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Tugas mengerjakan latihan soal

Lengkapilah kalimat dibawah ini dengan mengisikan jawaban yang benar

1. If I were you, I would look for my passion to find a new career.

2. If you got a bunch of money, would you spend it on stupid things?
3. If I advise her about travelling by plane with children, will she listen to me?
4. It would be fun if the button to lower volume on my PC could work
5. If the student had got enough sleep, she wouldn’t have faced difficulties in
reading the material.
6. Unless it rains, I will dry clothes in the sun instead of using the dryer.
7. Your sister won't be nice to you if you don’t stop yelling at her.
8. Your calls wouldn't have ignored if you had replied her text message fast.
9. Had we used good quality cookware, we mightn’t have needed to get rid of
burnt taste in this food.
10.If adults drink a single espresso, it can slow the flow of blood to their heart.

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