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A Non-Standard Adaptive Control for Shunt

Active Power Filter without Current Harmonic

R.L.A. Ribeiro1 , C.C. Azevedo2 , R.M. Sousa1
Laboratório de Acionamento, Controle e Instrumentação
Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Caixa Postal 1524, 59072-970 Natal, RN, Brazil
Fax: ++55(84)3215-3767 Email:
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia, DATINF, IFRN, Brazil

Abstract: Conventional control strategies, used in under unbalanced conditions has been already studied
shunt active power filters (SAP F ), employ real-time in- and analyzed [12, 13]. Control schemes applied to the
stantaneous harmonic detection schemes which are usu- control of active power filter under unbalanced three-
ally implemented with digital filters. This increases phase systems have been also introduced [14, 15, 16].
the number of current sensors on the filter structure Theses strategies have been used mostly by considering
which results in high cost. Furthermore, these detection fixed harmonic compensation for balanced or unbalanced
schemes introduce time delays which can deteriorate the loads. However, the random behavior of the nonlin-
harmonic compensation performance. Differently from ear loads introduces parameters variation on the SAP F
the conventional control schemes, this paper proposes dynamical model or unmodeled disturbances which re-
a non-standard control strategy which indirectly regu- quires a robust control scheme. Recently, some adaptive
lates the phase currents of the power mains. The ref- approaches have been introduced for dealing with the
erence currents of system are generated by the dc-link load parameters variation [17, 18, 19]. Differently from
voltage controller and is based on the active power bal- the conventional control schemes, this paper proposes a
ance of SAP F system. The current control strategy is non-standard control strategy which indirectly regulates
implemented through an adaptive pole placement control the phase currents of the power mains. These reference
strategy integrated to a variable structure control scheme currents are generated by the dc-link voltage controller
(V S −AP P C). The V S −AP P C uses the internal model and it is based on the active power balance of SAP F .
principle (IM P ) of reference currents for achieving the The current control strategy is implemented by using an
zero steady state tracking error. This forces the phase adaptive pole placement control strategy integrated to a
current of the system mains to be sinusoidal with low variable structure control scheme (V S − AP P C). The
harmonics content. Experimental results are showing for V S − AP P C uses the internal model principle (IM P )
determining the effectiveness of SAP F proposed control of reference currents for achieving the zero steady state
system. tracking. This forces the controlled phase currents to
be sinusoidal with low harmonics contents. Moreover,
I. Introduction the current controllers are implemented on the station-
ary reference frame for avoiding transformations of ref-
The development of power electronic equipments, the erence coordinates. The main advantages of proposed
intensive use of static converters and the great number of V S − AP P C over conventional control systems are more
domestic electronic-based applications have deteriorated flexibility, adaptive and robustness to the system para-
the quality of the power mains system. These nonlinear metric uncertainties or unmodeled disturbances. Experi-
loads generate current harmonics that can be asymmet- mental results are showing for determining the effective-
ric and can cause voltage drops on the supply network ness of SAP F proposed control system.
impedance resulting in unbalanced conditions. These ef-
fects can be worse in the case where the loads change II. System Description and Modeling
randomly. Conventional solutions like passive filters for
reducing the current harmonic pollution are ineffective. Fig. 1 presents the basic configuration of a shunt ac-
Moreover, actually the standard regulations and recom- tive filter system, composed by the grid source, a three-
mendations about the power flow of electrical energy such phase controlled rectifier, as a nonlinear load, and a volt-
as IEC 61000-3-2 [1] and IEEE519 [2] have become re- age source inverter (V SI). The grid source is composed
stricted and this has stimulated the use of active power by three balanced voltage sources (esk with k = 1, 2, 3.)
compensation [3, 4]. The active power compensation is with their respective internal impedances represented by
normally achieved with the help of switching power con- series association of resistances and inductances (rs and
verters connected to the network as an active filter. With ls ). The switching converter of the active power filter is
the great progress of the power electronics, active filters connected to the grid by filter impedances also composed
have ©2010
been focused in a large number of IEEE
published works2007by series association of resistances and inductances (rf
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]. The behavior of the active filters and lf ). Fig. 2 shows the equivalent circuit of SAP F
system. In this circuit the effect of the nonlinear load is
introduced by voltage sources ulk (ulk = rf ilk + lf didtlk ),
in which the current sources ilk represents the nonlinear
load. The converter phase voltage are represented by vf k .
The impedances rt and lt refer to the association of the
impedances of grid and the filter impedances of SAP F
(rt = rs + rf and lt = ls + lf , respectively.). Kirchoff’s
laws applied to equivalent circuit of Fig. 2 leads to
Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit of the SAP F .

