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The park cahuita shows the effects of climate change on beaches that
support tourism.
Since you can not pass. The waves again undermine the road parallel
to the caribbean beach puerto vargas, within the cahuita national park,
which pulls the economy of this town of afro, natural style, where it is
common to see a sloth crossing the wiring land power on main street.
The road is cut, but the worst is that there is no longer a place that
deserves to be called beach. The water is now where ever and the
coastline has moved up to 50 meters inland, according to the rangers.
Scientists call it climate change.
The port vargas is not the only case in a country with 1,290 kilometers
of coastline. An island called ladies in the pacific, was divided in the
late nineties. Over 40% of costa rican beaches present erosion, a
process that has accelerated in the last 10 years, according to reports
from the research center in marine sciences and limnology from the
university of costa rica (cimar-ukr).
Among the causes that have led to the gradual destruction of this
paradise is the increase in temperature on the planet, melting blocks of
ice in polar areas and sea level rises to an average of three millimeters
per year, according to the intergovernmental panel on climate change
united nations. 20 inches was increased in the last century, causing it
reaches land points you could not before, as the path of cahuita, where
walked many of the 74,700 visitors to the park in 2013. The 2014
figures available indicate that arrived less tourism.
"this beach has terribly severe erosion and that we will not stop. The
sea will irreparably getting to maybe reach new house rangers "says
omar lizano, doctor of physical oceanography and researcher cimar-ukr


This news comes on the effects of climate change that support tourism
in cahuita park, where the roads are impassable cauas of waves have
eroded the ground that connects the caribbean beach of puerto vargas
inside the park pulling the economy this town of afronatural style.
The most damaging is no space worthy of the name beach, the water
is now where it has never gone and the coastline has moved up to 50m
inland, according rangers scientists call climate change.

Is not the only case in the country, since in the 90s erosion has been
going on our beaches for the cause of global warming has melted the
poles and rising sea levels causing all this.


 Melted: Fundido
 Coastline: Litoral
 Undermine: Poner en peligro
 Limnology: Limnología
 Reaches: Alcanza
 Crossing: Centros
 Waves: Olas
 Wiring: Cableado
 Inside: Interior
 Could: Podría

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