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Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Basem H. Ahmed & Dr. Mohammed A. Awadallah

First semester 2022/2023

Chapter 1
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

What is the definition of AI?
❑“AI is the study of how to make computers do things which, at the
moment, people do better.” (Rich)
❑“AI is the part of computer science concerned with designing intelligent
computer systems, that is, systems that exhibit characteristics we
associate with intelligent human behavior.
• understanding language, reasoning, solving problems, and so on.” (Barr)
❑“AI is the study of ideas which enable computers to do things which
make people seem intelligent.” (Winston)
❑“AI is the study of intelligence using the ideas and methods of
computation.” (Fahlman)
What is the definition of AI?
❑“AI is a field of science and engineering concerned with the computational
understanding of what is commonly called intelligent behavior, and with the
creation of artifacts that exhibit such behavior.” (Shapiro)

❑“AI may be defined as the branch of computer science that is concerned with
automation of intelligent behavior”. (Luger & Stubblefield)

❑Many definitions
• No universal agreement
• Based on different point of view, a different definition

A (Short) History of AI
❑ 1940-1950: Early days
• 1943: McCulloch & Pitts: Boolean circuit model of brain
• 1950: Turing's “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”
❑ 1950—70: Excitement: Look, Ma, no hands!
• 1950s: Early AI programs, including Samuel's checkers program, Newell & Simon's
Logic Theorist, Gelernter's Geometry Engine
• 1956: Dartmouth meeting: “Artificial Intelligence” adopted
• 1965: Robinson's complete algorithm for logical reasoning
❑ 1970—90: Knowledge-based approaches
• 1969—79: Early development of knowledge-based systems
• 1980—88: Expert systems industry booms
• 1988—93: Expert systems industry busts: “AI Winter”
❑ 1990—: Statistical approaches
• Resurgence of probability, focus on uncertainty
• General increase in technical depth
• Agents and learning systems… “AI Spring”?
Artificial Intelligence as Science

• Understand and working of the mind in mechanistic terms, just as

medical science seeks to understand the working of the body in
mechanistic terms.

• Understand intelligent thought processes, including perception, motor

control, communication using human languages, reasoning, planning,
learning, and memory.

Artificial Intelligence as Engineering
• How can we make computer based systems more intelligent?

• In practical terms, intelligence means

1. Ability to automatically perform tasks that currently require human
2. More autonomy in computer systems; less requirement for human
intervention or monitoring.
3. Flexibility in dealing with variability in the environment in an appropriate
4. Systems that are easier to use: able to understand what the user wants from
limited instructions.
5. Systems that can improve their performance by learning from experience.
Why study AI?

Search engines


Robots look like this. We have autonomous cars that figure out how to take us to our destination
Robots help nurses in hospitals deliver stuff to different rooms
Drones that record cool videos of us as we do outdoor activities
A reminder for engineers
trying to build AI systems that
achieve human-level
performance. It's often a lot
harder than we at first realize.
Humans are amazing.

Mobile Apps that use AI

1. Cortana: Cortana is the most popular artificial intelligent application developed

by Microsoft. It can record your important data like videos, images, valuable files,
and any personal information. It syncs your smartphone and personal computer.
You can track your important files from your smart device. It also helps to get
information about your favorite TV shows, series, sports, and more on your
smartphone on demand.

2. Robin: Robin is an artificial intelligence-based voice assistance app. This app is

a very popular and well-known AI application for iOS and Android users. It allows
users to write a text message without touching the phone and send it through
voice. You can also get GPS navigation, set reminders for the next day by this
Robin app. According to the requirements of the users, this AI-driven app
updates itself.
Mobile Apps that use AI

3. Wysa: With Wysa, you can easily start a conversation with strangers. It is an AI-
driven happiness chatbot, and very much helpful when you are alone. This app
assists you to start a conversation with confidence with unknown people.

4. Youper: Youper is a very smart AI technology app developed by Youper, Inc for a
large number of iOS and Android customers. It is a free, AI-enabled app that
maintains your health record and fitness schedules as directed by the doctor.
This app guides the user to schedule regular health checkup routines, workouts,
meditations, and exercises, etc.

Mobile Apps that use AI

5. ELSA: ELSA is an AI-powered application. This AI-powered app just acts as a

Digital English Tutor. Users can easily learn English using this app. It stores all
your previous mistakes while learning to assist you accordingly. It has a lot of
features required to get intermediate-level knowledge in English. It was designed
with voice recognition technology. This amazing feature allows you to speak
English with proper American literary pronunciation. USM with decades of
experience in developing artificial intelligence applications for the education
sector. We developed the BYJU’S app, a leader in providing e-learning services
for students
6. FaceApp: FaceApp is a very famous AI-driven app among Android and iOS
platforms. It is developed by Facebook. It helps to change the existing photos
into an impressive photograph. You can change complete looks like smile,
hairstyle, and give a purely different look through this intelligent app.

