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This new normal that we are facing right now changed every people’s life and that’s include

It changed my perpective in life, it changed how I think and changed who I am.

During the pandemic I experienced a lot of problems and that made me of who I am now I know it is
hard to live a life in this kind of environment but still I am in the process of surviving it. the lesson I
learned for the past years I am still using it to motivate myself to do better. At first, I really thought that
it is much better to do the online class rather than the face-to-face class but as a time passed by it
drained me it’s so tiring, it limit me of what I can do, it imprisoned me on my comfort zone, and because
of that I had this social anxiety but I know I am halfway through it, now that the threat of covid-19 is not
yet over I can do better now because they made it bearable, whenever I am at my lowest their music
always saved me, Little by little I am getting out of my comfort zone and try new things, I love watching
and reading that will inspire me and motivate me to do more and to be productive everyday just like our
world today it is getting better slowly but at least we know there is a progress just like me I am happy
now because I make a lot of friends that I can lean on whenever I am stress with my acads so now if ever
there is a challenges again that will come I am ready to face to it and handle it I hope our world too.

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