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GAD-Based iC CEBU Model

Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: Grade 11 Learning Area: Statistics and Probability

Learning Area/s Integrated: Health, Personality Development, Algebra
Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)
Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary / Transdisciplinary

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

/ Communication / Learning and Innovation / Problem Solving
/ Critical Thinking / Information Media and Technology / Life and Career
II. Focused Learning Competencies (LC)
M11/12SP-IIIa-1-Illustrate random variable (Discrete or Continuous)
M11/12SP-IIIa-2- Distinguishes between a discrete and a continuous variable
M11/12SP-IIIa-3-Find possible values of a random variable
III. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated: Promote the concept that regardless the gender
everyone are capable of doing anything especially in choosing a career.
IV. Intended Learning Outcomes
Knowledge Define a random variable.

Skills Classify variable as discrete or continuous

Find the possible values of random variables
Attitude Manifest cooperation in the decision of the majority
Values Respect one’s opinion in decision making
IV. Learning Content/s Exploring Random Variables
Concept A random variable is a function that associates number to each
element in the sample space.
Discrete Random Variables are variables that can take on a finite
number of distinct values. In easier definition, discrete random
variable is a set of possible outcomes that is countable.
Continuous Random Variable are random variables that take an
infinitely uncountable number of potential values, regularly
measurable amounts.
Demonstrate preparedness and mitigation during a disaster.
GAD Promote the concept that regardless the gender everyone is capable of
doing anything especially in making decisions.
Reference/s Statistics and Probability by Rene R. Belecina et. al., pp. 2-8

IMs Laptop, projector and screen, manila paper, markers, deck of card,
dice, coins

V. Learning Experiences A. Opening Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greeting the teachers/ visitors
1. Engage (5 minutes) 3. Attendance
4. Practice or Drill

The teacher will review the term experiment which is in mathematics is

an activity which can be done repeatedly and sample space which are
the possible outcomes of an experiment.

To found out the learners’ readiness in the new lesson, the teacher will
give the activity. The situation will be chosen through drawn by lot.

Activity 1(Pair-Share): MY SAMPLE, MY SPACE, SAMPLE SPACE?

Directions: For each of the following experiments/events given below,
supply the possible outcomes (sample space) and the number of
sample space.

Experiment Sample Space Number of

Sample Space

Example: S= {Head, Tail} or in symbol n(S) = 2

Tossing a coin S= {H,T}

1. Rolling a die (Pair 1) S={1,2,3,4,5,6} n(S) = 6

2. Rolling a die and tossing a S={1H,2H,3H,4H,5H,6H,  n(S) = 12
coin simultaneously (Pair 2)
3. Drawing a spade from a S= {A,K,Q,J,10,9,8,7, n(S)= 13
deck of cards. (Pair 3)
4. Flipping the page of a book S= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} n(S)= 9
with pages 1 to 9. (Pair 4)

5. Choosing which color to use  S= {Black, Cyan,  n(S)= 4

from a set of EPSON 664 inks.
(Pair 5) Magenta, Yellow}

The teachers will ask the question:

How did you enumerate all the number of sample space on the
given experiment?
Now, the learners know how to find the sample space of the given
2. Explore (15 minutes) The teacher will ask to define variables in algebra. (A variable is a
symbol for a number that we do not know yet. It is usually represented
by a letter like x and y.

Just like in algebra, statistics also deals with variables and this is called
random variables.

The teacher will now give an example to understand random variables

through an activity.
Activity # 2


Directions: Perform the experiment below.

If you are going to observe on the characteristics of the coin.
One side contains a head, and we will represent that as H, while the
other side which is the tail or T.
1. Prepare 3 coins for the activity.
2. Toss the first coins then the second coin and followed by the last
3. Record the result by writing and indicating whether it is H or T. If the
results of your three tosses for example is heads, tails, heads, then you
will write on the outcome HTH on the given table.
(Note: If the outcome is already repeated, do not write anymore the
result. The outcome should be unique)
Tossing the Coins

First Tossed Second Tossed Third Tossed Outcomes

4. After recording, you will notice there are only 8 possible outcomes
and no matter how you will repeat the tossing, the result will always be
one of the 8 outcomes you already had.
5. After writing all the possible outcomes, try to fill the given table.

OUTCOMES Number of Heads (H) Number of Tails (T)

HHH 3 0

HHT 2 1

HTH 2 1

HTT 1 2

THH 2 1

THT 1 2

TTH 1 2

TTT 0 3

The teacher will introduce the two methods of identifying the

possible outcomes through listing method and tree diagram.

Let random variable X as the number of heads and random

variable Y the number of tails.
Given that we have the three coins, what are the possible values
for our random variables?
The possible values are 0, 1, 2 and 3.
What are those values mean?
For random variable X, if 0 there is no head, if 1 there is 1 head, if
2 means there are 2 heads and if 3, there are 3 heads.
For random variable Y, if 0 there is no tail, if 1 there is 1 tail, if 2
means there are 2 tails and if 3, there are 3 tails.
Based on the example being discussed, what do we mean by a
random variable?
A random variable is a rule that assigns a numerical value to
each outcome of the experiment.
3. Explain (10 minutes) A random variable is a function that associates number to each
element in the sample space. It is a variable whose values are
determined by chance.