vf k − esk + v0n − ulk = rt isk + lt (1)
III. Control Scheme
dilk Fig. 3 presents the block diagram of the proposed
ulk = rf ilk + lf (2)
dt control scheme for the shunt active power filter. In
where v0n is the voltage difference between the split point this block diagram, the dc-link voltage is regulated by
of converter dc-link and power mains neutral point (n). a proportional-integral (P I) controller with anti-windup
The voltage v0n can be eliminating by taking into account by generating the module of reference current vector
that is1 + is2 + is3 = il1 + il2 + il3 = 0. The three-phase iss , which determines the system active power compo-
components in (1) can be transformed into equivalent nent. By using a P LL for determining the phase an-
orthogonal dq components through the 0dq-123 conser- gle θs of the power grid voltage vector, the dq s reference
vative transformation, in the stationary reference frame, phase currents can be obtained by is∗ s
sd = |is | cos(θs ) and
s∗ s
given by [20]. This results in the following dq s system isq = |is | sin(θs ), respectively. The module of reference
model current vector iss is defined in a manner to guarantee the
active power balance of SAP F system. The phase cur-
rents of the power grid are indirectly regulated by the
proposed V S − AP P C current controllers by generating
s0 ∗ s0 ∗
i s1 i f1 i l1 proper power converter phase voltages vsd and vsq , re-
s s spectively. These V S −AP P C current controllers will be
described next. The unmodeled disturbances usldq and
s s essdq could be estimated and introduced into the algo-
rithm of V S − AP P C current controllers. However, the-
oretical studies and experimental essays have shown that
this control scheme has the capability of compensating
such unmodeled disturbances. Block xsdq /123 performs
orthogonal transformation of the dq s reference frame to
s0 ∗
the three-phase system which is used for converting vsdq
s0 ∗
to vs123 . Based on these voltages a P W M determines
duty cycle of power switches of the voltage source in-
Fig. 1. Basic diagram of a typical SAP F .
A. VS-APPC Current Controllers
Let us consider the first order SAP F current-voltage
dissdq transfer function given by Eq. (4) which plant parame-
vsdq = rt issdq + lt (3) ters as and bs are known with uncertainties. The main
dt objective of the control strategy is to estimate the val-
s0 ∗
where vsdq = vfs dq − essdq − usldq and superscript s refers ues of parameters as and bs to generate the inputs vsdq
to the stationary reference frame. The transfer functions so that, the power grid phase currents issdq follow their
of the model given in (3) are respective reference currents is∗
sdq and, the closed loop
poles of the current control loop are assigned to those of
1/lt bs an Hurwitz polynomial A∗s (s) given by
s s0 s0
Isdq (s) = Vsdq (s) = Vsdq (s) (4)
s + rt /lt s + as
A∗s (s) = s3 + α∗2 s2 + α∗1 s + α∗0 (5)
where Vsd (s)= − £(vfs dq
− essdq usldq ),
as = rt /lt and whose coefficients α∗ , α∗ and α∗ determine the closed-
2 1 0
bs = 1/lt . loop performance requirements. To estimate the param-
In this model, parameters rt and lt can range as a eters a and b , consider the SAP F filter dq current-
s s
function of the random behavior of nonlinear load. More- voltage first order plant (see Eq. 4) described by
over, the SAP F system model has also unmodeled dis-
turbances usldq or essdq which dynamics are imposed by2008 disisdq s0 ∗
the nonlinear load and by the power mains. = −as issdq + bs vsdq (6)
vC* - iss
S PI isd
s -ulds - e sds
isd - v s*fd v f1*
cos qs
v s31 xdq v f2*
iss +
PLL s*
sin qs isq 123 v f3* +
- s
v s*fq
xdq - Synchronous reference frame -ulds - e sds
x dq - Stationary reference frame

