Rt-Pt1a-2nd Lec Notes

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TOPIC 3: THE PATIENT CARE PARTNERSHIP Protection of your own privacy:


● Hospitals are required by state and federal laws to
The Patient Care Partnership is a document created by the protect your privacy.
American Hospital Association in 2003 that helps you as a
● Preparing you and your family for when you leave
patient understand what your expectations should be with the hospital:
regards to being a patient.
● Your hospital and health care team will work hard to
● In addition, it delineates what your patient rights coordinate any and all services that you may need
are and what responsibilities you assume when when you are discharged.
you become a patient in a health care facility.
● There are certain things you can expect while in ● Help with your bill and filing insurance claims:
the hospital and there are certain things the ● The hospital staff will do whatever it can to help you
hospital will expect from you in order for you to pay your hospital bills either through your health
get better. insurance carrier, Medicare, Medicaid, or by helping
● Two way communication is vital in this process of you set up a payment plan.
giving you the best care possible. If you have
questions at any time, ASK them. You have a voice,
use it. Unasked or unanswered questions can add
to the stress of being in the hospital. Keep a II. Professional communication
notebook and pen with you at all times. 2.1 Patients
● Write down your questions as they arise. Write ● In continuing consideration of individuals
down the answers the doctor’s give you. Ask them involved in the course of your education and
to spell the words you can’t spell. Ask them to training, we come to the patients.
speak in words that you can understand. ● Just how important are they and why?
Supposedly somebody built a hospital ,
furnished it with the most advanced equipment,
I. Understanding expectations, rights and and staffed it with a full complement of all
responsibilities professionals, but no patients came. Now the
ENVIRONMENT: ● First came the patient, and then came the
physician, the nurse, and the hospital. The
● The hospitals are committed to providing you patient is the object of all the attention and
with a clean and safe environment and work efforts to detect injuries and treat them,
hard to keep you safe. diagnose disease, and effect treatments.
INVOLVEMENT IN YOUR OWN CARE: 2.2 Patient’s family
● Concepts of Patient- and Family Care.
● When decisions need to be made regarding - Dignity and Respect. Health care
your health care, you need to be involved. If you practitioners listen to and honor patient
are unable to make those decisions, you should and family perspectives and choices:
have an Advance Directive in place that will - Information Sharing and Participation.
appoint a trusted family member or friend as 2.3 Health care team
your health care proxy who can make the ● Typical members of a healthcare team are a
necessary decisions about your health care doctor , a registered nurse and also a radiologic
when you are unable to do so. technologist.
● In some cases, there might be a Nurse
Practitioner instead of or as well as a doctor.
● In others, physical therapists, occupational
therapists, and social workers may be part of
the team. 1. Technical

3. Confidentiality of patient records

● Confidentiality in health care refers to the ● The clinical performance standards define the
obligation of professionals who have access to activities of the individual responsible for the
patient records or communication to hold that care of patients and delivery of diagnostic or
information in confidence. therapeutic procedures.
● Confidentiality should be protected because it ● The section incorporates patient assessment
protects patients from harm, supports access to and management with procedural analysis,
health care and produces better health performance and evaluation.
outcomes. 2. Professional

TOPIC 4: ● You must conduct yourself with honour and

dignity and demonstrate trustworthiness and
RADIOGRAPHER PRACTICE STANDARDS integrity in both your personal and professional
life in order to maintain the widest public trust
● A profession’s practice standards serve as a and confidence in the profession.
guide for appropriate practice. The practice
standards define the practice and establish 3. Equipment operation
general criteria to determine compliance.
● Practice standards are authoritative statements ● Only individuals required for the radiographic
established by the profession for evaluating the procedure are to be in the room during the
quality of practice, service and education exposure.
provided by individuals within the profession. ● All individuals present in the X-ray room during
● Practice standards can be used by individual an exposure must be protected from the
facilities to develop job descriptions and primary beam by at least 0.5 mm lead
practice parameters. equivalency and from scatter radiation by at
● Those outside the profession can use the least 0.25 mm lead equivalency.
standards as an overview of the role and
responsibilities of individuals within the
profession. The Patient Care Partnership is a document created by the
● The medical imaging and radiation therapy American Hospital Association in 2003 that helps you as a
professional and any individual who is legally patient understand what your expectations should be with
authorized to perform medical imaging must be regards to being a patient.
educationally prepared and clinically competent
as a prerequisite to professional practice.
● The individual should, consistent with all
applicable legal requirements and restrictions,
exercise individual thought, judgment and
discretion in the performance of the procedure.
● Federal and state statutes, regulations,
accreditation standards and institutional
policies could dictate practice parameters and
may supersede these standards.

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