Random variables have two types: the discrete and continuous


Discrete Random Variables are variables that can take on a finite

number of distinct values. In easier definition, discrete random
variable is a set of possible outcomes that is countable.
Examples are the number of heads acquired while flipping a coin
three times, the number of defective chairs, the number of boys in
the family, the number of students present in the online class,
and more.

Continuous Random Variable are random variables that take an

infinitely uncountable number of potential values, regularly
measurable amounts. Often, continuous random variables
represent measured data, such as height, weights, and

Suppose an experiment is conducted to determine the distance that a
certain type of car will travel using 10 liters of gasoline over prescribed
test course. Let our random variable be the distance. Can you give me
the sample space of this experiment?
No. Because we have an infinite number of distances.

The weight of newborns each year in the hospital.
No, because we have infinite weight of the newborns each year which
cannot be equated to the whole numbers.

4. Elaborate (15 Activity 3: Discrete or Continuous

Let the learners to be with their group. Each group will be given a
“response card” for them to tell whether the random variable I am
going to post is a discrete or continuous variable. The response
card of 2 alternating letter D and C to represent discrete and
continuous variable respectively.

The representative of each group will raise the response card D if

the answer is discrete random variable.

If the answer of the group is continuous random variable, then the

representative will raise the response card C.

The teacher will post different random variables on the screen:

“the number of defective computers produced by a
manufacturer” D
“the number of siblings in a family of a region” D
“the speed of a motorcycle” C
“the number of dropouts in a school district for a period of 10
years” D
“the exact time needed to finish a test” C

From our activity, can someone differentiate discrete random

variables to continuous random variables?
The difference between the two is that discrete random variables
have countable possible outcomes while the continuous random
variables take on values on a continuous scale.
The teacher will post the formal definitions of discrete and

continuous random variables on the board.
“A random variable is a discrete random variable if its set of
possible outcomes is countable. Mostly, discrete random
variables represent count data, such as the number of defective
chairs produced in a factory.”
“A random variable is a continuous random variable if it takes on
values on a continuous scale. Often, continuous random
variables represent measured data, such as heights, weights,
and temperatures.”
5. Evaluate (13 minutes) To apply the concepts that you learned through activity. So again,
with the same members of group, you need to answer the
following questions that will be posted on the screen. The
answers should be written on a bond paper that will be provided.
At the end of 3 minutes, the answers of each group should be
revealed consecutively. The group who got the correct answers
for all the questions will be the winner.

1. Buzon, who is going to celebrate her 40th birthday soon, is
contemplating on inviting any one of her 5 friends from office.
Since she wanted to choose fairly, she assigns a number to each
of her friends. If the random variable X is the number of the friend
who will be going to her party, what are the possible values of the
random variable X?
X = 1,2,3,4,5
2. A couple has seven kids. What will be the values which can be
attained by the random variable representing number of
daughters the couple have? Let the random variable be X. X =
number of daughters the couple have.
The discrete values for X will be {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}.
3. Two balls are drawn in succession without replacement from
an urn containing red balls and blue balls. Let Z be the random
variable representing the number of blue balls. Find the values of
random variable Z. What are the possible values for our random
variable and what do these values mean?
The possible values are 0, 1, and 2. If 0, it means that there is no

blue ball; if 1, there is 1 blue ball; and if 2, there are 2 blue balls.

Individual Activity: (This activity will be answered by the

learned in their activity notebook)
Directions: Classify whether the following random variables are
CONTINUOUS. Write D or C only. Write your answer on the
space provided.
__________1. The number of deaths per week attributed to
__________2. The average amount of electricity consumed every
household per month.
__________3. The number of patient arrivals per hour at a
medical clinic.
__________4. The number of rape victims of a certain
municipality each year.
__________5. The number of voters favoring a candidate.
__________6. The number of people who are playing swertres
LOTTO each day.
__________7. The amount of sugar in a cup of coffee.
__________8. The number of female athletes in CVRAA.
__________9. The speed of a car.
__________10. The amount of paint utilized in a building project.
VI. Learning Enablement (2
minutes) Suppose three COVID-19 test kits are tested at random. Let D
represent the defective test kit and let N represent the non-
defective test kit. If we let X be the random variable for the
number of defective test kits, what are the possible values of the
random variable X?


Category 15 pts. 10 pts.

Content Showed complete data in two Showed complete data in two
forms of identifying the sample forms of identifying the sample
space. space.

Accuracy Showed correct answer Showed the answer incorrectly

but with less errors.

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

Prepared by:

Teacher 2
Sulangan Integrated School

Observed by:

Pricipal I
Sulangan Integrated School


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