Mobile Apps that use AI

7. Google Allo: Google Allo is an instant messaging app, helps to send messages
without typing. Only you have to tell Google Allo to what to write in the message.
With the help of this app, you can send unlimited messages for free to anyone.

8. Replika: Replika is a very useful app to boost your chats. Any android or iOS
user can easily use it and start a limitless conversation. It also allows to express
yourself through conversation. With this app, you can save notes on the
notepad, and track them easily whenever you required it.

9. Flo: Nowadays video and photo edit apps are getting more popularity. The Flo
app has a built-in voice assistant which can take shots by locations, dates or
tags through voice and make quality videos with music. The Flo app uses
machine learning algorithms to find out the best instants and variate the
locations, animals, and faces.
Mobile Apps that use AI

10. Fyle: Business-to-Business (B2B) accounting software is a tedious task and

needs to track continuously. Fyle app is an AI-enabled expense tracking app.
You can track your mileage, receipts, and expenses and generate a report on
your travel and expenses on time. If you take an image of your receipt, then the
Fyle app scans it automatically and extracts the information regarding your
expenses. It is an ideal app designed for small businesses, accounting
organizations, and those employees who spend a large amount of time with
spreadsheets to complete the information.

11. Meitu: Meitu app is one of the most brilliant beauty apps through which your
photos can be made more beautiful. This app customizes your images with its in-
built advanced AI algorithms. You can also add texts, blur the backgrounds, and
apply filters, etc., to selected images. Of Course, girls are very much attracted to
this app as it beautifies and makes their pics outstanding!
Mobile Apps that use AI

12. Calorie Mama AI: Calorie Mama AI is a meal planner and food macro counter
app which counts calories by taking images of the food items automatically. It
analyzes the food through the images and tells you the calories present in the
food. This app can categorize food items like vegetables, grains, meats, fruits,
beverages. Also, it can segment dishes like western, Asian, American, and
European, etc.

13. MeetFrank: This AI-powered MeetFrank app makes it very comfortable to search
for jobs. Through this app, it is easy to see which company wants to hire you and
ready to pay your expected amount. Know your real value with the help of this
app and get hired. MeetFrank app is designed with complex AI algorithms to
match the candidate with the company’s requirements. It is a complete personal
career assistant and a very useful app for those who are looking for new job
Components of an AI System
• Systems that can reasonably be called intelligent.

• We begin by examining agents, environments, and the coupling between them.

• The observation that some agents behave better than others leads naturally to
the idea of a rational agent.

• An agent is anything that can be viewed as perceiving its environment through

sensors and acting upon that environment through actuators (effectors).

Components of an AI System

An agent perceives its environment through sensors

and acts on the environment through effectors.

Human: sensors are eyes, ears, actuators (effectors)

are hands, legs, mouth.

Robot: sensors are cameras, sonar, lasers, bump,

effectors are grippers, manipulators, motors

The agent’s behavior is described by its function that

maps percept to action.

Components of an AI System



Pac-Man as an Agent

Agent Environment
Sensors Percepts
Actuators Actions

Pac-Man as an Agent

A vacuum-cleaner

Parts of AI

AI acting humanly
❑ Natural language processing
• for communication with human
❑ Knowledge representation
• to store information effectively & efficiently
❑ Automated reasoning
• to retrieve & answer questions using the stored information
❑Machine learning
• to adapt to new circumstances
❑Computer vision
• to perceive objects (seeing)
❑ Robotics
• to move objects (acting)

Parts of AI

Demo 1: ROBOTICS – soccer.avi Demo 4: ROBOTICS – laundry.avi

Robotics Demo 2: ROBOTICS – soccer2.avi

Demo 3: ROBOTICS – gcar.avi
Demo 5: ROBOTICS – petman.avi

o Robotics
o Part mech. eng.
o Part AI
o Reality much
harder than

o Technologies
o Vehicles
o Rescue
o Help in the home
o Lots of automation…

o In this class:
o We ignore mechanical aspects
o Methods for planning
o Methods for control
Images from UC Berkeley, Boston Dynamics, RoboCup, Google
Natural Language
o Speech technologies (e.g. Siri)
o Automatic speech recognition (ASR)
o Text-to-speech synthesis (TTS)
o Dialog systems

o Language processing technologies

o Question answering
o Machine translation

o Web search
Computer Vision

Karpathy & Fei-Fei, 2015; Donahue et al., 2015; Xu et al, 2015; many more

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