and their ability to cheer chirr us up on a bad day.

For all these reasons, these animals have become our best friends and, as such SACH , deserve
recognition. (recon nishion ) Thus, in 2004 it was established ( establishttt )that every July 21 would be
celebrated as World Dog Day at international level, although in countries such sach as the United States,
Guatemala or Colombia, it was set for August 26. However, this event is not only to pay tribute to them
and show our appreciation, (apresiesion) but it was also created to raise( rez) awareness ( aguernes)
about the abandonment and adoption of this (species espichis), since, according to estimates by the
World Health Organization (WHO), there are more than 300 million dogs in the world and 70% of them
are homeless.

How to celebrate World Dog Day?

When they come into our lives, they become a member of the family, so it is normal to want to
celebrate this day. In previous years, events were organized (organaiz) in some places for owners (0ners)
and pets to interact, but the pandemic has made it difficult to do so. Nevertheless, we can spend the day
with them, giving them a different meal or taking advantage of special promotions (promushions)
launched (loncht) by some dog stores and buy something special for our furry friend.

There are also people who prefer to volunteer at a dog shelter and even decide to adopt one.

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