Fig. 3. Block diagram of the control strategy.

An adaptive law can be obtained for generating esti- L(s) = 1 and P (s) = pb2 s2 + pb1 s + pb0 , where ωs∗ is the an-
mates b as and bbs by using observed signals vsdq
s0 ∗
and issdq . gular frequency of the voltage vector of power grid. This
Considering an arbitrary positive constant am > 0, we choice results in a current controller with the following
can rewrite Eq. (6) by adding and subtracting the term transfer functions
am issdq as pb2 s2 + pb1 s + pb0
Tsdq (s) =
s2 + ωs∗2
as )issdq + bbs vsdq
= −ambissdq + (am − b s0 ∗
(7) By solving the Diophantine equation for a desired Hur-
witz polynomials A∗s (s), the coefficients pb2 , pb1 and pb0 can
as and bbs are estimates for as and bs , respectively.
where b be determined by
The estimation error can be defined by
α∗2 − bas
pb2 = (13)
ε0dq = issdq − bissdq (8) bbs

In the traditional indirect AP P C scheme, adaptive laws α∗1 − ωs∗2

pb1 = (14)
driven by the errors ε0dq are used for generating esti- bbs
mates bas and bbs . Here, the parameters as and bs can be α∗0 − ωs∗2 b
estimated by using the following switching laws which pb0 = (15)
are given by
as = −as sgn(ε0dq issdq )
b (9) s∗
The control signals vsdq generated at the outputs of
V S −AP P C controllers can be determined by using Eqs.
bbs = bs sgn(ε0dq v s0 ∗ ) + bs(nom) (10)
sdq (12) as
since the following restrictions are satisfied as > |as | and dxs1
= xs2 + pb1 εsidq (16)
bs > bs − bs(nom) , with bs(nom) being the nominal value dt
of bs [21]. This guarantees that ε0dq = 0 and those are the dxs2
p0 − ωs2 pb2 )εsidq
= −ωs∗2 xs1 + (b (17)
globally asymptotically stable equilibrium points. The dt
pole placements and the tracking objectives of proposed s∗
= xs1 + pb2 εsidq (18)
V S − AP P C are achieved by using the following control
laws where = − εsidq is∗
sdq issdq .
The block diagram of the V S − AP P C control algo-
s0 ∗
Qm (s)L(s)Vsdq s
(s) = −P (s)(Isdq s∗
(s) − Isdq (s)) (11) rithm for SAP F current control loop is presented in Fig.
4. The SAP F model generates the estimative of the
which addresses to the implementation of controllers power grid phase currents bissdq . The system controller
transfer functions regulates the phase currents issdq and compensates the
unmodeled disturbances −usldq − essdq . The comparison
P (s)
Tsdq (s) = (12) between the estimative currents bis and the measure-
Qm (s)L(s) sdq
ment of phase currents issdq is used for computing the
where Qm (s) is the internal model of reference currents estimation errors ε0dq . These errors together with inputs
Isdq , P (s) and L(s) are polynomials (with L(s) monic). vsdq s0 ∗
and bissdq , and the set-points as , bs and bs(nom) are
Qm (s) is chosen to satisfy Qm (s)Isdq (s) = 0. For the first used for calculating the estimative of SAP F system pa-
order SAP F current-voltage control plant (see Eq. (4)) rameters (b as and bbs ) by using Eqs. (9) and (10). These
and considering that the V S − AP P C control algorithm estimative are used for updating the SAP F model and
is implemented on the stationary reference frame, which for calculating the gains pb2 , pb1 and pb0 of the system con-
results in sinusoidal reference currents, a suitable choice2009troller, by using Eqs. (13) and (15) and solving the Dio-
for the controller polynomials are Qm (s) = s2 + ωs∗2 , phantine Equation.
-uldq - C. Dc-link voltage controller
SAPF Fig. 5 shows the block diagram of the dc-link volt-
v sdq
2dq 1dq 0dq
f dq
age control loop. Block Rv (s) refers to the standard P I
2 2
+ w*s
controller whose transfer function is

