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For Office Use:

Anglia Ascentis ESOL International Examinations

Pre-Intermediate Level
Paper A 2009

 Time allowed – Two hours.

 Stick your candidate label in the box above.
 Answer ALL questions in PEN in the spaces provided.
 You may use correcting fluid if necessary.

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For Examiner’s Use Only

Section A Section B Section C Section D Section E Section F Section G
Use only

Section A (20 marks)

Write a composition of 120 – 150 words on ONE of the following topics.

1. Write a story which begins with “Everyone looked at me when I walked into the room...."
2. A bad day.
3. My favourite book.
4. Why I love my country.



Use only

Section B (20 marks)

Read the following passage and answer all the questions.

Animals in space

Animals started to be sent into space from the 1940s. Scientists wanted to explore planets, but
did not know if it was safe for humans to stay in space for longer periods of time. So, they
decided to send animals there first.

The scientists’ knowledge of space had limits because evidence about it was difficult to obtain.
The five countries with space programmes at the time did not share information. They were in
a competition to get into space first.

In 1948, the United States decided to send Albert I to space. He was the first monkey in space,
but, sadly, he died there. A year later, Albert II became even more famous than Albert I
because he lived longer than Albert I. He died when his space ship landed back on Earth. The
most famous dog in space was Laika. Russia sent the dog into space in 1957. After that, ten
more dogs went there, before Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space in 1961.

Not many people know that the first animals sent into space were not monkeys or dogs, but
fruit flies. Some of the other animals sent into space were rats and snails. France did not send
animals into space until the 1960s and they chose cats.

In 1975, the record of 40 days in space was broken. Russia sent a pair of turtles into space and
they stayed there for 90 days. Today, animals and humans can live in spaceships for months.

For questions 1 – 3 please answer in complete sentences.

1. When were the first animals sent into space?

2. Why were animals sent into space?

3. Why did the different countries keep their space programmes secret?

Use only

For questions 4-8  the box.

4. Albert II lived for many years after his space flight.

True False

5. Russia sent 11 dogs into space between 1957 and 1961.

True False

6. Which animal was first send into space?

A a monkey
B a dog
C fruit flies


7. Which animals did France send into space?

A rats
B snails
C cats


8. How long did the two turtles stay in space for in 1975?

A 40 days
B 90 days
C months


Write the words in the box.

9. Find the word in the passage which means the OPPOSITE of:

dangerous (paragraph 1)

10. Find the word in the passage which means the SAME as:

well-known (paragraph 3)


Use only

Section C (30 marks)

Choose the correct answer and write it on the line.

I would rather eat something now than later in the evening.
A eat B eating C ate D have eaten

1. Robert carried speaking after the teacher told him to stop.

A out B off C on D up

2. I’ll help you with the washing, if you help me the rubbish out.
A take B will take C took D would take

3. The teacher made everyone in the classroom for another hour.

A to stay B stay C staying D stayed

4. Adrian really enjoys tennis with his new school friend.

A play B played C playing D to play

5. The book to the library on time.

A was returned B was returning C were returned D have returned

6. Patricia can’t play in the final tomorrow and neither .

A I can B can I C am I D do I

7. We sat around the campfire and sang songs until it went .

A away B on C off D out

8. What would you do if you a wallet on the floor?

A find B will find C found D have found

9. Mario has painted a fantastic picture, .

A isn’t he? B hasn’t he? C doesn’t he? D didn’t he?

10. It's hard who will win the competition.

A to say B say C said D be saying

11. Do you think Ed’s parents will let him the hockey club?
A join B to join C joining D joined

12. Michael has good teeth but he still hates to the dentist.
A gone B go C going D went

13. Tony wasn’t very keen watching the film.

A in B on C off D for

14. This is the house the prime minister lives.

A what B when C who D where

15. Samuel his father in the garden when his friends arrived.
A is helping B has helped C was helped D was helping

Use only

Section D (10 marks)

Change the sentences so that they mean the same as the sentence given.
Begin your sentence with the words provided in the box.

An unknown musician wrote this week’s number one song.

This week’s number one song was written by an unknown musician.

1. The teacher invited all the parents to watch the performance.

All the parents

2. The last time I ate ice-cream was a week ago.

I haven’t

3. Our neighbour looks after our cat when we go away.

Our cat

4. The last time I played a computer game was two months ago.

I haven’t

5. From next year, everyone will wear the new school uniform.

From next year, the new school uniform


Use only

Section E (5 marks)
Rewrite these sentences. Put the words in brackets in their correct place.

I do my homework before I go out to play. (always)

I always do my homework before I go out to play.

1. Have you seen anyone famous? (ever)

2. Karen had ten minutes to give her presentation. (only)

3. Go and speak to your project partner; she is in the classroom. (still)

4. You can’t go in because the concert has started. (already)

5. Carl takes the bus home. (sometimes)

Section F (5 marks) __
Choose the correct word to put in the space provided. 5

It started to rain. Luckily , my friend had an umbrella and we stayed dry.
A Luck B Lucky C Luckily

1. We were so __________________________ that we didn’t hear our teacher calling us.

A noise B noisy C noisily

2. I was __________________________ about visiting the capital city.

A excitement B exciting C excited

3. Twenty minutes of exercise a day is good for your __________________________.

A health B healthy C healthily

4. Make sure you check your answers __________________________.

A care B careful C carefully

5. The huge bull snorted with __________________________.

A anger B angry C angrily


Use only

Section G (10 marks)

Choose the words from the box and write them on the lines.
Use some words more than once.

in up off after down at

Andrea looked up the new word in her dictionary.

1. Every morning 7.30 Lucy gets and has a shower.

2. He decided to put making the phone call until dinner.

3. The shop the city centre has put the prices of their CDs .
from 18 dollars to 9.

4. I looked my little brother lunchtime yesterday.

5. Tony got lost because he got the bus the wrong stop.

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