Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris

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DOSEN : Ubaidillah,M.Pd.

1. Riska bought a little pet in the pet store with her aunt on Sunday morning
1 2 3 4 5 6
a. Please change to present continuous of the text above
b. Please make Question word of the text above
2. The market was burning when I stil playing badminton last night
a. Change to future continuouse tenses
b. Change to past perfect tenses introgative
3. The sky beautifull when the sun move to the west, and the flower is pretty with multi colors
a. Change to presen continuouse Nominal
b. Change to Past Tenses Nominal
4. Cabai sangat mahal pada musim penghujan karena lahan terendam banjir, sedangkan padi
menjadi murah saat musim hujan karena sawah mendapat air yang cukup.
a. Translate to past continuouse tenses
b. And than, move to past continuouse introgative
5. Sandra and nina is cooking with his mother, they is cooking some vegetables for breakfast
a. Please remake as the correct sentence
b. Please change to future tenses with the correct sentence

Note :
*Ujian Bersifat Open Book
*HP Wajib di kumpulkan !!
*hanya boleh menggunakan Kamus dan Fitrah Book

A. Riska is buying a little pet in the pet store with her aunt on Sunday morning
B. Question word…..
1. WHO bought a little pet in the pet store with her aunt on Sunday morning
2. what did riska do in the pet store with her aunt on Sunday morning
3. what did riska buy in the pet store with her aunt on Sunday morning
4. where did riska buy a little pet with her aunt on Sunday morning
5. whom did buy a little pet with riska on Sunday morning
6. when did riska buy a little pet with her aunt on Sunday morning
C. The market will be burning when I stil playing badminton
Had The market burned when I stil played badminton
D. The sky is beautifull when the sun moving to the west, and the flower is pretty with multi colors
The sky was beautifull when the sun moved to the west, and the flower was pretty with multi colors

E. Chili was very expensive in the rainy season because the land was flooding, while rice
becomes cheap during the rainy season because the rice fields get enough water.
Was Chili very expensive in the rainy season?
F. Sandra and nina are cooking with her mother, they are cooking some vegetables for breakfast
Sandra and nina will cook with her mother, they will cook some vegetables for breakfast

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