SAPF kpv s + kiv

Rv (s) = (24)
a*0dq s

2dq 1dq 0dq dq dq where kpv and kiv are the gains of the dc-link voltage
2dq dq dq
controller. The algorithm of the P I dc-link voltage con-
troller is implemented with an anti-windup scheme.
As the dc-link voltage is in cascade association with
Fig. 4. Block diagram of the proposed V S − AP P C current con- current loop the delay introduced by the second is as-
sumed to be neglected. For this reason, the represen-
tation of current control loop on the block diagram of
Fig. 5 is omitted. To obtain a smooth current command
B. Design of the current controllers 0
iss ∗ at the output of the dc-link voltage regulator, a first
For designing the proposed V S − AP P C current con- order low-pass filter is introduced in the dc-link voltage
trollers is necessary to choose a suitable polynomial and measurement, represented by block Gv (s) which transfer
determining controllers coefficients pb2 , pb1 and pb0 . A good function is given by
choice criteria for accomplishing the bound system con-
ditions, is to define a polynomial which poles are close to 1
Gv (s) = (25)
the control plant time constants. Therefore, the resultant 1 + τv s
dq current-voltage transfer functions of SAP F employed
in this work is given by where τv is the time constant of the low-pass filter used on
the dc-link voltage measurement. The parcel eiss related
Isdq (s) 1076 to the harmonic compensation (see Fig. 3) is considered
s (s) 0 = (19) to be a disturbance to be compensated by the dc-link
Vsdq s + 1999
voltage controller. Thus, the transfer function of the dc-
The suitable polynomial A∗s (s) chosen for accomplishing link voltage opened loop is
the desired compensation requirements is kpv s + kiv
Go (s) = (26)
A∗s (s) = s3 + 5997s2 + 1.2 × 107 s + 7.98 × 109 (20) Cs2 (1 + sτv )

and the dc-link voltage closed loop transfer function is

According to Equations (9), (10) and (13)-(15) the es-
expressed as
timative of the V S − AP P C current controllers can be
obtained by 0
vC (s) kpv s + kiv
∗ (s) =
vC k
5997 − b
as τv C(s + τ1v s2 + τvpvC s +
3 kiv
τv C )
pb2 = (21)
1.2 × 107 − 1.42 × 105 is
pb1 = (22)
bbs s s
vC* (s) is´ + is vC (s) vC' (s)
S R v (s) S 1/sC Gv (s)
7.98 × 109 − b
as × (1.42 × 105 ) + - -
pb0 = (23)
To define the coefficients of the switching laws it is nec- Fig. 5. Block diagram of the dc-link voltage control loop.
essary to take into account
the stability
constraints given
by as > |as | and bs > bs − bs(nom) . Based on the simu-
lation and in the theoretical studies, it can be observed D. Design criteria for the dc-link voltage controller
that the magnitude of these switching laws (as and bs ) The design of the dc-link controller is determined by
determine how fast the V S−AP P C controllers converges using the Symmetrical Optimum Tuning Optimization
to their respective references. However, high values re- (SOT O) [22]. This method is based on the idea of find-
s0 ∗
sults in high amplitudes of output signals (vsdq ), which ing a controller that makes the frequency response from
can address to the nonlinear behavior of SAP F control the set-point of the plant output as close as possible to
system. As stated before, these parameters are chosen the one at low frequencies. The SOT O transfer function
to be close to average values of control plant coefficients obtained by using a two-degree freedom controller, suit-
as and bs which addresses to as = 2000, bs = 1080 and able for the dc-link control system Go (s), of Eq. (26)
bs(nom) = 1000. This solution is not unique and differ- is
ent adjustments can be experimented for different SAP F2010 ω 2 (2s + ωo )
dynamics constraints. Gso (s) = 2o (28)
s (s + 2ωo )
where ωo is the frequency response of Gso (s). It is also
important to note that the Bode diagram of this transfer
function is symmetrical around the frequency ω = ωo .
To make the transfer function Go (s) (Eq. (25)) to be
identical to the Symmetrical Optimum Gso (s) (Eq. (28))
it is required that
ωo = (29)
with the controller gains given by
kpv = (30)
kiv = (31)
In this work, the dc-link voltage system is composed by Fig. 7. Experimental results of power grid phase current is1
a capacitor bank of C = 2200µF and the low-pass filter
of the dc-link voltage measurement is implemented with i l1, i l2, i l3
a cutoff frequency of ωv = 100rad/s. Thus, based on the 8

design procedure shown before, the controller parameters

are kpv = 0.11 and kiv = 2.75. 4

IV. Experimental Results

The proposed robust adaptive control system of Fig.
3 has been experimentally tested using a 10kW three-
phase active power filter prototype. The V SI dc-link is -4
composed by a capacitor bank of 2200µF for a nomi-
nal voltage of the dc-link vC = 900V . The input filter
inductors are lf = 1.0mH. The nonlinear load is imple- 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 t
mented by a standard three-phase rectifier feeding a RL Fig. 8. Experimental results nonlinear load phase currents il123 of
load composed by an inductor L = 50mH and a resistor the proposed SAP F .
R = 30Ω. This load is connected to the power grid by
utility inductors of ls = 50µH.
Figures 6-10 present the experimental results of the
proposed robust adaptive control strategy. Figure 6
presents the experimental result of load phase current
il1 . This phase current has an harmonic content with
T HDi ' 23.9%. Figure 7 shows the experimental re-
sult of controlled power grid phase current is1 . After
harmonic compensation provided by the SAP F , the re-
sultant phase current is1 presents an harmonic content
of T HDic ' 4.5%, which attends the basic harmonic
regulation standards. These two experimental results
were obtained by using current probes Agilent 1147A and
the respective graphs data are acquired by oscilloscope
DSO3102A. The same experimental results are also col-
lected by using an acquisition card which are shown in
Figures 8-10. Figure 8 presents the three phase load cur-
Fig. 6. Experimental results of load phase current il1 rents il123 . The power grid phase currents is123 after
compensation scheme are presented in Fig. 9. In com-
The experimental tests of the proposed control system parison to the results obtained by the current probes,
was implemented with an experimental platform com- one can see that they are similar. The main difference
posed by a microcomputer equipped with a specific data is due to the use of a low-pass filter in the measurement
acquisition card, a control board and a power converter card of SAP F prototype. The performance of dc-link
connected to the network by filter inductances. The con- control loop is demonstrated in Fig. 10. In this graph, it
trol algorithm is executed with a sampling time of 100µs. is presented the dc-link voltage vC superimposed by its

The measurements of the power grid phase voltages and respective reference vC . In this experiment, the dc-link

phase currents are accomplished by a data acquisition reference voltage is starting up on vC = 220V . After
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ers, connected to low-pass filters with cutoff frequency of2011age ramp of 32.5 V /s. For evaluating the effectiveness
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